ASNT-L3 Application

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Certification Application
ASNT Identification Number
If you have previously been given an ASNT Identification Number, please enter in this box:

Contact Information
Primary E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

You must provide your e-mail address to apply for an ASNT Certification Services, LLC Certification. This must belong to
you and cannot be a shared e-mail address. It will be used for all ASNT Certification Services, LLC communications and
will be your username for

Name: Print your name. Your name should match your identification.
___________________________ _________________________ ________________________________ _____________________
First (Given) Name Middle (Additional) Name Last Name (Family Name/Surname) Suffix (Jr, Sr, II)

Address: Print your mailing address. This address will be used for your certification materials.
Address Type: Home Business
Organization Name


City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country

Primary Phone Alternate Phone Alternate E-mail Address

Fees: All fees are in US dollars.

Total Fees
Basic Examination Total See Fee Charts for Domestic and International on the next two pages.
Method Examination Total See Fee Charts for Domestic and International on the next two pages.

Membership Option Take advantage of member pricing now by completing the

Membership Application at the end of this application and include the
total here.
Total Amount Due

Payment Applications will not be processed without payments. Make checks payable to ASNT.
Credit Card
Visa Mastercard Discover American Express Checks Funds Transfer
Name on Card: ________________________________________ (Must be in US dollars and (Contact ASNT for wire
drawn on a US bank.) instructions.)
Card Number: _________________________________________
*Credit Card Identification Number: Visa/MasterCard/Discover: The three-digit number
Expiration Date: ___________________ CIN Number*: ________is printed on the signature panel on the back of the card following the account number.
American Express: The four-digit number is printed above the account number on the
Signature: _________________________________Date: _________________

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Method or Discipline Selection
Please apply for the method or discipline that you are seeking certification. NOTE: This application is valid for initial
certification and for re-certification by examination. To renew without further examination (by points), you must use the
ASNT Level III Renewal Application.

Schedule Exams
All exams will be computer-based unless otherwise specified. After you have been approved, paid all application and
exam sitting fees, you will receive e-mail notification and instructions to schedule your exam. Examination siting fees are
now collected with the application instead of at the time of scheduling.

Place an “X” in the column next to the method, indicating if this is an Initial or Recertification method exam or a retake of
an exam that you failed within the last five years. You may request accommodations during testing for special needs by
contacting ASNT.

Basic Examination
To become certified as an ASNT NDT Level III, the NDT Basic examination and at last one Method examination must be
passed. First time applicants must take the Basic and at least one Method examination. Once certification is achieved,
additional methods may be added without retaking the Basic examination. If all certifications lapse, the Basic examination
and the Method examination(s) must be retaken to regain certification.

Fees for Candidates in the United States (International Fees on next page)
Initial or Recertification Retake of Failed Exam
Method Examinations**
(Place and X in the column ASNT Non- ASNT Non-
next to the exam you want Member Member Member Member
to take.) Fee Fee* Fee Fee*

Examination X Amount X Amount X Amount X Amount
NDT Basic Exam-Required
for initial ASNT NDT Level III $495 $580 $425 $505
Acoustic Emission testing
$495 $580 $425 $505
Electromagnetic Testing
$495 $580 $425 $505
Infrared/Thermal (IR) $475 $555 $405 $485

Leak Testing (LT) $495 $580 $405 $505

Magnetic Flux Leakage (ML) $475 $555 $405 $485

Magnetic Particle Testing
$475 $555 $405 $485
Liquid Penetrant Testing
$475 $555 $405 $485
Radiographic Testing (RT) $580 $425 $505
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) $580 $425 $505

Visual Testing (VT) $475 $555 $405 $485

Total Amount Due

* You may take advantage of ASNT Member pricing now by becoming an ASNT Member or renewing your membership with this application.
**Exam Sitting Fee that was previously collected at the Authorized Exam Center at time of examination is now being collected at time of application and
is included in the exam fee.

