Myung Heat Treatment
Myung Heat Treatment
Myung Heat Treatment
Ceramics International
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Keywords: In this study, the binary sintering additives Y2O3-Sc2O3, were first applied to the Si3N4 system to investigate
Si3N4 their effects on microstructure and thermal conductivity. The microstructure and thermal conductivity of both
Thermal conductivity sintered silicon nitride (SSN) and sintered reaction-bonded silicon nitride (SRBSN) were found to be
Grain boundaries significantly dependent on the additive composition. Among various combinations of Y2O3 and Sc2O3, 1 mol
% Y2O3−3 mol% Sc2O3 prominently enhanced thermal conductivity, and the enhancement could not be
attributed to any difference in microstructure or lattice defects. TEM observation revealed that this composition
was more liable to devitrify the glassy phase with a lower degree of stress accumulation, and to possibly produce
a grain boundary that was cleaner or with a higher order of atomic arrangement. A microstructure model for
thermal conductivity was proposed which took the thermal resistance of the grain boundaries into account. The
grain boundary state exerted a remarkable influence on the thermal conductivity of fine microstructures, and
the experimentally measured thermal conductivity values were consistent with those given by the proposed
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.-J. Park).
Received 3 November 2016; Received in revised form 8 January 2017; Accepted 8 January 2017
Available online 09 January 2017
0272-8842/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
where n is total number of grains, di and Ai are the size and area of i-th
specimens were crushed by agate mortar, and then oxynitride glasses grain. The number-weighted mean grain sizes were calculated to be
were rinsed out by HF (48–51% solution, A.C.S. Reagent, J.T.Baker) at 0.88 µm, 1.18 µm, and 1.51 µm for S11, S22 and S44, respectively,
60 °C for 3 h and H2SO4 (95–98% solution, reagent grade, Sigma with the same ranking as the total additive amount. On the other hand,
Aldrich) at 120 °C for 2 h. The acid-rinsed powder was washed by the area-weighted average grain size did not follow such a sequence,
centrifuge with distilled water and ethanol for 2 times each, and then resulting in 3.42 µm, 2.58 µm and 2.68 µm for S11, S22 and S44,
dried at 105 °C in an oven overnight. The lattice oxygen content was respectively. The unexpectedly large dA value of S11 is ascribed to the
measured by ONH determinator (ONH-2000, ELTRA, Germany), with presence of abnormal grains, which compensate the effects of small
peak deconvolution according to Kitayama et al. [6]. grains by multiplying grain sizes by the corresponding area fraction.
When 4 mol% additive was added, the different ratios of Y2O3 and
Sc2O3 had scarse influence on microstructure, although the total
3. Results and discussion additive volume fraction varied from 4.09% to 3.28% with increasing
scandia proportion. Also, the dN of all the 4 mol% specimens were
3.1. Si3N4-Y2O3-Sc2O3 system prepared by SSN process nearly constant, ranging from 1.14 μm to 1.18 µm, while dA values
showed slight fluctuation. On the other hand, for the 8 mol% additive
The overall data of the SSN experiment are summarized in Table 1. system, compositional variation caused a change in frequency counts of
The SEM micrographs of samples containing an equimolar ratio of size and area of each grain. In the number-weighted evaluation, the
Y2O3 and Sc2O3 are presented in Fig. 1, which clearly shows that most coarse microstructure revealed was S44, whereas the scandia-
increasing the total volume fraction of the additives led to significant added composition, S08, exhibited the smallest dN value among the
microstructural changes. Specifically, the microstructure of S11 con- 8 mol% additive compositions. Nevertheless, the compositional varia-
sists of small, irregular matrix grains with a few number of exaggerated tion had less influence on microstructure as compared with the
elongated grains, which grew to several microns in size. It was more remarkable change that resulted from different additive content.
difficult to distinguish abnormal grains from the small matrix grains in Prior to the evaluation of thermal conductivity for the Si3N4- Y2O3-
(a) (b)
10μm 10μm
Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of SSN specimens with equimolar Y2O3-Sc2O3 additives: (a) S11; (b) S22; (c) S44.
