Food Defense Plan: Jabs International PVT LTD
Food Defense Plan: Jabs International PVT LTD
Food Defense Plan: Jabs International PVT LTD
Product & Processes: Processing, (Cleaning, Sorting, ETO Sterilization) and packing of whole and ground Spices and Oil seeds
in jute, Paper and PP Bags
3. Vehicles 3a. Does the property have a Currently The entry of vehicles and people to the
controlled or guarded entrance for Doing facility property is controlled through a
vehicles? single access point. Authorization to
enter is confirmed by the use of a key-
card, access code, or display of
identification to a security guard.
3b. Are all vehicles entering the Currently Authorized employee and business
property identified by decals or Doing vehicles must display a vehicle
other form of company-issued identification card provided by the
visual identification? This may company. Vehicles without this card
include forms of permanent are required to sign in with security and
identification for employee once approved, they are provided a
vehicles, and temporary visitor entry tag to display in the
identification for vehicles belonging windshield.
to visitors, contract workers,
suppliers, and customers.
3c. Where practical, is there some Currently Vehicle parking areas are separated
distance (i.e., a buffer zone) Doing from the building by a buffer area.
between parking areas and
entrances to food storage or food
processing areas or utilities?
General Inside Security
4. Facility/Plant 4a. Is there adequate lighting Currently Lighting throughout the facility is
throughout the facility? Doing adequate and maintained.
4b. Is there an emergency lighting Currently Emergency lighting is installed at the
system in the facility? Doing facility and is tested regularly.
4c. Does your facility have Currently A CCTV system is in place that records
monitored and recorded security Doing all major areas of the facility, including
cameras such as a closed circuit restricted areas Recordings from the
television (CCTV) system? CCTV are reviewed regularly.
4d. Does your facility have Currently The facility has a standard operating
established emergency procedures, Doing procedure for emergencies, including
including procedures for potential acts of intentional
responding to an intentional contamination. Employees are trained
contamination? on the emergency procedures and the
facility conducts testing of the
procedures periodically.
4e. Does your facility have an N/A
emergency alert system that is
tested regularly?
4f. Is access to production, storage Currently Restricted areas of the facility are
and other sensitive areas restricted Doing clearly identified. Access is limited by
to a small number of employees? lock or alternative controls. Uniform
color is used to distinguish employees
who are allowed access to restricted
4g. Is there a procedure in place for Currently A policy and procedure for granting
individuals who normally do not Doing temporary access to restricted areas for
have access but have a legitimate visitors or employees is in place.
need to gain temporary access to Individuals who are not normally
the restricted areas? This would authorized to be in restricted areas
include all visitors, contractors, require escort by an authorized
salespeople, and employees. employee at all times. Non-employees
may not bring personal items into the
processing areas. A log of visitors
entering the facility is maintained.
For Internal Use Only
Section Measure Response Plan Content Comments Action Steps
General Inside Security
4. Facility/Plant 4h. Are copies of the facility’s site Currently An up-to-date copy of the facility’s site
plan and blueprints stored in a Doing plan and blueprint is stored in a fire-
secured location at the facility and safe locked box in the facility manager’s
in an offsite location? office. In addition, a copy is located in a
secure location offsite. Access to both
copies is controlled.
4i. Are procedures in place to check Currently Regular inspections of the facility are
maintenance closets, personal Doing required and documented, including all
lockers, and storage areas for utility areas, storage areas,
suspicious items or packages? maintenance areas, and production
areas. Employees are trained to report
suspicious activities or unusual
4j. Do you regularly take inventory Currently Security access codes are deactivated
of keys to secured/sensitive areas Doing when an employee leaves the company
of the facility? or when an employee no longer needs
access. Physical keys are issued with
documentation maintained. Inventory
of keys to sensitive areas is taken once
each year.
5. Utilities 5a. Are controls for the Heating, N/A
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
(HVAC) systems secured by a lock
to prevent access by unauthorized
5b. Are controls for refrigeration, N/A
including the main storage areas
for combustible materials like
ammonia, secured by lock to
prevent access by unauthorized
5c. Are the water systems used in Currently All main water delivery, storage, and
the food production process, Doing treatment areas are considered
including any storage tanks or sensitive areas, with access restricted to
reservoirs and any water treatment authorized individuals.
components, protected from
unauthorized access?
