Bulk Carriers: Technical Expertise and High Standards You Can Count On
Bulk Carriers: Technical Expertise and High Standards You Can Count On
Bulk Carriers: Technical Expertise and High Standards You Can Count On
The ideal solution
for every bulk carrier
owner or operator
The “workhorses of the Seven Seas”, bulk carriers have to work ÂÂ Corrosion protection – advice and support in corrosion
under extreme conditions and require intelligent solutions to protection and coating systems in general
operate effectively throughout a long working life. Germanischer
ÂÂ Fuel oil tank protection – advice and support in the best
Lloyd is the ideal partner for your bulk carrier fleet. We sup-
possible arrangement to ensure compliance with MARPOL
port you in optimising the operational efficiency and safety of
bulk carriers by the use of advanced structural analyses. What’s
more, our GL CSR consulting service provides proactive support
Germanischer Lloyd also offers a host of certification options.
in optimising weight increases caused by application of the
For instance, equipment certification for anchoring, lifting,
IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR).
mooring and more, as well as class and statutory certification.
GL is authorised by more than 120 flag states to carry out ship
As one of the only classification societies to do so, German-
safety inspections on their behalf in accordance with SOLAS,
ischer Lloyd offers comprehensive training of personnel for
MARPOL and load line requirements, to name just a few. Even
bulk carrier regulations and operations. The GL Academy is
if your bulk carrier is not classed by GL, you are still able to
“where experts learn more“, offering a range of seminars
benefit from our expert certification services.
around the world.
LOA x B x D: 292.02 x 45.00 x 24.80 m
Gross tonnage: 94,250
Deadweight: 179,558 t
Class notation hull: GL 8 100 A5,
Bulk Carrier, ESP, CSR, BC-A,
{holds 2, 4, 6, 8 may be empty},
GRAB [25 t], DBC, IW
Class notation machinery: 7 MC, AUT
The ideal solution for every bulk carrier owner or operator
ÂÂ Emergency Response Service – within a short space of time, It includes GL Pegasus, a specialised software tool – based on a
GL can simulate a ship’s condition and advise on damage 3D model of the vessel – for quicker generation of reports by
stability and residual strength as well as recommend salvage thickness measurement companies. This gives all stakeholders
measures a complete overview of the hull structure condition, enabling
optimised planning of repair and maintenance.
ÂÂ Port State Controls – GL offers guidelines for onboard
maintenance to minimise the risk of being detained by
With more than 100,000 survey orders, Germanischer Lloyd’s
the port authorities
fleet online is one of the most highly used tools available free
ÂÂ High standard compliance – issuance of full-term certificates, of charge for GL customers. GL’s fleet online is a Web-based
class extensions and condition and admission-to-class fleet management system to manage an entire fleet. In just a few
surveys steps, this tool allows surveys to be planned, ordered, monitored
and coordinated to best fit in with ship deployment schedules.
Germanischer Lloyd also offers the Hull Lifecycle Programme Shipowners and operators can access the current positions
(HLP), a class notation for shipowners and operators that of their ships online, allowing them to monitor arrivals and
assesses the condition of the ship’s hull throughout its life cycle. departures more precisely and plan deployment more exactly.
Optimised trim for every cargo Tailor-made monitoring solutions
The influence of trim on fuel consumption is well known, It is becoming increasingly essential to avoid unexpected down-
however there is no universal optimum trim for a vessel. time. If an incident occurs that prevents the bulk carrier from
Ideal values depend not only on the hull shape and onboard carrying on with the job, this can lead to heavy financial losses.
cargo, but also various operating parameters such as speed, Therefore, you need to be able to rely on ship machinery
displacement and water depth. To determine the optimal components and systems. Condition-based maintenance (CBM)
trim for each specific ship type, Germanischer Lloyd offers by Germanischer Lloyd can do the job just right. CBM as part
ECO-Assistant. This stand-alone software tool calculates the of a planned maintenance system (PMS) improves the planning
optimum dynamic trim for the specific operating conditions. of preventive maintenance activities. It uses measurement-based
The associated static trim, which may be measured in port, diagnostic methods to monitor the actual condition of a
is also computed so that the crew can adjust the static trim component without ever opening it up.
while loading the vessel.