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Fees for International Candidates (Domestic Fees on previous page)
Initial or Recertification Retake of Failed Exam
Method Examinations**
(Place and X in the column ASNT Non- ASNT Non-
next to the exam you want Member Member Member Member
to take.) Fee Fee* Fee Fee*
Examination X Amount X Amount X Amount X Amount
NDT Basic Exam-Required
for initial ASNT NDT Level III $540 $620 $470 $550

Acoustic Emission testing (AE) $540 $620 $470 $550

Electromagnetic Testing (ET) $540 $620 $470 $550

Infrared/Thermal (IR) $520 $600 $450 $530

Leak Testing (LT) $540 $620 $470 $550

Magnetic Flux Leakage (ML) $520 $600 $450 $530

Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) $520 $600 $450 $530

Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) $520 $600 $450 $530

Radiographic Testing (RT) $540 $620 $470 $550

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) $540 $620 $470 $550

Visual Testing (VT) $520 $600 $450 $530

Total Amount Due

* You may take advantage of ASNT Member pricing now by becoming an ASNT Member or renewing your membership with this application.
**Exam Sitting Fee that was previously collected at the Authorized Exam Center at time of examination is now being collected at time of application and
is included in the exam fee.

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Education & Experience Requirements
ASNT Level III Applicants must satisfy one of the following eligibility criteria:

• Graduated from a minimum four-year college or university curriculum with a degree in engineering or a physical
science, plus one year (12 months) of experience in nondestructive testing in an assignment comparable to that
of a Level II in the applicable test method(s), as defined in ASNT’s Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A,
latest edition; OR

• Completed with passing grades at least two full academic school years of engineering or physical science study
at a university, college, or technical school, plus two years (24 months) of experience in nondestructive testing in
an assignment comparable to that of a Level II in the applicable test method(s), as defined in ASNT’s
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, latest edition.

• Four years (48 months) of experience in an assignment at least comparable to that of a Level II in the applicable
test method(s), as defined in ASNT’s Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, latest edition.

If you do not satisfy the above criteria for the method(s) in which you are applying, please do not submit an application.
Applications received from ineligible applicants will be returned to the applicant in accordance with the
Transfer/Cancellation/Refund Policy. It is your responsibility to determine your own eligibility.

Each time a new examination is attempted, you must supply documentary evidence of
education and experience appropriate for that examination. Do not rely on past applications to meet
this requirement. Recertifying and retaking personnel need only submit information new since the last application.

You must attach documentation for education if you are using post-secondary education to meet the Education and
Experience Requirements. Copies of diplomas or transcripts are acceptable. All documentation must be in English or
accompanied by an English translation.

Level of Post-Secondary Education List the name and address of the institution where your highest level of
education was obtained as it relates to your ASNT Certification Services, LLC

Not Applicable Institution Name _____________________________________________

2 or more years of college in Address ___________________________________________________

Engineering or Science
2-year Technical/College Degree
Major Course of Study _______________________________________
4-year College Degree
Degree ___________________________________________________

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Experience – This section must be filled out.
List in chronological order all employment you wish ASNT Certification Services, LLC to consider as qualifying experience
with most recent (including present employer) position first. Use a separate form for each employer from which you are
submitting qualifying experience. Only submit the attestation for your latest certifying employer.

You must supply documentary evidence of initial Level II or equivalent experience (as described in ASNT’s
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, Paragraph 6.3) to meet the minimum experience requirements in the method(s)
for which you are applying. If you have legacy experience 10 years prior to submitting your application and have
exhausted all options to obtain previous experience documentation from an employer, attestation may be submitted for
review and consideration.

You are required to submit documentation supporting your work experience. Acceptable documentation can
include: inspection log books, inspection reports, employer or third-party certificates or certification records, human
resources records, or for self-employed personnel, signed statements from at least two (2) customers. All
documentation must be in English or accompanied by an English translation.
Supporting Documents MUST state: Other supporting documents that are NOT accepted:
1. Level of qualification or Level II job duties 1. Certificate of Training/Non-employer issued qualifications
2. Number of months working as a Level II 2. Level I Certificates

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last ASNT ID
Position # Dates of Employment: __________________________________________________________
Start Date End Date Total Time (Months)
Organization Name
Employer/Customer Contact Name
Organization Address
City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country
Phone Fax E-mail

List experience (months performing work with Level II qualifications) by method as related to above employer.

