Iot Security Guidelines: Overview Document
Iot Security Guidelines: Overview Document
Iot Security Guidelines: Overview Document
Overview Document
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GSM Association Non-confidential
Official Document CLP.11 – IoT Security Guidelines Overview Document
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1 Introduction 5
1.1 Executive Overview 5
1.2 GSMA IoT Security Guideline Document Set 6
1.2.1 GSMA IoT Security Assessment Checklist 6
1.3 Document Purpose 6
1.4 Intended Audience 7
1.5 Definitions 7
1.6 Abbreviations 8
1.7 References 9
2 The Challenges Created by the Internet of Things 11
2.1 The Availability Challenge 11
2.2 The Identity Challenge 12
2.3 The Privacy Challenge 12
2.4 The Security Challenge 13
3 The Mobile Solution 14
3.1 Addressing the Challenge of Availability 14
3.2 Addressing the Challenge of Identity 14
3.3 Addressing the Challenge of Privacy and Security 15
4 The IoT Model 15
4.1 Service Ecosystem 16
4.2 Endpoint Ecosystem 16
5 Risk Assessments 17
5.1 Goal 18
5.2 Risk Model References 18
6 Privacy Considerations 18
7 Using This Guide Effectively 20
7.1 Evaluating the Technical Model 20
7.2 Review the Current Security Model 21
7.3 Review and Evaluate Recommendations 21
7.4 Implementation and Review 22
7.5 Ongoing Lifecycle 23
8 Example – Wearable Heart Rate Monitor 23
8.1 The Endpoint Overview 23
8.2 The Service Overview 24
8.3 The Use Case 24
8.4 The Security Model 24
8.5 The Result 26
8.6 Summary 26
9 Example – Personal Drone 27
9.1 The Endpoint Overview 27
9.2 The Service Overview 27
9.3 The Use Case 28
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1 Introduction
Analysts have indicated that security issues are a significant inhibitor to the deployment of
many new IoT services and, at the same time, the provision of wide area connectivity to an
ever-widening variety of IoT services will increase the whole ecosystem’s exposure to fraud
and attack. There is already much evidence to show that attackers are beginning to show
ever greater interest in this area.
As these new service providers develop new and innovative services for particular market
segments, they may be unaware of the threats their service may face. In some cases, the
service provider may not have developed a service that has connected to a communications
network or the internet before and they may not have access to the skills and expertise to
mitigate the risks posed by enabling internet connectivity within their devices. In contrast,
their adversaries understand the technology and security weaknesses, quickly taking
advantage if vulnerabilities are exposed. There is a litany of attacks that have resulted in
compromised devices. Compromised devices may exfiltrate data, attack other devices, or
cause disruption for related or unrelated services.
The telecommunications industry, which the GSMA represents, has a long history of
providing secure products and services to their customers. The provision of secure products
and services is as much a process as it is a goal. Vigilance, innovation, responsiveness and
continuous improvement are required to ensure the solutions address the threats.
To help ensure that the new IoT services coming to market are secure, the network
operators together with their network, service and device equipment partners would like to
share their security expertise with service providers who are looking to develop IoT services.
The GSMA has therefore created this set of security guidelines for the benefit of service
providers who are looking to develop new IoT services.
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The structure of the GSMA security guideline document set is shown below. It is
recommended that this document, (i.e. the overview document) is read as a primer before
reading the supporting documents.
IoT Security Guidelines Overview
Document CLP.14
IoT Security
CLP.12 CLP.13
+ Guidelines for
IoT Security Guidelines IoT Security Guidelines Operators
for IoT Service for IoT Endpoint
Ecosystem Ecosystem
Network Operators, IoT Service Providers and other partners in the IoT ecosystem are
advised to read GSMA document CLP.14 “IoT Security Guidelines for Network Operators”
[13] which provides top-level security guidelines for Network Operators who intend to provide
services to IoT Service Providers to ensure system security and data privacy.
Completing a GSMA IoT Security Assessment Checklist [16] will allow an entity to
demonstrate the security measures they have taken to protect their products, services and
components from cybersecurity risks.
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for interpreting what aspects of a technology or service are relevant to the implementer.
Once these aspects, or components, are identified, the implementer can evaluate the risks
associated with each component, and determine how to compensate for them. Each
component can be broken down into sub-components, where more granular risks will be
described. Each risk shall be assigned a priority, to assist the implementer in determining the
cost of the attack, as well as the cost of remediation, and the cost, if any, of not addressing
the risk.
The scope of this document is limited to recommendations pertaining to the design and
implementation of IoT services.
This document is not intended to drive the creation of new IoT specifications or standards,
but will refer to currently available solutions, standards and best practice.
This document is not intended to accelerate the obsolescence of existing IoT Services.
It is noted that adherence to national laws and regulations for a particular territory may,
where necessary, overrule the guidelines stated in this document.
· IoT Service Providers - enterprises or organisations who are looking to develop new
and innovative connected products and services. Some of the many fields IoT Service
Providers operate in include smart homes, smart cities, automotive, transport, heath,
utilities and consumer electronics.
· IoT Device Manufacturers - providers of IoT Devices to IoT Service Providers to enable
IoT Services.
· IoT Developers - build IoT Services on behalf of IoT Service Providers.
· Network Operators who are themselves IoT Service Providers or build IoT Services on
behalf of IoT Service Providers.
1.5 Definitions
Term Description
Identifier of a network connection point to which an endpoint device
Access Point
attaches. They are associated with different service types, and in many cases
are configured per network operator.
