Agriculture Sensor Board 2.0

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Agriculture 2.

Technical Guide

Document version: v5.0 - 11/2015

© Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.

1. General.................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. General and safety information...............................................................................................................................................5
1.2. Conditions of use..........................................................................................................................................................................5

2. Waspmote Plug & Sense!...................................................................................................................... 6

2.1. Features............................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2. Sensor Probes.................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.3. Solar Powered................................................................................................................................................................................7
2.4. Programming the Nodes............................................................................................................................................................8
2.5. Radio Interfaces.............................................................................................................................................................................9
2.6. Program in minutes................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.7. Data to the Cloud....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8. Meshlium Storage Options..................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.9. Meshlium Connection Options............................................................................................................................................ 11
2.10. Models......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.10.1. Smart Agriculture.....................................................................................................................................................13

3. Hardware............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.1. General Description.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.2. Specifications.............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3. Electrical Characteristics.......................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4. Agriculture 2.0 Board Versions.............................................................................................................................................. 16

4. Sensors................................................................................................................................................ 17
4.1. Atmospheric Pressure Sensor (MPX4115A)...................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................17
4.1.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................17
4.1.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2. Leaf Wetness Sensor (LWS)..................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................19
4.2.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................19
4.3. Humidity Sensor (808H5V5)................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................20
4.3.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................20
4.3.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................21

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4.4. Temperature Sensor (MCP9700A)........................................................................................................................................ 22

4.4.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................22
4.4.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................22
4.4.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................23
4.5. Luminosity Sensor (LDR) ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
4.5.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................23
4.5.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................23
4.5.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................24
4.6. Humidity+Temperature Sensor (SHT75)............................................................................................................................ 25
4.6.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................25
4.6.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................26
4.6.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................26
4.7. Soil Moisture Sensor (Watermark)....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.7.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................27
4.7.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................27
4.7.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................28
4.8. Soil Temperature Sensor (PT-1000)...................................................................................................................................... 29
4.8.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................29
4.8.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................30
4.8.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................31
4.9. Trunk Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DC2)............................................................................................................... 31
4.9.1. Specifications................................................................................................................................................................31
4.9.2. Measurement Process...............................................................................................................................................32
4.9.3. Socket..............................................................................................................................................................................32
4.10. Stem Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DD)................................................................................................................ 33
4.10.1. Specifications.............................................................................................................................................................33
4.10.2. Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................................33
4.10.3. Socket...........................................................................................................................................................................34
4.11. Fruit Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DF).................................................................................................................. 34
4.11.1. Specifications.............................................................................................................................................................34
4.11.2. Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................................34
4.11.3. Socket...........................................................................................................................................................................35
4.12. Solar Radiation Sensor - PAR (SQ-110)............................................................................................................................. 35
4.12.1. Specifications.............................................................................................................................................................35
4.12.2. Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................................36
4.12.3. Socket...........................................................................................................................................................................37
4.13. Ultraviolet Radiation Sensor (SU-100).............................................................................................................................. 37
4.13.1. Specifications.............................................................................................................................................................37
4.13.2. Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................................38
4.13.3. Socket...........................................................................................................................................................................39

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4.14. Weather Station (WS-3000).................................................................................................................................................. 39

4.14.1. Anemometer..............................................................................................................................................................40 Specifications.............................................................................................................................................40 Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................40 Socket...........................................................................................................................................................40
4.14.2. Wind Vane....................................................................................................................................................................41 Specifications.............................................................................................................................................41 Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................41 Socket...........................................................................................................................................................42
4.14.3. Pluviometer................................................................................................................................................................42 Specifications.............................................................................................................................................42 Measurement Process.............................................................................................................................43 Socket...........................................................................................................................................................43
4.15. Integration of New Sensors................................................................................................................................................. 44
4.16. Sockets for casing................................................................................................................................................................... 44

5. Board configuration and programming........................................................................................... 47

5.1. Hardware configuration.......................................................................................................................................................... 47
5.2. API.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

6. API Changelog.................................................................................................................................... 51

7. Consumption...................................................................................................................................... 52
7.1. Power control.............................................................................................................................................................................. 52
7.2. Tables of consumption............................................................................................................................................................. 53
7.3. Low consumption mode......................................................................................................................................................... 53

8. Documentation changelog................................................................................................................ 54

9. Maintenance....................................................................................................................................... 55

10. Disposal and recycling..................................................................................................................... 56

Appendix 1: Watermark sensor’s interpretation reference................................................................. 57

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1. General
1.1. General and safety information
•• In this section, the term “Waspmote” encompasses both the Waspmote device itself and its modules and sensor boards.
•• Read through the document “General Conditions of Libelium Sale and Use”.
•• Do not allow contact of metallic objects with the electronic part to avoid injuries and burns.
•• NEVER submerge the device in any liquid.
•• Keep the device in a dry place and away from any liquid which may spill.
•• Waspmote consists of highly sensitive electronics which is accessible to the exterior, handle with great care and avoid
bangs or hard brushing against surfaces.
•• Check the product specifications section for the maximum allowed power voltage and amperage range and consequently
always use a current transformer and a battery which works within that range. Libelium is only responsible for the correct
operation of the device with the batteries, power supplies and chargers which it supplies.
•• Keep the device within the specified range of temperatures in the specifications section.
•• Do not connect or power the device with damaged cables or batteries.
•• Place the device in a place only accessible to maintenance personnel (a restricted area).
•• Keep children away from the device in all circumstances.
•• If there is an electrical failure, disconnect the main switch immediately and disconnect that battery or any other power
supply that is being used.
•• If using a car lighter as a power supply, be sure to respect the voltage and current data specified in the “Power Supplies”
•• If using a battery in combination or not with a solar panel as a power supply, be sure to use the voltage and current data
specified in the “Power supplies” section.
•• If a software or hardware failure occurs, consult the Libelium Web Development section.
•• Check that the frequency and power of the communication radio modules together with the integrated antennas are
allowed in the area where you want to use the device.
•• Waspmote is a device to be integrated in a casing so that it is protected from environmental conditions such as light, dust,
humidity or sudden changes in temperature. The board supplied “as is” is not recommended for a final installation as the
electronic components are open to the air and may be damaged.

1.2. Conditions of use

•• Read the “General and Safety Information” section carefully and keep the manual for future consultation.
•• Use Waspmote in accordance with the electrical specifications and the environment described in the “Electrical Data”
section of this manual.
•• Waspmote and its components and modules are supplied as electronic boards to be integrated within a final product. This
product must contain an enclosure to protect it from dust, humidity and other environmental interactions. In the event of
outside use, this enclosure must be rated at least IP-65.
•• Do not place Waspmote in contact with metallic surfaces; they could cause short-circuits which will permanently damage it.

Further information you may need can be found at:

The “General Conditions of Libelium Sale and Use” document can be found at:

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2. Waspmote Plug & Sense!

The new Waspmote Plug & Sense! line allows you to easily deploy wireless sensor networks in an easy and scalable way ensuring
minimum maintenance costs. The new platform consists of a robust waterproof enclosure with specific external sockets to
connect the sensors, the solar panel, the antenna and even the USB cable in order to reprogram the node. It has been specially
designed to be scalable, easy to deploy and maintain.

Note: For a complete reference guide download the “Waspmote Plug & Sense! Technical Guide” in the Development section of
the Libelium website.

2.1. Features
•• Robust waterproof IP65 enclosure
•• Add or change a sensor probe in seconds
•• Solar powered with internal and external panel options
•• Radios available: ZigBee, 802.15.4, WiFi, 868MHz, 900MHz, LoRaWAN, LoRa, Sigfox, 3G/GPRS and Bluetooth Low Energy
•• Over the air programming (OTAP) of multiple nodes at once
•• Special holders and brackets ready for installation in street lights and building fronts
•• Graphical and intuitive programming interface
•• External, contactless reset with magnet
•• External SIM connector for GPRS or 3G models

2.2. Sensor Probes

Sensor probes can be easily attached by just screwing them into the bottom sockets. This allows you to add new sensing
capabilities to existing networks just in minutes. In the same way, sensor probes may be easily replaced in order to ensure the
lowest maintenance cost of the sensor network.

