Haemogregarine (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) Infection in Vanderhaege's Toad-Headed Turtle, Mesoclemmys Savanna Region
Haemogregarine (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) Infection in Vanderhaege's Toad-Headed Turtle, Mesoclemmys Savanna Region
Haemogregarine (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) Infection in Vanderhaege's Toad-Headed Turtle, Mesoclemmys Savanna Region
Research Article
Abstract: Knowledge of blood parasites in Brazilian chelonians is limited, since they have been recorded in only six species. Meso-
clemmys vanderhaegei (Bour) is a freshwater turtle with a wide geographic distribution in Brazil, but there is little information about
its natural history. This paper reports on a study of the prevalence and infection intensity of a haemogregarine in two subpopulations
of M. vanderhaegei. The study was conducted in two areas of Cerrado in the Upper Paraguay River basin in the state of Mato Grosso,
Brazil, between November 2010 and August 2013. Ninety-five (53%) of the 179 turtles captured were positive for haemogregarine
parasites. The parasitic forms observed were two morphotypes of intraerythrocytic gametocytes. The prevalence differed between size
classes, increasing significantly according to the animals’ body size. There was no significant difference between prevalence and sex,
or between sampling periods. The mean parasite intensity was 9 parasites/2,000 erythrocytes (0.45%) and the parasite population pre-
sented an aggregated distribution, with an aggregation index of 19 and discrepancy of 0.772. This is the first record of a hemoparasite
in the freshwater turtle M. vanderhaegei.
Keywords: prevalence, parasite intensity, hemoparasite, chelonian, Cerrado
Hemoparasites called haemogregarines (Coccidia: Ade- zoon terrestrial chelonians, both probably transmitted by
leorina) are intracellular protists that occur in all vertebrate ticks (Lainson and Naiff 1998, Paperna 2006, Harris et al.
classes (Davies and Johnston 2000). Their life cycle is het- 2013). Species of Haemogregarina (sensu stricto) occur in
eroxenous, and reproduction is sexual and asexual. Several aquatic chelonians, and are transmitted by leeches (Siddall
groups of terrestrial and aquatic arthropods, besides leech- 1995, Siddall and Desser 2001).
es, serve as their vectors (Siddall and Desser 1991, Desser Records of hemoparasites exist only from six of the 36
1993, Davies and Smit 2001). Different genera are included species of turtles that occur in Brazil (Costa and Bérnils
in the so-called haemogregarines. Desseria Siddall, 1995, 2014). Two groups of hemoparasites have been recorded
Cyrilia Lainson, 1981, Haemogregarina Danilewsky, 1885 in these chelonians. The first group comprises haemogre-
(sensu lato) occur with fish as hosts. Hepatozoon Miller, garines of the genus Haemogregarina in Phrynops geof-
1908, Karyolysus Labbé, 1894, Hemolivia Petit, Landau, froanus (Schweigger), Podocnemis unifilis Troschel, and
Baccam et Lainson, 1990, Haemogregarina (sensu stricto) Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger) (Campos-Brites and
have been recorded in reptiles, birds and mammals (Da- Rantin 2004, Soares et al. 2014, Picelli et al. 2015, Oliveira
vies and Johnston 2000). Hemolivia and possibly Hepato- et al. 2018, Úngari et al. 2018). The second group consists
Address for correspondence: L.A. Viana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Faculdade de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal do
Amapá, 68903-419, Macapá, Brazil; Phone: +55 96 99206-9000; E-mail: [email protected]
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
doi: 10.14411/fp.2018.012 Goes et al.: Haemogregarine in Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei
Fig. 1. Sampling sites of Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Bour). A, B – two protected areas of sampling sites of M. vanderhaegei;
C – the first area is located in upland Cerrado areas in the Paraguay River basin, at the Chapada dos Guimarães National Park;
D – the second area is located in Serra das Araras Ecological Station, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
of malarial parasites of the genus Haemoproteus Kruse, This study is part of an effort to survey and characterise
1890, Haemoproteus peltocephali Lainson and Naiff, 1998 hemoparasites of the phylum Apicomplexa in free-ranging
in Peltocephalus dumerilianus (Schweigger), Haemopro- turtles in Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to deter-
teus geochelonis (Lainson and Naiff, 1998) in Chelonoidis mine the prevalence and parasite intensity of a haemogre-
denticulatus (Linnaeus) and recently, Haemoproteus sp. in garine in two subpopulations of M. vanderhaegei freshwa-
Chelonoidis carbonarius (Spix) (Lainson and Naiff 1998, ter turtles.
