NAME: - SECTION: - : SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc
NAME: - SECTION: - : SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc
NAME: - SECTION: - : SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NC IV
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL
Maintain Measuring Instruments
NAME:___________________ SECTION:_________________
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Prepared by: Sir Dominick Paul Dizon
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NC IV
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL
Maintain Measuring Instruments
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Prepared by: Sir Dominick Paul Dizon
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NC IV
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL
Maintain Measuring Instruments
Signal generator. A signal generator is a device which produces
simple waveforms
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Prepared by: Sir Dominick Paul Dizon
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NC IV
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL
Maintain Measuring Instruments
1. What is the instrument that serves as 3 measuring instruments in one?
A) Audio Generator C) Signal Generator
B) Oscilloscope D) VOM
2. What is a device which produces simple wave forms?
A) Audio Amplifier C) Signal tracer
B) VOM D) Signal Generator
3. Where is the function switch rested if an off position is not available in
the VOM?
A) 10VDC C) !00 VAC
B) 50 VAC D) 250 VAC
4. Place instruments in a cool dry place and away from any ____________
A) Other instruments C) Magnetic devices
B) Audio amplifiers D) Digital sources
5. What measuring instrument should be given regular checkup by
connecting them to power line?
A) Capacitor Tester C) Oscilloscope
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Prepared by: Sir Dominick Paul Dizon
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING NC IV
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 COMPETENCY BASED LEARNING MATERIAL
Maintain Measuring Instruments
1. Which instrument serves as 3 measuring instruments in one?
A) Audio Generator C) Signal Generator
B) Oscilloscope D) VOM
2. Which device produces simple wave forms?
A) Audio Amplifier C) Signal tracer
B) VOM D) Signal Generator
3. Where is the function switch rested if an off position is not available In
the VOM?
A) 10VDC C) 100 VAC
B) 50 VAC D) 250 VAC
4. Place instruments in a cool dry place and away from any
A) Audio amplifiers C) Magnetic devices
B) Other instruments D) Digital sources
5. What measuring instrument should be given regular check up by
connecting it to power line?
A) Capacitor Tester C) Oscilloscope
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Prepared by: Sir Dominick Paul Dizon