Figure : Connecting a sensor probe to Waspmote Plug & Sense!

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2.3. Solar Powered

Battery can be recharged using the internal or external solar panel options.
The external solar panel is mounted on a 45º holder which ensures the maximum performance of each outdoor installation.

Figure : Waspmote Plug & Sense! powered by an external solar panel

For the internal option, the solar panel is embedded on the front of the enclosure, perfect for use where space is a major

Figure : Internal solar panel

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

Figure : Waspmote Plug & Sense! powered by an internal solar panel

2.4. Programming the Nodes

Waspmote Plug & Sense! can be reprogrammed in two ways:

The basic programming is done from the USB port. Just connect the USB to the specific external socket and then to the computer
to upload the new firmware.

Figure : Programming a node

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

Over the Air Programming is also possible once the node has been installed. With this technique you can reprogram wirelessly
one or more Waspmote sensor nodes at the same time by using a laptop and the Waspmote Gateway.

Figure : Typical OTAP process

2.5. Radio Interfaces

Model Protocol Frequency txPower Sensitivity Range *

XBee-802.15.4-Pro 802.15.4 2.4GHz 100mW -100dBm 7000m

XBee-ZB-Pro ZigBee-Pro 2.4GHz 50mW -102dBm 7000m

XBee-868 RF 868MHz 315mW -112dBm 12Km

XBee-900 RF 900MHz 50mW -100dBm 10Km

868 and 433MHz. 900- - km - Typical
LoRaWAN LoRaWAN 915MHz version coming 14dBm -136dBm base station
in 2016. range
LoRa RF 868 and 900MHz 14dBm -137dBm 22Km
- km - Typical
Sigfox Sigfox 868MHz 14dBm -126dBm base station
WiFi 802.11b/g 2.4GHz 0dBm - 12dBm -83dBm 50m-500m
850MHz/900MHz/ 2W(Class4) 850MHz/900MHz, - Km - Typical
GPRS Pro and GPRS+GPS - -109dBm
1800MHz/1900MHz 1W(Class1) 1800MHz/1900MHz carrier range
Tri-Band UMTS UMTS 900/1900/2100 0,25W
2100/1900/900MHz - Km - Typical
3G/GPRS - GSM 850MHz/900MHz 2W -106dBm
Quad-Band GSM/EDGE, carrier range
850/900/1800/1900 MHz DCS1800MHz/PCS1900MHz 1W
Bluetooth v.4.0 /
Bluetooth Low Energy 2.4GHz 3dBm -103dBm 100m
Bluetooth Smart

* Line of sight, Fresnel zone clearance and 5dBi dipole antenna.

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2.6. Program in minutes

In order to program the nodes an intuitive graphic interface has been developed. Developers just need to fill a web form in
order to obtain the complete source code for the sensor nodes. This means the complete program for an specific application
can be generated just in minutes. Check the Code Generator to see how easy it is at:

Figure : Code Generator

2.7. Data to the Cloud

The Sensor data gathered by the Waspmote Plug & Sense! nodes is sent to the Cloud by Meshlium, the Gateway router specially
designed to connect Waspmote sensor networks to the Internet via Ethernet, WiFi and 3G interfaces.

Thanks to Meshlium’s new feature, the Sensor Parser, now it is easier to receive any frame, parse it and store the data into a local
or external Data Base.

Figure : Meshlium

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2.8. Meshlium Storage Options

Figure : Meshlium Storage Options

• Local Data Base

• External Data Base

2.9. Meshlium Connection Options

Figure : Meshlium Connection Options

•• XBee / LoRa / GPRS / 3G / WiFi → Ethernet

•• XBee / LoRa / GPRS / 3G / WiFi → WiFi
•• XBee / LoRa / GPRS / 3G / WiFi → 3G/GPRS

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2.10. Models
There are some defined configurations of Waspmote Plug & Sense! depending on which sensors are going to be used. Waspmote
Plug & Sense! configurations allow to connect up to six sensor probes at the same time.

Each model takes a different conditioning circuit to enable the sensor integration. For this reason each model allows to connect
just its specific sensors.

This section describes each model configuration in detail, showing the sensors which can be used in each case and how to
connect them to Waspmote. In many cases, the sensor sockets accept the connection of more than one sensor probe. See the
compatibility table for each model configuration to choose the best probe combination for the application.

It is very important to remark that each socket is designed only for one specific sensor, so they are not interchangeable.
Always be sure you connected probes in the right socket, otherwise they can be damaged.

Figure : Identification of sensor sockets

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

2.10.1. Smart Agriculture

The Smart Agriculture models allow to monitor multiple environmental parameters involving a wide range of applications. It
has been provided with sensors for air and soil temperature and humidity (Sensirion), solar visible radiation, wind speed and
direction, rainfall, atmospheric pressure , etc.

The main applications for this Waspmote Plug & Sense! model are precision agriculture, irrigation systems, greenhouses, weather
stations, etc. Refer to Libelium website for more information.

Two variants are possible for this model, normal and PRO. Next section describes each configuration in detail.

Figure : Smart Agriculture Waspmote Plug & Sense! model

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Waspmote Plug & Sense!

Sensor sockets are configured as shown in the figure below.

Sensor Sensor probes allowed for each sensor socket

Socket Parameter Reference
A Humidity + Temperature (Sensirion) 9247
B Atmospheric pressure 9250
Soil temperature 86949*
Soil moisture 9248
Weather Station WS-3000 (anemometer + 9256
wind vane + pluviometer)
E Soil moisture 9248
Leaf wetness 9249
Soil moisture 9248

Figure : Sensor sockets configuration for Smart Agriculture model

* Ask Libelium Sales Department for more information.

Note: For more technical information about each sensor probe go to the Development section in Libelium website.

Sensor sockets are configured as shown in the figure below.

Sensor Sensor probes allowed for each sensor socket

Socket Parameter Reference
A Humidity + Temperature (Sensirion) 9247
B Soil temperature 9255
C Solar radiation 9251, 9257
Soil temperature 86949*
Soil moisture 9248
Dendrometers 9252, 9253, 9254
Soil moisture 9248
Lear wetness 9249
Soil moisture 9248

Figure : Sensor sockets configuration for Smart Agriculture PRO model

* Ask Libelium Sales Department for more information.

Note: For more technical information about each sensor probe go to the Development section in Libelium website.

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3. Hardware
3.1. General Description
The Waspmote Agriculture 2.0 Board allows to monitor multiple environmental parameters involving a wide range of
applications, from growing development analysis to weather observation. For this, it has been provided with sensors for air and
soil temperature and humidity, luminosity, solar visible radiation, wind speed and direction, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, leaf
wetness and fruit or trunk diameter (dendrometer). Up to 15 sensors can be connected at the same time. With the objective
of extending the durability of the device after the deployment, the board is endowed with a solid state switches system that
facilitates a precise regulation of its power, prolonging the life of the battery.

3.2. Specifications

Weight: 20gr
Dimensions: 73.5 x 51 x 1.3 mm
Temperature Range: [-20ºC, 65ºC]

Figure : Upper side

3.3. Electrical Characteristics

Board Power Voltages: 3.3V & 5V
Sensor Power Voltages: 3.3V & 5V
Maximum admitted current (continuous): 200mA
Maximum admitted current (peak): 400mA

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3.4. Agriculture 2.0 Board Versions

The Agriculture 2.0 Board for Waspmote includes all the electronics and sockets necessary to connect the most typical sensors
in agriculture applications, air temperature and humidity (MCP9700A, 808H5V5 and SHT75), soil moisture (Watermark), leaf
wetness (LWS), atmospheric pressure (MPX4115A) and Weather Station (WS-3000 includes pluviometer, anemometer and
vane). A PRO version of the board has been created, which also includes the components necessary to include sensors for more
specific applications, such as the solar radiation sensor (SQ-110 or SU-100), the dendrometers (DD, DC2 and DF), and the soil
temperature sensor (PT1000).