Dates of initial Level II Certificate for each method: _______________________________________________________


AE______# of months ET______# of months IR______# of months LT______# of months ML______# of months

MT______# of months PT______# of months RT______# of months UT______# of months VT______# of months

Note: 1 month is equivalent to 160 hours.

Document the experience gained as a Level II related to the above employer and list the documents(s) that are
attached to this application providing evidence of Level II certification.

Attached Documents: ___________________________________________________________________________

Method Technique Industry Application Role Dates

UT Shear Wave Refining ASME V, Pipe & vessel welds Level II Tech 01-21-15 01-21-17

ASNT Level III Experience and Attestation Form 09 June 2020

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Statement of Attestation – This form must be filled out.
Submit this attestation from the employer in which the latest certification was attained. A minimum of 2 signatures shall
be provided for certification. The following signed statement attests to the accuracy and validity of the documentation
evidence submitted for certification. As an Employer, Level III, NDT Supervisor or Customer, I have reviewed the
documentation and understand that any misrepresentation would be considered a breach of the ANT Certification
Services, LLC Code of Ethics.

Employer – A management level representative of the company having direct knowledge of the applicant’s duties and
being familiar with the company’s certification process.

Certifying Level III or NDT Supervisor – The Level III directly responsible for the certification of the applicant. May be
an ASNT III, ACCP III, Company III, Responsible III, Level III of Record or 3rd Party Level III. When working in a position
comparable to that of Level II, the NDT Supervisor is the person most responsible for direction of the day to day work of
the applicant.

Customer (Self-Employed Only) – Must be a customer having direct knowledge of the applicant’s inspection duties and
abilities. Customer attests that the applicant has performed testing in the method applied for during the specific time-

Position # _______________


Name: Name:

Title: Title:

Relationship Relationship
to Applicant: to Applicant:
Dates Covered: Dates Covered:

E-mail: E-mail:

Phone: Phone:

ASNT ID (if applicable) ASNT ID (if applicable)

Signature: Signature:


Name: Name:

Title: Title:

Relationship Relationship
to Applicant: to Applicant:
Dates Covered: Dates Covered:

E-mail: E-mail:

Phone: Phone:

ASNT ID (if applicable) ASNT ID (if applicable)

Signature: Signature:

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Experience – This section must be filled out.
List in chronological order all employment you wish ASNT Certifications Services, LLC to consider as qualifying
experience with most recent (including present employer) position first. Use a separate form for each employer from
which you are submitting qualifying experience. Only submit the attestation for your latest certifying employer.

You must supply documentary evidence of initial Level II or equivalent experience (as described in ASNT’s
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, Paragraph 6.3) to meet the minimum experience requirements in the method(s)
for which you are applying. If you have legacy experience 10 year prior to submitting your application and have
exhausted all options to obtain previous experience documentation from an employer, attestation may be submitted for
review and consideration.

You are required to submit documentation supporting your work experience. Acceptable documentation can
include: inspection log books, inspection reports, employer or third-party certificates or certification records, human
resources records, or for self-employed personnel, signed statements from at least two (2) customers. All
documentation must be in English or accompanied by an English translation.
Supporting Documents MUST state: Other supporting documents that are NOT accepted:
1. Level of qualification or Level II job duties 1. Certificate of Training/Non-employer issued qualifications
2. Number of months working as a Level II 2. Level I Certificates

Name _____________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last ASNT ID
Position # ______ Dates of Employment ____________________________________
Start Date End Date Total Time (Months)
Organization Name
Employer/Customer Contact Name
Organization Address
City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country
Phone Fax E-mail

List experience (months performing work with Level II qualifications) by method as related to above employer.