Martinele et al. 2016).
Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Bour) is a medium-sized MATERIALS AND METHODS
freshwater turtle with a carapace length (CL) of up to 280 The study was conducted in two conservation units lo-
mm, weighing just over 1 kg (Marques et al. 2014). How- cated in upland Cerrado areas in the Paraguay River ba-
ever, in the study area, the average CL is 157 mm for fe- sin, at the Serra das Araras Ecological Station – EESA
males and 141 mm for males (Brito et al. 2009). (15°49'31''S, 57°17'14''W) and in Chapada dos Guimarães
This species occurs in various habitats, such as small National Park – PNCG (15°24'59''S; 55°50'29''W), in the
streams with forest cover and highland lagoons, but it may state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Specimens of M. vanderhae-
also inhabit wetland environments containing aquatic veg- gei were captured in nine permanent streams and reservoirs
etation, medium-sized rivers and reservoirs (Vinke et al. in Cerrado in the Paraguay River drainage basin (Fig. 1).
2013, Marques et al. 2014). Distributed throughout South These water bodies are oligotrophic and have rapids, pools
America, it occurs in the Amazon, São Francisco, Tocan- and waterfalls of various heights because they are located
tins, Paraguay, Paraná and Uruguay river basins (Marques in upland areas (Fonseca 2005).
et al. 2014). Despite its wide geographic distribution, little A total of 179 animals were collected between Novem-
is known about its natural history (Souza 2004, Marques et ber 2010 and August 2013, 148 of which were captured at
al. 2014) or about the occurrence of hemoparasites. the EESA, 25 in PNCG and six from undetermined loca-
Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of haemogregarine forms from the freshwater turtle Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Bour) sampled in the state
of Mato Grosso, Brazil; A, B – young gametocytes with the nucleus occupying about 70% of the parasite cell; C–F – mature gameto-
cytes with note nucleus occupying 1/3 of erythrocyte.
tions. Among these animals, 50 (28%) were recaptured at chi-square test. The prevalence in the recaptured turtles
least once. was compared using Fisher’s exact test. Logistic regres-
The animals were captured using funnel traps baited sion analysis was used to describe changes in the probabil-
with beef (Brito et al. 2009), and their total length (CL) ity of infection as a function the of animals’ body size. The
was measured. They were examined for presence of leech- correlation of parasite intensity between the turtles’ weight
es and their sex was determined based on external traits, and size was verified using Spearman’s correlation coeffi-
i.e. males having a comparatively longer tail than females cient (rs). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the
(Brito et al. 2009). parasite intensity and sex of M. vanderhaegei. The distri-
Since we do not know the age of sexual maturity of bution of the parasite in individuals was determined by the
females and males, individuals with a CL smaller than dispersion index (variance by the mean of parasite intensi-
116 mm were included in the category of juveniles. All ty) and by the discrepancy index (D). Statistical analyses
captured animals were marked individually using the mark- were performed using BioEstat 5.0 and Quantitative Para-
ing methods adapted by Cagle (1939) and Ferner (1979), sitology 3.0 software (Rozsa et al. 2000, Ayres et al. 2007).
which consist of a system of rectangular cuts in the mar- Values were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.
ginal scutes of the carapace to identify possible recaptures.