Sensors in the Agriculture 2.0 Board:

•• Temperature sensor MCP9700A by Microchip

•• Humidity sensor 808H5V5 by Sencera
•• Temperature and humidity sensor SHT75 by Sensirion
•• Soil moisture sensor Watermark by Irrometer
•• Atmospheric pressure sensor MPX4115A by Freescale
•• Leaf wetness sensor LWS
•• Weather Station WS-3000 (Anemometer, Wind Vane and Pluviometer)
•• Luminosity sensor (LDR)

Sensors added in the PRO version:

•• Solar radiation sensor SQ-110 by Apogee

•• Ultraviolet radiation sensor SU-100 by Apogee
•• DC2, DD and DF dendrometers by Ecomatik
•• Soil temperature sensor PT1000

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4. Sensors
4.1. Atmospheric Pressure Sensor (MPX4115A)
4.1.1. Specifications
Measurement range: 15 ~ 115kPa
Output signal: 0.2 ~ 4.8V (0 ~ 85ºC)
Sensitivity: 46mV/kPa
Accuracy: <±1.5%V (0 ~ 85ºC)
Typical consumption: 7mA
Maximum consumption: 10mA
Supply voltage: 4.85 ~ 5.35V
Operation temperature: -40 ~ +125ºC
Storage temperature: -40 ~ +125ºC
Response time: 20ms Figure : MPX4115A Sensor

4.1.2. Measurement Process

The MPX4115A sensor converts atmospheric pressure to an analog voltage value in a range covering between 0.2V and 4.8V. As
this is a range which exceeds the maximum value admitted by Waspmote, its output has been adapted to fit in a range between
0.12V and 2.88V.

To read the sensor it is sufficient to capture the analog value in its input (ANALOG3) via the corresponding command. The function
of the library readValue() returns the atmospheric pressure value in kilopascals (kPa). The 5V power supply of the sensor may
be connected or disconnected through a switch by activating or deactivating the digital pin DIGITAL7. It is highly recommended
to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the
consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

Figure : Graph of the MPX4115A sensor’s output voltage with regard to pressure taken from the Freescale sensor’s data sheet

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Reading Code:

float value_pressure = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_PRESSURE);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_pressure = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_PRESSURE);

You can find a complete example code for reading the atmospheric pressure sensor in the following link:

4.1.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the MPX4115A sensor

A socket consisting of a 6 female pins, 2.54mm pitch strip has been added for the atmospheric pressure sensor. More information
about the sockets for casing applications can be found in section “Sockets for Casing”.

4.2. Leaf Wetness Sensor (LWS)

4.2.1. Specifications
Resistance Range: 5kΩ ~ >2MΩ
Output Voltage Range: 1V ~ 3.3V
Length: 3.95cm
Width: 1.95 cm

Figure : Leaf Wetness Sensor

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4.2.2. Measurement Process

The leaf wetness sensor behaves as a resistance of a very high value (infinite, for practical purposes) in absence of condensation
in the conductive combs that make it up, and that may fall down to about 5kΩ when it is completely submerged in water. The
voltage at its output is inversely proportional to the humidity condensed on the sensor, and can be read at the analog input of
Waspmote ANALOG6 when selected the proper output of a multiplexer that connects this sensor and one of the Watermark soil
humidity sensors to that analog pin. The value returned by the reading function of the library corresponds to the percentage of
condensation present on the sensor. The power supply of the sensor (3.3V) can be cut off or connected through the switched
controlled by the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global
consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter
“Board configuration and programming”).

Reading code:

float value_lw = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_LEAF_WETNESS);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_lw = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_LEAF_WETNESS);

You can find a complete example code for reading the leaf wetness sensor in the following link:

4.2.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the Leaf Wetness Sensor

In the image above we can see highlighted the two pins of the terminal block where the sensor must be connected to the board.

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4.3. Humidity Sensor (808H5V5)

4.3.1. Specifications
Measurement range: 0 ~ 100%RH
Output signal: 0.8 ~ 3.9V (25ºC)
Accuracy: <±4%RH (a 25ºC, range 30 ~ 80%), <±6%RH (range 0 ~ 100)
Typical consumption: 0.38mA
Maximum consumption: 0.5mA
Power supply: 5VDC ±5%
Operation temperature: -40 ~ +85ºC
Storage temperature: -55 ~ +125ºC
Response time: <15 seconds

Figure : Image of the 808H5V5 sensor

4.3.2. Measurement Process

This is an analog sensor which provides a voltage output proportional to the relative humidity in the atmosphere. As the sensor’s
signal is outside of that permitted to the Waspmote’s input, it’s output voltage has been adapted to a range of values between
0.48V and 2.34V.

The reading of the sensor is carried out at the analog input pin ANALOG2. The function of the library readValue() returns the
humidity value in relative humidity percentage (%RH). Like the output of the Leaf Wetness Sensor, the output of the 808H5V5 is
connected, along with the output of one of the Watermark sensors, to a multiplexer that allows the connection of both sensors
at the same time. The output of this multiplexer can be selected using the digital pin DIGITAL3, while the 5V power of the sensor
is regulated through a switch activated by the digital pin DIGITAL5, that controls the power of the solar radiation, temperature,
humidity, dendrometer, leaf wetness and temperature plus humidity sensors simultaneously. It is highly recommended to
switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the
consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

Reading code:

float value_humidity = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_HUMIDITY);
delay(15000); //waiting for the sensor response time
value_humidity = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_HUMIDITY);

You can find a complete example code for reading the humidity sensor in the following link:

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Figure : 808H5V5 humidity sensor output taken from the Sencera Co. Ltd sensor data sheet

4.3.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the 808H5V5 sensor

In the figure above we have an image of the socket for the 808H5V5 sensor with the pins corresponding to the ones marked in
the chip. More information about the sockets for casing applications can be found in section “Sockets for Casing”.

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4.4. Temperature Sensor (MCP9700A)

4.4.1. Specifications
Measurement range: -40ºC ~ +125ºC
Output voltage (0ºC): 500mV
Sensitivity: 10mV/ºC
Accuracy: ±2ºC (range 0ºC ~ +70ºC), ±4ºC (range -40 ~ +125ºC)
Typical consumption: 6μA
Maximum consumption: 12μA
Power supply: 2.3 ~ 5.5V
Operation temperature: -40 ~ +125ºC
Storage temperature: -65 ~ 150ºC
Response time: 1.65 seconds (63% of the response for a range from +30 to +125ºC)

Figure : Image of the MCP9700A temperature sensor

4.4.2. Measurement Process

The MCP9700A is an analog sensor which converts a temperature value into a proportional analog voltage. The range of output
voltages is between 100mV (-40oC) and 1.75V (125oC), resulting in a variation of 10mV/oC, with 500mV of output for 0oC. The
output can thus be read directly from Waspmote through the capture command of the value of the analog pin ANALOG4, to which
it is connected through a multiplexer shared with one of the Watermark sensors and controlled by the digital pin DIGITAL3.
The function of the library readValue() returns the temperature value in Celsius degree (ºC).The 5V power supply is regulated
through a digital switch that can be activated or disconnected using the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to
switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the
consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

Reading code:

float value_temperature = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_TEMPERATURE);
delay(100); //waiting for the sensor’s response time
value_temperature = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_TEMPERATURE);

You can find a complete example code for reading the temperature sensor in the following link:

Figure : Graph of the MCP9700A sensor output voltage with respect to temperature, taken from the Microchip sensor’s data sheet

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4.4.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the MCP900A sensor

The socket for the MCP9700A sensor is basically composed of a three female pins, 2.54mm pitch strip which provides ground,
5V power supply and signal connection to the sensor. In the image in the figure above we can see marked the pins of the
socket that correspond to those of the chip. More information about the sockets for casing applications can be found in section
“Sockets for Casing”.

