Voskoboinik2020 ABC SCORE

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Predictors of adverse outcome in patients with

frequent premature ventricular complexes: The ABC-VT

risk score
Aleksandr Voskoboinik, MBBS, PhD,*1 Alexios Hadjis, MD, FHRS,*1
Christina Alhede, MD,* Sung Il Im, MD, PhD,*† Hansu Park, MD,†
Joshua Moss, MD, FHRS,* Gregory M. Marcus, MD, FHRS,* Henry Hsia, MD, FHRS,*
Byron Lee, MD,* Zian Tseng, MD,* Randall Lee, MD, PhD,* Melvin Scheinman, MD,*
Vasanth Vedantham, MD,* Eric Vittinghoff, PhD,* Kyoung-Min Park, MD, PhD,‡
Edward P. Gerstenfeld, MD, FHRS*
From the *Division of Cardiology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California,

Division of Cardiology, Kosin University Gospel Hospital, Busan, Republic of Korea, and ‡Division of
Cardiology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

BACKGROUND No independently validated score currently exists RESULTS The derivation cohort comprised 206 patients with a
for risk stratification of patients with frequent premature ventricu- mean PVC burden of 11.6% 6 6.2% and considerable daily fluctua-
lar complexes (PVCs). tion (minimum burden 7.3% 6 6.2% vs maximum 17.9% 6 8.0%).
Independent predictors of adverse remodeling were as follows: su-
OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to develop a risk score periorly directed PVC axis (OR 2.7; 1 point), PVC burden 10%–20%
to predict adverse events in patients with frequent PVCs. (OR 3.5; 2 points) and .20% (OR 4.4; 3 points), PVC coupling inter-
METHODS We analyzed consecutive patients between 2012 and val .500 ms (OR 4.7; 4 points), nonsustained ventricular tachy-
2017 undergoing 14-day continuous monitoring with frequent cardia (OR 5.3; 4 points), which form the ABC-VT risk score. This
PVCs (.5%) and concurrent echocardiography. We performed bi- score predicted future adverse events in both validation cohorts:
nary logistic regression to determine multivariate predictors of cohort 1, hazard ratio 1.43; 95% confidence interval 1.19–1.73;
adverse left ventricular remodeling (left ventricular ejection frac- P , .001 and cohort 2, hazard ratio 1.22; 95% confidence interval
tion [LVEF] ,45% or left ventricular end-diastolic volume index 1.05–1.42; P 5 .01.
.75 mL/m2). A risk score was created using the log(odds ratio CONCLUSION The ABC-VT score is a simple tool that predicts
(OR)) of these predictors and validated prospectively to determine adverse left ventricular remodeling and future clinical deterioration
the risk of future adverse events in those with baseline LVEF .45%. in patients with frequent PVCs.
An adverse event was defined as LVEF decline by 10%, heart failure
hospitalization, or cardiovascular mortality. Two validation cohorts KEYWORDS Cardiomyopathy; Left ventricular remodeling; Prema-
were used: follow-up from the original derivation cohort (cohort 1) ture ventricular complexes; Risk score; Ventricular tachycardia
and an independent Korean PVC registry (cohort 2).
(Heart Rhythm 2020;17:1066–1074) © 2020 Heart Rhythm Society.
All rights reserved.

Introduction burden is sufficiently high.1,2 While antiarrhythmic medica-

Patients with frequent premature ventricular complexes tions3 and catheter ablation4,5 have been shown to improve
(PVCs) may present a diagnostic and management challenge systolic function and exercise capacity6 in those with
for clinicians. In some patients, PVCs may be the first mani- PVC-induced cardiomyopathy, the treatment of patients
festation of undiagnosed structural heart disease, while in with frequent PVCs and preserved left ventricular (LV) func-
others they may cause or worsen cardiomyopathy if ectopic tion is controversial. Spontaneous reduction over time has
been reported in some of these patients,7 potentially obvi-
ating the need for antiarrhythmic medications and/or invasive
Dr Voskoboinik was partially funded by a fellowship grant from the ablation.
Heart Rhythm Society. Dr Alhede was funded by a Fulbright scholarship. While PVC burden remains the most widely accepted pre-
Joint first authors. Address reprint requests and correspondence:
Dr Edward P. Gerstenfeld, Department of Cardiac Electrophysiology, Uni-
dictor of the development of PVC-mediated cardiomyopathy
versity of California San Francisco, 500 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, and clinical deterioration,2,8 other risk factors are less well
CA 94143. E-mail address: [email protected]. defined. We sought to determine clinical and

