Logic of English Catalog 2020
Logic of English Catalog 2020
Logic of English Catalog 2020
Discover the rules that
Are you tired of saying accurately explain
“That’s an exception” the spelling of
98% of English words.
Reading, phonics, spelling,
and handwriting. Ages 4-7.
Page 2
Spelling, reading, grammar,
vocabulary. Ages 8 to adult.
Page 4
Rhythm of Handwriting
Cursive and manuscript
handwriting instruction.
Page 6
User Testimonials
Success stories and results directly
from our users!
Page 16
Providing kids of all ages with the tools they need to read & spell with success.
Ages 4-7
Using evidence-based reading instruction methods, Foundations combines multi-sensory learning with the latest in
linguistic research to provide students the best possible foundation for education: strong reading and writing skills.
All of our products can be ordered individually, but we strongly recommend ordering a complete set. All the
core materials in the sets are incorporated into the lessons, many of them every day, and you’ll save 10% or more!
Foundations A Set
$159 99
22 89 Multi-Syllable Words
Quick Reference
The students say the first syllable
66 While the students segment the first
spell,, and cue which
syllable, finger spell
• Write the lowercase letters q The students sound out the word
and read it.
Key: Teacher Student
Spring/Summer 2020
Foundations B Set
$ 99
Save Available in two handwriting styles:
1196 Cursive or Manuscript
From Words to Sentences Learn more about our
newest songs on pg 10
• Write the uppercase letters
• 21 multi-letter phonograms • 296 new high-frequency words,
• 8 spelling rules, including rules and tools for reading and spelling
for reading and spelling the hundreds of others
schwa sound • 16 individually-bound fiction
What’s Included: • 2 reasons for a silent E readers
Quick Reference
feel under the chin.
Hum the word or
Pause for syllable breaks
44 Say to spell. enunciate each syllable
and carefully
to Spell column.
as written in the Say
the say to spell.
The students repeat
• Student Workbook $
the first syllable.
5 The students say
segment the first
66 While the students
spell, and cue which
syllable, finger
if there are multiple
phonogram to use
6 with any additional
Repeat steps 5 and
the word,
The students write
Foundations D Set
$ 99
For those who have completed C
12 97
Reading Real Books Independently!
• 6 new spelling rules, including suffix rules!
What’s Included: • 8 advanced phonograms
• Beginning grammar
• Teacher’s Manual and composition Foundations D
• Student Workbook
• Set of 8 Non-Fiction Readers
• 8 individually-bound
non-fiction readers Children’s Literature Set $ 99 79
• Comprehension practice Thirteen delightful children’s fiction texts, including classic favorites
• Spelling Rule Flash Cards and games and newer titles, used in Level D. Scheduled throughout Foundations
31 spelling rules. Sample words for each rule on the back • Read 13 new & classic D along with their nonfiction counterpart from the Foundations D
display the rule in context in words. children’s literature books! Reader Set.
Learn more at foundations.logicofenglish.com. For individual product pricing, see page 18.
Ages 8 +
Essentials is comprised of 30 units spread across 4 volumes. Each unit includes differentiated
instruction for varying spelling levels: basic, intermediate, and academic vocabulary.
Learn more about differentiated instruction at essentials.logicofenglish.com/levels.
249 $
33 How many syllables?
$ 99
The students count the syllables.
Hum the word or feel under the chin.
Available in two handwriting styles: Repeat steps 5 and 6 with any additional syllables.
This new set combines Essentials, q The students sound out the word
and read it.
Key: Teacher Student
What’s Included:
• Teacher’s Guide: Units 1-7 • Grammar Flash Cards • Essentials Reader Set
Essentials Teacher’s Guides, the heart of the Essentials 84 cards aid students in mastering parts of speech, punctuation rules, The Essentials Reader
curriculum, contain a wealth of tips and resources to equip capitalization rules, and apostrophes. Thirty high-interest texts controlled for the phonics
both veteran and novice teachers to teach Essentials • Spelling Rule Flash Cards concepts that students are learning in Essentials.
effectively. Students can successfully sound out every word, with
31 spelling rules, including sample words on the reverse side, allow no sight words or guessing, as they build fluency and
• Student Workbook: Units 1-7 students to practice the rules in context - a great critical thinking tool! confidence.
