Think - Unit 2

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The key takeaways are that the Tinkering School teaches students important life skills through hands-on building projects, and that a new school called Brightworks was created based on similar principles.

The Tinkering School is a summer program started by Gever Tulley in 2005 where students learn skills through building things together, like a rollercoaster, rope bridge, tree houses, and boats. Students are given materials and tools to plan and make innovative projects.

Brightworks is a 'real' school created in 2011 in San Francisco by Gever Tulley and a colleague. It is based on the same principles as Tinkering School and has only 20 students aged 6-13.




THE WAYS f u n c t io n s : asking and giving /

refusing permission to do
gram m ar: present perfect with

for and since) a, an, the or no
vo c a bu la ry: school subjects;
verbs about thinking

2 Look at the photos. W h at are the people doing?

W here do you think they are?

3 l р д я н Read and listen to the article. For each

* question, mark the correct letter А, В, C or D.

1 W hat is the writer doing in this text?

A Describing a summer school he started in 2005.
В Explaining how to send a child to Tinkering.
C Talking about the US school system.
D Talking about G. Tulley's programmes for kids.

2 W hat does the text say about safety at the school?

A The school is too dangerous for kids.
В No child has ever had an accident.
C Children have never hurt themselves badly.
D The school doesn't give information about that.

3 W hat reactions to Brightworks have there been in

the media?
A They have compared it to Tinkering School.
В Most of them have been positive.
C There hasn’t been any reaction.
D Most of them have been negative.

4 W hat effect has the school had on Tina Cooper?

A It has changed her opinion about school.
В It has given her exciting and boring times.
C It has made her more interested in San
R E A D IN G Francisco.
D It has encouraged her to ask more questions.
1 W ork in pairs. W rite down words that come to
mind when you think of these places.
4 Which thing might Gever Tulley say in a
a youth club | a holiday camp | a school presentation to parents about the Tinkering
A W e are trying to do our best. W e offer your kids
a balance of things they will like doing and things
they will have to do.
В I can g u a ran te e th a t y o u r son o r d au g h te r will
learn to b uild a rollercoaster, a ro p e b rid g e, a tre e
house, a m o to rb ik e an d a b oat.

C Kids can learn a lot by doing things in teams.

W e give them materials and tools. They plan and
make things.
D Most of the articles in newspapers and magazines
say kids are more motivated here than at many
other schools.


An education like no other

Gever Tulley is a computer scientist from California. In 2005,
he started a summer programme for children called Tinkering
School. The idea w as that children can learn important skills
for life by building things together. Gever Tulley and his team
help the children to think big and create plans for innovative
things they want to build. Children have made fantastic things
since the school started. They have built a rollercoaster. They
have made a rope bridge from plastic shopping bags. They
have made tree houses, wooden motorbikes and boats.

At Tinkering School, children get all kinds of materials like

wood, metal, plastic, nails and ropes. They get lots of real
tools too, such as knives, hammers, screwdrivers and power
drills. So m e children have cut themselves when using a knife,
or hurt their fingers when using a hammer. Tinkering School
has been around for many years now, but nobody has ever
suffered a serious injury in all those years. This is because
there are strict health and safety regulations they must follow.
The children always learn how to use the tools safely and
they must w ear the right clothing and protection at all times. very small - it only has 20 students aged 6 to 13. Brightworks
is based on the sam e principles as Tinkering School.
Gever Tulley’s ideas have worked very well. A lot of children
have gone to his summer schools over the years. In 2011, Since it started, Brightworks has been written about a lot.
Gever Tulley and a colleague decided to create a ‘real’ Most of those articles have been very positive. They have
school, called Brightworks, in Sa n Francisco. The school is praised the quality of the school. They have found the
children are more motivated than at many other schools. But
since the beginning of the school there have also been critical
voices. Som e people have said that children are not learning
enough at Brightworks. They feel that students and teachers
are just ‘playing around’ all the time.

The students at Brightworks seem to love their school. W e

spoke to 12-year-old Tina Cooper. S h e has been a student
at the school since last October. ‘Since I started here, I’ve
never sat in a ‘normal’ class with a teacher,’ she told us. ‘But
it’s been a very exciting experience. I’ve worked hard at my
new school for eight months now, and there hasn’t been one
single moment when I found it boring. Before, I w as bored
quite often.’