4.5. Luminosity Sensor (LDR)

4.5.1. Specifications
Resistance in darkness: 20MΩ
Resistance in light (10lux): 5 ~ 20kΩ
Spectral range: 400 ~ 700nm
Operating Temperature: -30ºC ~ +75ºC
Minimum consumption: 0uA approximately
Figure : Image of the LDR luminosity sensor

4.5.2. Measurement Process

This is a resistive sensor whose conductivity varies depending on the intensity of light received on its photosensitive part. The
measurement of the sensor is carried out through the analog-to-digital converter of the mote, reading the resulting voltage
out of a voltage divider formed by the sensor itself and the load resistor of the socket upon which it has been connected
(10kΩ) in the analog input pin ANALOG7. This sensor shares the power supply with the dendrometer, PT100, digital humidity
and temperature sensor and humidity, temperature, leaf wetness and solar radiation sensors, which can be controlled through
the output digital pin DIGITAL5. The function of the library readValue() returns its output value as the voltage formed in the
voltage divider.

The measurable spectral range (400nm – 700nm) coincides with the human visible spectrum so it can be used to detect light/
darkness in the same way that a human eye would detect it.

-23- v5.0

Below, a small sample of code for reading the output value of the sensor is shown:

float value_ldr = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_LDR);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_ldr = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_LDR);

You can find a complete example code for reading the luminosity sensor in the following link:

4.5.3. Socket
In the figure below we can see highlighted the socket upon which the LDR sensor must be placed. Since this sensor behaves as
a simple resistor, polarity should not be taken into account when connecting it. More information about the sockets for casing
applications can be found in section “Sockets for Casing”.

Figure : Image of the socket for the LDR sensor

-24- v5.0

4.6. Humidity+Temperature Sensor (SHT75)

4.6.1. Specifications
Power supply: 2.4 ~ 5.5V
Minimum consumption (sleep): 2µW
Consumption (measurement): 3mW
Average consumption: 90µW
Communication: Digital (two wire interface)
Storage temperature: 10 ~ 50ºC (0 ~ 80ºC maximum)
Storage humidity: 20 ~ 60%RH


Measurement range: -40ºC ~ +123.8ºC

Resolution: 0.04ºC (minimum), 0.01ºC (typical)
Figure : SHT75 sensor
Accuracy: ±0.4ºC (range 0ºC ~ +70ºC), ±4ºC (range -40 ~ +125ºC)
Repeatability: ±0.1ºC
Response time (minimum): 5 seconds (63% of the response)
Response time (maximum): 30 seconds (63% of the response)


Measurement range: 0 ~ 100%RH

Resolution: 0.4%RH (minimum), 0.05%RH (typical)
Accuracy: ±1.8%RH
Repeatability: ±0.1%RH
Response time: 8 seconds

Figure : Graph of the SHT75 sensor output with respect to relative humidity, taken from the Sensirion sensor’s data sheet

-25- v5.0

4.6.2. Measurement Process

The SHT75 sensor by Sensirion incorporates a capacitive sensor for environmental relative humidity and a band gap sensor for
environmental temperature in the same package that permit to measure accurately both parameters. The sensor output is read through
two wires (data and clock signals, connected to DIGITAL6 and DIGITAL8 pins respectively) following a protocol similar to the I2C
bus (Inter- Integrated Circuit Bus). This protocol has been implemented in the library of the board, so the sensor can be read using the
commands specifically designed to that function. The function of the library readValue() returns the temperature value in Celsius
degree (ºC) and the humidity value in relative humidity percentage (%RH). It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to
minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and how to handle
it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

Reading code:

float value_temperature = 0;
float value_humidity = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_SENSIRION);
delay(10000); //waiting for the sensor’s response time
value_temperature = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_SENSIRION, SENSIRION_TEMP);
delay(100); //the sensor sleeps until the next measurement
value_humidity = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_SENSIRION, SENSIRION_HUM);

You can find a complete example code for reading the humidity and temperature sensor in the following link:

4.6.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the SHT75 sensor

The socket consists of a four female pin, 1.27mm pitch strip that connects the sensor to its digital outputs (DIGITAL8 and
DIGITAL6 of Waspmote) ground and 3.3V power supply, regulated through a digital switch controlled by the DIGITAL5 pin of
the mote. More information about the sockets for casing applications can be found in section “Sockets for Casing”.

-26- v5.0

4.7. Soil Moisture Sensor (Watermark)

4.7.1. Specifications
Measurement range: 0 ~ 200cb
Frequency Range: 50 ~ 10000Hz approximately
Diameter: 22mm
Length: 76mm
Terminals: AWG 20

Figure : Watermark sensor

Figure : Output frequency of the Watermark sensor circuit with respect to the resistance of the sensor

4.7.2. Measurement Process

The Watermark sensor by Irrometer is a resistive type sensor consisting of two electrodes highly resistant to corrosion embedded
in a granular matrix below a gypsum wafer. The resistance value of the sensor is proportional to the soil water tension, a
parameter dependent on moisture that reflects the pressure needed to extract the water from the ground. The function of the
library readValue() returns the frequency output of the sensor’s adaptation circuit in Herzs (Hz), for more information about
the conversion into soil water tension look at Appendix 1 in this technical guide. It is highly recommended to switch off this
sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the
board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

-27- v5.0

Reading Code:

float value_soil_humidity_1 = 0;
float value_soil_humidity_2 = 0;
float value_soil_humidity_3 = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_1);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_soil_humidity_1 = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_1);
value_soil_humidity_2 = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_2);
value_soil_humidity_3 = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_3);

You can find a complete example code for reading the Watermark sensor (Watermark 1 in this case) in the following link:

4.7.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the Watermark sensor

-28- v5.0

Three sockets for Watermark sensors have been placed in the agriculture board (marked in the image in the figure above) and
the electronics necessary for powering and signal conditioning, so that the soil moisture can be measured at three different
depths. Each of this outputs is carried to the input of a multiplexer controlled by the digital output DIGITAL3. These multiplexers
permit the selection of two groups of sensors, the three Watermarks or the humidity, temperature and leaf wetness sensors,
when reading the analog inputs ANALOG2, ANALOG4 and ANALOG6 of the Waspmote.

Figure : Illustration of the three Watermark sensors placed at different depths

4.8. Soil Temperature Sensor (PT-1000)

4.8.1. Specifications
Measurement range: -50 ~ 300ºC
Accuracy: DIN EN 60751
Resistance (0ºC): 1000Ω
Diameter: 6mm
Length: 40mm
Cable: 2m

Figure : PT-1000 sensor

-29- v5.0

Figure : Output voltage of the PT1000 sensor with respect to temperature

4.8.2. Measurement Process

The resistance of the PT1000 sensor varies between approximately 920Ω and 1200Ω in the range considered useful in agriculture
applications (-20 ~ 50ºC approximately), which results in too low variations of voltage at significant changes of temperature for the
resolution of the Waspmote’s analog-to-digital converter. The function of the library readValue() returns the temperature value
in Celsius degree (ºC). The power supplies required by the sensor, both 3.3V and 5V, are controlled through a digital switch that can
be opened or closed via software activating the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to
minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and how to handle
it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

Reading code:
float value_PT1000 = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_PT1000);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_PT1000 = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_PT1000);

You can find a complete example code for reading the PT1000 sensor in the following link:

-30- v5.0

4.8.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the PT-1000 sensor

The sensor must be connected to its adaptation stage through a 2,54mm pitch. We can see an image with the two pins of this
socket corresponding to the sensor in the previous figure.

4.9. Trunk Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DC2)

4.9.1. Specifications
Trunk/branch diameter: From 2 cm
Accuracy: ±2μm
Temperature coefficient: <0.1μm/K
Linearity: <2%
Operation temperature: -30 ~ 40ºC
Operation humidity: 0 ~ 100%RH
Cable length: 2m
Output range: 0 ~ 20kΩ
Range of the sensor: Function of the size of the tree

Figure : Ecomatik DC2 sensor

Tree Diameter (cm) Measuring Range in Circumference (mm) Measuring Range in Diameter (mm)

10 31.25 9.94
40 22.99 7.31
100 16.58 5.27

-31- v5.0

4.9.2. Measurement Process

The operation of the three Ecomatik dendrometers, DC2, DD and DF, is based on the variation of an internal resistance with
the pressure that the growing of the trunk, stem, branch or fruit exerts on the sensor. The circuit permits the reading of that
resistance in a full bridge configuration through a 16 bits analog-to-digital converter whose reference is provided by a high
precision 3V voltage reference in order to acquire the most accurate and stable measurements possible. The reading of the
converter, shared with the PT1000 temperature sensor, will be carried out through the I2C bus using the functions of the library
SensorAgrv20 explained in chapter “API” about this API library, returning the read value in millimeters (mm). The 3.3V and 5V
power supplies of the devices may be cut off or connected via the digital switch controlled by the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is
highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more
information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

Reading code:

float value_dendrometer = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_dendrometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);

You can find a complete example code for reading the dendrometer sensor in the following link:

4.9.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the dendrometers

Any of the three dendrometers available may be connected to Waspmote through the two 2.54mm pitch terminal blocks
marked in the image in the figure above. The pins corresponding to the sensor in this terminal block (highlighted in the figure)
provide the sensor with connection to ground, power supply and to the analog-to-digital converter differential input.

