Bip 0117-2015
Bip 0117-2015
Bip 0117-2015
Renzo Marchini
First published 2010
Second edition 2015
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Acknowledgements ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preliminary comments 1
1.2 History and development 2
1.3 What is cloud computing? 4
1.4 Cloud service types 5
1.5 Deployment models 7
1.6 Technological terminology 9
1.7 Comparisons with other types of IT services 10
1.8 Why now? 11
1.9 Overview of this book 12
1.10 Contracting for the cloud 13
3 Information security 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 What is a security breach? 29
3.3 Security breaches – some examples 29
3.4 Due diligence 33
3.5 Introduction to security standards 37
3.6 ISO/IEC 27000 series 38
3.7 SSAE 16 (previously SAS 70) 46
3.8 Contractual issues in information security 48
3.9 Key points 53
Cloud Computing v
4.7 The eight data protection principles 69
4.8 Legitimization of processing 69
4.9 Notification to the Information Commissioner’s Office 71
4.10 Enforcement 72
4.11 How does all this apply to the cloud? 76
4.12 Key points 76
vi Cloud Computing
8.8 Representatives of controllers not established in the European
Union 125
8.9 Data processors 125
8.10 Documentation 125
8.11 Notification of personal data breaches 126
8.12 Data protection impact assessment 126
8.13 Data protection officers 126
8.14 General principles for transfers to third countries 127
8.15 Sanctions; fines 128
Glossary 219
References 222
Index 227
Cloud Computing ix
1 Introduction
It is not only enterprises that are using cloud services. The history of the
consumer cloud is intimately linked to the history of the internet. Many
common and well-established web services, such as email services (e.g. and photo-sharing services (e.g. Flickr), have existed since
the early days of the web, but over the past few years the willingness of
consumers to trust often quite sensitive personal information to social
networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others, all of which are
‘cloudy’ in nature) has taken the trust to a new level.
One of the problems with analysing cloud issues from a legal perspective
is the multinational aspect: the fact that many countries may be involved
in a particular cloud provision. A customer in country A, for example,
may use a SaaS (software as a service) offered by a provider in country B,
which in turn acquires infrastructure capacity in countries C, D and/or E
Cloud Computing 1
1 Introduction
2 Cloud Computing
1.2 History and development
difference between what is now labelled ‘cloud’ and what went before,
and that there is simply a hype surrounding it.
In the first edition of this book we pointed out that Larry Ellison, the
CEO and founder of Oracle, for one, had been very critical of the hype
surrounding cloud computing. He had given a number of widely quoted
interviews, including one in 2008 in which he made the point that the
definition is so wide that it includes everything that Oracle actually does,
comparing it disparagingly to women’s fashion and referring to it as
‘complete gibberish’.1 At the time of writing, however, even Oracle gives
pride of place on its website to its cloud offerings.
Whether or not there is a real paradigm shift might depend on the type
of cloud service that is being talked about. As the brief timeline above
shows, the idea of obtaining use of a software application remotely is as
old as computing; early software use involved access to mainframes with
distributed dumb terminals or to data-processing power through bureau
services. So, in a sense, at least one of the types of cloud services (SaaS)
might be nothing particularly new from what has gone before but with
one important distinction – the distinction of scale. It has simply become
more prevalent. As such there is at least a germ of truth in what Larry
Ellison said: much of it has been done before. Other types of cloud
offering, for example, the idea of acquiring server capacity in a
‘utility-like’ manner (IaaS – infrastructure as a service), paid for as you go
and scaled as you need, may well represent a fundamental shift in the
acquisition of technology motivated by many concerns: cost pressures,
economies of scale, energy efficiency.
More pertinent perhaps is the issue not so much of whether this is hype,
but rather – even if it is hype – why it is happening now. Arguably, it is
happening now because it is a real phenomenon driven by a desire to
minimize computing costs, have flexibility and be more efficient – a
desire matched by IT providers tailoring their offerings on the back of
easily accessible high-speed connectivity through the internet and
Larry Ellison, Oracle OpenWorld, 25 September 2008.
The Guardian, 29 September 2008.
Cloud Computing 3
1 Introduction
This list is not set in stone and not all of these features are essential;
many offerings that are properly called cloud may omit one or more.
Some would argue that the list is too short and, for example, that an
important feature of a genuine cloud offering is that there is in fact no
clearly allocated server for a particular customer and/or that different
customers are serviced using the same ‘instance’ of the software in a
multi-tenancy model. Where a particular feature’s presence or absence is
important to a particular issue that is covered in this book, then that will
be made clear.
4 Cloud Computing
1.4 Cloud service types
IaaS is wider than simply web hosting. The widest variety of hardware,
and for the widest range of uses, is available. Amazon’s cloud offerings
are prominent examples: the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon
Cloud Computing 5
1 Introduction
6 Cloud Computing
1.5 Deployment models
savers are on (or the computers are otherwise idle) to try and detect
patterns in the data that might indicate extraterrestrial life.
Cloud Computing 7
1 Introduction
8 Cloud Computing
1.6 Technological terminology
1.6.1 Virtualization
This term normally describes a technology under which software that an
enterprise needs runs not on a specific server, but on a ‘virtual’ server.
Many IaaS depend on this technology (but they are not synonymous). The
virtual server might be spread across a number of different physical
servers, and the IT infrastructure manages the load (dynamically and
invisibly to the applications themselves and certainly the users) to ensure
that the most efficient use of the underlying physical computing power is
made. The term can also cover the reverse situation where a number of
different virtual servers operate on one physical server. Whilst common in
IaaS offerings, a virtualized infrastructure can also be implemented by
the enterprise’s own IT department (perhaps as part of a private cloud,
even if that term is not used).
Virtualization software exists for home consumers’ use also, allowing the
host desktop to appear as a number of different virtual PCs.
1.6.2 Multi-tenancy
This is a term that describes how a particular ‘instance’ of software
running on a server (or servers) is used by the cloud provider to provide
services to many of its customers. It is an important concept as it appears
time and time again in contract negotiations in relation to cloud
offerings; in particular, it will often be used by service providers to justify
many of the stances they take in their contract terms.
The basic idea is that the same copy of the software is running data for
many customers at the same time (which would clearly not be the case if
each of those customers installed its own copy of the software on its own
Cloud Computing 9
1 Introduction
1.7.1 Outsourcing
Outsourcing involves the handing over of an IT function previously
provided internally to an external provider. It might involve the
outsourcing of the whole IT department (data centres, all support staff,
in-house development teams and so on) but might be more limited. It
can be similar to IaaS (as the provider will manage the infrastructure) and
to SaaS (as software functionality may be served to the customer
remotely). The provider will of course have to handle security. It might
also (depending on what is outsourced) involve the creation of
applications and the delivery of software to users and so be similar to
10 Cloud Computing
1.8 Why now?
1.7.5 Client/server
A software architecture that divides processing between a client (or
clients), which requests the service, and a server, which fulfils it (or them).
It is similar (and an early precursor) to SaaS, at least when the
architecture is used externally. When used internally, it is similar to SaaS
on a private cloud. Normally, the server and client side are managed by
the same person and that is perhaps a distinction to be drawn.
Cloud Computing 11
1 Introduction
attracted such traction recently. First, the size of the players involved
means that anything they do will have serious and widespread
repercussions. Amazon (and its like) has built such large data centres,
literally the size of many football pitches, to fulfil its requirements.
Naturally, its requirements for IT resources vary over time, with peak
demand, in particular, around Christmas (in common with many retailers).
But it is not just around the holidays; demand varies throughout the day
and over the week. Amazon identified that it had to do something with
its spare capacity and began in 2006 to offer that capacity to other
businesses through its Amazon EC2 service, allowing them to acquire
infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go model. Where Amazon led, many other
IT giants (for example, Google and Microsoft) followed.
Thirdly, the cloud computing model allows for a very large economy of
scale and that too has had a major impact as IT budgets increasingly take
a bigger share of a company’s cost base.
In any cloud situation, in order to navigate the various legal issues that
might arise, it is important first to identify the relevant body of law that
applies. We address this issue in Chapter 2.
12 Cloud Computing
1.10 Contracting for the cloud
The next series of chapters deal with information security (Chapter 3) and
then data protection in Chapter 4 (basics), Chapter 5 (putting personal
data into the cloud), Chapter 6 (moving personal data outside of Europe)
and Chapter 7 (data breach notification). Chapter 8 highlights a
potentially significant reform of European (and therefore UK) data
protection law that is expected over the next couple of years.
One aspect of cloud computing that is often cited as being different from
other outsourcing deals is the take-it-or-leave-it aspect of the provision.
In keeping with the commercial and technical advantages of the solution
being easy to set up, easy to scale and easy to control charges, it is also
equally easy to contract: a customer simply accepts the provider’s terms
without question. This is very true in relation to many services available
at relatively low cost and possibly without any interaction except through
the provider’s website. It is not however true of substantial acquisitions
by enterprises. Contracts are still individually negotiated. Many cloud
providers may present their contracts as standard and not invite
negotiation. Nonetheless, customers can request changes to the
‘standard’. Whether the provider agrees to those requests will depend on
the negotiating power of the customer. Consumers and most small
businesses, each acquiring a very standard cloud offering, will have no
scope for negotiating terms. That is not the case for substantial
Cloud Computing 13
1 Introduction
14 Cloud Computing
2 Which law of the cloud?
2.1 Introduction
Laws differ from country to country. The nature of the cloud is that it is
extremely likely that more than one country is involved in a particular
cloud deployment (unless a customer can be confident that its provider
and the underlying data centre, which may be that of a subcontractor,
are all in the same country). Therefore, whenever the legality of any
activity is questioned, or consideration is given as to how to roll out a
service or acquire a compliant service, it is important to first identify the
relevant law that applies, in order to make an assessment as to what the
law says. More than one law may apply. For example, to answer the
question ‘What are the legal requirements relevant to security?’ or ‘Is my
data in danger of being disclosed to a law enforcement agency?’, you
first need to identify the legal system to apply. In the cloud, not only may
activities take place across a number of borders, but also it may not even
be possible to identify the country in which some aspects of the activity
take place. So, for example, if the customer is in the UK, but the provider
is in California, is security assessed under UK standards or Californian3
In a typical cloud scenario (to the extent there is such a thing) there are
at least four legal systems contending for consideration. The law to
consider might be the legal system of the country where the cloud
customer is, where the cloud provider is, where the data is stored, and
perhaps (where that data is personal data about an individual, such as an
employee or a client of the cloud customer) that of the individual.
In any field (not just cloud computing) such questions are frequently
resolved by reference to one of a number of international treaties often
– from the perspective of a UK company – passed at the European level
(but some have wider reach or are bilateral). Two prominent examples
are the European instruments known as ‘Rome I’ [2], dealing with the
law that is to apply to a contract, and ‘Rome II’ [3], dealing with the law
to apply to non-contractual obligations (‘torts’, such as negligence). These
instruments are general in the sense that they apply to all types of
activities and not only to cloud computing. In relation to any complex
issue involving more than one country (and therefore a ‘choice of law’), a
two-stage approach is needed to the analysis of the issue. First, these and
The US has different legal systems in each of its 50 states.
Cloud Computing 15
2 Which law of the cloud?
We begin, however, with some examples that show how these issues are
not theoretical. Disputes as to applicable law have already arisen.
16 Cloud Computing
2.2 International disputes as to applicable (cloud) law
Yahoo! was fined for failing to hand over the details, this was overturned
on appeal in June 2010. It was widely reported in the press that the
Belgian Court of Appeal in Ghent broadly agreed with Yahoo!’s
In July 2008, it was widely reported in the press that the Brazilian
authorities and Google reached an agreement to try and prevent illegal
material on Orkut. The agreement, which may well have been the first of
its kind internationally, stated that Google would employ filtering
technology to block and remove illegal content on Orkut; it would also
provide evidence in suspected crimes against minors when presented with
a Brazilian judicial order, without requiring international legal
The judgment is only available in Flemish.
orkut-user-data.html and
Facebook Ireland Ltd. and Facebook Inc. v Data Protection Commissioner for
Schleswig-Holstein, Administrative Court of Schleswig-Holstein, file no. 8 B 60/12 and 8 B
Cloud Computing 17
2 Which law of the cloud?
Facebook pointed at the fact that the service in Europe was offered by its
Irish affiliate and that as such it was only subject to Irish law (applying
the specific jurisdictional test for data protection which we summarize –
from a UK perspective – in 4.6). The data protection authority in turn
pointed towards the existence of a German Facebook company. However,
this company was only involved in marketing activities (and not in the
collection of data) and so its presence was irrelevant. The regulator also
argued on the basis of ‘Rome I’ [2] (see 2.1) that Facebook’s standard
terms of use included a provision that German law was to apply in
relation to dealings with the user. This too was disregarded by the court
in that a contractual choice cannot override ‘mandatory’ rules of law. The
authority appealed the court’s decision but lost that appeal.7
This was despite Google Inc. (a separate company from its Spanish
subsidiary) not having any direct presence in Spain. The CJEU felt able to
find jurisdiction in this case on the basis of the sales and marketing
activities of Google Inc.’s Spanish subsidiary. Crucially, the search engine
operated by the US company was funded by the advertising revenue
resulting from the activities of the Spanish company.
Administrative Court of Appeals of Schleswig-Holstein, file no. 4 MB 10/13 and 4 MB 11/13.
Google Spain SL and Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos and Mario
Costeja González, Case C-131/12, 13 May 2014.
18 Cloud Computing
2.3 Which law applies to the cloud?
Cloud Computing 19
2 Which law of the cloud?
extent that they are applicable to any situation falling within their scope,
irrespective of the law chosen by the parties. Lastly, the application of the
law chosen by the parties may be refused if such application is manifestly
incompatible with the public policy in a particular country.
20 Cloud Computing
2.4 Law enforcement agencies’ ability to obtain data
Practical tip
The full name of the legislation is ‘Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA Patriot Act) Act of
2001’ (hence, ‘USA Patriot’ Act).
Cloud Computing 21
2 Which law of the cloud?
Dutch government’s reasoning was that the USA Patriot Act requires US
companies to provide data to the US authorities if requested under the
This debate has recently increased in intensity with the 2013 disclosures
about ‘PRISM’ and other programmes operated by the US National
Security Agency (NSA). A whistleblower, Edward Snowden, disclosed that
the US agency (and its UK equivalent, GCHQ, through its ‘Tempora’
programme) had been collecting bulk and non-specific data about
telephone and internet use. These agencies were able to do this since
most of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or the
UK. That they had done so was news enough, but the revelations also
disclosed that they had done so with the participation of various major
US telecoms and internet companies. This has added to the distrust felt in
Europe around use of US cloud services.
Before exploring a little further the position in the US, and the
application of all these powers to cloud computing, it should be
remembered that all countries have laws allowing their law enforcement
agencies to obtain data. As already noted above, the UK certainly does
and the Snowden revelations also concerned UK programmes. Specifically
within the UK, there are wide powers to obtain data for national security
reasons and the prevention and detection of crime. We mention three
examples. The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 [7] allows the
Secretary of State to issue a warrant authorizing or requiring the person
to whom it is addressed to intercept communications in the course of
their transmission. The Intelligence Services Act 1994 [8] allows the
Secretary of State to issue a warrant authorizing the otherwise unlawful
entry into, or interference with, someone’s property – for example, for
the purpose of eavesdropping or conducting a secret intelligence search.
Lastly, the Police Act 1997 [9] contains similar provisions to the
Intelligence Services Act 1994 and provides for the authorization of
interference with property and wireless telegraphy in the course of
intrusive surveillance operations conducted by, for example, the police,
the Office of Fair Trading and HM Revenue & Customs within the UK.
It is probably the case that cloud users instinctively trust the laws and
enforcement agencies of their own country more than they do those of
foreign countries, especially the US and especially in light of the PRISM
disclosures mentioned above, irrespective of whether or not there is any
substantive difference. Arguably, some European regulators have
contributed to the acceptance of this view. Some cloud providers have, of
course, seen a marketing opportunity in this distrust of a ‘foreign’
regime; they actively promote the fact that their servers (unlike those of
their competitors) will be in a ‘safe’ place. A complexity here though is
that it is not the location of the servers that is necessarily determinate on
22 Cloud Computing
2.4 Law enforcement agencies’ ability to obtain data
the issue. Rather, if the servers (even if in, say, Europe) are operated by a
European subsidiary of an American company, then that European
subsidiary may well be compelled by its American holding company to
give up that data on a legal request. In 2011, in fact, Microsoft admitted
that cloud data on its servers, regardless of where the data was located,
would not be protected from disclosure to American agencies. During the
launch of Office 365, a Microsoft director was asked if Microsoft could
guarantee that EU-stored data, held in EU data centres, would not leave
the European Economic Area (EEA) under any circumstances even if
Microsoft was faced with a request under the USA ‘Patriot Act’ [6]. The
director explained the obvious truth that, as a US company, it has to
comply with local laws (in particular, US laws). He said that they could
not give the guarantee that data would remain within Europe and
added, ‘Neither can any other company.’11
The most significant piece of US legislation in the cloud area is the Stored
Communications Act, which was first enacted in 1986 [10]. The scope of
this piece of legislation is to govern access to communications data in
storage (as opposed to communications in transit); for example, in a
cloud provider. Under this legislation, a government agency can apply for
a search warrant or a court order (the latter having less stringent
requirements) to get access to cloud data. Which will apply will depend
WHITAKER, Z. ‘Microsoft admits Patriot Act can access EU-based cloud data’, ZDNET, 28
June 2011.