2 S P E A K IN G Compare your ideas with a partner.

I th in k they learn how
Learning fo r life
to b e ca refu l w ith tools. Why?
1 Read the statements. Tick ( / ) the things that you
think kids are likely to learn at Tinkering School
The tex t says th ere a re strict Yes, I a jr e e
and Brightworks.
health a n d safety regulations. w ith you.
Everyone is different and that's a good thing.
Team work is im portant to achieve things in life. 3 S P E A K IN G Discuss these questions.
W h e n you use a tool you have to be careful.
1 W h ich o f the things from the list above do you
It is im portant to be friendly and help others. think are im portant to learn?
It is ve ry im portant in life to eat healthy food. 2 W h a t w ould you add to your personal list of
Mistakes are important. W e learn from them. Im p o rta n t things to learn1?


Present perfect with for and since School subjects
Look back at the article on page 21. Underline all 1 i- иаим Match the school subjects in the list with
the sentences in the present perfect. the photos. Write 1-12 in the boxes. Then listen
and check.
Complete the sentences below with for and since.
1 Science (Physics, Biology and Chemistry)
Then complete the rules.
2 Music 3 Art Education 4 Drama
1 Children have made fantastic things 5 Design and Technology 6 Geography
the school started. 7 English 8 PE (Physical Education)
2 Tinkering School has been around_________ 9 ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
many years now. 10 Maths 11 History 12 Spanish

In the present perfect, we use

• 1___________ to talk about a period o f time.
• 2___________ to refer to the point in time when an
action started.

When do we use for and when do we use since?

Complete the chart with the words and phrases
in the list.
a month last summer your birthday yesterday
a year 2014 I phoned you a long time
many years days Friday an hour

for a Month _____________ ___________

since last sum mer

4 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect

form of the verbs and for or since.

1 I ________________ (be) at my new school

________________ last December.
2 Hilary________________ (not see) Michael
________________ several weeks.
3 They________________ (not write) an email or
________________ (phone) us________________
three months.
4 H e ________________ (live) in this town
________________a long time.
5 I ________________ (have) this camera
________________ I was 10.

5 W rite sentences using the present perfect with

for or since.

0 Rebecca doesn't live in Italy now. (three years)

R ebecca h a sn 't lived in Italy fo r th re e y ea rs . Answer the questions. Take notes.
1 They are in the youth club, (three hours) Then compare your answers with a partner.
2 Joanne and I are good friends, (primary school)
1 Which are your favourite subjects? Which don't
3 She plays in the volleyball team, (two months) you like? W hy?
4 I ought to see a doctor. I am sick, (a week) 2 Which of the subjects are you studying this year?
5 I don't hear a lot from Sandra, (last October) 3 How long have you studied each subject?

1 W ork in pairs. Match the activities with the photos.
1 make a fire 2 spend a night outdoors 3 climb a tree 4 drive a car 5 spend an hour blindfolded

2 Which of these things have you

done? Tell your partner.

3 С. ЬЖШЧ Listen to David talking about a book

his father hasjust read. W hich of the activities
in Exercise 1 do they talk about?1

4 ill biiHI Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true)

or F (false).

1 David is babysitting his little brother. _...

2 David thinks the book his father read
is nonsense.
3 The book says children should spend an hour
blindfolded alone.
4 David is not sure his dad will let Nick drive
a car.
2 Mark the sentences A P (asking permission), CP
5 Nick drove the car straight into a tree. ___ (giving permission) or RP (refusing permission).
6 David thinks Nick will enjoy showing that he can
1 Will you let me use your camera?
make a fire.
Yeah, sure. O f course I will..............
2 Can I borrow your bike?
F U N C T IO N S No, sorry. I need it______________
Asking and giving / refusing permission 3 Can I use your laptop?