Dates of initial Level II Certificate for each method: _______________________________________________________


AE______# of months ET______# of months IR______# of months LT______# of months ML______# of months

MT______# of months PT______# of months RT______# of months UT______# of months VT______# of months

Note: 1 month is equivalent to 160 hours.

Document the experience gained as a Level II related to the above employer and list the documents(s) that are
attached to this application providing evidence of Level II certification.

Attached Documents: ___________________________________________________________________________

Method Technique Industry Application Role Dates

UT Shear Wave Refining ASME V, Pipe & vessel welds Level II Tech 01-21-15 01-21-17

ASNT Level III Experience and Attestation Form 09 June 2020

Revised: 07/01/2021 Page 7 of 13

Experience – This section must be filled out.
List in chronological order all employment you wish ASNT Certification Services, LLC to consider as qualifying experience
with most recent (including present employer) position first. Use a separate form for each employer from which you are
submitting qualifying experience. Only submit the attestation for your latest certifying employer.

You must supply documentary evidence of initial Level II or equivalent experience (as described in ASNT’s
Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, Paragraph 6.3) to meet the minimum experience requirements in the method(s)
for which you are applying. If you have legacy experience 10 year prior to submitting your application and have
exhausted all options to obtain previous experience documentation from an employer, attestation may be submitted for
review and consideration.

You are required to submit documentation supporting your work experience. Acceptable documentation can
include: inspection log books, inspection reports, employer or third-party certificates or certification records, human
resources records, or for self-employed personnel, signed statements from at least two (2) customers. All
documentation must be in English or accompanied by an English translation.
Supporting Documents MUST state: Other supporting documents that are NOT accepted:
1. Level of qualification or Level II job duties 1. Certificate of Training/Non-employer issued qualifications
2. Number of months working as a Level II 2. Level I Certificates

Name _____________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last ASNT ID
Position # ______ Dates of Employment ____________________________________
Start Date End Date Total Time (Months)
Organization Name
Employer/Customer Contact Name
Organization Address
City State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Country
Phone Fax E-mail

List experience (months performing work with Level II qualifications) by method as related to above employer.

Dates of initial Level II Certificate for each method: _______________________________________________________


AE______# of months ET______# of months IR______# of months LT______# of months ML______# of months

MT______# of months PT______# of months RT______# of months UT______# of months VT______# of months

Note: 1 month is equivalent to 160 hours.

Document the experience gained as a Level II related to the above employer and list the documents(s) that are
attached to this application providing evidence of Level II certification.

Attached Documents: ___________________________________________________________________________

Method Technique Industry Application Role Dates

UT Shear Wave Refining ASME V, Pipe & vessel welds Level II Tech 01-21-15 01-21-17

ASNT Level III Experience and Attestation Form 09 June 2020

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1. Preamble

1.1. In order to safeguard the life, health, property, and welfare of the public, to maintain integrity and high standards of skills and
practices in the profession of nondestructive testing, the following rules of professional conduct shall be binding upon every
person issued a certificate by ASNT Certification Services, LLC as a Level III.

1.1.1. The Level III who holds a certificate is charged with having knowledge of the existence of the reasonable rules and
regulations hereinafter provided for his/her conduct as ASNT Level III, and also shall be familiar with their provisions and
understand them. Such knowledge shall encompass the understanding that the practice of nondestructive testing under
this certification is a privilege, as opposed to a right, and the Level III shall be forthright and candid in statements or
written responses to the Ethics Committee of the Certification Management Committee.

1.1.2. “The Level III” as referred to herein is that individual who has been issued a certificate by the ASNT Certification
Services, LLC pursuant to its heretofore published requirements, rules, and procedures for such certification. This Code
of Ethics is binding upon all individuals so certified.

2. Integrity

2.1. The Level III is obligated to act with complete integrity in professional matters for each client or employer as a faithful agent or
trustee; shall be honest and impartial; and shall serve the public, clients, and employer with devotion;

2.2. The Level III shall make claims regarding certification only with respect to the scope for which certification has been granted;

2.3. The Level III shall not to ASNT Certification Services, LLC into disrepute. The Level III shall not make any statement
regarding the certification, which ASNT Certification Services, LLC may consider misleading or unauthorized.


