Risk Factors Associated With Feline Urolithiasis: Article
Risk Factors Associated With Feline Urolithiasis: Article
Risk Factors Associated With Feline Urolithiasis: Article
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Received: 3 September 2017 / Accepted: 9 January 2018 / Published online: 16 January 2018
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature 2018
Urinary tract diseases are among the main reasons for consultation in veterinary clinics and hospitals. It affects animals of
any age, breed and gender. Among the diseases that affect this system, urolithiasis is the second largest cause of clinical
signs compatible with feline urinary tract disease. The term urolithiasis refers to the presence of uroliths in any region of the
urinary tract, but it is more commonly seen in the bladder and urethra. Uroliths are classified based on the type of mineral
present in their composition, therefore, quantitative and qualitative analyzes are important for a better therapeutic approach.
The animals may suffer from the disease and be asymptomatic, or show nonspecific clinical signs, making the diagnosis dif‑
ficult. The disease should not be seen as a single problem, but as a consequence of various disorders. As dietary, metabolic,
genetic and infectious causes, as well as factors that potentiate the chance of development of uroliths such as breed, age,
sex, age range, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, geographic region and climate. Thus, the knowledge of the factors that influence
the formation of uroliths, as well as the understanding of the pathophysiology, are key elements for better alternatives of
therapy and prevention. The recognition of these factors helps to identify susceptible populations, minimizing exposure and
increasing the protection factors, which facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of patients with urolithiasis. The objective of
this paper is to present the main risk factors involved in the formation of urinary lithiasis in felines.
88 Veterinary Research Communications (2018) 42:87–94
clinical signs are non-specific (Grauer 2015), usually with et al. 2006; Cannon et al. 2007; Houston and Moore 2009;
hematuria, dysuria, strangury and periury (Lekcharoensuk Osborne et al. 2009c).
et al. 2001a; Gerber et al. 2005; Rodríguez and Bachs 2012). According to the analyzes performed, the CaOx com‑
Partial or total obstruction of the urethra is observed pound was present in 55% and 46% of the samples recovered
in some cases, especially in felines (Rodríguez and Bachs from the lower urinary tract of felines and canines, respec‑
2012), although it is more frequent in patients with ure‑ tively. Whereas, in the upper urinary tract, this index was
thral caps (Osborne et al. 2004, 2009c; Palm and Westropp 90% for felines (Robinson et al. 2008). In another study, it
2011). For nephroliths, symptoms such as vomit, anorexia was identified that the increase of CaOx lithiasis coincided
and apathy are also reported (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001a; with the increase of nephroliths (Osborne et al. 2009c).
Gerber et al. 2005; Rey and Pernas 2012; Rodríguez and It is important to emphasize that the identification of the
Bachs 2012). mineral present, is not the final diagnosis, it is necessary to
Factors such as breed, gender, age, diet, lifestyle, and even investigate the causes of occurrence of lithogenesis in the
climate, are considered risk, since they interfere in the elimi‑ patient, considering the mineral in question (Lekcharoensuk
nation of metabolites, predisposing a greater occurrence in et al. 2001a; Gerber et al. 2005; Rey and Pernas 2012).
certain individuals (Cannon et al. 2007; Houston and Moore
2009; Palm and Westropp 2011). It should be noted that the
existence of one or more factors is not determinant for the Risk factors
development of uroliths and each factor alone plays a limited
role in the disease (Osborne et al. 2009c). General risk factors
The classification of the type of the calculus is based on
the mineral present in its composition. The struvite, also In general, risk factors for urolithiasis can be divided into
known as magnesium ammonium phosphate (MgNH4PO4. three groups: etiological factors, such as infectious, toxic
H2O) and the calcium oxalate (CaOx) monohydrate and and teratogenic agents; demographic factors, that is, spe‑
dihydrate, are the most observed in canines and felines, cies, breed, age, gender, genetic predisposition, and envi‑
although they present variations in the last decades as its ronmental factors that include living conditions, water and
occurrence (Cannon et al. 2007:; Houston and Moore 2009; food source, and socioeconomic status (Osborne and Lulich
Osborne et al. 2009c). Urate uroliths, constituted of uric 1999).
acid, ammonium urate, or urate salts, are the third most Considering the close relationship between animals and
commonly encountered mineral type, other less common humans, it is important to consider that factors that increase
are xanthine, cystine, calcium phosphate, silica, and solidi‑ the incidence of urinary lithiasis in people, interfere in the
fied dry blood calculus (Fig. 1) (Ling et al. 1998; Westropp disease in dogs and cats (Osborne et al. 2009c).