A hacker, threat agent, threat actor, fraudster or other malicious threat to an IoT
Service typically with the intent of retrieving, destroying, restricting or falsifying
information. This threat could come from an individual criminal, organised
crime, terrorism, hostile governments and their agencies, industrial espionage,
hacking groups, political activists, ‘hobbyist’ hackers, researchers, as well as
unintentional security and privacy breaches.
A network of remote servers on the internet that host, store, manage, and
process applications and their data.
This Endpoint model has a persistent connection to a back-end server over a
Complex Endpoint long-distance communications link such as cellular, satellite, or a hardwired
connection such as Ethernet. See CLP.13 [4] for further information.
Components Refers to the components contained in documents CLP.12 [3] and CLP.13 [4]
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Term Description
Embedded SIM A SIM which is not intended to be removed or replaced in the device, and
enables the secure changing of profiles as per GSMA SGP.01 [2].
Endpoint A generic term for a lightweight endpoint, Complex Endpoint, gateway or other
connected device. See CLP.13 [4] for further information.
Endpoint Any configuration of low complexity devices, rich devices, and gateways that
Ecosystem connect the physical world to the digital world in novel ways. See section 4.2 for
further information.
The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the coordination of multiple machines,
devices and appliances connected to the Internet through multiple networks.
These devices include everyday objects such as tablets and consumer
Internet of Things
electronics, and other machines such as vehicles, monitors and sensors
equipped with communication capabilities that allow them to send and receive
Any computer program that leverages data from IoT devices to perform the
IoT Service
IoT Service Enterprises or organisations who are looking to develop new and innovative
Provider connected products and services.
The operator and owner of the communication network that connects the IoT
Network Operator
Endpoint Device to the IoT Service Ecosystem.
Organizational A set of cryptographic policies and procedures that govern how identities,
Root of Trust applications, and communications can and should be cryptographically secured.
Refers to the recommendations contained in documents CLP.12 [3] and CLP.13
Risk Refers to the risks contained in documents CLP.12 [3] and CLP.13 [4]
Security Tasks Refers to the security tasks contained in documents CLP.12 [3] and CLP.13 [4]
Service Access A point of entry into an IoT Service’s back end infrastructure via a
Point communications network.
The set of services, platforms, protocols, and other technologies required to
IoT Service
provide capabilities and collect data from Endpoints deployed in the field. See
section 3.1 for further information.
Subscriber Identity The smart card used by a mobile network to authenticate devices for
Module (SIM) connection to the mobile network and access to network services.
A Secure Element Platform specified in ETSI TS 102 221 that can support
multiple standardized network or service authentication applications in
cryptographically separated security domains. It may be embodied in
embedded form factors specified in ETSI TS 102 671.
1.6 Abbreviations
Term Description
3GPP 3rd Generation Project Partnership
API Application Program Interface
APN Access Point Name
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
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Term Description
CLP GSMA’s Connected Living Programme
CPU Central Processing Unit
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
GBA Generic Bootstrapping Architecture
GPS Global Positioning System
GSMA GSM Association
GUI Graphic User Interface
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
IoT Internet of Things
LPWA Low Power Wide Area
LTE-M Long Term Evolution for Machines
NB-IoT Narrowband-Internet of Things
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OBD On Board Diagnostics
OCTAVE Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation
OMA Open Mobile Alliance
PIA Privacy Impact Assessment
PII Personally Identifiable Information
RAM Random Access Memory
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
1.7 References
Ref Doc Number Title
“The Mobile Economy 2017”
[1] n/a
“Embedded SIM Remote Provisioning Architecture”
[2] SGP.01
IoT Security Guidelines for IoT Service Ecosystem
[3] CLP.12
IoT Security Guidelines for IoT Endpoint Ecosystem
[4] CLP.13
NIST Risk Management Framework
[5] n/a
Introducing OCTAVE Allegro: Improving the Information Security
[6] Risk Assessment Process
[7] Not Used Not Used
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These declarations are the result of the rapid social and technological changes that have
stemmed from the growth of the Internet. This has resulted in the Internet becoming a way of
life, one of the primary sources of all classes of information, and the most common method
for maintaining connectivity to loved ones and peers. The Internet is not simply a technology,
it has become a part of us.
In concert with the growing desire to maintain connectivity, a technological explosion has
occurred over the past few years. While technologists have declared “The Internet of Things
is coming!” for over a decade, the interest in ubiquitous access to information and the cost
model required to do so had not yet combined into a practical business model until the past
five years. At this point, component costs sharply decreased, while access to wireless
services and the speed of those services have dramatically increased. Protocols, battery life,
and even business models have all evolved to accommodate our ever increasing demand
for information and connectivity.
And that, in essence, is what the Internet of Things is all about. It isn’t really about things. It’s
about Us. The Internet of Us. The human and digital experiences no longer sit side-by-side,
they are bound ever tighter by this new way of life.
And because the human physical experience is bound more to the digital world than ever
before, it must be protected, as digital security now directly impacts the physical world more
than ever. The Internet of Things is an excellent opportunity for the world to move forward
together, in order to create ever greater databases of knowledge, shared experiences, and
explosions of innovation. But, for this to work effectively, the technologies that drive this
connectivity must be secured, to enforce the privacy, reliability, and quality of services
necessary to ensure that this great utility, this imperative basic need, is kept available to all
those that require it.
For the Internet of Things to evolve effectively, we must resolve the security challenges
inherent to its growth. These challenges are:
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connectivity for low power devices. This dovetails well with the challenge of ubiquitous
Internet access for the modern world. For this to succeed, several questions must be
· How can Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks (e.g. NB-IoT and LTE-M) be
deployed and operated with a similar level of security to traditional cellular systems?