Blood samples were collected by puncture of the ver- RESULTS
tebral venous sinus in the cervical region and turtles were Among the 179 captured turtles, 95 (53%) were positive
released at the sites of capture. The blood smears were for haemogregarines. The parasitic forms observed were
fixed with absolute methanol and stained with 10% Giemsa gametocytes, both showing an elongated shape. Young ga-
(Eisen and Schall 2000). The parasite intensity was deter- metocytes were relatively smaller, with the nucleus occu-
mined based on the number of parasitic forms observed in pying about 70% of the parasite cell (Fig. 2A,1B), while
2,000 erythrocytes, in 20 replicates of 100 erythrocytes per mature forms showed relatively small nucleus at the end
field under examination (Godfrey et al. 1987). This study of the cell or centrally (Fig. 2C–F). However, no meronts
was authorised by the Brazilian Ministry of the Environ- were found in the blood smears.
ment (Permit ICMBio – no. 25225-2). Prevalence differed between the different size classes
Differences in prevalence between size classes, sex and (χ2 = 12.069; df = 3; p < 0.007). However, juveniles with CL
the sampling period of the hosts were determined using the smaller than 69 mm (n = 6) presented no haemogregarine
Fig. 3. Parasite intensity of haemogregarine in six Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Bour) recaptured at least four times. ID – Individual
host identification.
infections. There was no significant difference between the relatively higher than that found in Phrynops geoffroanus
prevalence and sex of the individuals (χ2 = 0.143; df = 1; (Schweigger) a chelonian of the same family (27.6%, n =
p = 0.705) and sampling periods (χ2 = 18.081; df = 15; p = 58), which was studied in an anthropised areas in the Cer-
0.203). The logistic regression analysis revealed that prev- rado (Campos-Brites and Rantin 2004). In two other stud-
alence increases significantly according to the animal’s ies in Brazil, haemogregarines were recorded in 66% (n =
body size (χ2 = 5.307; df = 1; p = 0.021). Leeches were 75) of Podocnemis expansa (Schweigger) individuals (Pi-
relatively frequent on the captured turtles (66%, n = 173). celli et al. 2015) and 98% (n = 78) of Podocnemis unifilis
The mean parasite intensity was 9 parasites/2,000 Troschel individuals (Soares et al. 2014), both of which are
erythrocytes (0.45%). No significant difference was found large species distributed throughout the Amazon region.
between the parasite intensity and sex of the hosts (Kru- The prevalence over time estimated by recaptures of
skal-Wallis H = 1.407; p = 0.236). Parasite intensity was M. vanderhaegei for approximately 3 years of sampling
not significantly correlated with the turtle’s body mass suggests the occurrence of an enzootic cycle of haemogre-
(n = 91; rs = 0.035; p = 0.742) and size (n = 91; rs = 0.045; garines in the study area. Thus, it can be inferred that the
p = 0.671). The parasite population presented an aggregat- infection is present in the population of M. vanderhaegei at
ed distribution, with an aggregation index of 19 and (D) any time of year. This can be explained by some factors: (i)
of 0.772, with relatively few hosts showing high parasite studies have shown that hemoparasite infections in reptiles
intensities. may persist for relatively long periods (Sorci 1995, Široký
During the study, six individuals were recaptured at least et al. 2004, Salkeld and Schwarzkopf 2005, Viana et al.
four times, all from a reservoir located in the EESA. The 2010): (ii) the relatively common presence of leeches on
parasite intensity levels are therefore presented in the order the captured animals suggests frequent contact between the
in which the individuals were recaptured over time (Fig. 3). probable vector and the turtles.
