Agonizing Cross

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The Eagle’s Call

Wheresoever the body shall be, thither will the eagles also be gathered together.
(Luke 17:37)
Special Edition – The Agonizing Crucifix – Jan. 2009
Association of the Precious Blood * PO Box 15851 * Tallahassee, FL 32317-5851 * USA * (850) 577-0607

What is the “Agonizing Crucifix?”

It is the most powerful sacramental Our Lord has it. I will break their hearts of stone and pour in
ever given to the Church with special promises of my love. I promise also to draw straying souls
protection and grace accompanying it. Through it, closer to myself through this Crucifix. Children,
Our Lord has told us He will perform many captives shall be freed through this cross.
miracles. On January 5, 2000, Our Lord gave the Children, no enemy of My Holy Cross will
world the Agonizing Crucifix through an illiterate
teenage boy named Barnabas Nwoye in the village
of Olo in Enugu State, Nigeria. The young man
recorded the event as follows:

“...I saw in a vision Our Lord holding a Crucifix...I

saw Him walking about in a desert. After a while,
we met. He said to me, “Barnabas, take this.”
Then He offered me the Crucifix and continued,
“This is your Crucified Lord who loves you. He
is the one whom you daily crucify. Accept it from
Me, carry it always. Show it to the world, let all
men have it also. Children, this is what your sins
do to me.”

This Crucifix is the same as the Crucifixes we all

know. The difference is that the wounds and blood
of His Sacred Body are depicted very graphically,
His Sacred Heart is exposed on His chest and His
Blood runs down the wood of the cross. On the
cross it is written “I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ
who loves you.”

Why Do I Need One?