Discovery-based learning activities, meaningful practice, • Phonogram & Spelling Rule Quick Reference
spelling analysis charts, and more! The three levels within Essentials Reader Teacher’s Guide
each unit facilitate differentiation, allowing you to Fold-out chart packed with all the phonograms and LOE spelling rules, The Teacher’s Guide provides instructions for
match the level of instruction to the student. a colorful suffix flow-chart, examples, and rare phonogram word lists. pre-reading, post-reading, handwriting, composition,
and extension activities with the reader texts.
• Morpheme Flash Cards: Units 1-7 • Spelling Analysis Quick Reference Essentials Reader Student Activity Book
The roots, prefixes, and suffixes with language of origin • Spelling Journal The Student Activity Book for the Essentials Reader is
and sample words on the back. Teach morphology and A student created reference to collect and organize commonly filled with vocabulary-building activities, composition
clarify meaning and spelling! misspelled words. pages, note-taking templates, handwriting practice,
• Basic Phonogram Flash Cards • Phonogram Game Cards Set creative extension activities, Venn diagrams,
experiments, story analysis guides, and much more!
75 basic phonograms. Sounds, sample words and Each deck includes the basic phonograms, plus 14 action cards. Includes
spelling aids on the back for teacher reference. one deck of bookface and one deck of your choice of handwriting style: • Rhythm of Handwriting Set
Cursive or Manuscript. Available in two handwriting styles: cursive or
• Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards manuscript. A multi-sensory approach that helps students
48 Advanced Phonograms used in thousands of advanced • Phonogram Game Tiles develop fluid, legible handwriting. Each set is comprised
vocabulary words. Language of origin, sample words, & All 75 basic phonograms color-coded for ease in identifying each of a student workbook, quick reference, tactile cards,
spelling aids for teacher reference. phonogram as a consonant (blue), a vowel (red), or an r-controlled whiteboard, and a student desk strip.
vowel (violet). A great way to vary spelling practice! See page 6 for individual item details.
Spring/Summer 2020
Not a struggling reader? Start here!
All of the Essentials 1-7 starter sets continue on
to the same sequence of continuation sets.
Already complete Foundations?
Reuse your core materials with this set
Essentials 1-7: Save containing only the new items you’ll
Multi-Syllable Words
the word.
33 How many syllables
$ 99
The students count the
Hum the word or feel under
the chin.
44 Say to spell
spell. Pause for syllable
and carefully enunciate breaks
each syllable
Essentials 1-7:
as written in the Say to
Spell column.
The students repeat the
say to spell.
5 The students say the fi
rst syllable.
66 While the students
segment the first
syllable, finger spell
spell, and cue which
phonogram to use if there
the word as
the students segment
it aloud.
What’s Multi-Syllable
Quick Reference
many syllables?
33 Howstudents count the syllables.
the chin.
The or feel under
Hum the word
spell. Pause for syllable
44 Say to each syllable
carefully enunciate
and column.
to Spell
in the Say say to spell.
as written repeat the
The students
say the first
The students
5 the first
the students which
66 While finger spell, and cue
are multiple
syllable, to use if there
options. syllables.
any additional
5 and 6 with
Repeat steps
write the
7 The students between the syllables
leaving a spaceit out as they write.
and sounding
word as
it. Write the
me write it aloud.
88 Help segment
the students
do we mark the
99 How the students analyzethe board.
While the word on in
spelling, markalso mark the word
The students
their books.
the word
sound out
q The students
and read it. Student
Key: Teacher
$ 96
Rhythm of Handwriting
Complete Set
$ 99 What’t’
Available in two handwriting styles:
Cursive or Manuscript
• Rhythm of Handwriting Student Book
A Concise, Easy-to-Teach Approach Letters are taught using a multi-sensory approach that begins with large motor movements. Explicit
instructions provide a clear understanding of how to write each letter, and shortened, bold instructions
• Clear and simple instructions emphasize the rhythmic motions needed for fluid handwriting.
• Teaches motion mastery
• Reinforces phonemic awareness • Rhythm of Handwriting Quick Reference
• Guides students to fluid handwriting with developmentally Complete and concise directions on how to form every lowercase and uppercase letter, organized by stroke.
appropriate lessons • Tactile Cards
• Requires minimal additional resources Feel, see, and hear how to write lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers. The raised sandpaper
(Optional supplements available) texture of these cards provides a sensory introduction to writing. Instructions included on the back side.
