3000kva Transformer Dimension
3000kva Transformer Dimension
3000kva Transformer Dimension
Distribution Transformers
You can rely on ABB as the global leader in transformer technology for more than 100 years. Our
products, services and professional expertise are unmatched by any other company in the power industry.
That is why customers all over the world choose ABB as their partner in delivering reliable and cost effective
energy to their customers.
ABB distribution transformers are uniquely qualified to meet the needs of the Utility, Industrial &
Construction, and Energy industries. We are a dominant force in the industry. We lead the way with the
introduction of new products and services for the ever-changing distribution transformer industry.
We can offer cost-effective solutions for power distribution. We support our industry with a commitment
to product development. We utilize the latest manufacturing technology to maintain state-of-the-art quality
and productivity. Extensive vertical
integration allows us to ship high
quality products in the shortest
possible production cycle. We are
in alliances with major utilities
and businesses around the world
providing products and services to
meet all their needs.
ABB will continue to build on
a heritage of quality, customer
satisfaction and technology, and
capitalize on its resources, to
maintain its position as the number
one supplier of transformers in
the industry.
ABB Three Phase Padmounted
Distribution Transformers are
designed for maximum tamper
resistance since the units are used
to service shopping centers, schools,
institutions and industrial plants.
ABB offers an improved cabinet
design that features a one piece sloped cabinet weather
cover to effectively shed water and allow easier access
into the cabinet compartment. Units may be furnished
in a complete line of ratings and in a wide range of
configurations to meet customer needs.
Unit Substation transformers are generally close coupled
to switchgear, motor control, bus duct, or another type of
incoming and outgoing equipment. ABB’s proven design
offers excellent mechanical strength that has been proven
through years of service and special testing.
ABB offers submersible transformers for diverse
commercial and residential underground applications.
Submersible transformers are designed for use in
underground vaults to offer flexibility, safety, and easy
accessibility for operating personnel. The ABB design
can incorporate all of your switching and fusing needs
in one unit.
More Value Inside and Out
ABB delivers an unmatched package of added value, from the moment you
entrust your purchase order to us. We are focused on delivering value every step
of the way – from precise specification conformance to assured on-time delivery,
and from efficient performance to effective emergency response.
Those values add up, and this is where ABB Distribution Transformers
far exceed the competition – making us your single source for high value
distribution products. We have built a heritage of operational excellence
and unmatched customer service while delivering unique solutions. By
combining high quality materials with our commitment to continual process
improvement, we provide custom transformers to meet your specific needs.
Our commitment to reliability is the foundation that assures the longest
life-cycle for our transformers. With lower customer life-cycle cost, you
have added value in every transformer.
Manufacturing Technology
ABB Distribution Transformers are manufactured with high
quality materials and components which are tested under
stringent conditions. This ensures that ABB transformers meet the
highest standards anywhere in the world. When specified, we can
design our products to handle the harshest environments.
ABB has a
rich heritage
of technology
development and
innovation and has pioneered many of the features you see
in today’s transformers. This includes the introduction of foil
windings and
wound core
increase reliability and safety. Designs are properly adapted
to modern manufacturing technologies aimed at maintaining
the highest quality standards and keeping costs competitive.
Timely Delivery
You can be assured that we will meet our
delivery commitments, be it to current or
contracted lead times or in response to
emergencies. When we agree on a delivery
schedule, we’ll make sure your transformers
are on site and ready to install.
If transformers arrive too early, they can
get in the way on the job site, and if they
arrive late it’s much worse. ABB makes sure
that your padmounted transformers arrive
when you need them, so your work can
proceed seamlessly.
Distribution Transformer Testing Applied Voltage Test of LV
This dielectric test is similar to the Applied Voltage test of the high
The ABB commitment to manufacture quality distribution voltage circuitry except that the integrity of insulation structures
transformers is backed by a series of transformer tests used to between the low voltage and the high voltage, and between the
verify conformance to performance characteristics outlined in low voltage and ground is checked. A pass-fail decision is made
the latest revisions of IEEE C57.12.00 and IEEE C57.12.90. by monitoring the test current intensity. If the resulting current is
These identified tests are also part of the Quality System which larger than specified normal leakage and capacitive current, the
is audited semi-annually by DET NOSKE VERITAS (DNV) to the unit is rejected.