-32- v5.0

4.10. Stem Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DD)

4.10.1. Specifications
Stem/branch diameter: 0 ~ 20cm
Range of the sensor: 11mm
Output range: 0 ~ 20kΩ
Accuracy: ±2μm
Temperature coefficient: <0.1μm/K
Operation temperature: -30 ~ 40ºC
Operation humidity: 0 ~ 100%RH
Cable length: 2m

Figure : Ecomatik DD sensor

4.10.2. Measurement Process
The operation of the three Ecomatik dendrometers, DC2, DD and DF, is based on the variation of an internal resistance with
the pressure that the growing of the trunk, stem, branch or fruit exerts on the sensor. The circuit permits the reading of that
resistance in a full bridge configuration through a 16 bits analog-to-digital converter whose reference is provided by a high
precision 3V voltage reference in order to acquire the most accurate and stable measurements possible. The reading of the
converter, shared with the PT1000 temperature sensor, will be carried out through the I2C bus using the functions of the library
SensorAgrv20 explained in chapter “API” about this API library, returning the read value in millimeters (mm). The 3.3V and 5V
power supplies of the devices may be cut off or connected via the digital switch controlled by the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is
highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more
information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

Reading code:

float value_dendrometer = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_dendrometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);

You can find a complete example code for reading the dendrometer sensor in the following link:

-33- v5.0

4.10.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the dendrometers

Any of the three dendrometers available may be connected to Waspmote through the two 2.54mm pitch terminal blocks
marked in the image in the figure above. The pins corresponding to the sensor in this terminal block (highlighted in the figure)
provide the sensor with connection to ground, power supply and to the analog-to-digital converter differential input.

4.11. Fruit Diameter Dendrometer (Ecomatik DF)

4.11.1. Specifications
Fruit diameter: 0 ~ 11cm
Range of the sensor: 11mm
Output range: 0 ~ 20kΩ
Accuracy: ±2μm
Temperature coefficient: <0.1μm/K
Operation temperature: -30 ~ 40ºC
Operation humidity: 0 ~ 100%RH
Cable length: 2m

Figure : Ecomatik DF sensor

4.11.2. Measurement Process
The operation of the three Ecomatik dendrometers, DC2, DD and DF, is based on the variation of an internal resistance with the
pressure that the growing of the trunk, stem, branch or fruit exerts on the sensor. The circuit permits the reading of that resistance in
a full bridge configuration through a 16 bits analog-to-digital converter whose reference is provided by a high precision 3V voltage
reference in order to acquire the most accurate and stable measurements possible. The reading of the converter, shared with the
PT1000 temperature sensor, will be carried out through the I2C bus using the functions of the library SensorAgrv20 explained in
chapter “API” about this API library, returning the read value in milimeters (mm). The 3.3V and 5V power supplies of the devices may be
cut off or connected via the digital switch controlled by the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor
in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and
how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

-34- v5.0

Reading code:

float value_dendrometer = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_dendrometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);

You can find a complete example code for reading the dendrometer sensor in the following link:

4.11.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the dendrometers

Any of the three dendrometers available may be connected to Waspmote through the two 2.54mm pitch terminal blocks
marked in the image in the figure above. The pins corresponding to the sensor in this terminal block (highlighted in the figure)
provide the sensor with connection to ground, power supply and to the analog-to-digital converter differential input.

4.12. Solar Radiation Sensor - PAR (SQ-110)

4.12.1. Specifications
Sensitivity: 0.200mV / μmol·m-2s-1
Calibration factor: 5μmol·m-2s-1/mV
Non-linearity: <1% (up to 4000 μmol·m-2s-1)
Non-stability (long-term drift): <2% per year
Spectral range: 410 ~ 655nm
Accuracy: ±5%
Repeatability: <1%
Diameter: 2.4cm
Height: 2.8cm
Figure : SQ-110 sensor
Cable length: 5m of shielded, twisted-pair wire
Operation temperature: -40 ~ 70ºC
Operation humidity: 0 ~ 100%RH

Note: These specifications are for new 2012 sensor version

-35- v5.0

Figure : Graph of the spectral response of the SQ-110 sensor compared to the photosynthetic response of a plant

4.12.2. Measurement Process

The SQ-110 sensor, specifically calibrated for the detection of solar radiation, provides at its output a voltage proportional to the
intensity of the light in the visible range of the spectrum, a key parameter in photosynthesis processes. It presents a maximum
output of 400mV under maximum radiation conditions and a sensitivity of 5.00μmol·m-2s-1/mV. In order to improve the accuracy
of the reading, this is carried out through a 16 bits analog-to-digital converter that communicates with the microcontroller of
the mote through the I2C. It can be configured or read using the functions implemented in the API library for the Agriculture
2.0 Board (SensorAgrV20). The 5V power supply of this stage is controlled through a digital switch that can be activated and
deactivated using the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global
consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter
“Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

Reading code:

float value_radiation = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_RADIATION);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_radiation = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_RADIATION);
//Conversion into μmol·m-2s-1
value_radiation = value_radiation / 0.0002;

You can find a complete example code for reading the SQ-110 sensor in the following link:

-36- v5.0

4.12.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the SQ-110 sensor

This sensor is connected to the analog-to-digital converter through the three pins of the 2.54mm pitch terminal block marked
in the image in the figure above.

4.13. Ultraviolet Radiation Sensor (SU-100)

4.13.1. Specifications
Sensitivity: 0.2mV / μmol·m-2s-1
Calibration factor: 5.0μmol·m-2s-1/mV
Non-stability (Long-term drift): <3% per year
Non-linearity: <1% (up to 300μmol·m-2s-1)
Spectral range: 250 ~ 400nm
Accuracy: ±10%
Repeatability: <1%
Diameter: 2.4cm
Height: 2.8cm
Cable length: 5m shielded, twisted-pair wire
Figure : SU-100 sensor
Operation temperature: -40 to 70 ºC
Operation humidity: 0 ~ 100%RH

Note: These specifications are for new 2012 sensor version

-37- v5.0

Figure : Graph of the spectral response of the SU-100 sensor compared to the photosynthetic response of a plant

4.13.2. Measurement Process

The SU-100 sensor, complementary to the SQ-110 sensor, provides at its output a voltage proportional to the intensity of the
light in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. It presents a maximum output of 26mV under maximum radiation conditions
and a sensitivity of 0.2mV / μmol·m-2s-1. This sensor is read by the mote through the same 16 bits analog-to-digital converter
used with the SQ-110 sensor. It can be configured or read using the functions implemented in the API library for the Agriculture
2.0 Board (SensorAgrv20). The 5V power supply of this stage is controlled through a digital switch that can be activated and
deactivated using the digital pin DIGITAL5. It is highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global
consumption of the board (you can find more information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter
“Board configuration and programming”).

This sensor only is included in the PRO version.

Reading code

float value_radiation = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_AGR_RADIATION, SENS_ON);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_radiation = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_RADIATION);
//Conversion into μmol·m-2s-1
value_radiation = value_radiation / 0.0002;

You can find a complete example code for reading the SU-100 sensor in the following link:

-38- v5.0

4.13.3. Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the SU-100 sensor

This sensor is connected to the analog-to-digital converter through the three pins of the 2.54mm pitch terminal block marked
in the image in the figure above.

