Abdomen Mcqs With Answers
Abdomen Mcqs With Answers
Abdomen Mcqs With Answers
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
NOTE: For each of the following multiple choice questions select the one
most appropriate answer:
2. A person was stung by a bee in the left lumbar region. The nerves supplying the
region accompany the branches of
(A) Musculophrenic Artery
(B) Ant
erior Int
al Arter
(C) Pos
ior Int
al Ar
(D) upe
or Epi!
asttric Ar
(E) In"erior Ep
ric Ar
3. A pati
ent com
comes es to your
your clin
clinicic who
whom m you
you oper
ated for obst
ed irre
indirect Left nguinal hernia one month ago. !e says "t has been over four w
from th
thee susurg
eryy an
d ststil
illl ha
ve mu
much ch di
rt.. nsi
de of my th
numb$ burns
burns or or simply hur
ts when touched.
touched. Whe
Whenn mov
movee in cert
ain ways g
stabbing pain in that area accompanied with a sensation of being bit by a bunc
wasps %&ees'.( Which nerve is most li#ely damaged)
(A) #eni
#enitatall $ra
nchh o"
o" #en
al ner%
(B) Illioin!uinal &er%e
(C) Cremasteric &er%e
(D) Illiohy
astric &er%e
(E) u$coastal &er%e
*. This patient has more chances of developing which type of hernia in future
(A) 'i!h
'i!htt Dire
ct In!u
al er
(B) e"t Di
Direct In!
In!uuinal ernia
(C) 'i!h
'i!htt Ind
rect In!ui
nall er
(D) e"t
e"t Indi
ndi t I ui l ni
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
0. While operating for ndirect nguinal !ernia there started an unusual rapid oo1
of blood$ which filled the site with blood. The urgeon had to stop to control the
bleed. Which artery is most li#ely inured)
(A) In"erior Epi!astric
(B) Cremasteric
(C) -esticular
(D) E.ternal Illiac
(E) Internal iliac
4. 5ou are e6amining a patient for !ernia during e6am. The e6aminer as#s you
differentiate between inguinal and /emoral !ernia. 5our best response will be
(A) +emoral ernia is a$o%e and medial to Pu$ic tu$ercle
(B) +emoral ernia is $elo/ and medial to Pu$ic tu$ercle
(C) +emoral ernia is a$o%e and ateral to Pu$ic tu$ercle
(D) +emoral ernia is $elo/ and ateral to Pu$ic tu$ercle
(E) &one o" A$o%e
9:. A *+ year old man comes to your clinic and says that he has a ,ragging;li#e or
aching pain within scrotum and feeling a bag of worms. 5ou do a <hysical e6am
ma#e a diagnosis of =aricocele. 8onsidering his age what test will u order)
(A) C- A$domen
(B) E'
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
(A) ,a!ina
(B) Canal 0" &uc1
(C) -unica Al$u!inea
(D) -unica ,a!inalis
(E) Clitoris
92. A 9: year old boy comes to your clinic at 4 <M for sudden <ain in his ing
region. !e is otherwise healthy. >n further ?uestioning you came to #now tha
Right testis never descended properly. 5ou notice a swelling ust medial to
inguinal ring. 5ou don@t have any facility of surgery in your office at night but
can operate in the morning. What will you do ne6t
(A) #i%e im Pain medicine and Arran!e to 0perate in the mornin! "or Direct
In!uinal hernia
(B) #i%e im Pain medicine and Arran!e to 0perate in the mornin! "or Indirect
In!uinal hernia
(C) #i%e im Pain medicine and anti$iotics to treat Epididymitis
(D) *r!ently operate "or stran!ulated Indirect In!uinal ernia
(E) 'e"er to Emer!ency ur!ical Department
9*. There is a phenomenon in which some people are almost immune to anesthes
they metaboli1e anesthetic rapidly and start feeling pain. &ut the muscle rela6
don@t let them move. Thin#ing this has happened to your patient in nguinal !e
repair$ which dermatome is responsible for this pain.
(A) -3
(B) -5
(C) -
(D) -2
(E) &one 0" A$o%e
9+. nferior epigastric vessels perforate Rectus abdominis Muscle at the level of
(A) +irst tendinous intersection
(B) econd tendinous intersection
(C) -hird tendinous intersection
(D) *m$ilicus
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
9-. After nguinal !ernia Repair in a 9: year old boy medial side of thigh is stimu
to chec# the cremasteric refle6$ but it was found to be absent. Which nerv
responsible for contraction of cremaster muscle.
