Principles of Ecology: Before You Read

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Principles of Ecology
Before You Read
Use the “What I Know” column to list the things you know about ecology. Then list the
questions you have about ecology in the “What I Want to Find Out” column.

What I Know What I Want to Find Out What I Learned
I know the study of humans and how bigocal organisms lives. Learned about Biosphere,
their relationship with the Organisms, Biogcal Community,
environment ecosystem.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Science Journal

Organisms such as birds get what they need to survive from their environment. Hypothesize
why is it important for birds to be able to fly long distances.

By flying a long range or distance, the bird is more likely to find the food on which it survives.

Principles of Ecology 11
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Principles of Ecology
Section 1 Organisms and Their Relationships

Main Idea Details

Skim Section 1 of the chapter. Write two questions that come to

mind from the headings and illustration captions.
Accept all reasonable respnses.

Vocabulary Use the vocabulary words in the left margin to complete the graphic
organizer below. List the biological levels from largest to smallest.

abiotic factor Levels of Organization

biological community
Biological community

biotic factor

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

commensalism Compare the terms in the tables by defining them side by side.
ecology habitat niche
places where the organisms
ecosystem Lives out its life all strategies and adaptation a
species uses in life enviroment;
habitat Includes all biotic and abiotic
abiotic factor biotic factor
mutualism the nonliving parts of an organism's
enviroment, Example: soil, light includes all the living organisms that
niche moisture temprature inhabit an enviroment


symbiosis permanent, close association between two or more organisms
of diff species
commensalism mutualism parasitism
symbiosis one species benefits
one species benefits both species benefits and one is harmed
and the other species is
harmed nor benefits

predation predation is a common feeding behavior of natural animals,

plants, and microorganisms where one species feeds on
another for its survival.
12 Principles of Ecology
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Section 1 Organisms and Their Relationship (continued)

Main Idea Details

Ecology Create a journal entry. Imagine that you are an ecologist. Choose
I found this information one plant or animal in nature and write two relationships of that
on page . organism in its environment.
Journal Entry Date _________
Tigers coexist with other predators such as leopards, Asiatic wild dogs,
1. brown bears and wolves throughout most of their range. Usually there is
little interaction between species especially since tigers are mostly
nocturnal (active at night) and the other species are mainly diurnal (active
during the day).

Plant: Sun Plant: Bee can Get Honey by a Sun Plant


The Biosphere Sequence the abiotic and biotic factors. Write abiotic or biotic in
I found this information each square.
on page .
1. lack of 2. dry soil 3. certain
rainfall plants die
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

6. the population
4. rivers 5. animals do of a species
dry up not reproduce diminishes

Levels of Identify each level of organization that is described.

Organization population
a group of organisms of the same species in
I found this information
the same geographic location
on page .
interacting populations
an individual living thing made of cells
all the different populations in a community
a group of ecosystems with the same climate
and similar communities

Principles of Ecology 13
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Section 1 Organisms and Their Relationships (continued)

Main Idea Details

Ecosystem Model a community with several organisms. Show two organisms

Interactions occupying the same niche. Below your sketch, explain why those
two organisms cannot usually occupy the same niche for long.
I found this information
on page .

Two organisms cannot occupy the same niche for long because theycompete
for the same resources. Eventually, one species will out-compete the other

Community Rephrase mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism in your

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Interactions own words. Provide an example of each term.
I found this information mutualism: Certain types of bacteria in our intestines help digestour food
on page .

commensalism: Lichen grows on tree branches

parasitism: A lamprey eel feeds on the blood of another fish. or .

S UMM ARIZE Bacteria live inside our bodies. Analyze helpful, neutral, and
harmful things that bacteria do while living in our bodies. Incorporate the terms
parasitism, mutualism, habitat, and niche in your discussion.
The helpful bacteria can benefit us by keeping invadersat bay or by eating harmful substance

While helpful bacteria use our body as their habitat, they occupythe niche and keep harmful bacteria out

which is a mutualistic relationship. Harmful bacteria canact as parasites by eating food we need, causing
infections, or harming our bodily structures

14 Principles of Ecology

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