E-Commerce in India: Evolution and Growth: July 2016

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E-Commerce in India: Evolution and Growth

Article · July 2016


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Karunakar B. Bisheswar Sinha

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies Optum


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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

ISSN 2319-345X www.ijmrbs.com

Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2016
© 2016 IJMRBS. All Rights Reserved
B Karunakar1* and Bisheswar Sinha2

*Corresponding Author: B Karunakar [email protected]

The objective of writing this article is to trace the ecommerce evolution in India. The authors
based their article on the secondary sources of data. The reader will gain knowledge about the
ecommerce business in India, its comparison with offline retailing, how the e-commerce works,
challenges and the way forward. E-Commerce became possible when the internet was opened
in the year 1991 for commercial use. With the development of security protocols (for example,
HTTP) and DSL that allowed rapid access and a persistent connection to the internet, the medium
became popular in 1994 with the general public. By 2000, a large number of US and Europe
companies offered their products and services in the World Wide Web using secure connections
and electronic payment services. Although the dot-com collapse in 2000 led to many ecommerce
companies winding up, the “brick and mortar” retailers recognized the advantages of electronic
commerce and began to add such capabilities to their websites. E-business is a structure that
includes not only those transactions that center on buying and selling goods and services to
generate revenue, but also those transactions that support revenue generation. These activities
include generating demand for goods and services, offering sales support and customer service,
or facilitating communications between business partners. Although India’s ecommerce is
growing, there are certain challenges that the industry needs to overcome. Ecommerce in India
is growing not just because the internet penetration is increasing but also due to the favorable
ecosystem developed by the market. Although the trust of people towards online shopping is
less, it is noted that with time the trust is increasing resulting in the growth of the industry. The
industry also needs to look for higher penetration in smaller towns besides addressing the bigger
challenges like the security and payment options.

Keywords:E-Commerce, Internet transactions, Online stores, Logistics, Mobile commerce

INTRODUCTION commerce meant the process of execution of

commercial transactions electronically with the
E-Commerce became possible when the internet
help of the then leading technologies such as
was opened in the year 1991 for commercial use.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Electronic
During earlier times in the late 1970s, e-
Funds Transfer (EFT).

Professor – Strategy & General Management, NMIMS Hyderabad.
Student of MPE Batch IV, NMIMS Hyderabad, Analyst, TCS.

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

With the development of security protocols (for to-business exchange of data.

example, HTTP) and DSL that allowed rapid
· Reach prospective and established customers
access and a persistent connection to the
by e-mail or fax (for example, with
internet, the medium became popular in 1994 with
the general public. By 2000, a large number of
US and Europe companies offered their products · Use business-to-business buying and selling.
and services in the World Wide Web using · Provide secure business transactions
secure connections and electronic payment
The E-Commerce way provides benefits of low
services. Although the dot-com collapse in 2000
overheads, low maintenance, worldwide market
led to many e-commerce companies winding up,
and 24x7 operations
the “brick and mortar” retailers recognized the
advantages of electronic commerce and began E-COMMERCE IN INDIA
to add such capabilities to their websites. For
According to Flipkart CEO Sachin Bansal, going
instance, when the online grocery store Webvan
forwardIndia is going to be the third biggest e-
collapsed, two supermarket chains Albertsons
commerce (market by value) in the world (after
and Safeway began to use e-commerce to enable
the US and China).
their customers to buy groceries online. By the
end of 2001, Business to Business (B2B) Model, The explosive growth of Flipkart and
the largest form of e-commerce, had around $ Snapdeal.com shows that Indian shoppers are
700 billion in transactions. willing to buy a range of products online, which
gave a strong boost to investor confidence,
E-business is a structure that includes not only
according to Vani Kola, managing director at
those transactions that center on buying and
Kalaari Capital which is an investor in Snapdeal
selling goods &services to generate revenue, but
and online innerwear seller Zivame.
also those transactions that support revenue
generation. These activities include generating Over the last two decades, rising internet and
demand for goods and services, offering sales mobile phone penetration has changed the way
support and customer service, or facilitating we communicate and do business. While in
communications between business partners. countries such as the US and China, e-
commerce has taken significant strides to achieve
E-commerce businesses usually employ
sales of over 150 billion USD in revenue, the
some or all of the following practices:
industry in India is, still at its infancy.
· Provide “virtual storefronts” on websites with
With just 24% of its population online today,
online catalogs, sometimes gathered into a
India’s Internet penetration is still just about a third
“virtual mall
that of the other BRIC countries (Figure 1) and
· Buy or sell on websites or online marketplaces. similar to less developed countries, such as
· Gather and use demographic data through Yemen and Angola. With approximately 250 to
web contacts and social media. 300 million Internet users, it is the second-largest
country by users globally—just behind China and
· Use electronic data interchange, the business-
ahead of the US.