1547-5271/$-see front matter © 2020 Heart Rhythm Society. All rights reserved. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.02.020
Voskoboinik et al ABC-VT Risk Score for Frequent PVCs 1067

electrocardiographic (ECG) variables associated with Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the derivation cohort
adverse LV remodeling with the aim of devising a risk score (N 5 206)
to assist clinicians with decision making, particularly in those Parameter Value
with relatively preserved LV function.
Male sex 127 (62)
Age (y) 65 6 16
Methods Body mass index (kg/m2) 27 6 6
Risk score derivation Hypertension 107 (52)
We retrospectively analyzed 206 consecutive patients Coronary artery disease 56 (27)
between 2012 and 2017 undergoing continuous 14-day Valvular heart disease 38 (18)
Atrial fibrillation 36 (17)
ECG patch monitoring (Zio patch, iRhythm, San Francisco, NYHA class 1.36 6 0.63
CA) who had an elevated burden of PVCs (average daily Medications
burden .5%). All patients also underwent transthoracic b-Blockers 90 (44)
echocardiography within 3 months of the patch monitoring Calcium channel blockers 28 (14)
period. Echocardiograms were performed using commer- Class I or III antiarrhythmic agents 7 (3)
cially available equipment and standard techniques. Left ven- LVEF (%) 57 6 12
tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was assessed using the LVEDVI (mL/m2) 63 6 23
Simpson’s disc method in the apical 4-chamber view and LVESVI (mL/m2) 29 6 19
interpreted by experienced echocardiographers. LV volumes LAVI (mL/m2) 36 6 16
were measured according to the American Society of Echo- Electrocardiographic
PVC QRS duration (ms) 151 6 19
cardiography guidelines and indexed for body surface area. PVC coupling interval (ms) 547 6 85
For each patient, we collected demographic and clinical Post-PVC coupling interval (ms) 1051 6 198
data from the electronic medical record, reviewed 12-lead Ventricular tachycardia 122 (59)
ECGs to assess PVC morphology and PVC QRS duration, Ventricular bigeminy 83 (40)
and performed digital signal processing of raw 14-day single Minimum 24-h PVC burden (%) 7.3 6 6.2
Mean 24-h PVC burden (%) 11.6 6 6.2
lead patch electrogram data (sampled at 240 Hz) using Maximum 24-h PVC burden (%) 17.9 6 8.0
custom-designed software (MATLAB, MathWorks, Natick, Maximum – minimum daily PVC 10.6 6 5.6
MA). The custom-designed software analyzed the raw burden (%)
ECG data in several steps: (1) QRS detection, (2) differenti- Number of PVC morphologies 1.9 6 1.0
ation of PVCs from normally conducted beats, (3) calculation Multiple PVC morphologies (%) 55
LBBB morphology (%) 60
of each pre-PVC coupling interval to the prior sinus beat, (4) Inferiorly directed axis (%) 65
calculation of each post-PVC coupling interval to the next si- Left ventricular location 62
nus beat, (5) calculation of the number of different PVC mor- Apical location (%) 13
phologies (based on PVC correlation coefficient ,0.9), and Values are presented as mean 6 standard deviation or as n (%).
(6) calculation of any runs of nonsustained ventricular tachy- LAVI 5 left atrial volume index; LBBB 5 left bundle branch block; LVEDVI
cardia (NSVT) and duration. Summary data were then calcu- 5 left ventricular end-diastolic volume index; LVEF 5 left ventricular ejec-
lated for each patient, including the mean PVC coupling tion fraction; LVESVI 5 left ventricular end-systolic volume index; NYHA
interval and standard deviation, mean post-PVC coupling in- 5 New York Heart Association; PVC 5 premature ventricular contraction.
terval and standard deviation, daily PVC burden (including
minimum, mean, maximum, and variance), presence of
NSVT, and presence of atrial fibrillation. Dominant PVC 2 cardiologists who were blinded to clinical and echocardio-
QRS duration for each patient was measured using digital graphic data.
calipers on a standard 12-lead ECG and measured from the We then used logistic regression to estimate unadjusted
onset of the QRS complex in any lead until the latest offset associations of these candidate predictors with adverse LV
in any lead. The PVC axis was classified as “superior” or remodeling (LVEF ,45% or left ventricular end-diastolic
“inferior” on the basis of the dominant deflection in lead II volume index .75 mL/m2) in the entire cohort. Those with
being either negative (superior axis) or positive (inferior statistically significant unadjusted associations (P , .05)
axis), regardless of the ventricle of origin. If lead II was “iso- were included in the final model. One to 4 points were as-
electric,” lead III followed by aVF was used. Basal origin was signed to each variable, in proportion to its coefficient (ie,
characterized by dominant R waves in leads V4 through V6 the log(odds ratio) [OR]) in the final adjusted model, and
and apical origin by dominant S waves in leads V4 through then summed to obtain the risk score. To be compatible
V6. LV origin was suggested by either a right bundle branch with point score transformation, PVC burden was catego-
block pattern in lead V1 or left bundle branch block with fea- rized as ,10%, 10%–20%, and .20%.
tures consistent with LV outflow tract origin (prominent r/
Rwave amplitude and/or V2 transition ratio .0.6). Ventricu- Risk score validation
lar tachycardia (VT) was defined as .3 beats of ventricular To validate the risk score, we assessed its associations with
origin at .100 beats/min. ECG analyses were performed by outcomes at follow-up in both a healthy subset of the original
1068 Heart Rhythm, Vol 17, No 7, July 2020