5d. Are the controls to the Currently The main electrical supply and
electrical systems (main Doing switchgear are controlled to allow
transformers and switchgear only) authorized entry only.
protected from unauthorized
5e. Are cleaning/sanitization Currently Storage areas and primary distribution
chemical dispensing systems Doing systems for sanitation chemicals are
secured from unauthorized access? kept in a locked area that is restricted to
authorized individuals.
6. Laboratory 6a. Is access to the laboratory Currently The doors to the laboratory are locked.
facility restricted to authorized Doing Access to the laboratory is restricted to
employees (e.g., by locked door, authorized employees. Authorized
pass card, etc.)? employees are issued and required to
wear blue lab coats.
6b. Is a procedure in place to Currently Reagents are received only by
receive and securely store Doing authorized employees. They are stored
reagents? in a locked cabinet within the
laboratory. If reagents need to be taken
out of the laboratory, procedures are in
place to track them.
6c. Are laboratory materials Currently Laboratory materials such as chemicals
restricted to the laboratory, except Doing and reagents are restricted to the
as needed for sampling or other laboratory. In instances where there is
authorized activities? a need to have laboratory materials
outside of the lab, there is a procedure
in place to get pre-approval from the
laboratory supervisor who then keeps a
record of such instances.
For Internal Use Only
Section Measure Response Plan Content Comments Action Steps
General Inside Security
6. Laboratory 6d. Is a procedure in place to Currently Reagents are disposed of according to
control and dispose of reagents? Doing the facility’s disposal procedures. The
disposal of reagents is documented.
7. Process Computer 7a. Is access to these process Currently A limited number of authorized
Systems control systems restricted to Doing employees have the password to the
trusted employees? system.
7b. Is access to process control Currently Access to process control computer
computer systems password Doing systems is protected through
protected? passwords.
7c. Are firewalls built into the Currently Access to process control computer
computer network used for process Doing systems is protected through firewalls.
7d. Is antivirus software installed Currently Process control computer systems are
on the process controls computer Doing protected through antivirus software
system and is it frequently that is updated frequently.
7e. When an employee’s Currently Disabling an employee’s access to
employment ends, is their access to Doing computer systems is part of the close
process control computer systems out and sign off process for all
disabled? personnel when their employment
Logistics and Storage
8. Suppliers and Vendors 8a. When choosing suppliers for N/A As the material is
your packaging materials, labels, procured from open
ingredients, and raw materials, do market and agro comodity
you consider whether they have
developed a Food Defense Plan?
8b. Do you have a supplier approval Currently All suppliers must be approved within
certification system in place to Doing our supplier certification program.
ensure that you purchase supplies
only from known, reputable
8c. Do you audit or inspect supplier N/A Procured from open
food defense programs or require market and known
that they have third party audits or sources
9. Incoming Shipments 9a. Are trailers and trucks on the Currently All trucks and trailers with supplies, raw
premises maintained under lock Doing materials, or finished goods must be
and/or tamper-evident seal when sealed until use.
not being loaded or unloaded?
9b. Is there close supervision of the Currently Unloading of vehicles transporting raw
unloading of vehicles transporting Doing materials, finished products, ingredients
raw materials, finished products, or other materials used in food
ingredients or other materials used processing is conducted with close
in food processing? supervision.
9c. Are there procedures that Currently Loading and unloading activities are
require the acceptance of Doing scheduled and/or monitored. Only
authorized, expected shipments scheduled shipments are received.
only? Unscheduled or unauthorized
shipments are held until authorization is
9d. Is access to loading docks Currently Loading dock access is controlled by a
controlled to avoid unverified or Doing lock and is monitored regularly. Only
unauthorized deliveries? authorized personnel have the key to
the lock.
9e. Are incoming shipments of raw Currently Incoming shipments are secured with
materials, ingredients, and Doing locks and numbered tamper-evident
packaging materials required to be seals. Procedures require personnel to
sealed with tamper-evident or verify the seal numbers and inspect
numbered seals (and documented documents prior to receipt of the
in the shipping documents)? shipment.
For Internal Use Only
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Logistics and Storage
9. Incoming Shipments 9f. Are tamper-evident seals Currently Procedures require personnel to verify
verified prior to acceptance? Doing the seal numbers and inspect
documents prior to acceptance of the
9g. Are less-than-truckload (LTL) or Currently Upon arrival of the shipment, any less-
partial load shipments vehicles Doing than-truckload (LTL) or partial
checked? shipments are verified. Multiple delivery
trucks have to provide documentation
of all seal changes with approval by
authorized signatures. Open trucks are
checked for content and condition.