· How can multiple mobile operators support the same level of network security as IoT
Endpoints migrate across network boundaries?
· How can network trust be forwarded to capillary Endpoints that rely on Gateway
Endpoints for communication?
· How can the power constraints of Lightweight Endpoints be addressed in secure
communications environments?
2.2 The Identity Challenge
In order for an Endpoint to function within an IoT product or service ecosystem, it must be
capable of securely identifying itself to its peers and services. This critical and fundamental
aspect of IoT technology ensures that services and peers are able to guarantee to what –
and to whom – data is being delivered. Access to information and services isn’t the only
issue directly tied to identity. We also must ask the questions:
· Can the user operating the Endpoint be strongly associated with the Endpoint’s
· How can services and peers verify the identity of the end-user by verifying the identity
of the Endpoint?
· Will Endpoint security technology be capable of securely authenticating peers and
· Can rogue services and peers impersonate authorized services and peers?
· How is the identity of a device secured from tampering or manipulation?
· How can the Endpoint and Network ensure that an IoT Service is permitted to access
the Endpoint?
2.3 The Privacy Challenge
Privacy can no longer be seen as an add-on to existing products and services. Because the
physical world is directly affected by actions taken in the digital world, privacy must be
designed into products from the ground up, to ensure that every action is authorized and
every identity is verified while guaranteeing that these actions and the associated meta-data
are not exposed to unauthorized parties. This can only be achieved by defining the proper
architecture for a product or service, and is exceptionally difficult and expensive to perform
Medical devices, automotive solutions, industrial control systems, home automation, building
and security systems, and more, all directly impact human physical lives. It is the duty of the
engineers to uphold these products and services to the highest level of assurance possible,
to reduce the potential for physical harm as well as the exposure of privacy relevant data.
Therefore, we must ask ourselves how privacy affects not only the end-user, but how IoT
technologies are designed:
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In order for IoT to evolve while not exposing massive groups of users and physical systems
to risk, information security practices must be enforced on both Endpoints and IoT Services.
· Are security best practices incorporated into the product or service at the start of the
· Is the security life-cycle incorporated into the Software or Product Development Life
· Is application security being applied to both services and applications running on the
embedded system?
· Is a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) implemented in both the Endpoint and the Service
· How does the TCB enforce self-verification of application images and services?
· Can the Endpoint or IoT Service detect if there is an anomaly in its configuration or
· How are Endpoints monitored for anomalies indicative of malicious behaviour?
· How is authentication and identity tied to the product or service security process?
· What incident response plan is defined for detected anomalies indicative of a
· How are services and resources segmented to ensure a compromise can be contained
quickly and effectively?
· How are services and resources restored after a compromise?
· Can an attack be spotted?
· Can a compromised system component be spotted?
· How can customers report security concerns?
· Can Endpoints be updated or patched to remove vulnerabilities?
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The mobile industry is offering standards based, licensed, Low-Power Wire-Area (LPWA)
wireless network technologies called NB-IoT and LTE-M to cover the needs of IoT
applications and services. These LPWA network technologies offer the same (and in many
cases increased) wide area, wireless connectivity of traditional mobile networks at a fraction
of the power required to communicate effectively. Many network operators are deploying
LPWA services such that NB-IoT and LTE-M will become the defacto standards for LPWA
network deployment.
Further information regarding NB-IoT and LTE-M network deployment in worldwide regions
can be found on the GSMA website:
By the end of 2016, two thirds of the world’s population had a mobile subscription – a
total of 4.8 billion unique subscribers. By 2020, almost three quarters of the world’s
population – or 5.7 billion people – will subscribe to mobile services.
The shift to mobile broadband networks and smartphones continues to gain momentum.
Mobile broadband connections (3G and 4G technologies) accounted for 55% of total
connections in 2016 – a figure that will be close to three quarters of the connections
base by 2020. The proportion of 4G connections alone is forecast to almost double
from 23% to 41% by the end of the decade.
An additional 2.3 billion mobile broadband connections are forecast between 2016 and
2020, with the proportion of the total rising to 73%. The rapid migration to 4G
remained a key feature in 2016, with 4G connections increasing 55% in the year to
1.7 billion. As a result, by 2020, 2G will no longer be the dominant technology in
terms of connections.
The global addressable market for LPWA devices is large, totalling around 1.4 billion
connections by 2020, with some industry watchers forecasting 5 billion by 2022.
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devices, reduced production costs and the management of connectivity via Over-The-Air
(OTA) platforms to enable the connectivity of the IoT Endpoint devices for their whole
Identity technologies, such as the Embedded SIM, are designed as trust anchors that
integrate security by default. They are manufactured to withstand attacks such as:
· Glitching
· Side-channel analysis
· Passive data interception
· Physical tampering
· Identity theft
An excellent advancement to this already security hardened technology is that new
generations of these trust anchors incorporate an important addition to the IoT landscape.
These technologies will be dual use. They won’t simply be used to verify the security of the
network, they will also be capable of securing application communications and the
application itself, similar to traditional computing trust anchors.
This dual use capability will be further augmented by the integration of mobile industry
security specifications such as those provided by 3GPP GBA [8], OMA [11], oneM2M [12]
and others. These technologies will help to securely provision devices in the field, securely
enable over-the-air firmware updates, and manage device capabilities and identity.
These technologies, when used together, will ease the currently complex engineering
processes and combine it into one simple component. Instead of application engineers
building complex technologies that they themselves have to manage, the network operator,
who already manages the network identity, can perform this on behalf of the application.
