Renstra IPB 2008 2013 English
Renstra IPB 2008 2013 English
Renstra IPB 2008 2013 English
Edited by:
Board : Rektor IPB
Chief : Prof. Dr.Ir. Hermanto Siregar, M.Ec
Secretary : Dr. D. Iwan Riswandi, M.Si
Member : Prof.Dr.Ir. Yonny Kusmaryono, MS
Dr.Ir. Anas Miftah Fauzi, M.Sc
Dr.Ir. Arif Imam Suroso, M.Sc
Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Pramudya N., M.Eng
Dr.Ir. Soeryo Adiwibowo, MS
Dr.Ir Aris Munandar, MS
Dr.Ir. Meika Syahbana Rusli, M.Sc.Agr
Dr.Ir. Arif Satria, M.Si
Dr.Ir. Drajat Martianto, M.Si
Dr.Ir. Agus Purwito, M.Sc Agr
Dr.Ir. Feri Kusnandar, M.Sc
Drs. Pria Prihadi Djajamihardja
Secretariate : Eko Wahyudi
Ahmad Suganda
Our collective work has earned the
respect and regard of the broader Univer-sity
and our colleagues and supporters, and has
FOREWARDFROM established a framework for thinking
creatively about the development of that will
THEDESKOFRECTOR outlive this plan.
Despite the challenging in financial
context, I believe that Bogor Agricultural
University is in a particularly strong position,
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) was in part because the strategic planning process
founded with basic philosophy to develop will serve as a platform for critical decision
higher education in agricultural sciences and making in the months and years ahead. We
that we will continue to move Bogor come our way.
Agricultural University in new and exciting Our strategic planning process was at its
directions. heart an investment in ourselves and I believe
During the first year of my post as Rector that we could not make any better
of Bogor Agricultural University, I have come investment. I hope that in reading the
to appreciate the enormous strengths of strategic planning report, and in working
Bogor Agricultural University community with me to implement it, you will come to
the intelligence, creativity, and generosity of believe the same
spirit of the faculty, staf, and students and
their commitment to the University and its Sincerely,
important mission. I am proud to lead such
1.1. Historical Background ............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Legal Status and Strategic Plan Position ................................................................ 7
1.3. Mmethods for the Formulation of Strategic Planning .......................................... 8
1.4. The Organization ...................................................................................................... 10
2.1. Strategic Issues .......................................................................................................... 17
Table of Contents
2.2. SWOT Matrix Analysis ............................................................................................ 19
3.1. Vision, Mission, Objectives and Quality Statement.............................................. 25
3.2. The Direction of Bogor Agricultural University 2025 Development Plan .......... 27
3.3. Strategic Development Plan of Bogor Agricultural University 2008-2013.......... 30
4.1. Bogor Agricultural University Strategic Policy 2008 -2013 .................................. 35
4.2. Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural University 2008-2013 ................................. 50
5.1. Funding Sources and Strategies for University Development Program ............ 65
5.2. Functional and Policies for the Expenditure of the Annual Budget .................... 70
6.1. Principals Methods for Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation ................... 74
6.2. The Mechanism Process of Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................... 75
Executive Summary
World Class Research University with framework for the core purposes and
tropical agriculture and entrepreneurships as commitments of a modern research-based
its core competence”. As the first University- university. More importantly, and perhaps of
wide strategic plan at Bogor Agricultural most long-lasting significance and impact,
University that created an umbrella under the plan along with the planning process have
which unit-level strategic plans were created a change in institutional culture a new
developed and aligned, this plan set the pervasive culture of strategic thinking,
keynote for strategic actions. Thus, with this planning, actions, assessment, and
plan, a new era ensued for Bogor Agricultural accountability.
University with a common vision and This new culture is marked by
concerted effort of all units toward the innovation, visionary initiatives, aggressive
“advanced level.” resource development, and widespread
This review of the plan was conducted by connectivity with Bogor Agricultural
a Strategic Plan Review Committee University's constituents. The strategic plan
appointed by Rector in July 2008. The has given the university new energy, a sense
purpose of this review is to focus on the “big of excitement and accomplishment, and a
picture”providing both a retrospective view sense of pride that have been reverberating
of the effectiveness of the plan, and a throughout the University among its internal
prospective view of the defining and external constituencies. Bogor
characteristics and supportive priorities to be Agricultural University's strategic plan
considered for the next plan. This executive vision has been extraordinarily effective and
summary provides a capsulated view of the exciting as the defining banner for the
most salient aspects of the review of Bogor identity of the strategic plan.
This review strongly suggests that future stresses moral and spiritual as well as on
strategic planning should position Bogor righteousness and human-right principles
Agricultural University to boldly go beyond
To achieve its mission and to realize
fulfilling the core commitments to Indonesia,
and further expand its reach nationally and Bogor Agricultural University's vision,
toward a significant global presence, impact, directions to execute these university's vision
and leadership with the range of great were formulated as follows:
responsibilities that come with this stature. 1. To produce quality graduates who are
The following recommendations (excepted competitive and resilient, as well as
from the full report) attempt to capture the competent in utilizing and developing
defining characteristics and supportive science and technology with entrepre-
priorities that address the “big picture” as neurships characteristics.
Bogor Agricultural University looks to the 2. To develop friendly scientific and
future for renewed strategic planning. technological innovation for the
The mission of the Bogor Agricultural improvement of national development,
Executive Summary
University will be as follows: which is relevance to the national
1. To offer challenging academic programs programs to be an agricultural, as well as
and demonstrate a commitment to the to improve the welfare of human beings.
development of both the undergraduates 3. To enhance university responsiveness to
and graduate students who seeks advance continuous and rapid changes of commu-
degree programs that prepare them to nity needs and development challenges
make significant contribution to their 4. To establish IPB as a moral force for
fields, with particular purpose to be a Indonesian civil society.
competitive nation.
The plan is an important milestone in an
2. To expand the boundaries of knowledge ongoing process of discussion and
and insight of Bogor Agricultural reassessment of Bogor Agricultural
University through teaching, research, University's goals and the processes by which
artistic expression, which is relevance to it can achieve them. It provides a new
the national needs as an agricultural. It is perspective on the University shared future.
really required as the trends that the uni- Planning requires continual evaluation of
versity will becoming more competitive what we have accomplished and
3. To promote a model for systematic responsiveness to the needs determined by
management for higher learning the environment around us. Recreating
institutions and pervasive attention to community and fostering academic
competencies, effectiveness, efficiencies, excellence in the context of an increasingly
transparencies, and accountability. diverse environment will continue to engage
4. To prepare students to assume leadership our energies as we prepare for the challenges
roles in society through an education that st
of the 21 century
Chapter 1
1.1 Historical Background 1.1 Latar Belakang
S ince its initiation on 1940, the Sejak dikembangkan mulai tahun 1940-
agricultural higher education institutions an, pendidikan tinggi pertanian Indonesia
have taken pride to be the vital role in nation telah berperan dalam pengembangan
building, and the development of agriculture sumberdaya manusia dan perkembangan
as well. Bogor Agricultural University is one pertanian perkembangan masyarakat
of the higher education institutions to offer Indonesia pada umumnya. Institut Pertanian
agricultural fields in Indonesia. This Bogor (IPB) adalah salah satu institusi yang
mandate, as a vision of the First President of memiliki mandat dalam penyelenggaraan
the Indonesia, was stated in his address when pendidikan tinggi pertanian. Mandat ini
he officiated the “First Laying Stone” for the dicanangkan oleh Presiden Pertama RI ketika
construction of Bogor Agricultural University meletakkan batu pertama pembangunan
campus (formerly it was Faculty of Kampus IPB (dulu Fakultas Pertanian dan
Agriculture and Faculty of Veterinary Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas
Medicine of the University of Indonesia) on Indonesia) pada tahun 1954.
1954. Sejarah telah menunjukkan adanya
Bogor Agricultural University has keterkaitan yang erat antara penyeleng-
proven history that this agricultural higher garaan pendidikan tinggi pertanian dan
education institutions and the development perkembangan kegiatan pertanian dalam arti
of agriculture in broader sense have been luas. Demikian juga untuk kondisi saat ini,
closely interrelated. Nowadays, the agricul- pendidikan tinggi pertanian berperan aktif
tural higher education institutions has mendukung pembangunan pertanian,
affirmed that this higher education institution perikanan, kehutanan, perindustrian, dan
plays important role to support the develop- jasa-jasa, terutama dalam: (1) mengembang-
ment of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, kan sumberdaya manusia (SDM) berkualitas,
industry, as well as services in the following (2) mendukung pencapaian keamanan dan
topics: (1). To develop qualified human ketahanan pangan, (3) mendukung perkem-
resources; (2). To support the government to bangan agribisnis, (4) melakukan penemuan,
achieve food security program; (3). To pengembangan dan penerapan ilmu
support the development of agribusiness; (4). pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni (IPTEKS),
To develop scientific and technological inno- dan (5) berperan serta dalam menjaga dan
vation for the improvement of national devel- memelihara pelestarian fungsi lingkungan
opment and the welfare of humanbeings;(5).To hidup. Kelima peran IPB tersebut dapat
promote nature conservation and environmen- diimplementasikan melalui kegiatan pendi-
tal management programs. Those five func- dikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
tionsofBogorAgriculturalUniversityisreflected masyarakat. IPB dalam pembangunan
in the Tridarma (three basic services of higher pertanian memiliki peran dalam
education): (1). Teaching: (2). Research menghasilkan SDM dan IPTEKS.
programs; and (3). Community Services. For IPB berperan besar dalam menghasilkan
the agricultural development program Bogor SDM, pengembangan IPTEKS dan diberi
Agricultural University has played important mandat sebagai pelopor pembangunan
role in producing qualified graduates, as well pertanian dalam arti luas, didirikan pada
as the development of science and technology tahun 1963 berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri
to support that program. Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
Bogor Agricultural University plays Nomor 91 tahun 1963 yang selanjutnya
important role in the production of qualified ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Presiden
human resources, and the development of Republik Indonesia No. 279 tahun 1965. Saat
science and technology, and was mandated to didirikan IPB terdiri atas enam fakultas,
be the pioneer in the agricultural yaitu: (1) Fakultas Pertanian, (2) Fakultas
development in the broader sense. Bogor Kedokteran Hewan, (3) Fakultas Perikanan,
Agricultural University was established (4) Fakultas Peternakan, (5) Fakultas
based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Kehutanan, dan (6) Fakultas Teknologi dan
Education Institutions and Sciences No. 91 of Mekanisasi Pertanian (sekarang bernama
1963, and was further enacted by the Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian). Pada tahun
President Decree No. 279 of 1965. At the 1981, IPB membuka Fakultas Sains dan
beginning Bogor Agricultural University Matematika yang selanjutnya pada tahun
was organized into six (6) faculties: (1). 1983 berubah nama menjadi Fakultas
Faculty of Agriculture; (2). Faculty of Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.
Veterinary Medicine; (3). Faculty of Fisheries; Kemudian pada tahun 2000, IPB membuka
(4). Faculty of Animal Husbandry; (5). Faculty Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen dan
of Forestry; and (6). Faculty of Agriculture setelah melakukan penataan ulang
Technology and Mechanization, (which at the departemen dan program studi, pada tahun
year of 1968 changed its name into the Faculty 2005 IPB membuka Fakultas Ekologi
of Mechanical and Technology Agricultural Manusia. Status kelembagaan IPB
Products and at the year 1981 until now berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP)
became the Faculty of Agricultural Nomor 154 tahun 2000 (Lembaran Negara
Technology). On 1981, the university has 27.2), ditetapkan sebagai perguruan tinggi
established Faculty of Science and berstatus Badan Hukum Milik Negara
Mathematics, which on 1983 its name has (BHMN). Sejak tahun 1970-an IPB mulai
been changed into Faculty of Natural sciences mengembangkan program pendidikannya,
ad Mathematics. Further on the year 2000, the selain program sarjana juga mengembangkan
university has established Faculty of program Magister dan Doktor. Sejak tahun
Economics and Management, moreover, after 1978 IPB menyelenggarakan Fakultas Non
having its reorganization of its departments Gelar Teknologi (FNGT) yang penyeleng-
and subjects being offered, on 2005 Bogor garaannya kemudian diintegrasikan pada
Agricultural University has established fakultas terkait pada tahun 1992. Pada tahun
Faculty of Human Ecology. 2005 dalam rangka menyiapkan IPB sebagai
Finally, according to the Government embrio perguruan tinggi berbasis riset,
Decree No. 154 of 2000 (Official Gazette program diploma ini dipisahkan
No.27.2) the legal status of Bogor Agricultural pengelolaannya dari fakultas menjadi unit
University has been shifted into State-owned tersendiri di bawah Program Diploma.
Legal Entity. Since 1970, Bogor Agricultural Sejalan dengan perkembangan tantangan
University offers and open its door wider, in pembangunan pertanian yang semakin
addition to the regular undergraduate (S1) kompleks, IPB memperlebar mandatnya ke
Degree Program, this university offers the dalam pengertian pertanian dalam arti luas
graduate level for Masteral and Doctoral yaitu pertanian tropika dan biosains sebagai
degree programs. On 1978, the university suatu sistem pengelolaan sumberdaya hayati
developed the Non-degree Programs on dan lingkungannya secara berkelanjutan
Technology (FNGT), and for the untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Pertanian
implementation of those programs, they have dalam pengertian ini merupakan
been integrated into its respective faculties on keseluruhan proses aplikasi biosains sebagai
1992. On 2005, in order to maximize kegiatan agribisnis, tidak hanya sub-sistem
accessibility to and applicability of advance produksi (on-farm), namun mencakup sub-
knowledge Bogor Agricultural University, as sistem dari hulu hingga hilir serta sub-sistem
well as the initiation to develop an embryo of pendukung. Dalam kaitan tersebut, tujuan
a research-based university, the management pendidikan di IPB rumuskan mengikuti
of the Non-Degree (Program Diploma) was tantangan dan ranah kompetensi tersebut.
removed from the respective faculty into the Tujuan pendidikan ini kemudian dijadikan
separate unit, called as Diploma Program. sebagai dasar untuk merancang dan
In facing the globalization era nowadays, merencanakan kegiatan akademik yang lebih
Bogor Agricultural University has embarked antisipatif yang meliputi kegiatan pendi-
on its ambitious plan to develop as a futuristic dikan, penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
university, which would provide better and masyarakat (tridarma perguruan tinggi).
up-to-date skills and systems for science and Selain itu, perubahan status IPB menjadi PT
technology education by taking full BHMN memberikan mandat tambahan, yaitu
advantage of the rapid development in IPB harus dapat melaksanakan kegiatan
information technology (IT). Bogor pembangkitan pendapatan yang perolehan
Agricultural University looks to the future for dananya digunakan untuk mendukung
renewed strategic planning with emphasizes peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas kegiatan
on the tropical agriculture and the accelerated tridarma perguruan tinggi.
engagement of bioscience for nature Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan
conservation the sustainable development. Nasional No.232/U/2000 mengenai sistem
The agricultural in this mandate means the pendidikan berbasis kompetensi, dan
entire process of the utilization bioscience as No.045/U/2002 ditegaskan kembali bahwa
the agribusiness activities, not only the on kompetensi menunjukkan seperangkat
farms, but also the up-stream to down-stream tindakan cerdas, penuh tanggungjawab yang
process with other supporting sub-systems. dimiliki seseorang sebagai syarat untuk
Accordingly, the education program of Bogor dianggap mampu oleh masyarakat.
Agricultural University will also be adjusted Kompetensi merupakan keunggulan
into that directions. The Strategic Plan of fundamental dari seorang individu yang
Bogor Agricultural University 2008-2013 mencerminkan sikap dan kinerja di dunia
reaffirms the goals of the previous versions kerja atau pada situasi tertentu. IPB
while incorporating some editorial changes menterjemahkan kurikulum berbasis
and placing greater emphasis to accelerated kompetensi (KBK) yang bersifat nasional
engagement of bioscience as basic science for menjadi KBK IPB yaitu Kurikulum Sistem
nation economic development with focus on Mayor-Minor. Kurikulum sistem mayor-
entrepreneurships: “to be the World Class minor merupakan sistem kurikulum berbasis
Research University with bioscience and kompetensi yang dilaksanakan oleh
entrepreneurships as its core competence”. departemen, yang dirancang untuk
The strategic plan adopted by the Board of memberikan keleluasaan kepada peserta
Trustees proposed reaffirms the goals of the didik dalam meramu mata kuliah untuk
following priorities: education for citizenship, memperluas wawasan dan meningkatan
the use of technology to enhance teaching and efisiensi penyelenggaraan, serta dapat
learning, to encourage the integration of meningkatkan mutu dan relevansi program
different forms of knowledge, and to stimulate pendidikan. Implementasi kurikulum
not only the acquisition but also the creative mayor-minor memerlukan mandat
and humane use of knowledge. In addition, departemen yang mendalam dan spesifik
the shifting of the legal status of Bogor dalam kompetensinya. Mulai tahun 2005 IPB
comprehensive financial plan to support the terutama pada kesesuaian mandat dan
improvement of both the quality and substansi kurikulum pada beberapa
quantities of Tridarma activities for the departemen. Syarat lain yang diperlukan dan
University. juga telah dibangun oleh IPB adalah jadwal
According to the decree of the Minister of terpadu serta kehandalan Sistem Informasi
National Education Republic of Indonesia Akademik (SIMAK).