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Figure 1: Online Internet Buying Across Countries

% of Internet users who buy online


; Germany Us
mn OD South Korea

so &
© Indonesia rene:

0 25 50 75 100%
Internet penetration
Sources: eMarketer {201 4E); Google data; Bain analysis

According to Gartner Inc. estimates, the India’s “Smart phones” to buy products leading to 35%
e-commerce market will reach $ 22 billion in 2015, of their traffic coming from the mobile phone. With
a 34 per cent increase over 2014 revenue of $16.4 the high penetration of phones in India and with
billion. Out of this, the e-tail market is pegged at improving Internet connectivity, e-commerce firms
$6 billion in 2015 as against $3.5 billion in 2014. are expected to reach millions of new users in
Shoppers in India are increasingly using their the coming years (Figure 2).

Figure 2: India’s eCommerce and eTail Growth

m= eCommerce(including efail)
a olail

2010 2011 2012 2014

Source: IAMAI, CRISIL, Gartner, PwC analysts and Industry experts

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

Industry studies by Internet and Mobile Major Milestones of India E-commerce

Association of India (IAMAI) indicate that online Market
travel dominates the e-commerce industry with Internet was opened for commercial use in the
an estimated 70% of the market share. However, year 1991. The medium became popular with the
e-retail in both its forms: online retail and market general public in 1994 with the development of
place has become the fastest-growing segment. security protocols and DSL that allowed rapid
Calculations based on industry benchmarks access and persistent connection to the internet.
estimate that the number of parcel check-outs in The major milestones of the Indian
e-commerce portals exceeded 100 million in E-Commerce market are outlined below in
2013. Figure 3.
However, this share represents a miniscule
1995: The Internet Wave
proportion (less than 1%) of India’s total retail
With the advent of the Internet in 1995, India
market, but is poised for continued growth in the
witnessed the setting up of B2B portals,
coming years. If this robust growth continues over
matrimonial sites, job search directories and
the next few years, the size of the e-retail industry
online stores through Rediff.com and
is poised to be 10 to 20 billion USD by 2017-2020.
Indiatimes.com. However, these smaller initiatives
This growth is expected to be led by increased
did not thrive due to several factors, such as low
consumer-led purchases in durables and
Internet penetration, slow Internet speed, and
electronics, apparels and accessories, besides
small user base for online shopping, inadequate
traditional products such as books and audio-
logistics infrastructure, low consumer acceptance
of e-commerce and the lack of a tangible revenue
According to the KPMG and IAMAI report, only model. More than a thousand e-commerce
around 10,000 out of the more than 150,000 pin businesses collapsed due to the IT downturn in
codes in the country are covered by courier 2000.
companies. The penetration of courier services
is critically important to boost online shopping as 2005: Low-Cost Carriers and e-ticketing
deliveries are mostly done through them. In 2005, low-cost carriers entered the aviation

Figure 3: Major Milestones of the Indian E-Commerce

1995: The Internet 2014: The current

NEV scenario

2005: Low-cost carriers 2007 onwards: The

and e-ticketing New Age e-commerce

Source: website, http://ecommerce24.in

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

sector and drove the online travel industry, leading gained customers through rigorous marketing
to the e-ticketing sites. The Indian Railways also and also by offering services such as group buying
implemented e-ticket booking and accepted digital and the daily deal discount models. Heavy
payments through credit cards. Eventually, discounts were offered as incentives to gain
consumers got accustomed to e-tickets and the customer loyalty. The forward and backward
skepticism regarding online usage of credit cards
linkages of these sites were strengthened as well.
reduced considerably. The change in consumer
lifestyle, the rise in disposable income of the 2014: Last year
middle class and the need for convenience acted 2014 turned out to be one of the most important
as catalysts and thus began the era of e-tailing. years for Indian e-Commerce sector with
This period saw a sharper focus on revenue estimated revenues of around US$16.4 billion out
generation. of which e-tail constituted $3.5 billion.

