Uas Toefl (Ade Ari Agasi)
Uas Toefl (Ade Ari Agasi)
Uas Toefl (Ade Ari Agasi)
NIM : 171000221201035
B. On the
5. The tetracycline, .... antibiotics, are used to to treat infections
A. are af~mily of
B. being a family
C. a family of
D. their family is
6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulants ..... marginal at best
A. it is
B. there is
D. as
B. and became
C. he was
D. and he became
8. The major cause .... the pull of the moon on the Earth
A. the ocean tides are
B.of ocean tides is
C. of the tides in the ocean
D. the oceans' tides
9. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, ...... limited to the rich.
B.was photography was photography was
10. Acomputerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors
embedded in the pavement ..... on a local cable channel during rush hours.
C. arr
D. to air
2. ..... heated by solar energy have special collectors on the roofs to trap sunlight
A.A home is
B.Homes are
C. A home
D. Homes
3. Each number binary system are formed from only two symbols
(B). is
4. Scientists at the medical center is trying to determine if there is a relationship
between saccharine and cancer
(A) are
5. On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawalian Islands are a hotel called the
Volcano Hotel
(B) is
6. The great digital advances of the electronic age, such as integrated circuitry and a
icrocomputer, has been planted in tiny chips.
(C) have
7. There are many frequently mentioned reasons why one out of four arrests involve
a juvenile
(D) involves
8. Kepler’s Laws, principles outlining planetary movement, was formulated based on
observations made whitout a telescope.
(A) were
9. Only with a two-thirds vote by both houses are the U.S. Congress able to override
a presidential veto.
(D) is
10. Of all the evidence that has piled up since webste’s paper was published, there is
no new ideas to contradict his original theory.
(B) is diganti are
(D) Cure
(E) Environment
4. Because bone loss occurs earlier in women than..... the effect of osteoporosis are
more apparent in women.
(B) in men
(E) watery di ganti water, karena perubahan kata benda
6. The U.S. Congress consists of both the Senate as well as the House of
7. The prison population in this state, now at an all time high, is higher than any state
(D) any state diganti the prison population in any other state, karena penjelasan
kalimat kurang tepat
C.the fastest
5 fast
2. The use of detail is ..... method of developing a controlling idea, and almost all
students employ this method.
A .more common
C. most common
D. the most common
Alasan : karena the most berfungsi untuk mendefinikan sesuatu yang kondisinya
paling tinggi
3. ..... in stevenson’s landscapes, the more vitality and character the paintings seem to
A.The brushwork is loose
B.The looser brushwork
C.The loose brushwork is
D.The looser the brushwork is
4. Certain types of snakes have been known to survive fasts more as a year long.
5. the grizzly bear,which can grow up to eight feet tall, has been called a more
dangerous animal of North America.
(D) a more diganti dengan the most, karena the most berfungsi untuk
mendefinikan sesuatu yang kondisinya paling tinggi
6. Climate, soil type, and availability of water are the most critical factors than
selecting the best type of grass for a lawn.
(B) than diganti dengan in, digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa sesuatu ada di
dalam suatu area tertentu.
7. Peter Avelard, a logician and theologian, was the controversialest teacher of his
8. Protein molecules are the most complex than the molecules of carbohydrates.
(B) the most diganti more, karena digunakan pada perbandingan atau comparative
9. The leek, a member of the lily family, has a mildest taste than the onion.
(B) mildest diganti milder, karena Ketika adjective atau kata sifat memiliki satu
suku kata, kita menggunakan tambahan “-er”
1. Alice in wonderland, first published in 1865, has since being translated into thirty
(D) being diganti been, karena untuk menjelaskan keadaan yang telah terjadi
yang tercermin pada perfect tense
2. The peace corps was establish on March 1,1961, by then President John F.
(C) establish diganti established , karena keadaan yang telah lampau
3. The advisor told himself, while listening to the speech, that a dozen other reporters
would has already asked that question
(C) would has diganti would have , karena memiliki subjek yang jamak
4. At the start of the American revolution, lanterns were hung in the Old North
Church as a signal that the British were came.
(E) came diganti coming, karena kata kerja yang sedang terjadi
5. Linus Pauling has wins two Nobel Prizes : the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and
the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize.