Cloud Computing 23
2 Which law of the cloud?
FISA especially has been significantly amended over the years, including
by the USA Patriot Act (and subsequently). The USA Patriot Act allows US
authorities to obtain records (i.e. data) to protect against international
terrorism. The threshold for such gathering is now that foreign
intelligence need only be a ‘significant’ purpose, rather than the only
purpose, of the searches or surveillance.
The USA Patriot Act also expanded the circumstances under which the FBI
can compel financial institutions, phone companies and internet service
providers (ISPs) to secretly disclose information about their customers.
The FBI is required only to establish that the information it seeks is
relevant to an authorized intelligence investigation. Thus, although
enacted primarily for anti-terrorism purposes, its provisions allow use for,
and are reported to have been used in, ordinary criminal investigations
that have no terrorism feature. In summary, the USA Patriot Act has
made changes to the regime in the US but in many ways these are
changes of detail (although of course they are legally important). In
practice, in the author’s opinion, it does not really seem as if the changes
in themselves justify the extensive recent criticism of the USA Patriot Act
in European discussions on cloud computing.
USA Patriot Act, section 218 (Foreign Intelligence Information)
24 Cloud Computing
2.4 Law enforcement agencies’ ability to obtain data
It is not only European data protection regulators that have a distrust for
such wide-ranging powers; the USA Patriot Act has certainly caused
problems for authorities outsourcing in Canada.
The laws of two Canadian provinces (those of British Columbia and Nova
Scotia) contain restrictions on public bodies transferring personal
information outside Canada, including to the US. In 2004, the British
Columbian government (as part of its privatization of aspects of health
provision) announced that it was contracting with two US companies.
There was an immediate public outcry in relation to the possibility that
sensitive, private medical information could find its way – through the
USA Patriot Act – into the hands of US law enforcement agencies (even
when the data never in fact left Canada). The British Columbia
Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU) commenced legal
action to prevent this outsourcing. It argued that the possibility of access
by the US authorities would contravene the province’s data protection
legislation [the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [12]
(FOIPPA)]. (As it happens, the court disagreed and found that there was
sufficient privacy.) The local law was in the end changed, prohibiting any
access to data except from within Canada.
See, for example: (1) The eighth data protection principle and international data transfers,
Version 3.0, 17.12.08 and (2) Data Protection Good Practice Note, Outsourcing – a guide for
small and medium sized businesses, version 2.1, 09.04.09.
Cloud Computing 25
2 Which law of the cloud?
reminding customers that such an agency ‘may have the power to require
cloud providers to give them access to personal data’ [13].
Needless to say, this does not necessarily mean that a provider in the US
(or any foreign provider) should never be used. In many and, perhaps,
most circumstances, there will be no real problem. Greater care will
perhaps be needed when the data is particularly sensitive.
The ICO guidance contains a reminder that there is also the possibility of
regulatory action against the cloud provider. If the cloud provider is
disclosing its customer data to law enforcement agencies, it is likely in
the context of that disclosure to become a ‘data controller’ (see 4.5). If
this were to happen, though, provided there was a legal compulsion to
disclose, the ICO has stated that it would not take regulatory action.
See footnote 13.
26 Cloud Computing
2.5 Key points
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 27
3 Information security
3.1 Introduction
Survey after survey indicates that security of data or information is the
biggest worry of customers contemplating moving to a cloud
environment. They have an understandable fear of putting their data
into the hands of a third party.
This chapter explores aspects of the various security issues that arise in
the cloud. We make no pretence of comprehensively dealing with the
technical issues around security (and existing standards); these are topics
worthy of their own books and reference should be made to specialist
texts. However, we do introduce the security standards to which providers
are claiming adherence in order to reassure customers. We discuss the
legal obligations in this area, including issues such as due diligence and
audit. Lastly, we discuss liability issues that arise when security goes
wrong. Some of the issues discussed here are very closely linked to other
issues covered elsewhere in this book. For example, when the data being
entrusted to the provider is ‘personal data’ or the customer is a regulated
financial services company, then the regulatory overlay of data protection
rules (discussed in Chapter 4) or financial services regulation (14.2) comes
28 Cloud Computing
3.3 Security breaches – some examples
First, a security incident could arise out of human error. Examples of this
are when information is sent by an organization to those to whom it
should not have been sent, or when a laptop containing data is not
encrypted and is then lost.
Secondly, and related to that, is when the organization has not put in
place appropriate security controls. This might allow the human error
type of incident (by not enforcing a requirement to always encrypt data).
But it might also be a systemic failure in the technology; for example, not
operating with the appropriate latest updates and security techniques. It
could also be a simple failure of technology (a bug, say) that leaks the
3.3.1 Sidekick
Sidekick is a smartphone marketed by T-Mobile. In the usual way, the
device can store user data such as contacts, calendar entries, to-do lists
and photos. However, unusually, the data was stored on servers in the
cloud and not on the devices themselves. The servers are operated by
Cloud Computing 29
3 Information security
Microsoft. In October 2009, the servers failed, data was lost, and users of
these phones could not access their data. It was initially believed that the
data was permanently lost. As a result, various legal claims were fairly
promptly launched against both T-Mobile and Microsoft alleging that the
companies had been negligent in looking after data. Microsoft later
announced that the data had all been recovered. Microsoft then claimed
that it was not a loss after all, simply an ‘outage’.15
3.3.2 Gmail
Google has not been immune to cloud service problems. Gmail is a free
webmail service provided by Google (and a high-profile example of a
cloud application) and is used by both consumers and businesses. Since it
became available to the public in 2007, Gmail has experienced a number
of outages. On 24 February 2009, Google’s Gmail service went offline for
about 2.5 hours affecting the service’s 113 million users worldwide.
During this time users could not access their Gmail accounts and were left
seeing only an error when trying to login. However, Gmail’s IMAP
(Internet Mail Access Protocol) service continued to work during this time
allowing users to send and receive emails from some devices. The outage
was caused by a routine maintenance event in one of Google’s European
data centres where new code, designed to try to keep data
geographically close to its owner, caused another data centre in Europe
to become overloaded and the problem spread across its data centres. It
was quickly dubbed by bloggers as ‘the great Gmail outage of 2009’.
30 Cloud Computing
3.3 Security breaches – some examples
Cloud Computing 31
3 Information security
In response to the attack Sony was forced to turn off the network for a
total of 24 days. During the outage, users of PlayStation 3 and
PlayStation portable consoles were unable to play online. In addition to
the PlayStation Network, it transpired that the Sony Online
Entertainment system was also affected. Sony was forced to take this
system offline, which affected PC and Facebook gamers. Sony admitted
that names, home addresses, email addresses, dates of birth, phone
numbers and gender information were stolen. Sony warned customers to
look out for any contact claiming to be from Sony and to change their
usernames and passwords. The estimated cost of the outage was $171
Sony was also fined within the UK – see 4.10.3.
32 Cloud Computing
3.4 Due diligence
Cloud Computing 33
3 Information security
personal sensitivity) of the data. As will be seen later, when personal data
is involved or when the customer is operating in the financial services
sector, due diligence in relation to security is not just commercial
common sense, it is a regulatory requirement. Due diligence in an
outsourcing situation might traditionally have involved site visits and
detailed technical investigation of the organizational and technical
processes in place. Clearly, this is easy to do when there is a specific data
centre to be examined but less easy to do when a cloud is envisaged. In
the cloud, a customer may simply have to resort to examining a
provider’s security policies.
34 Cloud Computing
3.4 Due diligence
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 35
3 Information security
two of the provider’s data centres. Depending on the nature of the data
being stored (for example, if it is ‘sensitive personal data’), says the ICO,
it may be appropriate to encrypt data ‘at rest’. A lot will, of course,
depend on the type of service. For example, if it is a SaaS, where the
provider has to process the data, data may have to be unencrypted at
rest to allow this. Security of the key is also important.
Providers may well feel free to disclose the fact that they have a security
policy and that it has had approval at the highest level (to the extent
that is true). If the policy is an attempt to be compliant with an external
standard such as BS ISO/IEC 27001 [14], that is certainly a good point to
make – better still a certification to that effect. Beyond compliance or
certification, however, a provider might well want to supply the customer
with further detail. A customer may want to see the full ‘statement of
applicability’ (see 3.6.2) or otherwise some detail as to each of the 14
‘control clauses’ set out in BS ISO/IEC 27002 [15] (see 3.6.3). A provider
will of course wish to steer clear of disclosing anything that is in fact
proprietary or might in fact exacerbate security risks. A balance needs to
be struck. Too much information can be dangerous as it might lead to
liability issues if the information at some stage is no longer current. The
less detail, the less likely the information will become dated.
Practical tip
36 Cloud Computing
3.5 Introduction to security standards
Many customers will insist upon their own standard form of security
questionnaire. Whilst this is all well and good from the customer’s point
of view, it does increase the burden upon the provider as part of the
sales process. The economics of the cloud are dependent on it being easy
to set up and use, and there must also be easy contracting. If too many
customers send in too many questionnaires (all focusing on their own
concern in their own form), this may detract from those economics.
Providers fearing being inundated will need to educate their customers
and this may include being very open about security up front (rather
than simply reacting to questionnaires).
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 37
3 Information security
The series, for present purposes, has two main components. First,
BS ISO/IEC 27001 [14]:17 a standard that provides a specification for ISMSs
and sets out a foundation for third-party audit and certification. It aims
to ensure that information security management is established and
maintained through a continual improvement process. It is possible to get
third-party certification (by accredited organizations) against this
Practical tip
The current edition, BS ISO/IEC 27001:2013, replaces the earlier BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005.
Again, the current BS ISO/IEC 27002:2013 replaces BS ISO/IEC 27002:2005.
38 Cloud Computing
3.6 ISO/IEC 27000 series
This standard is designed for use by all types of organizations and for
different aspects of their processes. The organization must consider the
identity and requirements of the interested parties that are relevant to
the ISMS. The organization must consider these requirements in addition
to other factors, for example, the type and size of the organization and
the risks faced, when determining the scope of the ISMS, which must be
made available as documented information. Given the potential for
application by all types of organizations for different types of processes,
there is scope for much variety in the content of ISMSs and as to how the
various requirements are in fact met.
Cloud Computing 39
3 Information security
Practical tip
Ensuring that the scope of the ISMS covered by the compliance statement
is in fact relevant to the cloud offering being contemplated is not
enough for the customer, however. A provider will have had many
choices to make in implementing an ISMS even when it is properly
compliant with BS ISO/IEC 27001. Whilst third-party certification (see
3.6.4) will go some way to giving an assurance that sensible decisions
have been made, a customer may well want to be directly satisfied that
the controls actually in place are adequate and may want to explore
some detail around those controls.
BS ISO/IEC 27001 sets out (in Annex A) a list of 114 control objectives and
controls, which originate from BS ISO/IEC 27002 [15] (see 3.6.3).19
Not all of the control objectives and controls will be relevant in any
particular situation and so BS ISO/IEC 27001 permits the exclusion of a
control objective or control provided the exclusion can be justified. In
summary, an organization can exclude the application of a control
objective or control whenever it addresses risks the organization can
accept, that are not relevant, or that can be passed onto others, such as
customers or suppliers. The assessment of which control objective or
control can be dispensed with is undertaken with reference to the
organization’s documented risk assessment and risk treatment profile
(which it sets itself). The organization must retain documented
information about the security risk treatment process.
The number of controls has reduced to 114 from 133 from the earlier edition of 2005.
Some of the controls have merged, some have been deleted and some are new.
40 Cloud Computing
3.6 ISO/IEC 27000 series
and controls in BS ISO/IEC 27001, Annex A have been applied (and how
they have been applied) and which have been dispensed with. A certified
provider would have had the SoA assessed and the decisions made by the
provider will have been challenged. If there is no third-party certification,
a customer will likely be more interested in this level of detail.
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 41
3 Information security
4. Asset management
Responsibility for the security of any asset should be clearly set out.
Information should be appropriately classified so as to ensure an
appropriate degree of security is applied to it. Labelling procedures
should be developed. Procedures should be in place for the management
of removable media to prevent unauthorized disclosure, modification,
removal or destruction of information stored on media. The procedures
should cover the management, transfer and disposal of removable media.
5. Access control
6. Cryptography
42 Cloud Computing
3.6 ISO/IEC 27000 series
8. Operations security
This control sets out requirements (amongst other things) in each of the
following areas:
9. Communications security
Cloud Computing 43
3 Information security
14. Compliance
3.6.4 Certification
Customers of any company who are dependent on the provider keeping
data (or other assets) properly secure are free to take on trust a
statement that it keeps data secure to an appropriate standard (whether
BS ISO/IEC 27001 [14] or another). Any such statement (if untrue) may
well have legal consequences. This would certainly be the case if the
statement is part of a contract. Nonetheless, in many instances, a
customer does not need simply to rely on such a statement.
BS ISO/IEC 27001 (for example) has a mechanism for certification by a
third party. The third party will audit the controls in place and then (if it
is found that compliance has been achieved) certify as much.
44 Cloud Computing
3.6 ISO/IEC 27000 series
Practical tip
Practical tip
Although, see the considerations of confidentiality mentioned in 3.4.4.
Cloud Computing 45
3 Information security
Practical tip
SSAE 16, however, goes further than SAS 70 by not only verifying the
controls and processes, but also requiring a written assertion from the
management of the service organization regarding the design and
operating effectiveness of the controls being reviewed, which is included
in the final service auditor’s report. Despite going further than its
predecessor, it is still not true to say that an organization becomes
ISAE 3402 was developed to provide an international assurance standard for allowing
public accountants to issue a report for use by user organizations and their auditors on the
controls at a service organization that are likely to impact or be a part of the user
organization’s system of internal control over financial reporting.
46 Cloud Computing
3.7 SSAE 16 (previously SAS 70)
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 47
3 Information security
Practical tip
48 Cloud Computing
3.8 Contractual issues in information security
First, it is not always clear where the data and servers are. In a true
virtualized cloud environment the data could be anywhere, and, indeed,
the location could be changing frequently and continuously. The data is
indeed likely to be at more than one location at any given time (for the
A further option, which may well emerge, is for a stratification to occur where different
levels of security are available at different prices, although the point remains that these
are always going to be ‘standard’ offerings in any case.
Cloud Computing 49
3 Information security
If it is not possible for the cloud provider to give its European customer
an assurance that data will remain in Europe, then, as discussed in
Chapter 6, one of the various mechanisms to legitimize that transfer for
the purpose of overcoming that restriction may need to be put in place.
It is, of course, one of the controls dealt with by BS ISO/IEC 27001 [14] (see 3.6).
See Chapter 6
50 Cloud Computing
3.8 Contractual issues in information security
Practical tip
1. Notification costs
The customer may want to notify the individuals who are the subject of
the data that the security of the data has been breached. There is not (at
present) a general obligation under UK law to do so25 (see Chapter 7),
but nonetheless there might be a desire to do so and, indeed, in some
circumstances the Information Commissioner would recommend that it is
done as best practice. The US experience, under its comprehensive ‘data
As discussed in section 8.11, the position is likely to change as part of a general reform of
data protection law.
Cloud Computing 51
3 Information security
breach notification’ laws, shows that this can be very costly, as notices
must be prepared in accordance with legal requirements, which differ
between states.
2. Assistance to individuals
3. Compensation to individuals
4. Damage to goodwill
A starting point for many providers is to exclude liability for loss that is
of a purely financial type (such as damage to goodwill, inability to use
the data, lost profits and so on).26 It is difficult for a customer to
persuade a provider to move from its usual stance in relation to these
types of losses. Where there might be movement, however, is in relation
to ‘direct’ types of losses, such as the cost of reconstituting the data
(where it is the provider’s breach of contract that caused a loss or
corruption), or the cost of notifying individuals and setting up help desks.
It might also be possible to have the provider take the financial
consequences of claims brought by individuals against the customer (and
this is normally covered by an indemnity against the claim).
See also 13.2.
52 Cloud Computing
3.9 Key points
Practical tip
See also 13.3.
Cloud Computing 53
3 Information security
54 Cloud Computing
4 Data protection: basics
4.1 Introduction
One of the principal legal issues that arises in cloud computing is that of
data protection law. Data protection legislation governs the treatment of
certain types of information, broadly, information about individuals,
known as ‘personal data’ in the legislation. These laws aim to impose
minimum standards on those handling such information with a view to
protecting the privacy of the individuals involved. It is inevitable, in most
instances, that, in providing cloud services, the provider will be handling
personal data on behalf of the customer. The UK data protection regime
(presently set out primarily in the Data Protection Act 1998 [24] (DPA))
will be a prominent legal issue in any cloud provision.
Cloud Computing 55
4 Data protection: basics
Given the above, it is beyond the scope of this book to deal extensively
with all the provisions in the Proposed Regulation, but a flavour of the
main changes (as they might apply in the cloud) may be useful and for
this see Chapter 8.
There might be the final adoption of a regulation in 2015, but then there will likely be
two years before it is effective. Although there can be no certainty, the earliest substantive
changes will come in would be 2017. Many businesses, though, will be preparing well in
advance of that date.
56 Cloud Computing
4.4 Personal data
1. ‘relate to’
2. Identification
At the time of writing, there were, in fact, three main texts of the Proposed Regulation:
the original proposal from the European Commission of January 2012, a version produced
by the European Council in June 2013, and a version approved by the European Parliament
in October 2013.