This not only reduces the engineering complexity, but the business’s daily management
Furthermore, network technology can be secured through the use of the SIM and
technologies such as GBA [8] or EAP-SIM [9]. By using these technologies, the SIM can be
provisioned with a session security key that can be used in communications with application
network peers over well-known protocols. This process can diminish the potential for
adversaries to manipulate the application protocol to compromise the devices or service.
Thus, it is possible to secure both the network and the application with this model.
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primary component. For example, the Endpoint component, and its respective risks, are
outlined in the Endpoint Ecosystem document [3] provided within this document set and the
Service components are outlined in the Service Ecosystem document [4].
In almost all modern IoT service or product models, this diagram defines the primary
components that are required when deploying a production-ready technology.
Communications network components are inherent to IoT and, for the purposes of this model,
provide the connection between the two ecosystems with each ‘end’ of the communication link
discussed within the appropriate Endpoint Ecosystem and Service Ecosystem document.
Specific network security guideline recommendations for Network Operators can be found in
the GSMA’s “IoT Security Guidelines for Network Operators” [13].
The Service Ecosystem security guidelines to be used in conjunction with the process
described in this overview document can be found in CLP.12 IoT Security Guidelines for IoT
Service Ecosystem [4]
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instructions or actions in response. They may also include rich user interfaces that render
data obtained either through the Endpoint itself, or from the Service Ecosystem.
The Endpoint Ecosystem security guidelines to be used in conjunction with the process
described in this overview document can be found in CLP.13 IoT Security Guidelines for IoT
Endpoint Ecosystem [13]
5 Risk Assessments
While the concept of a risk assessment has been around for many decades, many
businesses are more familiar with applying the concept to general business risk than to
information security. However, an information security risk assessment process is also
imperative toward the secure operation and longevity of the technological side of a business.
Obviously, in Internet of Things technology, where the engineering team is a critical
component to the success of the business, the risk assessment process should be the first
step the organization takes to building a security practice.
While every organization should create a granular perspective of technological risk, there are
high level questions that function as starting points for the risk assessment process
There are some risks that simply cannot be resolved. Some of these risks will be discussed
in these guidelines. The organization should evaluate these risks and determine whether
they are acceptable. This will provide the business with a realistic understanding of their
limitations, the technology’s limitations, and their ability to react to certain types of threats.
There is nothing more monetarily draining than presuming that all security gaps can be
resolved in a cost-effective manner.
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5.1 Goal
The goal of a risk assessment is to create (or update) a set of policies, procedures, and
controls that remediate, monitor, and respond to gaps in security found in the technical part
of the organization. The output of the risk assessment should help the business adjust not
only its technology, but the way the technology is managed, designed, and deployed. Once
the risk assessment output more adequately describes the value of the information and
resources used by the organization, the overall business can be secured through the
enhancement of its personnel, processes, and policies.
Remember, the core benefits to using the output of a risk assessment are:
· Informing personnel
· Enhancing processes
· Defining (or updating) policies
· Executing remediation
· Monitoring for new gaps
· Enhancing the product or service
This, essentially helps the organization enforce a base platform for personnel and process
security. This platform then should be incorporated into a cycle that constantly assesses and
refines the overall roles and responsibilities of the organization.
6 Privacy Considerations
Many IoT services and products will be designed to create, collect, or share data. Some of
this data may not be considered ‘personal data’ or impact a consumer’s privacy, and
therefore, not subject to data protection and privacy laws. This data could include
information about the physical state of the machines, internal diagnostic data, or metrics
regarding the state of the network.
However, many IoT services will involve data about or related to individual consumers and
will be subject to general data protection and privacy laws. Where mobile operators provide
IoT services they will also be subject to telecommunications-specific privacy and security
rules. ‘Consumer’ focused IoT services are likely to involve the generation, distribution and
use of detailed data that could impact an individuals’ privacy. For example, drawing
inferences about their health or developing profiles based on their shopping habits and
locations. As consumer IoT services gain in popularity, more consumer data will be created,
analysed in real-time and shared between multiple parties across national borders.
Where data relates to specific individuals, this complex, ‘connected’ ecosystem may raise
concerns from the consumer over:
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A key challenge for IoT service providers is that there are multiple, and often-inconsistent,
laws dealing with privacy and data protection. Different laws may apply in different
countries, depending on the types of data involved, as well as the industry sector and
services that the service provider is offering. This has implications for a number of
consumer-oriented IoT service providers;
A connected vehicle, for example, can move between different countries, meaning the
associated data transfers may be governed by several different legal jurisdictions. In-car
sensors tracking the location of the car (static or dynamic) and its frequent destinations could
be used to infer a number of insights about the driver’s lifestyle, hobbies or religion, which
the driver may consider personal information. Additionally, insights about driving habits
through ‘on-board diagnostics’ sensors might be shared with insurance companies who
might use those insights to impose a higher premium and therefore discriminate against the
driver without their knowledge.
IoT services and devices (including connected cars) can also move between different
sovereign territories and therefore different legal jurisdictions. In many cases, an individual’s
personal data may transit or reside in jurisdictions different from the individual. These are
important issues that need to be considered before a multi-national IoT Service is deployed.
Another challenge is that most data protection laws require companies collecting consumers’
data to get the affected consumer’s (also known as the ‘data subject’) consent before
processing certain categories of ‘personal data’ – such as health related data. Most laws
define ‘personal data’ as any information that relates to an ‘identified’ or ‘identifiable’ living,
natural person.
