Literature Survey

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ISSN 2319 – 1953

International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: A Literature

Gouravmoy Bannerjee#1, Uditendu Sarkar*2, Swarup Das@3, Indrajit Ghosh$4
Department of Computer Science, Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri-735101, West Bengal, India
National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Elect. & Information Tech., Govt. of India, Jalpaiguri-73510, West Bengal, India
Department of Computer Science and Application, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling-734013, West Bengal, India
[email protected] (Corresponding author)

Abstract— This paper presents a comprehensive literature where situations cannot be generalized to suggest a common
survey on the applications of artificial intelligence techniques in solution. AI techniques have enabled us to capture the
agriculture. The domain of agriculture faces many challenges intricate details of each situation and provide a solution that is
such as disease and pest infestation, improper soil treatment, best fit for that particular problem. Gradually very complex
inadequate drainage and irrigation, and many more. These leads
problems are being solved with the development of various AI
to severe crop loss along with environmental hazards due to
excessive use of chemicals. Several researches have been techniques.
conducted to address these issues. The field of artificial This literature survey covers 100 important contributions
intelligence with its rigorous learning capabilities have become a where AI techniques were employed to encounter the
key technique for solving different agriculture related problems. challenges in agriculture. Three major AI techniques; Expert
Systems are being developed to assist the agricultural experts for Systems, Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy systems are
better solutions throughout the world. This literature survey considered as the focused areas. This paper addresses the
covers 100 important contributions where artificial intelligent application of AI techniques in the major subdomain of
techniques were employed to encounter the challenges related to agriculture so that the readers are able to capture the gradual
agriculture. This paper addresses the application of artificial
development of agro-intelligent systems during last 34 years,
intelligent techniques in the major subdomain of agriculture so
that the readers are able to capture the multidimensional from 1983 to 2017.
development of agro-intelligent systems during last 34 years,
from 1983 to 2017. II. GENERAL CROP MANAGEMENT
In general, crop management systems provide an interface
Keywords— Artificial Intelligence; Agriculture; Literature for overall management of crops covering each aspect of
Survey; Fuzzy logic; Artificial Neural Networks farming. The idea of using AI technique in crop management
was first proposed in 1985 by McKinion and Lemmon in their
I. INTRODUCTION paper "Expert Systems for Agriculture" [5]. Another corn crop
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the key areas of research protection expert system was proposed by Boulanger in his
in computer science. With its rapid technological doctoral Thesis [6]. In 1987, Roach et al. proposed an expert
advancement and vast area of application, AI is becoming system POMME for management of apple plantation [7].
pervasive very rapidly because of its robust applicability in Stone and Toman came up with an expert system for cotton
the problems particularly that cannot be solved well by crop management COTFLEX [8]. Another rule base expert
humans as well as traditional computing structures [1]. Such system COMAX was formulated by Lemmon for cotton crop
an area of extreme importance is agriculture where about management [9].
30.7% of the world population is directly engaged on 2781 A multi-layered feed forward artificial neural network based
million hectares of agricultural land. Such a venture is not so system was formulated by Robinson and Mort to protect citrus
smooth running, it faces several challenges from sowing to crops from frost damage in Sicily island of Italy [10]. The
harvest. The major issues are pest and disease infestation, input and the output parameter(s) were coded in binary form
inadequate application of chemicals, improper drainage and to train and test the network. The authors used different
irrigation, weed control, yield prediction, etc. configurations of inputs to get a model with the highest
The application of computers in agriculture was first reported accuracy. The best model so found had an accuracy of 94%
in 1983 [2]. Different approaches have been suggested to with two output classes and six inputs. An image based AI
solve the existing problems in the agriculture starting from the technique was proposed by Li, S. K. et al., for wheat crop [11],
database [3] to decision support systems [4]. Out of these by using pixel labelling algorithm followed by Laplace
solutions, systems that apply AI have been found to be the transformation to strengthen the image information. The best
most excellent performers as far as the accuracy and network obtained had five hidden layers trained up to 300000
robustness are concerned. Agriculture is a dynamic domain iterations and had an accuracy of 85.9% on average. A fuzzy

Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

logic based soybean crop management system was developed V. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT MONITORING AND STORAGE
by Prakash, C. et al. which provided advices regarding crop CONTROL
selection, fertilizer application and pest related issues [12]. Apart from pests and diseases monitoring, storage, drying,
grading of harvested crops are also very important aspects of
agriculture. This section addresses various food monitoring
Insect pest infestation is one of the most alarming problems and quality control mechanisms that employ the concept of
in agriculture that leads to heavy ecomonic losses. Over artificial intelligence. Several fuzzy logic based systems were
decades researchers have tried to mitigate this menace by designed, which includes Kavdir et al. [48], Gottschalk et al.
development of computerized systems that could identify the [49], and Escobar et al. [50]. The systems developed by using
active pests and suggest control measures. Many rule based artificial neural networks are to be addresses such as Taki et al.
expert systems were proposed which includes Pasqual and [51], Yang [52], Nakano [53], Capizzi et al. [54], Melis et al.
Mansfield [13], SMARTSOY of Batchelor et al., [14-15], [55], Miranda and Castano [56], Perez et al., [57], Martynenko
CORAC of Mozny et al. [16], Knight and Cammell [17], and Yang [58], Movagharnejad and Nikzad [59], Khazaei et al.
Mahaman et al. [18], Li et al. [19], Chakraborty et al. [20], [60], Higgins et al. [61], Chen and Yang [62] and Boniecki et
and Ghosh [21]. al. [63].
The knowledge involved in agriculral management is most of
the times imperfect, vague and imprecise hence the rule base VI. SOIL AND IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT
expert system may lead to uncertainty. To capture this Issues pertaining to soil and irrigation management are very
uncertainty, several Fuzzy logic based expert systems were vital in agriculture. Improper irrigation and soil management
proposed including Saini et al. [22], Siraj and Arbaiy [23], lead to crop loss and degraded quality. This section highlights
Peixoto et al. [24], IPEST by Hayo et al. [25], Roussel et al. some researches carried out in soil and irrigation management
[26], Shi et al. [27], Jesus et al. [28]. assisted by artificial intelligent techniques. Brats et al. [64]
An objected oriented approach to frame a rule base was taken designed a rule based expert system for evaluation of the
by Ghosh et al., in developing TEAPEST, an expert system design and performance of microirrigation systems.
for pest management in tea [29]. Here also a phase by phase Sicat et al. [65] used farmers’ knowledge to model a fuzzy
indentification and consultation process have been adopted. based system to recommend crops depending on land
Later this system was redesigned by Samanta and Ghosh by suitability maps generated by the fuzzy system. Other fuzzy
employing a multi-layered back propagation neural network based systems include Si et al. [66], Tremblay et al. [67].
[30] and then reformulated by Banerjee et al., by using radial Valdes-Vela et al. used a Takagi Sugeno Kang fuzzy inference
basis function model to achieve higher classification rates [31]. system to estimate the stem water potential of a plant based on
meteorological and soil water content data [68].
An artificial neural network based system for estimation of
Crop diseases are also a matter of grave concern to a farmer. soil moisture in paddy was designed by Arif et al. [69]. Other
Significant expertise and experience is required in order to popular systems using artificial neural network for soil and
detect an ailing plant and to take necessary steps for recovery. irrigation include Broner and Comstock [70]. Song and He
Computer aided systems are being used worldwide to [71]. Zhai et al. [72], Patil et al. [73], Hinnell et al. [74],
diagnose the diseases and to suggest control measures. Junior et al. [75] and Antonpoulos et al. [76]. Manek and
At very early stage, rule based systems were developed Singh compared several neural network architectures in
which includes Byod and Sun [32], Sarma et al., [33], Balleda prediction of rainfall using four atmospheric inputs [77]. This
et al. [34]. Tilva et al., proposed a fuzzy logic based model to study found that radial basis function neural networks perform
forecast diseases based on leaf wetness duration [35]. best in comparison to other models.
Different artificial neural network based model were
designed for disease control in different crops including; VII. WEED MANAGEMENT
Francl and Panigrahi [36], Babu and Rao [37], Ismail et al. Application of herbicides have a direct implication on human
[38], Karmokar et al. [39], Sladojevic [40], Hanson et al. [41] health and environment as well. Modern AI methods are being
and Hahn et al. [42]. Some hybrid systems were also applied to minimize the herbicide application through proper
suggested. Huang proposed an image processing model and precise weed management. Pasqual [78] designed a rule
coupled with artificial neural network model to classify based expert system for identifying and eliminating weed in
phalanopsis seedling diseases [43]. Sannakki et al., enforced a crops like oats, barley, triticale and wheat. Burks et al. [79]
fuzzy logic approach coupled with image processing to used machine vision with a back propagation trained neural
detected percentage of infection in leaf [44]. A system using network to identify weeds of five distinct species. Burks et al.
k-means segmentation algorithm was developed by Al-Hiary, [80] compared three different neural network models mainly
et al. [45] and Bashish et al. [46]. Dr. Wheat is a web based back propagation, counter propagation and radial basis
expert system developed by Khan et al., for diagnosis of function based model with the same set of inputs as the
wheat diseases [47]. previous paper and found that back propagation network

Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

performs best with 97% accuracy. In another approach by Shi [4] K. W. Thorpe, R. L. Ridgway, R. E. Webb, "A computerized data
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Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2018)
ISSN 2319 – 1953
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies

Volume 7, Issue 3 (May 2018)

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