Certain manual files are also within the definition but that is outside the scope of this
Cloud Computing 57
4 Data protection: basics
To fully explore the nature of the debate on these concepts is outside the
scope of this book. Regulators generally take a very expansive view of
these definitions31 so that, essentially, most cloud services will involve the
processing of ‘personal data’ and so, if they have a UK (or European)
element, the data protection rules will likely apply. There have been a
number of cases in the UK explaining this definition, which perhaps
indicates that the courts were inclined to give a narrower view of the
definition than the regulators. In the 2003 case of Durant v FSA,32 the
Court of Appeal stated:
Auld LJ (giving the main judgment) set out ‘two notions’ to assist in
deciding whether information was sufficiently relevant and proximate to
an individual to ‘relate to’ that individual. The first notion is that to
constitute ‘personal data’ the information should be ‘biographical in a
significant sense’. Auld LJ set out that the recording of an individual’s
‘involvement in a matter or an event that has no personal connotations’
is not biographical in a significant sense; privacy must be compromised.
The second notion is that the focus of the information should be the
individual (rather than another person, transaction or event). This was
interpreted by many commentators as limiting the definition from the
European norm by always requiring a ‘focus’ or ‘biographical
significance’. A 2014 case of the same court, Edem v Information
Commissioner,33 explained that these notions were only guidance in
difficult cases. In Edem, a lower tribunal had applied them to reach the
conclusion that names of individuals were not personal data since they
were not ‘biographically in a significant sense’ and the context did not
‘focus’ on the individual. This was deemed wrong; those tests had ‘no
relevance whatever’. The court said that the data there was obviously
personal data and more often than not it will be obvious when data
‘relates to’ an individual. Nonetheless, the Durant ‘notions’ will still be
applied in borderline cases.
Both the Article 29 Working Party (in Opinion 4/2007 on the concept of personal data (WP
136) [26]) and the ICO (Data Protection Technical Guidance Determining what is personal
data [27]) have issued guidance on this topic.
[2003] EWCA Civ 1746. See:
[2014] EWCA Civ 92. See:
58 Cloud Computing
4.5 Data controllers and processors
Practical tip
The individual (to whom the data relates) is referred to as a ‘data subject’
in both the DPA [24] and the Data Protection Directive [1].
The Proposed Regulation may well add to this list, certainly by adding ‘genetic data’
(which is not obviously captured by the existing ‘health data’ reference). Various drafts
being discussed include other possible expansions, such as: ‘philosophical beliefs’, ‘sexual
orientation or gender identity’ and ‘biometric data’.
Cloud Computing 59
4 Data protection: basics
60 Cloud Computing
4.5 Data controllers and processors
the financial world, was a data controller and not a processor as had
been believed by SWIFT and member banks. SWIFT transports messages
between financial institutions. Each SWIFT message contains personal
data, including the names of the beneficiary and the ordering customer
of a payment transaction. SWIFT had two data centres: one in the EU, the
other in the US. All messages processed in one centre were automatically
stored and mirrored in the other centre.
Although not a cloud service, there are some features of the service that
are cloud-like: the service is distributed, data (messages) are stored in
multiple data centres of indeterminate location, and the service is usable
on a standard and highly scalable basis by its customers.
In June 2006, it came to light that, since the aftermath of 9/11, SWIFT
had been subpoenaed under US anti-terrorism law to provide certain US
agencies with personal data collected and processed by the SWIFT
network for international money transfers. In September 2006, the
Belgian data protection authority issued an opinion affirming that
SWIFT’s processing activities were in breach of data protection rules. A
little later, in November 2006, the Article 29 Working Party agreed [28].
SWIFT was found to be not a processor, as it always professed, but a
controller. In reaching this view, the regulators and the Article 29
Working Party considered that many of the actions taken by SWIFT (such
as complying with US authorities without informing the financial
institutions concerned) were actions of an autonomous controller, not
those of a processor. There were other features that are present in cloud
situations, such as the fact that the service was designed by the service
provider that also set the security standards.
Further, any service provider, located anywhere, may find itself under
legal compulsion to give up data in its possession (see 2.4); and that
alone – surely? – cannot make the provider a ‘controller’.
Fortunately, the view that more often than not a cloud customer is the
controller and the cloud provider is only a processor has now been
confirmed by specific regulatory guidance.
Cloud Computing 61
4 Data protection: basics
Both the ICO and the Article 29 Working Party emphasize that the fact of
putting the data into the cloud will not absolve the cloud customer from
its data protection obligations: it remains a controller with all the
responsibilities attaching to that [including, in particular, in relation to
security (see Chapter 5)].
Indeed, there may well be difficulties for the cloud customer in ‘legitimizing’ the transfer
to the cloud provider (see 4.8) if the former knows (as it should) that the cloud provider
will use the data for its own purposes. See 10.2 on commercial aspects.
62 Cloud Computing
4.5 Data controllers and processors
Paragraph 2 of Part II of Schedule 1 to the DPA [24], which implements Article 11 of the
Data Protection Directive [1].
Section 7 of the DPA, implementing Article 12 of the Data Protection Directive.
Cloud Computing 63
4 Data protection: basics
Practical tip
On the normal use of the word ‘disclosing’, the answer would seem to be
that it does; after all, the data is entrusted into the possession of the
processor. However, this interpretation leads to some unfortunate
conclusions. If the handing over of the personal data to a processor is
‘processing’, then according to the first data protection principle, that
will need to be assessed as to whether it has been ‘processed fairly’38
and, in particular, a DPA, Schedule 2 ‘legitimizing basis’ would need to be
found (see 4.8.1). Whilst it is possible to argue that at least the condition
in paragraph 6 of the DPA, Schedule 2 will apply to permit a fairly
innocuous appointment of a processor, a difficulty will arise if the
personal data is sensitive personal data. In those circumstances, a
condition in the DPA, Schedule 3 will also need to be found and none is
DPA, Sch. 1, Pt I, para. 1 [24].
64 Cloud Computing
4.6 Jurisdictional issues
The second aspect is that the data needs to be processed in the context
of that establishment. This requirement was an important feature of a
truly momentous decision from 2014.
Cloud Computing 65
4 Data protection: basics
In a landmark ruling on 13 May 2014,39 the CJEU, the EU’s highest court,
found that Google was obliged to remove from its search engine
databases the personal data of an individual, even though that
information was accurate and not ‘prejudicial’. The decision has
generated much publicity and comment, especially concerning the
(supposed) creation (or at least confirmation) of a ‘right to be
Google Spain SL and Google Inc. v Agencia Española de Protección de Datos and Mario
Costeja González, Case C-131/12, 13 May 2014.
Such a right has been suggested in the Proposed Regulation (see 4.3). The European
Commission in June 2014 stated that this judgment shows a ‘right to be forgotten’ exists
anyway under current law and including an express reference to it in the Proposed
Regulation is simply a matter of ‘clarification’ [29].
The press has special protection under the Data Protection Directive [1] and the DPA – but
this is outside the scope of this book.
This aspect was also very controversial. The CJEU had overruled its adviser, the Advocate
General, who gave an opinion that building a search engine which contained personal
data was not the ‘processing’ of personal data within the Data Protection Directive.
66 Cloud Computing
4.6 Jurisdictional issues
incorporated in Spain (and, thus, the EU) but did not operate the search
engine and was not processing personal data.
The CJEU found its way out of this dilemma by highlighting that even
though Google Inc. was not incorporated in the EU, given the
‘inextricable link’ between the search engine activities of Google Inc. and
the sales and advertising activities of Google Spain it could nonetheless
be said that there was an establishment of Google Inc. in Spain. The CJEU
drew attention to the fact that the search engine activities were in the
‘context of the activities of’ Google Spain since the latter sells the range
of advertising services (sponsored advertisements, keyword acquisition
and so on) that fund the search engine service operated by Google Inc..
In other words, Google Inc.’s processing was subject to the jurisdiction of
Spanish data protection law (and, by extension, the data protection law
in all other member states of the EU in which Google has an affiliate
undertaking similar activities to Google Spain).
This approach will likely be applied generally. Any internet (or other
data-processing) business that has a sales or advertising arm within
Europe used to fund that business could be within the reach of EU data
protection rules. In particular, it can easily be seen how this might apply
to cloud services, especially those that are targeted to consumers (e.g.
social media sites).
Cloud Computing 67
4 Data protection: basics
Party’s Opinion on applicable law43 confirms that, in its view, this is all
possible and, indeed, correct. It discusses the possibility in the context of
outsourcing generally, rather than cloud services. It makes the point that
this should certainly be the case when there is a non-tenuous connection
with Europe. It is then only when the connection is tenuous (as it puts it:
‘inadvertent, rather than intentional, use of equipment’) that the Data
Protection Directive [1] (or in the UK, the DPA) should not be applied. Of
course, even when the UK rules apply, if the controller never in fact
‘comes into’ the UK (i.e. if it never has an office or assets here), the data
controller being within the jurisdiction of the UK for data protection
purposes may mean nothing in practice except for a theoretical
application of the rules, and a possibly theoretical transgression. The
application of the DPA on such a theoretical basis is one thing; the ability
of the ICO or courts to enforce the rules is another. Another point is that
the ICO is unlikely to have any appetite to enforce against a non-UK
controller merely within the DPA on the grounds that it is using the
services of an entity that has servers within the UK.
Opinion 8/2010 on applicable law , WP 179 [30], in particular, paragraph III.4.
It is not only the EU data protection law that causes these types of difficulties. See 7.6.2 for
a discussion of how US data breach notification laws are also ‘exported’ to non-US
68 Cloud Computing
4.8 Legitimization of processing
1. Data must be fairly and lawfully processed. This principle will not be
satisfied unless one of the conditions set out in Schedule 2 to the
DPA is met. In the case of sensitive personal data, one of the
conditions in Schedule 3 must also be met. We discuss these
schedules further on.
2. Data must be obtained and only processed for the purposes
3. Data must be kept adequate and relevant, and must not be excessive
in relation to its purpose.
4. Data must be accurate and up to date.
5. Data must be kept for no longer than is necessary.
6. The rights of the data subject must be respected.
7. Data must be safeguarded by technical and organizational measures
against unauthorized access and loss or damage.
8. Data must be safeguarded and not transferred to countries outside
the EEA46 unless adequate safeguards are in place.
It is the last two principles that present the biggest challenge in a cloud
environment, but the others remain important for both customer and
provider alike.
Including one on cloud computing: Guidance on the use of cloud computing [13].
The EEA is the EU together with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Cloud Computing 69
4 Data protection: basics
• The data subject has given his explicit consent to the processing of
the personal data.
• The processing is necessary for compliance with employment law.
• The processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data
subject or another person (where consent cannot be obtained).
70 Cloud Computing
4.9 Notification to the Information Commissioner’s Office
The other issue likely to occur in relation to a cloud offering concerns the
details that the controller is obliged to file. The controller, in its
notification, should state the names of the countries outside the EEA (see
6.4 and 6.7) to which the data is to be transferred.
Cloud Computing 71
4 Data protection: basics
Practical tip
4.10 Enforcement
A feature of the UK implementation of the Data Protection Directive [1],
and in marked contrast to other European member states, is the
relatively benign consequences of breaching the rules: there are very few
criminal sanctions (and none directly relevant to a cloud situation), it is
hard for individuals to claim compensation, and there are relatively
limited powers for the regulator to fine. The position may well change,
however, in the not too distant future (see 8.15).
Practical tip
72 Cloud Computing
4.10 Enforcement
The fine cannot be more than £500,000. The ICO has issued guidance [18]
on how the power to fine will be exercised. The guidance deals with the
‘Circumstances in which the Commissioner would consider it appropriate
to issue a monetary penalty notice’, and how it will determine the
amount of the penalty. This makes it clear that the ICO will take into
account the sector and the size, and the financial and other resources, of
Namely, the controller must have known (or ought to have known) that there was a risk of
a contravention occurring and failed to take reasonable steps to prevent it (Section 55A(3),
Cloud Computing 73
4 Data protection: basics
the controller and, indeed, that it is not the purpose of the monetary
penalty notice to impose undue financial hardship on an otherwise
responsible controller.
Whilst there have been some fines directed at the private sector, by and
large most substantial fines to date have been against public bodies. One
difficulty the regulator has in using these powers is to be satisfied that
the threshold requirement, that there has been ‘substantial damage’ or
‘substantial distress’, has been met, which for much commercial activity is
perhaps a hard test to meet.
In the public sector, the largest fine at the time of writing was a £325,000
penalty imposed upon Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Trust48, following the discovery of highly sensitive personal data
belonging to thousands of patients and staff on hard drives sold on an
internet auction site – a fairly clear breach of the security principle.
The ICO found that there was a serious contravention of the seventh
data protection principle, namely, that Sony failed to ensure that
appropriate technical measures were taken against unauthorized or
unlawful processing of personal data. The measures taken by Sony did
not ensure a level of security appropriate to the harm that might result
from a breach. The notice served on Sony was made public but (for
obvious security reasons) with much of the detail of the transgression
redacted. From the publicly available details, though, it is clear that the
ICO considered that Sony had not kept up with the latest technological
developments, such as additional cryptographic controls to protect
The ICO was also satisfied that the breach was of a kind likely to cause
substantial damage or substantial distress, in particular, that Sony’s users
suffered considerable distress knowing that their personal data had been,
or may have been, accessed by third parties and could have been further
disclosed. Lastly, the ICO ruled that Sony knew, or ought to have known,
Monetary Penalty Notice, dated 28 May 2012, served by ICO.
74 Cloud Computing
4.10 Enforcement
that there was a risk that the contravention would occur unless
reasonable steps were taken to prevent the contravention, such as
additional cryptographic controls.
The largest private sector fine was £300,000, imposed in January 2012
against Christopher Niebel, the director of Tetrus Telecoms, a company
responsible for sending thousands of unlawful spam messages. However,
this fine was successfully appealed when the Information Rights Tribunal
ruled in October 2013 that insufficient damage or distress had been
caused to recipients to merit the penalty.49
Practical tip
Cloud Computing 75
4 Data protection: basics
1. Are there any regulatory requirements in putting the data into the
cloud (irrespective of the issue of which country the data is in)?
76 Cloud Computing
4.12 Key points
right to sue for damages for certain breaches. Even if caused by the
cloud provider, a customer would be the target of any such
regulatory action or data subject claim. A customer should include
appropriate indemnities in the contract so that any liability that is
properly the fault of the provider can be fully passed on.
Cloud Computing 77
5 Data protection: appointing a
cloud provider
5.1 Introduction
We are discussing the situation where the cloud service involves the
processing of ‘personal data’. If the data is, say, purely scientific or
financial or similar in nature, and does not relate to or identify any
individual, then data protection rules will not apply. There is often a
focus in discussions on data protection, which arises when a cloud
customer wishes to put into the cloud personal data of which it is data
controller, on issues around the transference of data out of the UK or
Europe (in particular to the US). We address these issues in Chapter 6.
This chapter explores a preliminary issue, namely, requirements that arise
when personal data is put into the cloud, independent of those that arise
when data is transferred outside national borders. In other words, it
explores the compliance issues that arise when a UK company entrusts
personal data to a UK cloud provider using only UK-based servers.
The position may well change as part of the imminent reform of data protection law (see
Chapter 8 and, in particular, 8.9).
78 Cloud Computing
5.3 Cloud provider as a data processor
Cloud Computing 79
5 Data protection: appointing a cloud provider
The explanatory provisions around this principle deal only with processors
generally and not cloud providers. Paragraph 11 of Part 2, Schedule 1 of
the DPA [24] requires that when personal data is entrusted to any
processor (and so therefore also any cloud provider), the controller (the
cloud customer) must:
These requirements are, on the face of it, not hard to fulfil. The
contractual language required by the DPA is language that a customer is
likely to want in any case for commercial reasons – to only use the data
on the customer’s instructions (that is, for the customer’s benefit) and to
keep the data secure. The only potential difficulty is the level of security
that is required by the seventh data protection principle and which the
DPA requires the customer to impose upon the provider. Will the
provider, having reached a view as to what is, in fact, appropriate,
necessarily agree with the customer? We discussed the issue of the
customer imposing its security requirements onto the provider in
Chapter 3.
80 Cloud Computing
5.5 Can personal data be put into the cloud?
Cloud Computing 81
5 Data protection: appointing a cloud provider
Practical tip
The ICO in its guidance on the use of cloud computing [13] reminds data
controllers that they should attempt to minimize the amount of personal
data they move into the cloud (or the same cloud service). A risk
assessment should be carried out in that some types of personal data
have a greater impact upon privacy than others. The outcome is often
going to be an assessment of how risks should be mitigated (rather than
a block on the use of the cloud services altogether).
Practical tip
The ICO in its opinion on cloud computing [13] reminds potential cloud
customers that they need to assess the risks which might arise and take
appropriate steps to mitigate those risks. In some circumstances,
especially when there are complex services, a formal ‘privacy impact
82 Cloud Computing
5.6 Pre-contract due diligence
In earlier guidance relating to outsourcing [32], the ICO was of the view
that the customer should take into account the legislation in place in the
country where the provider is located (when the data centres are outside
Europe). The customer should consider whether the provider’s country
has any particular security risks associated with it, including whether
there is any data protection legislation in that country and whether any
other legislation may affect the security of the data. (We are not
considering here the issue – which arises separately under the eighth
data protection principle and we discuss in the next chapter – of how a
customer can legitimize the transferring of data abroad. Having said that,
some of the factors relevant to an assessment of the seventh data
protection principle will also be relevant to an assessment of the eighth
In its more recent cloud computing guidance, however, the ICO does not
go so far. There is express recognition in two examples of the use of
non-European sites by providers. It contains a reminder that the customer
should identify where the data centres are located and enquire as to how
the data would be protected there. In a layered service, the enquiry
should extend to all sub-processors.
