DC Heroes - Deadshot

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Dex: 06 Str: 04 Bod: 05 Motivation: Psychopath

Int: 05 Wil: 05 Min: 04 Occupation: Mercenary

Inf: 05 Aur: 05 Spi: 07 Resources {or Wealth}: 010

Init: 020 HP: 055

Animal Handling (Horse Riding): 04, Charisma (Intimidation): 07, Evasion (Ranged only): 08, Gadgetry (Firearms): 06, Martial Artist*: 06, Thief: 06,
Vehicles (Air, Land): 05, Weaponry (Firearms): 12, Weaponry (Heavy Weapons, Missiles): 09
Iron Nerves, Language (Russian), Lightning Reflexes, Scholar (Guns and gunsmithing), Shticks (Paired firearms, Double-tapping, Speed-shooting,
Response in kind).
Secret Six (High), Underworld (Low).
MIA (Killing Combat), MIA (Dying), SIA (Using Trick Shots against “named” opponents, see below).
 Wrist magnums (x2) [BODY 05, Projectile weapons: 05, Thief (Stealth): 05, Ammo: 18, R#2. The Thief (Stealth) part is the silencer. 
Deadshot carries 8 complete reloads on his special belt].
 He’s also used special ammunition, which he can access by switching the mechanism of his wrist magnums (they count towards the Ammo
total, and are called using the Response in Kind Shtick):
o Armour-Piercing Bullets [Projectile Weapons: 05, Sharpness (Projectile Weapons): 05, Note: This may be combined with the other
types of bullets, using their Power in place of Projectile Weapons].
o Explosive Bullets [Bomb: 06].
o Incendiary Bullets [Flame Project: 06].
 EYE SCOPE [BODY 03, Telescopic vision: 07, Thermal vision: 07, Drawbacks – Attack Vulnerability (-1CS vs. light-based attacks when using
Thermal Vision)].
 During the 2005 Deadshot mini-series, Deadshot went through the following equipment changes:
o His weapons of choice were a pair of custom-made (AFAICT) high-caliber semi-automatic pistols [BODY 05, Projectile weapons: 05,
Ammo: 10, R#02].
o He also carried three rifle grenades modified to be used with the pistols [BODY 03, Bomb: 08, Grenade drawback, Miscellaneous
Drawback (Can only be fired after being fitted to the barrel of one of his pistols; this takes as much time as a normal reload and the
pistol cannot be fired normally until the grenade is fired or manually removed), Range: 05 (when fired from pistol), R#03].
o He still wore his wrist-magnums, which served as back-up weapons.
o Lawton wore a modified version of his usual costume that was also typical comic-book armour, the earpieces of which extended his
hearing range. BODY ARMOUR [BODY 07, Skin Armor (Limitation: Real Armour): 02, Extended Hearing: 02].
o By his next appearance in the Villains United mini-series, he had abandoned this new weaponry and gone back to his usual

Pulling his Shots
While happy to kill low level opponents who’re unlikely to offer much of a challenge, Deadshot tends to handicap himself against more capable
opposition. This makes things more challenging, and increase the risk to him.
Against an opponent with greater than 25 HPs he may feel compelled to only take Trick Shots, aiming to wound rather than kill (unless his MIA has also
been triggered), and won’t use HPs for attacking them.
Deadshot’s Death Wish
Deadshot’s Irrational Attraction toward dying doesn’t compel him to place himself in overtly suicidal situations. Instead, he takes unnecessary risks or
otherwise arranges circumstances to put the odds against him.
Lawton is often deliberately confrontational toward other super-villains, hoping to provoke a fight he might lose. If the GM wants to make Deadshot’s
subconscious desire to lose and die more apparent, Uncertainty can be added to the list of Drawbacks.
Previous Stats
After he learned of her existence, his daughter Zoe was a Dependant. However he decided to cut off contact with her and her mother early during his
time with the Six, to avoid endangering them. This isn’t to say he won’t regain it the moment some writer or gamesmaster decides to have Zoe
He had a High level Connection to the Suicide Squad during the periods he was a member of the team.

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