New Shaft Alignment Technique
New Shaft Alignment Technique
New Shaft Alignment Technique
4. THE GOAL OF ALIGNMENT The diameter of the circle described by the dials
as the shaft is rotated is the basic dimension
The goal of the alignment process is to make the required for calculating flex-plane angularity. The
angularity at each flex plane of the coupling lengths between flex-planes and the distances
sufficiently small with the machine in operation. from flex-planes to feet on the machine-to-be-
This statement assumes a spool piece coupling. If moved, are also required before alignment
the coupling has a single flex-plane, then the corrections can be calculated.
offset between the centerlines of the shafts at the
flex-plane must be made sufficiently small, as well Turning the shaft to the usual 4 positions of the
as the angularity. Note the use of “sufficiently clock can be done by eye (often there are bolt
small” as opposed to “minimized”. In the case of patterns that help), or an inclinometer can be
gear couplings or u-joints, it is not desirable to attached to the shaft for more precise guidance as
eliminate angularity totally, as discussed below. to shaft angular position.
Usually, the driver will be the machine to be the flex-planes, and are noted for problems due to
moved. misuse by users, in the author’s experience. On
The allowable angularity should be determined at the other hand, the speed of data collection and
the start of the job if speed is of the essence. The calculation of moves and shims is excellent. In
graph in Figure 1, is recommended for this some cases, the brackets are too bulky to swing a
purpose. The maximum shaft speed is required full circle. Some systems get around this problem
as well as the type of coupling. Gear couplings by calculating the missing readings from several
should be left below the bottom line. Convert the intermediate readings at known angles.
alignment guideline expressed in mils per inch into
mils TIR by multiplying the guideline by the The Reverse Dial or Reverse-Rim Method
diameter swept by the dials. The result is the requires complicated brackets plus correction for
largest difference that should be seen between the bracket sag. The installation of the brackets takes
vertical or the horizontal dial readings [the axial longer than mounting a set of face dials. The
float compensated readings of course.] resulting dial readings must be converted via
(Note: 1 mil = 1 thou = .001 inch) complex calculations to angularity numbers. The
cost of the brackets is greater than the cost of face
The measured flex-plane angularities in the dial equipment. The speed of collection of data is
vertical and horizontal planes are calculated by certainly no faster than the Reverse-Face Method.
dividing the difference between the dial readings
by the dial swept diameter. A sample spreadsheet The Rim-Face Method has the same
is included as an appendix. Alternatively, disadvantages as the Reverse-Rim Method for
compare the dial reading differences with the spool piece couplings. However, since it is
number calculated from the guideline angularity. insufficient for alignment determination in general
to measure an angle across a single flex-plane
The ultimate check of angularity is done by taking coupling [in other words, the Reverse-Face
the square root of the sum of the squares of the Method does not work in this instance], one of the
horizontal and vertical angularities at each flex- Rim-Face Method, or the other methods above, is
plane. This is the correct way to determine required when there is no spool piece. Rim-Face
angularity, but in most cases, will make only a is a logical method to complement the Reverse-
small difference. Face Method since no special brackets are
required to use Rim-Face for a single flex-plane
In all alignment work, the issue of hot versus cold coupling. All that is required is three magnetic
alignment must be addressed. I have found that in bases and dials. In addition, for couplings like that
most cases, the Reverse-Face Method allows me shown in Photograph 3, the Rim-Face Method is
to mount the magnetic bases and collect the dial the only logical method. Reverse-Rim or Laser
data within 5 minutes. In my experience, thermal can be used, but the brackets would be a sight to
changes of consequence occur after about 10 behold.
minutes. If hot alignment is more critical, [for
example, if pipe loads or shaft torque influence are 7. LIMITATIONS OF THE REVERSE-FACE
suspected to influence alignment], there are other METHOD
methods such as Vernier Alignment or Essinger
Bars that can be used. No method that requires Care must be taken when using the Reverse-Face
the shutdown of the machine to check alignment is Method on gear couplings or elastomeric
suitable, in the limit, for critical hot alignment couplings that can develop radial clearance due to
checks. wear. Refer to Photograph 2 for an example of
these two types of coupling on one machine. The
The calculation of the horizontal moves and radial clearance in the couplings must be
vertical shim changes is based on simple measured. (This is not a hardship, since the
geometry. A spreadsheet is shown in the clearance must be measured to monitor the wear
appendices that we use to do this calculation. in the coupling.) Then, the difference in the radial
clearance between ends, must be used to correct
6. REVERSE-FACE METHOD VERSUS the angularities calculated normally, A calculation
OTHER METHODS of the radial clearance-induced angularity at the
coupling flex planes can be done using simple
Laser Systems cost significantly more than a set geometry [angle = difference in the radial
of dial indicators, lack a calculated angularity at clearances/distance between flex-planes].
The other limitation, as discussed above, is the middle of the coupling spool piece. However,
single flex-plane coupling, which requires the Rim- consider alignment limits based on parallel offset
Face Method. alone with no shaft angularity, and then shaft
angularity with no parallel offset. Either limit can
8. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENHANCEMENTS be derived from flex-plane angularity
OF THE REVERSE-FACED METHOD considerations. In real alignments, the as-left
alignment will have a combination of offset and
If it is considered to improve the speed of data angularity. If both shaft offset and angularity limits
collection, or to automate the method, there are were reached at the same time, the resulting flex-
many things that could be done, as summarized plane angularity would be twice guideline.