These type of assessments (generally, not only for cloud services) might shortly become a
legal requirement as a part of the data protection reform package currently being
discussed (see 8.12).
Cloud Computing 83
5 Data protection: appointing a cloud provider
Practical tip
The recent ICO guidance on cloud computing [13] does not refer to this
requirement explicitly. However, it does, as we have seen above, deal
with the related issue of assessing security as part of pre-contract due
diligence, where it clearly states that physical inspection is not needed
(see 5.6). Given the recognition that it is impractical to require physical
inspection at that phase, it is safe to assume that the ICO would feel you
could comply with the ongoing monitoring requirement other than by
actual inspection.
Practical tip
84 Cloud Computing
5.9 Key points
If the assessment points towards informing the data subject that their
personal data is stored in a cloud service, then this can be communicated
via a privacy policy or notice or for employees via an employee handbook
or similar.
Cloud Computing 85
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud
6.1 Introduction
We now consider the other principal issue for cloud structures under UK
and European data protection law: the restriction on data flows out of
Europe contained in the eighth data protection principle (Schedule 1 of
the DPA [24]). It is important to bear in mind that the discussion in this
section is separate from the discussion in relation to security set out in
the seventh data protection principle. There is overlap, of course, in that
both compliance obligations will necessitate an assessment of security
and may require an assessment as to the local laws that might impact
upon the security.
86 Cloud Computing
6.2 Onward transfers by the cloud provider
We consider the impact of these rules, both from the cloud customer
viewpoint (where it is attempting to comply with UK or European data
protection rules) and from the provider viewpoint (where it is trying to
accommodate the customer’s compliance concerns).
Cloud Computing 87
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
At the time of writing, only a small number of countries have been the
subject of adequacy findings (including Argentina, Canada, Israel,
Switzerland, Uruguay and Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man). The US,
the source of many of the most prominent cloud services, is a notable
omission from this list.
Practical tip
For example, ‘adequacy findings’ in relation to passenger name record (PNR) information
that is transferred to the US pursuant to an agreement made between the EU and the US.
88 Cloud Computing
6.4 The US Safe Harbor scheme
In any case, this is not an issue for the cloud customer, but one for the
Cloud Computing 89
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
Practical tip
Available through
90 Cloud Computing
6.4 The US Safe Harbor scheme
Practical tip
Despite its broad appeal, the Safe Harbor scheme has some drawbacks.
US providers that wish to benefit from this scheme must take positive
steps to comply with the seven principles. For instance, they must (at
least if they are a controller) (see 4.4) give notice to individuals of the
purposes for which their personal data is collected and used. They must
also disclose any onward transfer (i.e. a transfer to a third party, or using
the data for a different purpose) and give individuals an option to opt
out of the onward transfer, which will make it difficult for a cloud
provider using a third-party data centre (for example, a company at the
SaaS level acquiring infrastructure capacity from an IaaS supplier). More
importantly, providers will need to be aware of the enforcement
Although see 6.4.6.
The US Safe Harbor – Fact or Fiction?, Galexia Pty Ltd, 12 December 2008.
Cloud Computing 91
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
form the subject of the transferred data to make a claim for damages in
relation to a breach of the Safe Harbor principles. To date no such claim
has been made.
92 Cloud Computing
6.4 The US Safe Harbor scheme
It is expected that the Safe Harbor system will survive the EU reform
package on data protection that is currently progressing (see Chapter 8),
the original draft of the Proposed Regulation [65] expressly stating that
existing ‘adequacy’ findings would be recognized. The European
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the
Functioning of the Safe Harbour from the Perspective of EU Citizens and Companies
Established in the EU, 27 November 2013.
Draft Report on the US NSA surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various
Member States and their impact on EU citizens’ fundamental rights and on transatlantic
cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs (2013/2188(INI)), Committee on Civil Liberties,
Justice and Home Affairs, 8 January 2014.
Cloud Computing 93
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
Parliament had (as part of its suite of amendments to the original text)
suggested that all existing ‘adequacy’ findings, including Safe Harbor,
would expire after two years. If this were enacted, then, in practice (just
as the original directive prompted a US–EU deal: Safe Harbor), it would
result in a substitute method, which may then require a wholesale
‘re-certification’ exercise by many US companies. It is hard to see how this
is a desirable outcome and, at the time of writing, the European
Commission and the European Council did not seem inclined to agree
with the European Parliament.
The result of this was soon apparent. In January 2014, the FTC announced
that it had entered into settlement agreements with 12 companies that
had allegedly falsely represented that they were current certified
members of Safe Harbor.60 The 12 companies represented, in their privacy
policies or by displaying the Safe Harbor certification mark on their
websites, that they adhered to Safe Harbor principles or had current Safe
Harbor certifications, despite the fact that their memberships had, in fact,
Importantly, the FTC did not allege that any of the companies in question
had inadequate procedures in place concerning personal data or that any
individuals or entities were harmed. Since the FTC found no substantive
violations of the Safe Harbor principles by any of the 12 companies, the
FTC’s actions focused solely on the fact that they had not properly
renewed their annual self-certification with the DOC.
Press release: FTC Settles with Twelve Companies Falsely Claiming to Comply with
International Safe Harbor Privacy Framework, 21 January 2014.
94 Cloud Computing
6.4 The US Safe Harbor scheme
This opinion reminds the data controller (the cloud customer) that it
should not merely rely on a statement as to self-certification. On the
contrary, the customer should check that the cloud provider is in fact on
the Safe Harbor list (a trivial check) and also request evidence that the
principles are being complied with. It does go on to state ‘that the Safe
Harbor principles by themselves may also not guarantee’ appropriate
security measures are being applied by the cloud provider in the US. And
so it concludes with a statement that ‘it might be advisable to
complement’ the Safe Harbor commitment of the cloud provider with
additional safeguards, taking into account the specific nature of the
cloud. Some member states’ laws (but not – at least, not clearly – the
UK’s) may require a processor to inform the data controller of the
location of the data and of any sub-processors. In those circumstances,
the cloud customer is ‘encouraged’ to use other legal instruments for the
transfer of data (i.e. not just to rely on Safe Harbor), such as standard
contractual clauses or ‘binding corporate rules’ (see 6.5 and 6.7,
Cloud Computing 95
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
The DOC also states that the Article 29 Working Party’s views are
non-binding and recommendations only. The document repeatedly
emphasizes that the Article 29 Working Party’s opinions are all qualified
with expressions such as ‘may not’, ‘encouraged to’ and so on.
96 Cloud Computing
6.5 Standard clauses
Commission Decision of 14 June 2001 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of
personal data to third countries, under Directive 95/46/EC (2001/497/EC).
Commission Decision of 27 December 2004 amending decision 2001/497/EC as regards the
introduction of an alternative set of standard contractual clauses for the transfer of
personal data to third countries, under Directive 95/46/EC (2004/915/EC).
Commission Decision of 5 February 2010 on standard contractual clauses for the transfer of
personal data to processors established in third countries under Directive 95/46/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council (2010/87/EU).
Cloud Computing 97
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
The standard clauses used will not, of course, replace the principal
contract between the customer and a cloud provider; full commercial
terms (including in relation to information security) will be needed. The
clauses are in addition to those terms. The standard clauses chosen can
be simply incorporated as a schedule to the main agreement or be signed
separately; the precise form does not really matter. As noted, however,
whichever set is used, it cannot be amended (at least not without losing
the automatic compliance with the eighth data protection principle,
which is the main benefit).
Practical tip
Although some providers openly promote the fact that they are willing to put in place
standard clauses, e.g. Google in relation to its Google Apps offering.
98 Cloud Computing
6.5 Standard clauses
Practical tip
The ICO, though, takes the view66 that if the standard clauses are
amended so that they no longer attract the European Commission’s
‘guarantee’ that they provide adequate safeguards, they may still operate
as contractual arrangements supporting a ‘self-assessment’ by the data
controller as to adequacy (on the basis described at 6.6).
See its guidance Model Contract Clauses, International transfers of personal data, 2012.
Cloud Computing 99
6 Transfers of data to non-EU cloud providers
If the customer has put in place one of the sets of standard clauses with
its SaaS provider, say, the clauses need to permit that onward transfer. Do
the standard clauses allow this? Whilst there are a number of potential
scenarios that theoretically can arise, for all practical purposes, the only
set of clauses to consider is the ‘controller-to-processor’ clauses.67
The above analysis assumes that the sub-processor (in the example, the
IaaS) is in the same country as the cloud provider (the SaaS). What is the
position if the sub-processor is in fact in another country? None of the
sets of standard clauses generally (nor the controller-to-processor clauses
specifically) has a requirement that the ‘importer’ keeps the data in a
specified country. However, there is a requirement upon the cloud
provider to at least be aware of the country in which the data is stored.
This is because the cloud provider must give an assurance that it knows
of no legal difficulty which might apply. Specifically, in the
controller-to-processor clauses, the cloud provider must give an assurance
that ‘it has no reason to believe that the legislation applicable to it
prevents it from fulfilling the instructions received from the data
exporter and its obligations under the contract’.68 If it becomes aware of
Theoretically, a cloud provider could, in fact, also be a controller (as discussed at 4.5), and
so could the sub-processor. So situations to explore could include whether a cloud provider
as a controller (using either set of controller-to-controller clauses) is able to transfer data
to a sub-provider in a situation when that sub-provider is either a controller itself or also a
processor. We explored more of this in the first edition of this book.
See Clause 5(b) of the standard clauses (controller-to-processor).
6.6 Self-assessment
6.6.1 Introduction
The ‘self-assessment’ approach to legitimizing transfers of data from EU
member states to third countries is a valid approach in the UK (but not
generally throughout the other member states). The approach is based
on the premise that the data exporter should itself consider and make a
judgement as to whether, in the particular circumstances of a transfer,
that transfer is going to be made to a country that can ensure an
adequate level of protection. The DPA [24] imposes a direct obligation
upon data controllers to ensure, and assess, the adequacy of the
protection of the data when it is transferred. In short, the data controller
should approach the eighth data protection principle in the same manner
as it approaches the other data protection principles. Just as it makes its
own assessment as to whether or not processing is fair (first principle) or
as to security measures to take (seventh principle) and so on, it, too, has
to make its own assessment as to whether there is an adequate level of
The ‘general adequacy criteria’ include the nature of the personal data,
the purposes for which, and period during which, the data is to be
transferred, the countries involved, and any security measures to be
Sometimes the nature of the personal data will indicate that there is
little risk (e.g. internal telephone directory information or commercial
partners’ contact details). Conversely, if sensitive personal data (e.g.
health records) is being transferred, risks will clearly be higher. The ICO
places emphasis on the purpose of the transfer. If the transfer is only for
internal purposes, there is less risk than if, say, it is being distributed
more widely for marketing purposes. The period of the transfer is one of
the criteria. Short-term transfers are, again, less risky but still require
proper assessment as to the risks, and appropriate protection.
The ICO guidance on the use of cloud computing [13] does not expressly
deal with transfers outside Europe. As mentioned in 6.6.1, it refers to the
general guidance on transfers of data. This in turn refers to a separate
guide on data protection and outsourcing, which, amongst other things,
Assessing Adequacy, International data transfers [36].
You do not necessarily need to use the model contract clauses when
entering into an international outsourcing arrangement if you have
found an alternative means of complying with, or using an exception
to, the Eighth Principle. For example, ensuring compliance with the
security requirements of the Seventh Principle will go some way
towards satisfying the adequacy requirements of the Eighth Principle
(given the continuing contractual relationship between you and your
processor and your continuing liability for data protection
compliance under the Act).[32]
The reason for this is that, where such a transfer is made, the UK data
controller exporting the data remains the controller and, as such, remains
subject to the ICO’s powers of enforcement. In effect, it remains
responsible for protecting individuals’ rights under the DPA [24] in
relation to the overseas processing of the personal data by the data
Practical tip
Practical tip
As initially envisaged, they dealt with the situation where the company
sharing the data was the controller of that data. As such, they were not
applicable in the context of an arm’s length, third-party provision of
cloud services. A cloud provider is normally (as we have seen) a processor
and is not in the same group as the data controller that has the data
protection responsibility to comply with cross-border data flow rules. In
the ‘classic’ BCRs, a controller can share data with other members of its
group but not externally (without some other method being put in
This is ideal for companies that are providing cloud services to their
corporate customers. Once they obtain approval of their BCR-Ps, they will
have removed a compliance headache from the cloud customer. The
cloud customer will no longer need to worry about any of the other
compliance methods already discussed (and need not worry about the
location of the data within the provider’s organization). A number of
large, multinational companies (such as Accenture, Atmel and Hyatt), at
the time of writing just over 60, have opted for BCRs as their regime of
choice for complying with the Data Protection Directive [1]. Five further
The BCR-Ps must contain a list of the entities that are part of the BCR-Ps
and explain the scope, that is, the nature of the data to be transferred,
purpose and data importers/exporters.
In particular, Working Document 02/2012 setting up a table with the elements and
principles to be found in Processor Binding Corporate Rules (WP 195) [37], and Explanatory
Document on the Processor Binding Corporate Rules (WP 204) [38].
The BCR-Ps must contain a clear duty for all members of the group and
all employees to respect the BCR-Ps. The BCR-Ps must expressly state that
all members of the processor’s group and all employees must respect
instructions regarding data processing, security and confidentiality, as
provided in the SLA. A number of mechanisms are available to ensure
that the BCR-Ps are binding, including intra-group agreements (to bind
the companies to the rules) and employment contracts or employee
policies (to bind employees).
Right of recourse
The BCR-Ps must grant rights to data subjects to enforce the BCR-Ps as
‘third party beneficiaries’. These rights allow them to seek recourse
through the courts or through data protection regulators if there is a
breach (even if that breach is outside Europe). If a data subject is not
able to bring a claim against the data controller, they must have the right
to bring a claim against the processor before a regulator or court.
See further at 6.7.5.
Complaints procedure
The processor group must create a specific contact point for the data
subject. All members of the BCR-Ps have a duty to report any complaint
to its customer. As the customer is the data controller, it will handle any
complaints from data subjects. It is only if the controller has ceased to
exist (e.g. through insolvency) that the processor is obliged to handle the
Audit procedure
The BCR-Ps must create a duty for the processor to have data protection
audits on a regular basis (either by internal or external accredited
auditors). The audit programme must cover all aspects of the BCR-Ps. The
result is to be made accessible to the controller. In addition, the
controller can request that it be permitted to carry out an audit (directly
or with a third-party inspection body).
The BCR-Ps should set out the procedure for reporting relevant data
treatment changes once a year to the data protection authorities and the
controller. If a change affects processing conditions it should be
communicated to the controller in time to allow it to object or to
terminate the contract before the change is made.
The early days of BCRs were difficult in that, once they had been
prepared (which we have seen is not trivial), the BCRs then needed to be
approved by all relevant data protection regulators, that is, by the
regulator in each country in which the group had a European presence. If
the applicant group operated in all EU member states, it would have to
liaise with (and seek approval from) 28 different regulators. Moreover,
approval by one regulator did not mean that others would agree that
the safeguards were sufficient.
Over time the process changed. First, it became possible to deal only with
one regulator (the ‘lead authority’), which co-ordinated with the other
regulators on behalf of the applicant. But the process still then needed
the input of the other regulators, which, whilst an improvement, did not
in itself remove the need to deal with the comments and concerns of a
multitude of regulators (and the regulators may disagree with each other
on changes that should be sought from the applicant).
The BCR-Ps are then submitted to the lead authority, which reviews them
and provides comments to the processor. The aim is for the authority to
satisfy itself that the documentation matches the requirements set by the
Article 29 Working Party.75
If the lead authority feels that any amendments are needed, it will
inform the applicant. A dialogue may arise and the process is iterated
until the lead authority is satisfied that requirements are met.
Article 29 Working Party, Working Document Setting Forth a Co-Operation Procedure for
Issuing Common Opinions on Adequate Safeguards Resulting From ’Binding Corporate
Rules’ (WP 107) and Working Document establishing a model checklist application for
approval of Binding Corporate Rules (WP 108) both adopted on 14 April 2005.
See footnote 89.
When the lead authority is content with the BCR-Ps, it commences the EU
co-operation procedure by circulating the BCR-Ps to the relevant data
protection authorities. These will be the authorities in the countries from
where the group transfers personal data out of the EU (or, more strictly,
where it transfers data to, from these countries to other countries that
do not have an adequate level of protection).
The authorities there will only have to acknowledge receipt (since they
do not undertake a substantive scrutiny).
The SLA should specify if a general prior consent given at the beginning
of the service is sufficient for processing within the processor’s group, or
whether specific consent will be required for each new sub-processing.
When general prior consent is given, controllers should – says the Article
29 Working Party – retain the right to object to any new sub-processor.
The BCR rules apply throughout the EEA and not only in the EU.
The following countries were not, at the time of writing: Croatia, Denmark, Finland,
Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland.
However, BCR-Ps may well be something that some of the larger cloud
providers move towards. In circumstances where Safe Harbor is being
criticized within Europe and some regulators are discouraging the data
controllers over which they have jurisdiction from relying on it (see 6.4.5),
BCR-Ps may well become more attractive.
See footnote 72.
6.8 Authorization
In some countries, although not in the UK, there exists an obligation
upon the data controller to obtain authorization from a data protection
authority. This takes a number of forms. Some countries, such as
Luxembourg, require a prior authorization (which can take some months
to obtain) before the data is permitted to be transferred. Other
countries, such as France, simply have a requirement for the regulator to
be notified of the transfer.