No. 232/U/2000 on the Competencies Based Melalui berbagai upaya yang dilakukan
Education Systems, which was reiterated on sebelumnya, kondisi internal IPB pada akhir
the Decree No 045/U/2002 has stressed to tahun 2007 telah menunjukkan indikasi
develop students intellectual capability to yang mengarah pada embrio perguruan
become responsible citizens. Bogor tinggi berbasis riset. Hal ini ditandai dengan
Agricultural University has translated this peningkatan jumlah SDM yang berkualitas,
national Competence - Based curriculum jumlah publikasi ilmiah, jumlah paten,
(KBK Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi) into inisiasi pembangkitan pendapatan,
the Bogor Agricultural University setting kerjasama dengan pemerintah dan industri,
Major - Minor curriculum systems. The penemuan dan aplikasi hasil penelitian IPB
Department offers Major Minor Programs seperti varietas baru, vaksin dan benih
designed to qualify students for application in berbagai komoditas, serta mesin-mesin
either of two major fields of agriculture, or for pertanian. Upaya-upaya yang telah
positions where competence in both fields is dilakukan IPB bermuara pada terbangunnya
required. However, deeper and specific sistem jaminan mutu yang baik, tata pamong
assessment with regard to the yang baik, pelaksanaan program-program
implementation of Major-Minor Programs is yang berkualitas dan manajemen usaha
really required. Effective 2005, Bogor yang baik. IPB akan terus melakukan upaya
Agricultural University starts to evaluate and perbaikan secara menerus terhadap hasil-
reorganize its departments to appraise hasil yang sudah dicapai, peningkatan
whether the subjects being offered are aligned kinerja dan kesejahteraan dosen dan tenaga
with the proposed action plan. Finally, the kependidikan, internasionalisasi IPB,
university uses performance indicators and peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas
has designed the academic Information penelitian, peningkatan pendapatan non
Systems ( SIMAK Sistem Informasi konvensional dan peningkatan kualitas
Akademik) to assess learning outcomes to fasilitas akademik dan non akademik.
improve educational quality and Berbagai capaian di atas merupakan
administrative effectiveness. salah satu modal dasar bagi IPB untuk
The successful efforts made previously as menjadi perguruan tinggi kelas dunia.
well as the internal condition of Bogor Untuk memposisikan IPB mengarah pada
Agricultural University 2007 have indicated perguruan tinggi kelas dunia berbasis riset
that the university has successfully built an diperlukan berbagai upaya untuk dapat
embryo to be the Research based University. memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan yang
The increased number of qualified staff, memadai. Berbagai rintisan kerjasama
number of scientific publications, patents, internasional bidang pendidikan yang telah
the initiation of income generating, dilakukan, terutama dengan Amerika, Uni
cooperation networks with the government Eropa, Eropa timur, Jepang, China, Taiwan,
and industries, inventions and the applied dan Australia, terutama dalam
research implemented have invented new pengembangan pendidikan pascasarjana. IPB
variety, vaccines and seedlings as berusaha untuk memperoleh pengakuan
commodity, and the agricultural machineries internasional dengan memfokuskan pada
are the indicators of the achievements. At the akreditasi internasional terutama bagi
end, those achievements will encourage the depertemen, pusat penelitian, dan program
establishment of the labeling systems, studi pascasarjana unggulan. Disisi lain juga
healthy organization, well-implemented of diupayakan untuk mencapai peringkat top
quality programs and better business dunia yang reliable pada tahun-tahun
management. To ensure that Bogor mendatang
Agricultural University uses the resources to
the best advantage, the university must
implement processes for the ongoing
improvement. Bogor Agricultural University
needs to be explicit about its goals, improve
the work performance, increase the
remuneration and benefits for Faculty
members and educational staff, enhance the
international academic reputation, improve
the quantity and quality of the research
programs, increase the income through the
non-conventional funds, and improve the
quality of both and academic non-academic
facilities of the university.
Achievements made in the last few years
have become the foundation for Bogor
and Australia, specifically for the
development of the Graduate School. Those
networks and cooperation were established
to accredit their Graduate Study program, as
well as the Departmental Units, and its
Research Centers. This cooperation involves
establishment of scholarships for advanced
studies, enhancement of doctorate level
research capabilities, modernization of
laboratory equipment, the holding of
international seminars, library expansion,
collaborative research, research student
programs and the undertaking of twinning
1.2 Legal Status and Strategic Plan 1.2. Dasar Hukum dan Posisi Rencana
Position Strategis
1. Legal Basic: 1. Dasar Hukum
a. Government Regulations No. 154 of a. Perturan Pemerintah No. 154 tahun
2000 Article No. 30 2000 pasal 30
b. Government Regulations No. 154 of b. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 154 tahun
2000 Article No. 19 2000 pasal 19
c. Letter of Decision of Board of Trustees c. Ketetapan MWA No. 59/MWA-
No. 59/MWA-IPB/2007 IPB/2007
2. The Position of University Strategic Plan, 2. Posisi Rencana Strategis IPB dan Rencana
Action Plan and Annual Budget Kerja dan Anggaran Tahunan
The Bogor Agricultural University Rencana Strategis IPB dan Rencana Kerja
Strategic Plan, Work Plan, and the Annual dan Anggaran Tahunan IPB merupakan
Budget Plan are an integrated plan. This suatu kesatuan (Gambar 1.1).
program is presented in the following
Figure (Figure 1.1)
Strategy Goal
- Financial Strategy
- Monitoring The Operational
and Evaluation Plan and
Annual Budget
PROGRAM/ Objectives
Figure 1.1. Direction and Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural University Development
2. The Formation of 1 Draft (First). The First 2. Tahap Penyusunan Draft 1 (satu). Suatu
draft was prepared, as the finalization of dokumen yang disusun sebagai
the draft-0. The First Draft of the Strategic penyempurnaan draft-0, yang disampai-
Plan was shared with the universities kan pada tahap “konsultasi publik” dan
constituent at large and administrative tahap sidang pleno Senat Akademik (SA)
officers to seek input from them, before IPB.
arriving at a final draft. The draft then, was 3. Tahap “Konsultasi Publik” draft kepada
submitted to the Academic Senate Plenary stakeholder utama di lingkungan IPB,
Meeting for reviewing. khususnya Dekan, Ketua Departemen,
3. The Public Hearing of the First Draft. The Kepala Pusat, Direktur, Kepala Kantor,
first draft was submitted to the Deans, dan pihak lainnya.
Haed of the Departments, Head of 4. Tahap Penyusunan Draft 2 (dua).
Centers, Directors, and other community Dokumen disusun setelah mengakomo-
members of the Bogor Agricultural dasikan berbagai masukan anggota SA
University for reviewing. Public hearing is IPB. Atas dasar persetujuan SA IPB,
needed to provide ample opportunities to dokumen ini disampaikan kepada MWA
the University community at large to IPB untuk mendapat pengesahan.
participate in the process. The Committee 5. Tahap Pengesahan Rencana Strategis IPB
drafted a strategic plan through a process Tahun 2008-2013. Disusun setelah
of synthesis as comprehensive as possible. mengakomodasi berbagai saran dan
4. The Formation of the Second Draft. Using informasi tambahan dari anggota MWA
the input received, coupled with the dalam Sidang Paripurna MWA IPB.
knowledge and expertise represented by Rencana strategis yang telah
the Academic Senate, the Second Draft disempurnakan menjadi dokumen resmi
then was prepared. With the approval of dan mengikat bagi seluruh stakeholder
the Academic Senate, the “Second Draft” terkait di IPB.
was submitted to the Board of Trustees for Catatan : 1. Draft-0 dipersiapkan oleh tim kecil yang
review and approval. beranggotakan 7 orang (Surat Tugas Wakil
5. Plenary Meeting for the University Rektor Bidang Sumberdaya dan
Strategic Plan Approval. Considering the
2. Dibentuk Tim Penyusun Rencana Strategis IPB
result of analyses and studies as well as Tahun 2008-2013 berdasarkan SK Rektor IPB
feedback from the Board of Trustees in No.085/I3/PR/2008 tanggal 18 Juli 2008 yang
bertugas mempersiapkan draft-1 hingga
their Plenary Meeting, then the draft of the pengesahan MWA IPB
university strategic plan 2008-2013 was
endorsed and approved. The strategic
plan 2008-2013 become an official
document and the basis for the
formulation of the operational plan and
Rector's General Policy Directions.
Notes : 1. Draft-0 was prepared by the small group consisted
of 7 (seven) (As appointed by the Vice Rector for
Resources and Development).
2. With reference to Decision Letter of Rector of Bogor
Agricultural University No. 085/13/PR/2008,
dated 18 July 2008, the Strategic Plan 2008-2013
Team was formulated. The Team is responsible to
prepare the Draft-0 and finalize it up-to the
approval to be the official document.
Securities Units, and other units. The organisasi IPB disajikan pada Gambar 1.2.
Organizational structure of Bogor Agricul- 1. Majelis Wali Amanat, merupakan organ
tural University is presented in Figure 1.2 penentu tertinggi institut yang berfungsi
1. Board of Trustees, is the University's merepresentasikan kepentingan institut,
highest decision making body that kepentingan pemerintah dan
represent the government, the kepentingan masyarakat. Untuk
university's community and the public. kelancaran tugas dalam pengawasan,
To manage and auditing the MWA dibantu oleh Dewan Audit yang
implementation of strategic plan, the secara independen melakukan evaluasi
operational plan of the university, the hasil evaluasi audit internal dan eksternal
Board of Trustees will be assisted by atas penyelenggaraan institut untuk dan
Board of Auditor (Dewan Auditor), atas nama MWA IPB.
which will evaluate independently both 2. Senat Akademik, merupakan organ
the external and internal audit report normatif tertinggi institut dalam bidang
yearly working and budget plans, on akademik. IPB membentuk Dewan Guru
behalf of the Board of Trustees. Besar yang membantu pengembangan
2. The Academic Senate, as the highest budaya akademik, integritas moral, etika
academic normative board in the dan kesujanaan di lingkungan IPB.
institute, Academic Senate (SA) mean the 3. Pimpinan Institut (Rektor dan Wakil
organ of Bogor Agricultural University Rektor), merupakan representasi IPB
that administers and develop academic yang berwenang dan bertanggung jawab
life as well as moral and ethical integrity dalam penyelenggaraan IPB, dalam
within the university community. pelaksanaan tugasnya Rektor dibantu
3. The Executive Boards (Rector and Vice oleh 4 (empat) Wakil Rektor, yaitu Wakil
Rectors), represent Bogor Agricultural Rektor Bidang Akademik dan
University toward further fulfillment of Kemahasiswaan, Wakil Rektor Bidang
its mission. To execute his duties and his Sumberdaya dan Pengembang-an, Wakil
daily activities, Rector will be assisted by Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama dan
four Vice Rectors: a). for Academic and Wakil Rektor Bidang Bisnis dan
Student Affairs; b). Vice Rector for Komunikasi.
Resources and Development; c). Vice 4. Pelaksana Akademik
Rector for Research and Collaborations; a. Fakultas, organisasi Fakultas terdiri
and d) Vice Rector for Business and atas Pimpinan Fakultas (Dekan dan
Communication. Wakil Dekan), Senat Fakultas,
4. Dean of School and Faculty Departemen dan Bagian.
a. D e a n s h i p : T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l b. Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, berkeduduk-
structure of the Faculty is consisted of an setingkat Fakultas. Organisasi
Dean and Vice Dean, Academic Senate Skolah Pasca Sarjana terdiri atas
of Faculty, Departments, and Pimpinan (Dekan, Wakil Dekan dan
Functional Units. Sekretaris).
b. Graduate School, according to the c. Program Pascasarjana Manajemen
organizational structure, it is in the dan Bisnis (MB), Program Diploma,
same level as the Faculty. The dan Program Tingkat Persiapan
Organizational Structure of the Bersama (TPB). Organisasinya
Graduate School are: the Executive meliputi Direktur dan Asisten/Wakil
Boards that consisted of Dean and Vice Direktur.
Dean, and the Secretary. d. Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengab-dian
c. The Graduate School of Business Pada Masyarakat (LPPM). dipimpin
Management, Diploma Program, and oleh seorang Kepala yang dibantu
the School of First Common. Its oleh Wakil Kepala Bidang Penelitian,
organizational structure consisted of Wakil Kepala Bidang Pengabdian
Director and Assistant/Deputy kepada Masyarakat dan Sekretaris.
Director. Kegiatan LPPM dilaksanakan oleh
d. D i r e c t o r a t e o f R e s e a r c h a n d Pusat-Pusat.
Community Services (LPPM). This
5. Pelaksana Administrasi (Direktorat,
Directorate is headed by the Director
Kantor dan Sekretariat Institut),
and is assisted by the Deputy Director
for Research Program, and Deputy Direktorat dipimpin oleh seorang
director for Community Service and Direktur yang pelaksanaan tugas sehari-
Secretary. harinya di bawah koordinasi Wakil
Rektor. Kantor dipimpin oleh seorang
5. Administrative Units (Directorate, Kepala Kantor dan Sekretariat Insitut
Offices, and the Executive Secretary of dipimpin oleh seorang Sekretaris
the Institute) Eksekutif yang pelaksanaan tugas sehari-
harinya langsung di bawah Rektor.
Directorate is headed by the Director,
whose daily activities is coordinated by a. Direktorat di bawah koordinasi Wakil
the Vice Rector. Office is headed by the Rektor Bidang Akademik dan
Director, and the Secretary of Institute is Kemahasiswaan, terdiri atas (1)
Directorate of Student Affairs; and (4) Direktorat Perencanaan dan
Directorate of Career Development Pengembangan, (2) Direktorat
and Alumni Relationship. Keuangan; (3) Direktorat Sumberdaya
b. Vice Rector for Resources and Manusia, dan, (4) Direktorat Fasilitas
Development. Under his super-vision dan Properti;
are: (1). Directorate of Planning and c. Direktorat di bawah koordinasi Wakil
Development; (2). Directorate of Rektor Bidang Riset dan Kerjasama,
Finance; (3). Directorate of Human terdiri atas (1) Direktorat Riset dan
Resource; and (4). Directorate of Kajian Strategis, dan (2) Direktorat
Facility and Property. Kerjasama dan Program
c. Vice Rector for Research and Internasional;
Collaboration is created to stream-line d. Direktorat di bawah koordinasi Wakil
the research and extension function of Rektor Bidang Bisnis dan Komuniksi,
the University. (1). Directorate of terdiri atas (1) Direktorat Bisnis dan
Research and Strategic Issues; (2) Kemitraan, dan (2) Direktorat
Directorate of Cooperation and Komunikasi dan Sistem Informasi;
International Program. e. Kantor dan Sekretariat Institut, terdiri
d. Vice Rector for Business and atas (1) Kantor Hukum dan
Communication: (1). Directorate of Organisasi; (2) Kantor Manajemen
Business and Partnership; and (2). Mutu; (3) Kantor Audit Internal dan
Directorate of Communication and (4) Sekretaris Institut.