ISO Standards.
Induced Voltage Test
Testing Program The principal purpose of this test is to verify the dielectric
Factory tests are performed on a transformer to confirm that it is strength of turn to turn, layer to layer, phase to phase, and other
properly designed and constructed to carry rated load and that it insulation structures within the transformer windings by inducing
will withstand the conditions it will be exposed to in service. an overvoltage condition (at higher than normal frequency to
avoid saturation of the core). The test current is monitored,
Each transformer manufactured by ABB must undergo a series and if it exceeds limits specified for each transformer, the unit is
of tests. rejected.
1. Polarity, Phase-Relation, and Ratio No-Load Loss and Excitation Current
2. Demag Test This test measures the no-load (excitation) loss and the
transformer exciting current with rated voltage applied. If
3. Applied Voltage Test of the HV the exciting current and/or the no-load loss exceed the limits
specified, the transformer is rejected.
4. Applied Voltage Test of the LV
Impedance Voltage and Load Loss
5. Induced Voltage Test
This test measures the load loss and the impedance voltage at
6. No-Load (Excitation) Loss and Excitation Current rated current. The load loss and the impedance voltage must be
within specified limits.
7. Impedance Voltage and Load Loss
Full Wave Impulse
8. Full Wave Impulse
The impulse test is one of several tests designed to verify the
9. Continuity Check dielectric strength of the many insulation structures within
the distribution transformer against line voltage surges. It
Test Facilities is performed to comply with IEEE standards and for quality
The multi-station, automated test facilities are operated by process assurance. The change in the IEEE standard in 1993 required all
control computers. Required interaction with test floor personnel manufacturers to install fault detection sensitive enough to detect
is minimal with the computers initiating and monitoring each test, a single turn short.
and then analyzing the test results feedback. The computers are
programmed to conduct tests according to IEEE standards, and Continuity Check
according to the ratings of each transformer style, the test floor This test is performed on all transformers to verify transformer
computers will initiate appropriate test setups, compare results circuit and component integrity. This test is performed with an
with established IEEE standard limits, and determine acceptance ohmmeter to verify that the internal wiring is correct.
for each tested unit.
The transformer’s nameplate is compared to manufacturing
The test results for each unit are recorded and stored on information for style, serial number, kVA, HV rating, LV rating, tap
computer files for access and analysis. voltages, impedance, conductor materials and coil BIL rating. The
bushings, electrical accessories, and fuses are verified.
Polarity, Phase-Relation, and Ratio Tests
These tests verify proper phase-relation (three phase), ratio, and
polarity (single phase) of the transformer under test. To pass, a
unit must demonstrate the proper polarity or phase-
relation and have a turns ratio within one-half of one
percent of the nominal voltage ratio.
Demag Test
Some transformers require the Demag Test to remove
any residual magnetism in preparation for an impulse
test. It also serves as a no-load exciting current test. A
transformer passes this test if the exciting current does
not exceed the limit specified for the design of the
Applied Voltage Test of the HV
This test checks the dielectric integrity of insulation
structures between the high voltage and low voltage,
and between the high voltage and ground. A pass/
fail decision is made by monitoring the test current
intensity. If the resulting current is larger than specified
normal leakage and capacitive currents, the unit is
rejected. This test is omitted for transformers with a
permanently grounded high voltage winding.
Special Tests B. Number of Tests
Some tests are performed at the option of the customer. Each phase of the transformer shall be subjected to a total of
six tests, four with symmetrical fault currents and two with
Sound Testing asymmetrical fault currents.