This remains the case even if the non-EU cloud provider to which the EU
controller is entrusting data has complied with one of the methods set
out in this chapter, such as having joined Safe Harbor or having in place
BCR-Ps. The local regulator may scrutinize the method and require
Article 29 Working Party, Working Document on a Common Interpretation of Article 26(1)
of Directive 95/46 of 24 October 1995 adopted on 25 November 2005 (WP 114).
7.1 Introduction
This chapter considers whether there are any requirements to inform
individuals or regulators if there is a breach of security in the cloud.
It is all well and good to have a robust and substantive data protection
law, which many countries (certainly, of course, in Europe) do have, but
when those laws are breached and there is a danger of leakage of
personal information to the potential detriment of the individuals
concerned, the issue arises as to whether there is a legal duty upon the
data controller to notify the individuals concerned. These laws are
generally known as ‘data breach notification’ laws and, as we will see,
the position in the UK (and in Europe) is that there is, at present,
generally no such obligation (although the position may change as part
of the Proposed Regulation [65] (see 8.11)). Nonetheless, the data will be
in the hands of a cloud provider that may be in a jurisdiction (notably,
the US) where there are such obligations. The issue which then arises
(even under the current UK and European regimes) is whether the
provider itself might be subject to such a law when it is the provider’s
customer’s data that has been compromised.
The data breach notification laws differ from state to state. They are
concerned only with specific types of data (different in each state). For
example, California (the first state to enact such laws) initially enacted
them for names and addresses together with at least one of the
following: social security number, driver’s licence/ID number or bank
account details (only if a PIN or password was involved). Other states
(now including California) have extended the laws to medical records and
other types of data. Some states only require notification to their own
citizens (not those of other states or non-US citizens). Moreover, the
notification applies to any company (whether located within that state
or, indeed, within the US, or not) that holds the relevant data about one
of the state’s residents. In practice, however, data breach notification in
the US seems to be given to all individuals who might be concerned,
irrespective of residency.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 [33] (HIPAA) Privacy,
Security and Breach Notification Rules.
The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act 1999 [34] (GBL).
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 [35] (COPPA).
In the event of such a personal data breach, the covered entity must,
without delay, notify the ICO about the breach. If the breach is likely to
adversely affect the personal data or privacy of an individual then the
provider must also notify them of the breach ‘without undue delay’.
However, where the data is encrypted, the provider is unlikely to be
required to notify the individuals affected.
When the requirement to notify the individual arises, the provider must
at least describe the nature of the breach, provide contact points for
further information, and recommend measures to mitigate the possible
adverse effects of the breach. The notification to the ICO must, in
addition to the above, describe the consequences of, and the measures
proposed or taken by the provider to address, the personal data breach.
Practical tip
PEC Regs, regulation 2(1).
In the ICO’s Guidance on data security breach management [41].
The nature of the breach will, according to the ICO, determine to a large
extent who should be notified. The organization should consider
notifying third parties such as the police, insurers, professional bodies,
bank or credit card companies and trade unions. When notifying
individuals, the ICO states that an organization should always give clear
and specific advice of the steps that they can take to protect themselves
and what the organization can do to help them. Contact details of the
organization should be provided to allow individuals to contact it for
further information or with specific queries.
Practical tip
Whilst the ICO’s guidance is non-binding, the ICO will likely, when
considering its enforcement powers, look more favourably upon a
controller that follows the guidance than one that does not. Cloud
customers (and providers) subject to UK law should have due regard
to this guidance if there is ever a security incident.
departments and NHS organizations are required to notify the ICO in the
event of a data breach. There is no statute creating this rule – it results
from a report by the Cabinet Office, Data Handling Procedures in
Government,86 which followed the Data Handling Review commissioned
by the then Prime Minister in November 2007 following the HMRC
breach. The report also gives the ICO the power to carry out spot checks
on government departments to ensure that they are complying with the
DPA [24].
The FCA and PRA consider that this requirement extends to ‘any
significant failure in the firm’s systems or controls’.88 This would cover
any serious data breach or where a security lapse indicates a significant
breakdown of proper systems and controls. There is no specific
requirement for firms to notify individuals but the FCA has said that it
has the power to order a company to disclose details of a data breach to
its customers.
Data Handling Procedures in Government: Final Report, June 2008. Available here:
Principle 11 of the FCA’s ‘Principles for Businesses’ (PRIN 2.1.1R) and Fundamental Rule 7 of
the PRA.
FCA Handbook [42], SUP 15.3.8G(2); PRA Rulebook [43], Notification 2.3(2).
On 1 April 2013, principal responsibility for UK financial services regulation under the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 [44] (FSMA) was transferred from the FSA to the
FCA and PRA.
See the FCA Handbook, ‘Financial crime: a guide for firms, Part 1: A firm’s guide to
preventing financial crime’, at Box 5.1, p.39 [42].
Practical tip
The US position is, in fact, very much more complex. The data breach
notification requirements of a US state apply to any company that holds
data about a resident of that state, even if that company does not
operate in that state (nor use a cloud or other provider in that state).
Accordingly, a UK company selling services into the US, with its customers
throughout the US, may – in theory – have to look at the laws applicable
in each of those states. In other words, there need be no relation with
the US state in question other than the fact that the customer holds data
about one of its residents, and the state’s data breach notification law –
in theory – then applies.
Practical tip
8.1 Introduction
As mentioned in 4.3, in January 2012, a proposal was made by the
European Commission for the replacement of the Data Protection
Directive [1] with a regulation (the ‘Proposed Regulation’ [65]), which
would be directly applicable across Europe. The DPA [24] will have to be
amended or replaced as a result. It is beyond the scope of this book to
deal extensively with all the provisions in the Proposed Regulation (even
as they might apply in the cloud), but we set out a flavour of the main
changes in the proposal.
8.2 Consent91
There would be stricter rules on what constitutes ‘consent’ (an often
important concept in data protection law). Consent under the current
law may sometimes be inferred from circumstance. The Proposed
Regulation would require that consent be ‘informed’ and ‘explicit’ with a
‘clear affirmative action’ or ‘statement’. If a data controller relies on
consent, the controller has the burden of proof on showing that it was
given. Significantly, the Proposed Regulation contains a limitation that
consent could not be used when there is a ‘significant imbalance’
between the data subject and the controller (such as in an employee
Article 4 and Article 7 of the Proposed Regulation. In this chapter we refer here to the
initial version published by the European Commission in January 2012. There are others;
see footnote 29.
Article 3 of the Proposed Regulation.
This proposal is likely to more clearly bring non-EU cloud providers into
the scope of EU data protection law when they have individual customers
(they will be ‘offering’ services to them) or even when they are only
‘monitoring’ them. These terms are inherently vague: how many
customers need to be within Europe before the services are ‘offered’ into
Europe? What does monitoring mean (does it include tailoring websites
as a result of browsing history)?
1. the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was
2. the subject withdraws their consent, or the storage period expires,
and there is no legal ground for further holding the data;
3. the subject objects to the processing of their data; or
4. the processing does not comply with the Proposed Regulation.
Article 4 of the Proposed Regulation.
Article 17 of the Proposed Regulation.
The right would also require the data controller to take various steps to
have third parties remove the relevant data relating to the data subject.
To a certain extent, this type of right already exists in the Data Protection
Directive [1]; at least according to the recent Google Spain case (see
4.6.2). Nonetheless, the proposed language is certainly more direct and
arguably much wider, with far-reaching implications. However, at the
time of writing, that judgment, and this whole area, continues to prove
highly controversial.
Article 18 of the Proposed Regulation.
Article 23 of the Proposed Regulation.
8.10 Documentation100
As it stands, the Proposed Regulation will require all data controllers and
processors (with more than 250 employees) to maintain an extensive
amount of documentation. This will include the names and contact
details of data protection officers, descriptions of categories of data
subjects whose data they hold, and so forth. The controller and processor
should make such documentation available to the local data protection
regulator on request.
Article 25 of the Proposed Regulation.
Article 26 of the Proposed Regulation.
If enacted as drafted, it remains to be seen whether data protection regulators will accept
this type of ‘blanket’ obtaining of permission. However, not to do so could cause serious
disruption to business.
Article 28 of the Proposed Regulation.
Cloud customers (where these specific risks arise) will likely have to
undertake such assessments prior to acquiring cloud services.
Article 31 and Article 32 of the Proposed Regulation.
Article 33 of the Proposed Regulation.
Articles 35 to 37 of the Proposed Regulation.
A DPO must be suitably qualified and they must be appointed for at least
two years – with only very limited rights of dismissal. The DPO is to be
independent and receive proper support from the controller or processor.
The controller or processor must communicate the identity of the DPO to
the relevant regulator, and data subjects will have the ability to contact
the DPO directly.
The useful addition to the current rules is that the Proposed Regulation
explicitly recognizes BCR-Ps (discussed at 6.7).
Articles 40 to 43 of the Proposed Regulation.
See Chapter 6 for the current position.
Fines can also be levied against a processor for breach of its obligations.
Article 79 of the Proposed Regulation.
9.1 Introduction
The software licensing issues that arise in cloud computing depend very
much on what type of cloud services are being considered. A SaaS
provision should not present too many difficulties (at least for the
customer). In just the same way as a customer would license software in a
traditional ‘on-premises’ acquisition, it obtains rights to use that software
through the SaaS. The provider ensures that it has any third-party rights
it needs to include.
The issues on legacy licences arise not only when putting systems into a
public cloud IaaS system, but also when being put onto a private cloud
or, simply, a virtualized service.
Practical tip
Practical tip
Practical tip
The name of a particular piece of open-source software published by the FSF, the GNU
Operating System; ‘GNU’ is a recursive acronym for ‘GNU’s Not Unix’.
the so-called viral effect (as the open nature of the software ‘infects’
other software) or the ‘copyleft’ principle, and we explore this in the
cloud context in 9.3.2.
However, before doing so, it is worth pointing out that there is another
way in which open source arises in the cloud computing field.
Open-source software might be used as an infrastructure or development
tool by the provider. Much of the software that is being used by
providers of cloud services has been developed and licensed in
accordance with open-source principles. There are already prominent
examples of this in relation to such software as virtualization software,
file storage software, and other software at the infrastructure level.
Except to the extent that, say, use of infrastructure software as part of a
service that is then sold onto users might properly be classified as
‘distribution’, leading to the copyleft problem (as described in 9.3.2),
there are, in fact, no novel legal issues arising, simply because the
applications that might be developed are being built using open-source
components or tools. All that the provider needs to do is the normal step
of ensuring that its intended use is within the scope of the terms of the
Each of the many different types of open-source licences deals with this
issue in its own different way, and it is important for any software
developer or reseller to examine carefully the terms of any open-source
software component it wants to use, in particular to determine whether
any new software (or revision to the open-source component) would in
turn be subject to the original open-source licence terms. For example,
one of the most popular open-source licences, the GNU GPL (version 2),
requires that a licensee which modifies and creates a ‘work based on the
Program’ must also distribute the source code of not only the original
open-source software, but also the ‘work based on the Program’109 – the
viral effect. The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), which is
designed for the licensing of open-source libraries, tries to draw a
distinction (not too clear to apply in practice) between a work ‘based on’
the library and a work ‘that uses’ the library.110 The former contains code
derived from the library, whereas the latter must be combined with the
library in order to run. It is only the former that, in theory, is subject to
the viral effect; the source code of a work ‘based on’ the library must be
distributed if the work itself is distributed. However, there is a trap for
the unwary: if the new work is linked to the library before distribution
(which it may be if a fully built executable is distributed) then that is not
a work ‘that uses’ the library; it is instead a work ‘based on’ the library
(because it then contains portions of the library).
Practical tip
See footnote 109.
Software that is included within this viral effect is the original software
or any work that is a ‘modified version’ of the software (or, another
expression, as used in 9.3.2, a work ‘based on’ the earlier work). (The
GNU Affero GPL licence here uses terminology that is present in the GNU
GPL licences.)
One difficulty with the GNU licences is that the concept of what is a
‘modified version’ is unclear. The GNU website says simply: ‘Where’s the
line between two separate programs, and one program with two parts?
This is a legal question, which ultimately judges will decide.’ Its own
preferred view is to focus on the means of communication between the
two parts. If the two parts are bound together in the same executable,
then the whole is a ‘modified version’ of the original. This is so, says the
FSF, even if, in terms of quantity of lines of code, or even in terms of
relative importance of functionality, the original is a relatively minor part.
Practical tip
See reference to Richard Stallman’s comments in 1.2.
F.3d 1373, Fed. Cir. (2008).
Source code is the human-readable element in which the software is written, a valuable
trade secret of most software houses. Source code is turned into machine-readable
executables by a process called compilation.
Under other solutions that have entered the market, the SaaS provider is
obliged to deposit with the escrow agent not only the source code but
also the executable program and customer data. The intention is that, on
the SaaS solution being unavailable, the customer can – in theory – run
the application on an alternative infrastructure. This is perhaps more
applicable when the escrow agent cannot make a separate arrangement
with the original underlying infrastructure provider. As with traditional
escrow, it is important that the deposit is actually verified – it is too late
to find out in the event of a SaaS provider’s failure that a critical
component of software was not deposited.
Practical tip
As mentioned, the executable and the source code are not enough; data
also needs to be safeguarded – and that is within some escrow providers’
cloud solutions. Where the solution is structured on the basis of the
escrow agent taking over the existing infrastructure, then this is not so
much of an issue; the data will be available to the agent. However, if not,
as the data will constantly be changing, there should be obligations to
deposit the data with an escrow agent on a regular basis. Care is needed
here as some of the standard offerings in this space state that the
provider is to make a deposit of applications and data only every three
months. This is likely to be inadequate for almost all commercial uses. Of
course, depending on the nature of the data being held in the cloud,
even a daily deposit might not be adequate, and what is needed is a
real-time data replication service. These services, too, are being offered
by agents. Clearly, all this is an additional cost that needs to be borne in
mind when undertaking the cost of ownership analysis of whether to go
into the cloud in the first place.
Practical tip
Any escrow arrangement for a SaaS solution would require the usual
trigger events of supplier breach of support or insolvency for release of
the deposited materials. However, it might also be useful to include a
critical failure of relevant service levels (too much service interruption
and downtime).
10.1 Introduction
In this chapter we deal with a number of issues concerning customer
data. A cloud provider has possession of the customer’s data and is
possibly the only entity to possess it. One fundamental issue to be dealt
with in a cloud contract, therefore, is the ability of the customer to
regain possession of the data on termination. Particularly pertinent here
are considerations around obtaining data when the provider is insolvent.
made available to the public generally. The idea would be that each
customer (or subscribing customer) benefits from the report and the
market knowledge gleaned from the general customer base. A report
could be issued, say, on the typical commercial terms of particular trades
(market prices, average quantities, nature of transactions, etc.). A
provider will naturally give an assurance that data in the report will not
identify a particular customer.
A customer will often be reluctant to allow any such use. It may have a
number of objections. First, it may fear the security risks. Any customer
that has been at pains to ensure security policies are properly present will
very understandably feel that any use by the provider, other than the
provision of a basic ‘vanilla’ service, will increase the risk of something
going wrong with the security (and, at worst, cause a breach, leading to
data leakage). Secondly, and related to the first reason, despite any
assurance that the provider may give in relation to anonymization of the
data, there will be a fear that somehow different pieces of data, which
might be anonymous on their own, could be put together to identify the
customer. In other words, certainly for larger customers, the reports may
be capable of being reverse-engineered to reveal underlying individual
data points. Thirdly, a customer may be disgruntled that the provider is
able to make money out of the customer’s data: surely, the customer may
think, it should be paid for its contribution to that revenue stream? The
provider will, of course, reply that the customer, too, will benefit from
the report or added value the data allows it to provide, and that that is
payment enough (assuming that the report is part of the service actually
subscribed for). This brings us to the fourth and last reason for the
customer’s reluctance. A customer will not want its data to benefit its
competitors, even if its competitors’ data benefits it. This is especially true
of large users, which may well be ‘setting the trend’ in the market and
therefore fear that any such report will not add to what they already
know about the market. Smaller customers may not have that concern.
Practical tip
Some cloud providers, faced with strong objections from their customers,
have now dropped the permissive language that previously appeared in
their contracts. Other providers still include language allowing them to
use customers’ data, and attempt to allay customers’ fears by giving some
explanation as to what they will be doing. It is clear that any clause as
stark as ‘SaaS provider can use the customer’s data for generating reports
or providing value-added services’ will find understandable objection.
Practical tip
Practical tip
There are issues not only for the ultimate cloud customer but also for a
cloud provider (say of a SaaS) that uses an underlying offering (an IaaS or
a Paas). The issue for a SaaS provider that has built its offering on a
third-party platform, is how to move its application off that platform in
the future. Any PaaS offering is, by its nature, proprietary and there may
well be quite some work to do to move the application off that service
(and all the ultimate data, that is, the SaaS provider’s customer’s data)
onto another platform. An example of this occurred in 2009 when
Coghead customers had to quickly change platform when that service
was no longer available.121
Richard Stallman’s view (that cloud computing is ‘stupidity’, for just this reason) was noted
in 1.2.
See further at 10.3.6.
Practical tip
A solution that does not permit the provider to charge additional sums
would need to be specific about the type of format. At the time of
signing the contract the customer will obviously not know what
technology it will be moving to, following termination. (And of course,
even if it did, it would be back to the situation of a tailored offering
departing from the standard offering.) The contract could specify a fairly
standard, non-proprietary format, which will clearly have the attraction
for the provider of being consistent across all customers. Some providers,
for example, specify that data will be returned in the ubiquitous
‘comma-separated values’ (CSV) format (which is supported by many
database-based applications). After all, any replacement provider should
be able to import data from a standard, non-proprietary format. Some of
these providers will make the provision of data in such a standard format
part of the sales proposition.
