Implementing Fast Ethernet
Implementing Fast Ethernet
Implementing Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet
The Next Generation of Ethernet In this paper, each of these cable methods are
Fast Ethernet (also known as IEEE 802.3u or explored in depth, as are migration strategies
100BASE-T) is quickly becoming the successor from 10 Mbps coax and 10BASE-T Ethernet
to Ethernet as the network topology of choice. networks.
Fast Ethernet can operate at ten times the
speed of Ethernet, and in many cases, the
100BASE-TX and 100BASE-T4
existing twisted pair cable (10BASE-T, or
Twisted Pair Cabling
Token Ring) can be used in the migration to
The Fast Ethernet standard provides for three
Fast Ethernet.
distinct cabling systems. Each system has merit,
and is appropriate in different situations. For
The importance of Fast Ethernet is becoming
twisted pair copper cabling, the standards are
clearer each day. So too are its benefits. Fast
100BASE-TX and 100BASE-T4. For fiber optic
Ethernet can deliver next generation perfor-
cabling , the standard is 100BASE-FX. These
mance and compatibility for traditional
cable systems can be intermixed within an
Ethernet networks with reasonable installa-
organization, and in combination, they address
tion and implementation costs.
virtually all cabling needs.
specific connectors for use with twisted pair
There is no clear right or wrong in cable. For CAT 3, CAT 4, and CAT 5, this stan-
dard is EIA-568, and specifies an RJ-45 connector.
choosing between 100BASE-TX and For Type 1 cable, this is a DB9 connector.
100BASE-T4. Which system is right for
Most Ethernet installations use cable based on
any given network will depend on EIA standards, and most installations of IBM
and/or Token Ring equipment tend to use cable
several factors.
that meets the IBM cable standards. The notable
exception is many Token Ring installations
which are installed using CAT 4 UTP cable.
TIA/EIA Cable Specifications
Category (CAT) Description
Advantages of 100BASE-TX and
CAT 1 Telephone service and low speed data 100BASE-T4
CAT 2 ISDN and T1/EI Both 100BASE-TX and 100BASE-T4 have their
CAT 3 Data at up to 16 MHz place in Fast Ethernet networks. In fact, many
(including 10BASE-T at 10 Mbps and networks will have a mixture of the two meth-
100BASE-T4 at 100 Mbps) ods. In order to understand where each option
should best be used, it makes sense to first
CAT 4 Data at up to 20 MHz
examine the relative advantages and disadvan-
(including Token Ring at 16 Mbps and tages of each:
CAT 5 Data at up to 100 MHz Advantages of 100BASE-T4
(including 100BASE-TX and • Operates on virtually any preexisting twisted
100BASE-T4 at 100 Mbps) pair cabling
• Adapters are about 10% less expensive
Twisted Pair Cable Standards • Less expensive CAT 3 cabling can be used
Advantages of 100BASE-TX
There are two general sources of specifica-
• Uses only two pairs of twisted pair
tions for twisted pair cabling. These are the
• Supports Full Duplex mode for up to
Telecommunications Industry Association
200 Mbps in servers
(TIA) branch of the Electronic Industries Asso-
ciation, (EIA), referred to as the EIA/ Disadvantages of 100BASE-T4
TIA (or simply the EIA), and IBM.
• Cannot support Full Duplex mode
(unneeded in workstations)
The EIA is responsible for the “CAT” or Cate-
• Requires four pairs of wiring
gory cable standards (see Table 1). (The terms
“Category” and “Level” are sometimes used Disadvantages of 100BASE-TX
interchangeably.) IBM is responsible for the • All patch panels and jumper blocks must
“Type” cable standards, such as IBM Type 1, be CAT 5
Type 2, etc. • Adjacent cable pairs cannot be used for
other applications
Strictly speaking, the cable specification does • Full Duplex mode requires Full Duplex
not include the connector used to terminate the switches
cable, however, both the EIA and IBM define
Choosing between 100BASE-TX electromagnetic immunity, and increased
and 100BASE-T4 security. It also uses the same type of fiber
There is no clear right or wrong in choosing optic cable as 10BASE-FL and FDDI.
between 100BASE-TX and 100BASE-T4. Which
system is right for any given network, will Like 10BASE-T, 100BASE-T allows a maxi-
depend on several factors: mum distance between a repeater (hub) and
a node of 100 meters. Using fiber optic cable,
Installed cable type 100BASE-FX increases this distance to a maxi-
If properly installed CAT 5 or Type 1 is not mum of 185 meters. Between a server and
available, then 100BASE-T4 must be chosen, workstation (with no repeater), the maximum
or new twisted pair wiring installed. distance is increased to 400 meters, or even 2
kilometers when using Full Duplex mode.
Substantial amounts of money may be saved if The standard cable type for 100BASE-FX is
100BASE-T4 adapters and CAT 3 cabling can multimode fiber with a 62.5 micron core and
be used. (A quick survey of cable costs shows 125 micron cladding. Only one pair of fibers
four-pair CAT 3 plenum cable priced at $.09- is required, one for transmission and one for
.25/ft., and four-pair CAT 5 plenum cable at reception. This is the cable that is commonly
$.23-.37/ft.) used in 10BASE-FL Ethernet networks with
“ST” bayonet-style connectors. The new EIA-
Future needs preferred connector is the “SC” plug-style.