Information System. 6. Penunjang Akademik
e. Offices and Secretariat of the Institute: Merupakan satuan kerja yang berfungsi
(1). Office of Law and Organization; menyediakan sarana kuliah, praktikum,
(2). Office of Quality Assurance; (3) penelitian, pemasaran barang dan jasa,
Office of Internal Audit; and (4). pelayanan rujukan dan/atau kegiatan
Executive Secretary of the University. akademik lainnya. Satuan kerja
6. Supporting Units. penunjang akademik terdiri atas (1)
The Supporting Units are established to Perpustakaan, (2) University Farm (UF),
support the learning activities of the (3) Unit Pelatihan Bahasa, (4) Rumah
university. The curricular programs are Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, (5) Asrama
supported by the modern facilities and Mahasiswa, (6) Unit Olah raga dan Seni,
specialized equipment, laboratories, (7) Lab Kimia Terpadu, (8) Unit
experimental fields and research, Keamanan Kampus, dan (9) Poliklinik.
marketing products and services, as well Selain Struktur organisasi utama
as the referral services. The supporting tersebut, terdapat pelaksana pembangkitan
units are: (1). Library; (2). University pendapatan, yaitu Satuan Usaha Akademik
Farm; (3). Language Development Unit; (SUA), Satuan Usaha Penunjang (SUP), dan
(4). Teaching Hospital for Veterinary Satuan Usaha Komersial (SUK). Khusus
Medicine Students; (5). Dormitories; (6). untuk SUK, Rektor IPB selaku pemegang
Sport and Cultural Halls; (7). Integrated kekuasaan Pengelolaan Aset bertindak
Chemical Laboratories; (8). Security Unit; sebagai pemegang otoritas RUPS dan
and (9). Polyclinic. representasi untuk melakukan perikatan
dengan pihak lain.
In addition to the Supporting Units, the
university has established Business
Management to generate additional incomes
for the university. Those units are, Academic
Business Unit, Supporting Business Unit, and
Commercial Business Unit. The Bogor
Agricultural Rector is responsible for leading
those business units toward further
fulfillment of its mission, and its achievable
goals. In addition, coordinating Vice Rector
for Business and Communication, to call a
General Meeting for Stakeholders and serve
as the primary liaison for the external
Majelis Wali
Senat Akademik
Pimpinan Institut Pelaksana Administrasi
Direktorat Direktorat
Keuangan Sumberdaya Manusia
Wakil Rektor Bidang Sumber-
daya & Pengembangan
Direktorat Fasilitas & Direktorat Perencanaan &
Properti Pengembangan
Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset & Direktorat Riset & Kajian Direktorat Kerjasama &
Sekretariat Institut Kerjasama Strategis Program Internasional
Kantor Audit Sekretariat
Internal Eksekutif
Wakil Rektor Bidang Bisnis & Direktorat Direktorat Komunikasi &
Kantor Manajemen Kantor Hukum & Komunikasi Bisnis & Kemitraan Sistem Informasi
Mutu Organisasi
Faperta FKH FPIK Fapet Fahutan Fateta FMIPA FEM FEMA SPs LPPM
Satuan Usaha
Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Depar- Program Program Program Program Pusat
temen temen temen temen temen temen temen temen temen MB Pendidikan MKDU Diploma
Perpustakaan University Unit Pelatihan RSH Asrama Unit Olah Lab. Kimia Unit Keaman- Poliklinik
Farm Bahasa Pendidikan Mahasiswa Raga & Seni Terpadu an Kampus
Keterangan :
Penunjang Akademik Garis
Letter of Decision of Board of Trustees No. 77/MWA-IPB/2008
SWOT Analysis
Chapter 2
Analisis SWOT
2.1. Strategic Issues 2.1. Isu-Isu Strategis
Analisis SWOT
In meeting the challenge of the Isu-isu strategis yang dipertimbangkan
globalization, Bogor Agricultural University dalam penyusunan rencana strategis IPB
development is implemented based on the meliputi:
new paradigm in which institutional 1. A r a h p e m b a n g u n a n I n d o n e s i a ,
autonomy and accountability becomes khususnya di bidang ekonomi, pangan,
strategic issues.. Those issues are as follows: bioenergi, kesehatan, manajemen
1. T h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h e N a t i o n a l sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan.
Development of Indonesia, particular-ly 2. Kecenderungan persaingan global
for the development in the fields of pendidikan tinggi yang mengharuskan
economic, food, bioenergy, health, perguruan tinggi di dalam negeri untuk
natural resources and environmental meningkatkan daya saingnya, baik
management. dalam penyelenggaraan maupun mutu
2. The future trend of tough competition lulusan yang kompetitif bertaraf
among the education institutions, thus, internasional.
those institutions are faced with complex 3. Perubahan regulasi penyelenggaraan
challenges and only those who persevere pendidikan tinggi yang mengharuskan
will survive. In order to face these perguruan tinggi dapat memposisikan
challenges, the Indonesian universities sebagai institusi penghela kemajuan
should improve their learning bangsa yang berorientasi jauh ke depan,
innovations to produce quality graduates dan tidak terperangkap pada aspek solusi
who are competitive and internationally yang parsial dan jangka pendek.
recognized. 4. Belum terbangunnya sinergi kerjasama
3. Transformation in regulations for the antar perguruan tinggi dan dengan
management of higher education jejaring mitra strategisnya baik instansi
institutions in Indonesia, encourage to pemerintah maupun swasta, sehingga
change their education systems. It is penyelesaian masalah nasional tidak
expected that Indonesia will have a efisien, tumpang tindih parsial, dan
competitive leverage due to the existence berjalan lamban.
of highly reputable higher education 5. O p t i m a l i s a s i p e r a n I P B d a l a m
SWOT Analysis
institutions. penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi yang
4. Strengthening and cultivating new harus mampu menghasilkan lulusan
strategic connection between Bogor yang kompetitif, bermutu dan kompeten
Agricultural University and other serta penelitian yang bermanfaat bagi
institutions of higher education in pengembangan IPTEKS dan sesuai
Indonesia and other networks of both dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
government and private institutions. The 6. Efektivitas dan efisiensi penyelenggara-
Analisis SWOT
network will enable to reduce an tridharma di IPB yang mengharuskan
redundancies in research projects as well pengelolaan kegiatan akademik dan
as to expedite the national problem manajemen mengacu pada keprimaan
solving. operasi ( operational excellence ) yaitu
5. The optimalization of Bogor Agricultural pemanfaatan investasi sumber daya dan
University as a leading education centre sistem pengelolaannya yang transparan
that produce qualified graduates, and dan akuntabel.
enhance university responsiveness to 7. Pengerahan atau mobilisasi (deployment)
continuous and rapid changes of sumberdaya yang masih belum optimal
community needs and development yang memerlukan upaya untuk
challenges. Develop students' intellectual mendayagunakan seluas-luasnya dalam
capability to become responsible citizens atau untuk berbagai kegiatan akademik
and have competitive characteristics. dan pembangkitan pendapatan yang
Finally, the University is expected, to be berkontribusi optimal bagi IPB.
responsive to the societies needs to design 8. Kesejahteraan yang masih kurang
research programs towards the discovery memadai, sementara external driven yang
of knowledge and science. mengarah kapada opportunity costs sangat
6. For effective and efficient terbuka lebar, sehingga berakibat pada
implementation of Tridarma at Bogor berkurangnya sumberdaya yang
Agricultural University, it is required that berkualitas (brain drain) bagi
the university should impose the pengembangan IPB.
management of the educational
programs transparant and accountable.
7. The encouragement of resources
mobilization of Bogor Agricultural
University in meeting the challenge of
globalization. It is expected that the
whereas the external driven for better
Analisis SWOT
opportunities are open widely. The
situation have caused the brain drain of
qualified lectures and skilled staff that
effect to the university development.
Code Strength Code Weaknesses
S1 Bogor Agricultural University name W1 The average of accumulative total
SWOT Analysis
as the only higher learning score of students intake are relative
institution in Indonesia with areas of low
emphasis and excellence in W2 Time span for students to finalize
agriculture majoring in tropical their study are relatively longer
agriculture than expected
Analisis SWOT
Code Strength Code Weaknesses
Code Oppotunities Code Threaths
SWOT Analysis
O1 The globalization era has given T1 The impact of globalization in
opportunities for Bogor Agricultural various sectors has caused the
University to play important role in higher learning institutions to
local - international development generate non knowledge and to
improve its competitiveness to
enable them to achieve the highest
level locally as well as
Analisis SWOT
Code Strength Code Weaknesses
Analisis SWOT
Code Strength Code Weaknesses
Agricultural University is presented in the ancaman (threats). Matrik strategi
Table 2.2 pengembangan IPB tersebut disajikan pada
Tabel 2.2.
SWOT Analysis
Analisis SWOT
Table 2.2 Matrix of Development Strategy of Bogor Agricultural University 2025 Based
on the SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weakness
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7,
W8, W9, W10, W11, W12, W13,
W14, W15
Opportunities Strategy S-0 Strategy W-O
O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, Improvement access and equity Improvement of University
O7, O8 development of students’ Resources capacity
intellectual capability S1, S2, S3, S4, W3, W13, W15 – O5, O6
S5, S6 – O1, O3, O7, O8
Remuneration and benefits
Improvement of research quality increment W13, W15 – O4, O8
and community services
S7, S8, S9 – 02, S4, O5, O6, O8
Threats Strategy S-T Strategy W2-T
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T7 Improvement of resources capacity Remuneration and benefits
S9 – T6, T7 increment W13, W15 – T1, T2,
T5, T6
Strengthening the management
systems S2, S4, S5, S9 – T1, T2, T3, Strengthening the
T4, T6 management systems
W4, W5, W14 – T3, T4, T6, T7
Remuneration and benefits
increment S9 – T5, T6, T7
SWOT Analysis
Direction and The Strategic Plan
Chapter 3
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
3.1. Vision, Mission, Objectives and 3.1. Visi, Misi dan Tujuan IPB
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
Quality Statement
Mengacu pada Rencana Pembangunan
With reference to the Long-Term Strategic Jangka Panjang Departemen Pendidikan
Plan of the Department of National Education Nasional 2005-2025, Renstra IPB 2020 yang
2005-2025, as well as Bogor Agricultural telah dirumuskan sebelum IPB berstatus
University Strategic Plan 2020 adopted by the BHMN, dan draft Rencana Pengembangan
Board of Trustees prior to the shifting of the IPB 2025 - Senat Akademik IPB, dan tuntutan
University legal status of to be the State- pembangunan ekonomi dalam mewujudkan
owned Legal Entities Universities (BHMN), indonesia sebagai negara agraris dan bahari,
and complement to the existing draft of the maka visi IPB jangka panjang yang telah
Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural dirumuskan mulai tahun 2003 ditetapkan
University 2025 approved by the Academic sebagai Visi IPB 2025, yaitu ”Menjadikan IPB
Senates as well as in respond to the Nation's sebagai perguruan tinggi bertaraf internasional
commitment for the economic development dalam pengembangan sumberdaya manusia dan
of Indonesia to be community the agricultural IPTEKS dengan kompetensi utama di bidang
and maritime community, Bogor Agricultural pertanian”. Berdasarkan visi jangka panjang
University decided that the Long-term vision tersebut maka Rencana Strategi (Renstra) IPB
of the University adopted 2003 will become 2008-2013 yang merupakan bagian dari
the vision of the Bogor Agricultural Rencana Pengembangan IPB 2025 disusun
University for 2025, which will declares the visi IPB 2008-2013 dengan memberikan
University to be “a leading higher education penekanan pada biosains sebagai ilmu dasar
institution of international quality in the dan jiwa kewirausahaan, sebagai berikut:
development of science, technology, art and " Menjadi perguruan tinggi berbasis riset kelas
human resources with tropical agriculture as
2025, the Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural
tahun ke depan (2013) adalah:
University 2008-2013 as part of the University
Development Plan 2025 was formulated. The 1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi
Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural bermutu tinggi dan pembinaan
kemahasiswaan yang komprehensif
University 2008-2013 reaffirms the goals of the
dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing
previous versions while incorporating some
editorial changes and placing greater
emphasis to accelerate engagement of 2. Mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat
bioscience as basic science for nation agraris dan bahari pada masa sekarang
Arah dan Strategi Pengembanagan
economic development with focus on dan kecenderungan pada masa yang
entrepreneurships: akan datang yang semakin kompetitif.
“to be the World Class Research Univer- 3. Membangun sistem manajemen
sity with bioscience and entrepreneurships perguruan tinggi yang berkarakter
as its core competence”. kewirausahaan, efektif, efisien,
In view of the above Vision of Bogor transparan, dan akuntabel.
Agricultural University, the mission of the 4. Mendorong terbentuknya masyarakat
University will be as follows: madani berdasarkan kebenaran dan hak
1. To offer challenging academic programs azasi manusia.
and demonstrate a commitment to the Untuk menyelenggarakan misi dan
development of both the undergraduates mencapai visi IPB, dirumuskan tujuan yang
and graduate students who seeks advance harus dicapai IPB, yaitu :
degree programs that prepare them to 1. Menghasilkan lulusan yang bermutu
make significant contribution to their yang mampu mengembangkan dan
fields, with particular purpose to be a menerapkan IPTEKS serta mempunyai
competitive nation. jiwa kewirausahaan.
2. To expands the boundaries of knowledge 2. Memberikan inovasi IPTEKS ramah
and insight of Bogor Agricultural lingkungan untuk mendukung
University through teaching, research, pembangunan nasional melalui
artistic expression, which is relevance to perwujudan negara agraris dan bahari
the national needs as an agricultural and dan memperbaiki kesejahteraan umat
maritime society. It is really required as manusia.
the trends that the university will 3. Menjadikan IPB sebagai lembaga
Direction and The Strategic Plan
To achieve its mission and to realize
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
Bogor Agricultural University's vision,
directions to execute these university's vision
were formulated as follows:
1. To produce quality graduates who are
competitive and resilient, as well as
competent in utilizing and developing
science and technology with
entrepreneurships characteristics.
2. To develop friendly scientific and
technological innovation for the
improvement of national development,
which is relevance to the national
programs to be an agricultural and
maritime society, as well as to improve
the welfare of human beings.
3. To enhance university responsiveness to
continuous and rapid changes of
community needs and development
4. To establish IPB as a moral force for
Indonesian civil society.
3.2 The Direction of Bogor Agricultural 3.2. Arah Pengembangan IPB 2025
based university, during its transition toward hingga tahun 2025 ke depan difokuskan pada
full-pledge BHMN. The Development Plan of 3(tiga) aspek utama. Pertama menindak-
Bogor Agricultural University for 2025 will be lanjuti keberhasilan selama masa transisi
focused into the three aspects. First: To dengan membangun pondasi-pondasi
follow-up to the achievements made within Universitas Berbasis Riset (Research Based
the transition period, Bogor Agricultural University atau RBU) dan kewirausahaan
University planned to build the strong (Enterpreneurial University). Dengan modal ini
foundations for Bogor Agricultural ditargetkan IPB memiliki daya saing tinggi
University to be a Research Based University dan berkompetisi secara sehat dengan
and entrepreneurships. These foundations will perguruan-perguruan tinggi lainnya di
Arah dan Strategi Pengembanagan
enable Bogor Agricultural University to be dunia. Upaya ke arah itu perlu dilakukan
more competitive with other international secara lebih agresif melalui upaya-upaya
universities. An aggressive efforts to achieve kondusif dan stimulatif. Pengembangan riset
the goal should be prepared, by developing baik berupa hibah-hibah riset atau riset
more conducive and stimulative program. kerjasama yang dikaitkan dengan proses
The quality of teaching and supervision at belajar mengajar selanjutnya dapat
Bogor Agricultural University is underpinned meningkatkan mutu proses belajar mengajar
by research and scholarship, and the (PBM), mendorong partisipasi mahasiswa
university is committed to optimising the dan dosen dalam berbagai paket riset yang
benefits to students of studying within a mempercepat laju lulusan (annual graduates),
dynamic research environment. Bogor publikasi ilmiah, paten, dan produk riset
Agricultural University strengths in research komersial. Peningkatan laju lulusan,
bring particular benefits to teaching - leraning publikasi riset, dan perolehan paten menjadi
process at Bogor Agricultural University pembangkit citra publik yang memperbesar
across the disciplines, and how best practice in peluang komersialisasi produk riset ke
this area can be shared. The development of masyarakat luas yang berimplikasi balik
research programs, both the research grants pada peningkatan kepercayaan publik serta
and collaborative research programs will pengembangan usaha-usaha komersial.
increase the percentage of the number of Perbaikan kepercayaan publik akan
graduate students, as well as will encourage memperbesar berbagai hubungan kemitraan
the university community to implement the baik dengan sektor swasta maupun
research programs. The improved number of pemerintah yang menjadi kekuatan riset
university' research programs will produce kolaboratif dan konsorsium. Peningkatan
more scientific publications, intelectual produk riset komersial akan menguatkan
Direction and The Strategic Plan
property right (IPR) and patent, and other usaha-usaha komersial dan memperbaiki
marketable research products, which will pendapatan institusi. Pendapatan yang sehat
generate revenue to the university, its berkelanjutan ini menjadi pemacu
departments, and its individual inventors. In kesejahteraan pegawai dan dosen, pemasok
addition, improved research products will sarana/prasarana riset serta insentif riset
increase the university capacity in yang diharapkan meningkatkan minat dan
establishing more collaborative networks as budaya, serta pelaku riset yang bermutu
well as revenue generating activities. The sehingga menopang siklus pengembangan
success of the university to increase the proposal riset unggulan secara
qualified graduates, scientific research berkelanjutan.
publications, and the IPR and patent enhance Kedua, membangun kapasitas institusi
the university public recognition, which will dan tatapamong perguruan tinggi yang baik
attract more collaborative research with (good university governance atau GUG ).