Practical tip
Practical tip
The SaaS space is full of small(ish) companies entering into the market by
building their offerings on one of the principal PaaS offerings. Large SaaS
providers also use outsourced hosting services. Whilst the data may well
be safely secured behind state-of-the-art security deployed by the PaaS
provider (or its subcontractor) or an IaaS or hosting company, the real risk
is at the SaaS level. The issue is compounded if there are more than two
providers in the chain (see Figure 3 for an illustration).
If the SaaS provider is insolvent, whilst the data may well be very safe
indeed, it is in the hands of a PaaS (or IaaS) provider (or, worse, one of its
subcontractors). The customer will have real difficulty in retrieving the
data from anyone lower down the chain. In the first place, the customer
may simply not know where the data is (although this does, of course,
depend on the extent of its due diligence). Even when the customer does
know where the data is, the PaaS or IaaS provider may simply not be
interested in assisting the customer (who was not its customer). Certainly,
the provider would want to be paid for any help. It may already be out
of pocket given the fact that its direct customer (the provider above it in
the chain) is insolvent.
However, even with the best will in the world, the PaaS provider (the
subcontractor of the insolvent SaaS provider) may not, in practice, be
able to assist. The SaaS provider’s data ultimately belongs to many
customers, and one customer approaching the subcontractor for data will
necessitate the identification of that data amongst many. It may simply
not be possible to do so. The SaaS provider may only have been acquiring
infrastructure space and any data – in the hands of the PaaS provider –
may be encrypted or, even if not, may be simply ‘raw’ (without any
formatting). In any case, the data will be physically intermingled even if
it is logically segregated. The PaaS provider may not be able to
determine what data is what and which data is which customer’s. As
such, any approach to a provider further down the contractual chain is
likely to be fraught with difficulties. (As mentioned elsewhere in this
chapter, a customer needs to consider very carefully the risk of having all
its data in one basket, as it were.)
Practical tip
◆ Some cloud providers wish to use customer data for purposes not
directly related to the service being acquired by the customer. An
example of this is aggregation to report on the market generally
(types and values of transactions, for example). This may not be
11.1 Introduction
Typically, cloud solutions are not tailored to specific customers. Each
individual customer is acquiring a common solution used by all the
providers’ customers. The solution will therefore necessarily evolve as the
provider seeks to continually improve the product and match market
needs. The issue addressed in this chapter is the freedom the provider
reserves in its contracts to change that solution, which will necessarily
impact upon all customers. Once a customer has acquired the solution it
is, of course, unrealistic to suppose that the service will not change.
Indeed, a customer will want further improvements, both in functionality
and in performance. Against that, however, the customer will not want
changes that are so dramatic they require operational changes to the
business, or retraining of its personnel, nor changes that impact upon
other systems which depend on the solution or interact with it. Moreover,
the customer may well have acquired the solution on the basis of a
particular feature and will not want that feature to be one that is
‘improved’ away from what it originally found attractive. There is a
tension here that needs to be addressed.
Not all upgrade issues that are relevant to software licences are relevant
in the cloud. For example, one of the customer’s concerns is the desire to
avoid having to upgrade its infrastructure (hardware or software). A new
software release may require a newer version of an underlying database
package or operating system, or higher specification hardware, but this
issue might not arise in the cloud when those items, too, are the
responsibility of the provider.
Practical tip
Practical tip
First, a contract will have to deal with trivial changes. These are likely to
be permitted by the contract (and without the requirement of any
particular notice). An example would be service changes that have no
impact on the functionality or the service levels.
Lastly, a provider might also want to make changes without notice when
it considers it necessary to do so for technical reasons, or to ensure the
continuing provision of the service without degradation or interruption.
This is a little trickier for the customer to accept as – again – it is
something which, strictly, the provider has in its control. It is reasonable
for a customer to insist that the provider takes full responsibility for
issues around its technical ability to provide the service. Nonetheless, a
provider may well want to guard against the unforeseen. A compromise
on this point is to recognize that changes for such reasons might indeed
come about unexpectedly, and then to require that the provider gives the
customer a period of notice if reasonably practicable, recognizing that it
might not always be practical.
Practical tip
Practical tip
◆ Cloud economics imply that many customers will be using the same
version of the service. Change mechanics have to recognize this; a
cloud provider cannot permit any particular customer to have a say
on whether or when changes are implemented.
◆ Nonetheless, a customer may resist a completely unfettered ability
for the provider to change the service and the contract should deal
with both parties’ points of view. The customer will not want to be
forced to accept changes that materially affect its enjoyment of the
service (perhaps by the loss of functionality that it was accustomed
to, or by a need to retrain staff or to upgrade its own internal
◆ It is only in exceptional circumstances (where a customized service is
provided at a premium, for example) that a provider will agree to
address the customer’s concerns with some form of veto over its
ability to enforce change. More normal, if anything is conceded at
all, is a right for the customer to terminate early if it is unhappy with
a change.
12.1 Introduction
There are a number of trust issues that a prospective customer will have
to overcome before venturing into the cloud. Security is foremost, of
course, but so, too, is the issue of service availability, as well as other
quality issues. A customer needs to be able to trust that the solution (no
longer in its direct control) will be available when it needs it, often, of
course, on a continuous basis. As well as being reliant on connectivity
(internet or otherwise) to be able to access data, a customer also needs
to rely on the provider maintaining its infrastructure, on which the cloud
service is supplied, in a sufficiently robust manner. No service provider
will give an absolute assurance that its service will be available 100 per
cent of the time (just as no software house would guarantee that its
software is error free). Instead, a typical cloud provider (if it offers
anything at all) will offer some form of availability expressed as a
percentage (often in the range of 95 per cent to 99.9 per cent; rarely,
higher). Cloud providers may well ask their customers, when considering
the service level being offered, to compare the proposition with the
customer’s own existing service levels. Many customers will not even have
measured availability when the service now being acquired externally
was being managed internally.
It must also be noted that some cloud providers do not offer any service
level at all and state (either expressly or by means of exclusions and
disclaimers) that the service is, in effect, ‘as is’.
Practical tip
Some providers will publish their SLAs on their websites and will not
necessarily automatically provide a copy directly to a customer. These
are important documents, and part of the overall deal, and should
always be carefully reviewed.
Even the biggest cloud providers suffer outages. Rackspace, the internet
hosting company, also provides cloud IaaS solutions from the same data
centres. It has had a number of service outages, including one in June
2009 sufficiently serious to merit a public statement (as it is a US-listed
company). It lost power to its data centre, but then the standby
generators also failed. Customers were left without service for 40
minutes. As a result, Rackspace estimated in its statement that it would
have to pay out service credits of as much as $3.5 million. The
best-known of the SaaS providers,, is not immune from
service outages. In 2009, it suffered a service disruption for about an hour
due to a core network device failing. This is thought to have affected
900,000 users.123 Many Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud customers
experienced an outage in 2011 when one of Amazon’s data centres
suffered problems. The error started during a network upgrade and this
then set off a series of events that ultimately took down much of the
company’s service to the US East Region. The problems persisted for
about four days.124 The list of prominent examples goes on. Dropbox
suffered outages in early 2014, lasting just over two days in total.
Dropbox attributed the disruption to a scripting error.125 Google posted
two outages, also in 2014, caused when ‘an internal system that
generates configurations—essentially, information that tells other systems
how to behave—encountered a software bug and generated an incorrect
configuration’.126 In May 2014, Adobe Creative Cloud services went
GUPTA, A. ‘Outage post-mortem’, Dropbox Tech Blog, 12 January 2014. There is an increasing amount of
candour in cloud companies’ explanations of their outages.
TREYNOR, B. ‘Today’s outage for several Google services’, Google Official Blog, 24 January
12.2.1 Availability
Each cloud offering (of whatever type) will require the provider to give a
commitment that the service is actually ‘available’. This is the most
important measure and sometimes the only one that is, in fact, assured.
Availability can be complex for a number of reasons, especially when the
service might constitute a number of different elements. We explore this
further, below.
DOVE, J. ‘Adobe says day-long Creative Cloud outage was not a security issue [Update]’,
The Next Web (TNW), 16 May 2014.
ADOBE CUSTOMER CARE TEAM, ‘Adobe Service Outage Update’, 15 May 2014.
12.2.4 Elasticity
One of the benefits for a cloud computing customer is the ability to scale
quickly. It is possible to measure the speed at which an additional
resource (servers, storage and so on) is made available following a
customer request, and for the provider to commit to a particular level. It
might be worth the customer insisting upon such a service level if there is
a frequent requirement for such flexibility.
12.3 Availability
The most important metric in a cloud offering is the assurance to the
customer that the service is available, ideally 24/7, 365 days per year.
Depending on the type of service, there might be an agreed period of
‘dead time’, during which period scheduled maintenance might be
performed – in exactly the same way as would be the case if the relevant
service was being provided in-house by the customer’s IT department.
Practical tip
Then, over what period is availability measured? A promise of, say, 99.9
per cent availability is ambiguous unless it can be tested and, therefore,
the period over which the measurement is to be taken needs to be
clearly set out. As may be obvious, and as will be illustrated below, there
is a big difference, in terms of potential disruption to a customer,
between 99.9 per cent availability measured over a year than the same
figure of 99.9 per cent availability measured over a day. As much care is
therefore needed around the definitions in an SLA as in any other part of
the contract.
The gold standard SLA for availability are the ‘five nines’ of 99.999 per
cent, but that is fairly rare. To take a small, and possibly
non-representative, sample of what the leading cloud providers publicly
offer in terms of availability: Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine are
both at 99.95 per cent, and Microsoft Azure is at 99.9 per cent. These
numbers can appear to be encouragingly high. However, it all depends
on the period over which availability is measured. Table 2 shows how
much downtime is allowed by such figures over various measuring
periods. Whilst, from an initial look, there is not much difference
between 99.99 per cent availability and 99.0 per cent, the former only
allows just less than 1 hour downtime over a year, whilst the latter allows
over 3.5 days a year. Moreover, if something like 99.9 per cent is
acceptable in principle, an SLA providing for measurement over a year
allows a downtime of 8 hours 45 min over the year, and it needs to be
borne in mind that all 8 hours 45 min could occur on the same day. If the
service was down for 8 hours (even during the peak period), there would
be no service level failure. Contrast this with the other extreme: if 99.9
per cent is measured daily, a service level failure would occur if only 1
min or so disruption occurred on a particular day.
Practical tip
Practical tip
Practical tip
Whilst credits are the normal remedy, some providers (notably, Google
App Engine) instead offer additional free service (i.e. an extension of the
term) for failure. Clearly, this is less attractive to a customer: it is unhappy
with the service and all it gets as compensation for that unhappiness is
additional service.
Practical tip
The effect of a cap can be far-reaching. Once the service misses the
target by a particular amount or on a number of occasions during the
period, the cap will be reached. The purpose of incentivizing the provider
to fix problems quickly by having contractual consequences will be
removed; having reached the cap, there is no longer this incentive to fix
the underlying problem, as the provider cannot lose any more money by
having to pay increased credits. (That is not to say there are no other
incentives – clearly, any reputable provider will want to limit the damage
to its goodwill that any prolonged outage would entail.)
In an SLA context, a typical clause would state that the service level
should not apply during a period when the force majeure event is in
existence and is preventing a particular level being met. Further, the
force majeure concept is sometimes extended, to excuse a default when
the force majeure event occurs not only to the provider itself but also to
the provider’s suppliers. In the cloud context this is likely to be
particularly relevant. A SaaS provider, for example, which contracts with
an IaaS or PaaS provider for infrastructure or platform, will want to rely
on this provision if a fire was to occur at the latter’s data centre and so
The following may also sometimes appear and a customer may well find
these more objectionable:
Practical tip
The first situation is when a force majeure event has occurred to the
provider’s supplier. It is not unreasonable that this type of situation
should be covered. If the principle that fire excuses performance, say, is
acceptable (as it often is), it does not really matter if the fire was at the
provider’s premises or one of its supplier’s (as long as the fire at the
supplier’s premises does, in fact, have a knock-on effect on the service the
customer is enjoying).
To illustrate how this might occur in practice, let us take the example of a
customer that acquires a SaaS from a start-up provider that has built its
offering on a PaaS solution. The PaaS provider may well be substantial
and may offer service credits for availability issues to the start-up SaaS
provider. However, if the SaaS provider is (in its contract with the
customer) excused performance due to a failure of its suppliers, then,
even if the SaaS provider earns credits as a result of that failure, it may
well have no liability to its customer.129 In this type of situation,
availability of the service is very much in the hands of the subcontractor
and if the SaaS provider is excused performance, there is little that is
meaningful left in the provider’s service level promise.
Practical tip
At the very least, a customer will want to make sure that if its provider
does recover compensation (whether in the form of service credits or
otherwise) from a supplier, that it then has a right to have those (or an
appropriate proportion of those) passed onto it.
It should go without saying that this is all, of course, dependent on the precise contract
Practical tip
12.6.2 Monitoring
A service level needs to be monitored. Once a service level is monitored it
needs to be reported on and the applicable credits then need to be
applied. A cloud provider will, of course, inevitably monitor the
performance of its own service and could, if it wishes, report on it to its
customers and apply credits. This has a number of disadvantages for the
provider. If the service was, in fact, down, below the applicable level, it
may well be that a customer was not aware of it, or at least not too
concerned (the downtime could have been in a time that was not
disruptive to the client’s business). To report a problem to the customer
will highlight service issues as well as damage revenue. As such, many
cloud providers have adopted the practice of not reporting outages to
their customers (but nonetheless making the information available
through online means), and certainly not automatically applying service
credits. Instead, a customer would need to request the application of a
credit from the provider.
Practical tip
Practical tip
Practical tip
◆ SLAs are an important part of the overall contract and should always
be carefully reviewed. They operate as an objective and measurable
standard to which the service will be provided.
◆ There are usually consequences for the provider missing those
standards, often the provision of credits against fees. These service
credits are normally said to be the sole remedy a customer has
(preventing an additional claim for damages), but may often,
however, be capped. The caps can sometimes be surprisingly low (as
low as 10 per cent). Once the cap is reached, there are often no
further financial consequences for the provider in failing to provide
the service to the appropriate level, although there will obviously be
increasing loss of customer goodwill.
◆ In a typical cloud solution, the ‘availability’ service level is the most
important measure. Care is needed on how ‘available’ is defined
when use by the customer might be over many different sites (and
from perhaps many different provider ‘instances’ of the service).
Another issue that needs care is the period of time over which
service availability is measured.
◆ Target levels are aspirational; contractual levels have consequences.
◆ A customer should be wary of the provider seeking to reserve the
right to amend the levels in the future.
◆ An attractive sounding level of availability needs to be considered in
the context of the exceptions contained in the contract. Force
majeure provisions can sometimes be very widely drawn. Another
Cloud Select Industry Group – Subgroup on Service Level Agreements. ‘Cloud Service Level
Agreement Standardisation Guidelines’ [66].
point for particular scrutiny is how the SLA deals with inabilities to
provide services due to the fault of subcontractors. If the cloud
provider is largely reliant on another provider (say, one of the major
PaaS or IaaS providers), then there are probably few availability
issues that are not the fault of one of those providers.
◆ Obligations to monitor and report need to be clearly allocated.
Downtime of a service sometimes does not count as ‘unavailability’
for the purpose of credits until the customer has reported the fault.
The processes around measurement and crediting are often complex.
Generally, providers do not wish to make it easy for customers to
earn credits.
◆ For repeated failures, or particularly serious isolated failures, to meet
service levels, a customer might consider seeking a right to
terminate. As the service credit regime is often expressed to be the
sole remedy for service level failures, the contract’s general provision
allowing for termination on certain types of breach may well not
apply. Tailored provisions should be negotiated.
13.1 Introduction
Cloud contracts, like any contract, can go wrong. There are many types of
breaches that could occur in the cloud. There could be a lack of service
availability. There could be problems with the functionality (bugs in the
underlying software) so that wrong data is served up or calculations are
incorrect. There may also be breaches of security so that the privacy of
the customers’ data is compromised or valuable trade secrets are lost.
When any of these breaches occur, a customer can suffer losses and,
subject to the terms of the contract, can seek to recover compensation
for its losses from the provider. The calculation of the amount
recoverable in court is based on the innocent party being entitled to be
put in the same position it would have been in had the contract been
properly performed. The loss that a user of a cloud service might suffer
can easily become significant.
Secondly, and normally in addition to the first tool, the provider will seek
to include contractual language excluding certain legal rights that would
normally arise for the benefit of the innocent party, that is, excluding
certain losses or limiting liability for losses. A standard liability provision
will include two parts: an absolute exclusion of certain types of losses
(sometimes called indirect or consequential) and a cap on the liability of
other (direct) losses, which then remain recoverable up to that cap. Great
care is always needed on the part of the customer as it is not uncommon
for a provider to attempt to include within a list of losses, which have
the appearance of ‘indirect’ losses, certain categories that might
ordinarily, under general legal principles, be deemed ‘direct’ losses. It is
not unknown for the ‘cap’ provision to have nothing really left to apply
to, as all conceivable losses have in fact already been excluded by what is
called the ‘consequential loss’ provision.
Practical tip
See also the practical tip in 3.8.4.