The Level III shall:

3.1. Immediately report to ASNT Certification Services, LLC any perceived violation(s) of this Code of Ethics or any attempt to
pressure or force a certified individual to violate this Code of Ethics.

3.2. Not attempt to cheat on ASNT Certification Services, LLC examinations, attempt to bribe or threaten ASNT Certification
Services, LLC / Pearson Vue or other third-party testing personnel, falsify documents falsely claim, misrepresent or permit
misrepresentation or misuse of their own or others professional qualifications, knowledge, training, experience, work
responsibilities, or certifications.

3.3. Inform employer / client in the event that certification is suspended, cancelled, or withdrawn and return to ASNT Level III
certificate and wallet card immediately; and

3.3.1. Immediately discontinue the use of the ASNT Certification Services, LLC logo. Due to ASNT Certification Services,
LLC’s trademark copyright, ASNT Certification Services, LLC logo is not to be use by any individual or entity without the
explicit written consent of ASNT Certification Services, LLC.

4. Responsibility to the Public

The Level III shall:

4.1. Protect the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of professional duties. Should the case arise where
the Level III faces a situation where the safety, health, and welfare of the public are not protected, he/she shall:

4.1.1. Apprise the proper authority if it is evident that the safety, health, and welfare of the public are not being protected; and

4.1.2. Refuse to accept responsibility for the design, report, or statement involved; and

4.1.3. If necessary, sever relationship with the employer or client; and

4.1.4. Undertake to perform assignments only when qualified by training and experience in the specific technical fields
involved. In the event a question arises as to the competence of a Level III to perform an assignment in a field of specific
discipline which cannot be otherwise resolved to the Ethics Committee’s satisfaction, the Ethics Committee, either upon
request of the Level III, or by its own volition, may require him/her to submit to an appropriate inquiry by or on behalf of
the Ethics Committee; and

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4.1.5. completely objective in any professional report, statement, or testimony, avoiding any omission which would, or
reasonably could, lead to fallacious inference, finding, or misrepresentation; and

4.1.6. Express an opinion as a technical witness before any court, commission, or other tribunal, only when such opinion is
founded upon adequate knowledge of the facts in issue, upon a background of technical competence in the subject
matter, and upon an honest conviction of the accuracy or propriety of the testimony.

5. Public Statements

5.1. The Level III will issue no statements, criticisms, or arguments on nondestructive testing matters connected with public policy
which are inspired or paid for by an interested party, or parties, unless he/she has prefaced the remark(s) by explicitly
identifying himself/herself, by disclosing the identities of the party, on whose behalf he/she is speaking, and by revealing the
existence of any pecuniary interest he/she may have in these matters.

5.2. The Level III will publicly express no opinion on a nondestructive testing matter unless it is founded upon adequate
knowledge of the facts in issue, upon a background of technical competence in the subject matter, and upon honest
conviction of the accuracy and propriety of the testimony.

5.3. The Level III shall show professional and appropriate behavior, including, but not limited to, online and social media. The
term “social media” is used within this Code to describe dynamic and socially interactive networked information and
communication technologies by which personal information or opinions can be presented for public consumption on the

6. Conflict of Interest

6.1. The Level III shall conscientiously avoid conflict of interest with the employer or client, but when avoidable, shall forthwith
disclose the circumstances to the employer or client.

6.2. The Level III shall promptly inform the client or employer of any business associations, interests, or circumstances which
could influence his/her judgment or the quality of services to the client or employer.

6.3. The Level III shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for services on the same
project, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosed to, and agreed to, by all
interested parties or their duly authorized agents.

6.4. The Level III shall not solicit or accept financial or other valuable consideration from material or equipment suppliers for
specifying their products.

6.5. The Level III shall not solicit or accept gratuities, directly or indirectly, from contractors, their agents, or other parties dealing
with the client or employer in connection with work for which he/she is responsible.