10. Outgoing Shipments 10a. Are shipping vehicles (trucks, Currently Outgoing vehicles are examined for
tankers, rail cars) inspected prior to Doing suspicious activity, evaluated for
loading to detect the presence of previous use or presence of potentially
any foreign/hazardous materials? hazardous materials. Inspections of
outgoing shipments are documented.
10b. Are outgoing shipments Currently Outgoing shipments are sealed with
enclosed and sealed with tamper- Doing tamper-evident seals. Documentation
evident seals (or locks)? Are the of outgoing shipments is required.
seal numbers on outgoing Multiple transports seals are
shipments documented on the documented and justified.
shipping documents?
10c. Are chain-of-custody Currently Shipping documents are required for
(possession) records maintained for Doing each load indicating the proper
all shipments of finished goods? inventory, date and time, and the
number of the tamper-evident seal that
was applied to the load.
10d. Are effective product recall Currently A documented product recall plan is in
procedures in place? Doing place. It must be reviewed annually.
Trace-back and trace-forward records
are maintained and tested regularly
through mock-recall events. The recall
plan ensures segregation and proper
disposition of recalled product and
documentation of disposition.
11. Live Animals 11a. If you receive live animals, is N/A Only agro products
there a procedure for immediately processed
notifying the appropriate
individuals when animals with
unusual behavior and/or symptoms
are received?
11b. Are the feed and drinking N/A
water supplies for live animals
protected from possible intentional
11c. When transportation N/A
companies are selected, is the
company’s ability to safeguard the
security of live animals during
shipping considered?
12. Returned 12a. Are all returned Currently Where possible, returned goods are
Products/Goods products/goods examined at a Doing inspected prior to return and disposed
separate designated location in the of if not suitable for reuse.
facility for evidence of possible
tampering before salvage or use in
12b. Are records maintained of Currently Returned goods are documented, as are
returned products/goods used in Doing reused or discarded goods. When
rework? returned goods are suitable for reuse,
original lot numbers are recorded and
included in the record of ingredients
13. 13a. Is access to the piping systems Currently Access to lines that transfer water or
Ice/Water/Processing used to transfer potable water, oil, Doing ingredients are is restricted.
Aids or other ingredients limited?
For Internal Use Only
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Logistics and Storage
13. 13b. Are the piping systems used to Currently Water lines are regularly inspected for
Ice/Water/Processing transfer potable water, oil, or other Doing integrity.
Aids ingredients inspected periodically?
13c. Is access to water wells Currently Access to water wells is restricted by a
restricted (e.g., by locked Doing lock. Only authorized personnel can
door/gate or limiting access to unlock the well.
designated employees)?
13d. Are there water storage tanks, Currently Access to potable water storage tanks
reservoirs, or water treatment Doing and water reuse systems is restricted to
systems? Is access to them authorized personnel only.
13e. Is access to ice-making N/A
equipment and ice storage areas
13f. If a public water supply is used, N/A Bore well water
have arrangements been made
with local health officials to ensure
they immediately notify the plant if
the safety of the public water
supply is compromised?
14. Storage/Warehouse 14a. Is access to raw material and Currently Access to the storage areas for raw
ingredient storage areas restricted Doing materials and ingredients is restricted to
to designated employees (e.g., by authorized personnel.
locked door or gate)?
14b. Is an access record maintained Currently Employees that enter storage areas are
to indicate who has entered raw Doing required to enter their name, date, and
material or ingredient storage time on a registry that is kept near the
areas? entrance. Only authorized personnel
have access to the storage areas.
14c. Is access to finished product Currently Access to finished goods storage areas
storage areas restricted to Doing is restricted to authorized personnel.
designated employees?
14d. Is access to any additional or Currently Leased warehouses are required to
temporary storage facilities, such as Doing have access controls similar to our
leased warehousing, shipping facility controls. Any temporary storage
containers, storage sheds, or on our facility must be locked and
vehicles/trailers, restricted? accessible only by authorized personnel.
14e. Do you conduct random Currently Routine and random unscheduled
security inspections of all storage Doing checks include inspection of all
facilities (including temporary warehouses and all storage areas,
storage facilities)? including temporary storage areas and
storage outside the facility. Records are
required for these regular inspections.