• Available in Cursive and Manuscript • Handwriting Desk Strip
• Designed to accompany Essentials or serve
as a stand-alone handwriting course. • Student Whiteboard
Why start with New Handwriting
Wall Strip
$ 99
Available in two handwriting styles:
Cursive or Manuscript
26 squares containing both uppercase and lowercase letters
combined into perforated strips so that teachers have the option of
separating them and arranging them as classroom space allows.
• The muscle memory that is mastered first Perfect for young children, our durable wooden Sandpaper Letters provide a colorful, tactile
way to discover the shape of the handwritten letters and practice letter formation! The
will last a lifetime. sandpaper texture provides a sensory, large-motor experience of the letters.
Handmade in the U.S.A.
Sounding Out the Sight Words: An Alternative to Rote Memorization
Don’t limit your students with what they can memorize by
rote. Use SOSW to teach high-frequency words according to
the Science of Reading to explain why words are spelled the
way they are!
One side of the book is for students. The other side is for teachers. Each lesson introduces
one or two new phonics concepts. The book is designed to be taught either sequentially
Lesson by Lesson or Word by Word by looking up words in the index.
Try it Free!
You’ll begin learning how to sound out sight words
with the first five lessons of this Logic of English crash
course! Sign up for a free elearning account today!
Game Book
13 94
Complete Set
$ 9985 What’s
Available in two handwriting styles:
Cursive or Manuscript
• Game Book • Basic Phonogram Flash Cards
Phonics, Reading, Spelling, & Over 300 games and activities for strengthening students’ reading and writing
Vocabulary Games for All Ages! skills! This book equips parents and teachers to provide multi-sensory and • Student Whiteboard
This set provides a wealth of practice
engaging practice with phonemic awareness skills, phonograms, handwriting, • Phonogram Game Tiles
reading fluency, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension.
ideas and resources for anyone teaching • Phonogram Game Cards Set
reading, spelling, handwriting, and other • Game Book Expansion Pack Includes one deck of bookface and one deck of your
Eight full-color, reusable game boards designed for use with dry-erase markers choice of handwriting style: Cursive or Manuscript.
language arts skills in a group or a allowing you to practice different phonograms or words every time you play!
one-on-one setting. Includes four 8.5”x11” game boards and four 11”x17” game boards.
Curriculum Tours
We’ve redesigned how our programs are introduced! Let us walk you through the theories,
concepts, and approaches of Foundations, Essentials, Rhythm of Handwriting and Sounding Out
the Sight Words. Tours explore details of progressive lessons, including downloadable samples
of the Teachers Manuals and Workbooks, associated skills taught, and the opportunity to try
the first five lessons free of charge!
Help Center
Explore answers to common questions from those currently using
Logic of English and those just getting started. Hundreds of articles
about placement, pacing, product details, adjusting the level of
challenge, measuring progress, struggling students, spelling rule
questions, and more are now available at your fingertips, with more
content coming soon! And if you can’t find your answer, sending a
question to our team is only a click away.
New Webstore
You can now read, learn, and shop simultaneously! Explore any LOE product line with ease. New
product descriptions, new images, and a brand new, sreamlined shopping experience!
Free Resources
Stay tuned throughout the year as we bring back favorites
and introduce new and improved tools for use in all types
of classrooms!
Rhyme the words dog and frog.
Rhyme the words meter and heater.
Three- and
Four-Syllable Words
Blend and segment three- and four-syllable words.
hamburger /h-a-m-b-ur-g-er/
Two-Syllable Words
Blend and segment two-syllable words.
trumpet /t-r-u-m-p-e-t/
Medial Sounds
Identify /i/ in dig as the medial vowel sound.
Change the /i/ in dig to /o/ to create
a new word: dog.
Final Sounds
Identify /p/ in cap as the final sound.
Change the /p/ in cap to /t/ to create
a new word: cat.
Initial Sounds
Identify /s/ in send as the initial sound.
Change the /s/ in send to /b/ to create a
new word: bend.
One-Syllable Words
with a Consonant Blend
Blend /c/ and /l/ into cl.
Blend and segment: clock /c-l-o-ck/.
One-Syllable Words
without a
Consonant Blend
Blend and segment: /o-n/ on.
Blend and segment: /b-u-g/ bug.
Blend Two Words into a
Compound Word
Blend the words rain and bow into rainbow.
