August 31biogeochemical Cycles Webquest Activity
August 31biogeochemical Cycles Webquest Activity
August 31biogeochemical Cycles Webquest Activity
7. Click on “Person” and record two interesting facts about how individual people use
a. Click to answer
b. Click to answer
8. Click on “Agriculture” and record two interesting facts about agricultural uses of water.
a. Click to answer
b. Click to answer
Begin the activity, and then hover over “Nitrogen in the Atmosphere.”
2. Nitrogen makes up about what percent of the atmosphere? Click to answer
3. Nitrogen exists in what form in the atmosphere? Click to answer
Read “Ammonification.”
7. Ammonification is when decomposers do what? Click to answer
Plants Need It
2. How do plants obtain phosphorus? Click to answer
3. How do animals obtain phosphorus? Click to answer
Elemental Concern
5. Identify two ways in which phosphorus naturally enters the soil. Click to answer
6. Identify a way in which phosphorus is artificially put into the soil. Click to answer
Paragraph 2:
8. The phosphorus cycle differs from the other cycles in that it does not have a Click to answer.
9. The largest reservoir of phosphorus is Click to answer.
Paragraph 3:
10. Describe the sequence of how phosphorus goes from the soil to a carnivore.
Click to answer
Paragraph 5:
11. Using evidence from the article, explain why phosphorus can be considered a pollutant.
Click to answer