The benefits of condition-based maintenance are clear:
Germanischer Lloyd’s ECO-Assistant is so effective in improving
ÂÂ Prevention of unexpected breakdowns of critical components
fuel efficiency that it was honoured with the Lloyd’s List Asia
Award in autumn 2012. ÂÂ Higher machinery availability and increased vessel profitability
LOA x B x D: 224.98 x 32.26 x 19.73 m
Gross tonnage: 41,213
Deadweight: 75,377 t
Class notation hull: GL 8 100 A5,
E1, Bulk Carrier, ESP, CSR, BC-A,
{holds 2, 4, 6 may be empty},
GRAB [25 t], DBC, DG, BWM, IW
Class notation machinery: 7 MC,
Source: Harren & Partner Maritime Services GmbH
The ideal solution for every bulk carrier owner or operator
GL’s bulk carrier experts are able to draw up the best main-
Easy environmental protection overview
tenance solution for your specific needs. Our tailor-made Protection of the environment will continue to be an important
concept provides non-biased support and minimises your issue in the maritime industry. To cater to new regulations, we
investment risk. offer the GL Environmental Passport. It gives you a quick, easy
overview of the ship’s environmental protection properties by
In addition to CBM, GL offers its Condition Assessment Pro- compiling voluntary and mandatory certificates into a single
gramme (CAP) consultancy service. It provides you with an document. The GL Environmental Passport focuses on engine
independent, in-depth assessment and verification of your and incinerator emissions, pollution by sewage or rubbish and
bulk carrier’s condition. In addition to classification, CAP is an ballast water management, to name just a few.
ideal means of demonstrating the quality of the vessel and is
becoming increasingly important in preventing unexpected GL-classed ships that meet the above-mentioned requirements
downtime. CAP monitors all sections and spaces of a ship for are eligible for EP class notation. However, irrespective of class,
wear and tear, provides comprehensive documentary evidence the GL Environmental Passport is available to all stakeholders
and helps to improve safety standards and reliability. in the maritime industry.
LOA x B x D: 189.99 x 32.26 x 18.37 m LOA x B x D: 175.6 x 26.00 x 15.28 m
Gross tonnage: 32,929 Gross tonnage: 20,234
Deadweight: 56,823 t Deadweight: 33,173 t
Cargo gear: Crane 30 t x 28 m x 4 Cargo gear: Gravity-type self-unloading system
Class notation hull: GL 8 100 A5, Bulk Carrier, Class notation hull: GL 8 100 A5, Bulk Carrier,
ESP, CSR, BC-A, {holds 2, 4 may be empty}, ESP, BC-B, DBC, NAV-OC, BWM, IW
GRAB [20 t], DBC, DG, BWM, IW, ERS Class notation machinery: 7 MC, AUT
Class notation machinery: 7 MC, AUT
Bulk carrier expertise
to support shipyards
and designers
Germanischer Lloyd is the ”one-stop shop” for shipyards take into account global design aspects such as longitudinal
around the world. From the early design stage to construction and torsional strength of the hull as well as local strength and
and delivery of the bulk carrier, our advanced engineering deformation of cargo hold structures. Careful consideration
know-how and tools drive innovation and minimise costs. has to be given to interactive forces in the design of hatch
covers and hatchways. If applicable, we develop an optimised
With FutureShip, an impartial company of Germanischer Lloyd,
crane and crane foundation design that helps to maximise the
expert consultants and advanced engineering services help to
stowage area.
address the challenges of today’s bulk carrier needs. Specialised
consulting in the fields of maritime strategy, ship design and GL offers a number of state-of-the-art design and simulation
operations, and compliance is complemented by in-depth market tools to assist shipyards:
knowledge and sophisticated measurement services. From
ÂÂ GL ShipModel, a pre-processor for generating FE models for
initial concept to delivery of vessels, FutureShip provides a
global strength and vibration analysis, significantly speeds
comprehensive range of design and energy efficiency solutions
up modelling processes and enhances model quality
that enable shipowners and operators alike to reap the full
potential of their fleet. ÂÂ GL ShipLoad is the fastest tool available to help generate,
select and apply loads for global FE analysis of ship
For decades, Germanischer Lloyd has served as a competent structures at the design stage
advisor to governments, the IMO, flag states and port states.
ÂÂ An integrated calculation of crane in operation and
Therefore, we have the expert foundation for providing guid-
intersection with the hull structure
ance on compliancy with all current and upcoming regulations,
and for ensuring these are addressed as early as possible to ÂÂ Optimisation of de-ballasting capacities for high
avoid costly refits later. With our support, shipyards benefit loading rates
from a smooth shipbuilding process all the way down the line.