But as more and more devices are connected to the Internet, more and more data about
individuals will be collected and analysed and possibly impact their privacy, without
necessarily being considered ‘personal’ by law. The combination of massive data volumes,
Cloud storage and predictive analytics can provide detailed profiles of users. In particular, it
may become challenging to truly anonymise information and personal information can be
inferred from other data types.
The need to maintain the privacy of sensitive, health data records is well recognised, not
least due to the potential for commercial abuse of such records. In the United States of
America, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) includes
privacy and security requirements to mitigate the risks of unauthorised disclosure of health
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HIPAA, like many other regulations such as those in the European Union, only applies if the
health data is personally identifiable. The data stored in a blood monitoring device (which
does not identify the user) would not be covered by these requirements, whereas that same
data in a smartphone app or in a Cloud server is likely to be covered because it is able to be
linked to an individual (in the case of a smartphone because the phone will almost certainly
contain other data identifying the user and in a Cloud server because it will be associated
with an identifiable user account). Policymakers around the world are realising that
information and insights about people can impact their privacy even if they are not defined
as ‘personally identifiable’. They are therefore beginning to adopt more risk-based
approaches to regulation but also considering the wider privacy implications of data use
rather than focusing on legal definitions.
In order to build trust in the IoT ecosystem Governments should ensure data protection and
privacy legislation is technology-neutral and that rules are applied consistently to all players
in the internet ecosystem. Furthermore, in order for IoT Service Providers to minimise the
need for formal regulatory intervention, we recommend that they follow the steps described
in Annex A at the early development stages of their IoT service or product.
Start by making a document describing each component used in the system. Identify how
the component is sourced, how it is used, what privilege level it requires, and how it is
integrated into the overall solution. Map each component to the technologies described in
the Model section of each Endpoint Ecosystem [3] and Service Ecosystem [4] guidelines
documents. It is acceptable if the document doesn’t specifically match a component, as it
should map the component’s general class. Simply use the class of component, such as a
microcontroller, communications module, or trust anchor, as the context. Consider the
following questions:
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· What security controls are already applied to these inputs and outputs?
· What privilege level is applied to the component?
· Who in the organization is responsible for implementing the component?
· Who in the organization is responsible for monitoring and managing the component?
· What process is in place to remediate risks observed in the component?
These questions, when answered, will provide an understanding of how the technical
components interact with each other, and how the overall product or service is affected by
each component.
This process corresponds with the first and second phases of the CERT OCTAVE risk
assessment model [6], or the Frame stage of the NIST Risk Management Framework [5].
This assists in the development of a profile for each critical business asset, the development
of security objectives, and establishes a foundation for how the company will assess,
monitor, and respond to risk.
Once the security model has been reviewed, the reader should have a better understanding
of what technologies are most vulnerable, or most desirable to the Attacker, in the product or
service being developed. This information should be shared with the organization, to ensure
that both engineers and leadership understand the risks and threats to the current model.
However, it should be noted that the organization should not take steps to adjust their
security model at this time. It is too early to make concise architectural changes.
This process again corresponds to the first and second phases of the CERT OCTAVE model
[6], or the Frame stage of the NIST Risk Management Framework [5]. Reviewing the security
model helps enhance the technical model by identifying potential gaps in security and
shining a spotlight on security objectives that should be prioritized.
For each recommendation, a Method section is provided. This section will outline
methodologies that assist in the remediation or mitigation of the corresponding security risk.
These methods, while presented from a high level, will outline concepts that reduce risk from
a holistic perspective, to ensure the greatest amount of gain is acquired from a reasonable
and practical amount of effort.
An Expense section is provided to discuss, where applicable, extra financial expenses that
the organization should prepare for when implementing a particular recommendation. While
most expenses, such as engineering time and raw materials, are fairly obvious, less obvious
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expenses can alter the finances applied to products and services whose profit margins and
budgetary limits have already been defined by the business leadership. While specific
numbers are not provided, technologies and services are specified that may incur additional
A Risk section is also provided so the reader understands the gaps in security that are likely
to result from not implementing a particular recommendation. While the business may accept
that some risks are within the business’s operating guidelines, the reader should review
each risk section to ensure that the business fully understands the side effects of not
implementing (or not correctly implementing) a given recommendation. This may seem
straight forward for recommendations such as “Encrypt Data”, but the subtlety of some
threats, such as replay attacks against messages that are not cryptographically unique, may
be a surprise to the reader at a later date.
In some cases, references are provided for further review. While this document does not
provide detailed information on every technology, risk, or remediation plan, other standards
and time-proven strategies do. This set of documents will provide references to those
materials, where applicable, within each recommendation.
The output from reviewing the Recommendations section should directly tie into the Security
Tasks section. The Security Tasks should now be filled out with Recommendations that are
appropriate for implementing the Security Tasks correctly. These Security Tasks will then tie
back to specific Components assigned to members of the organization.
Evaluating recommendations corresponds to the Assess step of the NIST Risk Management
Framework [5], and steps six, seven, and eight of the CERT OCTAVE methodology [6].
When the implementation is complete, the organization should review the Risks in both the
Recommendations subsection and the Component sections. The organization should ensure
that the implementation fulfils the requirements set forth by these sections. The organization
should then ensure that the implementation solves security with regard to the context in
which the Component is designed in the organization’s product or service, as these
documents cannot fully address every product or service being designed in the field. If
possible, have a third party consulting firm evaluate the implementation to ensure that it
does indeed adhere to security best practices.