Distinguish and
Identify Sounds Kinesthetic Awareness
Recognize /d/ and /t/ are different consonant
sounds, as heard in bad and bat. of Sounds
Recognize /ă/ and /ā/ are different vowel Say /p/. What is your mouth doing? What do your
sounds, as heard in mad and made. lips do? Can you feel air coming out?
Say /b/. What is the same? What is different? Place
your hand on your throat. What do you feel?
* *
a e i o u y
ai au augh aw ay ea ee ei eigh ew
ey ie igh oa oe oi oo ow ou ough
oy ui
ar ear er ir or ur wor
b c d f g h i *
j k l
m n p r s t v w x y
bu cei
ei ch ci ck dge es ed gn gu
kn ng ph qu sh si tch th ti wh
*I and Y have 3 vowel sounds, /ĭ-ī-ē/, and one consonant sound, /y/.
Strong readers use the same part of their brain to read as they use to listen. When we listen and comprehend,
our brain recognizes the sounds and then connects these sounds to another area that stores the meaning. Strong
readers have trained a special part of their brain called the letterbox. The letterbox recognizes that a letter or group
of letters represents a sound. It then passes the signal to the same area of the brain that recognizes sounds, and the
pathway continues to where the meaning is stored.
When students accurately learn how the sounds in a language are represented, their brains are able to use the
same pathways that are used for listening to read. This is also explained by the Simple View of Reading, which
states that a student’s reading comprehension is equal to their ability to listen and comprehend TIMES their
decoding skills.
Because my sons could listen to a chapter book and comprehend it, as soon as they learned accurate decoding
skills they could apply that knowledge to read and comprehend at the same level.
This is the science of reading at work. It is powerful! And it explains the transformation that struggling readers,
like my sons, experience when they learn how to apply accurate phonics with all of the phonogram sounds and
spelling rules to decode words.
Learn more about at www.logicofenglish.com/about/science-of-reading.
It’s a settled science.
Teaching phonics completely and systematically
bridges the gap between research and practice.
Try it Free!
Explore our course catalog and
sign up for a free account today!
the code of English. By providing the answers to questions such as Why is there an
E in have? and Why does the C say two sounds in circus? Logic of English eliminates
the need for the rote memorization of sight words.
Today, in the United States, only 36% of eighth grade students read at grade level.
Yet the science of reading has now clearly demonstrated how to teach students
to read successfully.
Our mission is to combine the science of reading with the joy of learning and pave the way to reading success for ALL students.
“When I came “I have a degree in “The components “I have been able to “Comprehensive, “Crying tears of joy,
across LOE, I knew reading education added so much to teach my 6th grade clearly presented, joy joy! My 14-year-
why I had struggled and have taught the program for us.” dyslexic child, my interesting, and old daughter,
so much: the pho- children how to – Lexi 4th grade strong complete, The Logic who has severe
nograms and rules read; however, this Homeschool reader, and my 2nd of English Essentials processing issues
had never been was the first time I Parent & Blogger grade emerging provides teachers and who has had
taught to me. As I have seen a read- reader all at the a holistic way so much difficulty
began to teach my ing program that same time, and to teach English learning to read,
son, not only did he makes complete actually enjoy it!” reading, spelling, is now reading on
soak up everything, sense.” – Kyle Snead writing and an upper middle
but I found myself – Homeschool Thomas grammar. Whether school level! Last
learning something Parent & Teacher Homeschool a beginning, summer she was
new with every Parent struggling, or adult on a 3rd grade
lesson.” “I was amazed how student, you will reading level. We
– Erin Stewart easy it was to teach find this an exciting are just finishing
Homeschooling how to form each and fun guide to lesson 30. I can’t
Mom of 3 letter!” developing profi- wait to see how
– Kristen cient readers and she is reading when
Homeschool spellers. This is truly she has finished
“Today my 5-year- Parent a “new paradigm” with the entire
old said, ‘Mom, I “My son has for teachers and program!”
love English. You gone from a very students.” – Homeschool
make everything reluctant, struggling – Dr. Robert Sweet Jr. Parent
fun!’ I cannot put reader to a confi- President
“We have into words how dent and happy National Right to
really LOVED this grateful I am for learner. The lessons Read Foundation
program. We have Logic of English” are well-paced,
tried several other engaging, and so
– Adriana B “Everyone is talking
phonics programs Homeschool full of activities and
about the
... none of them Parent fun that he doesn’t
problems with
even holds a candle notice how much “It’s great! My favor-
reading. Denise
to this one.” he is learning --- ite part is... there
is providing hope
– Jen S but I do.” are so many fun
and pointing a way
Homeschool out!” – Elisa St. Clair “I have witnessed parts that I can’t
Parent Homeschool improvements that decide!!”