Our Lord continued, “You shall make this
Crucifix as you see it. I am giving it to you as the
instrument and armor which you must all have
before the evil man comes to reign in full force.
Listen, My children, all the necessary warnings
have been given to you. The plans of your enemy
have been made known to you. I call you all, not
to give you any further warnings, but to prepare
and get you ready for the hour. You and all men approach this cross. On the days of the evil one,
are to have this cross as an armor of protection you will be able to go about freely without any
against evil forces that fill the earth now. I harm through this cross. Children, accept this
promise to perform numerous miracles through gift with love.
But Aren’t All
All Crucifixes the Same?
Same? Our Lord continued, “Listen, My children, My
No, they aren’t! The Pardon Crucifix is another priest will anoint the first artist to make this
good example. Pope St. Pius X granted the Crucifix so that I will fill Him with My Spirit
following indulgences for the Pardon Crucifix only: and Wisdom. Other artists will follow his
* Whoever carries on his person the Pardon
Crucifix, may thereby gain an indulgence. And this is what we have done! There was a
* For devoutly kissing this Crucifix, an indulgence scarcity of these Crucifixes owing to the fact that
is gained. only one artist in the world was producing them in
the seaport city of Fuzhou in China. (Regardless of
* Whoever says one of the following invocations what you may have been told by anyone, any
before this crucifix may gain each time an Crucifix, if it is authentic, WAS NOT made in
indulgence: "Our Father who art in heaven, forgive Nigeria other than the very first few with a papier-
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass mâché Jesus on them! The most common ones have
against us." or "I beg the Blessed Virgin Mary to only been produced in Fuzhou, China, until now.)
pray to the Lord our God for me." We have been in the process of setting up the
* Whoever, habitually devout to this Crucifix, will second manufacturing site in the world right here in
fulfill the necessary conditions of Confession and the USA. We are presently the only site that
Holy Communion, may gain a Plenary Indulgence manufactures these Crucifixes in five different
on the following feasts: On the feasts of the Five languages and we ship them into 40 countries! We
Wounds of our Lord, the Invention of the Holy carefully follow all the guidelines given in the
Cross, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the messages Our Lord gave to Barnabas and use the
Immaculate Conception, and the Seven Dolors of same mold for the Body of Christ that was sculpted
the Blessed Virgin Mary. by the original artist which Our Lord had Barnabas’
spiritual director anoint and pray over.
* Whoever at the moment of death, fortified with
the Sacraments of the Church, or contrite of heart, All the wood we use is carefully chosen from the
in the supposition of being unable to receive them, highest quality sources, virgin American pine and
will kiss this Crucifix and ask pardon of God for his olivewood from the Holy Land, no seconds or
sins, and pardon his neighbor, he will gain a Plenary recovered scraps are ever used. And because they
Indulgence. are made in America, you know they have not been
sprayed with harmful chemicals or fumigants prior
On the back of the Crucifix, on the transverse arms, to your receiving them; an important consideration
are the words, "Father, forgive them." On the long since they are made of raw wood!
part of the Cross are the words, "Behold this heart
which has so loved men. An Exorcist priest told us that satan cannot stand
the smell of raw wood. Benedictine Crucifixes,
These promises and indulgences are not for any another powerful sacramental, also have four small
other crucifix, only the Pardon Crucifix. The same pieces of raw wood inserted into their metal frame.
can be said of the Benedictine Crucifix which also Our Lord’s Agonizing Crucifix is entirely made of
carries its own promises of protection. Not all raw wood and should never be painted or varnished
crucifixes are the same. Our Lord has given special or you will reduce its efficacy against evil. Stains
promises of grace and protection particularly to this can be sanded away with superfine sandpaper.
Agonizing Crucifix and, as you can see, the Church
does recognize this practice in her Tradition. Priests, brothers, sisters, nuns and monks from
various American convents and monasteries are
(We were so impressed by the indulgences granted getting ready to begin painting the corpuses of
to the Pardon Crucifix that we found them and now Christ for us once we begin manufacturing them
we put them on our 8mm glass-bead Chaplets!) here. Beginning in May, you will be supporting
American vocations with every Agonizing Crucifix
Here’s Where We Can Help!
Help! you purchase!
What is This Consecration because a sprinkling of My Precious Blood can
dry a million tanks of the evil one’s blood banks.
Our Lord is Asking For?
For? This is why I urge all men to call upon My Most
“Children, I want you and all men to be Precious Blood to fight against their enemy.
consecrated to My Precious Blood. I want you all
to consecrate yourselves to Me... When you have Children, the battle is great. Look! Their
been consecrated, it means that you will fulfill all number is too large, the number of My
my appeals to you. You MUST live the lives of adversaries, they are many and their number is
your consecration. All who cannot fulfill all My countless. My soldiers are very little in number.
appeals and orders will not receive this This is why I call you and all My warriors
consecration. I will give you a special blessing around the world so as to empower you with My
from heaven. All who later consecrate Most Precious Blood and clothe you with all the
themselves will follow this rule which I have heavenly armor.
given to you.”
They are not asleep. They are working day and
The rule is simple: (1) Pray the rosary every day night since they know they have only little time
(Glorious, Luminous, Sorrowful or Joyful) followed left. Children, you are called to know this is a
by the Chaplet of the Precious Blood, the Litany of great battle! Arise and stand firm. Your enemy,
the Precious Blood and the Consecration to the the evil one, is around you looking for a chance
Precious Blood. These all take a little over an hour to get you.
in one sitting, or you can break them up throughout
your day. Add in as many more of the prayers in the This call of reparation is to prepare you to meet
prayer book as your schedule allows without the evil one and defeat him. To prepare you for
neglecting your duties to work or family. (2) Pray at battle, I give you My Agonizing Cross. I promise
least one hour of the Gethsemane Hour prayers to protect anyone who has this cross against the
every Thursday to Friday night between the hours evil forces. Through this Cross I will deliver
of Midnight and 3am. Taking a nap or going to bed many from captivity. Whenever you raise this
early then waking at midnight is helpful. (3) Pray Cross against evil power, I will open heaven and
the Great Month of July Novenas every novena day let My Precious Blood flow to subdue the evil
of the month of July. (Print our prayer book from power. I will let My Precious Blood flow from all
our website for free, or call us and order one). My Sacred Wounds and cover all who venerate
My Wounds and Blood through this Cross. I
Do these three things for five months or more, promise to protect any house where this Cross is
understanding you are committing to this prayer life against any destructive power in the hour of
for the rest of your life, and you can be consecrated darkness.
to the Precious Blood.
Children, through this Cross I will conquer. This
The Battle Has Begun... Cross will soon be a victorious Cross!
Jesus said, “My Children, great is the battle you
are about to enter. How many of you will, after God’s Warriors of the End Times
fighting to the end, still hold firm their ground? “My warriors and My apostles, I welcome you
Great is the battle that is coming. As you are all into My peace. I welcome you all into My
here preparing, the evil one, the man of iniquity ocean of grace. Come and draw the graces, as
and his agents, are also in their preparation to much as you can! Fill yourselves with these
meet you. graces. I say, fill your stomach and your whole
being with these graces. This will not suffice,
They are fasting and invoking the powers of have your bags and whatever you can filled with
darkness, they are...storing blood in their blood the graces. Only grace will lead you through the
banks waiting for the time to come. This is the battlefield and bring you home safely.” (Jesus to
blood of the people of this earth who are under a gathering of devotees on 11 September 2000.) Our
the power of darkness. But rejoice My children, Lady added, You are God’s warriors of the last
times...gather the graces which my Son opens for
you all. The enemy of the Holy Cross is there at Remain in the faith. Follow the desert way.
the gate of your camp...” Our Lord continued, Carry your cross and follow Me always, even if
“My warriors, see what the brutal men of the the world rejects you. Surely, they will reject you,
enemy sacrificed to gain their evil power?...If but I am with you. I finally confirm to you that in
your sacrifice is not up to one-third of theirs you the end, My Kingdom will come. Then you will
will not withstand the hour. Soon you will reign with Me in the midst of My angels forever.
understand what I mean in fullness.” I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ. I bless you all.”