Veterinary Research Communications (2018) 42:87–94 89
The climate is a widespread factor in studies (Lopez et al. infection (UTI) (Osborne et al. 2009b; Bahador et al. 2014).
2010; Palm and Westropp 2011; Houston et al. 2016), as The mechanism of UTI in the formation of struvite uroliths
already demonstrated in humans, being the people who live occurs from the action of urease positive bacteria, such as
in countries or regions with a hot climate more likely to Sthapilococcus spp and Proteus spp (Rey and Pernas 2012;
develop urolithiasis, due the larger liquid losses, not com‑ Grauer 2015). The urease present in the bacteria, hydrolyzes
pensated by water ingestion, associated with low urine debit. the urea in ammonia and bicarbonate, in this way, the bicar‑
It has also been demonstrated, a greater relapse of urolithi‑ bonate, raises the urinary pH, decreasing the solubility of
asis in summer and fall, than in spring and winter (Lopez the minerals (Rey and Pernas 2012).
et al. 2010; Lieske et al. 2014). The ammonium is released to bind with phosphorus and
Obesity is considered another risk factor (Palm and Wes‑ magnesium, causing urinary precipitation. It also exerts a
tropp 2011), since it is associated with higher food consump‑ local irritant effect, facilitating the formation of an organic
tion, storing larger amounts of fat and consequent bigger matrix, which acts as a nidus of crystallization (Rey and
excretion of minerals in the urine (Osborne et al. 1996, Pernas 2012). However, in cats, unlike dogs, the disease is
2004). In humans, it is also observed a relation between associated with UTI in only 5% of the patients (Osborne
obese and overweight patients, and a higher occurrence of et al. 1996, 2004; Rey and Pernas 2012), with the majority of
the disease (Taylor et al. 2005; Scales et al. 2012). these animals being less than one year old or over 10 years
The lyfestyle also influences, since, animals kept inside old (Osborne et al. 1996; Houston et al. 2003; Lulich and
the house, develop more predisposition, being associated Osborne 2009). Struvite uroliths are formed within eight
with less physical activity, reduced water consumption and weeks after infection, although in the species, this type of
low urine debit (Osborne et al. 1996; Houston et al. 2003). urolithiasis occurs in sterile urine (Osborne et al. 1995).
Castration is a predisposing factor, with a description of For the felines, it is generally believed that the disease
85% of analyzed uroliths coming from castrated cats, which is related to dietary and metabolic factors (Osborne et al.
means a risk of 8.3 times greater than non castrated animals 1996; Grauer 2015). In relation to the alimentation, diets
(Picavet et al. 2007; Lulich and Osborne 2009). Another rich in magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine and fiber,
study indicated 81.8% of occurrence in castrated cats, which as well as moderate amounts of protein, are suggested to
may be associated with sedentary lifestyle and obesity be major risk factors (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001b; Grauer
(Lulich and Osborne 2009; Hesse et al. 2012). 2015), since their use may lead to hypermagnesuria, hyper‑
The use of drugs such as sulfonamides, ciprofloxacin, ammonuria and hyperphosphaturia, in this way, the chance
tetracyclines and antacids interfere in the nucleation pro‑ of precipitation and aggregation of crystals in the urine is
cess, inducing the lithogenesis. Although most commonly bigger (Osborne et al. 1996; Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001b).
