Ice Crystal Tassel: What You'll Need..

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Ice Crystal Tassel Pattern

Intensity: «««¶¶

Ice Crystal Tassel

© Melissa Grakowsky Shippee

Structural and elegant, this bead weaving project is the

perfect winter project. Put it on a tree hook to turn it into
a holiday ornament, or hang it off of a chain for a unique
winter pendant.

View the video tutorial on YouTube:

What You’ll Need... Bead Symbols

Supply (Gold/Blue colorway) Name in Pattern Count Weight
(g.) 11A
4mm Czech firepolished rounds, crystal golden rainbow 4mm FP 25 -
3mm Czech firepolished rounds, crystal golden rainbow 3mm FP 36 - 11B
Size 11/0 seed bead, duracoat galvanized gold, Miyuki 4202 11A 128 2
Size 11/0 seed bead, matte gold lined aqua, Toho 995F 11B 77 1
Size 15/0 seed bead, pearl white, Toho #121 15/0 1489 7
3mm FP
4mm Swarovski bicone, aurum 2X 4mm bicone 20 -
8mm Swarovski bicone, crystal AB 8mm bicone 1 - 4mm FP
12mm Swarovski art. 5540 (artemis bead), golden shadow Artemis bead 1 -

4mm bicone

Size 12 beading needles, nylon beading thread 8mm bicone

Scissors, beading mat. Artemis bead

Netting, right angle weave, peyote stitch, ladder stitch.

Ice Crystal Tassel - Melissa Grakowsky Shippee - Page 1

1. 2. 2. Off the two 11Bs, stitch 7 units of right angle weave
(RAW) using 6 15/0s in each unit (black thread). Stitch
thru all 6 15/0s in the last unit. Peyote stitch 1 11A be-
tween each pair of 15/0s on the edge of the RAW, stitch
thru 11Bs and 15/0s to repeat on second side. Stitch
thru all 6 15/0s in last RAW unit and the first 11A added
(purple thread).

1. On a wingspan of thread, pick up 3. Pick up 5 15/0s and stitch thru

eight 11Bs. Stitch thru the first again to the next 11A. Repeat 4 times. Pick 3.
form a loop (blue thread). up 5 15/0s and stitch thru single
11/0 between 3mm FP. Pick up 5
Hold the tail thread or use a stop bead. 15/0s and stitch thru 11A on other
Pick up one 15/0, one 11B, and one side.
15/0. Skip the next 11B in the loop and
stitch thru the next. Repeat 3 times, Add groups of 5 15/0s between
then step up thru the first 15/0 and 11As as on first side. Weave around,
11B added (black thread). step up thru 1st 3 15/0s added
(black thread). Pick up 1 4mm FP
Pick up one 3mm FP and stitch thru and stitch thru middle 15/0 in next
the next 11B. Repeat 3 times, step up group. Repeat 3 times. Pick up 1
(purple thread). Pick up two 11Bs and 3mm FP and stitch thru middle
stitch thru the next 3mm FP. Repeat 3 15/0 in next group (blue thread).
times, step up thru 2 11Bs (2nd black

4. 5.
5. Pick up 1 11B and stitch thru the
middle 15/0 in the 1st group of 5. Stitch
thru the next 4mm FP. Peyote stitch 11Bs
between the firepolish beads. Then stitch
thru the middle 15/0 in the end group of 6.
5, the 11B, and the middle 15/0 in next
group of 5. Stitch back thru the 3mm FP
and last 11B added.

6. Pick up 3 15/0s and stitch thru the

same 11B again, the next 4mm FP, and
next 11B. Repeat 3 times. Turn around
at end and stitch back through 11Bs
and firepolish beads. Weave to the next
pair of 11Bs between 3mm FP (black

7. (No diagram) Repeat Steps 2-6 three

times to build three additional arms;
but on the last repeat stop your thread
at the end of the arm.
4. Pick up 1 11B and stitch thru the
middle 15/0 in next group of five.
Stitch between firepolish beads and
middle 15/0 in groups of five 15/0s.

