RS1 Jens Best Gift Ever Foundational Skills Guide
RS1 Jens Best Gift Ever Foundational Skills Guide
RS1 Jens Best Gift Ever Foundational Skills Guide
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Deliver Day 1–4 instruction to help students read the words they will encounter in the
book Jen’s Best Gift Ever. Before guiding students through the activities with the words
provided, become familiar with the model lessons in the Model Lesson section of this
guide. Since students vary widely in their word reading skills, these activities and their Target Letter-Sound
pacing can be adjusted to provide the right amount of practice for each student. Post Correspondence
the Foundational Skills Purpose Statement before beginning each day’s activities. Foundational Skills
Day 1
Foundational Skills Instruction | pages 1–6 Spectrum of Literacy
Flyleaf’s Spectrum of Literacy is a comprehensive and
Introduce Target Letter-Sound Correspondence systematic phonics scope & sequence that progresses
Foundational Skills Consolidation from basic decoding to fluent independent reading.
Reading Series One books are designed to consolidate knowledge of English phonics
and spelling patterns; build automaticity with CVC, CCVC, CVCC, and CCVCC words,
with and without inflectional endings; and ensure that more words are recognized by Foundational Skills Purpose Statement
sight. As they progress in the series, students should also begin to recognize syllables nI can use strategies to read words
within multisyllabic words and understand the connection between the spelling and I do not know.
meaning of inflectional endings.
Vowel Pattern Sort 1
Words: lifts, quilt, from, next, she, o’clock, desk, last, seven, tell
Sorting Tips
n Refer to the Vowe
from: Confirm that the word has neither a short /o/ vowel nor a long /ō/ vowel l Pattern Sort 1 M
Chart at the end aster
pronunciation. Then say: The word from only has one vowel, but the vowel is not accurate word/sy
of this guide for
pronounced as we would expect, so we can say it has an irregular pronunciation. I will write llable placemen
nce the day’s activ t.
the word from in the “irregular pronunciation” section of the chart. Writing it here will help students read ba ity is complete, have
us remember how to pronounce and read it when we see it in a book. Invite students to words that have all the syllables and
been recorded to
practice reading the word. reinforce the spell
ing and reading
o’clock: Divide the word into syllables (o’/clock) on the board. Determine that the first n If
identifying, sorti
syllable is an open syllable and the second is a closed syllable, then write each syllable in ng
syllables in multis , and recording
the appropriate column on the chart, followed by the word it is part of. Write a dash to yllabic words take
too much time, s
write some of th
indicate the syllable’s position in the word: o’– (o’clock), –clock (o’clock). After recording multisyllabic wo
the syllables and complete word, invite students to practice reading them. the words into sy on the board, divide
blending the sylla bles, and practice
seven: Divide the word into syllables (sev/en) on the board. Determine that each syllable without taking th es back into words
e time to record
is a closed syllable, then write each syllable and the word it is part of in the appropriate on the chart. them
column on the chart. Write a dash to indicate the syllable’s position in the word: sev– n Sa
ve the chart crea
ted in this activity
(seven), –en (seven). After recording the syllables and complete word, invite students to use on Days 2–4.
You will add to th for
practice reading them. syllable chart ea e
ch day.
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Word Chains
Letter Cards: s(2), p, i, n, g, u, l, o, f, r TT
spins ➞ spin ➞ pin ➞ pig ➞ pug ➞ plug ➞ lug ➞ log ➞ fog ➞ frog
Word Chain to Emphasize Initial Blends:
Note that each stu
cards for this activ nt will need two letter s
Letter Cards: l, o, f, t, s, i, a, p, e, j, u, d, k, ity.
Page Example from the book Base verb Word sum Pronunciation of ending
lift + s ➞ lifts
jump + s ➞ jumps
lift /s/
1 Jen lifts back her quilt and jumps from bed.
jump /s/
If possible, save
Connecting Spell chart created in this
ing to Meaning
on Days 2–4. Yo activity for use
u can add to the
chart each day.
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Day 2
Foundational Skills Instruction | pages 7–14
n For explicit instr
with no instructio n on how to map a word
n noted here, re
model lesson. fer to the
n Be
sure to map wo
rds exactly as th
mapped on the ey are
sample grid.
nce the activity
read back all the complete, have students
reinforce the spell rds they have mapped to
ing and reading
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Page Example from the book Base verb Word sum Pronunciation of ending
get + s ➞ gets
stop + s ➞ stops
Just as Jen gets to Mom and Dad’s bed get /s/
she stops… stop /s/
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Day 3
Foundational Skills Instruction | pages 15–24
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Page Example from the book Base verb Word sum Pronunciation of ending
pull + s ➞ pulls
She pulls a strand of ribbon
21 pull /s/
from the gift box.
23 Jen drags the ribbon on the rug… drag drag + s ➞ drags /z/
run + s ➞ runs
snag + s ➞ snags
run /z/
23 The kitten runs out and snags the ribbon.
twist + s ➞ twists
snag /z/
flip + s ➞ flips
He jumps and twists and twist /s/
flips as he runs after it. flip /s/
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Day 4
Foundational Skills Instruction | pages 25–28
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Page Example from the book Base verb Word sum Pronunciation of ending
flip + s ➞ flips
Frolic runs and jumps and flips jump /s/
spin + s ➞ spins
and spins until he has to rest. flip /s/
spin /z/
27 She thanks Mom and Dad. thank thank + s ➞ thanks /s/
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
Once you have completed Foundational Skills and Close Reading instruction for this
book, monitor skill development, specifically the reading of initial and final blends, n
Pattern Being As
with the assessment below. Use a blank sheet of paper to cover everything other than se
Initial and final bl ssed
the Progress Monitoring Assessment chart, and then ask students to read the words ends.
n Fo
r your own teac
in each column. Record student responses on individual response sheets found in the hi
blends can also be ng knowledge, consonant
Blackline Master section of this guide. referred to as co
nsonant clusters.
Target Letter-Sound Correspondence Nonsense Words Real Words High-Frequency Puzzle Words
Reading Series 1:
Jen’s Best Gift Ever
*Words printed in black typeface are recommended for the Vowel Pattern Sort activity. If those words are too challenging for students, or if students need extra practice with high-
frequency words, use words printed in gray typeface.