The Modeling and Simulation of Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels Based On SCILAB
The Modeling and Simulation of Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels Based On SCILAB
The Modeling and Simulation of Rayleigh Flat Fading Channels Based On SCILAB
The Modeling And Simulation Of Rayleigh Flat
Fading Channels Based On SCILAB
Zhenzi Liu Ping Chen,Haofu Liao,Huichao Zhou
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Beijing, China Beijing, China
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract—In the Wireless Communication, the multipath effects, II. JAKES EMULATOR
Doppler shift, and power loss, causing by the dissemination
environment, have always effected the high speed transportation A. Jakes Model [1],[2],[3]
of the data. On the other hand, the complexity and randomness The Fig. 1 is the generate diagram of the Jakes model.
of the wireless communication environment itself have also made 2
the study of the wireless channel’s simulation model very difficult. 2 cos 1
cos( 2 f 1 t ) N
The Jakes model is an ideal simulation model of small-scale
Rayleigh flat fading channels, and it can be realized by the
T C (t )
superimposition of the limited LFO (low frequency oscillators). 2 cosN0
cos( 2f N 0 t )
So, by the simulation of Doppler shift, the analysis of the
multipath effects and taking the advantages of the Jakes model, 1 2cosN01
cos( 2 f m t )
we designed an ideal small-scale Rayleigh flat fading channel 2
block on the SCILAB. The development of this block has not only
improved the communication simulation library of the SCILAB,
but also provided an effective environment of the channel for the
closed-loop test of the wireless communication system. T (t ) TC (t ) jT S (t )
Meanwhile, the application of this channel block has also 2 sin 1
provided a reference platform for the test and construction of the cos( 2 f 1 t )
wireless communication simulation system.
Keywords—Jakes model; small-scale fading channel; Rayleigh 2sin
distribution; Doppler shift; SCILAB
cos( 2f N 0 t )
T S (t )
1 2sinN01
cos( 2 f m t )
The increasingly requirement of the information by people, N
on the one hand, has made a contribution to the development of
the wireless communication services. But on the other hand, Figure 1.The Jakes model composed by N+1 low frequency osscillators
the environment of the wireless communication which brings
the multipath effects, Doppler shift, and noise, has, to some In the Fig. 1,
degree, impeded the development of the wireless
communication services. To improve this kind of condition, the
1 1 (1)
scientists have made a great deal of researches about the N 0 1
characteristics of the wireless channel, and proposed many
useful channel simulation model. The Jakes channel model is
Tc (t ) c n 1
1,n cos(n t ) (2)
just one of them, and it is an ideal simulation model for the
Rayleigh flat fading channel. N 0 1
N 2cos n n 1, 2, , N 0
which is developed by the SCILAB, and has studied the c1,n (4)
statistical characteristics and transmission performances of the
2 2 cos n N0 1
N0 1
Jakes communication channel model.
2 cos1t
c2,n (5)
2 2 sin sin1t
N0 1 n N0 1 Q 1s P1 s
2 n
cos n 1, 2, , N 0 cos N 0 t
n m N Q Nc 0 PNc0
m n N0 1
sin N 0 t
Q Ns 0 PNs 0
N n 1, 2, , N 0
cos N 0 1t
n 0 (7) Q Nc 0 1 PNc0 1
n N0 1
4 sin N 0 1t
QNs 0 1 PNs0 1
The signal generated by Jakes model is neither wide-sense
stationary, nor ergodic. So, we can’t replace the statistical
average by the time average. And its statistical characteristics
can’t meet the requirement of Clarke model: First, its envelope
doesn’t strictly obey the Rayleigh distribution. Second, its cos c t
X s (t ) 90 X c (t )
autocorrelation function doesn’t approach the Bessel function.
Finally, the in-phase and quadrature component of it has a
correlation and the correlation coefficient doesn’t equal to zero.