Implementation and review corresponds with the Respond component of the NIST Risk
Management Framework [5], and step eight of the CERT OCTAVE model [6].
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Managing the ongoing security lifecycle corresponds with the Monitor and Frame
components of the NIST Risk Management Framework [5], and steps one, four, and five of
the CERT OCTAVE model [6].
The HRM is composed of standard components for a simple wireless wearable device: an
ambient light photo sensor and a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transceiver enabled
microcontroller. The sensor is used to capture pulse rate data, while the microcontroller
analyses the data emitting from the sensor and chooses what data to send over the built-in
BLE transceiver. In this example, the BLE stack used is version 4.2.
A coin cell battery is used in this example to transmit data from the HRM to another device,
such as a smart-phone or tablet. No other components are required for this device to
According to the Endpoint Ecosystem document, this device would fit into the Lightweight
Endpoint class of devices.
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Visualization of the data can be achieved using the mobile application, or via the service’s
website. Users of the wearable technology can log into the service provider’s website to
perform more actions with the metrics captured by the endpoint.
This is a very simple and common service model with no custom or unnecessary
The business intends to use this data to partner with medical device manufacturers, health
care providers, and other organizations that can use these metrics to identify whether a
consumer is more or less likely to incur a health-related event, such as a heart attack or a
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From an endpoint perspective, the team learned the following issues are of concern:
· Cloning
· Endpoint impersonation
· Service impersonation
· Ensuring privacy
From a service perspective, the team decided the following issues are of concern:
· Cloning
· Hacked services
· Identifying anomalous endpoint behaviour
· Limiting compromise
· Reducing data loss
· Reducing exploitation
· Managing user privacy
· Improving availability
The team reviewed the recommendations for each of the above issues, as suggested by
each relevant Frequently Asked Security Question section. The team then chose to
implement recommendations that were cost-effective improvements that ensured the
greatest amount of security.
In this example model, the endpoint would not require a substantial change. Since the
endpoint has very little functionality, minimal security can be employed on the endpoint for
both application security and communication. Since the endpoint application is flashed on a
single device, as long as the device firmware is locked, there is no real threat of attack
against the endpoint within the given use case.
However, since privacy is an issue, the organization should employ at least a Personalized
PSK version of a Trusted Computing Base (TCB). This would ensure that encryption tokens
were unique to each endpoint, so that one compromised endpoint cannot compromise all
endpoints. If the personalized (unique) keys were encoded into the locked microcontroller, it
would be reasonable to believe that this use case were adequately secured from the threat
of cloning, impersonation, and privacy issues. Review the IoT Service [3] and Endpoint [4]
documents for a more complete discussion on what a Trusted Computing Base is within
each ecosystem’s context.
The server infrastructure, however, requires a significant amount of changes. The engineers
realize that, according to the recommendations, they are at serious risk of abuse. The
following issues are acknowledged:
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In the above figure, the changes to the service ecosystem are easily observable. Each class
of service has been broken into separate tiers to help secure and scale the technology easily
in the event that demand spikes. Two additional tiers were added, a database tier and an
authentication tier, to separate critical systems from services that directly interface with the
outside world. A security front-end was implemented to help guard the internal network from
multiple types of attacks, including DoS and DDoS attacks that reduce the overall availability
of the system. Finally, an administrative model was defined to allow management secure
access to the production environment. One component not depicted in the above diagram is
the presence of an analytics model that observes when endpoint behaviour may be
indicative of a compromise, or a flaw in the firmware or hardware design.
8.6 Summary
Overall, this simple technology could have been easily compromised had it been deployed
“as is”. Yet, with a few fast, simple, and cost-effective changes made on the endpoint, the
technology is assured to have years of longevity in the field without change to the
With the service ecosystem ramped up, there is far less of a threat to both users and the
business. Cloning and impersonation is no longer a threat. Privacy is ensured by granting
each endpoint unique cryptographic tokens. Systems that contain critical information are
separated and secured from more heavily abused public-facing systems. This model, while
slightly more complex, reduces the overall risk of the production environment.
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This personal drone is composed of a robust set of components. The processing capabilities
of the drone are high performance due to the multiple motors, sensors, and other equipment
that all must function efficiently in parallel. This model uses an ARM Cortex-A8 CPU with the
primary operating system (Linux) stored in NVRAM on a separate chip. An array of various
sensors are required for detecting movement, light, speed, and more. A SD/MMC card is
used to store video, sensor metrics, and metadata. A camera is used to allow the operator to
see from the drone’s perspective. A cellular/GPS combination module is used to ensure the
drone can maintain connectivity to its operator even when it is out of range of a proprietary
protocol. GPS is also used for guidance, and for minimal automation.
A Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery is used to drive the drone. Its fly time is approximately two
hours before a new charge is required when all functions are active at once.
According to the Endpoint Ecosystem document, this device would fit into the Complex
Endpoint class of devices. Even though it contains a cellular module, it is not considered a
gateway as it does not route messages to or from other endpoints.
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However, as the drone has some light automation features, it can be given coordinates and
a path to traverse while taking photos or short videos. These media files can be uploaded in
real time over LTE to the back-end service to show the operator its course and viewpoint
during automated execution.
Thus, a robust back-end service is required to ensure a high degree of service availability for
each drone that might connect to the system. Availability is also necessary for the high
bursts of network traffic required to transmit videos and high-resolution images over a
cellular link. There must also be a web interface that allows the operator to view media
uploads from a web browser.