IEEE standards define the required sound levels for transformer
but some customers specify reduced sound levels. The sound C. Duration of Short Circuit Tests
generated by a transformer is affected by the core geometry, When short circuit tests are performed the duration of
flux density, tank design, and the quality of assembly of all the each test shall be 0.25 s except that one test satisfying the
transformer components into a completed unit. Sound tests are symmetrical current requirement shall be made for a longer
made with the unit powered at 100% and 110% of rated voltage duration on distribution transformers. The duration of the
under no-load conditions. long test in each case shall be as follows:
Temperature Tests Category I:
Core losses and coil losses are the primary sources of heating T=1250/I2
within the transformer. Our transformers are guaranteed to have
Where T is the duration in seconds,
an average coil winding temperature of no more than 65° C rise
over ambient air temperature when operated at rated voltage and And I=Isc/IR=symmetrical short circuit current, in multiples of
load conditions. normal base current except I shall not exceed the maximum
symmetrical current magnitudes listed in A.
The temperature test is performed to determine the thermal
characteristics of the transformer and to verify that they are within Where Isc=IR/ZT=symmetrical short circuit current, in rms
design limits. amperes
Calibration IR=rated current on the given tap connection, in rms amperes
Test equipment is calibrated on a scheduled basis by trained
technicians. Calibration records are maintained in accordance ZT=transformer impedance on the given tap connection in per
with the Quality System procedures. These are audited semi- unit on the same apparent power base as IR
annually by DNV in accordance with ISO Standards. Category II:
Short Circuit Withstand Capabilities T=1.0 second
Distribution transformers are subjected to external short circuits Criteria of Satisfactory Performance
on the secondary side. Such external faults can develop on the According to IEEE Standards a unit is considered to have
service line, in the house wiring or in connected loads due to passed the test if it passes a visual inspection and dielectric
numerous environmental reasons. These faults can be line-to- tests. Recommended additional checks include examination of
ground, double line-to-ground or line-to-line. wave shape of terminal voltage and current, leakage impedance
To meet these operating conditions, the American National measurement and excitation current test. (Refer to IEEE
Standard Institute (IEEE) has set standards concerning short C57.12.90.)
circuit withstand capability. These standards require that The standard allows the following variations in the leakage
distribution transformers shall be designed and constructed to impedance:
withstand the mechanical and thermal stresses produced by these
external short circuits. ZT (Per Units) Percentage Variation
The current standards relating to short circuit strength are IEEE 0.0299 or less 22.5-500 (ZT)
C57.12.00 which sets the short circuit withstand requirements 0.0300 or more 7.5
for distribution transformers and IEEE C57.12.90 which provides
procedures for short circuit testing. ZT=per unit impedance of the transformer
A. Magnitude
Single Three
Phase Phase Withstand
Category kVA kVA Capability*
I 5-25 15-75 40
37.5-100 112.5-300 35
167-500 500 25
II 750-2500 1/ZT**
*Base current (Symmetrical) per unit for all distribution
transformers with secondary rated 600 V and below.
**The short circuit current will be limited by the transformer
impedance only.
Paint Finish Process One of the keys to effectiveness of the ABB paint finish system
is the primer. The green epoxy primer is applied by cationic
ABB utilizes a multi-step process to apply a corrosion electrodeposition – a dip process in which positively charged
resistant finish to transformers. The materials and processes primer particles are attracted to grounded parts (cathodes).
used are designed to protect against the effects of abrasion, This method applies a very uniform, pinhole-free coating which
sunlight, rural and industrial atmospheres, and humidity. Each penetrates and thoroughly coats all parts. This is a highly effective
carefully controlled process step has a specific purpose, and each process for coating parts with difficult geometry. The process
step builds on the previous steps to form the complete protection utilizes practically 100% of the primer paint, and since the primer
system that ensures that our transformers meet IEEE functional is water borne OSHA and EPA emission standards are met. The
paint specification guidelines. primer is free of lead and chrome. After rinsing, parts are cured
in an oven in preparation for the next step.
Paint Process Procedure
Transformer parts receive the following steps of surface After the transformer is assembled, a final coating of two-
preparation prior to painting. component urethane paint is spray applied for color and
additional film build. The final coat provides the weatherability
1. Abrasive cleaning: All parts are cleaned or prepped to remove necessary to protect the unit from sunlight and maintain its
welding by-products and provide more consistent adhesion and appearance.
corrosion protection.
2. Alkaline wash cleaner: Removes mill oils, drawing oils, and
shop soils that could interfere with good adhesion.