4.14. Weather Station (WS-3000)

This weather station consists of three different sensors, described in detail below: a wind vane, an anemometer and a pluviometer.
It connects to Waspmote through six wires that must be connected to the terminal block shown in the corresponding figures,
being the anemometer connected to the vane through an RJ11 socket.

Figure : Image of the Weather Station WS-3000

-39- v5.0

4.14.1. Anemometer Specifications
Sensitivity: 2.4km/h / turn
Wind Speed Range: 0 ~ 240km/h
Height: 7.1 cm
Arm length: 8.9 cm
Connector: RJ11

Figure : Anemometer Measurement Process

The anemometer chosen for Waspmote consists of a Reed switch normally open that closes for a short period of time when the
arms of the anemometer complete a 180º angle, so the output is a digital signal whose frequency will be proportional to the wind
speed. There will be 2 events in each complete turn. That signal can be read from the digital pin DIGITAL2 of the Waspmote.
The function of the library readValue() returns the wind speed value in kilometers per hour (km/h). The power of the sensor
and of the electronics around it may be connected or disconnected using a digital switch controlled by the ANALOG1 pin. It is
highly recommended to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more
information about the consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”) .

Reading code:

float value_anemometer = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_ANEMOMETER);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_anemometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_ANEMOMETER);

You can find a complete example code for reading the whole Weather Station WS-3000 data sensor in the following link: Socket

Figure : Image of the connector for the anemometer

The way to connect the anemometer to the Agriculture 2.0 Board is through the vane: the anemometer’s cable must be plugged
into the socket that can be found on the base of the vane.

-40- v5.0

4.14.2. Wind Vane Specifications
Height: 8.9 cm
Length: 17.8 cm
Maximum accuracy: 22.5º
Resistance range: 688Ω ~ 120kΩ

Figure : Wind Vane Measurement Process

The wind vane consists of a basement that turns freely on a platform endowed with a net of eight resistances connected to
eight switches that are normally and are closed (one or two) when a magnet in the basement acts on them, which permits us
to distinguish up to 16 different positions (the equivalent to a resolution of 22.5o). The equivalent resistance of the wind vane,
along with a 10kΩ resistance, form a voltage divider, powered at 3.3V through a digital switch controlled by the ANALOG1 pin,
whose output can be measured in the analog input ANALOG5. The function of the library readValue() also stores in variable
vane_direction an 8 bits value which corresponds with an identifier of the pointing direction. It is highly recommended
to switch off this sensor in order to minimize the global consumption of the board (you can find more information about the
consumption of the board and how to handle it in chapter “Board configuration and programming”).

Below, a table with the different values that the equivalent resistance of the wind vane may take is shown, along with the
direction corresponding to each value:

Direction (Degrees) Resistance (kΩ) Voltage (V) Identifier

0 33 2.53 SENS_AGR_VANE_N
22.5 6.57 1.31 SENS_AGR_VANE_NNE
45 8.2 1.49 SENS_AGR_VANE_NE

67.5 0.891 0.27 SENS_AGR_VANE_ENE

90 1 0.3 SENS_AGR_VANE_E
112.5 0.688 0.21 SENS_AGR_VANE_ESE
135 2.2 0.59 SENS_AGR_VANE_SE
157.5 1.41 0.41 SENS_AGR_VANE_SSE
180 3.9 0.92 SENS_AGR_VANE_S
202.5 3.14 0.79 SENS_AGR_VANE_SSW
225 16 2.03 SENS_AGR_VANE_SW
247.5 14.12 1.93 SENS_AGR_VANE_WSW
270 120 3.05 SENS_AGR_VANE_W
292.5 42.12 2.67 SENS_AGR_VANE_WNW
315 64.9 2.86 SENS_AGR_VANE_NW
337.5 21.88 2.26 SENS_AGR_VANE_NNW

-41- v5.0

Reading code:

float value_vane = 0;
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_VANE);
delay(100); //waiting for the stabilization of the power supply
value_vane = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_VANE);

You can find a complete example code for reading the whole Weather Station WS-3000 data sensor in the following link:

Besides, it is recommended to use the function getVaneFiltered() in order to perform a mean filtered measurement during
a specified period of time. Thus, mechanical fluctuations will be avoided and a more accurate measurement will be done. See
example here: Socket

Figure : Image of the connector for the wind vane

The wind vane is connected to the board through four pins of a terminal block whose correspondence with the sensor’s wire is
shown in the figure above.

4.14.3. Pluviometer Specifications
Height: 9.05 cm
Length: 23 cm
Bucket capacity: 0.28 mm of rain

Figure : Pluviometer

-42- v5.0
Sensors Measurement Process

The pluviometer consists of a small bucket that, once completely filled (0.28 mm of water approximately), closes a switch,
emptying automatically afterwards. The sensor is connected directly to the Waspmote DIGITAL4 digital input through a pull-
up resistance and to the interruption pin RXD1, allowing the triggering of an interruption of the microcontroller when the
rainfall provokes a bucket emptying event. Since the consumption of this sensor, in absence of rain, is null, no elements of
power control have been added for it.

The library defines several functions to measure from the pluviometer. An inner structure is being used in order to store the
number of pluviometer interruptions that took place for the last 24 hours (regarding the RTC settings). The function used for
storing a new pulse is called storePulse() and it should be called every time a new pluviometer interruption is generated. On
the other hand, it is possible to know three different values given by the following functions:

readPluviometerCurrent() calculates the precipitations in mm for the current period. For example, it is 10:42 am, so this
function returns the mm of rainfall that took place in the last 42 minutes.

readPluviometerHour() calculates the precipitations in the previous one-hour period. For example, it is 10:42 am, so this
function returns the mm of rainfall between 9 am and 10 am.

readPluviometerDay() calculates the accumulated precipitation in the last 24 hours.

Tip: the user can apply a little of paraffin on the pluviometer’s upper surface in order to help the rain drops to flow down to the
inside of the sensor.

You can find a complete example code for reading the whole Weather Station WS-3000 data sensor in the following link:

There is an example of how to use the pluviometer sensor separately from the Weather Station: Socket

Figure : Image of the socket for the pluviometer

In the image in the figure above we can see marked the two pins in the terminal block that correspond to the pluviometer (no
polarity is required).

-43- v5.0

4.15. Integration of New Sensors

Those sensors that have been tested on the Agriculture 2.0 board by Libelium are detailed and recommended in this handbook.
However, other different sensors, such as the 10HS, EC-5 and MPS-1 by Decagon, which present an output analogous to that
of those previously described, as a resistance or an analog voltage, can be integrated in the board, taking into account their
consumptions when developing the application and always respecting the mote’s specifications (please refer to the “Hardware”
section of the Waspmote technical guide).

4.16. Sockets for casing

In case the Agriculture 2.0 board is going to be used in an application that requires the use of a casing, such as an outdoors
application, a series of sockets to facilitate the connection of the sensors through a probe has been disposed.

These sockets (PTSM from Phoenix Contact) allow to assemble the wires of the probe simply by pressing them into it. To remove
the wire press the slot above the input pin and pull off the wire softly.

Figure : Diagram of a socket extracted from the Phoenix Contact data sheet

In the figure below an image of the board with the sockets in it and the correspondence between its inputs and the sensor’s
pins is shown.

Figure : Image of the sockets for casing applications

-44- v5.0

Figure : Image of the pin correspondence between the sockets and the sensors

Figure : Image of the pin correspondence between the sockets and the sensors

-45- v5.0

Sensor Pin Function

Solar Radiation Sensor 2 Output -
3 Output +
4 Output
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor 5 GND
Humidity and Temperature Sensor
10 CLK
11 Output
Watermark 3
12 Output
13 Output
Watermark 2
14 Output
15 Output
Watermark 1
16 Output
17 VCC
Luminosity Sensor
18 Output
19 VCC
Humidity Sensor 20 Output
21 GND
22 VCC
Temperature Sensor 23 Output
24 GND
25 Vane Output (Green)
Weather Station WS-3000 26 Anemometer Output (Yellow)
(Vane + Anemometer) 27 GND (Red)
28 GND (Black)
29 Output
Weather Station WS-3000 (Pluviometer)
30 GND
31 GND
Leaf Wetness Sensor
32 Output
33 GND
34 VCC
35 Output -
36 Output +
37 Output
38 GND

-46- v5.0
Board configuration and programming

5. Board configuration and programming

5.1. Hardware configuration
The Waspmote Agriculture 2.0 Board hardly requires a manual hardware configuration, since all the power control and sensor
reading operations can be carried out digitally. It will be only necessary to ensure that the sensors are connected in the right
way to their sockets for a proper measurement.

