Inductive Grammar Chart (Unit 1, Page 4) : Top Notch Fundamentals
Inductive Grammar Chart (Unit 1, Page 4) : Top Notch Fundamentals
Inductive Grammar Chart (Unit 1, Page 4) : Top Notch Fundamentals
You are an architect. / You’re an architect. You are not an artist. / You’re not an artist. /
You aren’t an artist.
She is a singer. / She’s a singer. She is not a banker. / She’s not a banker. /
She isn’t a banker.
Answer these questions.
1. What form of be do we use with the pronoun I? ________
2. What form of be do we use with the singular pronoun you? ________
3. What form of be do we use with the pronouns he and she? ________
4. What’s the contraction of I am? ___________
5. What’s the contraction of You are? ___________
6. What’s the contraction of He is? ___________
7. What’s the contraction of She is? ___________
Cross out the incorrect sentence.
1. a. He's not a banker. b. He is'nt a banker.
2. a. I'm not an artist. b. I amn't an artist.
3. a. She's no a student. b. She isn't a student.
Complete these grammar rules.
1. The article a is used in front of ___________ nouns.
singular / plural
2. The article an is used in front of ___________ nouns.
singular / plural
3. The article a is used in front of words that begin with _______________.
consonants / vowels
4. The article an is used in front of words that begin with _______________.
consonants / vowels