3. Water rinse.
4. Iron phosphate coating: Provides a firm anchor for good paint
adhesion and provides resistance to underfilm corrosion
should the paint film be damaged, exposing bare metal.
5. Water rinse.
6. Deionized water rinse: Removes any ionic contamination to
prepare for first application of paint.
The entire cleaning and pretreating process is automatic
and conveyorized with all chemicals applied by spray. The
pretreatment system combines the latest in cleaning technology
such as DI rinses and iron phosphate over abrasive cleaning in a
tried and true format to provide the best possible pretreatment
before paint is applied.
The ABB paint system utilizes advanced techniques and materials
to provide a superior finish system on padmounted distribution
transformers. Each step in the process is specifically designed to
maximize finish performance while minimizing waste to provide
the best possible combination of performance.
Paint Finish Specifications and Test Results
Parameter Test Method Specification Typical ABB Value
Total exterior film build Elcometer 456 Not specified by IEEE 2-4 mils
Basic F
Adhesion ASTM D3359 100% 100%
Method A or B
Humidity 1000 hrs. ASTM D4585 No blisters, up to No blisters,
@45c 1 pencil hardness no softening
change per ASTM D3363
Impact, 80 InLb ASTM D2794/ No red rust No red rust
ASTM B117 after 24 hrs. after 24 hrs.
Oil resistance Immerse in 100c No loss of adhesion No loss of adhesion,
Oil for 72 hrs. per ASTM 3359, no no blisters, no
blisters, no streaking, streaking, no change
up to 1 pencil hardness in hardness, color or
change per ASTM D3363 gloss
QUV, 500 hrs. ASTM G53/D523 50% loss of gloss, no 40% loss of gloss, no
cracks, no crazing cracks, no crazing
Abrasion, 3000 cycles ASTM D4060 No red rust after No red rust after
24 hrs. 24 hrs. 24 hrs.
Gravelometer, 60 PSI ASTM 3170/ After 24 hrs. red rust 4A (better than 4B)
SAE J400 in chips to not exceed
4B rating
QUV/SCAB, 15 cycles ASTM G53 6 rating per ASTM 6 rating per ASTM
D1654, no blisters D1654, no blisters
Paint meets or exceeds IEEE C57.12.28 and EEMAC Y1-2, Canadian Standard.
Switching Units
The Pad-Pak meets the following industry Standards: Corrosion resistant nameplate
with schematic diagram.
IEEE C37.72 IEEE C57.12.00
IEEE C57.12.28
Optional Features
1. Overcurrent Protection:
Standard Features mounted in a dry well
1. The Pad-Pak is equipped with 200A externally replaceable loadbreak canister; sealed
universal bushing wells. Parking stands are located near each to prevent condensation.
bushing for attachment of bushing accessories.
Voltage Class 8.3, 15.5, 23 KV
2. Each Pad-Pak includes a flip-top hood with heavy-duty 3/8" Fuse Type CX, CLT, NX
thick removable stainless steel hinge pins to provide safe and
durable service. 2. Switching:
a. Externally operated loadbreak oil rotary (LBOR) switch
3. A recessed locking assembly containing padlock provisions
and a locking bolt is standard for tamper-resistant operation. Continuous current 300A
Specify penta-head or hex-head bolt. Loadbreak 300A @ 25 KV
Loadbreak 200A @ 38 KV
4. All tanks are constructed of heavy gauge steel. All tank seams are Momentary 10,000A RMS Sym.
welded, and every unit is inspected and pressure-tested for leaks Fault Close 10,000A RMS Sym.
before shipment. In addition, all Pad-Paks are supplied with: Impulse 125, 150 Kv BIL
a. 5/8" – 11 stainless steel lifting bosses Voltage Class 25, 35 KV
b. 1/2" Oil level plug 3. Primary Connection:
c. Self-actuating pressure relief device in 1/2" oil fill plug a. 200A universal bushing wells and loadbreak inserts
d. 1/2" Oil drain plug b. Integral (one piece) 200A loadbreak bushings
e. Ground bosses c. 200A universal bushing wells and nonloadbreak inserts
The fully adjustable and removable sill is provided with cleats for d. Integral (one piece) 200A non-loadbreak bushings
anchoring the sill to the pad. e. 300A porcelain bushings
95 24" 36" 33.3" 670
L2 R2
3 125 24" 36" 36" 680
Three Phase
95 32" 40" 39.8" 1265
10 125 32" 40" 42.5" 1275
150 32" 40" 42.5" 1275
ABB Inc.