2007 Onwards: The New Age e-commerce Looking at 10 Indian e-commerce sites based
Post 2007, a number of start-ups stepped into on the monthly traffic they generate and using
the Indian e-commerce market to make it big. Similarweb to find out the numbers for
These included companies such as Flipkart, comparison, statistics have been taken for the
Infibeam, Myntra and Snapdeal. These portals month of April 2014 (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Estimated Monthly Traffic

:109 n
:20 3p
30 AN
40 5H
50 n
Estimated MonthlyTraffic (in Million)

Source: website, http://trak.in

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Flipkart topped the charts with over 62 million · Logistics with importance to reliable delivery
visits with Myntra coming shade lower at 59.5
· User Experience
million. Given that both of them have come
together, purely based on the traffic, they clock · Availability of much wider Product Range
more traffic than the rest 8 players compared to what is available at brick and
combined.Jabong took the bronze position with mortar retailers
42.5 million visitors followed by Snapdeal (31.4 The current broad sales pattern of e-
million). Amazon.in clocked a respectable 27.6 commerce industry is 47% electronics, 31%
million visits considering that it has not even apparel and 22% other goods. There are three
completed a year since its launch as yet. Also, if kinds of models operating in the e-commerce
Junglee, which is owned by Amazon, is combined industry in India as of date.
their traffic comes to 40 million visits.
Marketplace model: Amazon and Snapdeal
In the recent month of August 2015, Flipkart operate on this kind of model where their role is
topped the charts with over 87.1 million visits with to facilitate the sale and fulfill it by handling
Myntra contributing to 2.0 million. Amazon.in logistics, deliveries and returns. They do not hold
clocked in second at 77.8 million visits followed any inventories on their books.
by Jabong with 67.3 million visitors and Snapdeal
Hybrid model: Flipkart acts as a market place
with 41.6 million. Shopclues stood with 11.90
and also holds its own inventory. However, it has
million visitors.
now moved to the marketplace model
A major growth in online shopping was
Inventory model: Myntra and Jabong, which are
witnessed since the introduction of Cash on
primarily apparel portals, have an inventory
Delivery (COD) and free return options. The price
model. They have moved to a hybrid market place
war among sites also brought another feature of
but it is still skewed towards the inventory led
comparison to customers where they could
review product characteristics and prices
featured on different sites. The underlying revenue for the above models
is commissions. The costs for the online retailers
The rate of growth of e-commerce is so rapid
are the discounts, free delivery and customer
that the prevailing view is that the industry would
returns. These costs are referred to as ‘customer
reach a size of $20 billion by 2020. The factors
acquisition costs’. The largest cost is the
fueling this rapid growth are
discounts offered on owned merchandise or the
· Increasing broadband Internet and 3G cost of funding discounts in a marketplace model.
penetration These discounts are offered over and above the
· Rising standards of living and a burgeoning, discounts offered by brands or sellers of the
upwardly mobile middle class with high product and are usually offered to the customers
disposable incomes in the form of coupons. They are known as cart
discounts because they can be availed once the
· Payment gateways such as net banking and
customer adds the product to his or her cart. The
cash on delivery
discounts sometimes can amount to losses at

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

the gross transaction level in the hybrid model. In startups to bring such technology inside brick and
a marketplace model, they sometimes exceed mortar stores.
the commissions that the e-tailer earns. E-tailers
Offline retailers are coming up with a concept
bear these losses for customer acquisition.
called as ‘virtual reality’, ‘unlimited product stock’,
However these discounts are not limited to a one
‘similar searches’ or ‘related product’ options. Nike,
time purchase and are often open for all, not
USPA, Being Human, etc. are among the brands
distinguishing between old and new customers.
using technology products in their stores to give
This implies that they are given not only for
customers the advantages that e-commerce
customer acquisition but also for customer
portals offer.
retention. There are cases where coupons are
offered for registering on the portal. Clearly the e- The firm installs a tablet like device in the store,
tailers losses are the customer gains. which customers can use to browse through all
the brand’s products, the way they would on an
ONLINE VS. OFFLINE e-commerce portal. It allows customers to mix
RETAILING and match products and see how they would look
The below Table 1 compares the online store vis in the ensemble. There will also be more
a vis the brick and mortar. engagement between the customer and the store
sales person.
Online Experience Offline
How would you like it if you could go to a garment Comparison with E-Commerce in USA
store, stand before a screen there, and see how In Table 2, a comparison of E-Commerce in India
you would look in one of the dresses displayed is made with that of USA.
on a poster without trying it out? Or walk into a
mall, and have your favorite brand find out you HOW E-COMMERCE WORKS
are in there and offer you a special discount? In this section an insight is provided on how the
Brands know you will love this and are roping in E-commerce works (Figure 5).
Table 1: Online vs Offline