5.2. API
A library for the Agriculture 2.0 Board has been programmed, that added to the Waspmote IDE allows to manage in an easy way
the resources of the board, the power supply, the start-up and reading of the sensors and the interruptions.

When using the Agriculture Sensor Board v20 on Waspmote PRO, remember it is mandatory to include the SensorAgrv20 library
by introducing the next line at the beginning of the code:

#include <WaspSensorAgriculture_v20.h>

Next, the different functions that make up the library are described:


Turns on the sensor board by activating the 3.3V and 5V supply lines.


Turns off the sensor board by cutting the 3.3V and 5V supply lines.


This function is used to manage the power applied to the board. Assigning the value SENS_ON to the variable MODE activates
the board’s switches which allow the passage of the 3.3V and 5V supplies, while assigning the value SENS_OFF disconnects
both switches cutting the power.

SensorAgrV20.setSensorMode(MODE, TYPE)

This function allows activation or deactivation of each of the sensors by assigning to the variable MODE the values SENS_ON (for
turning the sensor on) or SENS_OFF (for turning the sensor off). The sensor to be managed is pointed through the variable TYPE.

Atmospheric pressure: SENS_AGR_PRESSURE

Watermark nº 1: SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_1
Watermark nº 2: SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_2
Watermark nº 3: SENS_AGR_WATERMARK_3
PT1000: SENS_AGR_PT1000
Solar radiation: SENS_AGR_RADIATION
Temperature and humidity (Sensirion): SENS_AGR_SENSIRION

-47- v5.0
Board configuration and programming

When turning on and off each of the sensors, take into account that many of them are grouped under the same solid state
switch, so when you modify the state of any sensor of the group you will be also acting on all the other sensors associated to its
control switch. You can find more information on how the sensors are grouped in chapter “Power control”.

SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENSOR, TYPE)

The instruction readValue() captures the output value of the sensor and stores it in floating point format in the variable
to which it has been assigned. The sensor whose output we want to read is defined by the variable SENSOR, which can take
the same values enumerated in the section about the setSensorMode() function. The captured value is converted into the
units corresponding to the sensor that has been read. The parameter TYPE is only necessary when the sensor to be read is the
temperature and humidity SHT75 by Sensirion, for which it is required to point which of the two measurements is going to be
made (SENSIRION_TEMP for temperature and SENSIRION_HUM for humidity).


The attachPluvioInt() function enables the interruptions generated by the pluviometer. Take into account that this sensor
is permanently powered all the time the board is on so it will keep on triggering interruptions as long as they are enabled.


Complementing the previous function, the aim of detachPluvioInt() is to deactivate the interruptions generated by
the pluviometer. After its execution the microcontroller will ignore any interruption which arrives from this sensor until the
attachPluvioInt() instruction is called again.


The function sleepAgr() is an adaptation of the function deepSleep() in the library WaspPWR.cpp that allows to put the
Waspmote to sleep turning the power of the board completely off or keeping the pluviometer circuits on if the interruptions
of this sensor are going to be used to wake up the microcontroller. The parameters TIME, OFFSET, MODE and OPTION allow to
define the time the mote will be in deep sleep mode before waking up with an RTC interruption and the modules that will be
inactive during this time, like in the original function (look at the Waspmote technical guide and programming guide for more
information). To activate the pluviometer interruptions the parameter AGR_INTERRUPTION must be assigned with the value
SENS_AGR_PLUVIOMETER (remember not to deactivate the sensor board when defining the parameter OPTION for a correct
operation of the interruptions).

A basic program to detect events from the board will present a similar structure to the following, subject to changes in
dependence of the application:

1. The board is switched on using the function SensorAgrv20.setBoardMode.

2. Initialization of the RTC using RTC.ON.

3. Activation of the sensors to generate given interruptions using function SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode.

4. Put the mote to sleep with function SensorAgrv20.sleepAgr.

5. When the mote wakes up, disable interruptions from the board using function SensorAgrv20.detachPluvioInt.

6. Process the interruption:

•• Turn on those inactive sensors to be read using function SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode.

•• Take the measurements needed using function SensorAgrv20.readValue.
•• Turn off the sensors that shall not generate an interruption with function SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode.
•• Store or send via a radio module the gathered information.

7. Return to step 4 to enable interruptions and put the mote to sleep.

-48- v5.0
Board configuration and programming

Below you can see a sample of code in which the board is activated and put to sleep for ten minutes with the interruptions of
rainfall activated. When an interruption from the RTC or the sensor board comes in, the mote wakes up and the pluviometer,
dendrometer, anemometer and temperature sensor are read in function of the kind of interruption arrived. The measurements
taken are transmitted via XBee.

/* ------------Agriculture 2.0 Sensor Board example---------------

// Inclusion of the Events Sensor Board v20 library

#include <WaspSensorAgr_v20.h>

// Inclusion of the Frame library

#include <WaspFrame.h>

// Inclusion of the XBee 802.15.4 library

#include <WaspXBee802.h>

// Pointer to an XBee packet structure

packetXBee* packet;

//Variable definition
float value_temperature = 0;
float value_dendrometer = 0;
float value_anemometer = 0;
float value_pluviometer = 0;

void setup()
// Turn on the Agriculture 2.0 Sensor Board
// Init the RTC

void loop()
// Put the mote to sleep with pluviometer interruptions enabled
SensorAgrv20.sleepAgr(“00:00:10:00”, RTC_OFFSET, RTC_ALM1_MODE1,
// Detach pluviometer interruptions

// Create new frame (ASCII)


// In case a pluviometer interruption arrived

if(intFlag & PLV_INT)
// Read the pluviometer
value_pluviometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_PLUVIOMETER);

// Add the value read to the frame composition

frame.addSensor(SENSOR_PLV, value_pluviometer);

// In case an RTC interruption arrived

if(intFlag & RTC_INT)

-49- v5.0
Board configuration and programming

// Turn on the sensors

SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_ANEMOMETER);
SensorAgrv20.setSensorMode(SENS_ON, SENS_AGR_TEMPERATURE);
// Read the sensor values
value_anemometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_ANEMOMETER);
value_temperature = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_TEMPERATURE);
value_dendrometer = SensorAgrv20.readValue(SENS_AGR_DENDROMETER);

// Add the values read to the frame composition

frame.addSensor(SENSOR_ANE, value_anemometer);
frame.addSensor(SENSOR_TCA, value_temperature);
frame.addSensor(SENSOR_SD, value_dendrometer);

// Init XBee
// Set parameters to packet:
packet=(packetXBee*) calloc(1,sizeof(packetXBee));

// Set destination XBee parameters to packet

xbee802.setDestinationParams( packet, “000000000000FFFF”, frame.buffer, frame.length);

// Send XBee packet


// Turn off the XBee Module


// Clear the interruption flag


The files related to this sensor board are: WaspSensorAgr_v20.cpp, WaspSensorAgr_v20.h

They can be downloaded from:

-50- v5.0
API Changelog

6. API Changelog
Keep track of the software changes on this link:

-51- v5.0

7. Consumption
7.1. Power control
The electronics of the Agriculture 2.0 Board requires the 3.3V power supply from the Waspmote regulator and the 5V
power supply from the DC-DC converter, both can be controlled from the microcontroller of the mote using the function
setBoardMode() of the API for turning it completely on or off.

Inside the board itself, the power of the sensors may be managed separately using the digital solid state switches system like
in other sensor boards for the Waspmote platform, allowing to keep the board on with a minimum consumption of 106μA. This
way, the 15 sensors that, as a maximum, can be connected simultaneously to the Agriculture 2.0 Board have been put together
into four different groups following two criteria: the consumption of the sensors and the job their perform. The API functions
that control the activation of the sensors, as the rest of the functions specifically created for this board, can be found in the
library SensorAgr20, explained in chapter “API”.