Distribution Transformers
500 West Highway 94
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone +1 573 634 2111
Fax +1 573 659 6275
Three Phase
Secondary Unit
Substation Transformer
Standard Features:
1. Porcelain high voltage bushings
2. Welded-on tank cover
3. Bolted handhole cover(s)
4. Stainless steel ground pads
5. T
he paint finish process applies a durable, corrosion resis-
tant finish to the product. The multi-step process includes an
epoxy primer uniformly applied by cationic electrode-position
and a urethane top coat
6. ANSI 61 gray
7. Oil fill plug
8. Drain Valve w/sampler
9. E
poxy externally clamped secondary bushings with aluminum
or copper conductor with integral external spade
10. Anodized aluminum nameplate
11. Four lifting lugs
Optional Features:
1. 24", 30" and 36" deep ATC
12. Liquid Level Indicator
2. Partial height ATC at same depths as full height ATC
13. Liquid Temperature Indicator
14. Pressure Relief Valve 3. Removable hinged covers for ATC
15. Mineral Oil Insulating Fluid 4. Throats and flanges
16. 65 degree C average winding rise 5. Winding Temperature Rise Indicator
17. N
EMA 3R 18" deep full height Air Terminal Chamber (ATC) 6. Cover mounted pressure relief device with semaphore
provided on both high voltage and low voltage sides. ATC’s 7. Alarm contacts:
can be top feed or bottom feed application
a. Liquid Level Indicator
18. Air terminal chamber has bolted on removable covers b. Liquid Temperature Indicator
19. De-energized externally operable HV tap changer c. Pressure Relief Diaphragm
20. Aluminum windings d. Rapid Pressure Relay
e. Pressure Vacuum Gauge
f. Winding Temperature Rise Indicator
8. Cooling fans with control package or provisions for future fans
9. Some special paint colors – contact factory for available colors
10. 55 degree C average winding temperature rise
11. Neutral grounding resistors – contact factory for availability
12. Distribution class surge arresters
13. Pressure Vacuum Gauge
14. NEMA 4x control box
15. Copper windings
16. UL certification
150-3000 kVA, 3 phase, 60 hertz standard, 50 hertz optional
Design Dimensions
(All dimensions are approximate. Dimensions may change to
High Voltages (150 kv BIL and below): 4160 through 34,500D meet specific customer requirements.)
Low Voltages (60 kv BIL and below): kVA W H D Wt. Gal. of
150 kVA through 1000 kVA: 2300D, 2400Y/1385 to 4160D, Inches Inches Inches Lbs. Oil
4160Y/2400, 480Y/277, 480D, 208Y/120
225 46 73 50.5 5870 480
1500 kVA through 3000 kVA: 2300D, 2400Y/1385 to 4160D,
4160Y/2400, 480Y/277, 480D 300 46 73 50.5 6035 477
500 50 73 52.2 7192 517
750 53 73 50.5 9150 566
1000 62 73 71 10521 642
RADIATORS 1500 66 73 67.4 12427 665
2000 69 73 67.4 15021 668
2500 69 73 93.1 17334 662
3000 69 85 93.1 19000 699
ABB Inc.
Distribution Transformers
500 West Highway 94
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone +1 573 634 2111
Fax +1 573 659 6275
MTP Mini-Three Phase
Design Dimensions:
Physical data is approximate and is based on single voltage units with or without taps, with standard 19.25” cable
compartment depth. Dimensions are in inches. Weights are in pounds. Dimensions may change to meet specific
customer requirements.
Side View
Front View Recommended Pad Dimensions
C + 6"
* Maximum pad dimensions
ABB Inc.
