Sizing of Gas Pressure Regulating and Metering Stations (GRMS)

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Design Parameters
Sizing of Gas Pressure Regulating and Metering Stations (GRMS)

Project Data

Date of issue: 30.06.2009 Person in charge: Heinrichs Quotation no.: 25050

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH Revision: 1

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP Language: EN

Inlet pressure Outlet pressure

min.: 31 barg min.: 25,8 barg

norm.: 31 barg norm.: 25,8 barg ►►► Setpoint

max.: 31 barg Flange pressure rating: max.: 25,8 barg Flange pressure rating:

Design pressure: 50 barg ANSI 300 RF Design pressure: 50 barg ANSI 300 RF

Flow Rate Qn: Medium

min.: 0,1 kg/s ≈ 472 Nm3/h Type of gas: Natural Gas

norm.: 16 kg/s ≈ 75541 Nm3/h Gas temperature T1: 26,6 °C

max.: 32 kg/s ≈ 151082 Nm3/h Normal density ρn: 0,7625 kg/m

► SG = 0,590

Design Temperature range: -20...+60 °C

RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH SizeMax/V2.4/AG---userID=philipp.heinrichs

Conversion of units Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-units-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP

Pressure units
lb/in2 (=psi) bar lb/in2 (=psi) bar
450 31,005 375 25,8375

Flow units
Nm3/h scft/h Nm3/h scft/h

Temperature units
°F °C °C °F
80 26,66666667 35 95

Energy units
J kwh kwh J

Density units
SG (air=1) kg/m3 kg/m3 SG (air=1)

Volume units
ltr (=dm3) m3 m3 ltr (=dm3)

Length units
in m m ft


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Determination of Line Size Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-line-rev1
Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH
Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP

Basic Design Parameters

Operating pressure p
min.: norm.: max.:
Inlet: 31 barg 31 barg 31 barg
Outlet: 25,8 barg 25,8 barg 25,8 barg

Flow rate Qnmax: 151082 Nm3/h

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Maximum allowed velocity:

Inlet: 20 m/s

Outlet: 20 m/s

Calculation of inlet size

Operating pressure p Flow rate Qn: Required line size

[barg] [Nm3/h] [mm]
354 ⋅ Q n 31 151082 289
DN req =
V max ⋅ p 31 151082 289
31 151082 289

Selected line size: DN = 350 mm ⇔ 14"

pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values !

Calculation of outlet size

Required line size Operating pressure p Flow rate Qn: Required line size
[barg] [Nm3/h] [mm]
354 ⋅ Q n 25,8 151082 316
DN req =
V max ⋅ p 25,8 151082 316
25,8 151082 316

Selected line size: DN = 400 mm ⇔ 16"

pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values !


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Filters Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-filt-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Basic Design Parameters

Operating pressure p
min.: norm.: max.:
31 barg 31 barg 31 barg

min.: norm.: max.:

Flow rate Qn: 472 Nm3/h 75541 Nm3/h 151082 Nm3/h

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Normal density ρn: 0,7625 kg/m

correction factor for different gases than 0,83 kg

f = m3 =
Natural Gas with a normal density of ρ nGas 1,043
0,83 kg/m :


Manufacturer: Thielmann Energietechnik GmbH

Selected type: Thielmann

Size DN: Inlet: 350 mm Outlet: 350 mm

354 ⋅ Q n Operating pressure p 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar
v= 75541 Nm3/h
DN 2 ⋅ p Flow rate Qn:
151082 Nm3/h
7 m/s
14 m/s
7 m/s
14 m/s
7 m/s
14 m/s

Pressure drop:
Operating pressure p 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar
75541 Nm3/h
Flow rate Qn:
151082 Nm3/h
acc. to supplier 50 mbar 50 mbar 50 mbar

pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values !


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Heat Exchangers Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-heat-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Basic Design Parameters

Max. inlet pressure p1: 32,013 bar(abs) Normal density ρn: 0,7625 kg/m3
Min. outlet pressure p2: 26,813 bar(abs) Flow rate Qnmax: 151082 Nm /h

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Inlet temperature t1: 26,6 °C Outlet temperature t2: 35 °C

Joule-Thomson coefficient µ: 0,44 K/bar Heater efficiency: 0,85

Specific heat capacity cp: 2,2 kJ/kg/K = 0,52546 kcal/kg/K

Water temperature (in), tvl: 90 °C Water temperature (out), trl: 70 °C

Spec. heat capacity water cw: 3,8 kJ/kg/K Max. flow velocity water: 1,5 m/s

Max. pressure drop water: 0,3 bar


Δt = (p1 − p2)⋅ μ +t2 −t1 = 10,69 °C

Required Heating capacity:

W = qn ⋅ ρ n ⋅ Δt ⋅ c p = 2708767 kJ/h = 646854 kcal/h => 752 kW

Required fuel gas flow: 75,2 m /h

Water Consumption: 41,9 m3/h Water conn. (DN required): 99 mm

Required Kvs-value (water): 76,6 m3/h


Manufacturer: Otto Klein GmbH

Selected type: OKEV 400.40.2.6"/300.14"/300.15

Size DN: Inlet: 350 mm Outlet: 350 mm

Heating capacity: 750 kW

Pressure drop: min.: 100 mbarg max.: 960 mbarg

Size DN (water): Inlet: 4" mm Outlet: 4" mm


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Safety Shut-Off Valves (SSV) Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-ssv-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Basic Design Parameters

Operating pressure p
min.: norm.: max.:
29,99 barg 29,99 barg 29,99 barg

Flow rate Qn: norm.: 75541 Nm3/h max.: 151082 Nm3/h

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Normal density ρn: 0,7625 kg/m Specific gravity (air = 1) SG: 0,590

correction factor for different gases than 0,83 kg 3

Natural Gas with a normal density of f = m = 1,043
0,83 kg/m : 3 ρ nGas


Selected type: RMG 711-200 (8")

Size DN: 200 mm Quantity of SSV: 2

KG = 76500 m3/h/bar Maximum allowed velocity: 80 m/s

354 ⋅ Q n Operating pressure p 29,99 bar 29,99 bar 29,99 bar
v= 75541 Nm3/h
DN 2 ⋅ p Flow rate Qn:
151082 Nm3/h
22 m/s
43 m/s
22 m/s
43 m/s
22 m/s
43 m/s

Pressure drop:
Q 1 Operating pressure p 29,99 bar 29,99 bar 29,99 bar
Δp ≈ n
⋅ 75541 Nm3/h
KG ⋅ p f 2
Flow rate Qn:
151082 Nm /h3
58 mbar 58 mbar 58 mbar
231 mbar 231 mbar 231 mbar

pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values !


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Gas Pressure Regulators Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-act-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Basic Design Parameters

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Normal density ρn: 0,763 kg/m Specific gravity (air = 1) SG: 0,590

correction factor for different gases than 0,83 kg

Natural Gas with a normal density of f = m3 = 1,043
0,83 kg/m3 :
ρ nGas

min.: norm.: max.:

Inlet pressure pu: 29,76 barg 29,76 barg 29,76 barg

min.: norm. (setpoint): max.:

Outlet pressure pd: 25,8 barg 25,8 barg 25,8 barg

min.: norm.: max.:

Flow rate Qn: 2778 Nm3/h 75541 Nm3/h 151082 Nm3/h

Required valve flow koefficient KG upon min. inlet pressure, max. outlet pressure and max. flow:
Pressure drop (pdmax/pumin) = 0,87 Subcritical pressure drop !

KG (req.) = 14057 m3/h/bar Calculated, using formula no. I. , as shown below


Selected type: RMG 512-200/400 (8"/16") Silencer: --

DN (inlet): 200 mm Turn down ratio, r = 1 %

DN (outlet): 400 mm KG = 25850 m3/h/bar Δpmin: 0,5 bar

Available nominal flow Qn

I.) Formula for subcritical pressure drop pu [bar] pdmax/pu Qnmax [Nm3/h] Qnmin [Nm3/h]
(pdmax/pu ≥ 0,5): 29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
Q n max = K G ⋅ f ⋅ pd ⋅ ( pu − pd )
29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
II.) Formula for supercritical pressure drop 29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
(pdmax/pu < 0,5): 29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
K G ⋅ f ⋅ pu
Q n max = 29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
2 277.840 2.778
29,8 0,87
III.) Formula for min. flow 29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
29,8 0,87 277.840 2.778
Q n min = Q n max ⋅ r
pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values ! SizeMax/V2.4/AG---userID=philipp.heinrichs

Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Gas Pressure Regulator (Active)
Capacity Chart
RMG 512-200/400 (8"/16")

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-act-cht-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Norm. density ρn: 0,7625
Max. available flow Qnmax [Nm3/h]

Inlet pressure pu: Outlet pressure pd:

[barg] 25,8 barg 25,8 barg 25,8 barg
31,0 318.382 318.382 318.382
31,0 318.382 318.382 318.382
31,0 318.382 318.382 318.382
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31,0 318.382 318.382 318.382
31,0 318.382 318.382 318.382


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Gas Pressure Regulator (Active)
Capacity Diagram
RMG 512-200/400 (8"/16")

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-act-dia-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

pd = 25,8 bar pd = 25,8 bar pd = 25,8 bar




Qnmax [Nm3/h]




31,0 31,0 31,0 31,0 31,0 31,0 31,0 31,0
pu [bar]


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Safety Relief Valves Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-srv-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH

Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Tag no.:

Basic Design Parameters

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Normal density ρn: 0,763 kg/m Specific gravity (air = 1) SG: 0,590

correction factor for different gases than 0,83 kg

Natural Gas with a normal density of f = m3 = 1,043
0,83 kg/m3 :
ρ nGas

Setpoint 32,25 barg Max. operating pressure p: 25,8 barg

Outlet pressure pd: 0 barg

Flow rate Qn: 7554,1 Nm3/h

Required valve flow koefficient KG upon min. inlet pressure, max. outlet pressure and max. flow:
Pressure drop (pdmax/pumin) = 0,03 Supercritical pressure drop !