6.6. As an elected, retained, or employed public official, the Level III (in the capacity as a public official) shall not review or
approve work that was performed by himself/herself, or under his/her direction, on behalf of another employer or client.

7. Solicitation of Employment

7.1. The Level III shall not pay, solicit, nor offer, directly or indirectly, any bribe or commission for professional employment with
the exception of payment of the usual commission for securing salaried positions through licensed employment agencies.

7.2. Level III shall seek professional employment on the basis of qualification and competence for proper accomplishment of the

7.3. The Level III shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation of his/her, or his/her associates’, academic or professional
qualification. He/she shall not misrepresent or exaggerate the degree of responsibility in or for the subject matter of prior

7.4. Brochures or other presentations incident to the solicitation of employment shall not misrepresent pertinent facts concerning
employers, employees, associates, joint ventures, or past accomplishments with the intent and purpose of enhancing
qualifications and work.

8. Improper Conduct

8.1. The Level III shall not sign documents for work for which he/she does not have personal professional knowledge and direct
technical supervisory control and responsibility.

8.2. The Level III shall not knowingly associate with, or permit the use of, his/her name or firm name in a business venture by any
person or firm which he/she knows, or has reason to believe is engaging in business or professional practices of a fraudulent
or dishonest nature.
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8.3. The Level III shall conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner. It is expected that Level III’s observe all laws
applicable to our business, including but not limited to international, federal, state/provincial and local laws.

8.4. While this code addresses may ethical issues, it cannot address every issue that a Level III may encounter. As such, if a
situation arises in which a Level III is unsure if an action would be deemed unethical, the Level III may consult ASNT
Certification Services, LLC.

9. Unauthorized Practice

9.1. Any violation of this code shall be deemed to be an unauthorized practice and upon proper complaint, investigation, due
process hearing and ruling of the Ethics Committee of the ASNT Certification Services, LLC Certification Management
Committee in accordance with procedures heretofore established and published, sanctions may be applied to the individual(s)
in violation.

9.2. If the applied sanction is suspension or revocation of certification, the certificate holder agrees to discontinue all claims of
ASNT Certification Services, LLC certification and must return all certificates and wallet cards issued by ASNT Certification
Services, LLC.

10. Rulings of Other Jurisdictions

Conviction of an NDT-related felony while ASNT Certification Services, LLC certification is valid or the revocation or
suspension of a Professional Engineer’s License by another jurisdiction or similar rulings by other professional associations
may be grounds for a charge of violation of this Code.

I agree to abide by this Code of Ethics.

Name (Please print)


Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

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All ASNT Certification Services, LLC examinations are required to be taken within one calendar year from the date on the
original Letter of Notification or Letter of Approval sent to the applicant. Failure to take examinations within that one-year
period will result in forfeiture of all fees to ASNT Certification Services, LLC.

For computer-based testing exams, exam can be rescheduled and cancelled 48 hours prior to the appointment without
any additional fees. If you cancel within 48 hours, then the sitting fee portion of your fees plus a $75 administrative fee
per exam will apply.

For Practical exams, the transfer or cancellation deadline is two (2) calendar weeks prior to the week of a scheduled
examination. Transfers or cancellations received before the deadline will be subject to a $75 administrative fee PER

A transferring applicant must remit those administrative fees to ASNT Certification Services, LLC by the application
deadline for the rescheduled examination. No examination attendance will be permitted unless all fees are paid.
Cancelling applicants will receive a refund, less all administrative fees.

No transfers or cancellations will be accepted after the above transfer deadline. Failure to show up (“No Shows”) for
scheduled examinations will result in forfeiture of the fees for the missed examinations. If an examination application is
received and the applicant is found to be unqualified to take the examination, a refund will be issued less an
administrative fee of $75 PER EXAMINATION. All exam sitting fees will be refunded.

All requests for transfers or cancellations must be submitted in writing to ASNT Certification Services, LLC and be signed
by the person registered for the examination. A signed fax transmittal is acceptable. Membership Fees are non-
refundable and non-transferable.