Figure 1 Variability between the lowest 24-hour premature ventricular contraction (PVC) burden (minimum) and the highest 24-hour PVC burden (maximum)
throughout the 14-day monitoring period.

derivation cohort (cohort 1) and an independent cohort Results

(cohort 2) from a Korean PVC registry.9,10 In cohort 1, med- In total, 206 consecutive patients were included in the deriva-
ical records for the subgroup of patients with LVEF .45% at tion cohort, with baseline clinical, ECG, and echocardio-
baseline were reviewed from study entry until October 2019. graphic characteristics listed in Table 1. The majority of
Cohort 2 comprised consecutive patients attending Kosin patients were male 127 (62%) with mean age 65 6 16 years.
University Gospel Hospital (Busan, South Korea) and Sam- Hypertension was the most common medical comorbidity
sung Medical Center between 2006 and 2015 with mean 107 (52%). One hundred sixty-seven (81%) patients had pre-
PVC burden .5% on 24-hour Holter and LVEF .45%. In served LVEF (.45%) and 39 (19%) had reduced LVEF
addition to LVEF criteria, patients with structural heart dis- (,45%); the majority were not on antiarrhythmic medica-
ease (including fibrosis on cardiac magnetic resonance imag- tions. Most patients had .1 PVC morphology (55%), with
ing) were excluded from both validation cohorts. In both the dominant morphology most commonly being LV in
cohorts, an adverse event was defined as a composite of car- origin (62%) with an inferiorly directed axis (65%). The
diovascular mortality, absolute LVEF decline by 10% (with mean PVC QRS duration was 151 6 19 ms.
LVEF ,50%), or heart failure hospitalization on the basis The total patch wear time was 11.7 6 3.3 days. The mean
of including echocardiograms, inpatient admissions, and PVC burden was 11.6% 6 6.2%; however, there was
outpatient visits. A slightly lower baseline LVEF cutoff of
.45% was used to define “preserved systolic function” at
baseline, as in other studies,11,12 and a relatively large Table 2 PVC burden—univariate predictors of adverse LV
LVEF drop (10%) to meet the criteria for an adverse event remodeling (LVEF ,45% or LVEDVI .75 mL/m2)
to account for discrepancy in LVEF measurement(s) due to
Univariate analysis
ectopy. Cox proportional hazards models were used to assess
the utility of the risk score in predicting future adverse events Parameter OR 95% CI P
in both validation cohorts. Minimum PVC burden 1.07 1.02–1.12 .009
Continuous variables were summarized using mean and Mean PVC burden 1.06 1.01–1.11 .02
standard deviation (normally distributed) or median and in- Maximum PVC burden 1.05 1.01–1.08 .02
terquartile range (skewed), while categorical variables were Day 1 PVC burden 1.04 1.00–1.08 .03
PVC burden 10%–20%* 2.20 1.05–4.62 .04
summarized as count (proportion), with independent groups PVC burden .20%* 3.47 1.15–10.48 .03
compared using the c2 test. Data analysis was performed us- Maximum – minimum burden 1.0 1.0–1.0 .52
ing SPSS version 26 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY). Daily PVC variance 1.0 0.98–1.01 .61
P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant. CI 5 confidence interval; LV 5 left ventricular; OR 5 odds ratio. Other
The study was approved by the local institutional review abbreviations as in Table 1.
board of participating institutions. *Using minimum 24-h burden over the 14-d monitoring period.
Voskoboinik et al ABC-VT Risk Score for Frequent PVCs 1069