14f. Are product labels and Currently Labels and packaging materials are
packaging held in a controlled Doing controlled to prevent theft and misuse.
manner to prevent theft and Regular inspection and examination of
misuse (e.g., counterfeiting)? these materials is conducted.
14g. Is finished product inventory Currently Periodic inventory and examinations for
regularly checked for accuracy? Doing tampering of materials in storage are
performed. Previously unattended
materials are checked before use.
Unexpected changes in inventory
(product or equipment) are reported to
appropriate personnel.
15. Hazardous 15a. Are storage areas that contain Currently Hazardous materials and chemicals,
materials/chemicals hazardous materials/chemicals–– Doing including pesticides, cleaning chemicals,
such as pesticides, industrial and sanitizers, are in a restricted area
chemicals, cleaning materials, and secured by a lock. Only authorized
sanitizers, and disinfectants–– personnel have access to the restricted
restricted to allow access by area.
authorized personnel only?
For Internal Use Only
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Logistics and Storage
15. Hazardous 15b. Is a regular inventory of Currently We require a daily inventory of
materials/chemicals hazardous materials/chemicals Doing hazardous materials and chemicals.
maintained? Inventory controls are in place that
require documentation. Any
discrepancies are immediately reported
to management and investigated.
16. Personnel Security 16a. Are basic background checks Currently Background or reference checks are
and/or reference checks with Doing conducted for all new hires. A more
previous employers conducted for comprehensive background check is
all new employees? conducted for authorized employees
who work in sensitive areas.
16b. Are more comprehensive Currently A more comprehensive background and
background checks conducted on Doing reference checks are conducted for
employees who will be working in employees working in sensitive
sensitive operations? operations.
16c. Are background checks and/or Currently Background and reference checks are
reference checks conducted on all Doing conducted for temporary, seasonal, or
contractors (both permanent and contract workers that will have access
seasonal) who will be working in to restricted or sensitive production
sensitive operations? areas.
16d. Do all employees receive Currently All new employees are trained on food
training on security procedures and Doing defense. Refresher awareness training
food defense awareness as part of is required for employees annually.
their orientation training? Employees are trained to report
suspicious activities or unusual
16e. Are employees, visitors, and Currently A procedure to recognize or identify
contractors (including construction Doing employees in the facility is in place. It
workers, cleaning crews, and truck consists of color-coded badges for
drivers) identified in some manner visitors, contractors, cleaning crews and
at all times while on the premises? others.
16f. Do you control employee and Currently All employees and contractors are
contractor access into the facility Doing required to enter through a single
during working hours (e.g., coded employee entrance. They must also
doors, receptionist on duty, swipe have valid identification and be verified
card, etc.)? before they are allowed into the facility.
This single employee entrance is
supervised during regular working hours
and monitored during off hours.
16g. Does your facility control the Currently During non-working hours, access to the
entry of employees and contractors Doing facility is restricted to authorized
into the facility during non-working personnel. Any employees or
hours? contractors who need access to the
facility must be admitted by the
supervisor on duty.
16h. Does your facility have a way Currently Contractors, temporary employees, and
to limit temporary employees and Doing non-facility personnel are restricted
contractors (including construction only to the specific area they have been
workers, cleaning crews, and truck authorized. They must display
drivers) to areas of the facility temporary badges that list where they
relevant to their work? are authorized to be within our facility.
16i. Is there a way to identify Currently Color-coded smocks are used to identify
employees that correlates with Doing different functions. Visitors and
their specific contractors that require an escort are
functions/assignments/ required to use a specific colored
departments (e.g., corresponding badges.
colored uniforms)?
16j. Does management maintain an Currently Each supervisor is responsible for
updated shift roster (i.e., who is Doing maintaining and reporting the
absent, who the replacements are, employee roster for each shift. The
and when new employees are roster must identify regular, seasonal,
being integrated into the and temporary employees.
workforce) for each shift?
For Internal Use Only
Section Measure Response Plan Content Comments Action Steps
16. Personnel Security 16k. Does your facility restrict Currently Employees and visitors are restricted as
personal items and food within Doing to what they can bring in or take from
production areas? the facility, including personal items,
food, and cameras. Employee lockers
are inspected periodically and at
16l. Is there a policy in place that Currently Locker rooms and laundry services are
prohibits employees from removing Doing available on the facility. Employee
company-provided clothing and uniforms and protective gear may not
protective gear from the premises? be taken out of the facility.
