Grade 8 Science: 2021-2022 Syllabus

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Grade 8 Science

2021-2022 Syllabus
Daphne Chandra

Welcome to Eighth grade science! This will be a great year of exploring exciting topics in science,
working on scientific inquiry skills, and integrating technology into learning.

Course Description
In grade eight science students will explore a variety of topics while developing their scientific
inquiry, critical thinking, and lab skills.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Genetics and Evolution Waves and Electromagnetism
Chemistry: Atoms, Bonding, Reactions Geological Processes

Grade eight science meets every other day for 75 minutes. Class time will be devoted to covering
material through inquiry-based labs, team activities, discussions, lectures, and demonstration.
Throughout the year there will also be projects where students will have the opportunity to
incorporate personal interests and skills while applying the content to real world scenarios.

Being Successful
Students will be successful in grade eight science by being active participants in classroom
learning activities, meeting assignment expectations outlined in the rubrics, while taking
advantage of opportunities to check for their understanding. Self-advocacy is important, and
students are encouraged to ask questions both inside and outside of class to ensure that they
have full understanding of the material

Assessment & Reporting

Students will be asked to show their evidence of learning throughout the school year. Students
will show their learning through a range of creative projects and videos to more traditional tests
and lab reports. Each of these assignments will provide your child with an opportunity to show
what they’ve learned. Overall, we look at improvement over time, as well as the most recent
assessments to see how a student has progressed over the year.

Classroom Procedures, Rules & Expectations:

The procedures, rules and expectations as set out in the MS Handbook apply in this class.
Students are expected to understand and follow the “Student Code of Conduct” as well as the
additional classroom routines outlined below:

• Laptops: Students will use their laptops to enhance their learning in science. They are
expected to be familiar with and follow the “IT AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)” and “MS
Technology Expectations” as well as specific class expectations.
• Homework: Students should expect approximately 20 minutes of homework each class.
This time guideline is with the expectation that students are on-task while working on
homework. Daily homework is formative and may include textbook reading, lab
follow-up, and review. All homework will be explained in class and posted on the MS
homework page
• Absences: If a student is absent, they should refer to Teams homework page, and email
or come see Ms. Chandra for clarification.
• Missing Assignments/Late Work: If a student does not have an assignment when it is due
they will be required to attend “Power Hour” to complete the assignment at lunch or
after school.

Extra Help
If a student is struggling to understand material we are covering in class or is confused about an
assignment, they should let Ms. Chandra know during, before or after class, or by sending an
email. Students may arrange time to come in for extra help. It is important that there is open
communication about learning between the student, parents, and the teacher.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at [email protected]. If you wish to speak on the
phone or in person, please email to set up a time.

Looking forward to a wonderful year in science!

Daphne Chandra

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