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
Sc2O3 system, the SYM composition, a conventional additive composi- both crystallized and amorphous phases had different chemical ele-
tion for high thermal conductivity Si3N4, was examined for comparison ments in S22 and S13, as summarized in Table 2. The devitrified phase
with the previous values in the literature. The thermal conductivity of contained a higher proportion of scandium and zirconium whereas the
SYM was measured to be 62.9 W/mK, which is lower than the reported amorphous phases were always silicon and yttrium rich phases.
conductivity (91 W/mK) [26]. The low thermal conductivity in this Considering the tendency of scandium for devitrification, these com-
study might stem from different processing conditions such as the positional results are in good accordance with previous reports [23].
purity of starting materials and packing powder, milling media, gas- Fig. 3 demonstrates the grain boundaries of S13 and SYM as
inlet temperature and cooling rate, and degree of reducing atmosphere observed by high-resolution TEM. Fig. 3(c) indicates a typical amor-
in the sintering furnace. In any case, it is reasonable to consider the phous grain boundary observed in the SYM specimen, with a thickness
thermal conductivity values measured in this study to be relative values of 1.7 nm, showing no clear spots of atoms. On the other hand,
rather than absolute and optimized ones. Fig. 3(a) shows the grain boundary of the S13 specimen, which
The thermal conductivity of each specimen is summurized in contained clear and bright atomic spots. Although there was no lattice
Table 1. For equimolar compositions, thermal conductivity exhibited fringe observed, the clear arrangement is more or less similar to the
a tendency to grow with the increasing total amount of sintering rare-earth ion arrangement along the basal and prismatic planes [27],
additives, with thermal conductivity values of 54.0 W/mK, 65.7 W/mK which implies more ordered and organized atomic distribution in the
and 73.7 W/mK for S11, S22 and S44, respectively. Although increas- grain boundary phase. Also, we observed a clear grain boundary with
ing the additive content resulted in a higher volume fraction of glassy negligible thickness of films as shown in Fig. 3(b). Thus, it is inferred
phase and a smaller area-weighted average grain size, S44 yielded that a higher degree of devitrification at the triple pockets and the
higher thermal conductivity, attributed to the increase in dN value, i.e., probable existence of more ordered and clean grain boundaries would
the decrease in the total grain boundary area. The effect of area-based be advantageous for rapid heat transport across the grain boundaries of
grain size is likely to be undermined due to the overall fine micro- S13 compared to the amorphous glassy phases in the entire range of
structure and large volume fraction of intergranular phases. other specimens. In the next section, further evidence of the different
On the other hand, it is noteworthy that despite having a micro- grain boundary properties is examined in the SRBSN experiments.
structure similar to the 4 mol% additive compositions, S13 exhibited
the highest thermal conductivity in this experiment, at 78.8 W/mK. In 3.2. Microstructure and thermal conductivity of SRBSNs
particular, because no difference in microstructure was observed for
the 4 mol% additive specimens, the improvement in thermal conduc- For the SRBSN fabrication, three compositions were selected based
tivity of S13 likely resulted from either a lattice variation or devitrifica- on the SSN experiments: 2 mol% Y2O3 – 5 mol% MgO (RYM), 0.5 mol
tion of the glassy phases in triple pockets and grain boundaries. % Y2O3 – 1.5 mol% Sc2O3 (RYS1) and 1 mol% Y2O3 – 3 mol% Sc2O3
To confirm the factors affecting thermal conductivity, the lattice (RYS2). A standard RYM composition was selected, consistent with the
oxygen contents of the sintered specimens were analyzed by the hot gas literature. RYS2 had the same composition as S13, which exhibited the
extraction method and summurized in Table 1. The use of single Y2O3 extraordinary κ value, while the RYS1 composition contained half of
or Sc2O3 additives proved ineffective for eliminating lattice oxygen the additives of RYS2. All of the compositions showed good nitridation
regardless of the total amount of sintering aids. In the 4 mol% system, behavior, yielding a nitridation rate of over 90% based on the weight
the mixture of additives resulted in similar values of lattice oxygen gain from silicon to silicon nitride after nitridation. According to the
content, which were less than the specimens containing solely Y2O3 or XRD analysis of the powders pulverized from the RBSN compacts, no
Sc2O3 as an additive. For the 8 mol% total additive, the lattice oxygen residual silicon was detected, meaning that all of the silicon was
content somewhat fluctuated in the Sc2O3-containing system, while the transformed to silicon nitride. Also, the β/(α+β) ratio did not display
Y2O3 single addition resulted in a higher lattice oxygen. any remarkable difference with respect to composition, recording 8.4%,
On the other hand, it seems that the coarse microstructure did not 8.8% and 5.4% for RYS1, RYS2 and RYM, respectively. After the post-
necessarily reduce the lattice oxygen as expected based on the dissolu- sintering at 1900 °C, only β-Si3N4 phase was detected in XRD patterns
tion-reprecipitation process during grain growth. According to other without any remaining α-Si3N4 phase, regardless of the length of
reports, the microstructure evolution had a clear influence on the holding time and additive compositions.
