VEB2113 CourseOutline

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1 Struktur Asas dan Penahan Bumi /

Name of Course
Foundation and Earth Retaining Structures
Course Code VEB2113
2 Topics cover in the course includes geotechnial Aspect of Foundation and Earth Retaining
Structure, Earth Retaining Structures and Slope Stability.
3 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Indra Sati Hamonangan Harahap
Name(s) of Academic
2. Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Hisham Mohamad
3. Niraku Rosmawati Ahmad
4 Semester and year
Semester 6 Year 2
5 Credit Value 3
6 Prerequisite (if any) VEB2013 : Geotechnical Engineering
7 Method of Delivery
Lecture, Tutorial
(Lecture, Tutorial, etc)
8 Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) : At the end of the course the students will be able to:
CLO1 Select and design foundation system for building
CLO2 Select and design earth retaining structure for embankment and excavation
CLO3 Evaluate stability and propose method of stabilization for natural manmade slope
9 Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and
Course Learning Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Teaching Method Assessment
Outcomes PLO2 PLO3
CLO1 X L, T A, P, T, FE
CLO2 X L, T A, P, T, FE
CLO3 X L, T A, P, T, FE
10 Develop skills in problem identification, problem solving and optimization through
Transferable Skills 1
assignments and projects.
(if applicable)
2 Attain skills to apply multi criteria decision method.
11 Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)
Teaching and Learning Activities
Course Content Outline CLO Guided Learning (F2F) Guided Independent SLT
Learning Learning
(NF2F) (NF2F)
Introduction to Geotechnical Structures CLO1 2 2
Capacity and Settlement of Shallow
CLO1 5 2 5 12
Capacity and Displacement of Single Pile
CLO1 5 2 5 12
and Pile Group
Excavation in Urban Environment CLO2 6 2 8 16
Embankment Stability and Mitigation CLO2 6 2 8 16
Stability Assessment for Natural and
CLO3 6 2 8 16
Manmade Slope
Retaining Structures for Natural and
CLO3 6 2 8 16
Manmade Slope
Total 90
Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Assignments
Project 50 10 15 25
Total 25

Final Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT

1 Final Examination 50 3 7 10
Total 10

Please tick (√) if this is Latihan Industri/Clinical Placement/Practicum?WBL using 2-weeks, 1 credit formula
L=Lecture, T=Tutorial, P=Practical, O=Others, F2F=Face to Face, NF2F=Non Face to Face GRAND TOTAL SLT 125
*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in Item 8.

12 Identify special
requirement to
deliver the course
(e.g.: software, none
nursery, computer
lab, simulation room,
13 References: Das, B.M., (2011), Principles of Foundation Engineering', 7th
1 Required
(Include required and edition, Cengage Learning.
further readings, and Das, B.M., (2010), Principles of Geotechnical Engineering', 7th
should be the most 2
edition, Cengage Learning.
current) Budhu, M., 'Soil Mechanics and Foundation', 2nd Edition, John
Coduto D.P., (2001), 'Foundation Design Principles and Practices',
2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.
Bowles, J.E., (1996), 'Foundation Analysis and Design', MsGra Hill
International Edition.

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