Catch UP Plan FINAL As of 22 FEB 2018
Catch UP Plan FINAL As of 22 FEB 2018
Catch UP Plan FINAL As of 22 FEB 2018
of the University President
“Organization development is a response hopefully creates differentiation in a more competitive
to change, a complex educational strategy intended industry climate.
to change the beliefs, attitudes, values and structures
of organizations so they can better adapt to new As a state university, USeP bears a special set
technologies, markets, challenges and the dizzying rate of of responsibilities to our region and country. We have
change itself.” - Warren Bennis, American author identified our core challenge in the coming years, and
that is to make USeP as a Premier Research University
Being a part of the University as a faculty and in the ASEAN. The realization of this grand vision entails
researcher, for 35 years prior to presidency, caused me not significant changes that must begin in our own backyard. 3
to succumb to status quo. This was my feeling because However, for these needed changes to happen, the critical
I appreciate the need for change given the immense mass must understand that change is not an event, but
3 Message of the University President potential of USeP to level-up in various aspects as a result a process; and that change is not a destination, but a
4 The Catch-up Planning Process of its competitive edge, and the trends and opportunities journey.
in the environment where it functions.
6 Realizing our Vision (Strategy Map) We are in the right direction. The momentum we
Institutional Goals When I assumed the presidency in November have gained continues to push this Institution constantly
2015, the University of Southeastern Philippines operates forward. Let us not settle for mediocrity. I encourage the
11 Recognized ASEAN Research University
under a 15-year Strategic Plan, 2007-2021. As part of members of the USeP community to co-own this Plan by
13 ASEAN Competitive Graduates and monitoring and evaluation, a medium-term review was committing to change; to be in one boat in our journey
Professionals conducted to assess what has been accomplished in towards the attainment of our desired vision. Together, we
15 Vibrant Research University reference to the 15-year Strategic Plan. The baseline and will be able to realize our vision, and achieve unparalleled
the changing landscape for higher education institutions excellence.
17 Proactive Research-based Economic
brought about by recent developments, reveal the need
Empowering Extension Services
for a catch-up plan.
19 Capacity for Innovative Resource Generation
Strategic Areas of Concern (SAC) Alleviating poverty, through sustainable SUC President IV
economy, sits at the top of the country’s list of priorities.
22 Governance
But without setting standards, it would be difficult
26 Instruction to monitor our progress. Thus, all efforts to improve
30 Research will be futile. This means that setting standards, even
within the level of our institution, plays a significant
34 Extension role in influencing a bigger reality. The efforts we put
38 Production into improving our behavior (individually and as an
organization), policies, system, and structure reflect the
change we contribute into our community. Ultimately, this
42 People is how we help uplift the quality of life of Filipinos.
44 Financial Resources
The Catch-up Plan, 2018-2021, specifies the
institutional objectives, strategies, initiatives and targets
Plan Implementation, Monitoring of the University in the next four (4) years. It also outlines
and Evaluation Cycle 47 Plan Implementation the Plan implementation, monitoring and evaluation cycle
– capacitating for change – to carry out the aspiration
48 Monitoring and Evaluation
of becoming a research university. This ambition does
not just imply the direction that the University is taking
but is also an attempt to initiate a branding process that
51 Acknowledgments
The Catch-up The University used the Balanced for each of the five SACs. From the objectives
Planning Process
Scorecard (BSC) as the planning framework and formulated for each SAC, corresponding strategies,
approach. This necessitated the identification of measures and specific actions were listed together
USeP’s core processes (referred in this document with their respective timeline, responsible offices,
as Strategic Areas of Concern or SACs), which were collaborating offices, and needed financial
agreed by the Top Management and the Workshop resources.
participants. These SACs correspond with the five
key functions of the University – Governance, In August 2017, the Technical and
The change in the University leadership The draft USeP CUP maintained the eight Instruction, Research, Extension, and Production. Documentation Group (TDG) was constituted to
in November 2015 brought with it a felt need and Strategic Areas of Concern (SACs) from the Strategic As such, the eight SACs in the USeP Strategic Plan package the USeP Catch-up Plan 2018-2021. Upon
4 a decision to revisit the 15-Year Strategic Plan Plan: were clustered to align with the five key University approval of the Board of Regents, the Catch-up Plan 5
(2007-2021), approved by the Board of Regents functions. For example, SAC 3 (Administration and is widely disseminated to all the key stakeholders of
(BOR) in 2006. More than halfway through its Academic Programs, Curriculum Institution), SAC 4 (Physical Plant and Facilities), the University.