lattice oxygen content when lattice oxygen content was measured for Fig. 4 presents the SEM micrograph of those samples sintered for
specimens with fixed composition, and fabricated by different sintering 1 h and 12 h, respectively, and the number-weighted and area-
schedule [11,26]. In this study, however, a diversity of additive weighted mean grain sizes with respect to sintering time are summar-
compositions were applied, which generated dissimilar efficiencies in ized in Table 3. When the specimens were sintered for 1 h, all the
lattice purification, because the oxygen activity in the glassy phases specimen exhibited a limited degree of grain growth, and among them
changes with respect to the oxygen concentration. In this regard, a RYM showed the largest mean grain size in both evaluation methods,
larger grain size might experience a lower degree of purification which can be attributed to the formation of a liquid phase at low
efficiency due to the relatively excessive amount of oxide additives. temperature due to MgO. However, grain growth rapidly progressed in
Meanwhile, lattice oxygen content cannot explain the unusual the case of RYS2, followed by RYS1 and RYM in terms of the number-
thermal conductivity of the S13 composition, which exhibited lattice based approach. On the other hand, sintering for 12 h produced a
oxygen content similar to the 4 mol% compositions, as well as having reversal of dA, so that the largest area-weighted mean grain size is for
almost the same microstructure. In this regard, detailed observations of RYS1, which shows abrupt grain growth from 3.3 µm after 6 h
the state of the glassy phase in S13 are presented in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, in sintering, to 10.4 µm after 12 h sintering. Also, RYM exhibited an
comparison with other compositions. Fig. 2 shows the glassy phases almost four times increase in grain size, from 2.1 µm after 6 h sintering
observed at triple or multigrain pockets in the S22 and S13 composi- to 8.0 µm after 12 h sintering. Compared to these sharp jumps in area-
tions. The standard SYM specimen was excluded from this figure since weighted grain size, RYS2 showed linear and steady grain growth
it did not contain any crystallized phase in the TEM observation. For during the extended sintering time.
both S22 and S13 in Fig. 2, the black area centered in both figures The measured thermal conductivity values (κ0), and the porosity-
indicates the crystallized pocket phases. A noticeable feature is that S22 calibrated thermal conductivity (κcal) are presented in Table 3, with κcal
shows a somewhat truncated secondary phase whose corner is not given by the equation [28],
directly connected with the Si3N4 grains due to the residual glassy
2 + Vp
phases. On the other hand, the crystallized triple pocket in S13 has κcal = κ0
more sharp corners compared to S22. The EDS analysis revealed that 2(1 − Vp ) (3)
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. TEM micrographs of multigrain junctions in (a) S22 and (b) S13. The capital C stands for the crystallized secondary phase, A for the amorphous phase, S for the silicon nitride
grain. Note the corners of the crystallized pockets. At the right-bottom of each micrograph is the selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of the crystallized secondary phase.
(a) (b)
1.3 nm
1.7 nm
Fig. 3. h-TEM images of grain boundary interfaces for (a-b) S13 and for (c) SYM. The figures in the upper-left corner are enlarged images of the grain boundary in the center figure.
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
Fig. 4. SEM microstructure of SRBSN specimens sintered for 1 h and 12 h: (a) RYS1 for 1 h; (b) RYS2 for 1 h; (c) RYM for 1 h; (d) RYS1 for 12 h; (e) RYS2 for 12 h; (f) RYM for 12 h.
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
pockets are isotropic spheres dispersed homogeneously in the matrix Fig. 5(a-c) indicates the total thermal conductivity with respect to
phases. the glass volume fraction and the thermal conductivity of the glassy
phase in the multigrain junctions and grain boundaries. Ks was
⎡ K ⎤1/3 K tp − K tot presumed to be 120 W/mK. As shown in Fig. 5, increasing the volume
1 − Vtp = ⎢ m ⎥ ⋅ fraction of the glassy phases resulted in a linear decrease in the thermal
⎣ K tot ⎦ K tp − K m (11)
conductivity of the total system due to the low thermal conductivity of
where Vtp is the volume fraction of the triple pockets with respect to the the glassy phase (1 W/mK). This is also consistent with the reported
total volume fraction, Ktp and Ktot are the thermal conductivities of the approach for volatile sintering additives such as Li2O, MgO, and
triple pocket and the total system. fluoride, which enhanced thermal conductivity by decreasing the liquid
First of all, several constant values should be properly set up for the phase volume at elevated temperature, after densification and grain
calculation. According to the image analysis, all of the compositions growth [11,12,28]. Nevertheless, considering the glassy phase volume
exhibited a similar aspect ratio of 2, reflecting the major number of to be from 4.6 to 10.7 vol% in this experiment, the variation in thermal
small matrix grains with lower aspect ratio. The total volume of the conductivity due to the volume difference is relatively trivial, falling
glassy phase is expected to be 6 vol% considering the SiO2 layers on the within 9.3% of margin.