• special dial indicators with integral magnetic In other words, the guideline based on shaft offset
bases for specific coupling designs and angularity would have to be twice as strict to
• remote digital readout of dial indicators be equivalent in all cases to the flex-plane
• readings at 45 degree orientations, converted angularity guideline in Piotrowski’s chart.
to horizontal and vertical
• calculation on a spreadsheet with manual data 10. CONCLUSIONS
• direct input to the computer using digital dial The author has found the Reverse-Face method to
indicators be a fast, accurate and inexpensive method of
• addition of a digital inclinometer doing alignment measurements. It is hoped that
• calculation of the angularities and corrections the reader will find the method to be useful, too.
based on less than 360 degree rotation of
• calculation of shims at many planes
1) Piotrowski, John; “Shaft Alignment
• combination of cold and hot alignment data to
Handbook”; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
calculate desired cold angularity
York and Base)
• error analysis calculation using tolerances on
dial readings. 2) Crease, A.B.; “Design Principles and
Lubrication of Gear Couplings”; Paper
The author has generated a spreadsheet to B1, International Conference on
calculate dial readings at orthogonal points [3:00, Flexible Couplings for High Powers and
6:00, 9:00] from dial readings at other angular Speeds, June, 1977.
locations. Again, this is a simple geometry
exercise. BIOGRAPHY:
9. GUIDELINES FOR ALIGNMENT AND Brian Howes is Chief Engineer for Beta Machinery
RELATED ISSUES Analysis Ltd., Calgary. His previous experience
includes: research and development in the area of
The original impetus to use the Reverse-Face pulsations and vibrations of reciprocating
Method was to make it easier to determine if a compressor piping systems, 28 years of
particular alignment was acceptable. Piotrowski’s troubleshooting problems, in many countries using
graph [see Figure 1] provides a strong argument a wide range of equipment including turbines,
for using angularity at each flex plane to determine centrifugal and plunger pumps, centrifugal, screw
acceptability. and reciprocating compressors, pulp refiners,
Gear couplings are a special case. The relative paper machines, ball mills, furnaces and piping
tooth velocity should be calculated to determine if systems. He has a Master of Science in Solid
the oil film will break down due to misalignment Mechanics from the University of Calgary, and is a
(maximum of 5 in/sec pk (Ref. 2)). On the other member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian
hand, minimum angularity is also required to Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA).
ensure that the oil will get between the teeth.
Picture 1: Flex-pack coupling with a face dial mounted, showing interfering piping underneath coupling
Picture 2: Gear coupling on the left, and Elastomeric coupling on the right [102847]
Figure 1: Alignment tolerance Chart (with polynomial curve fit equations) after Piotrowski
Appendix 1
Alignment Report
[Reverse Face Method]
Unit: DeLaval HV-8
Coupling: Make: ? Speed 600 max
Model: ? Target angularity limit[thou/inch] 1.5 to 0.8 when hot
Date: August18/99 Machine temperature during readings: cold
Analyst: B. Howes Target cold alignment: compressor 10 Thou
higher than the engine
Dimension Diameter of dial circle: 26 inches
Coupling shim pack spacing: 13 Inches
As left angularities: Vertical Horizontal Total
@Fixed machine shim pack: -0.83 -0.36 0.90 thou/inch
@Moved machine shim pack: 0.88 0.25 0.92 thou/inch
Guideline for angularity is a function of speed. Check book by Piotrowski for graph [page233].
Predicted hot angularities: Vertical Horizontal Total
@Fixed machine shim pack: -0.06 -0.36 0.36 thou/inch
@Moved machine shim pack: 0.12 0.25 0.28 thou/inch
Note: {The predicted hot alignment angularities are based on the assumption that the engine will rise
10 thou more than the compressor between cold stopped and hot running}
{The shaft motion within the bearing clearances is not included in these calculations.}
Appendix 2
Essinger Bar readings to angularities at the power transmission points of a spool piece coupling
Refer to “Shaft Alignment Handbook”by Piotrowski for more details and
A graph on allowable alignment angularity Brian Howes, December, 1999
Calculated angles at the shim packs [flex points, power transmission p oints]
Motor end Pump end
Vertical Alpha1 -0.06 Alpha2 0.00 angle units are thou/inch
Horizontal Beta1 -0.99 Beta2 1.05 1 thou/inch = 1 milliradian
Total Gamma1 0.99 Gamma2 1.05
Guideline 0 0.5 Speed 3600 [rpm]
minimum maximum
Now assume the motor is set 6 thou lower than the pump,
Calculated position of shaft centerline after the change
From cold to hot at the flex planes
Motor shaft PUMP SHAFT
V1 @ F1 -3.68 V2 @ F2 2.08
Vertical V3 @ F2 -3.52 V4 @ F1 2.29 +ve = up
Horizontal H1 @ F1 0.64 H2 @ F2 -6.26 +ve = right
H3 @ F2 0.67 H4 @ F1 -6.69
Calculated angles at the shim packs [flex points, power transmission points]
Motor end Pump end
Vertical Alpha1 0.80 Alpha2 -0.85 angle units are thou/inch
Horizontal Beta1 -0.99 Beta2 1.05 1 thou/inch = 1 milliradian
Total Gamma1 1.27 Gamma2 1.35
Guideline 0 0.5 Thou/inch at Speed = 3600 [rpm]
minimum Maximum
Appendix 3