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American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)

ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402

© Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers

High Gain Ultra-Wideband Parabolic Reflector Antenna

Design Using Printed LPDA Antenna Feed

Mustafa Pehlivana*, Yavuz Ascib

Ege University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Izmir, Turkey
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]


Reflector antennas with log periodic dipole array (LPDA) feeds are ideal for applications that demand high gain,
broadband operation. However, when the phase center of the LPDA is not fixed, mismatches at the focal point
cause degradation and large ripple in gain. To overcome these issues, a printed LPDA is optimized for minimal
phase center variation as a reflector antenna feed. The antenna is designed to operate at 1-19 GHz frequency
band with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 3.0 and minimum gain of 17 dBi. Reflector size can be
increased for further improvement in gain. Designed antenna parameters, radiation patterns, and aperture
efficiencies over frequencies are presented and compared to previous studies.

Keywords: Log periodic dipole array; UWB; reflector antenna; parabolic reflector; high gain; direction finding;
electronic intelligence.

1. Introduction

High gain, broadband antennas play a vital role in electronic intelligence systems [1], multimode radars [2],
satellite communication and broadcasting services [3-5]. One particular broadband antenna is log periodic
dipole array (LPDA) which consists of logarithmically scaled half wavelength dipoles. LPDA provides
acceptable gain for most of the ultra-wideband applications. However, if higher gain is needed, LPDA alone
becomes inadequate.

* Corresponding author.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

Moreover, wire dipole form of LPDA has large antenna form factor which precludes its usage in space-
constrained applications. When LPDA is printed on substrate, a low profile version can be easily obtained. The
antenna size can be further reduced by increasing the thickness or relative permittivity of the substrate.

One of the most design challenges in using LPDA as a reflector antenna feed is obtaining a stable input port
matching with minimal change in phase center [6-8]. Fluctuating phase center over the frequency range causes
shifts in focal point of the reflector antenna, which, in turn, affects attainable gain and aperture efficiency, and
degraded voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR).

One of the first studies in which parabolic reflectors were fed by LPDA was reported in [9], where the optimum
value of the focal length to diameter ratio of reflector was targeted. The effect of LPDA structure and the phase
center change on gain was observed. Parabolic reflector fed with an LPDA at 1-7 GHz frequency band was
shown in [10], where the ratio of focal length to diameter was 0.4. It is evident in many of these prior works that
phase center fluctuation greatly influences antenna gain, and more importantly, its radiation pattern. To
minimize phase center variation, LPDA and reflector design was optimized together in [11], however, it was
realized that further parameters such as side-lobe level (SLL) and half power bandwidth (HPBW) were also
needed to be considered in the optimization.

In this study, firstly printed LPDA is designed and optimized for the optimum broadband phase center, low
return loss, stable HPBW and uniform gain in the desired frequency band. Then, designed printed LPDA is used
as prime-focus feed to increase the gain with attention to SLL, front-to-back ratio, return loss, and HPBW.
When the LPDA is in front of the reflector antenna, VSWR of the LPDA slightly deteriorates due to the near
field coupling and defocusing effect. This is minimized with the optimization of LPDA and reflector geometry.
In Section 2, we present LPDA and reflector antenna design. In Section 3, simulation results using CST
Microwave Studio [12] are detailed. Conclusions are given in the final Section.

2. Design of the Antenna

2.1. Design of LPDA

The design follows the basic approach presented in [13-14]. The length of the smallest and largest dipole is
inversely proportional to maximum and the minimum frequency. After calculating the first and the last dipole
of the structure, other dimensions are calculated using geometrical scaling factor (τ) as shown in the following,

𝑙𝑙𝑚𝑚 𝑆𝑆𝑚𝑚 𝑤𝑤𝑚𝑚

𝜏𝜏 = = = (1)
𝑙𝑙𝑚𝑚+1 𝑆𝑆𝑚𝑚+1 𝑤𝑤𝑚𝑚+1

The dimensions of the antenna are shown in Figure 1. The width of the dipole and spacing between elements
also change logarithmically as the length of dipoles. The angle shown in the figure is fixed because the lengths
of the dipoles decrease with scaling factor as,

(𝑙𝑙𝑚𝑚+1 −𝑙𝑙𝑚𝑚 )/2

tan 𝛼𝛼 = (2)

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

Figure 1: LPDA structure (gray: top side, yellow: bottom side).