Table 3 Multivariate predictors of adverse LV remodeling (LVEF ,45% or LVEDVI .75 mL/m2)
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Parameter OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
NSVT 6.19 2.8–15.2 ,.001 5.26 2.09 – 13.23 ,.001
PVC coupling interval .500 ms 4.67 2.4–9.0 ,.001 4.73 2.19 – 10.21 ,.001
Superiorly directed PVC axis 2.27 1.4–4.8 .004 2.70 1.25 – 5.81 .01
PVC burden 10%–20%* 2.20 1.1–4.6 .04 3.50 1.39 – 8.82 .01
PVC burden .20%* 3.47 1.2–10.5 .03 4.40 1.17 – 16.49 .03
Broad PVC QRS (.160 ms) 2.03 1.0–4.4 .07 – – –
LBBB morphology PVC 0.60 0.3–1.2 .12 – – –
Right ventricular origin PVC 1.05 0.6–2.0 .88 – – –
Basal origin PVC 0.53 0.2–1.3 .17 – – –
Age 1.00 1.0–1.0 .98 – – –
Male sex 1.93 1.0–3.7 .05
Atrial fibrillation 1.93 0.9–4.1 .08 – – –
Body mass index 1.02 1.0–1.1 .56 – – –
Hypertension 1.13 0.6–2.1 .69 – – –
Coronary artery disease 1.48 0.8–2.8 0.24 – – –
.1 PVC morphology 1.72 0.9–3.3 .10 – – –
Ventricular bigeminy 0.72 0.4–1.4 .30 – – –
PVC coupling interval SD 15.2 0.9–258.3 .06 – – –
NSVT 5 nonsustained ventricular tachycardia; SD 5 standard deviation. Other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.
*Using minimum 24-h burden over the 14-d monitoring period.

