Digital Signal Lab
Digital Signal Lab
Digital Signal Lab
List of Experiments Page No. Remarks
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Question 1:
The term Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data
in form of two states: positive (High, 1) and non-positive (Low, 0). The data that is
transmitted and stored through digital technology is present in form of strings of 0’s and
1’s. Also the term digital refers to discrete values.
Question 2:
Write some (at least three) applications of DSP related to electrical (power) engineering.
An Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (Sampling and Aliasing).
Post Lab Exercises:
Question 1:
What do you mean by the term “Sampling”? Discuss it briefly with the help of figure.
Sampling is one of the step involved in conversion of analog signal to a digital signal.
Analog signal has continuous time which is discretized through sampling. After this step a
CTCV (Continuous Time Continuous Value) signal is converted to a DTCV (Discrete
Time Continuous Value) signal. Sampling has a certain frequency which we set according
to the sampling theorem.
Question 2:
What is sampling theorem? What do you mean by the term Aliasing?
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
The Sampling theorem ( Nyquist Criteria ) says that when converting analog signal to
digital signal the sampling frequency must be greater than or equal to the twice of
maximum frequency that the analog signal has. If this criteria is not fulfilled then when
the signal is again converted to analog form it's frequency would be changed from the
original value. This process causing change in frequency is called Aliasing. It follows the
formula :
F alias = F max - nF sampling
Question 3:
Human audible frequency ranges from _20_ to _20000_Hz. Human voice frequency ranges
from_300_ to _3000_ Hz.
Question 4:
Record audio for 10sec and complete the following table. Show and verify the output file
size through mathematical calculations.
(Hint: Check the Microphone ADC bits and use sampling frequency and the audio record
time to evaluate the file size)
Question 5:
If an ADC has sampling frequency =1000 Hz and receive analog signals of the following
frequencies what will be the frequency of a signal which is converted back to analog by a
DAC converter?
An Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (Quantization and
Post Lab Exercises:
Question 1:
Why Quantization is needed in Digital Signal Processing?
Arduino Uno board has 6 ADC channels. The ADC aur Arduino is of 10 bits and has 1024
quantization levels. The Arduino Uno ADC is of 10-bits resolution (analog values of range
0 - 1023); it can represent voltages of 0 - 5V range.
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Question 4:
A 12-bit ADC has input values in the range of 0 – 1 V. Calculate the resolution of ADC.
No. of levels = 2^ (no. of bits)
= 2^¹²
= 4096 levels
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
To convert an analog (voltage) signals into digital signal using ADC (audio
card) and display it on MATLAB Simulink environment.
Required Components:
1. Audio Card
2. Transformer (220V/12V)
3. Resistors (for VDR)
4. Veroboard
5. Audio jack
6. PC with MATLAB environment
ADC Specifications
Number of channels = 1
Vin = 13.7 V
R1 = 100k ohm
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
VR1 = 13.675V
= 13.7 - 13.675
VR1 = 24.616mV
R2 = 180 ohm
= 13.7 / (100k+180)
= 13.6mA
P (total) = IV
= 0.186 W
PR2 = R2*I^²
= 180*13.6m^2
In this open ended lab we have used a sound card of 16 bits as an ADC
inputWe used a transformer so as to step down the voltage to 13.7V. To
NED University of Engineering and Technology Department of Electrical Engineering