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
partners from private companies as well as Pengembangan GUG di IPB dilakukan
the government institutions, for funding and melalui penyempurnaan sistem ketata-
publication; improve the quality of human pamongan yang akan membangun trust dan
resources and research infrastructure. The confidence para stakeholders dan shareholders
success of the development Campaign for (dalam PT BHMN shareholders direpresentasi
Bogor Agricultural University will be crucial oleh MWA) dan menunjang pengembangan
in making a significant contribution to the “usaha komersial”. Dengan ketatapamongan
university's financial sustainability, ini diharapkan kepercayaan dari masyakarat
especially to improve the salary and fringe akan meningkat bila IPB cukup sehat dalam
benefits of its faculty members and empat sistem berikut: (1) audit, (2) akuntansi,
educational staff, which will encourage the (3) keberadaan komite-komite yang
university community to be involved in independen (segregasi fungsi dalam
quality research programs. organisasi) dan (4) publikasi laporan (Keasey
Second: To develop institutional capacity dan Wright, 1997). Ketatapamongan ini perlu
and good university governance . The diterjemahkan ke dalam praktek manajemen
development of good university governance yang baik yang memerlukan bentuk
will convince all stakeholders trust and organisasi, kebijakan dan prosedur yang baik
confidence that the organizational healthy is dan SDM yang bermutu dan mempunyai
well-implemented by Bogor Agricultural integritas baik.
University. The improved trust and Ketiga, meningkatkan tanggung jawab
confidence will support the university to sosial dan kesejahteraan (social responsibility
establish more “Business Unit”. Finally, and prosperity), IPB harus dapat berkontribusi
when Bogor Agricultural University carry pada terciptanya dan meningkatnya
out the following four systems: (1). Auditing; kesejahteraan sosial di masyarakat luas yang
public. Such healthy organizational should be Hal ini diharapkan dapat terjadi melalui
translated into the healthy management produk lulusan, produk riset, dan produk
systems that requires improved organiza- usaha komersial yang dikembangkan IPB
tional structure, policies, procedure, as well pada kompetensi intinya. Kemampuan IPB
as the well qualified personnel with integrity. berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan
Third: To improve its social kesejahteraan masyarakat luas (khususnya
responsibility. The enormous breadth and petani) akan berimplikasi balik terhadap
depth of its research constitutes one of the peningkatan kepercayaan publik.
major strengths of Bogor Agricultural
University. Thus, the university is expected to
Arah dan Strategi Pengembanagan
contribute to generate new knowledge to
increase nation's competitiveness, to educate
and empower-ment the community, and to
generate employment for income generating.
Those contributions, particularly for the
community development (farmers), will
enhance Bogor Agricultural University to
articulate the university nationally and
internationally recognized excellence in
3.3 Strategic Development Plan of Bogor 3.3. Strategi Pengembangan IPB 2008-2013
Agricultural University 2008-2013
Arah pengembangan IPB 2025 di atas dan
With reference to the Bogor Agricultural mengacu pada matrik strategi berdasarkan
University 2025 Development Plan stated analisis SWOT pada Bab II perlu menetapkan
above, and strategic matrix resulted by the strategi pengembangan IPB tahun 2025.
SWOT analysis presented at the Chapter II, the Strategi pengembangan IPB 2008-2013 secara
direction of Bogor Agricultural University berkelanjutan merupakan tahapan dalam
Development Plan 2025 will be defined. The strategis pencapaian visi IPB 2025 (Gambar
Strategic of Development Plan of 2008-2013, is 3.1). Strategi pengembangan IPB 2008-2013
a sustainable process to achieve the terdiri atas lima pilar, yaitu :
Development Plan 2025 (Figure 3.1). The 1. Perluasan akses dan peningkatan mutu
Strategic Development Plan of Bogor pendidikan dan kemahasiswaan
Agricultural University is focused into five
Direction and The Strategic Plan
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
Expanding access,
improving education Strengthening
quality and students Improving the of the management
affair research quality Improviing the Developing of system
and community social welfare capacity
services resources
Figure 3.1. Direction and Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural University Development
Development Plan of the Higher Educations Pilar strategis untuk memperkuat: (1) daya
in Indonesia, namely: (1) Higher Education saing bangsa, (2) otonomi dan desentralisasi,
Long Term Strategies (HELTS) 2003-2010, to dan (3) kesehatan organisasi, dan (2) pilar
strengthen the (a) National competitiveness; strategis pembangunan pendidikan tinggi
Strategic Plan of the Department of National bagian dari Rencana Kebijakan Pembangunan
Education 2005-2009 (and Draft of the Pendidikan Tinggi Jangka Panjang
Strategic Plan of the Higher Education Departemen Pendidikan Nasional ahun 2005-
Institutions 2010-2015), as part of the Policies 2025. Pilar strategis pembangunan
of the Long-term Development Plan of Higher pendidikan tinggi, yakni: (1) pemerataan dan
Education Institutions of the Department of perluasan akses, (2) peningkatan mutu,
National Education 2005-2025. Pillars for the relevansi dan daya saing, dan (3) penguatan
Development of the Higher Education tata kelola, akuntabilitas dan pencitraan
Institutions are as follows: (1). Access and publik (Gambar 3.2.)
Equity, (2). The development of Educational Pilar strategis kesatu hingga keempat dari
Arah dan Strategi Pengembanagan
Quality, relevance, and competitiveness, and strategis pengembangan IPB 2008-2013
(3). Good governance in the management menunjukkan fokus bisnis internal, sedangkan
systems, accountability, and public recogni- pilar kelima menunjukkan pondasi sebagai
tion (Figure 3.2). landasan program. Refleksinya, akan dibangun
The first to fourth Pillar of Strategic sistem manajemen yang kuat berbasis pada
Development of Bogor Agricultural kinerja ( performance based management ).
University are focused on internal business, Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah balanced
whereas the fifth Pillar is the foundation for scorecard (BSC), dengan empat perspektif kinerja
the university educational programs. Those (performace excellence), yaitu (1) perspektif
strategies is reflected in its performance based pembelajaran dan pengembangan (operational
angegement. Balance scorecard board (BSC) excellence) yang lebih diarahkan pada kekuatan
approaches with four perspectives will be sumberdaya, (2) perspektif bisnis internal
utilized: (1). Learning perspective and (academic excellence) yang berorientasi pada
operational excellence will be focused on pencapaian mutu kinerja program; penidikan,
resource capacity, (2). Internal business penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat,
perspective (academic excellence) with its pembangkitan pendapatan, dan kerjasama
Strategic Pillar of
Bogor Agricultural University
Expanding access,
Strategic Pillar improving education quality
and students affair
Improving the
Improvement of social welfare
Autonomy and Quality, Relevance,
Developing of
capacity resources
Arah dan Strategi Pengembangan
performance, education, research, menekankan pada kemampuan penggalianan
community services, income generating, pengelolaan dana yang efektif, efisien, dan
institutional cooperation, (3). Financial proporsional (prosperity excellence), dan (4)
perspective with stresses on fund raising perspektif pencitraan institusi yang lebih
capabilities and the establishment of good menekankan pada bagaimana membangun
university governance reflecting effective- respon positif dari pelanggan (customer
ness, and efficiencies, proportional, (4). Public excellence); orang tua mahasiswa, mitra kerja,
recognition perspective which stresses on the pemerintah, dan masyarakat. Melalui
university capability to build positive pendekatan BSC ini visi, misi dan sasaran IPB
customer excellence, working relationships. tahun 2008-2013, dapat diturunkan dalam peta
parents, government, and the community. program strategis, program operasional tahunan
Based on the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) dengan indikator hasil dan target kinerja yang
approaches, the vision, mission, and strategic terukur.
targets of the Bogor Agricultural University Pilar strategis IPB 2008-2013 di atas,
Strategic Plan 2008-2013 will be put into the menunjukkan keterkaitan dan aliran aktivitas
Roadmap of Strategic Program of Bogor strategis yang kinerjanya dapat dievaluasi
Agricultural University, with its annual melalui Balanced Scorecard. Pilar strategis IPB
operational programs, as well as its appraised 20082013 secara fungsional menunjukkan
program indicators. suatu bangunan strategi yang menjadi acuan
The Diagram shows, the Roadmap of dan dijabarkan masing-masing pada
Strategic Program of Bogor Agricultural program strategis dan menjadi komitmen
University shows, its direction and the targets dalam penyelenggara-annya pada masing-
of its annual programs/sub prog-rams which masing unit kerja di lingkungan IPB.
appraisable using Balanced Scorecard. within Bangunan pilar strategis IPB untuk mencapai
plan 2008-2013 functionally shows a general
set of directions and initiatives that has served
Bogor Agricultural University as an
educational and research institution with
objectives as approved by Bogor Agricultural
University Council to provide and promote
higher education. The Pillar of strategic prog-
ram to achieve Bogor Agricultural University
mission 2008-2013 is depicted in Figure 3.3.
Arah dan Strategi Pengembanagan
Vision of Bogor Agricultural University
improving education
quality and students
Expanding access,
capacity resources
research quality
and community
Improving the
Improving the
social welfare
Developing of
Strengthening of the management system
(Work performance indicator balanced scorecard)
Policy and Strategic Program
of IPB 2008-2013
Chapter 4
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis
IPB 2008-2013
4.1 Bogor Agricultural University Stra- 4.1 Kebijakan Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
tegic Policy 2008-2013 4.1.1. Perluasan Akses dan Peningkatan
4.1.1. E x p a n d i n g A c c e s s , I m p r o v i n g Kualitas Pendidikan dan
Education Quality and Students Kemahasiswaan
Affair Pengembangan pilar perluasan akses
The development of Pillar for quality dan peningkatan pendidikan dan kemahasis-
education for all, as well as the improvement waan meliputi 4 fokus kebijakan, sebagai-
of learning and teaching process and student mana diuraikan di bawah ini.
body as proposed by Bogor Agricultural 1. Peningkatan Mutu Proses Pendidikan dan
University, will be translated into four Kemahasiswaan
policies as follows:
(1) Memperluas akses dan kesempatan
1. Improvement the Quality of Learning belajar pada program multistrata
Process and the Student body (sarjana, magister, doktor maupun
(1) To expand access and opportuni-ties diploma), melalui:
to pursue their tertiary educations at a. Peningkatan kualitas input (calon
the three program levels of Bogor mahasiswa) pada berbagai jalur
Agricultural University i.e Diploma, seleksi masuk IPB dengan promosi
Sarjana (undergraduate), and yang lebih intensif untuk mening-
Graduate Programs and strengthen
and the management of the mengajar
different level of educational d. Peningkatan kualitas bahan ajar
programs, to ensure the dan implementasi metode
efficiencies in the utilization of pembelajaran efektif
educational facilities; e. M e n g e m b a n g k a n c a k u p a n
c. Improvement of human resources kerjasama dengan institusi mitra
development, especially the certi- dalam kegiatan praktek kerja,
fied lectures, through a strategic penelitian dan kegiatan-kegiatan
staff development program; yang dapat mendekatkan
d. Improvement on the quality of mahasiswa dengan wahana
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
teaching materials and the penerapan keilmuan dan dunia
implementation of effective kerja
teaching methods; and (2) Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas
e. Develop strategic alliances and fasilitas pendidikan untuk
partnerships with external mendukung proses belajar yang
parties especially for the efektif dan upaya mencapai RBU
internship trainings programs serta world class university (WCU)
and research activities, as well as melalui perbaikan dan pengem-
other activities to enhance Bogor bangan infrastruktur yang
Agricultural University to access berkualitas, khususnya ruang kelas,
and adapt global knowledge to teknologi informasi, laboratorium,
local use, as well as train them to pilot plant, perpustakaan, university
be qualified and adaptive work farm, dan fasilitas lainnya
force. (3) Mendorong dan memfasilitasi
(2) Improve the quantity and quality of departemen dalam mengoptimal-kan
research and academic facilities and pemanfaatan seluruh sumber-
infrastructures necessary for dayanya untuk peningkatan kualitas
educational excellence of Bogor kegiatan akademik.
Agricultural University to achieve its (4) Meningkatkan pembinaan sosial
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
(3) Encourage and assist the university kemampuan soft-skill dan jiwa
Departments to optimize the existing kewirausahaan.
facilities in their efforts to improve (5) Secara terprogram meningkatkan
the academic program activities. kompetensi tambahan di bidang
(4) C r e a t e a n d s u p p o r t m o r e kewirausahaan kepada para lulusan
opportunities for dormitory' baru agar lebih siap di pasar kerja dan
students to participate in the mampu berdiri sendiri dalam
intellectual and cultural life such as berwirausaha.
traditional cultures, foreign
languages, choir, sports, student 2. Pemantapan Kurikulum Mayor Minor
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
regiments, etc. as well as both he Program Sarjana dan Pascasarjana
extra-curricular and curricular (1) Mengevaluasi dan mempertajam
activities. Those activities will assist implementasi kurikulum mayor-
students to acquire soft-skill and minor pada program sarjana dan
entrepreneurships characteristics. pascasarjana yang telah diterapkan
(5) Well-prepared program to develop sejak tahun 2005 agar sesuai dengan
the competencies new graduates tujuan awal pengembangan sistem
with focus on entrepreneurships, mayor-minor, yaitu memberikan
and to equip them with skills for the kompetensi secara lebih luas kepada
successful competition in the labor mahasiswa program sarjana dan
markets or to be self-motivated to pascasarjana dan meningkatkan
create their own jobs. efisiensi proses pendidikan.
2. Establisment of Major-Minor Curriculum (2) P e n g k a j i a n k e b i j a k a n d a n
for Undergraduate and Graduate implementasi klasterisasi minor dan
Students supporting courses pada kurikulum
(1). Evaluate and develop the Mayor- mayor-minor program sarjana
Minor curriculum which offered by (3) Mendorong dan memfasilitasi
Bogor Agricultural University for kesiapan departemen untuk
higher learning to cope with the kualitas program dengan akreditasi
dynamic changes and enable nasional B.
students to have appropriate
3. Peningkatan Intensitas dan Efektifitas
Promosi Pendidikan Multistrata
(2). Evaluate policies to implement
minor cluster and other supporting (1) Meningkatkan efektifitas promosi
courses for Major-Minor curriculum untuk program Sarjana, Pascasarjana
for the undergraduate students. dan Diploma pada peningkatan
jumlah dan kualitas pendaftar
(3). Encourage and assist the academic' Melalui pengembangan promosi
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
departments for the international yang 'cost-effective', perbaikan mutu
accreditation, especially for those pelayanan kepada mahasiswa, dan
which have been A-rated by pengembangan, dan peningkatan
National Accreditation Board. The intensitas cakupan penyebaran
accreditation will support Bogor materi promosi ( promotion kit ),
Agricultural University to be a roadshow ke berbagai daerah dan
competitive university and sekolah serta publikasi di media
internationally recognized. massa
(4). E n c o u r a g e a n d a s s i s t t h e (2) Memperkuat kerjasama profesional
departments to improve their di tingkat nasional dan internasional
educational program activities, in yang dapat mendorong peningkatan
their effort to achieve B-rated by kompetensi dan daya serap lulusan
BAN. melalui kerjasama penelitian bagi
3. Improve the Intensity and Effective mahasiswa, kewirausahaan, praktek
Promotion for Multilevel Educational kerja, dan magang yang pada
Programs akhirnya akan bermuara pada
(1). Improve the effectiveness of the peningkatan kompetensi dan
promotion program for the penyerapan lulusan.
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
the active members of scientific as
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
well as professional associations. By
having research collaboration, on
the job trainings programs and the
cooperation networks, will enable
university to improve the
competencies of competitiveness
students in the labor market,
entrepreneurships, field works
4. Improving the Curriculum Quality and
the Implementation of Diploma Program
(1). Standardize the curriculum of
Diploma Program to improve the
competencies of the new graduates
to be more competitive in the labor
(2) Strengthening and expanding the
cooperation network with private
companies/prospective employers
4.1.2 Improving the Research Quality and 4.1.2. Peningkatan Kualitas Penelitian dan
Community Services Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
The development of Pillar on Research Pengembangan pilar peningkatan
Program and Community Services of Bogor kualitas penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
Agricultural University will be focused on masyarakat meliputi 3 fokus kebijakan,
three policies as follows: sebagaimana diuraikan di bawah ini.