observed in canines and humans (Osborne et al. 2009a; Rey The diet also causes an increase in pH, which is kept
and Pernas 2012). In a study developed with feline uroliths, constantly high (6.5 to 7.0) (Table 1), favoring crystalliza‑
the presence of sulfadiazine was identified in samples from tion (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001b; Lulich and Osborne 2009;
eight animals, and of these, six patients had received treat‑ Grauer 2015). Other changes related to the feline patient are
ment with the drug (Osborne et al. 2009a). increased urinary concentration, low water intake, associ‑
ated with decreased frequency of urination and excessive
90 Veterinary Research Communications (2018) 42:87–94
consumption or excretion of calculogenic minerals (Osborne oxalate because they lead to hypercalciuria (Lulich and
et al. 1995, 1996, 2009b). Osborne 2009). Hypercalcemia has been reported in 35%
Struvite lithiasis is observed in both, males and females, of cats with this type of calculus and its cause has not been
although more recent studies have shown a higher incidence identified (Houston et al. 2003; Lulich and Osborne 2009).
in females (Houston et al. 2003; Cannon et al. 2007; Houston Another important risk factor involves hyperoxaluria
and Moore 2009). The most likely justification is the shorter (Osborne et al. 1996; Grauer 2015). Oxalate comes from
length of the urethra associated with increased development endogenous and exogenous production, increased intake of
of UTI, although this hypothesis is more commonly applied oxalate and vitamin C (Dijcker et al. 2011). Primary hyper‑
to canine females (Rey and Pernas 2012). Castrated animals oxaluria was also associated as a cause of hyperoxaluria in
also have larger occurrences (Osborne et al. 1996). young cats, although the condition is not well understood,
Considering the age range, struvite urolithiasis is reported requiring further research (De Lorenzi et al. 2005). The
at any age, although the occurrence decreases after 10 years absence of enteral colonization by the Oxalobacter formi-
(Lekcharoensuk et al. 2000; Lulich and Osborne 2009), genes bacteria, which is associated with a higher risk of
as well as the highest percentage occurring between four calcium oxalate calculus formation in humans (O’Kell et al.
and seven years (Osborne et al. 1996; Cannon et al. 2007). 2017), was described in dogs (Gnanandarajah et al. 2012).
Young cats appear to be more predisposed to presenting this In felines, its relation with the development of this type of
type of calculus (Cannon et al. 2007). calculu is unknown.
Any breed develops the disease, although higher inci‑ Exclusive diets for treatment and prevention of struvite
dences have been described in the Himalayan, Persian, Sia‑ uroliths, are acidifying and restricted in magnesium, mak‑
mese (Houston et al. 2009; Osborne et al. 2009c), still in the ing an acidic urinary pH and causing hypomagnesemia
Foreign Shorthair, Ragdoll, Chartreux, Oriental Shorthair (Lekcharoensuk et al. 2001b; Grauer 2015). Magnesium acts
(Lulich and Osborne 2009; Osborne et al. 2009c; Houston by forming a complex with oxalate, inhibiting its aggrega‑
et al. 2016), domestic cats of short and long hair (Houston tion with calcium, so its absence and/or decrease contributes
et al. 2003) and Manx (Cannon et al. 2007). to the formation of crystalluria by calcium oxalate (Osborne
et al. 1995).
Urolithiasis by calcium oxalate Lithiasis by calcium oxalate is associated with middle
age cats to the elderly (five to 12 years) (Lulich and Osborne
The incidence of calcium oxalate uroliths in felines has 2009; Grauer 2015), and the highest rate of involvement is
increased since the 1990s, becoming the most observed at 7.3 years (Osborne et al. 1996). The highest frequency
mineral in the analyzes of calculus obtained in the species of development was reported for the breeds: Persian, Rag‑
(Houston and Moore 2009; Osborne et al. 2009c). Currently, doll and Himalayan (Ling et al. 1998; Houston et al. 2003;
along with struvite, it is the main mineral found in lithiasis Houston and Moore 2009; Lulich and Osborne 2009). Some
of felines, canines and humans (Osborne et al. 2009c; Rey studies have shown occurrence in Havana Brown, British
and Pernas 2012; O’Kell et al. 2017). Shorthair, Foreign Shorthair, Scottish Fold and Exotic Short‑
Calcium oxalate calculus have white coloration and most hair (Houston et al. 2003; Cannon et al. 2007; Hesse et al.