– Teacher Teacher I never imagined in – Ben
my children!” Age 6
– Homeschool
We’d love to hear from you, too! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or
16 write us directly from our website www.logicofenglish.com
Illiteracy hurts millions of Americans
65% of Fourth Graders 66% of Eighth Graders 45% of children in 85% of juveniles
read below grade level read below grade level middle and high in the US court system
income families are illiterate
struggle with reading
we can
reverse the literacy crisis
facing America today.
Read more about the literary crisis and common sense solutions that can help in
Uncovering the Logic of English, by Denise Eide. 17
In addition to the featured sets for Foundations, Essentials, and
Rhythm of Handwriting, all pieces of the Logic of English
curriculums are also sold individually. Below, you’ll find individual
product pricing, sorted alphabetically.
A Fish Out of Water Used in Foundations D $9.99
Advanced Phonogram Flash Cards Used in Essentials 1-30 $14.99
Basic Phonogram Flash Cards Used in Foundations A-D and Essentials 1-30 $17.99
Dodsworth in New York Used in Foundations D $4.99
Doodling Dragons ABC Songs 26 playful and fun songs introducing names and sounds of the A-Z phonograms! $9.99
Doodling Dragons: An ABC Book of Sounds Used in Foundations A $14.99
Essentials 1-7 Morpheme Flash Cards $15.99
Essentials 1-7 Student Workbook $6.99
Essentials 1-7 Teacher’s Guide $49.99
Essentials 8-15 Morpheme Flash Cards $15.99
Essentials 8-15 Student Workbook $9.99
Essentials 8-15 Teacher’s Guide $49.99
Essentials 16-22 Morpheme Flash Cards $15.99
Essentials 16-22 Student Workbook $9.99
Essentials 16-22 Teacher’s Guide $49.99
Essentials 23-30 Morpheme Flash Cards $15.99
Essentials 23-30 Student Workbook $9.99
Essentials 23-30 Teacher’s Guide $49.99
Essentials Reader Recommended with Essentials 1-30 $24.99
Essentials Reader Student Activity Book Recommended with Essentials Reader $13.99
Essentials Reader Teacher’s Guide Recommended with Essentials Reader $19.99
Foundations A Student Workbook Cursive or Manuscript $14.99
Foundations A Teacher’s Manual $39.99
Foundations B Readers $11.99
Foundations B Readers: Young Artist Series $15.99
Foundations B Student Workbook Cursive or Manuscript $14.99
Foundations B Teacher’s Manual $39.99
Foundations C Readers $17.99
Foundations C Student Workbook $18.99
Foundations C Teacher’s Manual $49.99
Foundations D Readers $17.99
Foundations D Student Workbook $18.99
Foundations D Teacher’s Manual $49.99
Select items available digitally. Visit store.logicofenglish.com for complete product list.
Spring/Summer 2020
For the full item descriptions or to place an order, visit us online at store.logicofenglish.com
Do you know why E and O A, E, O, and U usually say their long
say their long sounds in sounds at the end of the syllable.
hero? hero cubic open
Do you know why S sometimes S says two sounds! /s/ and /z/.
sounds like a Z? If you count plurals, such as pyramids,
is, has, rose, raisin, pyramids, desert
S sounds like /z/ 70% of the time!
Follow us on Twitter for our weekly #FunFactFriday and #MondayMotivation!
We love to see our users in action. Show us what you are all about! Join the community!
Foundations Online and Essentials Online contains phonogram introduction videos, phonogram flashcard practice
videos, and spelling analysis videos coinciding with each lesson. The online courses also include PDF downloads of all
materials needed to teach each volume and brand new interactive activities! New content being added throughout
the course of 2020 includes instructional videos for main concepts of each lesson, interactive video elements for
enhanced student retention, expanded interactive activities for each major skill set, and certificates of completion!
New content being added throughout the course of 2020 includes video
instruction for DIY Tactile Cards and certificates of completion!
Science of Reading
It’s a settled science. Teaching phonics systematically bridges
the gap between research and practice.
Join Denise Eide as she brings you through the newest addition
to the Master Teacher Training, breaking down an overview of
how the brain learns to read and offers evidence-based
strategies to take directly back to your classroom!