1. Enhance the International Academic 1. P e m b i n a a n K u a l i t a s P e n e l i t i a n
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Reputation and Accreditation in Khususnya Penelitian Terobosan
Research Bertaraf Internasional
(1). To improve the quality of human (1). Mengembangkan kualitas peneliti
resources especially for lecturers, diarahkan pada peningkatan
scientists, and students of Bogor kemampuan dosen, peneliti, dan
Agricultural University on desig- mahasiswa untuk melakukan
ning and implementing research kegiatan penelitian, termasuk di
programs, specifically on research dalamnya dalam menguasai dan
methodology, to enable them mengembangkan metodologi
implementing research-based penelitian,
teaching and learning programs; (2). Mengembangkan kualitas sumber-
(2). To improve the institutional daya penelitian diarahkan pada
management of research capacity, to peningkatan dana penelitian untuk
pursue collaborative research with meningkatkan jumlah dan kualitas
partners in terms of research penelitian serta peningkatan kualitas
process, funding and publication. As sarana dan prasarana penelitian yang
outstanding research and teaching memenuhi standar internasional,
require high quality buildings and (3). Meningkatkan kualitas materi dan
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Accordingly, Bogor Agricultural menjawab kebutuhan energi
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
University should prioritize its terbarukan berbasis sumberdaya
research programs on the following alam;
topics: c. Penelitian yang mengarah kepada
a. Topic of researches that address upaya rehabilitasi dan konservasi
the issue on food security, which sumberdaya dalam kerangka
include the food scarcity, pembangunan berkelanjutan dan
agrarian reforms, poverty berkeadilan
among farmers, fishermen,
2. Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Hasil
dairy farmers, and the forest
Pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan hasil riset
b. Research programs on the
perlu diikuti dengan pengembangan
utilization natural resources for
knowledge management untuk mensintesis
renewable sources of energy,
produk-produk penelitian sehingga hasil
this program is to respond the
riset memiliki manfaat sosial dan
energy problems; and
ekonomi bagi pengembangan pertanian
c. Research programs on the dan masyarakat
rehabilitation and biodiversity
(1). M e n i n g k a t k a n kualitas
resources conservation, with
perlindungan dan dayaguna HKI
Bogor Agricultural University research (2). Mengembangkan kemitraan dalam
products to ensure that the University's komersialisasi hasil penelitian,
research activities are exploited and melalui pengembangan kerjasama
disseminated for the benefit of society, riset dengan swasta melalui
particularly the development of tropical mekanisme yang fair dan saling
agriculture and human resources menguntungkan, serta mendorong
pemanfaatan dana Corporate Social
(1). Improving the quality and efficiency Responsibility (CSR), menopang
of patent and other intelectual siklus pengembangan proposal riset
property rights, and supports the unggulan secara berkelanjutan, dan
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
exploitation of intellectual property peningkatan citra publik terhadap
created by the Bogor Agricultural produk riset.
University's researchers for the (3). Mengembangkan publikasi hasil-
benefit of the Indonesian economy, hasil penelitian, melalui
while ensuring that the financial dokumentasi dan publikasi
rewards flow back to the University, internasional, mendorong para
its departments, and its individual dosen dan penelitinya untuk aktif
inventors. HKI of Bogor Agricultural terlibat dalam berbagai forum ilmiah
University files new patent internasional, diantaranya seminar,
application and will assist technical konferensi, workshop, serta
as well as non-technical support for
keterlibatan dalam keanggotaan
the inventors to apply for licensing
organisasi profesi internasional
intellectual property.
(4). M e n g e m b a n g k a n i n s t i t u s i
(2). Developing relationships with pelayanan dan pendampingan
potential research funders in order to masyarakat secara terpadu, sebagai
make greater opportunities available pintu bagi masyarakat yang
to researchers. It will provide membutuhkan hasil penelitian
resources (for example from the John maupun pelayanan konsultasi,
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
(4). Developing institutionalization of penelitian serta dikaitkan dengan
integrated research and community efisiensi penyelenggaraan penelitian.
services of Bogor Agricultural Selain itu, kelembagaan penelitian
University, will encourage the diarahkan pada klasifikasi sebagai
institutionalization research berikut :
develop-ment of new and a. Kelompok Kerja Peneliti (Researcher
interdivisional research Working Group)
collaborations, for example in areas b. Pusat penelitian (Research Center)
such as enterprise and the c. Lembaga Penelitian (Research
environment and bio-medicine. Institute)
Colleges will also continue to play an
active role in the fostering of
interdisciplinary research initiatives.
3. Developing the Research Capacity of
Bogor Agricultural University
Development research capacity of Bogor
Agricultural University is intended for
the development of multidiscipline,
a. Researchers working group;
b. Research centers; and
c. Research Institute
4.1.3 Improving the social welfare 4.1.3. Peningkatan Kesejahteraan
The development of Pillar for the social Pengembangan pilar peningkatan
welfare will be focused on the three policies kesejahteraan meliputi 3 fokus kebijakan,
as follows: sebagaimana diuraikan di bawah ini.
1. Increase the Fringe Benefits 1. Pengembangan Jaminan Sosial (Fringe
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
(1). Develop social security systems for Benefit)
lecturers and staff which will be (1). Mengembangkan sistem jaminan
implemented in the form of health sosial bagi dosen dan tenaga
insurance, policlinic and ambulance kependidikan mencakup jaminan
services, daily commuter Bogor- kesehatan dalam bentuk asuransi
Darmaga Campus, in campus kesehatan, pelayanan poliklinik dan
transportation, bicycles for students ambulan, transportasi pulang dan
and staff, down payment for pergi menurut rute Bogor-Kampus
housing scheme, and Idul Fitri Darmaga, komuter di lingkungan
Bonuses. kampus darmaga, pelayanan sepeda
(2). I m p l e m e n t a c o m p r e h e n s i v e kampus, bantuan uang muka
compensation strategy that is perumahan, dan tunjangan hari
affordable within the university raya.
resources. Bogor Agriculutural (2). Meningkatkan standar insentif
University offers a competitive cash pendidikan, penelitian dan
compensation program, especially pengabdian kepada masyarakat
the unit cost in implementing diarahkan pada unit biaya per beban
education, research and community masing-masing program/
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
2. Fund Raising 2. Penggalangan Usaha (Fund Raising)
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
(1). Expand the established professional (1). Meningkatkan jejaring kerjasama
network for the benefit of Bogor profesional untuk memberikan
Agricultural University, especially manfaat sebesar-besarnya bagi IPB
for the increment of the communityl dan berdampak pada peningkatan
welfare of its staff. It is necessary to kesejahteraan. Evaluasi terhadap
evaluate the on-going business kontrak-kontrak yang sudah
contracts, as well as to initiate the berjalan dan persiapan kontrak
mutual cooperation with kerjasama profesional yang telah
government and private institutions diinisiasi perlu informasi yang rinci
working on the same interest with dan menerapkan prinsip saling
Bogor Agrcultural University. memperoleh manfaat yang adil bagi
Criteria for establishing networks semua pihak.
should be cleary informed in (2). Mengembangkan sistem reward
advance. dalam kerjasama profesional
(2). Bogor Agricultural University diarahkan pada penghargaan
believes strongly in rewarding profesi individual dan institusional.
performance. Bogor Agricultural Penghargaan profesi individual
University offers a competitive cash didasarkan pada tingkat keilmuan,
dan keterlibatan dalam inisiasi dan
institutional rewards will based on kependidikan di antaranya berupa dana
the property rights of the intelcetual pemerintah (APBN, APBD dan instansi
works, management fee, pemerintah lainnya), sponsor dari
institutional image, and project perusahaan/lembaga swasta di tingkat
renewal. nasional dan internasional yang tidak
3. Trust Fund Development mengikat. Upaya penggalangan dana
dilakukan melalui promosi yang intensif,
The source of financial budget for
kerjasama program yang melibatkan
students support, faculty members and
mahasiswa, dosen dan tenaga
educational skilled staff of Bogor kependidikan, hibah dan pinjaman
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Agricultural University is from the lunak.
national budget (APBN) through DIPA
(Daftar Asian Pelaksanaan Anggaran or
proposal for implementation budget),
and the Local Government Budget
(APBD), and unbonded sponsored from
corporations/private institutions locally
and internationally. Efforts will be made
to funding support by intensive
promotion, cooperation networks that
involve students, faculty members,
skilled educational staff, grants and soft
personnel management, and the tangible and individual SDM, aset tangible maupun
intangible assets. With regard to the asset intangible. Dalam hal pengelolaan aset, TAP
management, according to the Board of MWA Nomor 59/MWA-IPB/2007 bahkan
Trustees in the Letter Decision No. 59/MWA- telah memberikan arahan kebijakan bahwa
IPB/2007, the Board has approved that the seluruh aset aset yang dimiliki IPB harus
Bogor Agricultural University's assets are dikelola secara efisien, transparan dan
protected and managed efficiently, to reflect akuntable untuk sebesar-besarnya kemajuan
transparency and accountability, for the pendidikan dan riset maupun kesejahteraan
improvement of educational, and research seluruh warga IPB. Fokus kebijakan
programs and the social welfare of the entire peningkatan kapasitas sumberdaya
staff of Bogor Agricultural University. Focus diuraikan sebagai berikut:
of the Capacity Building development of
1. Pengembangan Jiwa Kewirausahaan
Bogor Agricultural University will explained
Sivitas Akademika
as follows:
Pengembangan jiwa kewirausahaan
1. Development of Entrepreneurships sivitas akademika diwujudkan terutama
among University Communities melalui upaya nyata pengembangan
To accelerate engagement of Bogor Satuan Usaha Akademik (SUA). SUA
Agricultural University communities in diselenggarakan oleh Departemen,
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
natural economic development with Fakultas, Pusat atau Lembaga diluar
focus on entrepreneurships through the kegiatan akademik sebagai penerapan
development of Academic Business Unit bidang IPTEKS untuk melayani
(SUA). These business units are kebutuhan masyarakat di luar Institut.
implemented by academic departments, SUA diharapkan sebagai cikal bakal
and Faculties, as the application of berbagai pengembangan berbagai
“Science and Technology” in extending kepakaran dan teknologi, sehingga
their services. The achievements made by diharapkan jumlah SUA yang
SUA will be utilized as the embryo for berkembang di lingkungan Institut
further development of other SUA in all mendekati jumlah unit kerja yang ada.
Faculty units of Bogor Agricultural 2. Pengembangan Satuan Usaha
University. (1) Meningkatkan profesionalisme
2. Development of Business Units Satuan Usaha Penunjang (SUP).
(1). Improve the professional perfor- (2) Mengembangkan bisnis berbasis
mance of the Supporting Business teknologi dan kepakaran
Units; (3) Mengembangkan binis berbasis
(2). Develop the technology and expert- pemanfaatan aset lahan
ise based business; (4) Membentuk Komite Pengem-
Agricultural University faculty untuk tropical agriculture pada taraf
members to serve as visiting internasional
professors in Indonesia and (4) Mengembangkan unit unggulan
overseas universities and colleges; baru ( expanded developmental
(2). Improve the important role of Bogor periphery).
Agricultural University in the 4. Penguatan Jejaring Kerjasama
various development programs;
(1) Meningkatkan peran alumni serta
(3). Enhancing reputation and interna-
peningkatan kerjasama dengan
tionally recognization, by defining
institusi pemerintah (pusat dan
the image of Bogor Agricultural daerah), lembaga-lembaga
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
University as an icon for Tropical internasional maupun dengan
Agriculture; and dunia usaha (swasta dan BUMN)
(4). Expanded developmental Periphery merupakan prioritas yang akan
4. Develop the Cooperation Networks
(2) Mengembangkan jejaring kerjasama
(1). Strengthening and improving the luar negeri.
relationships with alumni by
increasing the number and
frequencies of activities, as well as
improving the cooperation networks
with government institutions
(Central and Regional), international
institutions as well as private
companies and Stated-own Business
Enterprises, are priorities program
which will be implemented; and
(2). I m p r o v i n g t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l
cooperation network.
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
productivity of Bogor Agricultural SUA dan SUK; reformasi tugas pokok
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
University management by the following dan fungsi (tupoksi); dan
actions: (1). Review the existing penyempurnaan manual mutu,(2)
organization structure: optimalize the pengawalan aturan perilaku (perbaikan
role of Committee on Business manual mutu, penerbitan petunjuk
Development and Evaluation as financial teknis dan petunjuk pelaksanaan), (3)
controller of SUP, SUA, and SUK, and pemantapan sistem audit, (4)
reform the jog descriptions; and pengawalan implementasi sistem
standardize the quality manual; jaminan mutu, (5) reklasifikasi unit
Standardize the Quality Manual; (2). tanggung jawab (responsibility centres), (6)
Improvement of the quality of human pengelolaan keuangan terpusat, (7)
resources and infrastructure kuantitas dan kualitas sumberdaya
management by planning, integrating manusia yang propor-sional, terutama
accurately, focusing on the development terselenggaranya rekruitmen terbuka
area by considering the balance of activity (vertikal dan horizontal) dan pembinaan
and the availability of the required tenaga kependidikan, (8) pelayanan
resource (Endeavour to optimize the fasilitas dan properti yang prima, (9)
added value of products having integrasi sistem informasi dan
international prospect); (3). Standardize komunikasi data yang konsisten, dan (10)
audit system; (4). Standardize the quality pelayanan tata hukum yang memadai.
quality service in its facilities and
properties; (9). The establishment of pelaporan keuangan, (7) perbaikan
integrated of information systems and sistem pengendalian internal.
consistent data communication; (10). 3. Peningkatan Transparansi
Appropriate legal services. Mengoptimalkan tingkat transparansi
2. Accountability institusi melalui: (1) pengelolaan dan
transparansi penyebaran informasi, (2)
The establishment of the financial report
internalisasi sistem informasi manajemen
complying with the a standard
berbasis teknologi informasi, (3)
accountancy system, in: (1). The
implementation of performance based peningkatan kemudahan akses terhadap
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
management; (2). Strategic Plan; (3). informasi kepada stakeholders dan publik.
Encourage staff to prepare work
programs and implement their jobs
accordingly, as well as performance
based annual budget; (4). Measurement
of work performance; (5). Standardize
accounting system; (6). Audit report; (7).
Improving the internal control system.
3. Transparency
To improve the management system of
the institutional level of the institution,
through: (1). The management and the
transparency in the dissemination of
information; (2). Internalize the
Information Technology based
management of information system; (3).
Ensuring access to accurate and timely
information to the stakeholders and
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
general public.
4.2 Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural 4.2. Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
University 2008-2013 Keterkaitan kontribusi program strategis
The closely connected contribution of the untuk masing-masing pilar strategis
five respective strategic Pillars of Bogor pengembangan IPB tahun 2008-2013
Agricultural University Development Plan terhadap rencana strategis pembangunan
2008-2013 for the national development of pendidikan tinggi secara nasional disajikan
pada Gambar 4.3. Masing-masing program
The 2008-2013 strategic plan of Bogor Program/sub program strategis IPB
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Agricultural University aims to bring tahun 2008-2013 merupakan serangkaian
together thinking across all areas of the aktivitas yang penyelenggaraannya
University, in order to provide an effective dilakukan pada tiap tingkat dan unit kerja
overall strategy. It outlines a framework for IPB. Masing-masing program/sub program
the work of Bogor Agricultural University saling terkait satu sama lainnya untuk
over the next five years, setting out from the mendukung tercapainya visi IPB 2013.
premise that the University's work should Untuk melihat keterukuran capaian kinerja,
continue to be guided by the core values and berdasarkan manajemen berbasis kinerja
objectives articulated in 2008. To appraise the dengan pendekatan BSC, tingkat keterkaitan
work performance against the performance antar program/sub program dalam
based indicators, and to show the integrated mencapai visi IPB 2013 tersebut, disusun
level of program/sub-programs to achieve dalam suatu peta program strategis IPB
2013 Bogor Agricultural University vision, tahun 2008-2013 sebagaimana disajikan pada
the Roadmap of Strategic Program of Bogor Gambar 4.5.