often have irregular borders (Osborne et al. 1995). They can 2012).
be observed in any part of the urinary tract, being the most Males have a higher risk of urolithiasis by calcium oxa‑
obsverved mineral in the analyzes of nephroliths and uret‑ late, especially castrated animals (Lulich and Osborne 2009;
eroliths (Osborne et al. 1996; Ling et al. 1998; Ross et al. Palm and Westropp 2011). In an accomplished study, cas‑
1999; Cannon et al. 2007). The upper urinary tract uroliths trated males were 25 times more affected than non castrated
were already very uncommon in felines, comprising only (Osborne et al. 1996; Cannon et al. 2007; Houston et al.
about 4% of the total uroliths (Ling et al. 1998), which cur‑ 2016). Cats kept indoors are also considered potencies in
rently show higher frequency (Osborne et al. 2009c). the development of the disease, by the decrease in water
One of the main factors involved is hypercalciuria (Ross consumption and urination, in addition to obesity (Cannon
et al. 1999; Dijcker et al. 2012), considered a quite com‑ et al. 2007; Lulich and Osborne 2009).
mon factor in humans (O’Kell et al. 2017), which results
from increased intestinal absorption of calcium (absorptive Urolithiasis by urate
hypercalciuria), excessive renal excretion due to tubular
reabsorption (by renal loss) and/or increased bone absorp‑ Urate uroliths represent about 5% of the analysis of calculus
tion (resorptive) (Palm and Westropp 2011; Grauer 2015). in felines, being the third most frequently identified type of
Diseases that cause hypercalcemia (primary hyperpar‑ mineral in the species (Houston and Moore 2009; Mccue
athyroidism, idiopathic hypercalcemia and hyperparathy‑ et al. 2009; Appel et al. 2010; Houston et al. 2016). The site
roidism) are predisposing factors to urolithiasis by calcium of greatest occurrence is the bladder (Osborne et al. 1996).
Veterinary Research Communications (2018) 42:87–94 91
They have a light yellow or brown color and are usually The enzyme in question has the function of converting
small and spherical (Lulich and Osborne 2009; Mccue et al. xanthine into uric acid. Thus, the conversion does not occur
2009). The main risk factors for its occurrence are hyperu‑ with consequent accumulation in the urine (Osborne et al.
ricosuria, hyperamonuria, aciduria and decreased urinary 1995; Rey and Pernas 2012). Xanthine is also the least sol‑
volume (Osborne et al. 1996). uble metabolite in the metabolism of purines excreted in
In normal physiological situations, the excretion of uric urine, therefore, high concentrations of xanthine result in
acid in the urine normally occurs only in humans, rodents formation of uroliths. This change is classified as primary
and primates, so urate calculus are associated with meta‑ xanthinuria (Osborne et al. 1995; Ángel-Caraza et al. 2012).
bolic changes in the other species (Ángel-Caraza et al. The secondary form is related to the use of diets with
2012). Lithiasis by urate is commonly observed in dogs of high concentrations of purines, as well as the treatment of
the Dalmatian breed, whose appearance is associated with urate urolithiasis, through allopurinol (Lulich and Osborne
a defect in the metabolism of purines, leading to hyperico‑ 2009; Rey and Pernas 2012), although there are no reports
suria (Rey and Pernas 2012). In this breed, the conversion of felines affected by the use of the medication (Lulich and
rate of uric acid to allantoin is lower than the others. First, it Osborne 2009; Albasan et al. 2012; Bartges and Callens
was believed to be due to the absence of the urease enzyme, 2015).
however, it is now suggested that purine metabolism is infe‑ Despite the low incidence, a study carried out shows
rior because of a defect in the transport of uric acid through only 0.14% of the analyzes, the disease is more observed
hepatocytes, not by the enzyme (Rey and Pernas 2012). in males (Lulich and Osborne 2009), mainly castrated ani‑
The formation of this type of urolith may be related to mals, however, some studies report that the frequency is the
severe liver diseases and portosystemic shunting, leading to same between the sexes (Bartges and Callens 2015). In one
increased excretion of ammonia and uric acid in the urine, as study, xanthine calculus were observed in 55% and 33% of
a result of the lower capacity to convert ammonia into urea castrated males and females, respectively, whereas non cas‑
and uric acid into allantoin (Rey and Pernas 2012). Although trated animals corresponded to 10% and 1% for males and
less frequent than in dogs, urate uroliths were observed in females, respectively (Osborne et al. 2009a).