1 Put the dialogues into the correct order. W rite Yes, you can, but I want it back tomorrow.
the numbers 1-4.
4 Is it O K if I borrow this necklace? __......
□ DAD Yes?
Yeah, but be really careful with it, OK?
DAD I'm afraid I need it myself right now.
N IC K W ill you let me use your laptop?
N IC K Dad? 3 ROLE PLAY W ork in pairs. Act out short
conversations. Ask each other for permission. You
□ A N N IE Can I watch the football match tonight? can use the ideas here or come up with your own.
A N N IE Can I ask you something, Mum? use his/her tablet come with him/her
MUM Yes, of course you can. borrow £20 copy his/her homework
MUM Go ahead. get some help with homework


1 Look at this picture. Think about the questions and
compare your answers with a partner.

1 W h at does the picture show?

2 W h e re in the picture is the brain?
3 W h at does the brain do?

( 1 ) Everybody has a brain, but not or nerve cells. What makes them ( 3 ) The more neuronal networks we
many people know how the brain grow? Learning! ‘Learning is brain grow, the better we can think and
works. Some people believe that change,’ says Professor James Zull the better we remember. You may
the brain is like the hard disk of from Case Western University in wonder if there is anything you
a computer. We use it to store Cleveland, Ohio, USA. ‘Without can do to make the networks in
files - images, language (words, learning, nothing changes in the your brain grow better. Professor
texts, sounds) and other data. brain. For every new word you learn Zull says yes, there is. Lie says that
Others compare the brain to a huge in your English lesson, every puzzle brain change is strongest when a)
container or cupboard with lots of you solve in maths, every new song you are interested in and like what
little drawers, shelves and boxes in you learn to sing, a neuronal you are learning, b) you are in
it. We put information into these network grows in your brain and control of what you learn and c)
boxes and hope to find it again later. the brain changes.’ you get challenging tasks that make
you think hard and concentrate.
( 2 ) The brain is not a computer disk,
i V r ^ ’W i Understanding a challenging task
and it isn’t a container. Look at the 7^ ■ _ . makes you feel good and develops
picture here. It looks a bit like weeds
your brain!
in a garden, doesn’t it? The picture
actually shows a child’s neocortex
- a part of the brain. You can guess
what happens - more ‘weeds’ grow
as the child gets older. Scientists
call these neuronal networks. The
Neuronal networks at 9 months,
networks grow around our neurons,
2 years and 4 years o f age

2 Match the words with the meanings. W rite the numbers ■ T R A IN T O THiNK
1-5. Then read the text to check your answers.
Learning about texts
1 to store 2 a container 3 a weed
4 a nerve cell 5 to concentrate 1 Choose the best description of this text.

a to think very carefully about what you are doing 5 A an adventure story to entertain the
b to keep things for use in the future
В an ad to sell the reader something.
c a wild plant that grows in a garden
C a magazine article to give the reader
d it carries information between the brain and the body
e an object used to carry or store things
D a letter to persuade the reader to do
3 Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1 The text compares the brain to weeds. 2 Choose the title that best sums up the
2 The brain is a system of neuronal networks that can change. content of each paragraph. There is one
extra title.
3 W henever we learn anything, a change happens in our A The brain-afantastic computer ___
brain. ___ В W h at people believe about the brain
4 W e can't really make our brain stronger.___ C How to make your brain stronger ___
5 Being able to do difficult tasks is good for the brain. D O ur brain is a growing system ___

a, an, the or no article Verbs about thinking
Look at the sentences from a magazine article. 1 Use a dictionary to make sure you know
Underline a, an, the and the nouns these articles the meaning of these words.
are with. Then go through the sentences again and
to concentrate on to remember to think
Circle the nouns with no article. Finally complete the to imagine to wonder to believe
rule with a, an, the, - (no article). to guess to recognise to realise
to suppose