Statements and Signature

By signature on this application if certified by ASNT Certification Services, LLC, I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics for Level III
Personnel Certified by ASNT Certification Services, LLC so long as I maintain a certificate. Further, I understand the right of ASNT
Certification Services, LLC to suspend or revoke any certificate granted if I abuse the privileges therein granted to me.

I understand that certifications which may result from this application do not constitute any form oflicense.

I hereby attest that all facts on this application are true and correct and no information which might bedetrimental has been withheld.
ASNT Certification Services, LLC may make any inquiries necessary to determine my qualifications for certification. I agree to abide
by the decision of ASNT Certification Services, LLC relative to the granting of any certifications as applied for herein.

For valuable consideration, the undersigned, having made application for certification as Level III before ASNT Certification Services,
LLC, does hereby release and forever discharge ASNT Certification Services, LLC, an Ohio Corporation, from any and all liabilities,
claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever, which now exist or which may hereafter arise on account of the undersigned’s
activities henceforth as Level III certified by ASNT Certification Services, LLC.

The undersigned further acknowledges that this release is being given as a prerequisite for having filed application for consideration
by ASNT Certification Services, LLC. The undersigned further represents that if not certified by ASNT Certification Services, LLC,
then this release and discharge shall have no force and effect; otherwise, upon certification as set forth above this release shall be
binding on the undersigned and ASNT Certification Services, LLC and any and all agents of ASNT Certification Services, LLC in
connection with such certification process. I have read and understand the Transfer, Cancellation and Refund policy and understand
that all application documents submitted to ASNT Certification Services, LLC become the property of ASNT Certification Services,

I agree not to release confidential examination materials or participate in fraudulent test-taking practices. I agree to comply with the
certification requirements and to supply any information neededfor the assessment.

I understand that I am required to inform ASNT Certification Services, LLC of matters that affect my capability to continue to fulfill the
requirements of my certification(s). Failure to do so may result in the suspension or revocation of my certification(s) by ASNT
Certification Services, LLC.

I authorize ASNT Certification Services, LLC to publish my name, city, state, country, test methods, levels, expiration dates of
certification(s) and any possible suspension or revocation of certification(s) by ASNT Certification Services, LLC.

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Signature of Applicant Date

Print Name of Applicant

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Submit Application
Online Application: Submit your documentation and fees securely on the ASNT Certification Services, LLC
Website by clicking the link below.

Start your application process here.

Fax or E-mail Application

If paying by credit card, you may fax this application, attachments, and fees to:

ASNT Certification Services, LLC

614-274-6899 or [email protected]

No application will be reviewed until all fees are paid.

Mail this application, attachments, and fees to ASNT Certification Services, LLC at

ASNT Certification Services, LLC

1711 Arlingate Lane
P. O. Box 28518
Columbus, OH 43228-0518

Make checks payable to ASNT.

Please do not submit your application more than once.

Revised: 07/01/2021 Page 13 of 13

ASNT Individual Membership Application Source Code WEB

Please complete both sides of this form.

Member Information

Last Name First Name M.I. Mr./Ms.

Home Address

City State Zip/Postal Code

Country Phone Fax

Cell Phone Home E-mail

Company Name

Company Address

City State Zip/Postal Code

Country Business Phone Business Fax

Business E-mail
Send Materials to: Home Office
If recruited, by whom? Local Section (Chapter) Choice
Choices posted online at