Need Online Store Advantage Brick and Mortar Advantage

Convenience(Shopping No travelAvailable 24X7 No waiting time for delivery

solutions that require less
time and effort) Features like automatic replenishment Easy to address immediate or special needs

Avoiding crowded stores/Checkout lines

Price – Value(Higher quality Easy price comparisonAccess to deals and coupons No shipping fees or stringent return policies
for a certain price)
Ability to inspect products for quality

Exposure to promotions sampling and signage

Choice(Variety to meet more Broader product rangeAccess to more retailers Easy to interact with, evaluate and select products
customer needs)
Ability to seek help/advice Experience through tailored customer assortment,
layout or prices
Ease of research
Interaction with store associates

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Table 2: Comparison of E-Commerce in India and USA

Factors India USA

Payment Mode Mainly cash on delivery (CoD) Mainly credit cards or PayPal
Less credit cards More credit and debit cards
Wary of prepaid orders and price conscious

Technology Site crashes and ERP system issues are common Strong

Logistics Picking up Strong

What people buy online more Apparel, Electronic items and E-tickets Apparel, Electronic items, E-tickets and Grocery
Real Estate

Customer behavior Consumer driven excitement for shopping festival Consumer driven excitement for shopping festival
is less is more

Government regulations Yet to mature for online retailing Rules and regulations are in place
No clear FDI guidelines till date
Regulations on steep discounting has not yet
been implemented

Figure 5: How the E-Commerce works

Supplier Buyer
Airlines Individuals
Indian rail Businesses
a Bus operators

Core layer
=> Service providers
Companies offering jobs


Logistics Call Financial Social Network Internet |eEnspiers support-
providers centers intermediaries sear sees secon ing the core layer
sites provider Provider lof e-commerce

Source: website of E&Y

Key Stakeholders Money flow: Payments from consumers to e-

Multiple stakeholders are engaged in E- commerce players or suppliers through financial
commerce intermediaries.

Stakeholders coordinate among each other to Type of E-commerce

facilitate the three main flows in an e-commerce Types of E-commerce Business
transaction: Vanity: Vanity websites allow you to promote an
Product flow: Goods from suppliers to end individual interest or indulge in a hobby. An
consumers. example of a vanity site is a writer who starts a
Information flow: Information transmission of blog as a form of self-expression. A vanity site
orders from customers and subsequent information typically is not a means to earn a large income.
flow of order status through the value chain. However, some income may be generated by

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

using an ad serving application, such as Business-to-Business: Business-to-business

Google AdSense, to place advertisements on your e-commerce sites, also known as B2B, give
site that produce revenue when visitors click on businesses the opportunity sell products to other
them. businesses online. Purveyors of products such
as computer systems and office supplies allow
Storefront: A storefront is used to sell products
small business owners to make purchases
via a website. Products may be manufactured
without having to visit a physical location. This
by the seller or sold through methods such as
can save them time and perhaps even money,
drop shipping, in which a site owner sells the
such as when they receive discounts for buying
products of a third party. Auction websites such
through a website.
as eBay.com are another common form of
storefront site from which entrepreneurs can sell Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is when
merchandise through a bidding process. one business sells the products of another in
return for a commission. An example of an affiliate
Subscription: Subscription websites allow
marketing model is when an individual creates a
readers to gain access to information in a method
website providing information about stock market
similar to subscribing to a newspaper or
investing. He then registers with the affiliate
magazine. Entrepreneurs who possess a high
program of a business that sells a book about
level of expertise in a field, such as investing or
how to make money investing in stocks and
how to make money through a particular business
places a link to the book on his site. When a
venture, often use subscriptions as a revenue
customer clicks on the link and purchases the
source. They may disseminate information in the
book, the site owner receives a commission.
form of a newsletter sent periodically by email.

Figure 6: Models of E-Commerce Transactions

»Onlineclassifieds ;
>Onlineretail esehe
~ Onlineclassifieds

Customers buy Online sale of products Portals connecting Paid music, videos Online sale of
tickets, book such as books. mobile buyers andsellers and games download insurance, loans
hotels and handsets, mobile by providing and mutual funds
purchase tour accessories. classifieds space
packages online. electronics andhome where the sellers
The ticketing and kitchen appliances can advertise their
services canbe among others product
for airlines,
railways or

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Various Models and Its Link Business-to-Business (B2B): The most

