SAMASH Construction PLC
SAMASH Construction PLC
SAMASH Construction PLC
2.1 excavation for trench up to 80 cm depth & 50cm width m3 25 300 7,500.00
2.2 backfill & compact the excavated soil m3 30 150 4,500.00
Supply install pipes and fittings of HDPE PN-16
2.3 2" HDPE pipe m 50 250 12,500.00
2.4 Supply & Fix GI 2'' Gate Valve No. 1 2500 2,500.00
2.5 Supply & Fix HDPE 2'' Union No. 3 500 1,500.00
2.6 Supply & Fix HDPE 2'' Nipples No. 6 250 1,500.00
2.7 Supply & Fix HDPE Reducer from 2'' to 1'' No. 1 250 250.00
Total for Extentsion 159,150.00
2.8 1" HDP ipe m 125 90 11,250.00
2.9 Supply & Fix HDPE 1'' Nipples No. 10 250 2,500.00
3 Supply & Fix HDPE 1'' Tee No. 2 350 700.00
3.1 Supply & Fix HDPE1'' Union No. 6 350 2,100.00
3.2 Supply & Fix HDPE 1'' Coupling No. 8 250 2,000.00
3.3 Manhole / Valve Chamber Construction No. 1 20000 20,000.00
Supplying and installing PPR pipes & fittings
2.12. DN 3/4'' HDP Pipe m 250 60.00 15,000.00
2.13 Reducer 1" to 3/4" No 4 250.00 1,000.00
2.14 Cross Tee 3/4" No 2 350.00 700.00
2.15 DN 1" Bend (elbow) 90 degree No 3 350.00 1,050.00
2.16 Gate valve DN 1" No 1 2,500.00 2,500.00
2.17 Union DN 1" No 8 250.00 2,000.00
2.18 Nipples DN 1" No 12 250.00 3,000.00
Total for pipe work 63,800.00
3 Water point Maintenance
3.1 Earth Work
3.2 Clearing the water point round surface @ a deepthof 20cm m2 7 20 140.00
Supply and lay roughly dressed stone pavement around the WP body bedded on m2 7
3.3 compacted selected material and jointed with cement sand mortar 1:3. 1000 7,000.00
Construct Ø 300mm half circle concrete ditch around the WP . Compact around
edges provide a minimum of 0.5% slope towards flow direction. The surface shall be m 10
3.4 smooth and edges straight. 1000 10,000.00
Cheseling & Plastering the water point body /external faces of masonry walls m2 8
3.5 structure with 1:3 mix cement mortar 300 2,400.00
3.5 Supply install PPR pipes and fittings
DN 3/4" PPR m 12 150.00 1,800.00
Reducer 1" to 3/4" No 2 250.00 500.00
Tee DN 3/4" No 1 250.00 250.00
Cross Tee DN 3/4" No 2 350.00 700.00
DN 1" Bend (elbow) 90 degree No 3 250.00 750.00
Faucet DN 3/4" No 4 1,000.00 4,000.00
Socket DN 3/4" No 4 250.00 1,000.00
Gate valve DN 3/4" No 1 2,500.00 2,500.00
Union DN 1" No 1 350.00 350.00
Nipples DN 3/4" No 4 250.00 1,000.00
Total for WP 32,390.00
4. Maintenance works for existing HC latrine & HW facility
Latrine & HW facility in the HC /OPD,MCH,Delivery,surgary,WARD …
clean the existing Turkish type toilet seat including cost of if it neccecery to No 6
4.1 Demolusion & Repair Fix the new seat 2500 15,000.00
clean the existing shower trey of 70 * 70 cm with shower head . Price shall include No 2
4.2 all the necessary accessories and pipe works to bring up completed system 2500 5,000.00
Supply & Fix Hand wash basin Ceramic type with stand/leag/ & all accecery and No 8
4.3 connection of pipe 5000 40,000.00
Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand mortar 1:3 to internal HCB wall & m2 38
5.1 concrete surface to receive painting. 250 9,500.00
Apply three coats of plastic paint of chosen type and color to all internal plastered m2 24
6.1 surface. 100 2,400.00
6.2 Ditto as item No. 8.1, but to all external plastered surface. m2 10 100 1,000.00
Supply and lay roughly dressed stone pavement of width 70 cm wide around the 8.4
building bedded on compacted selected material and jointed with cement sand mortar
7.1 1:3. Price includes excavation, 38cm selected material fill, mortar and all accessories. 1000 8,400.00
8. Metal Doors
Supply and fix 1.5 mm thick 38x38mm LTZ profile framed doors and Doors all
according to the detail drawing and schedule. Price shall include door lock and one
coat of anti-rust & two coats of synthetic paint.