considerable daily fluctuation in PVC burden, with minimum We sought to validate the utility of this risk score in 2
daily burden being 7.3% 6 6.2% and maximum daily burden cohorts. Cohort 1 comprised a healthy subgroup of patients
being 17.9% 6 8.0%. During the monitoring period, 70 from the derivation cohort (PVC burden .5%) with LVEF
patients (34.0%) had both a 24-hour period with a PVC .45% at baseline. Time 5 0 was the date of the index patch
burden of ,10% and a PVC burden of .20% over different monitor between 2012 and 2017, and all patients were fol-
24-hour periods (Figure 1). The mean PVC coupling interval lowed up until October 2019. Follow-up data were available
for the dominant morphology was 547 6 85 ms, with little for 134 patients with a mean follow-up of 1199 6 638 days.
variability in coupling interval observed (coupling interval ABC-VT scores between 0 and 4 were classified as “low
standard deviation 11 6 10 ms). risk” (77 patients [57%]), scores between 5 and 8 as “inter-
A univariate analysis was performed to assess different mediate risk” (44 patients [33%]), and scores between 9
measures of PVC burden as predictors of adverse LV re- and 12 as “high risk” (13 patients [10%]). The mean
modeling (LVEF ,45% or left ventricular end-diastolic ABC-VT score was 4.2 6 3.2.
volume index .75 mL/m2), as shown in Table 2. Since An adverse event, as defined by a composite of absolute
we had 14-day patch monitors, we initially analyzed the LVEF decline by 10%, heart failure hospitalization, or cardio-
predictive value of several measures of PVC burden. The vascular mortality, occurred in 13 patients. The ABC-VT
minimum PVC burden on any day of the 14-day patch score was associated with a higher incidence of adverse
monitor was the strongest predictor of adverse remodeling events at follow-up (hazard ratio 1.43; 95% confidence inter-
(OR 1.07; P 5 .009) as compared with daily maximum val [CI] 1.19–1.73; P , .001). All 13 patients with events had
day 1 burden (simulating a standard 24-hour Holter an ABC-VT score of 5–11 (mean 8.0 6 1.6 vs 3.8 6 3.1 for
monitor) or overall mean PVC burden. A minimum daily those without adverse events; P , .001). The adverse events
PVC burden of .20% yielded the strongest predictive value observed were as follows: an absolute LVEF decrease of
of adverse remodeling (OR 2.52; P 5 .008). Table 3 lists the 10% (9 patients), heart failure hospitalization (3 patients),
unadjusted and adjusted ORs for a range of clinical and and sudden death (1 patient). Time to development of adverse
ECG/patch-derived risk factors for adverse LV remodeling. events by ABC-VT score (stratified into 3 groups on the basis
The strongest independent risk factor following multivariate of low [0–4], intermediate [5–8], or high [9–12] score) is
analysis were presence of NSVT (OR 5.3), longer PVC shown in Figure 3. Positive components of the risk score
coupling interval .500 ms (OR 4.7), PVC burden (OR observed were VT (13 of 13), coupling interval .500 ms
4.4 for .20%; OR 3.5 for 10%–20%), and superiorly (10 of 13), superior axis (6 of 13), and PVC burden .10%
directed PVC axis (OR 2.7). The ABC-VT score was (3 of 13). Repeat transthoracic echocardiogram was per-
derived on the basis of these multivariate predictors as formed 3.0 6 1.7 years from baseline transthoracic echocar-
shown in using log(OR): 1 point for superior axis, 2 points diogram with an average absolute change in LVEF of 22.7%
for PVC burden 10%–20%, or 3 points for burden .20%, 4 6 7.8%. There was a trend toward a greater decline in LVEF
points for coupling interval .500 ms, and 4 points for the at follow-up in those with ABC-VT score 5 than in those
presence of NSVT (Figure 2). with score ,5 (24.3 6 8.6 vs 21.1 6 6.9; P 5 .07). For
1070 Heart Rhythm, Vol 17, No 7, July 2020

Figure 2 ABC-VT risk score (maximum 12).

those with .10% absolute decline in LVEF at follow-up, the years, comprised 55% women, had a mean PVC burden of
time to echocardiogram was 859 6 535 days, while the time 19.1% 6 10.1%, and had a baseline LVEF of 63% 6 4%.
to the most recent echocardiogram was 1053 6 605 days for Baseline characteristics are listed in Online Supplemental
the entire cohort. Table 1. The mean ABC-VT score was 4.3 6 2.8. Nineteen
We then evaluated the ABC-VT score in an independent patients developed adverse events over 1474 6 1236 days of
validation cohort of 559 patients from the Korean PVC reg- follow-up. The ABC-VT score ranged from 2 to 11 in those
istry (cohort 2). This cohort had a mean age of 56 6 17 with adverse events, and Figure 4 demonstrates events by