Member Profile
1. Date of Birth 8. Purchasing Responsibility (select all that apply)
I recommend/approve purchase of
2. Gender Male Female equipment/instruments/supplies
I recommend/approve purchase of training & study
3. Education (Check highest level)
Enrolled Completed I recommend purchase of services
High School I am not involved in purchasing
Some College
2-Year Associate Degree
9. With which NDT method(s) do you work? (select all that apply)
4-Year Bachelor Degree
Acoustic Emission Liquid Penetrant
Master’s Degree
Alternating Current Magnetic Flux Leakage
Doctorate Degree
Field Measurement Magnetic Particle
If enrolled, expected graduation date____________________
Electromagnetic/Eddy Current Microwave
4. Years of Experience in NDT Ground Penetrating Radar Neutron Radiography
0–5 6–10 11–15 16–20 21 & over Guided Wave Radiography
Infrared & Thermal Ultrasonics
5. Number of people involved with NDT at your company Laser Vibration Analysis
1–5 6–20 21–50 51–100 over 100 Leak Visual
6. What is your job title?________________________________ Complete both sides of this form and mail or fax to:
ASNT, PO Box 28518, Columbus, OH USA 43228–0518
7. Your Job Function—Choose the one which best describes Fax 614.274.6899
your role. (select only one)
Join online at
Academic/Educator Sales/Marketing
Consultant Student
For Questions Contact Customer Service:
Engineer Technician/Inspector
Phone 614.274.6003
NDT Management Trainer/Instructor Toll Free 800.222.2768 (US/Canada)
Researcher Quality Management

Rev 01/2021
Last Name First Name

Member Profile continued

10. Choose the primary business industry segment that best 11. Choose the primary type of application of NDT that you do?
describes your company. (select only one) (select only one)
NDT Utilization Business Design and Failure Analysis
Aerospace/Aviation/Aircraft Medical Field Inspection
Amusement Rides & Skiing Nuclear Incoming Inspection
Automotive Optical In-service, Plant/Operation Maintenance & Process Control
Chemical & Petroleum Ordnance Product Life Extension
Construction Pipeline QA/QC Reliability
Commercial Labs Pulp/Paper None of the above
Infrastructure (Roads & Bridges) Railroad
Electronics Semi Conductor 12 . Highest Level of NDT qualification. (select only one)
Marine Utilities None ASNT NDT Level III
Level I ACCP Level II
NDT Supplier Business
Consulting Robotics Level II ACCP Level III
Distributor/Manufacturers’ Supplies Level III IRRSP
Representative Training Other_____________________________________
Equipment Computer Software
Research Computer Hardware
Dues Dues, plus optional Airmail
Membership Categories
Student (1 year; requires proof of full-time student enrollment) $ 25.00 N/A Dues are nonrefundable,
nontransferable. Includes
New NDT Professional (1 year; early career with less than 5 years in NDT) $ 40.00 N/A subscription to Materials
Evaluation and The NDT
NDT Professional (1 year) $100.00 $148.00 Technician, a quarterly
NDT Professional (2 years) $190.00 $286.00 newsletter.

NDT Professional (3 years) $270.00 $414.00 Student and New NDT

NDT Professional (5 years) $425.00 $665.00 Professional members receive
periodical subscriptions
Active Military (1 year; active service members) $ 40.00 N/A electronically only.
Retired (1 year; eligibility verification required) $ 35.00 N/A For members outside North
Lifetime (eligibility verification required) $800.00 N/A America: Unless airmail is
purchased, all printed periodical
subscriptions will be sent sea/
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (RNDE®) Subscription surface mail; allow 3-4 months
Subscription Subscription, plus for delivery.
RNDE® is ASNT’s bi-monthly research journal. optional Airmail
Print Subscription $ 85.00 $206.00
Electronic Subscription $ 85.00
Print and Electronic Subscription — a savings of $65 $105.00 $226.00

Payment Information Total Amount Paid $

All payments including checks and money orders must be made in U.S. funds (dollars) through U.S. Banks.

Form of Payment AmEx MasterCard Visa Discover Check Funds Transfer

Type of Card Personal Business

Account Number Exp. Date CIN*

Name on Card Print please


Cardholder Information

Address, City, State, Zip, Country

* Credit Card Identification Number. For Visa/MasterCard/Discover: The three-digit value is printed on the signature panel on the back of cards immediately
following the account number. For American Express: 4 digit, non-embossed number printed above your account number on the face of your card.

Return with payment to The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc., PO Box 28518, Columbus OH 43228-0518;
Or join online at, Fax 614.274.6899, Phone 614.274.6003 or 800.222.2768 US/Canada. Federal ID# 31-1231529.

Rev 01/2021

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