Food is important for your body. But did you know that 2 Choose the correct words.
the food you eat is important for your brain, too? Here is
an example: sugar. Sugar tastes good. But the sugar from 1 The task was very difficult. I had to
remember/think for a long time.
sweets can create problems. Your concentration and your
memory get worse. W hat can we learn from the example 2 Come on, don’t be silly. I don't believe /
here? It's better to eat an orange or a banana than to eat realise in ghosts!
chocolate, because that's good for your brain and for 3 Can you imagine / concentrate how great
your body. it must be to live at the beach?
4 W hen the teacher asked the question a
different way, I supposed/ realised that I
knew the answer!
W e use
5 Did they really say they are moving to New
• _______ o r ________ + a singular countable noun when the
York? I don't suppose/ believe it!
listener/reader doesn't know exactly which thing w e are
talking about.
6 I have not seen her for six years. I don’t think
I would realise / recognise her.
You can have an apple or a banana.
7 I have no idea what the answer is. I'll just
W e’ve got a new car.
have to imagine / guess.
• _______ + noun when it is clear which thing(s) or person/
p eo p le w e are talking about. 8 I was so tired that I found it hard to think/
concentrate on the test.
The apples in this pie are from our garden.
9 Have you ever wondered/supposed why
The bananas th at I b ought yesterday are horrible.
I haven't phoned you for months?
• ____________+ plural countable noun or + uncountable noun,
when w e are talking about things in general. 10 If we want to get there faster, I wonder /
suppose we should take a taxi.
Bananas are sw eeter than apples. Chocolate isn ’t
good for you.
P ro n u n c ia tio n
Word stress
2 Complete each sentence with a, an, the or -
(no article). G o to page 120.

0 She is a good student.

W ork in pairs. Ask and answer
1 She eats a lot o f ______ fruit an d _______ vegetables.
2 _______ b o o k th a t yo u g ave m e w as really g o o d .

3 I h ave..... .... idea. Let’s watch_______ new 1 Are there any places where you can think
Beyonce video. really well or not well at all?

4 I n e ve r d r in k _______ co ffe e - 1hate it. 2 Does music help you to concentrate or make
it difficult for you to concentrate? Does it
5 I like lots o f sports, b u t _______ s p o rt I like m ost is ____
matter what kind of music it is?
3 In what situations can you imagine things
Complete the text with a, an, the or -. really well? Do you find it difficult to use
your imagination sometimes?
0 — People need to drink. O f course 1........ orange juice
4 Do you find it difficult to remember things
and 123
______ apple juice are very popular, but they are not
sometimes? W hat sort of things?
always3______ good choice.4_______orange juice has got a
lot of sugar in it, so don't drink too much of it. The best drink 5 Do you believe in life on other planets?
for your brain is5_ 5_____ water. 6_______glass of water is the W hat do you suppose the people there
best drink you can get, b u t7______ water that you drink
needs to be fresh and clean.

A day in the life o f ...
1 oraa Look at the photos. What do you think
a typical day for a student at each of these three
schools is like? Read and listen to check.

Alexander, student at a Dance A cadem y in Moscow, Ella, dram a student

Russia from Sydney, Australia

I've been at this dance Academy for three years. This is 6.45: I'm not good at getting up early. Three
a typical day for me: alarm clocks - at 6.30, 6.40 and 6.50.

I get up around eight o'clock, have a quick breakfast, do my 8.00: Voice training. Important for an actor.
hair, and get into my dance clothes. I arrive at the school 8.45: Gymnastics - I like it. It helps me
around 8.45, just in time for the warm-up before class. concentrate better and makes me feel good.
M y first class, classical ballet, starts at 9.00 and finishes at 9.30: Singing and dance workshop. It's
10.30. I then have a 20-minute break. I eat a banana on the hard work, but it gives me energy. Music
w ay to another building. As soon as I arrive there, my modern and rhythm. Love itl
dance class starts. It runs until 12.15. Then I have a 45-minute
lunch break. In the afternoon it's classical ballet again, then 11.00: First break - drink, drink, drink -
gymnastics to strengthen the muscles. I get home around water, of course. No drinks with sugar in
seven, and I'm usually very tired. them. Makes the body and the mind tired.

On Saturdays, I only have a one-and-a-half-hour ballet class, 11.15: Performance workshop. Hard work.
and on Sundays I'm free. Our teachers are fantastic, but they tell you
when you make mistakes!