17. Food Defense Plan 17a. Is there a designated person or Currently Leadership of the food defense team is
team to implement, manage, and Doing delegated to the Quality Manager. A
update the Food Defense Plan? cross-functional team has been formed
to support food defense. The list of
members of the food defense team is
updated at least once a year and when
major changes are made to the team.
17b. Have supervisors, Currently In addition to awareness training for all
management, and key personnel Doing employees, key employees are trained
received additional food defense on the facility’s food defense plan.
training geared towards
17c. Do you conduct regular food Currently Mock exercises to test the ability of
defense exercises to test the Doing unauthorized persons to enter the
effectiveness of your Food Defense perimeter, the facility, or sensitive areas
Plan? are performed annually. Routine
inspections and annual audits are
performed to confirm that procedures
of the Food Defense Plan are being
17d. Is the Food Defense Plan Currently The food defense team is required to
reviewed (and revised if necessary) Doing review and update the Food Defense
periodically? Plan at least annually. Self-assessments
are conducted annually by the team
17e. Are the details of food defense Currently The Food Defense Plan is a confidential
procedures within the Food Doing document. A summary of the plan and
Defense Plan kept secure or a summary of results of audits may be
confidential? shared. Detailed elements and
vulnerabilities will not be shared.
17f. Is the emergency contact Currently Facility personnel contact information is
information for local, state, and Doing kept up to date and reviewed/updated
federal government regulatory annually. Emergency contact lists are
authorities and public health kept up to date and are located in
officials included in the Food conspicuous areas––near phones, break
Defense Plan? rooms, locker areas, etc.
17g. Are procedures for responding Currently The food defense team has established
to threats and actual incidents of Doing procedures for responding to threats as
product contamination detailed in well as actual product contamination
the Food Defense Plan? events. They have pre-established
communication with local, state, and
federal incident response personnel for
a more efficient response.
17h. Does the Food Defense Plan Currently Established quality “HOLD” procedures
have procedures to ensure that Doing will be used to mark and segregate
contaminated or potentially products where an intentional
harmful products are held at the contamination is known or suspected.
facility? In addition, the products will be
physically isolated, locked where
possible, to support potential criminal
For Internal Use Only
Section Measure Response Plan Content Comments Action Steps
17. Food Defense Plan 17i. Does the Food Defense Plan Currently Potentially hazardous waste (biological
have procedures for safe handling Doing or chemical) is controlled and disposed
and disposal of contaminated of properly. Disposal and
products and decontamination of decontamination procedures are
the facility in accordance with local included as part of the food safety plan
environmental guidelines and and are attached as a supporting
regulations? document to this Food Defense Plan.
Contact information for the local
environmental agency is in the
emergency contact section of the Food
Defense Plan.
17j. Are employees encouraged to Currently Employees receive annual training on
report signs of possible product Doing FDA’s FIRST and ALERT food defense
contamination, unknown or awareness and are encouraged to
suspicious persons in the facility, or report unusual activities.
breaks in the food defense system?
17k. Does your facility have Currently Established facility evacuation
evacuation procedures in case of an Doing procedures are required to address the
emergency that include controlling physical security of the facility and
access to the facility during entrances during an evacuation. Only
evacuation? properly identified emergency
responders will be allowed access to the
facility during an evacuation.
Process # Process Step Total A V Mitigation Suggestions
Name Score Score Score
Emergency Phone List
Resource Phone
Local Police Department 101
Local Emergency 9-1-1
Supplier Contacts
Company Name Phone Number(s) Contact Person(s)
Customer Contacts
Company Name Phone Number(s) Contact Person(s)
Contractor Contacts
Company Name Phone Number(s) Contact Person(s)
Other Contacts
Company Name Phone Number(s) Contact Person(s)
Measure # or Process Step Action Step Status Responsibility Priority Dates
2c. Are emergency exit doors Emergency exits are installed with self- Planning Jagdish Bhai Low Trgt Cmplt:2/20/2019
self-locking from the outside, locking doors and alarms that will sound Pln Strt:12/2/2018
with alarms that activate when when emergency exit doors are opened Act Strt:2/15/2019
Act Cmplt:2/20/2019
the doors are opened? will be provided