E-commerce transactions can be segmented into common users of B2B online classifieds are
three broad categories or modes, based on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
participants involved in the transaction. Figure 6 These small businesses lack the requisite
shows the Models of E-Commerce transactions. financial resources and, therefore, find it difficult
to market their products and services to potential
In the e-commerce sector, e-travel comprises
clients through traditional media such as
70% of the total e-commerce market. E-tailing,
newspapers, banners and television. Trade
which comprises of online retail and online
through online B2B portals increases the visibility
marketplaces, has become the fastest-growing
of MSMEs in the marketplace and helps them
segment in the larger market having grown at a
overcome barriers of time, communication and
CAGR of around 56% over 2009-2014. The size
of the e-tail market is pegged at 6 billion USD in
2015 (Source, website of PwC, E-commerce in Working Principle
India, Accelerating growth). Here is an illustration of how a sophisticated, fully
Books, apparel and accessories and computerized e-commerce system might work.
electronics are the largest selling products Not all e-commerce systems work exactly this
through e-tailing, constituting around 80% of way.
product distribution. The increasing use of 1. Sitting at her computer, a customer tries to
smartphones, tablets and internet broadband and order a book online. Her web browser
3G has led to developing a strong consumer base communicates back and forth over the
likely to increase further. This, combined with a internet with a web server that manages the
larger number of homegrown e-tail companies store’s website.
with their innovative business models has led to
2. The web server sends her order to the order
a robust e-tail market in India rearing to expand
manager. This is a central computer that
at high speed.
sees orders through every stage of
Business-to-Consumer (B2C): The B2C processing from submission to dispatch.
market in India generates the bulk of revenues
3. The order manager queries a database to
across the consumer-facing modes of e-
find out whether what the customer wants
Commerce. Furthermore, though online travel
is actually in stock.
has typically held a major share of the B2C market,
online retail is also growing rapidly and is expected 4. If the item is not in stock, the stock database
to significantly increase its share. system can order new supplies from the
wholesalers or manufacturers. This might
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): India’s C2C
involve communicating with order systems
market, though currently small, is set to grow with
at the manufacturer’s HQ to find out
the entry of several players. These entrants are
estimated supply times in real time while the
attracting VC investment. Their online portals are
customer is still sitting at her computer.
also garnering significant traffic. We expect the C2C
segment to show rapid growth in coming years. 5. The stock database confirms whether the

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

item is in stock or suggests an estimated 10. The order manager confirms that the
delivery date when supplies will be received transaction has been successfully
from the manufacturer. processed and notifies the web server.

6. Assuming the item is in stock, the order 11. The web server shows the customer a web
manager continues to process it. Next it page confirming that her order has been
communicates with a merchant system (run processed and the transaction is complete.
by a credit card processing firm or linked to
12. The order manager sends a request to the
a bank) to take payment using the
warehouse to dispatch the goods to the
customer’s credit or debit card number.
7. The merchant system might make extra
13. A truck from a dispatch firm collects the
checks with the customer’s own bank
goods from the warehouse and delivers
8. The bank computer confirms whether the
14. Once the goods have been dispatched, the
customer has enough funds.
warehouse computer emails the customer
9. The merchant system authorizes the to confirm that her goods are on the way.
transaction to go ahead, though funds will
15. The goods are delivered to the customer.
not be completely transferred until several
days later. All of these activities are invisible – virtual – to

Figure 7: E-Commerce Challenges

Logistics and
Poor Knowledge Shipment Services
and Awareness

penetration is
Online Transaction

‘Touch and Feel’