implementation, the University deemed it necessary SAC 1 and Instruction SAC 5 (Human Resource Development) and SAC
to re-evaluate its accomplishments aligned to its 6 (Financial Resources) were all grouped under In all these activities, alignment to the
Research, Development and
targeted activities and outcomes. SAC 2 Extension Governance. After clustering, it was agreed that in international, national and regional societal goals,
the proposed Catch-up Plan, the SACs would now such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
It is imperative, therefore, to do a reflective SAC 3 Administration and Institution be: and ASEAN integration was faithfully considered.
and participative manner of reviewing what were The CUP is also strongly anchored on the Philippine
and were not accomplished in the Strategic Plan. SAC 4 Physical Plant and Facilities
long-term vision – Ambisyon Natin 2040 and the
This review covers the consequential reasons for not SAC 1 Governance
Davao Regional Development Plan (DRDP) 2017-
being able to accomplish what has been planned,
SAC 5 Human Resource Development
SAC 2 Instruction 2022. By solidly linking the CUP to all these goals,
as well as the consideration of current trends, SAC 6 Financial Resources USeP shall be a significant player in the attainment
opportunities, and challenges, and how these may SAC 3 Research of national and regional targets.
possibly affect the University strategic directions. It SAC 7 Student Services
is in this light that the USeP administration initiated SAC 4 Extension Moreover, the Program Expenditure
the conduct of the catch-up planning. SAC 8 Library Services
Classification (PREXC), Institutional Sustainability
SAC 5 Production
Assessment (ISA), CHED SUC Leveling, among
A Technical Working Committee (TWC) was To help the University identify its best others were also considered in identifying the
then tasked to assess the implementation of the opportunities for growth and to provide fresh This became the new framework by which University CUP indicators.
USeP Strategic Plan and to establish baseline data. and objective perspective independent from the the Catch-up Plan was structured and organized.
The TWC report became the basis of the Technical University’s group-think culture, a third party This catch-up planning process is outlined
Working Group (TWG) assigned to draft the USeP consultant was engaged to serve as resource After the workshop, consultations were to serve as reference for similar future initiatives of
Catch-up Plan (CUP) to address the relevant person in a two-day workshop in June 2017. In this conducted to consolidate projected targets for the the University.
gaps. However, there were targets in the USeP workshop, the University core values, shared vision formulated institutional and strategic objectives.
Strategic Plan that would no longer be pursued in and mission were reviewed; and a series of relevant
consideration of new priorities in the national and goals that translate the shared vision into concrete The annual operational plan for the first
regional development directions. terms as well as strategic objective(s) per goal were school year within the Catch-up Plan period (i.e.
agreed upon. for Year 2018) was drafted during the workshop
01 Recognized ASEAN
Research University
University of Southeastern Philippines
(USeP) aims to achieve five comprehensive Vibrant Research Community
and primary goals.
Overarching these aspirations is Proactive Research-based Economic
the vision of USeP to become a Premier Empowering Extension Services
Research University in the ASEAN - a
research university which is not only
committed to teaching and learning but
values and promotes entrepreneurial drive
and innovative culture.
05 Capacity for Innovative
Resource Generation
Recognized ASEAN
Research University
As the years progressed, USeP recognized the potential
of producing new knowledge and technology in developing
communities. Aware of its capacity to influence on such a
grand scale, USeP mandates its faculty, non-teaching staff and
students to engage in research.