Agricultural University was designed. The
Roadmap of Strategic Program of Bogor
Agricultural University is presented at Figure
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
The Expansion Access Improving Relevante Strengthening the
and Equity of Quality and Management,
Education Quality Competitiveness Accountability,
Public Image
Expanding Access,
Improving Education Improving the Research Improving the Social Developing of Strengthening of
Quality and Students Quality and Community Welfare Capasity Resources the Management
Affair Services System
A1. Improvement the B1. To improve the C1. Fringe benefit D1. Development of E1. Health organization
quality of learning quality of research C2. Fund raising Entrepreneurships and management
process and the programs C3. Establishing trust among university E2. Improving
student body B2. To improve the fund communities accountability
A2. Define major-minor institutional D2. Development of E3. Improving
curriculum for management of business units transparency
undergraduate and research D3. Strengthening the
graduate students B3. To improve the external funding
A3. Improve the quality of research sources
intensity and programs and its D4. Develop the
effective promotion Products cooperation
for multilevel networks
A4. Improving the
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
curriculum quality
and the
Implementation of
diploma program
Figure 4.3. The Contribution of the Strategic Plan of Bogor Agricultural University
2008-2013 for the Development of Hihger Education Institutions in Indonesia
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Program Target Vision 2013
Improvement the quality of learning process and the
student body (A1)
Define major-minor curriculum for undergraduate and
graduate students (A2) To produce quality graduates,
Improve the intensity and effective promotion for who are capable to utilize
multilevel educational programs (A3) science and technology and
Improving the curriculum quality and the implementation have entrepreneurships
of diploma program (A4)
To be the world
Fringe benefit (C1) class research
To increase the renumeration university with
Fund raising (C2)
and benefits for lectures, staff bioscience and
Establishing trust fund (C3) and students entrepreneurships
as its core
Develop the entrepreneurships of university community
Figure 4.4. Structure of Strategic Programs to Support IPB 2013 Vision
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Expanding Access, Improving the
Improving the Social Developing of
Improving Education Research Quality and
Welfare Capacity Resources
Quality and Students Affair Community Services
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
A4 D2
Strengthening of the Management System
The Roadmap of Strategic Program of Roadmap program strategis IPB
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Bogor Agricultural University shows the menunjukkan peta fokus sasaran “tahunan”
focus of the targets of its annual program/sub program yang bersifat
programs/sub-programs within 2008-2013. berkesinambungan atau diskret pada tiap
Steps to implement these annual tahun selama tahun 2008-2013. Urutan
program/sub-programs 2008-2013. The pelaksanaan dari program/sub program
development and implementation of specific strategis IPB tahun 2008-2013 juga sebagai
actions within this plan will be scrutinised penentuan prioritas tiap tahunnya
and monitored through the usual processes. dihubungkan dengan tingkat kepentingan
1. Excellence in Organization. Is the stakeholders dan kemampuan mengopt-
priority of programs/sub-programs for imalkan sumberdaya yang dimiliki IPB atau
2008. this program will focus on sumberdaya eksternal. Roadmap program
strengthening and finalizing the strategis IPB 2008-2013 (Tabel 4.6), dipilah
organization structure of Bogor menurut prioritas tahunannya menjadi
Agricultural University as adapted by the “Panca Prima”, yakni:
Board of Trustees in its Letter Decision 1. Prima organisasi. Merupakan prioritas
No. 77/MWA IPB/2008; program/sub program pada tahun 2008
2. Excellence in Transparency. Is the menitikberatkan pada penguatan peran
priority of programs/sub-programs for dari penyempurnaan organisasi IPB
education programs, researches, dan sistem manajemen.
community services, fund raising, and 3. Prima akuntabilitas . Merupakan
management systems; prioritas program/sub program pada
4. Excellence in Accreditation. Is the tahun 2010 menitikberatkan pada
priority of programs/sub-programs for terciptanya akuntabilitas dalam kebijak-
2011, which focus on the internationally an dan operasional penyeleng-garaan
accredited of Bogor Agricultural pendidikan, penelitian, pengabdian
University' Departments and Superior kepada masyarakat, pembangkitan
pendapatan, dan sistem manajemen.
Research Centers (which will improve the 3. Prima akuntabilitas . Merupakan
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
rank of the Bogor Agricultural University prioritas program/sub program pada
to be the World Class University as well as tahun 2010 menitikberatkan pada ter-
its qualifications as the to be the Research ciptanya akuntabilitas dalam kebijakan
Based University). The increased number dan operasional penyelenggaraan
of University' Departments and Research pendidikan, penelitian, pengabdian
Centers with international accreditation kepada masyarakat, pembangkitan
will be the superior university for to pendapatan, dan sistem manajemen.
implement educational programs, 4. Prima akreditasi. Merupakan prioritas
researches, community services, fund program/sub program pada tahun 2011
raising, and management systems; and menitikberatkan pada tercapainya
5. Excellence in performance. Is the priority akreditasi internasional untuk berbagai
of programs/sub-programs for 2012- departemen atau pusat penelitian ung-
2013, which focus on its achievement to gulan (dan beriring dengan perbaikan
the “Research based University with ranking world class university serta
tropical agriculture and bioscience as its terpenuhinya beberapa indikator kinerja
core activity and entrepreneurships RBU). Peningkatan jumlah departemen
characteristics. The achievements will be atau pusat yang terakreditasi internasio-
reflected in its Academic' Departments nal, akan memposisikan IPB sebagai
perguruan tinggi unggulan dalam hal
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Table 4.6 Roadmap Strategic Program Bogor Agricultural University 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
1. Quality
Expanding Improving the Expansion of the “Quality Increased net enrollment
acces, for quality of educations for all rates, and improved the
all, and the
improving education programs” at the Multi quality of learning process, * * * * * *
education process and strata (levels) offers by and student outcomes
of education
quality and student body BAU
studentsandaffair (A1) Improve the quality and The availability of complete
student body quantity of infrastructure infrastructure for learning
capable of supporting the process and research * *
learning process (Repair programs which are modern
and rehabilitation of older and efficiencies
facilities that include class Qualified to be appraised as
rooms, laboratories, the Research -Based
library, teaching farms, University, as well as the
student centers, sport World Class university * * *
centers, student banking,
and bursa corners
Improving quality by Effective implementation on
focusing on relevance, the utilization of
academic atmosphere, Department’s resources
institutional * * *
alumni to be the qualified businesses * * *
Standardize the Evaluation and deepen The Mayor-Minor
Mayor-Minor the implementation of curriculum will be well-
curriculum for mayor-Minor curriculum Implemented and assessable
the multistrata offer for the * *
level of educati- undergraduate and
on program graduate programs
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
Evaluation of the policies The established policies to
to implement Minor evaluate the implementation
clusterization and the of Minor clusterization and
supporting course the supporting course
curriculum for the Mayor- curriculum for the Mayor- * * * * *
Minor for both the under- Minor for both the
graduate and graduate undergraduate and graduate
study programs study programs
Offering study programs Academic’ departments
that internationally with international
recognized accreditations will be
identified * * * * * *
Achieved the international
Improving the quality of A-rank accreditation will
program with B-rank be achieved by all * * * * *
accreditation program will
Create and Intensify and expand the Raise admission standards
implement promotion program for for prospective students to
marketing effective marketing of the Bogor Agricultural
program that Undergraduate, the University * * * * * *
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
2. Improving
To excel the The develop- The development of Improved the qualification of
research quality
and ment of applied research quality researchers in implementing * * * * *
and community
community research research programs
services internationally Improve the research Increased the funding
programs recognized (B1) capacity of the university sources for research * * * * *
Improve the relevance Increased the number of
and the quality of priority – based research * * * * *
research material programs
The manage- Improve the patents Increased the number of
ment and the quality and intellectual patented research products
utilization of rights as well as copy righted * * * * *
research publications
products (B2) Develop collaboration Increased the number of
with local and inter- patented research products
national agencies/ and translate those
institutions which are intellectual property into * * * * * *
ready to translate the commercialized ventures
intellectual property into
commercialized ventures
programs (B3)
3. Improvement
Improving the Improvement of Development of social Substantially increased the
of salary
social and
welfare fringe benefits welfare including the availability of social welfare
social welfare (C1) health insurance for for Faculty members and the * *
Faculty members and the Educational staff
educational staff
Increasing the incentive Substantially increased the
standard for education availability of incentive for
and research and Faculty members and the * *
community services Educational staff
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
Increasing the Substantially increased the
performance based availability of incentive for
incentive, as profit from Faculty members and the
commercial business, for Educational staff based on * * * *
Faculty members and the their performance indicators
educational staff
Fund raising The establishment of the Substantially increased the
(C2) professional networks for income for Faculty members
the improvement of social and the educational staff * *
The development of Substantially increased the
reward system for the income for Faculty members
establishment of and the educational staff as * *
professional cooperation resulted by the professional
Trust fund (C3) Development of funding Increased the number of
support for students students who received
(scholarships), faculty funding support from the * *
members and educational Bogor Agricultural
skilled staff University
4. The develop-of
Developing The develop- Development of The operation of Academic
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
ment of the
capacity ment of entre- Academic Business Units Business Units in all Units of
resources preneurships the Bogor Agricultural
Building character of the University * * * * *
university com-
munity (civitas
academika) (D1)
The Develop- The improvement of The implementation of
ment of professionalism of Professional Services and
Business Unit supporting units efficient provided by * * * *
(D2) Supporting Units
The development of The operation of
technological and professional Technological
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
The development of The Objective
Committee on “Business Recommendations made by
Development and the Committee on the *
Evaluation” Proposed Development of
Business Units
Sustainability of Intensifying the Increased the number of
university promotion of Faculty Faculty members of Bogor
external funding members of Bogor Agricultural University who
(D3) Agricultural University are recruited as expertise for
serving as expertise for local and international * * *
local and international institutions or organizations
institutions or
Strengthen the important The real contribution of
role of Bogor Agricultural Bogor Agricultural
University in various University in various * * *
Development Plan National Development Plan
will be increased
Strengthen the image of Bogor Agricultural
Bogor Agricultural University will be
University as an Icon for internationally recognized as * * * *
private companies, non- owned enterprises, private
government companies, non-government
Organizations, local and Organizations, local and * * *
international funding international funding
organizations organizations international
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
5. Strengthening
Achieving Organizational Review the organizational The revised of the BAU By
of the manage-
good Health (E1) structure on the Laws
ment system
university establishment of SUP, The segregated of the
governance SUA and SUK; as well as function of Decision
the reformulation of their makers
job descriptions, and the Structural Organization
establishment of for Special Development
performance evaluation Programs ( Diploma
instruments Programs, the Extension
Programs, and Master and
Doctoral Programs) will be
well managed for their * * *
Structural Organization of
the Graduate School of
Bogor Agricultural
University has been
Structural Organization of
Professional Development
Programs has been
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Promoting the basic The publicized of By laws
elements of good * *
Standardize Audit Institutionalized
Systems mechanisms to ensure that
all units have been audited
regularly against all the * *
existing regulations
The prefer of external audit
Promoting the Improved the efficiency of
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
Centralized financial One gate policy for
management financial systems will be
Increased the total amount *
of Non-Tuition (SPP) and
non-DIPA funds
Career Development Plan, Open recruitment (vertical
especially for human and horizontal) and staff
resources of the promotion will be well-
educational programs implemented
centralized and integrated
Career and development
of Human Resources * * *
Development Plan will be
The establishment of
Human Resources
Development Plan Policies
for Non-Government Civil
Servants (PNS)
systems (E2) performance-based implemented
Preparation of strategic The strategic plan for Bogor
plan Agricultural University will
be formulated and will be
function as the guidelines for
the University's operational
plan 2008-2013, the Rector's *
General Policy direction,
activities, the University's
annual budget and
operational units in each year
within the period.
Kebijakan dan Program Strategis IPB 2008-2013
Strategic Strategic Time Frame (Year)
No Sub Program Target
Pillar Program 08 09 10 11 12 13
Promoting working The allocated budget
systems and performance available at the RKA of
based financial budget Bogor Agricultural * * * * *
Defining and socialization Well-socialized of work
of work performance performance * * * * *
Standardize the The establish of fit and
accounting systems healthy (WTP) status * * *
Improve the financial Reports will be consolidated
reports * *
Improve the internal The implemented of adaptive
control systems monitoring and the *
transparency evaluation
Define better Policy formulation for the Policy for the management
transparency management and and transparency of
systems (E3) transparency of information will be * * * * *
information formulated
Finalize the Bogor All sub-systems services
Agricultural University have been well-connected
transition to a wireless electronically
* * * *
Policy and Strategic Program of IPB 2008-2013
Financial Strategy
Chapter 5
Strategi Pendanaan
The fiscal management policies of Pendanaan untuk pengembangan IPB
Strategi Pendanaan
financial for the Development Plan of Bogor tahun 2008-2013 mengacu kepada peraturan
Agricultural University 2008-2013 will be perundang-undangan yang berlaku,
based on the set of laws, regulations, kebijakan pemerintah dalam pembangunan
directives, or guidelines regarding state pendidikan tinggi nasional, kebijakan IPB,
owned university, government policies for program-program pengembangan IPB,
the development of higher education sasaran yang ingin dicapai, dan implementasi
institutions, Bogor Agricultural University program dalam dimensi ruang dan waktu.
Operational Plan, Development Program of Diperkirakan dalam tahun 2008-2013
Bogor Agricultural University, targets to be viabilitas pendanaan IPB masih menjadi
achieved, and the evaluation of kendala. Oleh karena itu, pembiayaan fokus
implementation the previous program pada penyelenggaraan program-program
during the specified time under review. pengembangan IPB yang memiliki dampak
However, the viability of the financial langsung pada pencapaian visi IPB. Hal ini
support for 2008-2013 is still a big question. dilakukan melalui penetapan skala prioritas,
Realizing these constraints, the utilization of misalnya dengan berpegang pada tema-tema
funding will only be focused for the program tahunan (roadmap), dengan tetap
implementation of Bogor Agricultural memperhatikan peningkatan
University' programs which will assist Bogor kualitas/kinerja yang dihasilkan dan
Agricultural University to achieve its Visions. penguatan kapasitas institusi.
5.1. Funding Sources and Strategies for 5.1. Sumber Dana dan Kebijakan Peneri-
University Development Program maan IPB
It is expected that the Development Plan Dana pengembangan IPB tahun 2008-2013
of Bogor Agricultural University 2008-2013 yang dapat diestimasi terutama yang
will receive funding support from the central bersumber dari dana pemerintah dan dana
government and the public funds. There is, masyarakat. Sumber dana lainnya meliputi
however, an interesting trend to increase bantuan luar negeri dan lembaga-lembaga
community participation in financing higher pendanaan nasional dan internasional tetap
education through among others, private diusahakan secara maksimum terutama
Financial Strategy
donation, university industry collaboration, untuk penguatan investasi institusi.
and involvement of national and 1. Dana Pemerintah
international funding organizations for
Sumber dana pengembangan IPB tahun
strengthening the institutional capacities
2008-2013 dari dana pemerintah,
1. Government Funds meliputi:
Source of funding supports for the
Development Plan of Bogor Agricultural
University 2008-2013 are from the a. Dana Pemerintah Pusat dari APBN
Strategi Pendanaan
government. The government funding yang dituangkan ke dalam Daftar
sources are: Isian Pelaksanaan Anggaran (DIPA)
a. The source of fiscal budget for Bogor IPB untuk membiayai kebutuhan
Agricultural University is from the dasar/pembiayaan utilitas,
national budget (APBN) through pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi
DIPA (Daftar Isian Pelaksanaan I P B d a n p e m b i a y a a n
Anggaran or proposal for penyelenggaraan kebutuhan dasar,
implementation budget). These serta pembiayaan untuk pengem-
grants will be used to cover basic bangan IPB yang sifatnya reguler
activities of the university, such as (untuk pembiayaan kebutuhan
the implementation of the basic and minimal peningkatan penyeleng-
main functions of the University, the garaan pendidikan terutama untuk
Regular Development Plan (will be mendukung pengembangan pendi-
utilized for the development of the dikan program sarjana) dan kegiatan
undergraduate program), as well as yang sifatnya prioritas nasional
other national level activities such as (untuk pembiayaan beasiswa
bursaries for the undergraduate and program sarjana dan pascasarjana);
the graduate students. b. Dana Pemerintah Pusat dari APBN
b. The national budget (APBN) through yang dituangkan ke dalam DIPA
DIPA, which are administered by the departemen atau instansi pemerintah
other related Ministries/ terkait (non reguler) untuk
Departments. These grants will be membiayai program pengembangan
utilized to cover the non-regular melalui pembiaya-an program yang
development programs of Bogor bersifat penugasan khusus
Agricultural University. c. Dana Pemerintah Daerah dari APBD
c. Under the existing law on regional dalam rangka aktivitas kerjasama
autonomy, local government has untuk pembangunan daerah dan
2. Public Fund Flows a. Sumbangan Pembinaan Pendidikan
Strategi Pendanaan
Source of funding supports for the (SPP), meliputi SPP program sarjana
Development Plan of Bogor Agricultural reguler, program sarjana
University 2008-2013 are from the Public penyelenggaraan khusus, program
Funds, those external funds constitute of: sarjana alih jenjang, program sarjana
a. Tuition Fee (SPP): In light of the spirit beasiswa utusan daerah (BUD),
in increasing community program pascasarjana reguler,
participation in supporting Bogor program pascasarjana
Agricultural University, the penyelenggaraan khusus, program
University shall set its own tuition pascasarjana manajemen dan bisnis,
fees (SPP). The tuition fees will be SPP mahasiswa asing, dan SPP
imposed for the Regular program diploma.
