Speaking Rubric: Poor (0 - 1 PTS) 1 Pts Fair (1 - 3 PTS) 3 Pts Good - Excellent (3 - 5 PTS) 5 Pts

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Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (1 - 3 pts) Good - Excellent (3 - 5 pts)
1 pts 3 pts 5 pts

Structure / Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (1 - 3 pts) Good - Excellent (3 - 5 pts)

The student has poor structure and flow. Needs constant The student is approaching a good flow and structure The student shows good flow and structure of the
help or has many hesitations. of the reading. Needs some help or has few reading. Needs little to no help and has no
hesitations. hesitations.

Pronunciation Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (1 - 3 pts) Good - Excellent (3 - 5 pts)

/ Intonation
Student makes little or no effort to enunciate and The student has errors in pronunciation, some effort in The student makes minor or no errors in
articulate in target language. articulation in target language. pronunciation, great articulation in target language
with expression.

Preparedness / Poor (0 - 1 pts) Fair (1 - 3 pts) Good - Excellent (3 - 5 pts)

Reading does not show practice, the reading is Reading shows some practice. Student is close to Reading is well prepared. Student has practiced
unnatural. Unprepared. The student had to record prepared. The student did not have to record more often. Volume is always appropriate.
multiple times. Volume is not appropriate. than two times. Volume is mostly appropriate.

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