KG (req.) = 436 m3/h/bar Calculated, using formula no. II. , as shown below


Selected type: RMG 846

DN (inlet): ½" screwed (male)

DN (outlet): ½" screwed (female) KG = 28 m3/h/bar

Available nominal flow Qn

I.) Formula for subcritical pressure drop p [bar] Qnmax [Nm3/h]
(pdmax/pu ≥ 0,5): Setpoint SP 32,25 --
SP + 10 % 35,48 533
Q n max = K G ⋅ f ⋅ pd ⋅ ( pu − pd )
SP + 15 % 37,09 556
II.) Formula for supercritical pressure drop SP + 20 % 38,70 580
(pdmax/pu < 0,5): SP + 25 % 40,31 603
SP + 30 % 41,93 627
K G ⋅ f ⋅ pu
Q n max = SP + 35 % 43,54 651
2 45,15 674
SP + 40 %
SP + 45 % 46,76 698
SP + 50 % 48,38 721

pressures in the formula to be inserted in absolute values ! SizeMax/V2.4/AG---userID=philipp.heinrichs

Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Velocities / Line Size Calculation Sheet

Doc.-no.: cs-25050-vel-rev1
Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH
Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP

Basic Design Parameters

Operating pressure p
min.: norm.: max.:
Inlet: 31 barg 31 barg 31 barg
Outlet: 25,8 barg 25,8 barg 25,8 barg

norm.: max.:
Flow rate Qn: 75541 Nm /h 151082 Nm3/h

Type of gas: Natural Gas

Velocities (approximate values)

Station inlet Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

31 barg 7 m/s 14 m/s

DN: 350 mm 31 barg 7 m/s 14 m/s
31 barg 7 m/s 14 m/s

SSV Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s

DN: 200 mm 31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s
31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s

Regulator inlet Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s

DN: 200 mm 31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s
31 barg 21 m/s 42 m/s

Regulator outlet Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s

size DN: 400 mm 25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s
25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s

Meter run Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

25,8 barg m/s m/s

DN: mm 25,8 barg m/s m/s
25,8 barg m/s m/s

Station outlet Operating pressure p Qn= 75541 Nm3/h Qn= 151082 Nm3/h

25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s

DN: 400 mm 25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s
25,8 barg 6 m/s 12 m/s


Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

Sizing of Gas Pressure Regulating and Metering Stations (GRMS) Station Overview

Doc. no.: SO-25050-rev1

Customer: MAN Ferrostaal Industrial Projects GmbH
Project: 892829 TGU Trinidad 720MW CCPP
Basic Parameters:
min.: norm.: max.: max.:
Inlet pressure pu: 31 31 31 barg Outlet pressure pd: (Setpoint): 25,8 barg Flow rate Qn: 151082 Nm3/h

Line diagram:
Station inlet Station outlet
Type Thielmann/OKEV 400.40.2.6"/300.14"/300.15 RMG 711 RMG 512
DN 350/350 350/ 350 350/200 200/ 200 200/200 200/ 400 400/400
Filter/Heat Exchanger SSV (2 x) Active Regulator
Pu_max 31,00 bar 29,99 bar 29,76 bar 25,80 bar
Pu_min 31,00 bar 29,99 bar 29,76 bar 25,80 bar

Available nominal Inlet pressure pu: Inlet pressure pu: Inlet pressure pu:
flow Qn 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar 31 bar
Qnmax ----> 151.082 151.082 3 280.136 280.136 3 277.840 277.840 3
Nm /h Nm /h Nm /h
Qnmin ----> 0 0 3 0 0 3 2.778 2.778 3
Nm /h Nm /h Nm /h

Size DN Max. press. drop

Flow Meter
Inlet Outlet in [bar], upon KG
Type 3 Type
[m /h]
[mm] [mm] Pu_min Pu_max
Size DN [mm]
Filter/Heat Exchanger Thielmann/OKEV 400.40.2.6"/300.14"/300.15 350 350 ~ 1,01 ~ 1,01 0 Qbmin [m3/h]
SSV (2 x) RMG 711 200 200 ~ 0,23 ~ 0,23 76500 Qbmax [m3/h]
Active Regulator RMG 512 200 400 ~ 3,96 ~ 3,96 25850
Safety Relief Valve RMG 846 ½" ½" 28

Date of issue: 30.06.2009 RMG REGEL + MESSTECHNIK GMBH Heinrichs

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