The infection levels varied without a defined pattern, with With regard to size classes, a positive correlation was
two individuals (ID 218 ♀ and ID 123 ♀) first presenting observed between prevalence and size of the captured ani-
an increase and then a decrease in parasite intensity. In the mals. This pattern of infection was also observed by Sorci
first sampling, the individual ID 218 was negative, but in (1996) in the lizard Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein), which
the second sampling it was found to have acquired the in- showed a significantly increased prevalence of haemogre-
fection. Surprisingly, the individual ID 60 (♀) showed no garines as a function of the host’s size/age. Infections in M.
infection in any of its four samplings. Moreover, the indi- vanderhaegei were found in individuals with a CL starting
vidual ID 80, although positive in four samplings, was the from 69 mm, i.e. individuals are infected in their first year
only one that became negative. of life. Individuals with a CL of 69 mm have an umbilical
scar, indicating that they are a few months old. Therefore,
DISCUSSION we believe that the infection occurs during the first year of
Variable levels of haemogregarine prevalence have life. This assumption is reinforced by the fact that several
been recorded in turtles in Brazil (Picelli et al. 2015). The individuals with a CL of 50 mm (hatchlings) already have
prevalence recorded for Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei was leeches attached to their feet (E. S. Brito, pers. comm). This
is probably the prepatent period until detection of gameto- teristic in host-parasite systems (Hardin and Janovy 1988,
cytes in the host’s bloodstream (Siddall and Desser 1991). Moritz et al. 1991, Poulin 1993). However, in the present
The mean parasite intensity of haemogregarines in M. study, the distribution of haemogregarines in the hosts can-
vanderhaegei was relatively similar to that found in the not be explained by the variables of sex, weight or size
majority of turtle species (see Picelli et al. 2015). However, class. Thus, it is likely that other factors such as the genetic
in comparison with two other Brazilian turtle species that variability of the hosts and their susceptibility to infection
have been studied, the average intensity of M. vanderhae- influence the distribution of parasites (Pacala and Dobson
gei was relatively lower. In P. unifilis in the Tapajós River 1988, Quinnell et al. 1995).
in the state of Pará, the average was 6% (n = 78), and in This is the first record of a hemoparasite and of its
P. expansa in the Javaés River in the state of Tocantins, prevalence and parasite intensity in M. vanderhaegei, and
the average was 3% (n = 25) (Soares et al. 2014, Picel- it is also the largest sample size of turtles examined for
li et al. 2015). The factors involved in these differences haemogregarines. We believe that new morphological and
are still unknown, but the type of environment occupied molecular studies should be conducted for a specific de-
by these hosts is probably important. Podocnemis unifilis scription of the parasite.
and P. expansa occur in large rivers and lakes, which are
eutrophic environments, whereas M. vanderhaegei lives Acknowledgements. The authors are indebted to the staff of the
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio)
in small oligotrophic streams. Contact between leeches
at Chapada dos Guimarães National Park and of the Serra das Ar-
and turtles may be facilitated in eutrophic environments, aras Ecological Station for their assistance during the collection
since turtles generally shelter under submerged vegetation of field data. We also thank the National Centre for Research and
(Sawyer 1986), contributing to the recruitment of new in- Conservation of Reptiles and Amphibians (RAN) for granting the
fections and the resulting increase in parasite intensity in permit to capture M. vanderhaegei (ICMBio – no. 25225-2). We
these animals. are especially grateful to all the people who helped collect field
The distribution of parasite intensity in M. vanderhae- data, and to CAPES (Brazil’s Federal Agency for the Support and
gei was aggregated, which is a relatively common charac- Improvement of Higher Education) for the postdoc grant awarded
to E. S. Brito.
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Received 18 August 2017 Accepted 9 February 2018 Published online 14 September 2018
Cite this article as: Goes V.C., Brito E.S., Valadão R.M., Gutierrez C.O., Picelli A.M. and Viana L.A. 2018: Haemogregarine
(Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) infection in Vanderhaege’s toad-headed turtle, Mesoclemmys vanderhaegei (Chelidae), from a Brazilian
Neotropical savanna region. Folia Parasitol. 65: 012.