Cash On Delivery factors

Online Security

Source: website of emavens.com and website of Business Insider

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

the customer except the computer she sits at consumers due to lack of trust in online
and the dispatch truck that arrives at her door. transactions, limited adoption of credit/ debit
cards, and security concerns among others.
E-COMMERCE CHALLENGES Moreover, the return percentage of orders in CoD
There are seven challenges related to e- is much higher compared to online payments. To
commerce (Figure 7). counter these fears, e-tailers have started to
provide facility of paying with Card on Delivery.
Poor Knowledge and Awareness: Majority of
For example, Amazon’s delivery person brings
urban population do not have adequate knowledge
point-of-sale device to accept payment at
on online business and its functionalities. Very
customer premise.
few are aware of the online fraud and ignorance
still exists. Further most of Indian rural population The banks as well as the e-tailers are also
are unaware of internet and it uses. A reliable offering different offers like cashback and Easy
survey reveals that 50% of Indian online users Monthly Installment (EMI) to encourage customers
are unaware of the online security solutions. for card-based payments. Startups like Paytm and
FreeCharge are providing mobile wallets while
Online Transaction: Majority of Indian customers
almost every commercial bank is providing the
do not possess plastic money, credit card, debit
option to pay online via credit or debit card.
card and net banking system, which is one of the
prime reasons in curtailing the e-commerce Cash on Delivery: Cash on Delivery (COD) has
growth. Lately, however, some of the nationalized been touted as the innovation to counter the low
banks have started to issue debit cards to all its credit card penetration and payment security
account holders. This is undoubtedly a positive issues on the internet. COD is a substantial
sign for Indian online entrepreneurs as electronic proportion of the sales today contributing to
payments are convenient and less costly, unlike anywhere between 11% (for Pepperfry) to 60%
manual cash collection which is laborious, risky in most of the cases.
and expensive. The COD is unsustainable as it pushes up the
Payment Gateways: When it comes to running cost of transaction by Rs. 30-60 per transaction.
an online business the crucial part is how the Given the low profitability and small ticket size on
customer will pay. An e-commerce payment e-commerce sites, the entire gross margin gets
gateway is a service that authorizes credit card, erased by COD. On top of this the problem is
debit card or online banking payments and that of high returns of the goods as the
processes them securely with a user’s merchant consumers often change their mind by the time
account for Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). The the goods arrive. The goods returns are as high
world is moving from cash to digital money and as 40-45% of all the COD shipments. COD also
thus there is a need of payment gateway for poses scalability issues for the e-commerce sites
sustainable future e-commerce. The Indian e- in the long term as the logistics companies would
commerce sector is heavily dependent on Cash find it hard to scale to the required levels. The
on Delivery (CoD) mode of payment, almost 60- other problems associated with COD are long
70%, as it is the most preferred choice for Indian lead times before the revenue can be booked,

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fraud risks and higher working capital in India. Given the large size of the country, there
requirements. are thousands of towns that are not easily
accessible. E-commerce is hampered in a big
Online Security: In case of startup and small
way owing to the limited services offered by the
business, business owners are ignoring the
courier service companies. The courier
importance of authentic software due to budget
companies do not have nationwide delivery
constraints. They are even failing to take the initial
networks and also do not have the skills of
steps to secure and protect their online business
handling commercial value goods. They also do
through installation of authentic protection
not have the skills for handling CoD, recheck
services like antivirus and firewall protection,
return parcels, and other complexities related to
which is indeed a crucial step for successful
digital sale. This is forcing several e-tailers to
online business players. In India, maximum
establish their own delivery network across the
number of business entrepreneurs used
country and might have to engage with multiple
unauthorized software in their server, which
shipping methods using FedEx or DHL for the
usually does not come with upgraded online
last mile delivery.
security. Such pirated software leaves room for
virus, malwares and Trojan attacks and it is highly Touch and Feel’ factors: Indian customers are
risky task to make online transactions in the more comfortable in buying products physically
systems, which may disclose or leak sensitive and tend to choose the product by touching it
details of credit cards and online banking of the directly. Companies dealing with products like
users. These kinds of droopiness should be apparel, handicrafts, jewelry have to face
banned in Indian e-commerce sectors. Affiliation challenges to sell their products as the buyers
to SSL certificate should be imposed as a want to see and touch before they buy these
mandatory action for every owner. stuffs. W ith respect to travel, books and
electronics, the Indian buyers are more inclined
Internet penetration is low: Internet penetration
to do online transactions.
in India is still a small fraction of what one would
find in several western countries. On top of that,
the quality of connectivity is poor in several
Although India’s e-commerce is growing, there
regions. But both these problems are fast
are certain challenges which the industry needs
disappearing. The day is not far when connectivity
to overcome. E-commerce in India is growing not
issues would not feature in a list of challenges to
just because the internet penetration is increasing
e-commerce in India.
but also due to the favorable ecosystem
Logistics and Shipment Services: E- developed by the market (Source is the website,
commerce companies live on the reach and the http://e-commerce24.in, website, Firstdata and
ability to stock more items than physical stores website, Deloitee).
as these are their biggest differentiators. With this
benefit also comes the challenge of robust supply E-commerce to Social Media: Social media has
chains and logistics networks, which are not now become the hub for the merchants enabling
comparable and developed to global standards them to analyze the customer choice based on