felines with portosystemic shunt (Albasan et al. 2012). Xanthine lithiasis affects animals under five years of age,
Another cause described for cats is the increase in consump‑ with a average age of 2.8 years (Lulich and Osborne 2009;
tion of diet rich in proteins, or the lithiasis of unknown ori‑ Bartges and Callens 2015). It was more observed in domes‑
gin (Lulich and Osborne 2009; Mccue et al. 2009). tic cats of short, long, medium hair, Siamese, British Short‑
The higher concentrations of protein in the diet lead to a hair and European Shorthair (Osborne et al. 1996). Acid
greater renal excretion of urate salts with consequent acidi‑ urinary pH, concentrated urine and incomplete urination are
fication of the urinary pH, promoting a lower solubility of also risk factors (Osborne et al. 2004; Bartges and Callens
the crystals (Albasan et al. 2012). 2015).
It usually affects young felines, and those who have por‑
tosystemic shunts may present the change with less than Urolithiasis by cystine
one year of age (Lulich and Osborne 2009). In one study
the average age was 6.3 years. However, the Egyptian Mau Urolithiasis by cystine is uncommon in felines, account‑
breed, averaged 4.8 years (Appel et al. 2010). Although there ing less than 1% of the analyzed urolith samples (Lulich
is no predisposition regarding the breed, some studies cite and Osborne 2009; Houston et al. 2016). Cystine calculus
the highest occurrence in the Egyptian Mau (Houston and are yellow and brown, and are usually small and spherical
Moore 2009; Appel et al. 2010; Albasan et al. 2012), Bir‑ (Lulich and Osborne 2009). They are mainly located in the
man and Siamese (Houston et al. 2003; Cannon et al. 2007; bladder and urethra (Osborne et al. 2004).
Albasan et al. 2012). With regard to gender, it affected more Cystinuria is the main triggering factor and is associated
females (Appel et al. 2010). with a hereditary defect in the reabsorption of cystine and
others amino acids (ornithine, lysine and arginine) in the
Urolithiasis by xanthine proximal tubule, resulting in cystinuria and consequent for‑
mation of calculus (Osborne et al. 1995; Mizukami et al.
Xanthine urolithiasis is uncommon in cats. The uroliths, 2015, 2016). However, not all animals that have this defect
which are yellow or light brown in color, are small in size have cystinuria or cystine uroliths (Osborne et al. 1995).
and have a smooth surface (Lulich and Osborne 2009), and The disease has been reported in several species of
are most observed in the lower urinary tract (Bartges and domestic and wild animals, although in humans and dogs it
Callens 2015). The pathophysiology of the disease involves is associated with a mutation in the amino acid transporter
a defect in the activity of the xanthine oxidase enzyme in the genes, SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 (Mizukami et al. 2015). Cys‑
metabolism of purines (Lulich and Osborne 2009). tine uroliths in cats represent 0.1% of all analyzes in the
92 Veterinary Research Communications (2018) 42:87–94
USA and Canada, while representing 0.3 to 1% in dogs diet (Osborne et al. 2004). Hyperphosphaturia, due to exces‑
(Houston and Moore 2009; Osborne et al. 2009c; Albasan sive phosphorus consumption, besides alkaline urinary pH
et al. 2012). and decreased urine volume (Osborne et al. 1996).
In a paper of 2015, was verified the first case of cystinuria In some cases, calcium phosphate calculus are the result
associated to the genetic mutation in felines, associated with of mineralization of blood clots, which have formed and
the SLC3A1 gene (Mizukami et al. 2015). The patient was become incarcerated in the urinary system, therefore, sig‑
diagnosed with urolithiasis at two months of age and at four nificant hematuria may predispose its appearance (Osborne
months, the uroliths were removed, however the animal died et al. 2004).