To meet the goal, USeP shall: By the end of 2021, USeP shall achieve:
• Improve performance in Key Result Areas TO1 SUC Level 5 recognition
Goal 01
under the State Universities and Colleges
(SUC) Leveling Instrument TO2 CHED Institutional Sustainability
• Ensure that needed targets to be typed as Assessment (ISA) and typology
Research University are achieved recognition as an autonomous university
• Improve performance in the criteria
set by world ranking institutions (e.g. TO3 Top 300 University rank in Asia (e.g. QS-
Quacquarelli Symonds) Asia world ranking)
• Ensure implementation of Quality
Management System TO4 ISO 9001:2015 certification
Graduates & Professionals
It is the goal of USeP, as a state university, to provide every
student with an opportunity to earn a degree through quality
education. While helping its graduates pursue their lifelong ambitions,
USeP enables individuals to actualize their full potential as a human
To meet the goal, USeP shall: By the end of 2021, USeP shall achieve:
• Rationalize academic offerings TO5 CHED Certificate of Program
Goal 02
• Improve institutional capacity on planning, Compliance (COPC) in 90% of applicable
evaluation, and quality assurance academic programs
• Improve infrastructure and delivery of
student services TO6 Readiness of three (3) academic
programs for international accreditation
USeP aims to achieve cultural change with a focus
on supporting a vibrant environment which strikes the right
balance between teaching and research. To realize this goal,
USeP will invest on state-of-the-art equipment, facilities, and
infrastructure to encourage its faculty, non-teaching staff, and
students to maximize their research potential in exploring novel
and innovative areas of inquiry and to raise the impact and
profile of their research outputs.
Institutional •
Enhance researchers’ capabilities
Improve faculty, non-teaching staff and
TO8 Research outputs that will produce:
Goal 03
students involvement in research • Thirty one (31) publications to
• Produce quality research proposals refereed journals
that will lead to publication and patent/ • Four (4) technologies patented or
copyright utility model registered
• Enhance research visibility • Thirteen (13) submissions for
• One hundred fifty five (155) citations
in refereed journals
Economic Empowering
Extension Services
The University’s goal is to implement research-based extension
services that not only cater technology transfer but also advocate
sustainable development and social inclusion.
To meet the goal, USeP shall: By the end of 2021, USeP shall achieve:
• Increase research utilization in the delivery TO9 Extension programs, projects and
Goal 04
of extension activities activities that will result to:
• Implement mechanisms to increase
technology adoption • 24 technologies transferred
• Improve technology packaging for • 17 research outputs utilized/adopted
commercialization in the communities
• 20% change of income/quality of life/
productivity/efficiency by adopters of
Resource Generation
To support its operation amidst challenging government
subsidy, USeP operates as a corporate entity, optimally
managing its fiscal resources and potently pursuing innovative
entrepreneurship programs to generate revenues.
To meet the goal, USeP shall: By the end of 2021, USeP shall achieve:
• Enhance existing income-generating T10 5% annual increase in annual net income
Goal 05
projects (IGPs) from income-generating projects (IGPs)
• Establish new revenue streams
20 21
strongly relies on the harmonious
interplay of the following five core Research
processes or strategic areas of concern
(SAC): Governance, Instruction, Research,
Extension, and Production.
The succeeding sections for each
SAC outline the strategic objectives,
institutional strategies, performance
measures and specific actions to attain the
University goals.
05 Production
SAC 01
• Complete construction of • Refurbish comfort rooms and Archiving System, Decision Support
Information Technology Building; construct gender-neutral restrooms System, ePlanning to Procurement
Industrial, Electronics and • Provide adequate and potable water System, Documents Tracking System
Mechatronics Training Center; supply and others.
College of Governance and Business • Construct/upgrade facilities for • Improve VoIP facility in all campuses
Building; Engineering Laboratory audio-visual presentation, theater • Establish Command Center for inter-
Strategic Area
Building; Technology and Livelihood arts, and large group lectures campus monitoring and knowledge
Effective and efficient governance is at the heart Education Building; student study • Upgrade classroom facilities with exchanges
of the strategic actions of the University. kiosk; Main Building in Mintal sufficient ventilation and lighting • Install Queuing System and Turnstile
Campus; and RDE Center in Tagum- system Security System for all campuses
of Concern
Mabini Campus • Upgrade laboratories, equipment • Design and implement student-
USeP shall achieve this by investing aggressively • Construct administrative building, and facilities to support delivery of centered activities to address
in making and sustaining a world-class academic science laboratory building, student instruction, research and innovation security and safety, and student
(SAC) 01:
system. This demands the implementation of center, student canteen, student activities welfare in terms of physical, mental,
dormitory, University Learning and • Upgrade/purchase facilities in psychological, socio-emotional,
standardized processes to enhance operations, Resource Center (ULRC), and RDE support to student services including sports and cultural needs
increase efficiencies, maximize productivity, and Building in Obrero Campus medical, dental, guidance and • Acquire recognition from the CSC
improve customer satisfaction. • Construct child minding center and counseling on PRIME-HRM
lactation station • Fully implement the Integrated • Submit application to PRC as
• Rehabilitate academic buildings and Information Systems Project accredited CPD provider
USeP shall also strive to build and sustain its offices • Implement Campus Interconnectivity
presence and prominence to achieve recognition • Upgrade University oval grounds and Project and other information
drainage system systems to support university
as a significant institution of higher and • Establish complete fire and processes and services such as
advanced learning in the ASEAN. emergency facility Quality Assurance Documents
• Conduct evaluation/revision accords under ETEEAP
Strategic Area
of existing curriculum and • Revitalize MiSpace as a core • Implement designed bridge/
As the world becomes increasingly globalized, proposed new programs division to support e-learning intervention programs for
USeP is beset with the challenge of preparing according to institutional and upgrade its facilities for entrants
its graduates to be globally competitive. It has
of Concern
mandate and priorities the delivery of e-learning • Implement governance
become imperative that USePians are equipped • Align the academic direction modality architecture of graduate and
with qualifications that would guarantee success of the University with K-12 • Require faculty to use undergraduate programs
(SAC) 02:
in their careers and lifelong pursuits. curriculum, Outcome- alternative teaching and
Based Education (OBE) learning modalities (e.g.
