Sse MM Q A Set - 1

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General questions:

1) Tell me about yourself – (Target 5-10 minutes by explaining slowly)

Start from high level education qualification.
In which year you have entered into SAP (As per resume)
Start from your first project name and scope (Production support /implementation?) till to
the current project name and scope.
What is your role in the current project ( Consultant , monitoring tickets, resolving as per
2) How many years of SAP experience and NON –SAP experience do you have?
3) What kind of projects you have worked on so far? –No.of Implementations, No. of
production support as per resume.
4) Explain about your client business – Go through the client as per your resume and be
ready to explain their business atleast for 3-5 minutes.
5) Which ticketing tools you have worked on production support? – Remedy / Service now /
SOLMAN / CHARM. – Tell any two out of these 4.

6) Explain ASAP methodology

The methodology consists of 5 phases 

1. Project Preparation: Provides initial planning & preparation for R/3 project 
2. Business Blueprint: Detailed documentation of the results gathered during
requirements workshops. On this basis, you achieve a common understanding of how
the company intends to run their business within the R/3 system. 
3.Realization: Implement all the business & process requirements based on business
blueprint. You configure system in 2 work packages, Baseline, & Final configuration. 
4. Final preparation: Complete Testing, End user training, system Management, &
cutover activities to finalize your readiness to go live. After completion of this phase,
you will be ready to run your business in your R/3 system. 
5. Go live & Support: Transition from a project-oriented, pre-production
environment to successful & live production operation.  It covers solutions for those
activities which are standard in a productive environment: Business changes,
technology changes, or change in the user community




Plant specific Purchase organization 
Cross Plant Purchase organization 
Cross Company Code Purchase organization 
Standard Purchase Organization 
Reference Purchase Organization 


To maintain the valuation process. Plant is a site operating as a production facility or an
individual/group of storage areas close together for a company. A plant can only belong
to only one company code.
A central PORG can exist side by side with local purchase organization, the local
purchase department can use contracts or conditions created by central purchase
You can assign several purchasing organizations to one reference purchasing
organization, but each individual purchasing organization should be assigned to just one
reference purchasing organization.
We don’t assign purchase group . Reason is that – it is not an unit in the Organizational


Storage Location is maintained at Plant level. 


Using Tcode MMAM we can change material type. However it Cannot be changed if stock
exists or PO, Reservation, PR, Contracts exists with the material code. Even If the accounting
type differs also we cant change material type. Prior to change the material type
corresponding material Initiall stock has to be cleared , by moving all the material to a special


Changing the material valuation price does not involve material master, it is an
accounting transaction in which the total stock of the plant is revaluated. 
In price control S, if the MAP which reflect the development of the delivered price,
differs too greatly from the standard price. 
In price control V, the system modifies the current valuation price to suit the delivered
price, you only need to change the price manually, if there is no movement of goods for a
longer period of time. 


DIEN – services, FERT – finished product, HALB – semi finished, HAWA – Trading
goods, ROH – raw material, 
UNBW – non valuated material, VERP – packaging, NLAG – non stock material, HIBE
– Consumables \ Lab chemicals 

16) Explain MATERIAL TYPE functionalities? 

A material type is specified for each material. The material type is part of general data. 
Material type determines the views, type of Inventory management (qty/value based) on a
valuation area basic, can configure price control as an optional value.
The system assigns the stock a/c and consumption a/c bases on the valuation class.


The Basic Unit of Measure may be each, but the purchase dept. procure material in pairs,
then we have to have to maintain Alternative UOM that is 
1 PAIR = 2 Each 
entered in Basic data view1, additional data. 


YES it is possible. However there are few preliminary conditions to be met, those are if
no stock and no PR or PO exists, no stock in current or previous periods, clear stock using
561 movement type. 


Number Range is based on Material Type, Material No. can be 18 characters 

20. What is the difference between a Purchase Requisition and a Purchase Order?
A PR is an internal document that sends notification to purchase department when some
material is service is required. PR can be generated by department that needs any material or

A PO is a document sent to vendor by purchaser which is an official request of mentioned

material or services. POs are generally binding on purchaser, though it depends on terms and
conditions mentioned in PO.

21.What MRP procedures are available in MM-CBP (Consumption Based Planning)?