Distribution Transformers
500 West Highway 94
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone +1 573 634 2111
Fax +1 573 659 6275
Three Phase
• High voltages: 4160 Grd Y/2400 through 34,500 Grd Y/19,920 11. Externally clamped low voltage bushings with threaded
for Grounded Wye systems; 2400 through 34,500 for Delta copper stud for full load current below 2100 amps. Externally
systems; various dual high voltages clamped integral low voltage bushings for current above 2100
amps. NEMA spades provided per ANSI hole requirements
2000-3000 kVA 12. Nameplate
• High voltages: 7200 Grd Y/4160 through 34,500 Grd Y/19,920 13. Fill plug and self-actuating pressure relief device
for Grounded Wye systems; 4160 through 34,500 for Delta
systems; various dual high voltages 14. Drain plug
• Taps: All voltages are available with or without taps 15. Removable neutral ground strap
• Insulation classes: 35 kV, 150 kV BIL and below
16. Five-legged core/coil assembly
45-1500 kVA
17. Handhole cover bolted onto tank top (protected by weathercover)
• Low voltages: 208Y/120, 216Y/125, 460Y/265, 480Y/277, 480∆,
240∆ and 240∆ with 120 volt mid-tap in one phase; (4160Y/2400, 18. Panel-type coolers
4160∆, 2400∆ , 2400/4160Y/2400 for 1500 kVA and larger) 19. NEMA safety labels
2000-3000 kVA 20. The paint finish process applies a durable, corrosion resis-
• Low voltages: 460Y/265, 480Y/277, 480∆, 4160Y/2400, 2400∆, tant finish to the product. The multi-step process includes an
2400/4160Y/2400 epoxy primer uniformly applied by cationic electrodeposition
and a urethane top coat
Standard Features: 21. Externally-operated tap changers
1. Four lifting lugs
2. Bolted-on terminal compartment (18" or 24" deep depending
on KVA) with removable front sill
3. Hinged, lift-off cabinet doors
4. Interlocked penta-head bolt/padlock handle operates a cam
assembly which is part of the 3-point door latching mechanism.
(A hex-head bolt is available.)
Optional Features: Live Front, Radial Feed
Primary Termination IEEE Fig. 1, 2, and 3 (C57.12.22)
• Externally-clamped bushing wells with loadbreak or non-load- Gal.
break inserts of
• Integral loadbreak bushings KVA A B C D E Wt. Oil
Secondary Termination 75 56 56 44.8 44.8 56 2280 115
• Externally-clamped bushings with NEMA 6-hole, 8-hole, 10-hole, 112 56 56 44.8 44.8 56 2400 115
or 12-hole spades 150 56 56 44.8 44.8 56 2700 125
• Spade supports are available. They are provided for 8-hole 225 56 56 49.8 46.8 56 3350 150
spades and larger when the current is 1400 amps or greater 300 56 60 50.8 46.8 56 3650 165
500 60 66 58.8 48.8 56 5200 200
Primary Switching 750 68 81 60.8 50.8 66 7100 270
• LBOR oil switch: one for radial 1000 68 84 62.8 54.8 66 7900 320
• One, two, or three for loop feed 1500 68 86 66.8 58.8 66 9700 390
• 4 position T-blade or V-blade 2000 72 96 76.8 62.8 70 12800 430
Voltage Switching Options 2500 72 100 78.8 62.8 70 14100 500
• Externally-operated dual voltage switch 3000 76 132 90 66 70 20000 600
• Externally-operated delta-wye switch
Overcurrent Protection Dead Front, Radial Feed
• Internal primary protective links IEEE Fig. 1, 3, and 4 (C57.12.26)
• Bayonet-type expulsion fuses Gal.