To be at par with other higher education and typology, Philippine USeP Virtual Learning
Qualifications Framework Environment)
institutions, USeP shall adapt to the fast-
(PQF), ASEAN Qualification • Offer programs through
changing dynamics in higher education by Framework (AQF), and distance learning
institutionalizing academic policies, obtaining applicable international • Increase number of programs
institutional accreditation and quality assurance
certification, and offering relevant academic
programs responsive to the K-12 curriculum and
ASEAN qualifications framework.
• Implement policy on requiring • Develop policies for inclusion
faculty to conduct research of students and non-teaching
based on rank staff in research projects
• Establish clear guidelines on • Develop policy on participation
load releases and incentive to conferences and seminars
Strategic Area Within the Catch-up Plan period, USeP intends scheme for faculty, non- • Develop policy on monitoring,
to strongly build its reputation as a home of teaching staff and students evaluation and submission of
conducting research studies research accomplishments
academics and scientists, honing a culture of
of Concern
• Conduct research engagement • Conduct patent awareness
producing research outputs that are responsive program for faculty, non- symposium in all colleges
to the national and regional development teaching staff and students
(SAC) 03:
thrusts and the communities it serves.
enhanced RDE policies, appropriate innovative
infrastructures, and exposure to various
platforms to increase research engagement,
impact and visibility.
• Package and implement • Conduct trainings on planning,
research-based extension implementing monitoring and
proposals aligned to academic evaluating extension programs
program offerings and RDE • Seek funds through grants
Strategic Area
Acknowledging its vital role in the development Agenda or partnerships to support
of communities, USeP is committed to carry out its • Engage with government and extension services
extension service function with the primary objective non-government organizations, • Conduct consultation with
intends to contribute in poverty alleviation through activities
technology commercialization, which consequentially
elicits generation of employment and creation of new
• Conduct full audit and potential business ventures • Develop and implement
inventory of existing IGPs • Implement new IGPs a Maintenance Plan of
• Conduct quarterly study on • Strictly implement the lease commercial facilities
profit and loss of IGPs contract for commercial areas
• Monitor and evaluate existing • Secure necessary permits
IGPs and formulate innovations and licenses for all business
for improvement undertakings
• Develop business management • Develop and implement
Strategic Area
strategy and procedures guidelines and policies on each
As the higher education scenario changes
• Conduct marketing of products type of IGP
with the implementation of Republic Act and professional services • Explore the viability of securing
10931 (Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
of Concern
• Implement modern and loans for business investments
Education Act) along with other factors effective tools and approaches • Conduct trainings to
affecting fund allocation from the government to increase farm production personnel involved in business
(SAC) 05:
to SUCs, USeP is stepping up in its innovation • Conduct feasibility studies for management
and resourcefulness in defraying some of its
operational costs.