Various material planning methods are used in MRP (Material Requirements Planning).
Reorder point procedure (VM) Forecast-based planning (VV) Time-Phased materials
planning (PD) These are specified in material creation (MM01) under the MRP 1 tab.
22.Can you change a Purchase Requisition after it has been created?
Yes. Use Transaction ME52N. Check to see if the PR has already had a PO issued against it.
If so, you must inform the Purchasing Group. Check if the PR has been approved. If so, you
may only make changes to a limited extent and may be subject of approval. Check if the PR
was created by MRP. In this case, you don’t have much control over the modification
process. All changes to items are logged and stored. Information stored includes when the
information was changed, who changed it, what the changes were, etc.
23.How do we create Consignment Stocks?
Everything is the same as a normal PR or PO, except: Enter the item category “K” for the
consignment item. This ensures that the Goods Receipt is posted to the consignment stores
and an invoice receipt cannot be generated for the item. Also, do not enter a net price.

24.What are different Info Records types?

Different Info Record types are Standard, Consignment, Sub-Contracting and Pipeline.

25.What is a consignment Stock?

The stock supplied by the vendor is in the purchasing company’s premises but the company
has no liability for the same. The liability for the company will only arise one the goods are
issued from the consignment stock for use. However, in this case, even before the use,
purchasing company can check in system how much stock is lying in inventory.

26.What is Sub-Contracting cycle in MM?

In Sub-contracting, we send raw material or input material to sub-contractor and then receive
the finished goods. A sub-contracting PO is created with item category ‘L’. Input material is
sent to vendor for processing with movement type 541. When GR is done using movement
type 101, movement type 543 takes place automatically and takes care of consumed material.
28.What is the function of OBYC?
OBYC is t-code used for configuring Automatic Account Posting.

Postings are made to G/L accounts automatically in the case of Inventory Management and
Invoice Verification relevant to Financial and Cost Accounting.

29.What types of special stocks are available?

Special stock types available in SAP are Consignment, Subcontracting, pipeline, project,
sales order stock, Returnable transport packaging, stock transfer, and the third party.
30.What is the difference between Contracts and Scheduling Agreements?
A contract is a pre-determined long term agreement to supply material or service for a certain
period of time. Specific delivery dates are not mentioned in the contracts. Contracts can be of
two types: Value Contract or Quantity contract

In Scheduling agreements, we can enter scheduling lines which gives details of quantity that
should be delivered on specific date. Plant must be entered in SA so that materials can be
delivered at plant. These are generally used for materials whose requirements are predictable.

31.What are release procedures with and without classification?

Release Strategy with Classification:
PR can be released at header level as well as item level.
It can be used for both internal/external documents.
Can be set on any field available in structure CEBAN
Release Strategy without Classification:
PR can be released only at item level.
It can be used only for internal documents such as PR.
This strategy can be used only on 4 parameters which are Account assignment category,
Plant, Material Group and value of PR.
32.How to handle free items in PO?

While creating PO, we can tick the item as free item in item overview section of PO. The
price will be zero for free marked item.

33.What information is maintained in Accounting View of material master?

Accounting view is a plant specific view. Besides other information, it contains important
information such as valuation class and price control. Valuation class helps in determining
the relevant GL account used for account posting. It is also used while configuring OBYC
settings. Price control indicator determines if material is maintained at Standard price(S) or
Moving average price (V).
34.What is the use of Material types?
Material Types’ is used to group various materials based on some common properties. It
helps in maintain material master data for a particular material. Using material types, we can
control which all views are required for a material type, which fields are required or optional,
the material number range etc.
35.Give some examples of the information relating to a material’s storage/warehousing?
Some examples are Unit of Issue, Storage Conditions, Packaging Dimensions, Gross Weight,
Volume, and Hazardous Materials Number. Also, there are various Storage Strategies
information and options.
36.What are various types of Stock transfer?
The physical movement of stock between different physical locations is called as ‘Stock
transfer’. Stock transfer can be either a single step process or a two-step process.

Various Stock transfers are:

Inter Company (Company to Company)

Inter Plant/Intra Company (Plant to Plant)

Intra Plant (Storage location to Storage location)

37.What are the commonly used movement types in Sub-Contracting process?