Undergraduate Students, Special b. Non SPP untuk seluruh program
Degree Program, program sarjana (sarjana, pascasarjana, dan diploma),
alih jenjang; funding scheme for meliputi PPMB, perlengkapan
Utusan Daerah (BUD), School of the mahasiswa baru, wisuda, dan
Graduate Studies, the Graduate pengembangan institusi dan fasilitas
Studies for Magister Management, c. Pendapatan Non Komersial, meliputi
foreign students, and the Diploma beasiswa (seluruh program
Program. pendidikan non BPPS), auxiliary
b. Non -Tuition Fee (Non SPP) for the enterprise dan usaha lain, uang
entire programs (Undergraduates, asrama mahasiswa TPB, deposit
Graduates, and Diploma Program), asrama, PPKM, dies natalis, dan
including PPMB (The Committee for pendapatan lainnya.
the Admission of New Incoming d. Dana Kerjasama Penelitian dan
Students ), equipment for new Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
students, the administration fee for yang dikoordinasikan oleh LPPM
graduation, funds for the institutional meliputi hibah bersaing, hibah tim
and infrastructure development. pascasarjana, fundamental, insentif
c. Non-commercial Income: including riset dasar dan terapan, insentif
Financial Strategy
scholarships (all funding scheme for peningkatan kapasitas, insentif
Non-BPPS students), auxiliary percepatan difusi IPTEK, RAPID,
enterprises and other business Units, program KKP3T, dan sumber
rental fee of the dormitories, pembiayaan lainnya. Selain itu,
dormitory deposits, PPKM, Dies sumber pembiayaan penelitian dan
Natalis Activities, and other sources pengabdian kepada masyarakat
d. In Indonesia, competitive funds are yang dikoordinasikan oleh fakultas-
Strategi Pendanaan
an important financing mechanism fakultas, dan kerjasama kreatif
for agricultural R&D, especially in lainnya.
university-led R&D Research Funds e. Usaha Komersial, meliputi hasil
for the Research Programs and usaha dalam bentuk pendapatan
Community Services. These funds dividen atau pembagian keuntungan
have been coordinated by the atas badan usaha komersial
Research Center and Community (perusahaan) yang sahamnya
Services (LPPM), those funds are: dimiliki IPB secara keseluruhan atau
Competitive Grants, the Graduate sebagian, diantaranya PT Bogor Life
Team Grants, Fundamental, Incentive Science and Technology (PT BLST)
Grants for Basic and Applied dan PT Prima Kelola Agribisnis dan
Research, Incentive Grants for Agroindustri, dan perusahaan lain
Capacity Development, Incentive yang didirikan selama tahun 2008-
Grants to Expedite the IPTEK 2013.
Diffusion, RAPID, KKP3T, and other f. Pendapatan lain-lain (pendapatan
funding sources. In addition, there are jasa program, jasa bank, donatur dan
other research funds which are lain-lain)
coordinated by Faculties, and creative Kebijakan penerimaan dana IPB tahun
cooperation grants for the respective 2008-2013 dengan memperhatikan sifat dan
Faculty' activities. besaran penerimaan IPB tahun 2007 dan
e. Commercial Business: Income perubahan sistem keuangan pemerintah,
generated by this Business Units are adalah sebagai berikut:
dividend and other Production 1. M e n i n g k a t k a n c a p a i a n b e s a r a n
Sharing of the Business owned by the penerimaan yang bersumberkan dari
University, or profits based on the DIPA IPB dan DIPA departemen atau
share, wholly or partly, as invested instansi pemerintah terkait melalui
by the Bogor Agricultural University, program-program kompetitif untuk
Strategi Pendanaan
determined by rigorous formula that 3. Mengoptimalkan penerimaan IPB dari
recognize the past and current performance dana masyarakat lainnya melalui
of the University, and the revised law for program kerjasama dengan berbagai
Finance. Policies to increase the proportion of lembaga nasional dan internasional
the Annual Budget for the Development Plan untuk penyelenggaraan kegiatan riset
2008-2013 are: dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat
1. Increase the total amount of Annual yang bersifat kompetitif atau hibah
Budget for Bogor Agricultural University termasuk dana corporate social
from the National Budget (APBN) responsibility (CSR).
through DIPA , as well as other 4. Meningkatkan penerimaan dari satuan
competitive funds for research program usaha (usaha penunjang dan usaha
specified by governmental komersial di lingkungan IPB) dengan
Ministries/Departments or related tetap memperhatikan aspek
institutions. keberlanjutan dan menguntungkan
2. Refine tuition and financial aid strategy melalui kerjasama pihak ketiga dan atau
to reflect Bogor Agricultural University usaha mandiri.
market position and distinctive value. In 5. Memperjuangkan penerimaan dana
order to encourage desirable enhanced bantuan internasional yang sudah
community participation, some schemes termasuk blue-book Bappenas RI untuk
of cross subsidy should be developed proposal research based university dan
within the University. pengajuan usulan-usulan baru untuk
3. Establish cooperation networks with world class university.
local and international funding and
research organizations for optimum
funding support. Bogor Agricultural
University should explore possibilities to
tap the available competitive grants for
its research and community service
programs, as well as the corporate social
Financial Strategy
4. Maximize the income generating from
Bogor Agricultural University business
units (both the supporting and the
commercial business of the university
owned by the university or through the
joint venture), with respect to its
sustainability and profitability.
Strategi Pendanaan
5. Investigate international funding
opportunities available at the blue-book
BAPPENAS for research based university
and the improvement of World Class
5.2. Functional and Policies for the 5.2. Fungsi dan Kebijakan Pengeluaran
Expenditure of the Annual Budget
Pengeluaran untuk pengembangan IPB
The expenditure for the Development dalam kurun waktu tahun 2008 2013 dalam
Plan of Bogor Agricultural University 2008- rangka melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi: (1)
2013 will be for: (1) In order to significantly peningkatan daya saing dalam menghadapi
contribute to the national competitiveness, era globalisasi dan akses ilmu pengetahuan
therefore, it is important to consistently baru dalam mengantisipasi problem
advocate higher allocation of public pengusangan; (2) penguatan otonomi IPB
resources, and at the same time continuously dalam lingkup otonomi keilmuan,
improve the efficient and effective use of the kemandirian dan pergeseran peran IPB
fund; (2). Strengthening the autonomy status sebagai perguruan tinggi berstatus BHMN;
of Bogor Agricultural University in scientific (3) berjalannya operasional harian IPB, dan
development, as well as the shifting status of (4) pemberian insentif dan disinsentif,
the University into the State-owned Legal terutama bagi: (a) perluasan akses dan
Entity Universities (BHMN); (3). Daily peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan
progress of the operational plan of Bogor kemahasiswaan, (b) peningkatan kualitas
Agricultural University; (4). Incentive and penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
disincentive, specifically for: (a). The masyarakat, (c) peningkatan kesejahteraan,
expansion of access and the improvement of (d) peningkatan kapasitas sumberdaya, (e)
educational quality and student body; (b). penguatan sistem manajemen perguruan
Improvement of the qualified research tinggi.
programs and community services; (c). Kebijakan pengeluaran dana IPB tahun
Increment of salary and benefits; (d). 2008-2013 dengan memperhatikan sifat dan
Financial Strategy
Mobilization of resources; (e). Strengthening besaran pengeluaran IPB tahun 2007 dan
the management systems of higher education. perubahan sistem keuangan pemerintah
Policies to improve the efficient and yang berlaku, adalah sebagai berikut:
effective use of the Annual Budget allocated 1. Pengeluaran untuk kebutuhan dasar IPB
for the Development Plan 2008-2013, will be untuk pembiayaan utilitas, pelaksanaan
based on its characteristics and the total tugas pokok dan fungsi IPB dan
amounts of grants received in the previous pembiayaan penyelenggaraan
Strategi Pendanaan
years, and the revised law for Finance as kerumahtanggaan kampus dan
follows: perkantoran (pembiayaan rutin) akan
1. Basic expenditure of Bogor Agricultural dibiayai dari dana pemerintah (DIPA
University, especially for its utilities such IPB), dan dana masyarakat sebagai dana
as the implementation of main activities suplemen.
and function and campus households, 2. Pengeluaran untuk program-program
whereas offices expenses will be funded pengembangan IPB yang menjadi
by the national budget (APBN), and the prioritas terutama investasi
supplement funds will be funded by infrastruktur, fasilitas dan properti, dan
public funds. penyelenggaraan riset unggulan
2. Expenses for Program Development of internasional secara komplemen akan
Bogor Agricultural University, with dibiayai dari dana pemerintah (DIPA
specific interest on the investment on IPB) dan dana tambahan non reguler
infrastructure, facilities and properties, berupa ”pembiayaan khusus ” yang
and internationally research program diperoleh secara kompetitif maupun
will funded by national budget (APBN penugasan dari DIPA departemen atau
DIPA IPB). Additional competitive instansi pemerintah terkait maupun
funding of non-regular budget “special instansi pemerintah lainnya.
assignment budget” which are specified 3. Mengoptimalkan pengeluaran untuk
in the governmental Ministries/ kebutuhan dasar dan pengembangan
Departments and other national research (investasi) bagi unit kerja yang termasuk
institutions will also be explored. katagori ”unit penyelenggaraan khusus”,
3. Improve the efficient and effective use of yaitu Program Pascasarjana Manajemen
the fund, especially for Special dan Bisnis (MB) dan Program Diploma.
Educational Program “School of 4. Memaksimumkan pengeluaran dari
Graduate Studies on Management and sumber bantuan/hibah lembaga donor
Business”, and the “Diploma Program”. nasional atau internasional untuk
4. Maximize the utilization of available investasi infrastruktur, fasilitas, properti,
Financial Strategy
funds received from national and dan untuk kegiatan program-program
international funding organization for riset unggulan dan publikasi
infrastructure, facilities, properties, internasional.
research programs and international
5. Advocate higher allocation of public 5. Mengoptimalkan pengeluaran yang
Strategi Pendanaan
resources for its Bogor Agricultural bersumberkan dari dana masyarakat
University operational program untuk kegiatan operasional penyeleng-
activities, institutional management, and garaan program, manajemen institusi,
fringe benefits for lectures and dan kesejahteraan khususnya bagi dosen
educational staff. dan tenaga kependidikan.
Financial Strategy
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Chapter 6
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Monitoring and evaluation is part of Strategi Monitoring dan evaluasi
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Bogor Agricultural University Strategic Plan merupakan bagian yang esensial dan tidak
2008-2013, and it is an essential instrument dapat dipisahkan dari Rencana strategi IPB
that will determine success or failure of the Tahun 2008-2013. Monitoring meliputi
University. Monitoring process in the kegiatan untuk mengamati/meninjau
University, is the process of doing the kembali/mempelajari serta mengawasi
systematic collection and analysis of secara berkesinambungan atau berkala
information, continuously or periodically, of terhadap pelaksanaan program/kegiatan
the University' operational and work plan yang sedang berjalan. Kegiatan monitoring
progresses. It is aimed at improving the dilakukan untuk menemukenali permasa-
efficiency and effectiveness of the University lahan, mencari alternatif pemecahan dan
Work Programs. It is based on targets set and menyarankan langkah-langkah penyelesaian
activities planned during the planning phases sebagai koreksi dini agar pelaksanaan kegiatan
of work. It helps to keep the work on track, berjalan secara efisien, efektif dan tepat
and can let management know when things waktu. Selain itu kegiatan monitoring untuk
are going wrong. If done properly, it is an mengetahui kesesuian antar rencana yang
invaluable tool for good management, and it telah ditetapkan dalam Renstra IPB Tahun
provides a useful base for evaluation. 2008-2013 dengan hasil yang dicapai.
Evaluation is the comparison of actual project Evaluasi adalah usaha untuk mengukur dan
impacts against the agreed strategic plans. It memberi nilai secara obyektif atas
looks at what the University set out to do, at pencapaian hasil-hasil pelaksanaan
what they have accomplished, and how the program/kegiatan yang telah direncanakan
University accomplished it. Monitoring and dalam Rencana strategi IPB 2008-2013 dan
evaluation are conduct to control University dijabarkan dalam rencana tahunan, serta
target. diutamakan pada peningkatan mutu
Monitoring and evaluation strategies are akademik dan sistem manajemen, pada: (1)
planned to find solution for finding problem unit pelaksana akademik (departemen dan
and becomes base to increase academic and pusat) dalam aspek pengawasan kualitas
Management System performance of the (quality control) pelaksanaan program
university, in : (1). Academic Units (Academic akademik; (2) unit penjaminan mutu
Departments and Centers) in its quality pendidikan ( quality assurance), yakni:
control aspects for their academic program Fakultas, Sekolah Pascasarjana dan Program
activities; (2). The Quality Assurance Units: Diploma; (3) unit penjaminan mutu
Faculties, the Graduate School, the Diploma penelitian dan pengabdian kepada
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Program of Bogor Agricultural University; masyarakat (LPPM); (4) unit pelaksana
(3). The Quality Assurance Units of Research administrasi (direktorat dan kantor) dan unit
Programs and Community Services; (4). penunjang akademik; Acuan utama
Administrative Units (Directorates and pengukuran pada standarisasi yang berlaku
Offices) and the Supporting Units University di IPB, dan mengacu pula pada Standar
Officers and other Supporting Units of Bogor Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi (SNPT) dan
Agricultural University officers are standar akreditasi internasional. Standarisasi
responsible for their professional tersebut mencakup standarisasi mutu
performance the University's governance akademik (pendidikan, penelitian dan
structure based on the National Higher pengabdian kepada masyarakat), sedangkan
Education Institutions Standards as well as monitoring dan evaluasi pada capaian mutu
the National Accreditation Standards, which kinerja pada unit-unit pelaksana kegiatan
covers the quality assurance (education, mencakup: keluaran (outputs) , hasil
research, and community services). Assess (outcomes/results), manfaat (benefits) dan
learning outcomes and use performance dampak (impact) dari tiap program/kegiatan.
indicators to improve educational quality and
administrative effectiveness.