The first type are economic losses such as loss of profit or revenue, or loss
of opportunity. This is intended, amongst other things, to prevent
recovery of damages related to the inability of the cloud customer to
carry on business if the service’s failure (whether through unavailability
or simply incorrect functioning) prevents it from doing so. If the cloud
offering, for example, is related to providing the ability to trade, then
trades that go wrong (profits that do not get made or losses that are not
avoided) because the service failed will not be recoverable. Secondly, and
more controversially, certainly in the cloud context, a provider may
attempt in these clauses to exclude losses around data. Issues around
liability for data are discussed in 3.8.4.
Practical tip
Customers should always bear in mind that the figure set out in
limitation of liability provisions is not an entitlement or an indication
of the amount that will be obtained as a result of breach, only the
maximum amount that could be claimed. A customer will still have to
prove that there was a breach and that it caused the loss. It will also
have to prove the amount of the loss that is suffered.
Moreover, the SLA will normally state in any case that liability for
non-availability is only for the provider to pay the appropriate service
credit (subject to all the exclusions in that SLA).
Practical tip
A provider building its offering upon other cloud services will need
to take a consistent approach in its contracts with customers. It needs
to ensure that, where appropriate, it can pass liability onto its own
Practical tip
[2012] EWHC 2659 (QB). See:
Any clause that inappropriately excludes or limits the legal rights of the
consumer in the event of inadequate performance by the supplier of any
of the contractual obligations is unfair. Any attempt at excluding liability
in entirety for lack of service availability will be within this prohibition.
Of course, the key word is that the attempt at exclusion needs to be
‘inappropriate’ and it is not always necessarily unfair to do so, certainly
when the service is made available to a consumer for free. In Overy it
was noted that, although the terms in question did seek to exclude or
limit liability under UCTA, they did fulfil the requirement of
We summarize some of the notable cases in the IT field. In the first few,
clauses were repeatedly struck down. In Salvage Association v CAP
Financial Services Ltd,133 the contract was valued at £300,000 but
contained a clause limiting CAP’s liability to £25,000. The parties were of
equal bargaining power and had taken legal advice. However, it was
found that the clause was nonetheless unreasonable and therefore
[1995] FSR 654.
invalid. As a result, CAP’s liability was unlimited. The court was swayed by
a number of factors, including that CAP had no evidence to justify the
£25,000 limit in relation to the value of the contract or the financial risk
taken by Salvage Association. CAP also had insurance, which Salvage
Association could not easily obtain. In St Albans City and District Council
v International Computers Limited,134 the contract contained a clause
limiting International Computers Limited’s (ICL’s) liability to the lesser of
the price or charge payable or £100,000. This clause was held to be
unreasonable. Again, one of the factors taken into account, importantly,
was that ICL could not justify the cap of £100,000, as well as the
insurance position (a public sector body would find it hard to insure
against commercial risks). In Pegler Ltd v Wang (UK) Ltd,135 the court
found it was unreasonable to rely on fairly standard exclusion of loss of
profit liability when the supplier ‘had so misrepresented what they were
selling that breaches of contract were not unlikely’. In Horace Holman
Group Ltd v Sherwood International Group Ltd,136 a standard ‘price paid’
liability cap was struck down as being unreasonable.
All the cases just mentioned were very much in favour of the customer;
clause after clause was struck down on the basis of an assessment by the
courts that the terms were unreasonable. The tide turned in favour of
the providers in 2001 with Watford Electronics Ltd v Sanderson CFL Ltd.137
The contract excluded liability for consequential loss and contained a
‘price paid’ limitation for other losses. The Court of Appeal upheld the
clauses, stating that when parties of an equal bargaining power
negotiate a contract so that the risk falls on one particular party, the
courts should be ‘cautious’ about saying that a term is not reasonable.
This was such an important turning point in the application of UCTA [5]
to business cases, and a marked departure from the earlier judicial
interventionism, that it is worth quoting one of the more important
passages in the judgment:
[1996] EWCA Civ 1296. See:
[2000] 137. See:
[2002] EWCA Civ 170. See:
[2001] EWCA Civ 317. See:
Practical tip
Clauses can still fail, however. In Kingsway Hall Hotel Ltd v Red Sky IT (Hounslow) Ltd
[2010] EWHC 965 (TCC), the High Court struck down a fairly typical exclusion clause. See:
[2010] EWHC 86 (TCC). See:
not. These statements included confirming that EDS had fully scoped the
work and that the timescales were realistic, even though it had not
carried out any supporting analysis. The £30 million cap on liability was
of no assistance to EDS as it expressly did not apply in the event of fraud.
Once liability was determined, the parties agreed a figure for damages of
£318 million.
accepted when the service is not a free one; and as a rule of thumb
pegging the level to the value of the contract should work.
14.1 Introduction
Up to this point we have considered cloud services in a general sense;
customers acquiring them could be in any sector. Many customers, of
course, operate in sectors where there exist specific regulatory
frameworks in relation to their activities, and these frameworks may
contain legal requirements relevant to a specific cloud deployment.
In this chapter we consider the legal consequences that arise from certain
specific sectors: financial services, cloud services in the public sector and
cloud services provided to consumers.
Banks authorized by the PRA and investment firms authorized by the FCA
are required to comply with rules in respect of outsourcing ’critical or
important’ operational functions, which implement requirements under
the EU’s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive [47] (MiFID). There are
On 1 April 2013, the majority of the functions of the FSA under the Financial Services and
Markets Act 2000 [44] were transferred to the FCA and the PRA. Banks and insurers are
now authorized by the PRA, while most other firms formerly authorized by the FSA are
now authorized by the FCA. PRA-authorized banks and insurers are also subject to certain
conduct of business regulations by the FCA and are considered ‘dual regulated’ to that
There are other, more specific, rules that impact upon a firm’s ability to
outsource any aspect of its function. None focuses on cloud services, but
there are requirements focused on outsourcing generally, mostly set out
in different parts of the ‘Senior Management Arrangements, Systems and
Controls’ (SYSC) sourcebook. Important general systems and controls rules
in this sourcebook include, for all firms apart from insurers, the Society of
Lloyd’s, Lloyd’s managing agents, and full-scope UK alternative
FCA Handbook [42], SUP 15.3.8G(1)(e); PRA Rulebook [43], Notification 2.3(1)(e).
and, for insurers, the Society of Lloyd’s and Lloyd’s managing agents,
SYSC 3.1.1R:
These include firms subject to the Capital Requirements Directive [48] (CRD) or MiFID [47],
or both.
Indeed, there is probably no difference between these terms and the term ‘material
outsourcing’ used elsewhere in the rules.
• The firm must ensure that the service provider has the ‘ability’ and
‘capacity’ to perform the services ‘reliably and professionally’.
• It must put in place ‘methods for assessing the standard of
performance of the service provider’ and ‘properly supervise’ the
• It is required to take ‘appropriate action…if it appears that the
service provider may not be’ performing.
• It should contain in the contract an obligation to ensure that ‘the
service provider…disclose[s] to the firm any development that may
have a material impact on its ability to carry out’ the services
• The firm should have regard to exit arrangements (to ensure that the
provision can be terminated ‘without detriment to the continuity and
quality’ of its servicing of its own clients).
• The service provider should be obliged to protect confidential data.
• The firm (with the service provider) needs to maintain disaster
recovery plans and backup facilities.
monitoring and reporting, exit planning and so on. This should be done
by any (even non-regulated) customer.
It is therefore important (if the cloud provider cannot or will not grant
such access rights) for a customer to determine whether a cloud service is
not ‘critical or important’. This topic is addressed in industry guidelines
from 2007. MiFID Connect is a grouping of UK trade associations set up
to advise its members on compliance with MiFID [47] generally. In 2007, it
produced guidelines on outsourcing [49], which were sanctioned by the
then FSA [the FSA (and presumably, now, the FCA) said that it would take
these guidelines into account when exercising its regulatory functions].
This document states that the following are likely to constitute
outsourcing within the rules, and potentially (although not definitely)
outsourcing of critical or important functions:
All of these functions could be acquired through the cloud. Whilst they
are potentially critical or important, the same guidelines also state that
‘where the outsourced function is only one of many ways in which the
service…can be provided…[it would] not be considered critical where a
failure in relation to one…[way] would not affect the firm’s ability to’
operate [49]. Thus, if data storage is acquired as a cloud service, it would
be critical or important if the firm were using that service provider only,
but not (or at least not necessarily so) when it is merely one of a number
of storage solutions (say, for backup).
Practical tip
The US public authorities have adopted cloud services with perhaps more
fervour than the UK. In July 2014, Unisys announced that the state of
Pennsylvania had signed a $681 million hybrid cloud services contract,
one of the biggest public sector cloud contracts seen.145 The contract
would unify the state’s data centres and allow greater flexibility. There
have been other similarly sized US public sector deals.
Most legal issues around cloud adoption apply equally in the public
sector as they do in the private sector. Public entities need to worry
about service levels, service descriptions/changes, information security and
so on just as much as entities in the private sector. One legal issue that
does not arise in the private sector is that of public procurement rules.
that when a public authority acquires any goods, works or services above
a certain threshold an open (and published) process needs to be
followed. The intention of the rules is to open up the market to
competition throughout Europe. There are separate rules and thresholds
depending on whether the contract is for goods, works or services. Whilst
the acquisition of hardware would be within the ‘goods’ rules, cloud
services (including the acquisition of server capacity as an IaaS) would, if
caught at all, be within the ‘services’ rules, in England and Wales, in the
Public Contracts Regulations 2006 [51] (which implement a directive from
One final legal aspect that cloud providers should be aware of: contracts
entered into with public authorities may be subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 [52] (FOIA) and so come into the public domain.
Any person, such as the media or competitors, can submit a request
under the FOIA to a public sector body to disclose the widest class of
information (including contracts that have been awarded and service
reports that have been provided). There are exemptions where the
information is a trade secret or held in confidence, but these are high
thresholds. There are some practical steps that a cloud provider can take
to maximize the chance that one of these exemptions will apply (for
example, to include pricing or proprietary information that is a trade
Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 31st March 2004 on the
co-ordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply
contracts and public services contracts.
Part B services are those that are likely to be of interest only to suppliers in the same
country as the public authority.
In this section we examine a few other legal issues that arise in the
consumer cloud environment. Many of the consumer cloud services allow
a consumer to upload content (perhaps for wider dissemination) and so
one legal issue that arises is whether, and to what extent, a provider
might be held liable for that type of hosting. Next, we look at this
potential liability. In Chapter 13 we looked at liability issues generally
(which arise with a different flavour here), including statutory control
over the extent to which a provider can exclude liability for its own
breach. Lastly, we look at how the data protection rules (covered
extensively in Chapter 4) apply when the provider is selling to consumers.
There are a number of potential liability risks that a cloud provider leaves
itself open to as a result of content put up by its users. In many cases,
European cloud providers will have a general defence under the
Ecommerce Directive [4], which is where we begin.
Many businesses (and, indeed, individuals) are using the threat of liability
arising, on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, eBay and so on, as a means to
have user-generated content that is unacceptable to the complainant
taken down. Websites are often very cautious, not wanting to be forced
to adjudicate on complaints, and so – to the extent they need to make
use of available defences under the Ecommerce Directive148 (which we
come to next) – will take down the content quickly. Many such websites,
in particular, larger US sites, will have automated processes and dedicated
And equivalents elsewhere, such as the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 [53]
There are now quite a few examples of this defence being used in
practice. In Tamiz v Google,149 the court held that Google Inc. was ‘not
liable at common law as a publisher’ in respect of the claimant’s libel
action. Even if this was wrong, the court said that Google Inc. was still
protected against liability by Regulation 19 because it did not have a
sufficient state of knowledge of unlawfulness.
The defence was also examined in another libel case, Kaschke v Gray.150
When considering whether a defendant would be entitled to the
immunity conferred by Regulation 19, the court stated that the question
to be asked was whether the service provided in respect of the
information containing the defamatory words, which would otherwise
give rise to liability, consisted only of, and was limited to, storage of that
information. In this case, it was clear that the defendant exercised some
editorial control over parts of the website where the words appeared,
and so his involvement went beyond mere storage of information. This
was a summary judgment, not a full trial, but the comments are still
useful. The court found there was a realistic prospect that the Regulation
19 defence might fail at trial.
[2012] EWHC 449 (QB). See:
[2010] EWHC 690 (QB). See:
[2011] EWHC 3031 (QB). See:
Practical tip
It should also ensure that, in the contract, the user indemnifies the
provider in relation to any liability.
Copyright infringement
Case C-324/09, 12 July 2011.
Paragraph 120 of the judgment.
[2006] EWHC 407 (QB). See
This would be as a result of either ‘reproducing’ the work (whether or not it is further
disseminated or made available) when it is stored on servers for example, or
communicating the work to the public when other users can access it, both of which are
‘restricted acts’ under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 [55].
Viacom appealed that decision and, after a few more skirmishes in the
courts, Google and Viacom settled the week before the parties were due
to appear in court for a full trial. The terms of the settlement were not
disclosed although apparently no money changed hands.157
A very recent example, also in the US, is the Aereo Inc case (American
Broadcasting Cos Inc et al v Aereo Inc).158 Here, the US Supreme Court
held that online video start-up, Aereo, Inc., infringed broadcasters’
copyrights in on-air programming when it transmitted the programmes
to its internet subscribers, on the basis that the transmissions were a
public performance, and therefore infringed the exclusive right to
publicly perform a work protected by copyright. Aereo argued that it was
only an equipment provider and that it was its subscribers that actually
‘performed’ each transmission, but this was rejected. The case was very
specific to its facts, but it is not impossible to see that cases will be
brought against cloud services on a similar basis (that making copyright
work available through the service is a ‘public performance’ under US
copyright law).
In the UK, likewise, a service provider may well be able to rely on the
hosting defence of the Ecommerce Regulations, Regulation 19 [54].
Trademark infringement
There are two main ways in which online service providers can be liable
for trademark infringement: when a user puts a third-party trademark
into the service as an advertising ‘keyword’ and when a user attempts to
Viacom International Inc. and others v YouTube, Inc. and others, 07 Civ. 2103 (LLS) United
States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 23 June 2010.
STEMPEL, J. ‘Google, Viacom settle landmark YouTube lawsuit’, Reuters, 18 March 2014.
US (2014), Supreme Court, 25 June 2014.
sell infringing goods. Two recent cases (albeit not involving services that
can properly be called cloud) show alternative approaches.
However, the CJEU seems to have taken a harder line with service
providers in L’Oréal SA v eBay International AG (see above).
Similar defences arise under the laws internationally. A recent Hong Kong
case ruled on whether, and under what circumstances, the provider of an
internet-based discussion forum may be held liable for defamatory
material posted on the forum. In Oriental Press Group v Fevaworks
Solutions,161 the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal held that the provider
was a subordinate publisher (and not the first or main publisher of the
defamatory postings) because it was not aware of the content of the
Google France SARL and Google Inc. v Louis Vuitton Malletier SA, Google France and
Google Inc. v Viaticum SA, and Google France and Google Inc. v CNRRH, Joined Cases
C-236/08, C-237/08 and C-238/08, 23 March 2010. See
Paragraph 114 of the judgment.
[2013] HKEC 1025. See
There are a whole range of other unlawful acts that a cloud provider
might unwittingly be implicated in as a result of content posted by a
user. For example, it is a criminal offence to publish, disseminate or
display written material where it is intended or likely to stir up racial or
religious hatred. A provider can avoid conviction if (as would be likely
when it is merely hosting) it can show that it was not aware of the
content of the material and did not suspect, and had no reason to
suspect, that it was unlawful. Providers can also rely on the ‘hosting’
defence under the Ecommerce Regulations [54] to avoid liability.
Providers also face a risk that users will upload inappropriate or illegal
content that includes obscene or classified content and child
pornography. Such content is governed by a number of key criminal law
statutes (for example, the Obscene Publications Act 1959 [57], the
[2011] 3 SCR 269, 2011 SCC 47. See
Protection of Children Act 1978 [58] and the Criminal Justice Act 1988
[59]). Content may also be inappropriate for minors. The use of age
verification software to separate adult content from other content could
reduce the risk that material is considered obscene, as the target
audience is restricted. Primary defences of innocent publication are
available in some circumstances. However, where these might not be
available, providers may, again, be able to rely on the ‘hosting’ defence.
Some statutes have special provisions dealing with internet activities (and
defences). Regulation 7 of the Electronic Commerce Directive (Terrorism
Act 2006) Regulations 2007 [60], for example, mirrors the ‘hosting’
defence of the Ecommerce Regulations. It provides a defence for service
providers against certain terrorism offences, in respect of a service that
consists of the storage of information provided by a user, if (broadly):
(a) the service provider did not know when the information was
provided that it was…terrorism-related; or
(b) upon obtaining actual knowledge that…[it] was…, the service
provider expeditiously removed the information or disabled
access to it.
[Electronic Commerce Directive (Terrorism Act 2006) Regulations 2007, reg. 7(1)]
Any cloud provider hosting user content will always run the risk of
unwittingly committing some unlawful act as a result of users’ actions.
Clearly, AUPs, warranties and indemnities can – in theory – provide
protection to a provider. However, in practice, such protection is often
worthless. It will not normally be possible to identify the real person
behind the user account (certainly for free services where credit card
details are not obtained), and, in any case, private individuals will often
not be worth pursuing through courts.
Practical tip
Contracts Regulations 1999 [46] (see 13.5.2). The fact that a service may
be free of charge will assist in ensuring that any such assessment is in the
provider’s favour, but it will not be determinative. Indeed, an exclusion of
all liability for failure to provide services may well survive scrutiny when
the service is free.