8.1 Doors
a) Type D1, Size:- 100cmx210cm (for Internal Toilet & Shower ) No 6 5000 30,000.00
a) Type D1, Size:- 75cmx220cm No 4 5000 20,000.00
Apply three coats of plaster in cement sand mortar 1:3 to internal HCB wall &
concrete surface to receive painting.
9. Sanitary Instalation
Supply & Fix shower trey of 70 * 70 cm with shower head . Price shall include all No 2
9.1 the necessary accessories and pipe works to bring up completed system 2500 5,000.00
1 Excavation and earth work
Bulk excavation in foundation floor section in soft and medium formation and the M3 3.2
10.1 depth shall not more than 80cm. 300 960.00
10.2 Fill 200 mm thick hard trachytic stone hard core M2 4.25 500 2,125.00
2 Concrete, HCB and pavement works
5cm thick lean concrete class C-5, 150kg/m3 concrete, blinding to surfaces of hard M2 4.25
10.3 core 1000 4,250.00
10.4 supply and build Mass Concrete class 25 (1:2:4), 50mm thick M2 4.25 2500 10,625.00
Supply and build 15cm thick HCB Walls using cement- sand mortar of 1:4 mix M2 4
10.5 ratios. Both sides shall be left for plastering. 900 3,600.00
Supply and build 80 cm wide roughly dressed concrete pavement laid on 20cm ml 3.5
10.6 hardcore. 2500 8,750.00
Supply and cover pipe lines with Mass Concrete class 25 (1:2:4), 50mm thick laid on ml 20
10.7 15cm hard core 1000 20,000.00
3 Plastering and Pointing
supply and plastering to a smooth finish 20mm cement and sand (1:3) to both side of M2 8
10.8 HCB wall 250 2,000.00
4 Pipe line installation works
Supply and install 3/4" PPR for inlet of water station and the cost shall include all
ml 6
connection fittings such as elbow, Tee, union, male adaptor, female adaptor, reducer
socket, etc, and complete with other assisting necessary works pressure main
10.9 including all required connection 1500 9,000.00
10.1 ditto but 3/4'' GS gate valve England pcs 1 2500 2,500.00
10.11 3/4'' GS faucet made of Thailand, SANWA pcs 2 1000 2,000.00
Supply and install diameter 50mm PVC pipes for water drainage system and joints of
pipes shall be fixed with adhesive glue as necessary. As per design plan .Price ml 12
includes all connection fittings such as elbow, S trapT, Y...Etc, and also chiseling of
concrete, excavation of trench, filling. .etc complete with other assisting necessary
10.12 works Price include all connection fittings such as e, T, elbow, union, nipple...etc 1000 12,000.00
Total for HC Latrine & HW facility 214,110.00
Repair /maintenance work for the Existing Septic tank including every neccesery No 2
12.1 approved by site Engineer on the activity 35000 70,000.00
12.2 Demolish & Repair sewerage system ml 12 5000 60,000.00
12.3 Supply & Fix the manhole cover (60*60cm) No 2 3500 7,000.00
Total for ST&Sewerage work 137,000.00
Grand Total
S.No Description Total Amount
1 Summary for Pipe Exteneshion 159,150.00
2 Summary for pipe work 63,800.00
3 Summary for WP Mentenance 32,390.00
4 Summary for Maintenance existing HC latrine & HW facility 214,110.00
5 Summary for Tanker and pipe line installation 56,500.00
6 Summary for Septic tank & Sewerage maintenance 137,000.00
Total 662,950.00
Total after rebate
VAT 15% 99,442.50
Total after VAT 762,392.50