Since April 2006, the IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR)
have been in force for all bulk carriers, single- or double-sided,
Reliable expert services of at least 90 metres in length. These rules aim to ensure robust
GL’s range of shipyard services not only includes plan approval, bulk carriers, dealing with issues such as thickness, corrosion,
project management and the coordination between the ship- critical areas and fatigue. GL has been leveraging its advanced
owner and shipyard, but also unique design solutions based engineering know-how to provide ship designers with calcula-
on advanced engineering know-how and tools. Our experts tion packages that facilitate efficient support for compliancy.
LOA x B x D: 179.91 x 28.40 x 14.45 m
Gross tonnage: 20,954
Deadweight: 32,386 t
Cargo gear: Crane 30 t x 26 m x 4
Class notation hull: GL 8 100 A5,
Bulk Carrier, ESP, CSR, BC-A,
{holds 2, 4 may be empty},
GRAB [20 t], DBC, DG, BWM, IW, HLP
Class notation machinery: 7 MC,
Bulk carrier expertise to support shipyards and designers
ÂÂ Fluid dynamics – the prediction of global design, slam- ÂÂ Strength and fatigue – global and local structural strength
ming and sloshing loads, shipboard routing assistance, analyses, fatigue analysis of critical structure details, strength
dynamic stability, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis according to SCR and collision analysis
analysis of loads and cavitation of rudders, propellers
and propulsors
In addition to these engineering services, Germanischer Lloyd and equipment. Therefore, Germanischer Lloyd performs
offers POSEIDON, a cutting-edge preliminary design and analysis a review based on the general arrangement (GA) plan early
tool that facilitates the fast development of hull structures. on in the newbuild project stage – and then throughout the
Thanks to finite element (FE) analyses early in the design stage, vessel’s life cycle. The review supports the shipowner and
POSEIDON can improve productivity and lower costs of struc- shipyard to specify requirements regarding the comfort of
tural design. It improves ship quality and yard productivity by the crew onboard seagoing cargo vessels.
promoting the optimised distribution and weight of structural
material and speeds approval time through electronic transfer
and processing. What’s more, POSEIDON cuts cost of planned
Improved EEDI performance
maintenance and helps avoid unscheduled repairs. For each new bulk carrier above 400 GT, contracted on or after
1 January 2013, an attained Energy Efficiency Design Index
The aspect of noise and vibration onboard are particularly (EEDI) needs to be computed, and for these new ships it should
important. Not only can their strong effects in working and be equal to or less than the required EEDI set by the IMO. With
living spaces cause reduced crew performance, excessive the aim of increasing the energy efficiency of newbuildings, the
vibration can also cause damage to the structure, machinery EEDI can be optimised for bulk carriers, particularly when it
Bulk carrier expertise to support shipyards and designers
comes to hull design and propulsion performance. Germanischer Germanischer Lloyd has set out to change this by providing
Lloyd has the know-how and advanced tools to provide the right state-of-the-art GL Pegasus software. Developed to work with
solution for the shipowner’s or operator’s specific carrier needs. POSEIDON, GL Pegasus reduces the thickness measurement
(TM) process time and increases the quality of the job of
specialist companies by reducing errors and providing an easy
Advisory services for long vessel life interface to evaluate the results.
Ship Type Expert – Shanghai Ship Type Expert – Germany Ship Type Expert – Greece
Cai, Yun Rüde, Jan Dedepsidis, Dimitris
Phone: +86 21 23308 729 Phone: +49 40 36149 4172 Phone: +30 210 42 91 681
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Germanischer Lloyd SE North / East Europe Middle East / Africa Mainland China
Global Sales Germanischer Lloyd Denmark A/S Germanischer Lloyd SE Branch Office Dubai Germanischer Lloyd (China) Co., Ltd.
Brooktorkai 18 Amager Strandvej 390 White Crown Bldg., Room No. 402 Shanghai Central Plaza, Room 1201
20457 Hamburg 2770 Kastrup PO Box 8015, Sheikh Zayed Road 381, Huaihai M. Road
Germany Denmark Dubai, United Arab Emirates 200020 Shanghai, China
Phone: +49 40 36149 6397 Phone: +48 91 4315302 Phone: +97 14 3328842 200 Phone: +86 21 23308 761
www.gl-group.com gs-ne@gl-group [email protected] [email protected]
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