(B) wins diganti won , karena bentuk kata kerja lampau (verb 2)
6. On the huge Ferris wheel constructed for a world exhibition in Chicago in 1893,
each of the thirty-six cabs could held sixty people.
7. To overcome rejection of a skin graft, a system for matching donor and recipient
tissues has be developed.
(D) be diganti been, karena menjelaskan keadaan yang telah terjadi yang tercermin
pada perfect tense
8. Nails are commonly make of steel but also can contain substances such as
aluminum or brass.
(B) make diganti made, karena kata kerja (verb 2) yang sudah berlalu
9. A patient suffering from amnesia may had partial or total loss of memory.
(C) had diganti have, karena menggunakan subjek yang jamak
10. The idea of using pure nicotine to help smokers stop waas first tries in the mid-
1980’s with nicotine-laced chewing gum.
(C) spends diganti spent, karena keadaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau
2. Florida has become the twenty-seventh state in the United states on march 3, 1845
(A) Has become diganti became, karena keadaan yang telah terjadi
3. After last week’s meeting, the advertising department quickly realized that the
product will need a new slogan.
4. John F. Kennedy’s grandfather, John F. Fitzgerald, serves two terms as the mayor
of Boston in the beginning of the twentieth century.
(C) Serves diganti served, karena Kakek John F. Kennedy, John F. Fitzgerald,
sudah menjabat dua periode sebagai walikota Boston pada awal abad kedua
(C) Loses diganti lost, karena Seorang pria berusia dua puluh satu tahun menjadi
korban kedua kemarin ketika dia kehilangan kendali atas truknya. keadaan
yang telah lampau
8. Most people hard written with quill pens until pens with metal points become
popular in the middle of the nineteenth century.
(D) become diganti became, karena Kebanyakan orang menulis dengan pena bulu
ayam sampai pena dengan ujung logam menjadi populer di pertengahan abad
kesembilan belas. Menyatakan keadaan yang telah lampau
9. In a determined drive to pare its debt, time warner is launching a stock offering
plan that would potentially raise $2.8 bilion.
(E) would potentially raise diganti will potentially raise, karena menyatakan
10. The formula used in the study calls for either peroxide or metaldehyde, but
metaldehyde was not always available,
7. Toefl Exercise Skills 37-38 (page 285-286)
1. .......... discussed by the board of directors when it was proposed again by the
(G) The problem had already been, karena Masalah itu sudah dibicarakan oleh
direksi saat diusulkan lagi oleh pengawas (keadan yang telah terjadi)
2. Much of the carnage of elephants, giraffes, and big cats ...... uncaring hunters.
(A) Must have been committed by, karena Sebagian besar pembantaian gajah,
jerapah, dan kucing besar Pasti dilakukan oleh pemburu yang tidak peduli.
(keadan yang telah terjadi)
3. The x-ray treatments ....... up to the time that he was dismissed from the hospital.
(B) were given daily, karena Perawatan x-ray diberikan setiap hari sampai dia
dikeluarkan dari rumah sakit. (keadan yang telah terjadi)
4. Particular issues that that concern teenagers were covering in the half-hour
(D) covering diganti covered, karena Isu-isu khusus yang menyangkut remaja
tercakup dalam program setengah jam. (keadaan yang telah terjadi)
5. Electrical impulses may also picked up by the optic nerve.
(D) Picked diganti be picked, karena Impuls listrik juga dapat ditangkap oleh saraf
optik.verb 3
6. Workers training for a specific job have a strong possibility of being replace by a
(E) Replace diganti replaced, karena keadaan yang telah terjadi
7. On June 30, 1992, international timekeepers in Paris were added an extra second to
the day.
8. The report could not be turned in on time because all the needed work lost.
(A) Have be diganti have been, karena keadaan yang telah terjadi
10. He was not able to define the process by which the body had protected by the
immunologic system.
(F) had protected diganti had been protected, karena keadaan yang telah terjadi
(E) respect di ganti Respects, alasan : karena terdapat beberapa benda dan ada kata
2. Through aquaculture, or fish farming, more than 500 million tons of fish are
produced each years.