Si3N4 raw powders as well as the sintering additive. Obviously, the total Fig. 5(a) illustrates the effect of the thermal conductivity of the
glass volume depends on not only the additive content we selected but triple pocket phases. Regardless of the Ktp variation, the thermal
also the starting materials and fabrication processes for the SSN and conductivity of the entire state remained at a similar level. As noted
SRBSN. However, according to the calculation results which will be by Kitayama et al., the pocket phases have less influence on the total
dealt with, the effect of the total additive content was somewhat thermal conductivity, because of their isolated distribution in the
marginal compared to other variables; thus, Vgb was set to 0.06 if a matrix phase [16]. In contrast, Fig. 5(b) shows that the grain boundary
special notation was not provided. phases, which are continuously linked to the whole system, had a
The grain boundary thickness, δ, was chosen to be 1.5 nm. The decisive effect, even though the volume fraction was much smaller than
thermal conductivity of the glassy phase at the triple pocket and grain the triple pockets. When Kgb increased from 0.5 W/mK to 1.0 W/mK,
boundary is generally regarded to be 1 W/mK, however, that is a the total thermal conductivity improved as much as 20%, and the
somewhat overestimated value for the grain boundary film, taking the margin of increase gradually decreased as higher Kgb was applied.
thickness effect of an amorphous material on the thermal conductivity Thus, it can be said that controlling the grain boundary properties is
into account. According to Lee and Cahill, the thermal conductivity of more effective for improving the thermal conductivity of the total
amorphous SiO2 and SiNx significantly decreased when the film system than changing the Ktp values.
thickness was less than 200 nm due to an increase in thermal resistivity Fig. 5(c) shows the effect of grain boundary thickness on the overall
at the crystalline-amorphous interfaces [32]. The thermal conductivity thermal conductivity. It is clearly seen that the narrower grain
of the thin film bottomed at nearly 0.5 W/mK for both SiO2 and SiNx at boundary thickness enables higher thermal conductivity. In particular,
room temperature. Based on this report, the thermal conductivity of decreasing the thickness from 1.5 to 0.8 nm produced an effect that
the glass phase film at the grain boundary was assumed to be 0.5 W/ was equivalent to increasing the thermal conductivity of the grain
mK while Ktp was assumed to be 1 W/mK. boundary from 0.5 to 1.0 W/mK. This indicates that a higher Kgb value
Fig. 5. Calculation results of a model with respect to the volume faction of the glassy phase (Vgl) and grain diameter: (a) the effect of the thermal conductivity of the triple pockets where
D=0.5 µm and Kgb=0.5 W/mK; (b) the effect of the thermal conductivity of the grain boundaries where D=0.5 µm and Ktp=1 W/mK; (c) the effect of the grain boundary thickness where
D=0.5 µm, Ktp=1 W/mK and Kgb=0.5 W/mK; (d) the effect of the grain boundary thermal conductivity with varying grain diameters, where Vgl=0.06 and Ktp=1 W/mK. In all plots, the
aspect ratio was assumed to be 2, and the thermal conductivity of the Si3N4 grain to be 120 W/mK, while the thickness of the grain boundaries was set to 1.5 nm, except plot (c).
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
120 120
(a) x+y=2 Ks=200
and a smaller δ play the same role in reducing thermal resistance and the lower degree of area-weighted mean the grain size can cause
across the grain boundaries. the lower Ks value of RYS2. It is expected that further sintering may
Fig. 5(d) demonstrates how grain size affects thermal conductivity result in the reversal of the thermal conductivity of these two groups.
with respect to Kgb. In all cases, the larger grain diameter obviously However, grain growth concomitant with longer sintering time must
yields higher thermal conductivity, and this is not attributed to the also cause a deterioration in strength.