On January 22, 1997 Our Lord said, “Days are Prayer of Jesus to the Eternal Father 31 July 2001,
numbered. Time to save is very short. Send My “Father, look at Your only-begotten Son,
messages quickly to my devotioners. Give My remember My Precious Blood and look with
Holy Chaplet to them and reveal all My mercy on Your children whom Your love
messages to them. TEST My Precious Blood. I created. Father, see Your Son who is languishing
say, the dead shall rise again, the sick shall be in agony for love of Your children, and have
healed, captives shall be released. I will defeat mercy. I have planted another seed of holiness in
Satan.” this virgin land of Yours. Your mercy has kept it
alive to germinate it. Father, see how little they
22 July 2000 Our Lord said, Children, My Way is are? They do not know how terrible the days of
easy for those who love My Cross.” the evil man will be. They are playing over My
warnings, not because they are evil-hearted, but
29 December 2000, Our Lord told Barnabas, “I call because they know nothing. See what they do
on all My children, as you enter the New Year, to with My messages? None of My projects have
live by grace. Surrender yourselves completely, been taken seriously, not even the weapon, the
without any reserve, to the Perfect Will of your Agonizing Crucifix. This weapon which will help
God. I say, entrust your words, deeds and them to stand the days of the evil man, is still
actions to Me. Look at the face of your Agonizing neglected. Father, they do not know the
Master always and understand My feelings. I greatness of the coming days because they are
say, feel with Me the agony I suffer for this sinful little children. Help them to see and feel the
and wicked world so as to jubilate with Me in coming days of the evil beast before your hand
My peaceful Kingdom. I am the truth of your lets loose the beast. Give your children all over
words, the light of your deeds, and the way of the world the grace to pick up the petals of the
your actions. Grace is your hope of survival in Rose of Perfect Purity which are scattered
this dangerous period you are passing through. everywhere. Pour your sanctifying grace upon
Children, without Me, you can do nothing.” your children who kneel before your altar in this
great month of July. May the power of
“There is no grace outside My Will, the Will of endurance fill their hearts. Father, may they
your God. Say always and mean it, “Father, not stand for You and Your Son to bear the true
my will, Thy Will be done.” Grace will be in testimony. As their sweat and blood sprinkle on
abundance and you will lack nothing during this rotten world, remember the agony of your
your hour of trials.” Son and His Precious Blood, and renew the
world. I am Your Son, who lives agonizing,
31 December 1999 Our Lord said, “My among My people.” are entering into the great era of
confusion. Soon the ocean of Divine Mercy will Then turning to the people, He continued, “Receive
cease flowing. At that time, anything laid outside My blessing. Father, into Your Hands I
the Precious Blood will be laid waste. But all who commend these little lilies of Yours. Keep them
are living under the protection of My Precious in one love, in one faith, and may they bear one
Blood will have abundant is time that testimony. So, I bless you all in the Name of the
the evil one, the beast, will come. But how Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
terrible for the nation that brings forth the beast. Peace be with you. Remain in My love and mercy

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