• Drawout, loadbreak current limiting fuses, with or without of
interlocking transformer switch KVA A B C D E Wt. Oil
• Secondary oil circuit breaker 75 48 62 44.8 44.8 56 2350 115
• Internal, partial-range current limiting fuses 112 48 62 44.8 44.8 56 2450 115
Overvoltage Protection 150 48 62 44.8 44.8 56 2700 125
• Distribution class, metal oxide arresters, 3-36 kV 225 48 62 49.8 46.8 62 3400 150
• Distribution class, valve-type lightning arresters, 3-27 kV 300 48 62 50.8 46.8 62 3700 165
Construction Options 500 56 66 58.8 48.8 62 5400 200
• 18", 24" and 30" deep terminal cabinet 750 60 81 60.8 50.8 66 7100 270
• Drain valve and sampling device 1000 68 84 62.8 54.8 66 7900 320
• Mounting plate for CT’s or PT’s 1500 68 86 66.8 58.8 66 9700 390
• Interphase barriers 2000 72 96 76.8 62.8 70 12800 430
• Molded case external secondary breaker 2500 72 100 78.8 62.8 70 14100 500
• Substation Accessories – Oil gauge, thermometer, drain valve 3000 76 132 90 66 70 20000 600
and sampler, pressure-vacuum gauge provision
• Weathercover Dead Front, Loop Feed
• Transformers may feature an optional weathercover IEEE Fig. 2, 3, and 4 (C57.12.26)
over the cabinet which is hinged to allow clearance for Gal.
replacement of the bayonet-type fuses. of
• The weathercover can be lifted easily into place and KVA A B C D E Wt. Oil
secured with a single supporting arm. 75 56 66 44.8 44.8 56 2400 120
• The weathercover requires no additional holddown 112 56 66 44.8 44.8 56 2500 120
hardware. 150 56 66 44.8 44.8 56 2800 130
Some optional features are not available on larger kVA units. 225 56 66 49.8 46.8 62 3500 160
300 56 66 50.8 46.8 62 3800 170
500 56 68 58.8 48.8 62 5600 200
750 68 82 60.8 50.8 66 7400 270
1000 68 86 62.8 54.8 66 8200 320
1500 68 88 66.8 58.8 66 10300 390
2000 72 96 76.8 62.8 70 12800 430
2500 72 100 78.8 62.8 70 14100 500
3000 76 132 90 66 70 20000 600
USA 42"
Phone +1 573 634 2111 MINIMUM CABLE OPENING
www.abb.com/transformers 18"
UCT-Three Phase
Commercial Transformer
Standard Features
1. Six welded-in 200A high voltage universal bushing wells for High Voltages (125 kV BIL and below)
loop feed. Parking stands are located near each bushing for
A. Grounded Wye system 4160 Grd Y/2400 through
attachment of bushing accessories.
24940 Grd Y/14400
2. Bolted-on handhole cover(s)
B. Delta System 2400D through 16340∆
3. Stainless steel ground pads
Low Voltages (30 kV BIL)
4. The paint finish process applies a durable, corrosion resistant 208Y/120
finish to the product. The multi-step process includes an epoxy 216Y/125
primer uniformly applied by cationic electrodeposition and a 416Y/240
urethane top coat. 460Y/265
5. Oil fill plug and oil drain plug 240D
6. Secondary bushings: 480D
Optional Features
1. Bayonet fusing
2. Three drywell current limiting fuse canisters and current limit-
ing fuses
3. Three phase (LBOR) externally operated loadbreak oil rotary
switch with interlock to prevent removal of fuses when switch
is in closed position
4. Radial feed configuration
5. Externally operable HV tap changer
6. Externally operable HV dual voltage switch
7. Rotatable spade type secondary bushings, 750 kVA and below
8. Pressure relief device
Design Dimensions and Weights
(All weights and dimensions are approximate. Dimensions may change to meet specific customer requirements.)
kVA A B C D W X Weight
Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs.
75 52 60 31 31 62 62 3500
112.5 52 60 31 31 62 62 3700
150 52 60 31 31 62 62 4000
225 52 60 31 38 62 62 4800
300 56 67 31 42 62 76 5000
500 56 67 31 44 62 76 6200
750 64 75 33 46 70 90 9500
1000 64 75 35 52 70 90 10500
1500 68 80 39 68 70 102 15000
X2 C D
ABB Inc.
Distribution Transformers
500 West Highway 94
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone +1 573 634 2111
Fax +1 573 659 6275
ABB Inc.
We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice.
With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.
We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction – in whole or in parts – is forbidden without ABB’s prior written consent.
Copyright © 2007 ABB