The number of dipoles affects positively the bandwidth and the gain, but the size of the antenna grows. LPDA
antenna is fed near the shortest dipole. The line feed on both sides of substrate has 50 ohm impedance.

Rogers 5880 dielectric substrate is selected for the printed LPDA. Relative permittivity of this substrate is 2.2
and its thickness is 0.762 mm. The lengths of the largest and the smallest dipoles are 177 mm and 5.11 mm,
respectively. The minimum dipole width is chosen 0.5 mm. Optimal geometrical scaling factor of this design is
selected as 0.85 and α is 15.16 degree. So the total size of the LPDA which has 23 half wavelength dipoles is
218 mm x 350.66 mm x 0.62 mm. Optimized printed LPDA structure is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Designed LPDA dimensions (Red points from left to right shows phase centers from 1 GHz to 19
GHz with 1 GHz separation).

Fractional bandwidth of this LPDA is %180, and has more than 500 MHz frequency band to qualify for ultra-
wideband description. The main disadvantage of UWB antennas is that the phase centers are variable.
Therefore, it is difficult to use them as a feed for reflector antenna systems. Hence, one of the most important
parameters in optimizing the antenna is the stabilization of phase centers.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

LPDA antenna is designed and simulated using CST Microwave Studio [12]. Quad-core Xeon processor with 64
GB RAM workstation is used for 3D electromagnetic simulations.

2.2. Prime focus parabolic reflector design

Center focus parabolic reflector antenna is the most commonly used type of reflector antenna. Parabolic
reflector can be initially designed using physical optics [6-8]. The reflector is designed using the following

tan 𝜑𝜑𝑜𝑜 = (2)

2. 𝐹𝐹 = 𝑅𝑅 + 𝑅𝑅. 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 (3)

𝐹𝐹 = (4)

where F is the focal length, D is the diameter of paraboloid, H is depth of the reflector and φo is half horizontal
angle of the reflector (Figure 3). For a paraboloid with depth H and diameter D in an x-y plane, the geometric
relations become as flows:

𝑦𝑦 = 𝑎𝑎. 𝑥𝑥 2 𝑎𝑎 = (5)

where x-axis varies from 0 to D/2. It is clear that when x is D/2, y will become H. The dimensions of the
reflector can be formulated using the f / D ratio alternatively as,

𝜑𝜑𝑜𝑜 = 2𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡−1 ( ) . (6)

As f / D ratio increases, the depth of the reflector decreases.

Figure 3: General geometry of the parabolic reflector antenna and the parabolic reflector fed by LPDA
(F=911.72 mm, D=1200 mm and 2φo=72.75 degree)

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

The designed parabolic reflector antenna is also shown in Figure 3. Diameter of the reflector is 1.2m and its
focal length is 0.91m. So f/D ratio is 0.76 and the subtended angle of this reflector is 72.75 degrees.

2.3. Reflector feed

The HPBW distribution of the feeding antenna and its reflection on the reflector surface is important for high
gain low cross polarization. Subtended angle of the reflector and HPBW of the feed antenna must be
compatible. It is more important that the phase center is stable for all frequency bands when the feeder antenna
is placed at the focal point. However, phase losses usually occur at the frequency extremes of the band. At
higher frequencies, phase center variation relative to wavelength becomes large and attention must be paid at the
optimization at these frequencies of the target band.

3. Simulation results
3.1. Results of LPDA

LPDA is simulated in free space first. Return loss appears to be almost less than -10 dB in the range of 0.7-19
GHz. VSWR of the designed antenna is under 2 at the desired band (1-19 GHz). Return loss and VSWR results
are shown in Figure 4.

0 5
-5 4.5 /
Magnitude (dB)


-35 2

-40 1.5
0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (GHz) 1
0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 4: Return loss (left) and VSWR (right) of the LPDA.

Gain of the LPDA is shown in Figure 5. It varies between 8.03 – 8.8 dBi, and is very stable from 1 GHz to 19
GHz. The gain attains greatest value at 2 GHz and smallest value at 15 GHz.


Magnitude (dBi)

2 Realized Gain

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 5: Main lobe gain of the LPDA.

Half power beam width (HPBW) of the antenna is shown in the Figure 6. The straight line indicates the HPBW
along theta (E-plane), whereas dashed line indicates phi-axis (H-plane). HPBW on E-plane does not change
much over the target frequency band, which makes it suitable for a reflector feed.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

160 Theta-Axis


HPBW (deg)





0 5 10 15 20 25
Frequency (GHz)

Figure6: Half power band width (HPBW) of the LPDA.