Practical tip
However, some of the issues that arise because the business is operating
in the consumer cloud can, in fact, be simpler to deal with than in the
business cloud. We discussed in earlier chapters such issues as: which of
the cloud customer or the cloud provider is the ‘data controller’,163 with
See Chapter 4.
Practical tip
See Chapter 5.
See Chapter 6.
adhered to. However, many of these rules are what any prudent
cloud customer would be doing in any case.
◆ Some of the requirements will be difficult to comply with, except
(perhaps) where the cloud provider is specializing in providing
services to UK financial services clients. The firm is required (for
‘critical or important’ functions) to ensure that the cloud service
provider co-operates with the FCA and that the FCA has effective
access to data and audit rights.
◆ Insurance companies are not ‘common platform firm[s]’ and have
greater leeway to enter into a cloud service. There are no mandatory
rules, even in relation to critical or important functions, only
guidance. Nonetheless, they face the same difficulties in relation to
preserving access rights for both the customer and the regulator.
◆ Legal issues around cloud adoption in the public sector are largely
the same as in the private sector. One novel issue is that of public
procurement rules, which public authorities will always need to
adhere to when the value of a cloud contract is over a particular
◆ Many consumer applications on the internet are examples of SaaS.
Consumer services that allow a consumer to upload content give rise
to the possibility of a provider being held liable for anything
unlawful in that content. Many of the wrongs for which a provider
might inadvertently be held liable are subject to a defence under the
Ecommerce Directive [4] if a ‘notice and takedown’ process is applied.
◆ Contracts with consumers should always reserve the right for the
provider to remove/take down content. Indemnities are standard, but
when there is a difficulty even in identifying the real person behind
the account, let alone being certain as to whether that person has
substance to put behind an indemnity, their usefulness is doubtful.
◆ Contracts with consumers should also contain protection in relation
to claims a consumer might bring against the cloud provider. Any
limitation language needs to be ‘reasonable’ and also ‘fair’, to be
enforceable under UK law. Breach of data protection rules cannot be
◆ Cloud service providers handling consumer personal data (in
particular, social networking sites) are being carefully scrutinized by
regulators in Europe, and so have a particular need to be careful in
complying with data protection rules.
by Daniel Hawthorne
15.1 Introduction
The fast-paced development of the cloud computing industry presents
increasing commercial opportunities to providers of such services and
their consumers. As it does this, it results in increasing complexity for the
tax managers of such businesses and challenges for the tax authorities
themselves. Put simply, the existing tax regimes in most jurisdictions
predate the digital age (or even the electronic age) and generally do not
cater well for cloud computing transactions. In addition, many cloud
services will be multi-jurisdictional and, although we are entering an era
of increasing international co-operation on tax matters, there are
currently no single, consistent, international tax principles applicable to
cloud transactions.
The initial challenge for the tax managers of businesses engaged in the
cloud will be identifying the various elements comprising a cloud
transaction and understanding how those elements fit within the existing
tax rules in each of the relevant jurisdictions. In many cases this will be a
very complex task. Once the transaction is understood from a tax
perspective, the focus will shift to ensuring that the transaction is
structured in the most efficient manner and that the transaction does not
pose unacceptable tax risks in any jurisdiction.
For the tax authorities, the challenge will be to keep pace as technology
continues to evolve, and to ensure that cloud transactions are
appropriately taxed, with no tax leakage, profit shifting or other
This chapter does not profess to be a detailed guide to the tax treatment
of cloud transactions, which in all cases will be heavily fact specific.
Instead, it is intended to provide a basic overview of some of the tax
issues to consider in the context of such transactions. In practice, local
specialist advice is likely to be needed in relation to complex,
multi-jurisdictional cloud activity.
In contrast, businesses using cloud IT services will not generally incur such
significant capital expenditure. Instead, they will incur additional revenue
expenditure (such as the fees paid to cloud providers), which, in most
jurisdictions, will qualify as a deductible expense in the year it is incurred.
As a consequence, use of the cloud may provide accelerated tax relief for
IT expenditure.
Practical tip
Practical tip
Supplies of goods and services are treated differently for VAT purposes.
Although the intricacies of the VAT system may vary from country to
country, under current EU law business-to-business supplies of services
generally take place where the customer is established. The recipient of
the supply will generally be expected to self-assess or ‘reverse charge’
VAT, which will be recoverable to the extent the recipient has full input
tax recovery. Business-to-consumer supplies, on the other hand, generally
take place where the provider is established [although, with effect from 1
January 2015, special rules apply to treat the supply of broadcasting,
telecommunication and electronic (BTE) services, which will likely
encompass most cloud services, as made in the consumer’s jurisdiction].
As a general rule, the place of supply of goods will generally be the place
where goods are physically supplied. The different VAT treatment for
goods and services illustrates the need to fully understand the nature of
the supply. For example, if a provider in country A makes a supply of
cloud services (involving a server in country B) to a customer in country C,
the supply will generally take place in country C if the customer is a
business customer but would, prior to January 2015, have taken place in
country A, if the customer is not a business. On the other hand, if the
supply involves a supply of goods, the supply will generally take place in
country B where the goods (the server) are located. In practice, supplies
of goods are unlikely to occur in a cloud scenario. At an EU level, the
place of supply also remains potentially subject to the ‘use and
enjoyment’ override,166 which can apply to shift the default place of
supply to the place where supplies are effectively used and enjoyed.
Practical tip
Article 59a and Article 59b of Council Directive 2006/112/EC and Article 5(3) of Council
Directive 2008/8/EC.
The OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2010 [62]
defines ‘permanent establishment’ widely to mean a fixed place of
business through which the business of an enterprise is wholly or partly
carried on.167 Although the definition goes on to explain situations that
are included within, and excluded from, the meaning of permanent
establishment, no express reference is made in the treaty itself to
electronically supplied services. Instead, it is necessary to seek guidance
from the OECD commentary, which does include a specific section on
electronic commerce.
See Article 5: ‘Permanent Establishment’.
Practical tip
Article 42 of OECD Commentary on Article 5: ‘Concerning the definition of Permanent
Practical tip
See OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations.
The inability of national and international tax laws and standards to keep
up with the way today’s digitalized global businesses operate means that
the locations to which taxable profits are allocated often differ to those
where the business activities in question actually take place. This
discrepancy leads to the perception that multinational companies are
able to circumvent taxation and is therefore one of the key areas
European policymakers are hurriedly trying to address; in 2013 the OECD
published an Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting [63] (the
‘OECD Action Plan’) and in May 2014 an expert group appointed by the
European Commission issued an extensive report on the taxation of the
digital economy [64] (the ‘EC Report’).
Practical tip
16.1 Introduction
As will have been seen throughout this book, the predominant feature of
the legal landscape in the cloud is the application of familiar legal
principles to an unfamiliar terrain. Cloud computing as a model has
evolved out of earlier structures for the sale of computing functionality
and infrastructure, and the legal principles that sufficed for those earlier
structures are being made to apply to the new model. There is as yet no
such independent body of ‘cloud law’.
One such initiative was the Open Cloud Manifesto of March 2009. This
initiative asked stakeholders that are involved in developing cloud
services to bear in mind the following principles.
See, for example, Chapter 10.
There have been other, similar efforts, some developed in reaction to this
We referred to some of these in the first edition of this book, but any
consensus as to how an ‘open cloud’ is to look is yet to appear. It is
worth noting, however, that the Open Cloud Manifesto website is no
longer functioning and the initiative appears to have been suspended.
For example, the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) (which includes Microsoft
and Rackspace amongst its members) recognizes a number of issues that
need to be addressed to reassure the public, including:
To that end, the CIF has prepared a ‘code of practice’ designed to allay
those fears. Its aim is for such a code to become a recognized standard
(supplemental to the more traditional information security standards,
such as the BS ISO/IEC 27000 series) and so assist in bringing greater
It is difficult to see how the Proposed Regulation will assist the take-up
of cloud services within Europe. The regulatory difficulty that exists under
the present Data Protection Directive [1] remains (cross-border data flow
issues, restrictions on the appointment of sub-processors and so on), as
do certain conceptual difficulties (whether a provider is a processor or a
controller). Moreover, in some respects, the position in the Proposed
Regulation is arguably more of a hindrance. For example, there is an
increased regulatory burden upon cloud providers (which are at present,
when they are processors, not subject to substantive provisions directly):
under the Proposed Regulation they begin to have direct responsibility
for security, and regulators would be able to enforce the Proposed
Regulation directly against them. There is the potential for substantial
individuals’.171 It formed part of the EU’s overall strategy for the so-called
‘digital economy’, which it unveiled in its 2010 paper, ‘A Digital Agenda
for Europe’.172 The broad aim, as described by Commissioner Reding, was
to make ‘the Digital Single Market more accessible for both businesses
and consumers’,173 allowing Europe to become more competitive, as well
as setting the standard for data protection regulation worldwide. To
further this aim, the Proposed Regulation had three objectives: to create
legal certainty; to simplify the regulatory environment; and to provide
clear rules for international data transfers.
Many in the cloud world will consider that these objectives have not
been met. The Proposed Regulation does not seem to solve the problems
currently experienced by European customers (such as issues around
cross-border data flows) and the service providers seeking to sell to them
(such as the rules around appointing sub-processors). In the long term, it
may encourage European customers to use European service providers,
but given the predominance of the US in this sector, it will do little in the
short term to ‘liberate the cloud’. In this respect, it could be seen as a
missed opportunity. At the time of writing, there was still some way to
go before the Proposed Regulation was finalized, but the indications are
that there will not be any substantial relevant changes.
Vice-President of the European Commission, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding, ‘The
EU Data Protection Reform 2012: Making Europe the Standard Setter for Modern Data
Protection Rules in the Digital Age’, SPEECH/12/26, Munich, 22 January 2012.
‘A Digital Agenda for Europe’, COM(2010)245 final, Brussels, 19 May 2010.
Vice-President of the European Commission, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding, ‘The
EU Data Protection Reform 2012: Making Europe the Standard Setter for Modern Data
Protection Rules in the Digital Age’, SPEECH/12/26, Munich, 22 January 2012.
‘Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe’, COM(2012) 529 final, Brussels, 27
September 2012 (to be found at:
and EuroCloud). It finished its work in June 2014 and published a paper
entitled ‘Cloud Service Level Agreement Standardisation Guidelines’.175
The report is intended also to feed into international work being done
under the ISO/IEC banner.
The Security SLOs cover such things as terminology around the provision
of assurance and transparency. It approaches the issue from the
perspective of both the provider and the customer and draws upon the
BS ISO/IEC 27000 series (see Chapter 3). The guidelines accept that not all
aspects of security lend themselves to an SLO (for example, business
continuity and disaster recovery). The different objectives within this
category include service reliability, authentication and authorization, and
Cloud Service Level Agreement Standardisation Guidelines, 24 June 2014. Available at:
Lastly, the Personal Data Protection SLOs focus on some of the data
protection issues that arise when the provider is only a processor (see
4.5). Not all data protection issues lend themselves to an SLO, though,
and that again is recognized. Issues dealt with here include data
minimization, use, retention and disclosure limitation, and geographical
location of customer data.
Data protection principles Eight principles set out in the DPA [24],
with which a data controller must
comply. Each reflects a concept in the
Data Protection Directive [1], although
the latter does not use the terminology
of ’principles’
[5] GREAT BRITAIN. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. London: HMSO.
[44] GREAT BRITAIN. Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. (FSMA.)
London: TSO (The Stationery Office).
[50] GREAT BRITAIN. Department for Culture, Media and Sport and
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Digital Britain Final
Report. (CM 7650.) London: TSO (The Stationery Office), 2009.
[55] GREAT BRITAIN. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. London:
[62] OECD (2012). Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2010
(updated 2010). OECD Publishing.
[63] OECD (2013). Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. OECD
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), 193, 219 on service credits, 163–164, 168, 171
adequate countries, 88–89, 110, 113, certification to standards, 35, 37, 38, 40,
127 41, 44–46, 53, 83, 214–215
Adobe, 32 client/server, 11
Affero, 134–135, 139 cloud computing, 1–2, 3, 4, 10, 11–12,
Amazon, 6, 12, 132, 176 13
Amazon EC2, 6, 12, 32, 132, 158, history, 1, 2–3
161, 219 Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), 214–215
Amazon S3, 6, 219 cloud law, 15, 16–18, 19, 213, 215–216
application service provision (ASP), 11, cloud providers, 9, 13–14, 16, 19, 20–21,
133 22–23, 25–26, 27, 151–152, 155
Article 29 Working Party, 55–56, 61, 62, as a data controller, 62–63, 64, 75,
67–68, 95, 109, 111, 201–202, 219 81, 85
binding corporate rules for as a data processor, 61, 62, 72, 78,
processors, 105, 106, 109, 122 79–80, 81, 85, 99
opinion on controller/processor, 61, information security, 28, 36–38, 39,
78, 110 40, 45–46, 54, 72–73, 85
opinion on SWIFT, 61, 78 onward transfers, 87, 89, 96, 99–101,
role, 55–56 105
SWIFT, 61, 78 cloud service level objectives (SLOs), 217
auditing customers, 47, 49–50, 54 cloud service types, 3, 4, 5–7
’balance of interest’ test, 70, 81 cloud transactions, 203, 204–205,
batch computing/service bureau, 11 206–207, 209–210, 212
binding corporate rules (BCRs), Coghead, 149
105–106, 108–109, 219 community cloud, 8
binding corporate rules for processors consent, 111, 122
(BCR-Ps), 105, 106–107, 109–110, consumer cloud, 1, 8, 192
111–112, 113, 219 data protection, 200–201
British Columbia Government and liability for consumer contracts,
Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU), 199–200, 202
25 liability for hosting user content,
BS 17799 series, 38 193–199
BS 7799 series, 38 contract law, 15, 19–20, 165
business as a service (BaaS), 7 Rome I, 15, 18, 19
calculating credits, 163–164, 167, 169, Rome II, 15, 20
171 contracts, 13–14, 19, 48–49, 97–98, 125,
caps 141, 145, 150, 153–154, 178–179
enforceability (under UCTA etc), contractual chains, 147, 148
176–178, 180 contractual security schedule, 48–49
on liability, 53, 113, 174, 175, 176, copyleft problem, 133–134, 135, 139
180, 181 copyright infringement, 136, 195–196
customer data, 11, 13, 26, 140, 149–150 Data Protection Directive, 2, 16, 19, 55,
access by customer on termination, 56, 57, 59, 66, 69, 122, 219
142–144, 146, 150 data breach notification, 72, 115
backups of, 51, 144, 192 data transfer, 86, 88, 97, 127
in hands of cloud subcontractor, 35, data protection officers (DPO), 126–127
87, 147, 150 data protection principles, 55, 69, 73,
lock-in, 3, 142–143, 149, 150 76, 106–107, 111, 142, 219
lock-out, 149 first (legitimate basis), 64, 69–70, 76,
providers use of, 140–142 81, 101
damages, 64, 72, 77, 91–92, 164, 172, first (sensitive personal data), 69,
175, 181 70–71
data - See customer data seventh (security), 69, 74, 75, 76,
data breach notification, 51–52, 72, 79–80, 82, 84, 101, 103, 221
114, 116–117, 120–121, 126 eighth (data transfer), 69, 76, 86, 87,
application to cloud, 119–120, 128 88, 89, 99, 101, 104, 220
in Europe, 115–116 Data Protection Proposed Regulation,
in UK, 115, 116, 117–118, 120–121 EU, 122–128, 215–216, 220
in US, 89, 114–115, 120 data transfer, 88–89
data controllers, 26, 38, 59, 60, 71–72, adequate countries, 88–89, 110, 113,
76, 81–82, 219 127
cloud provider as, 62–63, 64, 75, 81, binding corporate rules, 105–108,
85 111–112, 113
data breach notification, 114, 119, eighth data protection principles,
120 69, 76, 86, 87, 88, 89, 99, 101,
data protection principles, 65, 67, 104, 220
69, 73, 76, 86, 101, 104 onward transfers, 87, 89, 96, 99–101,
enforcement, 72–73 105, 112
multiple controllers, 64 personal data, 76, 78, 86, 88, 89,
SWIFT, 60–61, 78 91–92, 97, 102–103, 111, 113
Working Party opinion on meaning, Safe Harbor, 68, 79, 89–96, 101, 104,
61, 78 111, 113, 221
data flows - See data transfer; eighth self-assessment, 101–104, 113, 127
(data protection) principle standard clauses, 97–98, 99–101, 113,
Data Handling Review, 117 127
data portability, 124 standard clauses (controller to
processor), 98, 99–101
data processors, 59–60, 64–65, 75, 76,
83, 125, 219 standard clauses (Set I), 97
binding corporate rules for, 105, standard clauses (Set II), 97
106–107, 109–110, 111–112, 113 defamation, 197–198
cloud provider as, 61, 62, 71, 78, Defamation Act 1996, 197
79–80, 81, 85, 99 deployment models, 7–9, 84
SWIFT, 60–61 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998,
data protection, 2, 13, 124, 200–201 195
Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), 55, 56, DPA enforcement
65, 67–68, 73, 80, 85, 122, 219 damages claims, 72, 77
data breach, 72, 119 enforcement notices, 72–73
data protection principles, 64, 69, monetary penalties, 73–75, 76
70–71, 80, 82, 84, 86 Dropbox, 31
personal data, 57, 59, 60, 64, 103 due diligence, 25, 33–36, 45, 53, 85
self-assessment, 101–102 examining certifications, 34, 36