40 41
“Value and support the full potential of faculty and
non-teaching staff while maintaining job qualification
• Procure facilities and training needs for personal and dismissal
equipment for faculty and non- technical skills development • Implement a computerized
teaching staff • Regularly monitor and evaluate Monitoring and Evaluation
Enabler 01:
• Conduct institution-wide the implementation of the system for faculty and non-
The USeP’s most essential asset is its human resource. activities for faculty and non- Faculty and Staff Development teaching staff to efficiently
teaching staff development Plan capture and generate
The training and development, coordination, safety • Review/revise policy on • Send faculty and non-teaching performance evaluation results
in the workplace and motivation of the faculty and load releases for faculty with staff to advanced studies or and utilize the same to improve
non-teaching staff affect the quality and productivity designation job skill training in a variety of delivery of instruction, research
of work, customer satisfaction, and the University • Conduct regular activities for avenues and extension
reputation. health and wellness of faculty • Formulate policies to • Implement action research
and non-teaching staff institutionalize rewards system approaches in designing and
To optimize delivery of services to students, USeP • Formalize institutional awards • Implement a timely and implementing interventions to
Value-imbued, competent and intends to uphold a strategic management system
and implement a functional faculty and non-teaching
for best employee in different
stringent Strategic Performance
Management System
improve faculty performance.
“Strive for judicious management of financial resources
and exemplify a culture of compliance, accountability,
efficiency and stewardship”
44 •
Broaden access base to financial resources
Develop and administer effective financial
E2.1 5 additional access bases to financial
management frameworks for all campuses,
colleges, and offices to allow appropriate E2.2 Utilization Rate of:
independence with corresponding
accountability Internally generated income and business
• Maintain robust and rigorous financial related funds
controls and planning systems including • 70% Utilization/Approved Budget
budget forecasts and public expenditure • 90% Disbursement/Utilization
review to achieve good value for money
Regular agency funds
• 100% Obligation/Allotment
• 100% Disbursement/Obligation
• Conduct funding sources integrated with other long-term planning
surveillance and explore Information Systems • Conduct analysis on
all available funding • Localize aspects of budget spending history and
Enabler 02:
opportunities management to all units formulate mechanisms
The USeP aims to implement highly efficient and • Formulate an institution- and allow flexibility to enable prudent and
responsive financial administration. wide financial management and adjustments within expedient management of
framework allocation financial resources
The University shall implement and continuously • Develop and implement • Conduct enhanced training • Develop a clear and
improve its policies and procedures to University Financial programs on financial comprehensive approach on
judiciously manage its financial resources. Management Manual management and internal the management of fiduciary
• Maximize the use of controls funds
In the delivery of its core activities and in Financial Records • Develop longer-range
developing new initiatives, the University shall Management System budget forecasts to enable
uphold transparency in its transactions, fortify
its commitment to combating inefficiencies, and
Judicious management of foster stewardship of financial resources.
financial resources
University of Southeastern Philippines
CATCH-UP PLAN 2018-2021
Plan Implementation
Plan Implementation, The Specific Actions in the Catch-up Plan shall be the bases for the development of an Operational Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation wherein activities to be implemented within the 4-year plan period (2018-2021) will be formulated. For each activity,
it is important to indicate which Institutional Target is being addressed to ascertain alignment to the University
Goals. The Operational Plan will also indicate the owners and collaborators as responsibility center/s of each activity,
schedule spread across the plan period, and corresponding budgetary requirement. The temple below shall be used
for the development of the Operational Plan.
The Catch-up Plan and the Operational Plan shall be cascaded to the difference campuses, colleges and
The University needs to adopt a framework that provides the procedure for the implementation of the
Plan, articulates the processes to monitor the achievement of the strategic goals, and sets a systematic approach to offices in the University, and shall be the bases for the development of their respective annual Action Plans. The
evaluation and continuous improvement. Heads of campuses/colleges/offices shall communicate the Plans to the faculty and non-teaching staff and shall
ascertain that applicable targets in the Catch-up Plan are reflected in the office’s and individual’s performance
This framework is designed to ensure that at the university, campus, college and office levels, targets are commitment. The template for the development of Annual Action Plans is shown below.
met, and obligations are properly satisfied in a cost-effective, timely and synchronized manner. The diagram below
46 illustrates the implementation, monitoring and evaluation cycle of the University’s Catch-up Plan.
