ENFP Standard Bearer
ENFP Standard Bearer
ENFP Standard Bearer
It’s good for EPs to spend time enjoying all kinds of different
options, rather than always trying to go forward and do “re-
sponsible” action. Without observing different options, ac-
tion will go awry and opinions will become oversimplistic.
Therefore, as an EP, recognize that it’s more responsible for
you to slow down and play around with options! It is not re-
sponsible for you to hurry on and satisfy others by filling up
checklists if it causes you to neglect your unique strength of
seeing the possibilities that others might rush past.
This means that Feelers want ideas, people, and the world in
general to live up to the meaning they see in them. When
anything seems to fall short of its potential preciousness,
such as when a person decides to be selfish, or a potentially
brilliant philosophy turns out to be flawed, such failure will
be particularly disappointing to a Feeler. Yet all this focus on
meaning gives Feelers a compelling and powerful ability to
see, understand, and then make use of the significance and
meaning in people, events, and ideas. Meaning thus has a
use all its own.
Now, we can combine all your letters to find your full cogni-
tive specialty: ENFP! By combining the four Scopes—EP, EJ,
IP, and IJ—with the four Objectives—NF, NT, SF, and ST—we
derive the sixteen different facets of cognition, each with its
own unique strengths and specializations, which all the oth-
er types depend on. And each comes with its own particular
weaknesses as well, needing the support of other types who
are strong in those areas. Only with all sixteen types com-
bined can we enjoy and benefit from the entire spectrum of
zoomed in and zoomed out perspectives, collective and indi-
vidual focuses, usefulness and meaning, things as they are
and things as they can yet become. A deeper understanding
of each type leads to better use and appreciation for all types
of cognition.
Everyone has good days and bad days; every type enjoys
successes and suffers through failures. Yet we each react to
those same successes and failures differently, depending on
our cognition. The things we value most, and the things we
focus on most, determine how we subconsciously interpret
everything that happens to us. While our Type Specializa-
tion reflects what we most desire out of life, every cognitive
type also has a Type Angst, a reaction to our deepest fears,
worries, and insecurities.
This is almost certainly false, but that doesn’t make the fear
any less persistent.
But since our minds therefore associate these fears with the
earliest experiences of childhood, we ironically tend to run
to these fears as if they were a place of safety. Childhood
usually feels warm, safe, and right in our minds, even if in
reality it was nothing of the sort. So when life gets hard,
when disappointment strikes, whenever we feel insecure,
overwhelmed, or uncomfortable at all, our minds naturally
and inadvertently rush back to these deeply ingrained child-
hood fears. The coping behaviors that result are our unique
Type Angsts.
But when your car won’t start, you can throw up your hands
in surrender and accept that maybe it was never meant to
run in the first place, or you can learn how it works and find
out how to fix the problem. When life doesn’t match up with
what we really feel it can and should be, we can declare that
it was never meant to be that great anyway, or we can learn
how it works and find out how to fix the problems. You are
far more complex than any car, yet maybe the simplistic, ea-
ger dreams of childhood weren’t so far off. Maybe as you
learn to tune your own cognitive engine, you can slowly
grow to attain everything your deepest desires have always
reached for.
You can be a hero, and this world certainly needs heroes.
But what does a real-life hero look like? Real heroes are
usually not flashy, not famous, and certainly heroes aren’t
afraid to work tirelessly to do what needs to be done while
receiving little or no recognition. It’s quite common in fact
for heroes to be resented for enduring hardship and sacrifice
in order to lift others. Heroes are willing to go through
whatever is necessary in order to help those who need it,
and as they let themselves go through pain, humiliation, and
hopelessness, they gradually grow to shine as larger-than-
life, apparently superhuman figures in the real world who
inspire others to reach for their own heroic possibilities.
Now, there are plenty of people who work very hard to excel
at physical or mental pursuits, yet who are rather self-
serving. That’s not heroic. Heroism is not about having su-
perhuman abilities; it’s about learning how to do superhu-
man good with the abilities you have.
You do not need to wait to have greater abilities than you al-
ready have in order to be heroic. Heroes are those who use
their own abilities to selflessly help others, in whatever ways
they can. As we start with the desire to help, using the abili-
ties we have, then our abilities naturally increase. As we
humbly help in little ways, we grow more prepared and able
to see how the world needs our unique, personal strengths
in larger ways.
Stand tall as you, as the Standard Bearer you are, with your
own style, your own experiences and insights and particular
skills. Just be you, and learn how to get out of your own way.
You can be a hero. You can shine nobly as everything you’ve
ever wanted to be, and help everyone you meet do the same.
The more you grow into the full measure of the ENFP Stand-
ard Bearer you’ve already always been, the more successful,
fulfilling, and irrevocably happy you can become, because it
will just be who you are.
aLittleBitofPersonality.com - a celebration of
people with your adorable host, an ENTP