From an endpoint perspective, the team learned the following issues are of concern:
· Endpoint identity
· Endpoint impersonation
· Trust anchor attacks
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From a service perspective, the team decided the following issues are of concern:
· Managing user privacy
· Improving availability
The team reviewed the recommendations for each of the above issues, as suggested by
each relevant Frequently Asked Security Question section. The team then chose to
implement recommendations that were cost-effective improvements that ensured the
greatest amount of security.
In this example, the service infrastructure does not require a substantial change. This is
because the service infrastructure already had to be built out extensively to accommodate
for the bursts of traffic required in servicing the endpoint product. The architecture already
demanded a well formed and secure architecture simply to be able to scale effectively and
maintain availability of resources even when some services were incurring temporary faults.
However, the organization chose to investigate user privacy further as this has become a
primary point of contention for the business’s unexpected niche.
· The bootloader is not properly validating the application prior to executing the operating
system kernel, leading to a risk of tampering
· There is no TCB used to manage the security of the application or communications
· Because there is no properly implemented TCB or trust anchor, endpoint impersonation
is a problem, which may lead to data leakage
· Without a well implemented TCB, the endpoint can’t properly authenticate services
· Without a well implemented TCB, the endpoint can’t properly authenticate the operator
over the proprietary radio interface
· The engineers have relied on the security of LTE to ensure the communications
channel can’t be compromised, but has not considered the threat of endpoint
impersonation or Femtocell repurposing, both of which bypass the security of LTE to
compromise weak service security
For the existing drone system already in production, the engineering team issues a firmware
update that implements a Personalized Pubkey security model. The firmware update
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improves the bootloader as well to bake security into the core architecture. Since a
Personalized Pubkey model was used, anyone attempting to abuse the initial lack of security
in the endpoint to attempt to impersonate another user’s endpoint would fail, as the
engineers leveraged their existing user-to-endpoint mapping database to create
personalized keys on a per-user basis. This way, no user without the appropriate web
credentials can download and install another user’s Personalized Pubkey update. While this
process was complex and time consuming to implement, it will be worth the effort.
Future versions of the drone technology will implement an internal CPU trust anchor. This
trust anchor will be tied to a Personalized Pubkey TCB, to ensure that each endpoint is
uniquely seeded with exceptional security from the ground up.
Deploying strong cryptography in this fashion is imperative, as it also negates the potential
for the other classes of attack the company identified as a concern. By leveraging the benefit
of strong cryptography and a TCB for verification and authentication, the engineering team
can easily identify whether rogue services are being made available to the drone. The drone,
upon detecting rogue services, can simply land back at the original take-off site.
Any service that detects an improperly secured drone can also raise flags internally. The
administration team, at that time, can determine how to deal with the potentially
compromised drone. This provides a level of agility with regard to security events, and also
gives the organization a way to evaluate if there are software or hardware problems that are
causing abnormal behaviour on the endpoint.
9.6 Summary
While the engineering team obviously spent an exceptional amount of time creating a
resilient architecture from a mechanical engineering and back-end services perspective,
substantial work needed to be done to create secure endpoint technology. While this
scenario did not pose a critical threat to the overall business, it was fortunate that there was
a solution that worked well enough for their customer’s needs. Had this been a more safety-
critical technology, even the solution deployed here may have not been sufficient.
For more information on Trusted Computing Base variants, such as Personalized Pubkey
TCB or Personalized PSK TCB, please review the IoT Service [3] and Endpoint [4]
Ecosystem documents.
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While the above model is too complex to properly depict in a simple diagram, the three high-
level components involved are:
· A telematics uplink unit that manages the sensor network, makes complex decisions
on behalf of the driver, and maintains a connection to the back-end system
· A vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) system that detects and reacts to V2V events
· A general sensor network that provides metrics to the telematics uplink unit
In modern automotive systems, the telematics unit is a part of the automobile’s computer
network and makes decisions based on sensor data and back-end communications. This
unit will make decisions with, or on behalf of, the consumer driving the vehicle. The unit
ensures that the vehicle is operating properly, attempts to make intelligent decisions during
emergencies, and takes commands from the back-end network.
The V2V sensor network identifies vehicles in the vicinity and makes decisions based on
metrics gathered from sensors. While the telematics unit primarily makes decisions based on
the state of components (such as brakes or tire pressure monitors) the V2V system makes
decisions based on the presence of other vehicles, or sends out alerts to nearby vehicles in
the case of a critical event.
The general sensor network is a series of components that provide data to the telematics
unit, and sometimes the V2V unit. These units use the information gathered from the general
sensor network to make accurate decisions during critical events.
According to the Endpoint Ecosystem document, this system has components that fit into
every IoT endpoint class. The telematics uplink unit acts as a gateway. The V2V unit acts as
a complex endpoint. The general sensor devices are effectively all lightweight endpoints.
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The system may also be augmented to provide the consumer with useful services, such as
“remotely unlock door”, “start engine”, and similar features. In the near future, these systems
may allow vehicles to be driven remotely through automated guidance systems.
While most critical decisions will be made in the processing units on the vehicle itself, it is
reasonable to conjecture that some decisions will be made in the cloud, where more
machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) along with behavioural or statistical
models can be leveraged to make more complex decisions.
One interesting feature of this technology is that it may be entirely transparent to the user.
The user would not need to configure these computers to act in a certain fashion. Instead,
they should be capable of negotiating the current landscape through the use of sensor
metrics. This will allow the computers to behave correctly regardless of the environment.