Figure 3 Freedom from adverse events (composite of cardiovascular mortality, absolute left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] decline by 10%, or heart
failure hospitalization) over 3.3 6 1.8 years (follow-up data from the original derivation cohort with baseline LVEF .45% and premature ventricular contraction
burden .5%).
Voskoboinik et al ABC-VT Risk Score for Frequent PVCs 1071

Figure 4 Freedom from adverse events (composite of cardiovascular mortality, absolute left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] decline by 10%, or heart
failure hospitalization) over 4.0 6 3.4 years (follow-up data from the Korean validation cohort with baseline LVEF .45% and premature ventricular contraction
burden .5%).

low, intermediate, and high ABC-VT scores. A higher ABC- 3. In patients with frequent PVCs and preserved LV func-
VT score was associated with a higher risk of adverse events tion, the ABC-VT risk score predicted future adverse
at follow-up in this cohort (hazard ratio 1.22; 95% CI 1.05– events with reasonable diagnostic accuracy, with score
1.42; P 5 .01). A summary of methods, study design, and 2 identifying low-risk patients.
key findings is shown in Online Supplemental Figure 1.
Patients presented with frequent PVCs and reduced LV
function or congestive heart failure have a class I indication
for suppression of PVCs with catheter ablation.13 However,
Discussion many patients present with frequent PVCs and preserved
The key findings of our study are as follows: ventricular function. The optimal management in these
1. Minimum daily PVC burden on a 14-day patch monitor patients is unclear. In a seminal study by Bogun and col-
was more strongly associated with adverse LV remodel- leagues,2 some patients with frequent PVCs had an
ing than was daily mean, daily maximum, or 24-hour associated cardiomyopathy, yet many with high PVC burden
PVC burden (simulating a standard Holter). had normal LV function. Therefore, current recommenda-
2. Independent predictors of adverse LV remodeling in tions for patients with frequent asymptomatic PVCs are to
patients with frequent PVCs included superior PVC pursue watchful waiting, with repeat monitoring and echo-
axis, minimum PVC burden .10%, coupling interval cardiography at regular intervals to allow the early identifica-
.500 ms, and presence of NSVT, which formed the tion of those patients who require therapy.14 This may cause
ABC-VT risk score. patient concern and require repeat testing over many years
1072 Heart Rhythm, Vol 17, No 7, July 2020

Figure 5 Examples of “low” vs “high” risk premature ventricular complexes in 2 separate patients based on the ABC-VT score. NSVT 5 nonsustained ven-
tricular tachycardia.

that adds significant cost to the health care system. In addi- was the strongest multivariate predictor of decline in systolic
tion, some patients may be lost to follow-up or experience function (OR 14; 95% CI 1.6–126.84).16 These findings may
sudden death with the development of undetected cardiomy- relate to early structural changes in the non–outflow tract
opathy.15 The ABC-VT risk score is a simple score that, if regions of the right or left ventricles, greater dyssynchrony
validated prospectively, may allow the identification and from non–outflow tract sites located further from the
early treatment of patients at risk of developing future cardio- septum,17 or adverse hemodynamic profile from PVCs of api-
myopathy. cal or inferior origin. In studies comparing right ventricular
The majority of idiopathic PVCs in the absence of struc- apical vs outflow tract pacing lead location (superior vs infe-
tural heart disease originate from the left or right ventricular rior axis), outflow tract positions have been associated with
outflow tract,8 resulting in an inferior axis. Although some less dyssynchrony, improved systolic function, and lower
idiopathic PVCs also originate from the papillary muscles, Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) levels.18 In a recent study
moderator band, or fascicles, yielding a superior axis, we examining patients with frequent PVCs, Muser et al19 identi-
found that a superior axis was associated with adverse LV re- fied PVCs that were not “left bundle branch block/inferior
modeling and worse prognosis. In a study of 45 patients with axis” in addition to age, male sex, family history, unex-
.10% PVC burden and preserved LVEF followed for 6 plained syncope, multifocal PVCs, and fibrosis on cardiac
months without intervention, non–outflow tract location magnetic resonance imaging as predictors of future
Voskoboinik et al ABC-VT Risk Score for Frequent PVCs 1073