541 – Issues of goods from warehouse to subcontractoru2019s stock

542 – Reversals of goods issues from warehouse to subcontractoru2019s stock

543 – Consumption from subcontracting stock (Automatic updating during GR)

544- Co-products receiving

545- Goods receipt of by-products from subcontracting (Stock provided to vendor)

101 – Finished good/ Sub-Contracted good received after processing

38.What is the difference between standard purchasing organization and reference

purchasing organization?
Purchasing organization is an organizational unit within Logistics. A standard purchasing
organization must be provided to one or more plants for which it is directly responsible for

A purchasing organization is assigned to reference purchase organization to avail conditions

and centrally agreed contracts or release orders contained in the assigned reference
purchasing organization

39.What are basic tables used for Material Master?

Some of the basic tables used in Material master are:

MAKT: Material Descriptions

MARA: General Material Data

MARD: Storage Location Data for Material

MVER: Material Consumption

MARC: Plant Data for Material

MVKE: Sales Data for Material

MAST: Material to BOM link

40.How is GR/IR account related to Inventory? 

If you are involved with inventory, then you need the GR/IR account (Inventory Account)
when the IR is posted. If you are not involved about inventory, then the system does not need
the GR/IR account when the IR is posted; the system needs a G/L instead of the GR/IR
 41.If you have multiple line items in the purchase order, can you release line by line
that purchase order?
No, the release is done only at header level in a combined way for all line items in case of the
purchase order.
42.What is a Physical Inventory?
Physical inventory is a process in which all the transactions related to the movement of goods
are stopped and the company physically counts inventory. It is required in financial
accounting rules or for placing an accurate value on the inventory for tax purposes.
43.How is the inventory management integrated with MM?
Inventory management is directly linked with the MM module because any movement of
goods to and from inventory happens under the MM module. MRP, purchasing, and invoice
verification are some of the MM components that are also linked with inventory
management. After the material is ordered it is posted as a goods receipt with reference to the
purchase order. The actual data of the quantities are checked in the vendor’s invoice.
 44.What is Goods Receipt & Goods Issue?
 Goods receipt is the process that enables the receipt of material from a vendor or from
the in-house production process. There are other types of goods receipts in SAP that
include initial stock creation. The goods receipt process also increases stock due to
one of the following processes:
 Receipt of production order
  Receipt of the purchase order
 Initial inventory entry
 Others
· Goods issue is a process in which the stock in the warehouse is reduced due to any
of the following reasons:
 Shipment to a customer
 Stock withdrawal for a production order
 Return of materials
 Material required for sampling
 Scrapping of materials

45.How Many Po Type Are There?

In purchasing document types are divided in two types:
a) Internal purchasing document 
Example: purchase requisition
b) External purchasing document 
Example: quotation, purchase order, contract, schedule agreement. 

46.Where Is The Purchase Order Text Stored?

It is stored in the tables STXH, STXL.  Text gets stored as object ID and text ID.

47.How MM pricing procedure determine on purchasing documents?

 MM pricing procedure determine base on schema group purchasing, Schema group Vendor

Schema group purchasing org is assigned to standard purchasing org.

48.How to Handel free items in PO?

While creating PO, we can tick the item as free item in item overview section of PO. The
price will be zero for free marked item.

49.What is the ticketing tool are youusing?

Service now : I am currently using service now for production support. Transports will be
moved by another tool called “CHARM”

I have worked on tool – “ Solman” in my previous clients.

50.Explain any recent enhancement?

Current scenario : PO document output is currently triggering vendor partner function “VN
– Vendor”, but sometimes email id doesn’t maintain in the Vendor, due to this PO
information is not reaching to the vendor.

Issue :Though email is not there, PO output shows as successful.

Business requirement : When email is not maintained output should be errored out, and the
same have to reprocessed in ME9F transaction code.

Solution : A new output routine have developed where we will check vendor has email id or

For this we will send PO to table - EKKO and pickup VENDOR code

Then pass VENDOR CODE TO table - LFA1 and pickup ADRNR number

Then pass ADRNR numberTO table - ADR6 and check.

We have assigned new output routine in the output procedure for the respective output type.

PO Output email can be seen in transaction code - SOST

Accordingly program will act by passing or failing the output type.

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