It is underscored that the USeP Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) for years 2018-2021 47
The University sets its strategic direction through responsive identification of opportunities and planning shall be anchored in this Catch-up Plan.
for improvement. Such systematic approach to planning translates institutional objectives and strategies into actions
and targets encapsulated in detailed campus, college and office action plans. The University is committed towards
judicious, responsible and sustainable financial management, hence, financial considerations are integrated in all Strategic Institutional Specific Actions and Institutional Target Year Budgetary
key decision-making coupled with rigorous business and financial planning analysis of all major undertakings. Owner Collaborator
Objectives Strategies Activities Addressed (Code) Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Requirement
Essential to the framework is the monitoring stage where data is collected to analyze the result of the change and
determine whether it made any difference. Reporting of personnel evaluation, plan implementation and customer
satisfaction is an important activity for continued quality improvement and informed decision-making. A systematic
approach to evaluation, reporting and quality assurance promotes effectiveness and efficiency. A strong emphasis on
strategic risk identification and management, and assignment of accountability for risk reduction shall be embedded
as part of quality assurance. As quality assurance becomes a binding force in this framework it should be noted that STRATEGIC AREA OF CONCERN: RESEARCH
appropriate measures and standards are documented for all processes so that the entire organization understands
• Feedback for
Planning and • University ENABLER: FINANCIAL RESOURCES
Decision Making Catch-up Plan
• Reporting EVALUATION
Strategic Institutional Local Institutional Target Responsible Verifiable Year Budgetary Fund
Baseline Targets Remarks
Objectives Strategies PAPs Addressed (Code) Person Indicators Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Requirement Source
The Quality Assurance Division (QAD) of the University shall spearhead the regular monitoring of the 02 INSTRUCTION S2.1 Percentage of undergraduate academic programs OBE aligned 100% 100% 100% 100%
S2.2 Percentage of graduate school programs revised/enhanced. 30% 60% 80% 100%
plan implementation. It shall provide feedback to the Administration and to the various campuses, colleges and
S2.3 Number of programs offered through ETEEAP (accumulated) 3 5 7 10
offices of their performance vis-à-vis their respective targets. The output of the evaluation shall serve as significant
S2.4 Percentage of faculty utilizing alternative teaching and learning modalities 60% 70% 80% 100%
input in the development of future plans. In the institutional level, the QAD shall be guided with the following
S2.5 Number of e-learning materials produced and offered through distance learning (accumulated) 10 20 40 50
annual targets of the Institutional Goals, Strategic Area of Concerns and Enablers in its monitoring activities, and S2.6 Implementation of new governance architecture for undergraduate and graduate levels
shall coordinate with concerned offices on any interventions needed to ensure their achievement. Number of new academic programs offered (e.g. Law, medicine, sanitary
S2.7 2 2 2 2
engineering, graduate programs)
INSTITUTIONAL GOALS S2.8 Percentage of academic programs accredited 65% 70% 80% 90%
S2.9 Number of programs granted COE/COD (accumulated) 5 7 8 10
GOALS INDICATORS S2.10 Completed self-survey for PQA
2018 2019 2020 2021
S2.11 Passing rate in licensure examinations 75% 80% 83% 85%
T01 SUC Level 5 Recognition
S2.12 Percentage of graduates employed within 2 years after graduation 65% 68% 71% 75%
T02 CHED ISA and typology recognition as an Autonomous University
S2.13 Number of academic programs for student mobility and credit transfer (accumulated) 1 2 3 4
T03 Top 300 University rank in Asia (e.g. QS-Asia world ranking)
05 PRODUCTION S5.1 Percentage of IGPs fully audited 50% 70% 85% 100% TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (TWG)
S5.2 Established business management strategy and procedure
S5.3 Percentage of decrease in business losses 5% 10% 15% 20%
S5.4 Percentage of farm productivity based on optimum capacity 100% 100% 100% 100%
Chair: Vice President for PQuARM Asst. Prof. Aristeo C. Salapa
Number of feasibility studies conducted for new IGPs 2 2 2 2
Members: Dr. Tamara Cher R. Mercado
S5.5 Number of approved IGPs - 2 2 -
Dr. Bonifacio G. Gabales
Number of new IGPs implemented - - 1 1
Dr. Reynaldo M. Nogodula
Dr. Maychelle M. Nugas
ENABLERS Dr. Romel V. Gador
2018 2019 2020 2021 Ms. Melanie C. Pagkaliwagan
01 PEOPLE E1.1
Percentage of faculty and non-teaching staff with individual working space and
desktop computer
35% 50% 75% 90%
Number of institution-wide activities conducted related to faculty and non-
10 15 20 25
teaching staff development