malignant arrhythmias. Our end point also includes future tive treatment of PVC-induced cardiomyopathy, with suc-
deterioration in LVEF and heart failure hospitalization to cessful ablation resulting in marked LVEF improvement27
further aid risk stratification and uses a simple, easy-to-use and/or recovery of LV function28 over time in the over-
risk score that can be applied in the office setting on the basis whelming majority of patients. As such, the ABC-VT score
of the ECG and Holter recording.19 may have a future role in identifying “high risk” patients
PVC burden has consistently been shown to be the stron- who may benefit from earlier ablation.
gest predictor of PVC-induced cardiomyopathy, with the
burden required ranging from 10% to 24%.2 We found a sig-
nificant day-by-day variability in burden over the 14-day
Because of the retrospective nature of this study, it is unclear
monitoring period, with over a third of patients registering
whether the predictors of adverse LV remodeling identified
a mean PVC burden of both ,10% and .20% over separate
are contributory to a reversible PVC-induced cardiomyopa-
24-hour periods. Earlier studies have drawn attention to the
thy or reflect early and/or progressive structural heart disease.
increasing yield of 14-day monitoring, with only 53% of pa-
As such, the ABC-VT score may simply identify poor prog-
tients reaching the 10% PVC burden threshold doing so on
nostic factors associated with PVCs portending a worse
day 1 in 1 study20 and 25% of patients having a .5.5-fold
outcome regardless of arrhythmia suppression. Nevertheless,
difference between minimum and maximum 24-hour burden
a low ABC-VT score may identify a group of patients for
in another series. Awareness of these fluctuations is impor-
which a more conservative approach is reasonable. Measure-
tant if clinicians are to solely use 24-hour monitoring for de-
ment of PVC burden by 24-hour Holter in the Korean cohort
cision making. Surprisingly, the mean PVC burden was a
(rather than 2-week patch recording) resulted in a lower
relatively weak univariate predictor of adverse remodeling
detection rate of NSVT and hence lower overall risk scores
in this series (OR 1.06), arguing that PVC burden alone is
in this group. A third validation cohort with 2-week patch
insufficient for risk stratification.
data was not available for this study. Larger prospective
Short-coupled PVCs are more likely to trigger polymor-
studies are required to further validate this risk score and
phic VT/ventricular fibrillation and adversely affect LV
determine the impact of PVC suppression on long-term out-
filling profile and stroke volume.21 However, the impact of
PVC coupling interval on structural remodeling has not
been extensively studied. In a canine model of acutely intro-
duced PVCs, longer PVC coupling intervals were associated Conclusion
with more pronounced dyssynchrony and reduced LV filling The ABC-VT score is associated with adverse LV remodel-
time for the next sinus beat, which may initiate reflex sympa- ing in patients with frequent PVCs and appears to predict
thetic activity and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system acti- future clinical deterioration in independent retrospective co-
vation.22 In human studies, longer coupling interval has been horts. Larger prospective studies are required to further vali-
identified as a univariate predictor of LV dysfunction23,24 in date this score as a risk stratification tool for PVCs.
some studies but shorter coupling interval25 or variable
coupling interval23 has been predictive in other studies. In
our cohort, longer coupling interval was a strong predictor Appendix
of adverse LV remodeling. This may also relate to a greater Supplementary data
degree of dyssynchronous LV contraction or more pro- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found
nounced cellular calcium overload at longer coupling inter- in the online version at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.
vals. Earlier studies have identified an association between 02.020.
variability in coupling interval and cardiac arrhythmic
events.26 In our series, there was a signal toward more
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