6.1 Principals Methods for Implementing 6.1. Prinsip Pelaksanaan Monitoring dan
Monitoring and Evaluation Evaluasi
Bogor Agricultural University will Pelaksanaan monitoring dan evaluasi
involve the following principles in dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip
implementing the monitoring and evaluation sebagai berikut: (1) kejelasan tujuan dan hasil
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
process, the principles are as follows: (1). yang dicapai dari monitoring dan evaluasi;
Establishing indicators of efficiency, (2) pelaksanaan dilakukan secara obyektif; (3)
effectiveness and impact of the Monitoring dilakukan oleh petugas yang memahami
and Evaluation; (2). Based on objectivity: to konsep, teori, proses serta berpengalaman
see what the University intend to achieve dalam melaksanakan monitoring dan
what difference did it want to make? What evaluasi agar hasilnya sahih dan handal; (4)
impact did it want to make?; (3). Attainable by pelaksanaan dilakukan secara transparan,
any qualified, competent, and fully trained sehingga pihak bersangkutan mengetahui
person who has the authority and resources to hasilnya dan hasilnya dapat dilaporkan
achieve the desired result; (4). Transparency: kepada stakeholders (pihak berkepentingan/
the University is responsible for establishing a pihak berkewenangan) melalui berbagai cara;
sound business environment so that various (5) melibatkan berbagai pihak yang
funding sources (such as government dipandang perlu dan berkepentingan secara
agencies, donors, students, and bondholders) proaktif (partisipatif); (6) pelaksanaannya
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
can confidently provide resources to support dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan secara
Bogor Agricultural University's academic internal maupun eksternal (akuntabel); (7)
mission; (5) Participatory: as it is a form of mencakup seluruh obyek agar dapat
internal evaluation, Bogor Agricultural menggambarkan secara utuh kondisi dan
University decide to involve as many people situasi sasaran monitoring dan evaluasi yang
with a direct stake in the work as possible. komprehensip; (8) pelaksanaan dilakukan
This may mean project staff and beneficiaries sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditetapkan
working together on the evaluation. If an dan pada saat yang tepat agar tidak
outsider is called in, it is to act as a facilitator of kehilangan momentum yang sedang terjadi;
the process, not an evaluator; (6). Describe the (9) dilakukan secara berkala dan
conditions that exist when performance berkelanjutan; (10) berbasis indikator kinerja
meets expectations; (7). Be expressed in terms dan (11) dilakukan secara efektif dan efisien,
of quantity, quality, time, cost, effect, manner artinya target monitoring dan evaluasi
of performance, or method of doing; (8). Will dicapai dengan menggunakan sumberdaya
be implemented according to the scheduled yang ketersediaannya terbatas dan sesuai
dates; and the assessing its progress towards dengan yang direncanakan.
what it wanted to achieve, its impact targets
(9). Periodicity and sustainable; (10). Based on
the criteria indicators; (11). Establishing
indicators of efficiency, effectiveness and
impact. It involves establishing and
sustaining appropriate legal and institutional
arrangements to uphold the rule of law and
and Evaluation dan Evaluasi
The mechanisms of monitoring and Mekanisme pelaksanaan monitoring dan
evaluation activity is a gradual conduct, it evaluasi dilakukan mulai dari pelaksana
means base on level and position of some one. kegiatan akademik, pelaksana kegiatan
The evaluation process starts at the academic administrasi dan pelaksana penunjang
units, administrative and supporting units as akademik selaku unit pengendali mutu,
the quality control unit. The evaluation selanjutnya hasil monitoring dan evaluasi
reports then, hierarchically will be reported to secara berjenjang dilaporkan ke atas, yaitu ke
their immediate superior, as the Quality unit penjaminan mutu, penanggung jawab
Control Units, then to the Quality Assurance. program lingkup IPB (Rektor dibantu para
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
The Quality Assurance, will submit the Wakil Rektor), Senat Akademik dan Dewan
reports to the Executive Boards (Rector and Guru Besar, dan MWA, serta selanjutnya
Vice Rectors), Academic Senate, Council of untuk program-program lingkup nasional
Professors, and finally to the Board of laporan tersebut disampaikan kepada
Trustees. At the conclusion of the evaluation Menteri Pendidikan Nasional atau melalui
process, specifically for the national level Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
reports, will be submitted to the Minister of
National Education of Indonesia, through the
Director General of Higher Education.
EDUCATION Consolidator of the Educational National Program
Administrator for the National Higher Learning Programs
Directorate of Planning Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reports
and Development
6.2.1 Monitoring and Evaluation of the 6.2.1. Monitoring dan Evaluasi oleh Unit
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Quality Control Unit Pengendali Mutu
The Quality Control Units of Bogor Unit pengendali mutu adalah
Agricultural University are the Academic pelaksanaan kegiatan yang terdiri atas
Units, namely the Departmental Units which pelaksana kegiatan akademik, yaitu
are coordinated by Faculties, as well as departemen-departemen di bawah
Centers which are coordinated by Research koordinasi Fakultas dan pusat-pusat di
Program and Community Services (LPPM), bawah koordinasi Lembaga Penelitian dan
Administrative Units, and the Supporting Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM),
Academic Units. pelaksana kegiatan administrasi, dan
1. Departmental Units pelaksana kegiatan penunjang akademik.
The monitoring and evaluation process 1. Departemen
for the Departmental Units is the quality Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
control functions for learning and dilakukan oleh departemen bertujuan
teaching process. In addition, the untuk mengawasi kualitas (quality
monitoring and evaluation process will control) penyelenggaraan pendidikan
also appraise the academic activities sesuai dengan mandat dan tupoksinya
whether they are aligned with the untuk menggali data dan informasi yang
university' goals as mandated by the dijadikan dasar untuk bahan analisis
Boards and to investigate important data penjaminan mutu pendidikan terutama
and information as the basic performance yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal : (1)
indicators of the appraisal for the learning aktivitas proses belajar dan mengajar
and teaching process, as follows: (1). (perkuliahan, praktikum, kerja lapangan
Activities; (3). The implementation of pendidikan.
Major-Minor curriculum; and (4). 2. Pusat
Identify constraints and how to Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
encounter those constraints in dilakukan oleh pusat bertujuan untuk
implementing both of academic and non- mengawasi kualitas (quality control)
academic activities. penyelenggaraan penelitian atau
2. Centers pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
The monitoring and evaluation process Menggali data dan informasi yang
for the Research and Community dijadikan dasar untuk bahan analisis
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Services of Bogor Agricultural University penjaminan mutu penelitian dan/atau
is to provide quality assurance that all pengabdian kepada masyarakat
Centers under the Research and terutama yang berkaitan: (1) aktivitas
Community Services are implementing proses penelitian atau pengabdian
research and community services aligned kepada masyarakat; serta (2) kinerja
with the university' goals as mandated by yang dicapai dari hasil proses kegiatan
the Boards. In addition, the monitoring penelitian atau pengabdian kepada
and evaluation process will also masyarakat; (3) identifikasi permasa-
investigate important data for the lahan dan upaya pemecahannya dalam
establishment performance para-meters, kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian
the criteria to be evaluated are as follows: kepada masyarakat.
(1). The programs of Research and 3. Direktorat dan Kantor
Community Services activities, (2). Work Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
performance of the Research and dilakukan oleh direktorat dan kantor
Community Services activities; (3). bertujuan untuk menggali data dan
Identify problem solving and encounter informasi terutama yang berkaitan
constraints in implemen-ting both of dengan hal-hal: (1) identifikasi
academic and non-academic activities. permasalahan yang dihadapi dan upaya
3. Directorates and Offices pemecahan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan
The monitoring and evaluation process yang berkaitan dengan tupoksinya; (2)
for the Directorates and Offices of Bogor kesesuaian pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan
Agricultural University is to provide rencana (3) kinerja yang dihasilkan
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
the existing criteria indicators of job dengan hal-hal: (1) identifikasi
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
performances. permasalahan yang dihadapi dan upaya
4. Supporting Academic Units. pemecahan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan
The monitoring and evaluation process yang berkaitan dengan tupoksinya; (2)
for the Supporting Academic Units of kesesuaian pelaksanaan kegiatan dengan
Bogor Agricultural University, consisted rencana (3) kinerja yang dihasilkan
of Library, University Farm, Language (ketercapaian indikator kinerja
Development Unit, Teaching Animal dibandingkan dengan indikator yang
Hospital for Veterinary students, ditetapkan.
Dormitory Management, Sport and
Performing Art Unit, Integrated
Chemical Laboratory, Security Unit, and
Policlinic are to evaluate whether those
units are performing their jobs aligned
with the standard performance approved
by the Boards. The criteria for the
evaluation are as follows: (1). Identify
problem solving and encounter
constraints in implementing the activities
of those Directorates and Offices; (2). To
appraise whether their work programs
are aligned with the work plan approved
by the Boards; (3). Their job performance
6.2.2 Monitoring and Evaluation of 6.2.2. Monitoring dan Evaluasi oleh Unit
Quality Assurance Unit Penjaminan Mutu
The Quality Assurance Units of Bogor Unit penjamin mutu terdiri atas Fakultas,
Agricultural University are Faculties Sekolah Pascasarjana, Lembaga Penelitian
(Colleges), School of Graduate Studies, and dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM),
Research and Community Services (LPPM), dan Program Diploma.
and the Diploma Program. 1. Fakultas
1 Academic units (Faculties) Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
The monitoring and evaluation process of dilakukan oleh fakultas bertujuan untuk
Faculties is the quality control functions melakukan penjamin mutu (quality
to appraise whether the learning and assurance) pendidikan sesuai dengan
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
teaching process in the Faculties are mandat dan tupoksinya untuk menggali
aligned with the university' goals as data dan informasi yang berkaitan
mandated by the Boards and to dengan hal-hal: (1) Analisis laporan
investigate important data and monitoring dan evaluasi departemen di
information for monitoring and bawah koordinasinya; (2) Identifikasi
evaluation process are as follows: (1). ketercapaian kinerja pendidikan
Analysis evaluation and monitoring dibandingkan dengan standar mutu yang
report on learning and teaching activities ditetapkan; (3) Identifikasi permasalahan
(Lectures, laboratory works, field works, penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan upaya
and examinations) performed by those pemecahannya.
Academic Units under their 2. Sekolah Pascasarjana
coordination; (2). Achievements of the Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
Academic Units on their teaching and dilakukan oleh Sekolah Pascasarjana
learning process against the proposed bertujuan untuk melakukan penjamin
standard performance indicators; (3). mutu (quality assurance) pendidikan
Identify constraints and how to pascasarjana sesuai dengan mandat dan
encounter those constraints to improve tupoksinya untuk menggali data dan
the performance of both of academic and informasi yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal:
non-academic activities (1) analisis laporan monitoring dan
2 Postgraduate School evaluasi departemen pengampu
The monitoring and evaluation process of pendidikan pascasarjana; (2) Identifikasi
School of the Graduate Studies is the ketercapaian kinerja pendidikan pasca
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Achievements of the Academic Units on data dan informasi yang berkaitan
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
their teaching and learning process dengan hal-hal: (1) analisis laporan
against the proposed standard monitoring dan evaluasi pusat di bawah
performance indicators; (3). Identify koordinasinya; (2) identifikasi
constraints and how to encounter those ketercapaian kinerja penelitian dan
constraints to improve the performance pengabdian kepada masyarakat
of the in implementing both of academic dibandingkan dengan standar mutu
and non-academic activities yang ditetapkan; (3) identifikasi
3. Institute of Research and Community permasalahan penyelenggaraan peneliti-
Empowerment an dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat
An effective performance management serta upaya pemecahannya.
process sets the foundation for rewarding 4. Program Diploma
excellence of Research and Community Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
Services of IPB (LPPM), in appraising dilakukan oleh Program Diploma
whether the learning and teaching bertujuan untuk melakukan penjamin
process aligned with the university' goals mutu (quality assurance) pendidikan
as mandated by the Boards. The diploma sesuai dengan mandat dan
evaluation and monitoring process is also tupoksinya untuk menggali data dan
to investigate important data and informasi yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal:
information for the improvement of (1) analisis laporan monitoring dan
standards quality of Research Programs evaluasi program keahlian di bawah
and Community Services of as follows: koordinasinya; (2) identifikasi
(1). Analysis evaluation and monitoring ketercapaian kinerja pendidikan diploma
learning process against the proposed
standard performance indicators; (3).
Identify constraints and how to encounter
those constraints to improve the
performance of the in implementing both
of academic and non-academic activities.
4. Diploma Program
The monitoring and evaluation process
for the Diploma Program of Bogor
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Agricultural University is the quality
control functions in appraising whether
the learning and teaching process of the
Diploma Program is aligned with the
university' goals as mandated by the
Boards. The evaluation and monitoring
process is also to investigate important
data and information for the
improvement of standards of quality of
learning and teaching process. The
criteria for evaluation process are as
follows: (1). Analysis evaluation and
monitoring report on learning and
teaching activities (Lectures, laboratory
works, field works, and examinations)
performed by those Academic Units
under their coordination; (2).
Achievements of the Academic Units on
their teaching and learning process
against the proposed standard
performance indicators; (3). Identify
problem encounter in the
implementation of Diploma Program of
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
respective data information (Monitoring and dari unit-unit penjamin mutu dan unit-unit
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Evaluation Reports from the Control Units pelaksana kegiatan). Fungsi Kantor
and also the Quality Assurance Units). The Manajemen Mutu dalam memfasilitasi
Quality Assurance Unit Bogor Agricultural berjalannya penjaminan mutu di lingkup IPB
University is responsible for the provision of adalah melakukan menetapkan target mutu
the Performance Indicators to appraise the pelaksanaan program berdasarkan standar
performance achieved by the all Units in the mutu/sasaran masing-masing indikator
University. The evaluation and monitoring kunci. Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi
process is also to investigate important data yang dilakukan oleh Penaggung Jawab
and information for the improvement of Program Pengembangan IPB menggali data
standards of quality of learning and teaching dan informasi yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal
process. The criteria for evaluation process : (1) analisis ketercapaian kinerja program
are as follows: (1). To appraise work dibandingkan dengan rencana program,
performance whether they are aligned with indikator kunci (ukuran hasil) dan target
Operational Plan as approved by the Board of yang ditetapkan; dan (2) identifikasi
Trustees, and against the against the permasalahan dan upaya pemecahannya
proposed standard performance indicators; dalam pelaksanaan program.
(2). Identify constraints and how to Laporan hasil monitoring dan evaluasi
encounter constraints in implementing both oleh Rektor IPB yang berkaitan dengan
of academic and non-academic activities. program pengembangan IPB dalam lingkup
At the conclusion of the evaluation program pembangunan pendidikan tinggi
process, the evaluation team (The Board of nasional secara berjenjang dilaporkan ke
Trustees and The Executive Boards) shall Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi yang
make a written recommendation to the selanjutnya oleh Direktur Jenderal
6.2.4 Process of Monitoring and Evaluation 6.2.4. Monitoring dan Evaluasi oleh Senat
by Academic Senate and Professorial Akademik (SA) dan Dewan Guru
Committe Besar (DGB)
The monitoring and evaluation process Aktivitas monitoring dan evaluasi yang
by the Academic Senates is to investigate dilakukan oleh Senat Akademik untuk
important data and information in the related menggali data dan informasi yang berkaitan
subjects areas: (1). The analysis of Evaluation dengan hal-hal: (1) analisis laporan yang
and Monitoring Report by Rector of Bogor disampaikan Rektor; (2) identifikasi kinerja
Agricultural University; (2). Achievements dan kesesuaian program akademik dengan
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
of the Academic Units on their teaching and kebijakan dasar yang ditetapkan Senat
learning process against the existing Akademik; (3) identifikasi permasalahan
standard performance indicators approved pelaksanaan program akademik dan upaya
by the Board of Trustees; (3). Identify pemecahannya. Aktivitas monitoring dan
constraints and how to encounter those evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh Dewan Guru
constraints in implementing both of Besar (DGB) dilakukan sekurang-kurangnya
academic and non-academic activities. The 1 (satu) kali dalam setahun. Untuk hal
Council of Professors will implement their tertentu DGB dapat bersama-sama dengan
“Monitoring and Evaluation Process” SA melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi
periodically, at least once a year. On a berkaitan dengan hal-hal: (1) integritas moral
special case, the Senate Academic together dan etika sivitas akademika institut; (2)
Academic Senates will evaluate and kukuhnya kesujanaan di lingkungan institut.
monitor: (1). Moral integrity and the ethic of
the university community; and (2). Story
scholar value among the faculty member.
assets are protected and that transactions dapat menugaskan Dewan Audit (DA) untuk
and events are recorded properly, the melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi yang
Boards may call on Board of Auditor dapat dilakukan secara berkala bulanan.
(Dewan Audit) to audit the monthly Monitoring dan evaluasi yang dilakukan
financial statements in accordance with MWA untuk menggali data dan informasi
generally accepted auditing standards. In yang berkaitan dengan hal-hal: (1) analisis
addition, the monitoring and evaluation laporan yang disampaikan rektor; (2)
process by the Board of Trustees will also to identifikasi kinerja dan kesesuaian program
investigate important data and information akademik dan program non akademik
in the related subjects areas: (1). The dengan kebijakan umum yang ditetapkan
Analysis of the Rector Reports; (2) Identify MWA; (3) identifikasi permasalahan
the relevance of both academic and non- pelaksanaan program akademik dan non
academic program with the general policies akademik dan upaya pemecahannya.
adopted by the Board of Trustees; (3). Keseluruhan hasil monitoring dan evaluasi
Strategi Monitoring dan Evaluasi
Identify constraints and how to encounter tahunan yang meliputi pelaksanaan
those constraints to improve the performance program/kegiatan akademik dan non
of both of academic and non-academic akademik yang dilakukan Majelis Wali
activities. At the conclusion of the evaluation Amanat (MWA), bersama-sama dengan
process, the evaluation team (The Board of Rektor IPB melaporkan kepada Menteri
Trustees and The Executive Boards) shall Pendidikan Nasional.
make a written recommendation to the
Minister of National Education of Indonesia,
through the Director General of Higher
Ditetapkan di : Bogor
Pada Tanggal : 19 Desember 2008