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

their purchase activities. Social network like Mobile Commerce: Mobile commerce is
LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook and others becoming increasingly common in shopping.
have become a medium for easy log-in and Snapdeal is now getting half of its traffic from
purchase. Moreover, the clients can stay updated mobile, up from 5% around a year back and
via the posts published on this media.Further, the Flipkart gets 40% traffic from mobile up from 15%.
advertising and promotions on these social sites As prices of smart phones reduce, these figures
has increased the chances of success of are expected to increase still further. For this
generating transactions to many folds. reason, the big e-commerce firms have started
focusing on mobile commerce. It is anticipated
Majority of e-commerce purchases will
that the next wave of digital commerce consumer
happen through websites while social media
will come through the mobile internet.
networks will increasingly be the initial point of
contact for many. Consumers will rely on their Price comparison engine: E-commerce sites
networks for facts about products and services, offer deep discount to acquire customers and
and they will also look for discounts, offers and these discounts vary from site to site depending
information about loyalty rewards programs. upon its capacity to negotiate with the supplier. In
Brands will also actively encourage buyers to order to get the best discounts, the buyer needs
make purchases and talk about goods on social to search several sites. This is where Price
platforms. comparison sites like mysmartprice.com,
Pricedekho.com, freekamal.com and
For example, Jabong saw traffic and revenue
Jungleecome in. These websites compare prices
from social marketing grow between 250-300%
over the entire web and provide users with the
in the last one year. Myntra saw an increase of
best available price. E-Commerce sale through
120% originating from Facebook in six months.
these website are increasing and will further
The marketing on social platforms leads to
increase as consumers get more and more
increase in organic traffic to the website. Myntra
discount savvy.
today has 5-6 lacs page visits per day.
Innovation in Logistics: Recently Amazon
There will be many more examples to follow,
patented its new delivery model called the Prime
who will collect and analyze customer data and
Air. This model uses the highly technically
use them to enrich their experiences in both digital
embedded drones or helicopters for the instant
and physical contexts.
delivery of the items. These aerial vehicles will
The number of online stores will increase be programmed in such a way that using a GPS
across categories, and they will provide more system they will identify the exact address for
personalized experience to their shopper. delivery and drop the item right in front of the doors
Currently clothes, electronic goods, books and
of the customers. The vehicles will prioritize the
jewelry, are some of the most popular items sold
public safety and are designed as per the
online. However, with increase in real time
commercial aviation standards.
assistance - response time and speed, more
customers would go for items, such as groceries Focus on smaller towns: Indian e-commerce
and medicines, among others. sites are gradually shifting their focus from metro

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cities tier II and smaller towns in sync with the chain for gaining better insights and making
Internet and mobile penetration. While bigger strategic business decisions.
brands are not physically present in tier II and tier
Although the trust of people towards online
III cities of India, e-commerce makes these brands
shopping is less, it is noted that with time the trust
available to people hailing from those places and
willincrease resulting in the growth of the industry.
thus, has been highly accepted in the smaller
Industry also needs to look for higher penetration
in smaller towns, besides addressing the bigger
Analytics: The rise of Internet, smartphones and challenges like the security and payment options.
social media users have made analytics an
Consumers may love them, but e-commerce
integral part of any digital business. There is
firms in India, several of which operate under
abundance of customer data in every business
contentious (but not illegal) structures to get
including e-commerce and analytics helps in
around the laws, have attracted the ire of brick-
deriving meaningful insights to help the business
and-mortar retailers—even some companies that
in growing and serving the customers better.
sell on such sites but do not wish to offend
Massive increases in the volume of data and constituents of their distribution networks. Matters
the complexity of information from CRM, ERP, seem to have come to a head from October last
Point of Sales (POS) data and other systems year when Flipkart sold $100 million worth of
make it difficult to have customer behavior products to 1.5 million customers in 10 hours
insights without a focused analytical interface. The during its Big Billion Day sale. Amazon India made
e-commerce industry generates data from a similar sale.
several sources like e-tailer website, IT systems,
The Confederation of All India Traders alleged
review and ratings providers and social media
that their business had seen fall of 20-35% in six
sites. E-tailers need to have real-time access to
months of last year and this was on account of
information to measure return on online
e-commerce. And if this continues, many jobs of
investments and optimize the channel mix.
the 100 million people could disappear (Source,
There are basic analytics capabilities available website http://www.livemint.com).
with the e-commerce players like basket size
The e-commerce companies were lining up
analysis, average order value and conversion
huge discounts to attract users especially during
ratio, but with the changing scenario and
festive seasons. These companies have to
increasing customer base the organizations need
aggressively build market share through deep
to deploy deeper analytics solutions that provide
discounting to justify and increase their valuations
actionable insight around overall digital customer
with investors. This discounting hasn’t gone down
experience. The analytics solution should include
well with brick-and-mortar retailers.
end to end process starting from the vendor
management and supply chain to customer In the US, Amazon.com Inc. and eBay
satisfaction. It should have holistic view of the data Inc. faced similar problems from the traditional
covering across all departments such marketing, supply chain when they were fast expanding in
sales, customer service, finance and the supply the 2000s. They continue to get criticized for steep

