Agonizing Cross
Agonizing Cross
Agonizing Cross
Wheresoever the body shall be, thither will the eagles also be gathered together.
(Luke 17:37)
Special Edition – The Agonizing Crucifix – Jan. 2009
Association of the Precious Blood * PO Box 15851 * Tallahassee, FL 32317-5851 * USA * (850) 577-0607
On January 22, 1997 Our Lord said, “Days are Prayer of Jesus to the Eternal Father 31 July 2001,
numbered. Time to save is very short. Send My “Father, look at Your only-begotten Son,
messages quickly to my devotioners. Give My remember My Precious Blood and look with
Holy Chaplet to them and reveal all My mercy on Your children whom Your love
messages to them. TEST My Precious Blood. I created. Father, see Your Son who is languishing
say, the dead shall rise again, the sick shall be in agony for love of Your children, and have
healed, captives shall be released. I will defeat mercy. I have planted another seed of holiness in
Satan.” this virgin land of Yours. Your mercy has kept it
alive to germinate it. Father, see how little they
22 July 2000 Our Lord said, Children, My Way is are? They do not know how terrible the days of
easy for those who love My Cross.” the evil man will be. They are playing over My
warnings, not because they are evil-hearted, but
29 December 2000, Our Lord told Barnabas, “I call because they know nothing. See what they do
on all My children, as you enter the New Year, to with My messages? None of My projects have
live by grace. Surrender yourselves completely, been taken seriously, not even the weapon, the
without any reserve, to the Perfect Will of your Agonizing Crucifix. This weapon which will help
God. I say, entrust your words, deeds and them to stand the days of the evil man, is still
actions to Me. Look at the face of your Agonizing neglected. Father, they do not know the
Master always and understand My feelings. I greatness of the coming days because they are
say, feel with Me the agony I suffer for this sinful little children. Help them to see and feel the
and wicked world so as to jubilate with Me in coming days of the evil beast before your hand
My peaceful Kingdom. I am the truth of your lets loose the beast. Give your children all over
words, the light of your deeds, and the way of the world the grace to pick up the petals of the
your actions. Grace is your hope of survival in Rose of Perfect Purity which are scattered
this dangerous period you are passing through. everywhere. Pour your sanctifying grace upon
Children, without Me, you can do nothing.” your children who kneel before your altar in this
great month of July. May the power of
“There is no grace outside My Will, the Will of endurance fill their hearts. Father, may they
your God. Say always and mean it, “Father, not stand for You and Your Son to bear the true
my will, Thy Will be done.” Grace will be in testimony. As their sweat and blood sprinkle on
abundance and you will lack nothing during this rotten world, remember the agony of your
your hour of trials.” Son and His Precious Blood, and renew the
world. I am Your Son, who lives agonizing,
31 December 1999 Our Lord said, “My among My people.” are entering into the great era of
confusion. Soon the ocean of Divine Mercy will Then turning to the people, He continued, “Receive
cease flowing. At that time, anything laid outside My blessing. Father, into Your Hands I
the Precious Blood will be laid waste. But all who commend these little lilies of Yours. Keep them
are living under the protection of My Precious in one love, in one faith, and may they bear one
Blood will have abundant is time that testimony. So, I bless you all in the Name of the
the evil one, the beast, will come. But how Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
terrible for the nation that brings forth the beast. Peace be with you. Remain in My love and mercy