3. The legal suystem has much safeguards to protect the right of a defendant to an
impartial jury.
(A) much di ganti many, alasan : karena kalimat untuk menghitung dan terdapat
kata benda
5. The Song of Hiawatha, by Longfellow, tells the story of the indian heroism who
married Minehaha.
(C) heroism di ganti hero, alasan : karena kalimat tersebut subject tunggal
7. The sycamore has broad leaves with a large amount of pointed teeth.
(C) amount di ganti number, alasan : kerena kata tersebut menunjukan kata benda
yang dapat di hitung.
8. The first of two such investigation requires the students to read continuously over
a period of four hours.
9. A quantitative analysis, using borth the computer anf quantitative techniques, are
used to optimize financial decisions.
(C) are used d ganti is used, alasan : karena terdapat veb 3
11. To enter the FBI National academy, an application must be between the ages of
twenty-three and thirty-four.
(B) their di ganti his, karena kalimat merujuk pada kepemilikan dari sebuah objek
2. Commercial letters of credit are often used to finance export trade, but them can
have other uses
(C) them di ganti they, karena digunakan sebagai subjek. Untuk kata kerja (verb)
yang dipakai adalah kata kerja bare infinitive.
4. On March 30, 1981, President Reagan was shot as his was leaving a Washington
(C) his di ganti he, karena digunakan untuk menunjuk seseorang yang berjenis
kelamin laki-laki.
5. Although the destruction that it causes is often terrible, cyclones benefit a much
wider belt than they devastate.
(A) it causes di ganti they cause, karena kalimat tersebut terdapat subject jamak.
6. President Andrew Jackson had an official cabinet, but him preferred the advice of
his informal advisors, the Kitchen Cabinet
(B). Him di ganti he, karena karena digunakan untuk menunjuk seseorang yang
berjenis kelamin laki-laki.
7. After Clarence Day’s book Life with Father was rewrittten as a play, they ran for
six years on Broadway
8. Almost half of the Pilgrims did not survive theirs first winter in the New World.
(C) theirs diganti their, karena kalimat tersebut memiliki subject tunggal.
9. There was no indication from the Senate that he would agree with the decision
made in the House.
10. A baby learns the meanings of words as they are spoken by others and later uses
him in sentences.
(E) him di ganti them, karena untuk mengganti jumlah jamak bukan hanya orang
namun juga barang
10. Toefl Exercise (Skills 46 – 48) page 306
(D) unusually di ganti unusual, karena sebelum kata unsually ada kata an yang
menerangkan indefinite dan jika unsually maka di ubah kata an dengan the.
2. By the beginning of the 1980s fifteen states had adopted already no-fault insurance
(F) adopted already di gunakan Already adopted, karena pada makna kata,jika
alredy di belakang adopted maka artinya telah mengandopsi kesalahan undang-
undang dengan sepenuhnya sedangkan jika menggunakan kata alredy adopted
maka artinya sudah mengapdosi undang-undang tanpa kesalahan.
(B) fatally di ganti fatal, karena fatally itu mengadung kata dengan sedangkan fatal
tidak menggunakan dengan.
(D) heavy di ganti heavily, karena penempatan kata dengan (ly) cocok dengan kata
di atas ini
5. Only recently have Gooden’s industrially designers and engineers been able to
optimize Watertred’s unusual tread patterns for mass production.
(B) industrially di ganti indusrial, karena kata dengan tidak tidak cocok pada
kalimat di atas.
6. A baboon’s arms appear as lengthily as its legs
.(C) lengthily di ganti lengthy, karena kata dengan tidak cocok dengan kalimat di
(G) Reliable di ganti reliably, karena kata dengan cocok dengan kalimat di atas.
8. Americans are destroying rapidly wetlands, faster than an every two minutes.
(B) destroying rapidly di ganti rapidly destroying, karena penempatan kata pada
kalimat di atas salah dan di di ubah kata”nya suapaya tepat kalimatnya.
9. The central banking system of the United states consists of twelve banks district.
(H) banks district di ganti District banks, karena penempatan katanya salah.
10. Telegraph servise across the Atlantic was succesful established in 1866.
(F) Succesful diganti successfully, karena kata dengan cocok dengan kalimat di