12.30: Lunch break - I eat nuts and fruit, or

a salad at one of the cafes nearby. I never
Ethan, college basketball
eat carbohydrates, you know, pasta or
player from Chicago, U SA
other heavy stuff.
M y day starts at 8 am
2.00: A lecture about acting, for example,
with the weight training
how to move on the stage, what to do
program. W e do a ten-
with your hands, etc. Not always easy to
minute warm-up, and
concentrate after lunch.
then it's hard work for
50 minutes. 3.30: Short break. I try not to fall asleep.
The day has been very tiring!
At nine o'clock my
classes start. When we 3.45: Voice training workshop, dance and
have an away match, singing.
we can't do so much
6.00: Evening rehearsal. W e practise
school work. When
for a performance at the end of term.
we are back at school,
We're doing a musical
we have to work
this term. Hard
harder than the others.
work and
But I'm not complaining - I've been in the
great fun.
team for more than a year now, and it's cool.
I have a break between 1.00 and 2.30. I try to take only
30 minutes for lunch and the rest I use for studying. The
afternoon is full of classes and practice. 10.00: Zzzzl

At night I have to watch videos of games, I have to read books

about basketball and study for my exams, too. When I finally
go to bed - often nearly midnight - I'm completely exhausted!


2 Read the article again. Complete the sentences 3 a very traditional type of dancing (story 1)
with Alexander, Ethan or Ella.
4 to make something stronger (story 1) __________
1 __ often studies for many hours at night.
5 exercise that makes the muscles stronger (story 2)
2 _________ knows very well what to eat and what
to drink.
6 a match that a team plays at the sports ground of
3 __________'s life is more relaxed at weekends.
the other team (story 2) __________
4 .......... is free in the evenings.
7 almost midnight (story 2) __________
5 __________learns about body language.
8 extremely tired (story 2)
6 ............... accepts that other students sometimes
9 a formal talk given to a group of students (story 3)
have to work less.

3 VO CABULARY Read the article again. Find words 10 food such as bread, potatoes or rice (story 3)
or phrases with the following meaning.

1 make my hair look good (story 1) d o w y h a ir 11 a type of lesson where you learn something
practical (story 3)
2 gentle exercises you do before doing a sport to
prepare your body (story 1) 12 the action of entertaining other people by
dancing, singing, etc. (story 3 ) __________

5 Read Kylie's email again. Make notes with your own
An email describing your school routine ideas on how:
1 Read this email from your friend in Cambridge. a to answer the question in her introduction
Then answer the questions. b to describe your new class (new school? classmates?)
1 How does Kylie feel about her new class? c to compare your work this year to last year's
2 W hat does Kylie think of Luca and why? d to say how you feel about your subjects (any subjects
3 Does Kylie think you’ve gozvt less school work you particularly like/don’t like? W hy?)
than her? e you could finish your email (W hat do you want to
4 How does her work for school compare to last year? know from Kylie?)

5 W hat subject does she get a lot of homework for,

6 W rite an email to Kylie (about 200 words). Look
and how does she feel about it?
at your notes from Exercise 5 and make sure you
2 Underline sentences in the email where Kylie writes include all your ideas. Make sure you use the
present continuous when necessary.
about these things. W hat tense does she use in the
sentences you underlined? W h y does she use it?
a asks how you feel about your new school
b talks about Luca's father
Hi there!
c compares school this year to last year
I hope this finds you well. I haven’t heard from you since the
d talks about the amount of homework this year
beginning of the holidays. Are you enjoying your new school?
3 Put the words in the right order. W rite the I am, big time! I’m in a class with all my friends again - Emily,
sentences. W h a t tense are they in and why? Kate, James and all the others. There’s a new kid in my class
too. His name’s Luca and he’s from Bologna in Italy. His father
1 new / too / class / kid / There’s / a / my / in is working in the UK for a year, and the whole family have
come over. He’s cool. We have lots of fun together.
2 a week / at / four times / come home / 5.30 / 1 But of course, it’s not all fun. We’ve got important exams this
year so there’s a lot of work to do. I’m spending more time at
school than last year, and I come home at 5.30 four times a
3 love / projects / 1/ class / But / the / do / this / in / we week. We’re also getting a lot more homework, especially for
Technology and Design. But I love the projects we do in this
4 Match the four paragraphs of Kylie's email with
Well, I guess it’s not so different for you. If you’ve got a bit of
the content. time, please let me know how things are going. I’d really like
Paragraph 1 a Kylie's new class to know what life at school is like for you. And remember,
please, you’ve got a friend in Cambridge who would really like
Paragraph 2 b a request to write soon
to get mail from you more often!
Paragraph 3 c an introduction
Paragraph 4 d work this year compared to last Write soon!