cleansing effect of the Si3N4 grain because of the constant Ks value, but Thus, the proper control of Kgb is preferred in order to achieve both
to the decrease in the volume fraction of the grain boundary phases. high thermal conductivity and better mechanical properties. Also,
Since Vgl remains constant, the volume fraction of the triple pockets is thermal conductivity can be further enhanced by adopting more
expected to increase, but the influence of Vtp is less crucial than that of reducing processing routes, as mentioned by Zhou et al. [14], which
Vgb as shown in Fig. 5(a). Interestingly, the higher Kgb value can will expel lattice oxygen efficiently and provide higher Ks values.
enhance the thermal conductivity of the total system where grain Comparing Ks=95 W/mK and Ks=200 W/mK, one notices that adopt-
growth is not sufficient. In other words, the thermal conductivity plot of ing a higher Kgb results in a more remarkable improvement than can be
the lower Kgb (0.5 W/mK) rapidly decreases as the grain size becomes achieved when the Ks value becomes higher.
smaller, while the decreasing slope of the plot for higher Kgb (1.0 W/
mK) is less steep. This indicates that it is possible to maintain a high κ
value over an extended range and that a finer microstructure with
4. Conclusion
excellent mechanical properties can be compatible with higher thermal
conductivity by accelerating heat transport across the grain boundaries.
The effect of sintering additives Y2O3-Sc2O3 on the thermal con-
Based on the calculation, in Fig. 6 we plotted all of the experimental
ductivity of Si3N4 was examined, for different amounts and ratios of
thermal conductivity values of the SSN and SRBSN specimens with
each additive. Two different processing routes, using SSN and SRBSN,
calculated data fitted to the measured data. Because the plot needs an
were applied to determine the optimal composition for achieving
average grain diameter, which is the short boundary of the elongated
higher thermal conductivity. In the SSN experiment, the total additive
grains, the average grain diameter of each specimen was evaluated by
content had a more decisive effect on microstructure and thermal
image analysis. For the SSN plots in Fig. 6(a), most of the thermal
conductivity than the Y2O3-Sc2O3 ratio, except for the S13 composition.
conductivity values are laid on the Ks=95 W/mK, Kgb=0.5 W/mK lines,
The overall tendency in thermal conductivity was explained by micro-
except for S11 and S13. It is not clear why S11 is far from the line,
structure and lattice oxygen content, but the thermal conductivity of
though it may be partly attributed to the lower liquid volume. But for
the S13 specimens may be affected by intergranular phases with
S13, the higher Kgb value (1 W/mK) and the same Ks value applied, and
different degree of crystallinity and thickness. In particular, in
fitted well to the high κ value of S13.
SRBSN experiment, sintering for 1 h showed scarce grain growth, but
Furthermore, concerning the SRBSN results in Fig. 6(b), the RYS1
the RYS2 composition exhibited extraordinary thermal conductivity. A
and RYM points are on the Kgb=0.5 W/mK line with Ks=120 W/mK
thermal conductivity model considering the microstructure and ther-
and 200 W/mK, respectively, whereas the RYS2 values are far from the
mal conductivity of the grain boundary was consistent with the
fitting lines. Instead, RYS2 can be fitted by regarding Kgb to be 1 W/
experimental tendency, showing that the intergranular thin films have
mK, in particular where the grain diameter is small. If RYS2 is fitted to
great influence on the total thermal conductivity of the system. Also, it
the Kgb=0.5 W/mK lines, then a much higher Ks value must be
was determined that the impact of the grain boundary becomes more
assumed, which is not consistent with the experimental conditions of
critical for finer microstructure. The experimental data obtained for
the same sintering temperature and similar soaking times, or with the
grain diameter and thermal conductivity were well fitted by the plot of
similar or lower efficiency of lattice purification.
the model calculation data.
Inversely, if RYS1 and RYM are fitted by Kgb=1 W/mK, the Ks value
should be quite lower than that of RYS2, which is not intuitively
acceptable either. Thus, it seems reasonable to say that the large
discrepancy between RYS1, RYM and RYS2 can be attributed to the Acknowledgments
different heat transport rate at the grain boundaries, and that a
reasonable set of Ks and Kgb are fitted to the experimental results. This work was supported by Materials & Components Technology
On the other hand, after being sintered for 12 h of soaking time, Development (MCTD) Program of the Ministry of Trade, Industry &
RYS1 and RYM can be fitted at Ks=200 W/mK, and RYS2 at nearly Energy (MOTIE) of Korea (Grant no. 10048968) and Fundamental
Ks=140 W/mK. Although the grain growth of RYS2 progressed more Research Program of Korean Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)
than other compositions, the higher oxygen activity in the glassy phases (Grant no. PNK4671).
J.-M. Kim et al. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 5441–5449
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