(A) Illioin!uinal ne%er
(B) +emoral Branch o" #enito"emoral &er%e
(C) #enital Branch o" #enito"emoral &er%e
(D) Pudendal &er%e
(E) Cremasteric &er%e
94. 6ternal permatic /ascia arise from 6ternal obli?ue aponerosis$ o nternal
permatic /ascia arise from
(A) Internal 0$liue Aponeurosis
(B) -rans%ersalis "ascia
(C) Con7oint tendon
(D) E.ternal o$liue aponerosis
(E) -rans%eus A$dominus Aponeurosis
29. Bust &elow the arcuate line of anterior abdominal wall$ what is in direct contact
rectus abdominus muscle
(A) Parietal Peritoneum
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
20. 6ternal >bli?ue arises from the outer surfaces Lower 4 ribs ust adacent to
origin of
(A) errtus Anterior
(B) Internal 0$liue
(C) -rans%ersus A$dominus
(D) 'ectus A$dominus
(E) Pectoralis Minor
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
3:. A 2-;year;old man comes to a hospital with fever$ nausea$ pain$ and itching
perineal region. >n e6amination by a urologist$ he is diagnosed as having infe
bulbourethral %8owperDs' glands. Which of the following structures isEare affe
by this infection)
(A) uper"icial perineal space
(B) phincter urethrae
(C) Production o" sperm
(D) -estis
(E) eminal %esicles
39. A 9-;year;old boy presents to the emergency department with rupture of the
urethra. 6travasated urine from this inury can spread into which of the follo
(A) crotum
(B) Ischiorectal "ossa
(C) Pel%ic ca%ity
(D) -estis
(E) -hi!h
32. After his bath but before getting dressed$ a *;year;old boy was playing with his
puppy. The boyDs penis was bitten by the puppy$ and the deep dorsal vein was
inured. The damaged veinF
(A) ies super"icial to Buc1;s "ascia
(B) Drains into the prostatic %enous ple.us
(C) ies lateral to the dorsal artery o" the penis
(D) Is "ound in the corpus spon!iosum
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
3*. A 30;year;old man is suffering from carcinoma of the s#in of the penis. 8ancer
are li#ely to metastasi1e directly to which of the following lymph nodes)
(A) E.ternal iliac nodes
(B) Internal iliac nodes
(C) uper"icial in!uinal nodes
(D) Aortic (lum$ar) nodes
(E) Deep in!uinal nodes
3+. A 90;year;old boy suffers a traumatic groin inury during a soccer matc
urologist notices tenderness and swelling of the boyDs left testicle that ma
produced by thrombosis in which of the following veins)
(A) e"t internal pudendal %ein
(B) e"t renal %ein
(C) In"erior %ena ca%a
(D) e"t in"erior epi!astric %ein
(E) e"t e.ternal pudendal %ein
3-. A 22;year;old woman receives a deep cut in the inguinal canal 9 inch lateral to th
pubic tubercle. Which of the following ligaments is lacerated within the inguina
(A) uspensory li!ament o" the o%ary
(B) 0%arian li!ament
(C) Mesosalpin.
(D) 'ound li!ament o" the uterus
(E) 'ectouterine li!ament
30. A 2;year;old boy presents with pain in his groin that has been increasing in natu
over the past few wee#s. !e is found to have a degenerative malformation of the
transversalis fascia during development. Which of the following structures on th
anterior abdominal wall is li#ely defective)
(A) uper"icial in!uinal rin!
(B) Deep in!uinal rin!
(C) In!uinal li!ament
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
37. A 7;year;old boy was admitted to the emergency department complaining of nau
vomiting$ fever$ loss of appetite. >n e6amination$ he was found to have tender
and pain on the right lower ?uadrant. &ased on signs and symptoms$ the diagn
of acute appendicitis was made. ,uring an appendectomy performed at Mc&urn
point$ which of the following structures is most li#ely to be inured)
(A) Deep circum"le. "emoral artery
(B) In"erior epi!astric artery
(C) Illiohypo!astric ner%e
(D) #enito"emoral ner%e
(E) permatic cord
*9. A 29;year;old man developed a hernia after lifting heavy bo6es while moving
his new house. ,uring the repair of his resulting hernia$ the urologist recalls tha
genitofemoral nerveF
(A) 'uns in "ront o" the uadratus lum$orum
(B) Is a $ranch o" the "emoral ner%e
(C) upplies the testis
(D) Passes throu!h the deep in!uinal rin!
(E) #i%es rise to an anterior scrotal $ranch
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
*3. A patient was operated for ,irect nguinal !ernia and Mesh was placed. Cow
Abdminal layers from Anterior to posterior are composed of in this patient A/T
Mesh <lacement.
: +ascia -ran%ersalis
2: Campers +ascia
<: Parietal Peitoneum
4: Mesh
=: E.ternal 0$liue Aponerosis
6: Con7oint tendon
>: permatic Cord
8: 1in
3: carpa +ascia
(A) 8? 2? 3? =? >? 6? ? 4? <
(B) 8? 3? 2? =? >? 4? 6? ? <
(C) 8? 2? 3? =? 4? >? 6? ? <
(D) 8? 2? 3? =? >? 6? 4? ? <
(E) 8? 2? 3? =? >? 4? 6? ? <
Answers Key
2 C
< B
4 B
= C
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Multiple Choice Questions Questions Anatomy
2 E
< C
4 E
= E
6 C
> B
8 B
3 B
25 D
2 C
22 C
2< C
24 A
2= D
26 D
2> A
28 A
23 D
<5 B
< A
<2 B
<< C
<4 C
<= B
<6 D
<> B
<8 C
<3 C
45 B
4 D
42 C
4< E
44 D
4= B