Gain pattern of the LPDA are shown in Figure 7.

90 90
Gain Pattern
1GHz Gain Pattern
0 0
2GHz 5GHz
135 3GHz -10 45 135 6GHz 45
4GHz 7GHz -10
-20 8GHz

-50 -40
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
180 0 180 0

225 315 225 315

270 270

Gain Pattern 90
9GHz Gain Pattern
0 13GHz
10GHz 0
135 45 14GHz
-10 135 15GHz 45
12GHz 16GHz -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
180 0 180 0

225 315
225 315


Gain Pattern
135 19GHz 45



-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
180 0

225 315


Figure 7: Gain patterns of the LPDA.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

3.2. Results of parabolic reflector feeding by LPDA

When parabolic reflector antenna is fed by LPDA, the return loss of the LPDA changed due to near field
coupling with the reflector. VSWR values are given in Figure 8 with and without reflector. VSWR value is
below 3 in the range of 1-18 GHz and below 3.6 at 19 GHz. These VSWR values are acceptable when
considering the bandwidth and gain.

3.5 LPDA withReflector
only LPDA




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 8: VSWR of LPDA without the reflector (red straight line) and with the reflector (blue dotted line).

Realized gain, front to back ratio (F/B) and side lobe level (SLL) of the total system are shown in the Figure 9.
Gain is always increasing with frequency. The lowest gain is 17.37 dBi at 1 GHz and the highest gain is 41.74
dBi at 19 GHz. The SLL is almost below -20 dB. The SLL and front to back ratio is also better at higher




Magnitude (dBi)

0 F/B




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 8: Realized gain at main lobe, front to back ratio (F/B), and side lobe level (SLL) of the reflector
antenna fed with LDPA.

HPBW of the antenna is displayed in Figure 9. HPBW changes from 15.68 to 0.85 degree with increasing
frequency as expected.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261


18 HPBW of Reflector



HPBW (deg)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 9: HPBW of reflector antenna

The realized gain patterns of the reflector antenna system are presented in Figure 10.

Gain Pattern
1GHz Gain Pattern
20 2GHz 5GHz
30 6GHz
10 20

0 10
Gain (dBi)

Gain (dBi)

-10 0

-20 -10

-30 -20


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Theta (degree)
Theta (degree)

40 50

Gain Pattern Gain Pattern

9GHz 13GHz
40 14GHz
30 10GHz
11GHz 15GHz
12GHz 16GHz

Gain (dBi)
Gain (dBi)






-30 -30
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Theta (degree) Theta (degree)


Gain Pattern
40 17GHz

Gain (dBi)




-10 -5 0 5 10
Theta (degree)

Figure 10: Gain patterns of the reflector antenna system.

American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

Obtained antenna performances were compared with previously designed antennas in the Table 1. VSWR values
of previous studies are omitted in Table 1, but peak gain along with HPBW and aperture efficiencies are
compared. The reflector diameter, naturally, plays a critical role in gain and HPBW values, but focal orientation
and design of LPDA definitely improved key antenna parameters.

Table 1: Comparison of antenna specifications with previous studies.

Frequency Reflector Aperture

Antennas Gain (dBi) HPBW (degree)
(GHz) Diameter (m) Efficiency
This study 1 – 19 17.37 – 41.74 15.68 – 0.85 1.2 0.35 – 0.26
[11] 1 – 18 17.4 – 41.5 14.7 – 0.9 1.2 0.35 – 0.28
[15] 1 – 18 15 – 35 25 – 2 1.2 0.20 – 0.06
[16] 1 – 18 20 – 45 12 – 0.6 1.8 0.28 – 0.27

4. Conclusion

High gain broadband antenna system was designed using an LPDA feed to a1.2 m diameter parabolic reflector.
This LPDA-fed reflector system operates at 1-19 GHz frequency band. Compared to previous studies, the design
achieves higher aperture efficiency, hence better gain. Main limitation of the study is that it is purely simulation
based and the results should be experimentally corroborated. The antenna can be readily used in direction
finding and electronic intelligence systems.


We deeply thank Prof. Korkut Yegin, RF Electroncis and Radar Laboratory, Ege University for his support and


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American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2017) Volume 38, No 2, pp 252-261

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