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discounting practices and, in some cases, sales direct investment in e-commerce sites that sell
of unauthorized and even fake products. directly to customers but allows it in marketplaces
that link sellers and buyers. The marketplaces
Still, Amazon offers the lowest prices in most
also provide services such as payment and
categories and in the latest quarter of last year,
delivery systems. That model is beyond any
the company reported sales growth of more than
definition that can be found in Indian tax laws.
26% in North America, significantly higher than
any of its offline rivals such as Wal-Mart Stores For instance, in Karnataka, the tax department
Inc., Best Buy Co. Inc. and others. Best Buy has wants Amazon to pay Value-Added Tax (VAT) on
had to shut stores, change its management and products from third-party sellers it stores in its
accept lower margins to survive while Walmart is warehouse in anticipation of selling them to
aggressively increasing its online business. Such customers. Amazon keeps a cut of the sales and
conflict between traditional supply chain and the passes on the rest to the sellers who then pay
new e-commerce companies is a part of a VAT. The state’s tax department claims that the
transitory phase. ownership of products passes to Amazon when
stored in its warehouse, and that the e-commerce
Now many consumer product companies and
company should be responsible for paying VAT.
brick-and- mortar retail establishments speak of
Tamil Nadu’s tax department is beginning to think
so-called omni-channels, or those spanning
along the same lines. Tax departments are
offline and online.It is already seen in the mature
examining whether e-commerce companies are
markets with retailers like Gap and Target, they
selling their products by sourcing them from
are all large online. Except for Amazon, there are
outside the state or from within the state. If the
no other pure play e-commerce companies in
product is shipped outside from the state, 2%
these markets. Unlike India, where, of the top 50
CST (central sales tax) is levied and if it is sourced
e-commerce companies, at least 46-47 are pure-
within the state then accordingly VAT is levied. In
playe-commerce companies, in the US besides
many cases, tax departments do not really
Amazon, most e-commerce companies are
understand the model of e-commerce
offline modern retailers that have got into e-
companies. In a meeting of all tax commissioners
commerce. It will change in India too with all
in New Delhi in September last year, many states
modern retailers planning to foray into e-
had expressed concerns about e-commerce and
commerce in India.
the need for a uniform taxation policy.
The conflict between online and offline retailers
The matter is receiving the attention of the
isn’t unique to India. Nor is the confusion over
Trade Minster at the Central Government.
how e-commerce companies here are to be
taxed.The e-commerce companies have It is unlikely that e-commerce might be curbed
attracted the attention of taxmen and the by the government in any way nor would the threat
government. The three major e-commerce of action by regulators or taxmen affect the
companies operating in India—Flipkart, Amazon investor sentiment. There are risks of doing
and Snapdeal—all host marketplaces. That’s business in India and the investors might have
primarily because Indian law doesn’t allow foreign priced them in. Investors will keep pumping huge

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Int. J. Mgmt Res. & Bus. Strat. 2016 B Karunakar and Bisheswar Sinha, 2016

amounts of money as long as e-commerce is 6. Website, Emavens, http://www.emavens.

popular with consumers, which it clearly is. com/blog/ecommerce-2/major-challenges-
7. Website, Firstdata, http://www.firstdata.
1. Website, Bain & Co, http://www.bain.com/
2. Website, Business Insider, http://
8. Website, Livemint,http://www.livemint.com/
commerce-is-set-to-boom-in-india-2011- Everyone-hates.html
9. Website, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, http://
3. Website, Deloitte, http://www2.deloitte.com/ www.pwc.in/assets/pdfs/publications/2014/
in/en/ pages/ technolog y- media- and- evolution-of-e-commerce-in-india.pdf
10. Website, Pricewaterhouse Coopers,http://
4. Website, Ernst &Young, http://www.ey.com/ ecommerce-in-india-accelerating-
IN/en/Industries/Technology/Re-birth-of-e- growth.pdf
11. Website, Trak.in, http://trak.in/tags/
5. Website, Ecommerce24, http://ecommerce business/2014/06/04/top-10-indian-e-
24.in/blog/?p=59 commerce-sites-comparison/

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