(Mizukami et al. 2015). Through blood, spleen and other Females account for 57% of cases of calcium phos‑
organs samples, it was possible to identify the genetic muta‑ phate uroliths, while males 43% (Osborne et al. 2004). It
tion as the cause of the lithiasis. Also, in a recent study, the affects animals of all ages with a large occurrence from
first report associated with the SLC7A9 gene was observed five months to 19 years of age, with the average age being
(Mizukami et al. 2016). 8 years ± 5 years (Osborne et al. 1996).
Due to its low incidence, there are few studies involving
this type of compound, however, in analyzes verified in dif‑
ferent places, it was observed a higher occurrence in males Urolithiasis by solidified dried blood uroliths
(Osborne et al. 1995), with an average of 4.1 years of age
(Lulich and Osborne 2009). Among the breeds affected are This type of pure calculus, so far, is reported only in cats. In
evidenced the domestic cats of short and long hair, Siâmes canines, it has been noted in conjunction with other calculus,
(Lulich and Osborne 2009) and Korat (Osborne et al. 1995). however the percentage is small (Osborne et al. 2009c). It
Diets with high protein concentration and urinary acid pH, occurs in several places of the urinary tract and about 57%
also influence the occurrence (Bartges and Callens 2015). comes from the lower urinary tract (Westropp et al. 2006).
Usually this calculus does not contain crystalline mineral
Urolithiasis by silica (Westropp et al. 2006; Cannon et al. 2007).
It began to be more observed from the 2000 year and its
Silica uroliths are grayish-white in color, and are mostly incidence has been increasing (Westropp et al. 2006; Can‑
seen in the bladder and urethra. They have a format called non et al. 2007), being its diagnosis challenging (Osborne
jackstones. The factors for its formation are still unknown et al. 2009c). The solidified dry blood uroliths do not appear
(Osborne et al. 1995, 2004). on plain radiographs, since they are not radiopaque, only
It is known that the silicate is consumed in small quanti‑ are visualized when there is a portion of calcium oxalate,
ties in the diet and eliminated in the urine without com‑ calcium phosphate or other mineral type (Westropp et al.
plications (Rey and Pernas 2012). However, the increase 2006; Osborne et al. 2009c), are also difficult to identify on
in dietary intake (vegetable source of protein, such as rice ultrasonography (Osborne et al. 2009c).
husk), environmental (water) or pharmacological (antacids), The incidence of this mineral type is still small, with a
may predispose the formation of lithiasis by silica (Osborne higher occurrence in males, possibly due to anatomical dif‑
et al. 2004; Rey and Pernas 2012). ferences of the urethra and potential obstruction (Cannon
Silica uroliths are uncommon in felines, with no pre‑ et al. 2007). Most of the samples come from domestic cats
disposing for gender or breed (Houston and Moore 2009; of short and long hair, although it was observed in cats of
Houston et al. 2016). The urinary pH does not appear to breed Ragdoll, Balinese and Snowshoe, however, without
influence its formation (Rey and Pernas 2012). significant representation (Westropp et al. 2006; Cannon
et al. 2007).
Urolithiasis by calcium phosphate There was no significance regarding age and location,
and the average age of affected cats was nine years (Cannon
Calcium phosphate is most commonly found in association et al. 2007). It was not possible to determine the cause of its
with other mineral types, usually struvite and calcium oxa‑ formation, but it is speculated that hematuria may contrib‑
late, presenting a small index in the composition of uro‑ ute, since most of the animals had this signal, although, not
liths (Osborne et al. 1995). Pure calculus of this mineral are all patients with hematuria developed this type of urolith
uncommon, with 0.3 to 0.6% for dogs and less than 1% for (Westropp et al. 2006).
cats (Houston and Moore 2009). The knowledge of the formation of the different types of
In humans and dogs it is associated with primary hyper‑ uroliths, as well as their predisposing factors is important,
parathyroidism, but has not been reported in cats (Osborne so that the preventive and treatment measures can be traced,
et al. 1996). Potential risk factors include hypercalciuria due so it is necessary to perform the analysis of the composition
to hypercalcemia, excessive vitamin D and calcium in the of the calculus.
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