If Full Duplex mode is required, or desired The SC connector has the advantage of being
in the future, 100BASE-TX provides the flexi- a push-on/pull-off connector (no twisting),
bility required. If the quality of the cable and since it is keyed, there is no possibility of
installation(s) is unknown or questionable, incorrectly connecting the transmit and receive
then 100BASE-T4 provides the flexibility cables. If the fiber optic cable is already termi-
needed to run on more cable types. nated with FDDI compatible “MIC” connec-
tors, then an inexpensive MIC to ST converter
One conclusion that can be drawn from this can be used.
analysis is that 100BASE-T4 is best suited for use
in workstations, where cost is an important The 100BASE-FX standard will best apply in
issue. 100BASE-TX is more desirable in network the interconnection of repeaters to form a fiber
servers that can take advantage of Full Duplex optic backbone. In a typical company, there
Fast Ethernet (FDFE) mode, and where the will be Fast Ethernet repeaters on each floor or
quality of the cabling can be easily controlled. in each department that support 100BASE-TX
or 100BASE-T4 workstations. The repeaters
are then interconnected using 100BASE-FX
The 100BASE-FX Fiber Optic links. When connecting repeaters on different
floors, the fiber optic cabling will provide
Until now, we have not considered the role protection from electromagnetic noise that is
of fiber optic cabling in the Fast Ethernet net- often associated with elevators, and will also
work. Fiber has the same advantages in FDFE enable longer cable runs between buildings.
as it does in traditional Ethernet (10BASE-FL),
and FDDI networks: extended distances,
Migration Strategies
Today, many networks are based on twisted RJ-45 RJ-45
Pin Number Pin Number
pair cabling, and on thin coax with BNC con-
1 8
nectors. Clearly there must be a strategy that
2 7
will allow today’s networks to smoothly
3 6
migrate to Fast Ethernet. In order to protect
4 5
their investments, buyers’ should consider
5 4
AutoSense network adapters for their worksta- 6 3
tions. 7 2
8 1
AutoSense-capable adapters can be used today
for 10 Mbps Ethernet (either coax or UTP), and
Cross Connect Cable (Repeater Eliminator) for 10BASE-T,
can be used in the future for 100 Mbps Fast 100BASE-T, and 100BASE-T4.
Ethernet (UTP). This will allow workstations to
automatically switch to Fast Ethernet when the connect the sending and receiving pairs of
servers and repeaters are upgraded. Because the two nodes, providing a dedicated Fast
of the ability to run on a wide variety of cable Ethernet channel between them. Construc-
types, 100BASE-T4 adapters will be popular tion details for a cross connect cable that can
for such applications. be used with 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX or
100BASE-T4 is given in the figure above.
A number of options are available to those
who are ready to install Fast Ethernet today,
and need to do so gradually, or to keep some
10 Mbps devices. Perhaps the simplest is to Adaptec’s Cogent Quartet ANA-6944/T4
install a Fast Ethernet adapter in the existing
adapter can be either dedicated to Fast
server, alongside the 10 Mbps Ethernet
adapter, and use the connection to support Ethernet or can be used as four 10/100
a Fast Ethernet repeater and workstations.
adapters, allowing a mixture of Fast Eth-
Others will choose to use a multiport server ernet and traditional Ethernet ports.
adapter that can handle more than one net-
work connection. Multiport adapters, such as
Adaptec’s Cogent™ Quartet™ ANA™-6944/T4
adapter, can be either dedicated to Fast Ether-
Tips for Installing Twisted Pair
net or can be used as four 10/100 adapters,
allowing a mixture of Fast Ethernet and tradi- When migrating to Fast Ethernet, it is possible
tional Ethernet ports. that you will find yourself needing to pull
more twisted pair cable. If so, you may find
Yet a third option, which is useful for very these tips useful:
small networks or pilot projects, is to create
a repeater-less Fast Ethernet network. Up to • Use the best cable you can afford. The most
eight nodes can be easily installed by using expensive part of twisted pair cable is the
two Quartet server adapters and “cross con- labor needed to install it. If you can afford
nect” cables to connect the Fast Ethernet work- CAT 5 cable, then invest in it now, even if
stations. The cross connect cables act to you plan to use 100BASE-T4.
• Pull at least four pairs of cable to each desk- Fast Ethernet is Ready to Go
top, or more. Even if your plans now call for The Fast Ethernet standard is designed to
using two pairs of CAT 5, there could come a provide flexible solutions for a wide variety of
time when the extra pairs will prove useful. cabling situations. With the availability of
Any extra pairs can be terminated later to save Adaptec’s Cogent Ethernet/Fast Ethernet
money now. 10/100 adapters (including versions with
BNC/coax support), the migration path to Fast
• Plenum-rated cable, although more expensive, Ethernet is well charted. Fast Ethernet is the
is designed for use in the walls and ceilings clear successor to Ethernet and will provide
of buildings. In case of fire, it produces much millions of users the performance they will
less noxious gas than PVC-coated cable. require for many years to come.
Certain building codes require the use of
plenum cable.
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