Ice Crystal Tassel - Melissa Grakowsky Shippee - Page 2


8. The arms are shown flat in the dia-

grams but should curve around like a
half circle. Bring your thread out of the
last pair of 15/0s in the 7th RAW unit
in one arm. Bring the last RAW unit in 9. The underside of the place where the four arms meet is
each arm together below the base you shown in the diagrams with only the nearby beadwork for
formed in Step and work from the bot- clarity. The rest of the beadwork is not shown.
tom or underside.



10. Pick up one 11A and stitch thru the last pair
of 15/0s on the next arm. Repeat 3 times, step up
(magenta thread).

Pick up one 11A and stitch thru the 11A across.

Stitch back thru the last 11A added, then first 11A.
Repeat, then stitch through newest 11A (black
thread). 11.

11. Pass your needle between beads so it is on the inside of the structure. Pick
up one 4mm FP and the artemis bead (from large side first). Stitch through
the center of the base (not thru any beads). Pick up the 8mm bicone, one 11B,
and 7 15/0s. Stitch back thru the 11B, 8mm bicone, center of the base, Artemis
bead, and 4mm FP. Stitch thru the middle 11B again (black thread).

Repeat the thread at least once, then stitch through the nearest 11A, the next
four 15/0s, and next 11A (magenta thread).

Ice Crystal Tassel - Melissa Grakowsky Shippee - Page 3

12. Work on the underside again. Pick up one 15/0, one 4mm FP and
one 15/0. Stitch thru the corresponding 11A on the next arm, from out-
side to inside. Pick up 3 15/0s and stitch thru the next 11A from inside
to outside. Repeat 3 times, step up thru 1st 15/0 and 4mm FP added
(black thread).

Pick up 3 15/0s and stitch thru the next 4mm FP. Repeat 3 times, pulling
tightly to pull the 4mm FP in to the middle. Step up thru 1st 2 15/0s
added (purple thread).

Pick up 5 15/0s and stitch thru middle 15/0 in next gorup of 3. Repeat 3
times, step up thru 1st 3 15/0s added (green thread).

Pick up one 3mm FP, one 11B, one 3mm FP. Stitch thru middle 15/0
in next group of 5. Repeat 3 times, step up thru 1st 3mm FP and 11B
(brown thread).

Pick up 2 15/0s, one 4mm FP, and 2 15/0s. Stitch thru 11B in next
group. Repeat 3 times, step up thru 1st 2 15/0s and 4mm FP (blue

Pick up 6 15/0s, skip the 4mm FP and stitch thru next 2 15/0s. Stitch
thru next 11B and next 2 15/0s. Repeat 3 times, step up thru 1st 3 15/0s
14. in 1st group of 6 (pink thread).

Add 1 11B in middle of each group of 6 15/0s (black thread).

Beadwork should look like figure 13 below. Leave thread hanging from
an 11B in corner (shown with asterisk in Figure 13).
14. Start a new double wingspan of
thread (or as long as you can tolerate).
Ladder together twenty pairs of 11As
(blue thread). Add one fringe to each *
pair of 11As: 40 15/0s, one 11B, one
3mm FP, one 4mm bicone, one 11A,
3 15/0s. Skip last 3 15/0s, stitch back 13.
thru all other fringe beads and pair
of 11As, stitch thru next pair of 11As
(black thread). Make 20 fringes.

16. Using the hanging

thread on the tassel base,
stitch each of the four 16.
11Bs on the bottom side
between 3mm FPs to
15. four 11A pairs on the
fringe. Make sure it is very
TOP VIEW secure, then secure and
15. Roll up tightly the laddered beads and trim your thread. Add a
fringe, and ladder together the pairs of beads jump ring to the beaded
in various places so the roll stays together, loop at the top to attach
being careful not to get your thread tangled in to a necklace or ornament You did it!
hook. Questions? Comments? Please email me at:
the fringe. Secure and trim thread when done.
[email protected]
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