Watermark Group: The first of this groups is formed by the three Watermark sensors for soil humidity and electronic adaptation
stages described in chapter “Socket” of the Watermark sensor section. The 3.3V power supply is connected to the sensors and
the rest of the electronics through switch 2, that can be manipulated through the digital pin DIGITAL1.

Meteorology Group: The second group is formed by the wind vane and the anemometer of the Weather Station WS-3000
described in sections “Weather Station (WS-3000)”. Again, these sensors only need the 3.3V power supply, controlled by the pin
ANALOG1 (configured as a digital output pin) by the switch 4.

Low Consumption Group: The third group is formed by all the low consumptions sensors: the dendrometer, the temperature
sensor, the humidity sensor, the luminosity sensor, the leaf wetness sensor, the soil temperature sensor, the solar radiation sensor
and the humidity plus temperature sensor. The regulation of the power of these sensors requires three different integrated
circuits (switches 1, 2 and 3), all of them controlled through the same digital pin (DIGITAL5). This group of sensors needs both
the 5V and the 3.3V power supplies.

At last, the atmospheric pressure sensor MPX4115A is powered independently of the rest of the sensors owing to its large
consumption. Its power supply (5V) is controlled also through the switch 3, but in this case its activation and deactivation is
carried out by the digital pin DIGITAL7.

The pluviometer is kept powered all the time at 3.3V, except when the whole board is turned off from the Waspmote. The
convenience of monitoring the rainfall all the time once the mote has been deployed in determined applications is the main
reason for it, along with the fact that the consumption of this sensor in absence of rain is almost null.

-52- v5.0

7.2. Tables of consumption

In the following table the consumption of the board is shown, the constant minimum consumption (fixed by the permanently
active components), the minimum consumption of the electronics included in each group formed by the switches (without
sensors) and the individual consumptions of each of the sensors connected alone to the board (the total consumption of the
board with a determined sensor will be calculated as the sum of the constant minimum consumption of the board plus the
minimum consumption of the group to whom the sensor belongs plus the consumption of the sensor).

Remember that the board’s power can be completely disconnected, reducing the consumption to zero, using the 3.3V and the
5V main switches disconnection command included in the library.

Minimum (Constant) 0μA
Weather Station WS-3000 group 0μA
Watermark Sensors group 1.4mA
Low Consumption group 1.8mA
Atmospheric Pressure sensor 112μA
Watermark (1 sensor) <0.8mA
Watermark (2 sensors) <1.5mA
Watermark (3 sensors) <2.2mA
Anemometer <400μA
Wind Vane <300μA
Pluviometer 0μA (330μA in ON Pulse -10ms approximately-)
Humidity (808H5V5) 0.7mA
Temperature (MCP9700A) 6μA
Luminosity (LDR) <360μA
SHT75 <1μA
Atmospheric Pressure (Sensor) 7mA
Solar Radiation sensor - PAR (SQ-110) 0μA
PT1000 1.5mA
Dendrometers 160μA
Leaf Wetness Sensor <240μA

7.3. Low consumption mode

The Waspmote Agriculture 2.0 Board has been designed to have the least consumption possible. For this, the only
recommendations which the user must try to follow are the following:

•• Switch off the sensor groups that are not to be used

Turn on only those sensors to be measured and only for the necessary time to acquire their output values.

•• Use the Waspmote low consumption mode

This board’s library includes a command to put the mote into a low consumption mode. Use it during the time in which the
mote is not carrying out any measurement and try to space them as much as your application allows you.

•• Do not connect sensors that are not going to be used

Since several sensors share the same power line, a sensor that is not going to be used connected to the board will entail an
additional consumption, and so a shorter life of the battery.

-53- v5.0
Documentation changelog

8. Documentation changelog
From v4.9 to v5.0
•• References to the new LoRaWAN module

From v4.8 to v4.9

•• References to the new Sigfox module
•• Note about the differences between the LDR sensor and the Luminosity (luxes accuracy) sensor probe
•• Explanation about the anemometer generates 2 events in every 360º turn

From v4.7 to v4.8:

•• Pluviometer and Weather Station improvement

From v4.6 to v4.7:

•• References to the new LoRa module
•• Link to the new online API changelog

From v4.5 to v4.6:

•• Radios table for Plug&Sense! Updated
•• Update of the Solar Radiation Sensor specifications
•• Update of the Ultraviolet Radiation Sensor specifications

From v4.4 to v4.5:

•• Radios table for Plug&Sense! updated

From v4.3 to v4.4:

•• API changelog updated to API v006

From v4.2 to v4.3:

•• API changelog update
•• Details about new filtered function for reading the wind vane
•• Weather Meters name changed to Weather Station WS-3000

From v4.1 to v4.2:

•• Added reference to the External SIM socket

From v4.0 to v4.1:

•• Added references to 3G/GPRS Board in section: Radio Interfaces

-54- v5.0

9. Maintenance
•• In this section, the term “Waspmote” encompasses both the Waspmote device itself as well as its modules and sensor boards.
•• Take care with the handling of Waspmote, do not drop it, bang it or move it sharply.
•• Avoid putting the devices in areas of high temperatures since the electronic components may be damaged.
•• The antennas are lightly threaded to the connector; do not force them as this could damage the connectors.
•• Do not use any type of paint for the device, which may damage the functioning of the connections and closure mechanisms.

-55- v5.0
Disposal and recycling

10. Disposal and recycling

•• In this section, the term “Waspmote” encompasses both the Waspmote device itself as well as its modules and sensor boards.
•• When Waspmote reaches the end of its useful life, it must be taken to a recycling point for electronic equipment.
•• The equipment has to be disposed on a selective waste collection system, different to that of urban solid waste. Please,
dispose it properly.
•• Your distributor will inform you about the most appropriate and environmentally friendly waste process for the used
product and its packaging.

-56- v5.0
Appendix 1: Watermark sensor’s interpretation reference

Appendix 1: Watermark sensor’s interpretation reference

The next table shows the resistance value of the sensor at different soil water tension conditions (at a 75 Fahrenheit degree,
equivalent to 23.8 Celsius degree):

Soil Water Tension (cbar) Sensor Resistance (Ohms)

0 550
9 1000
10 1100
15 2000
35 6000
55 9200
75 12200
100 15575
200 28075

Figure : Table 1. Resistance values of the sensor in function of the soil water tension

This series may be approached by this equation:

Equation 1: Rs = 137.5 * TA + 550

Where TA is the soil water tension expressed in centibars.

From the real values and the approximation we obtain the next graph of the sensor resistance versus the soil water tension.

Figure : Resistance of the sensor in function of the soil water tension.

-57- v5.0
Appendix 1: Watermark sensor’s interpretation reference

In the next figure we can see the frequency of the output of the adaptation circuit for the sensor, for the real resistance values
and for the linearly approximated resistance values.

Figure : Output frequency of the adaptation circuit in function of the soil water tension.

The formula used to draw this graph, from the sensor resistance, is shown bellow:

Equation 2:

Where F is the output frequency in Hz and RS the sensor resistance in ohms.

If we substitute Equation 1 in Equation 2, we get the output frequency in function of the soil water tension:

Equation 3:

Equation 4:

We can see that the frequency output for the working range is between 300Hz (corresponding to the 200cbar of maximum
soil water tension) and 7600Hz approximately for 0cbar measurement. It has been empirically checked that for very wet soils,
bellow 10cbar, the behavior of different sensors is very variable, so calibration is highly recommended if accuracy under these
conditions is needed.

To obtain the response of the sensor beyond this range, over the 200cbar, we must extrapolate those soil water tension values
from the linear approximation obtained in equation 1. These sensors are not prepared for working under those conditions, so
these graph must be only taken as a reference.

-58- v5.0
Appendix 1: Watermark sensor’s interpretation reference

Figure : Soil water tension in function of the output frequency of the circuit.

Figure : Soil water tension (in logarithmic scale) in function of the output frequency of the circuit.

-59- v5.0

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