First, we must define the input and output of the Jakes In the reference model, the phase of each path is random
emulator. Then, in order to reflect the Doppler shift, according and average distribution. So we can define the random phase:
to the Jakes model, the Jakes emulator must provide the speed
= 2*rand()
of the mobile station and the carrier frequency of the
information which determines the maximum Doppler Spread. The rand() has defined in SCILAB, it is an average
Finally, according to the principle of the Jakes model, the Jakes distribution random generator in (0, 1). So the
is an average
emulator uses the limited LFOs to simulate the multipath effect distribution random number in (0, 2). Because the advanced
of the channel. So it is important to provide the number of the Jakes emulator has used the symmetry of the phase, we need to
LPOs which can both determine the number of the path of the call the rand() function respectively to realize the independence
multipath effect and the accuracy of the simulation. of different random phase. The advanced Jakes emulator
belongs to the random model because of the introduction of the
Based on the analysis above, we defined the function of the
random phase.
Jakes emulator in SCILAB:
In the real channel, there is a variety of noises. But in the
function [x, y, z] = JM(N0, v, fc, p, t) simulation, we just take the additive white Gaussian noise
[x, y, z] are the output parameters, they represent the in- (AWGN) into consideration. The power spectral density of the
AWGN has an unlimited bandwidth, and the bilateral power
spectral density of it is usually N0/2. The statistical Rayleigh Distribution
characteristics of the AWGN are shown as follow: 0.6
E=0, 2 N 0 * fs 2
As shown in Fig. 7, for multi-carrier signal, the Doppler
shift will happen on every frequency, and the shift distances of
the frequencies are different. When the shift distance
f m f 2 ( f is the interval of the neighbor frequency),
there will be an interference between neighbor frequencies.
Then the signal will be intermodulation distortion.
C. Autocorrelation Function
The study about the autocorrelation function of the Jakes
emulator is the most intuitive way that reflects whether the
channel characteristic matches the reference model. For the flat
fading channel model, its power spectrum should be the U-
spectrum, the classic power spectrum. So we can verify the
Figure 6.The spectrum of the received signal (single-carrier) channel model by watching its power spectrum.
From Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 we can find that the spectrum of the The Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 are the simulation results f the power
single-frequency signal has been expanded because of the spectral density of the received signal which carrier frequency
Doppler Effect, and we call this process the Doppler Spread. Its is f c 200Hz , and the maximum Doppler shift is f m 100Hz .
maximum Doppler shift is determined by the carrier frequency
f c and the speed of the mobile stationary v (Fig. 5). Besides
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 reflected some characteristics of the Doppler
shift in Jakes emulator: First, the frequency of the Doppler shift
is discrete, and the number of the discrete points is determined
by the number of the LFOs. Second, these discrete frequency
points are distributed around the carrier frequency
symmetrically, and the centralization of these discrete
frequency points increases with the increasing of the offset of
the frequency.
We have known that, for the single-frequency signal, the
Doppler spread just expands its spectrum and enriches its
frequency components. While, in order to reflect the influence
of the Doppler spread to the signal, it is necessary to make a
test of the transmission of the signal under multi-carrier. Figure 8.The power specturm of the received signal (single-carrier) N=82
Assume that the frequency of the multi-carrier signal
is f c {200,250,300,350,400} . For different carrier
frequencies, there will be different Doppler shifts. So we
assume that the maximum Doppler Spread
is f m f c * v (108 *10) , the speed of mobile station is v 108 ,
and the number of multipath is N = 34. So as shown in Fig 7 is
the spectrum of it:
D. The Influence Of The Gaussian White Noise Finally, it has verified the channel which is constructed by the
The Gaussian white noise is the most influential noise Jakes emulator is a Rayleigh flat fading channel for four
among additive noise. The bandwidth of its power spectral reasons: Firstly, its power spectral density matches the classical
density is very wide, and the power spectral density is a U-spectrum. Secondly, its envelope probability density
constant in its bandwidth. So the Gaussian white noise can distribution is Rayleigh distribution. Thirdly, its statistical
seriously impact the transmission of the signal. In order to characteristic is wide-sense stationary and ergodic. Fourthly,
simulate the channel better, we must consider the influence of the signal which goes through the Jakes channel model will
the Gaussian white noise. Because of the specificity of the cause the Doppler shift and multipath effect. At last we make
Gaussian white noise, we can’t generate an ideal noise that the statement that this paper is funded by the Communication
matches the principle completely, but a proximate one. Fig. 10 Engineering National Specialty Construction Projects of
is the spectrum of the received signal which has taken the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (TS2025).
influence of the Gaussian white noise into consideration.
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This paper has first introduced the process of modeling the
Jakes emulator on SCILAB, and then analyzed the statistical
characteristic and transmission performance of the Jakes model.