Technical and Economic Analysis of Ship Launching With Slipway and Airbag KM. Sabuk Nusantara 72 in PT. Janata Marina Indah Shipyard Semarang
Technical and Economic Analysis of Ship Launching With Slipway and Airbag KM. Sabuk Nusantara 72 in PT. Janata Marina Indah Shipyard Semarang
Technical and Economic Analysis of Ship Launching With Slipway and Airbag KM. Sabuk Nusantara 72 in PT. Janata Marina Indah Shipyard Semarang
TEKNIK, 41 (3), 2020, 225-231
STr Programs Marine Engineering and Construction Technology, Department of Industrial Technology, Vocational
School, Diponegoro University,
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275
D3 Programs Ship Design and Construction Technology, Department of Industrial Technology, Vocational School,
Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275
In a ship, planning can not be separated from the planning of the ship launching process. A ship can
perfectly glide if it has high enough planning time and costs. The launch process itself is divided into
several ways. The choice of this method needs to be considered because it relates to the budget and
preparations made. The method used is the calculation according to the numerical approach assisted by
computational software. The first calculation is planned with the slipway launch, and then the next one is
planned with the airbags that have been implemented previously. This study aims to provide analysis
results as a consideration in implementing the slipway and airbag ship launching method on KM Sabuk
Nusantara 72 measuring 2000 DWT. In steps 5 to 6, both the slipway and the airbags experience a stern
lift condition with a value (yVd) of 1396.97 tons. Based on the economic analysis of people's hours using
airbags, there is a decrease in working hours by 44% compared to the launch using a slipway. This also
happened to work productivity, where it was 84% more time effective. When viewed from an investment
point of view, slipways are more economical than an airbag. The difference is 43% more economical
using slipways. Both types of a launch can be applied by looking at the economic side and the ability of
each shipyard in carrying out the launching process and seeing the main size of the ship to be launched.
Keywords: technical and economic analysis; ship launching; slipway; airbag; KM. Sabuk Nusantara 72
1. Introduction allows greater than the bow. The ship launching process
In a ship, planning can not be separated from the requires a substantial investment to plan the launch area
planning of the ship launching process. A ship can perfectly (Fitriadhy & Malek, 2017; Irawanto et al., 2019). As with
glide if it has high enough planning time and costs (Ye, the slipway system, a relatively expensive initial
1994). The launch process itself is divided into several investment will be required to construct a skate structure
ways. This method's choice needs to be considered because with the track (Xiao et al., 2020). From this phenomenon,
it is related to the budget and the preparations made. In innovative technology is considered more practical. It has
general, there are several systems for ship launching high economic value for a more flexible, safe, and reliable
(Fitriadhy & Malek, 2017). Among them is the launching ship launching with no embedded assets, minimum
system is the end launching system. This system is a maintenance, namely by using the airbag launching
method of launching with the stern of the ship touching the method, see Figure 1.
surface of the water first. The consideration in launching Previous research has shown that there have not
with this method is the buoyancy and drag force, which been many investigations on slipway and airbag launching
methods comparison. There are still a few references on
both methods comparison (Fitriadhy & Malek, 2017;
Corresponding author Irawanto et al., 2019). In previous research, there are actual
E-mail: [email protected] conditions in the field. However, it is challenging to predict
Where b is the maximum acceptable width in capacity for each tank on the ship, including if the ship
meters, Wp is the launch weight (tonnes), n is the is empty, see Figure 4.
number of skates planned, S is the length of the launch After modeling the tank capacity and weight of
pad (meters), and is the average maximum stress the tank are calculated, if not with the tank, the weight
that can be accepted by the launch shoes (ton/m). On the of the ship is 976.9 tonnes. This is the weight of the
other hand, the maximum height of the launching shoes empty vessel, including the construction weight and
are adjusted to the distance capacity of the people the shell steel plate. So that by using the launch
working under them (conditions in the field). calculation formula, results are obtained, see Table 2:
The airbag is a pneumatic balloon in a In calculating the launch with airbags, drawing
cylinder's shape with an extension containing synthetic was previously carried out with CAD (Computer Aided
wire like any other tire, as can be seen figure 3. The Design) to represent the scenario or condition of the
combination of these components has the strength to ship when it was launched with airbags, see figure 5.
withstand loads well to work in all conditions (dry or The number of airbags used in the launching process is
wet conditions). Ideally, airbags will distribute the stress 12 units, with each planned installation is 3 - 4 meters
due to the ship's load (Yu et al., 2015),14]. In the end, away. This description can be used to calculate how
there is an end fitting. much the ship's buoyancy (yVd) is on the part of the
The specifications of the airbags used were 0,8 – 2 ship immersed in water (shaded blue). It can also be
m for diameter (D), 6 -18 m for effective length, and 7 used to measure the distance of the longitudinal center
– 19,5 m for total length. of gravity of the ship (LCG) to the end of the ship's
runway, as well as the distance of buoyancy.
3. Results and Discussions Longitudinal/LCB (Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy)
Technical analysis can be started by calculating against the end of the runway. Using the Simpson
the weight of the ship using computer software, formula approach, the following calculations are
modeling the ship to determine the distance of the tank carried out, using slipway steps 5 to 6 from the
and the location of the tank (Yu et al., 2015)]. From measurement results of the Bonjean curve, the
the model that has been made, we can analyze the following data are obtained, see Table 3.
So that yVd is the multiplication between the because the amount of buoyancy on the ship is faster on
displacement and the distance of the buoyancy points in the airbag than the slipway, see Figure 6. The graph
that step, the value is 1396.97 ton.m. The calculation is showed that the buoyancy condition of each loaded
also carried out on the airbag launching method to vessel that is immersed in the water. There is a
obtain the same displacement value. However, the time significant value increase in steps 5 to 6. Both the
for the ship to experience a stern lift is faster. slipway and the airbag experience a stern lift condition
Mathematical calculations using the software with a value of 1396.97 ton.m. When submerged in
result in a comparison of the launch diagram. It showed water, the maximum value of the vessel is 3.39 meters,
that the stern lift step or the start of the stern lifting where the maximum value of buoyancy is 2107.20 tons.
Furthermore, in steps 8 to 10, both ways of gradually of buoyancy then decreases along with the ship-laden
decreasing the buoyancy force, which is 300 ton.m, to condition, which becomes a keel event.
the last laden condition of the ship, which is 1.7 meters Both launch types can be applied by looking at
with a buoyancy of 1456.88 tonnes. the economic side and each shipyard's ability to carry
Economic analysis can be calculated based on out the launching process and see its main size. If it
the amount of cost required to plan this launch based on applies to slipway launches, the initial investment will
surveys and data collection at the shipyard (Yu et al., be more significant. However, along with the increase in
2015)]. From the cost comparison, it can be seen that 3 ship production, this will soon be covered more
parameters are used as references in this economic precisely in large-class shipyards with advanced
analysis. See Table 4. technology and sufficient outside areas. Suppose this is
From these results, it can be ascertained that applied to the launch of airbags. In that case, the initial
each selection of the launching method has advantages investment costs will be smaller with a small production
and disadvantages in terms of investment costs and capacity, meaning that it will be appropriate for small
people working hours. So that in planning a ship and medium-class shipyards.
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