Part 3: True/false
1 Look at the sentences. Read the text below to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, tick ( / ) the box under A. If it is incorrect, tick ( / ) the box under В. A В
1 The Tan-y-Bryn Outdoor Adventure Centre gets visitors from many different European countries.
2 Children learn about the countryside from books there.
3 The Centre is only open to school children.
4 The Centre offers three meals a day.
5 No one has been badly hurt during activities at the Centre.
6 The Centre will send people to talk to your family if you are interested in going.

Tan-y-Bryn Outdoor Adventure Centre

S in ce opening our doors in 1975, For school groups, youth clubs and families w e offer comfortable
Tan-y-Bryn Outdoor Centre has accom m odation for up to 50 children and 10 adults. W e also provide a
w elcom ed thousands of young full breakfast, lunch and dinner to make sure no one goes hungry. Safety
people from all over the U K to is a top priority - there has never been a serious accident at the Centre.
enjoy fun, education and adventure W h ere are w e ? O n the island of Anglesey in North W ales. B y car, take
in the beautiful W elsh countryside. the A4080 and follow the signs for D wyran and then the Centre.
W h eth er they are climbing on
W h a t do w e offer? Outdoor activities - mountain biking, trail walking,
the slopes of Mount Snow don,
geocaching, canoeing - as well as sports - everything from archery to
snorkelling in the Menai Straits or
tennis and football.
birdwatching in the w oodlands,
How do I find out m ore? Email us. For large bookings, a
our visitors enjoy hands-on
representative can visit your school or youth club to answ er questions.
experiences they will never forget.

Part 1: M u ltip le choice
2 cm For each question, there are three
pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct
picture and put a tick ( / ) in the box below it.

1 W h a t did Sally buy at the shops?

P 4 W hich lesson did Fred enjoy most?

t * r , , 1 11 n
i * j
■ g s a ' __ . » i
« 1

A В c

W h e n is Tom's brother's birthday?



1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words.
signed wrote brave guess recognise creative
missed won wonder believe realise active

1 It was my first competition, and I _____________ it!

2 M y granddad's quite old, but he’s still v e ry _____________ - he's always doing things!
3 W hen his daughter was born, h e _____________ a song about her.
4 I didn't like the birthday cards in the shop, so I decided to be and make one.
5 It's strange that Maggie isn't here. I _____________ where she is.
6 It's eleven o'clock! W ow ! I didn't_____________ it was so late.
7 I didn't know the answer, so I had t o ...
8 She didn't run away when the dog was running towards her - she was v e ry _____________.
9 I’m sure he saw me, but he didn’t say hello. Maybe he did n't_____________me.
10 I enjoyed my year in the USA, but I really____________ my family. /10

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. You need to write the correct form of the verbs.
not see (x2) not open (x2) bus the bus

1 M y parents gave me my present this morning, but I _____________ it yet.

2 I'm tired, I don't want to walk. Let's go b y ______________
3 She was at the party? Really? I _____________her there.
4 There was a sign on the door that said 'No entry!', so I _____________ it.
5 There's a new film at the cinema, but I _____________ it yet.
6 W e were late because........................ arrived 30 minutes late.

3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 Can I have a glass of a water, please?
2 I’ve travelled to already more than ten countries.
3 W e ’ve lived here since three years.
4 I've gone to a party last night.
5 This is my bicycle. I had it for two years.
6 It's important to eat a lot of the fruit if you want to be healthy. /12

4 W rite the missing words. Choose from the words in the list.
afraid Can definitely go idea Let's OK thinking

1 A _______________ I use y o u r d ictio n a ry, p le ase?

В Sorry, I'm _____________ I’m using it right now.
2 A _____________ watch a film on DVD tonight.
В That's a great ! /8
3 A I’m ................ .... about doing a walk for charity. W hat do you think?

В Yes, you should_____ _______ do it.

4 A Is i t _______________ if I use y o u r co m p u te r?

В Yes, of course,_____________ ahead. MY SCORE I ~ "1Ш

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