Polling Station A & B Sudair Project Civil Construction: Building Works Amount Remark Area/Unit
Polling Station A & B Sudair Project Civil Construction: Building Works Amount Remark Area/Unit
Polling Station A & B Sudair Project Civil Construction: Building Works Amount Remark Area/Unit
3 Duct Banks and Wing Wall 1,070,000.00 1000 Lm and 4 No's wing wall
6 Power Transformer with FW ( 3 Nos ) & steel Grating 5,500,000.00 2500 Cubic mtr
7 Service Transformer ( 2 Nos) & steel Grating 192,000.00 120 Cubic mtr
8 SA, CVT, DS/ES, PI, DTCB, ( 54 Nos ) 2,675,200.00 1672 Cubic mtr 2856
Pump Room Substructure , Fire Water Tank Foundation, Fire 566 cubic mtr,fire trench-26 Lm,Fire Room -
13 1,729,860.00
Trench 02nos,Diesel storage sunshade- 2nos
21 Temporary Fencing around substation and site office 136,000.00 850 Mtr