From an endpoint perspective, the team learned the following issues are of concern:
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· Endpoint impersonation
· Service or Peer impersonation
· Side-channel attacks
· Detecting compromised endpoints
· Ensuring safety at the risk of security
From a service perspective, the team decided the following issues are of concern:
The biggest risk to this environment that hasn’t been discussed in previous examples is the
risk of impersonation with regard to peers. One concern that engineers have in this type of
environment is the risk that a computer will make critical decisions using data that is not
properly authenticated.
Since sensor data in critical scenarios requires exceptionally fast processing times, it is
theorized that it may not always be feasible to implement asymmetric cryptography or PKI
based communications. However, this may not be an accurate assertion. Instead, an
accurate security model should account ahead of time for time-critical scenarios and cache
session keys for nearby Endpoints. For example, if two objects are approaching each other
at a known rate, security applications in the Service Ecosystem can prepare session keys
specific to these two Endpoints before they reach a distance where they can physically
impact one another. This would ensure that secure communication between Endpoints and
sensors can still be used in the event that there is no time to renegotiate an instantaneous
secure session when the potential for a critical scenario (like an impending automotive
crash) is detected. .
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reused. This, along with tamper resistance, a strong TCB in every endpoint, and an
organizational root of trust, allows the environment to function with far less risk.
Yet, regardless of these changes, safety is still a critical factor. The engineering team and
business leadership, along with the company’s legal team and insurance brokers, should
evaluate safety critical technology and determine whether security can be implemented
without risking safety of the users. While security can often be implemented, even in safety-
critical scenarios, with some architectural adjustments, there are times when safety must
come before all other concerns.
10.6 Summary
Systems like these are often well engineered and take a large amount of effort to attack the
ecosystem. However, subtle flaws in the communications architecture can lead to a
compromised environment. In walled gardens, such as some CANbus networks, a single
flawed endpoint can cause the entire system to become vulnerable. This, in safety-critical
environments, is unacceptable.
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Step Consideration
What data do you need to collect from / about the user so that your IoT service or
product can function properly?
One of the first steps in any business model relying on data is to identify what information
is actually required from or about the consumer, for the service or product to function
properly. The types of data a service requires could be categorised as static – such as the
consumer’s name or home address – and data that is dynamic, such as real-time
location. So if you are offering, for example, a fitness wristband tracking someone’s steps
Step 1 and calories burned, then you would need to know the weight, age, gender, distance
travelled and the heart rate of the individual wearing the wristband, but you would
arguably not need the actual location of the individual.
When assessing the types of data needed, it’s also important to decide whether the
individuals’ consent is needed to use that data and how you would obtain their consent or
indeed offer them options to control their privacy preferences. A smartphone could act as
a medium for offering the user privacy options (e.g. mobile app or online dashboard)
where the product itself has no screen.
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The following diagram presents one option of how the proposed steps above could be
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For the sake of simplicity, our automotive tracking system will have the following capabilities:
· Endpoint Ecosystem:
· A simple Graphic User Interface (GUI) that allows a user to:
· Log in with a username and password
· Disable tracking
· Enable tracking
· Identify and visualize current location
· A cellular module for connecting to back-end services
· A SIM card for the cellular module
· A Lithium-Polymer battery for back-up power
· A Central Processing Unit (CPU)
· An embedded application in Non-Volatile RAM
· Service Ecosystem:
· Cellular Data connectivity
· Secure Private APN
· Service Access Point
· Cellular Modem OTA management service
· SIM Card OTA management service
After marking down the information relevant to each technology, the team reviews the Model
section of each Guideline document and identifies the appropriate technological model. This
Endpoint is a Complex Endpoint. The Service and Network model is a standard mobile-
enabled IoT service.
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In our example solution, there are only two threat surfaces that are relevant to an attack:
Physical attacks are the only other way to compromise the device of which there are multiple
entry points as shown in the above diagram, so in the case of this IoT service the Endpoint
should be heavily focused on.
Once each Component is assigned to an owner, the process can begin. This means, at this
stage, the team understands:
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Once the recommendations are reviewed, the Component owners can determine whether a
recommendation has already been applied, or mark a recommendation pending. This will
allow the group to have a discussion regarding the applicability of a recommendation prior to
its deployment. This is a better strategy to follow, as some recommendations may have side
effects that impact the fulfilment of other recommendations, or existing controls.
After reviewing Recommendations and the Component risk section, the following security
gaps were identified:
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In this particular instance, the team has identified that they are working with a GSMA
member that is capable of provisioning an SIM card that contains application-capable trust
anchor technology. They will resolve their need for a trust anchor by using the existing SIM
card. This also resolves personalization, as each SIM can be personalized in the field using
standard GSMA technology.
SIM technology can also help provision communication security keys over the air, resolving
the need to implement communications authentication and privacy.
The SIM company-specific zone can be programmed with a trusted root base that enables
the business to authenticate peers using a certificate chain. This resolves Organizational
Root of Trust and peer authentication requirements.
The EEPROM is encoded with data that is encrypted with security keys stored in the SIM
trust anchor.
The bootloader is altered to use the trust anchor for the authentication of the application
The Endpoint is reprogrammed to support secure password input from the user by blocking
out password characters as they are typed.
A privacy management GUI is added so the user can view and control what information is
being gathered by the business.
Once these implementations are defined, the team re-evaluates all security
Recommendations and Risks, and reviews the Security Model to identify whether the
changes have resolved their concerns.
The team will plan how each incident or gap is identified, remediated, and recovered from.
This will ensure that, over time, the evolving technological and security landscape will not
take the organization by surprise.
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It is our intention to provide a quality product for your use. If you find any errors or omissions,
please contact us with your comments. You may notify us at [email protected]
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