9/11 Remembrance Ceremony: September/October 2021
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony: September/October 2021
9/11 Remembrance Ceremony: September/October 2021
Community News
September/October 2021
Held July 19 through July 23 at the police station, the Junior CPA consisted of 24 local students entering 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, along with several volunteers
from the police department. The weeklong academy provided the students insight into how police officers perform their duties and serve the community.
The students were provided a tour of the police department and police vehicles, range and canine demonstrations, driving under the influence education, and
worked together in small groups to complete all the necessary steps to solve a mock crime. The students were also able to participate in mock traffic stops and
even forensically processed a mock crime scene for evidence. It wasn’t all work, sprinkled in was a little kickball, physical agility testing, and a team building relay
race! A great time was had by everyone, and we look forward to doing this again in the future!
There are also 3rd party vendors, such as DOXO, Paytrust, MyCheckFree, and others, that offer bill paying services. These are not affiliated with the Village.
While some people find these services convenient, payments to a 3rd party vendor are not the same as a direct payment to the Village. As a result, it may cause
payment delays, triggering late fees or fines. If you make direct payments to the Village, payments are posted the same day. Additionally, 3rd party vendors often
charge fees for their service. The Village does not. Consumers have many options to pay bills. Make sure to choose the right payment method for your needs!
Life-Saving Awards
Two separate instances of the quick thinking and
teamwork of our public safety personnel that
helped save lives were recognized at the Village
Board meeting on July 15. Several employees
from the police and fire departments were present-
ed with life-saving awards for their heroic actions
and dedicated performance of duty. A young man
was also recognized for his bravery during one of
these life-saving events, making him an honorary superhero to the police.
For the 32nd consecutive year, the Village has been awarded the Distinguished
Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers’ Association (GFOA).
This achievement is the highest recognition in governmental budgeting by the GFOA
and represents a significant commitment to excellence by the Village Board and
Fire Department Promotions staff. We are proud of our reputation as sensible managers of your tax dollars.
and Swearing In Recently, the Village Board and staff began working on our annual goals and
At the August 19 Village Board meeting, several fire department objectives for the upcoming year. This exercise guides us through the upcoming
personnel took the oath of office; some were delayed because budget process and helps us organize our priorities, while establishing a roadmap for
of the pandemic. Mike Meyer was sworn in as Deputy Fire Chief, providing services in the most cost-effective way. It is important that the priorities we
John Sander, Erik Casey, and Brandon Mears were promoted to set are meeting the community needs. The communication we receive from residents
Lieutenant/Paramedics, and Dominik Pabianczyk, Ryan Olen, and businesses guide our decisions. I encourage you to visit our website and review
Joe Tanke, Tyler Brendle, Matthew Kasmer, and Greg Haugh were the Village budget. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or
sworn in as new Firefighter/Paramedics. Congratulations and suggestions. We are dedicated to maintaining the services you expect and deserve.
thank you for your service to our community!
School is back in session. Please be especially careful driving in our school zones
as the speed limits change when children are present. Be mindful of state laws
prohibiting talking or texting within school zones. Help keep our streets and children
Although summer is at its end, there are events planned so you can continue to
enjoy the weather and great outdoors. Please join us for the Phoenix Lake Cleanup
and Fire Department Open House. We look forward to seeing you!
Parking is prohibited on Village streets between the hours of 1:00 am - 5:00 am except where
noted in specific subdivisions. Parking is also prohibited after a 2” or greater snowfall until streets are
Fire Department Lieutenant fully plowed. Questions? Call 630-736-3700.
Retires Blocking The Sidewalk Is Prohibited from March 1 through November 30, vehicles parked in
On July 15, after 33 years of dedicated service, residential driveways MAY NOT block the sidewalk or parkway between the hours of 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Lieutenant Gary Urbahn retired. He was honored Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Saturday and Sunday.
with a last alarm and walkout ceremony at
Fire Station 31. We sincerely appreciate Gary’s
service to our community and wish him well in his Outdoor Fireplaces — Enjoy Them Safely!
As the weather cools down, people enjoy sitting around the
warmth and light of a backyard fire. When used properly, a
Fire fire offers a relaxing setting for conversation and socialization.
But when used improperly, it can cause serious injury or
Prevention death. The Streamwood Fire Department offers the following
Week: tips to keep your backyard fireplace safe:
October 3-9, • Outdoor fireplaces must have a lid or screen to contain
2021 all embers or sparks; used without violates Village Ordinance
Fire Prevention • Burn only dry, unpainted/unfinished wood; it is illegal to burn leaves, paper, cardboard, and
Week has been garbage
observed since 1922 by the National Fire • Place the fireplace on a non-combustible, flat surface, away from buildings and vegetation
Protection Association (NFPA) in commemoration • Keep children a good distance away and always have a responsible adult supervise when in use
of the Great Chicago Fire, which began on October • Have a fire extinguisher or water source available in case of an emergency
8, 1871, causing devastating damage. More • Use of an outdoor fireplace/fire pit is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 am - 6:00 am
than 250 people perished, 100,000 were left • Please use the fire pit with sensitivity to neighbors that may have health conditions or wish to
homeless, over 17,400 structures destroyed, have windows open in their home; creating too much smoke is considered a public nuisance
and 2,000+ acres of land burned. During Fire
Prevention Week, children and adults learn how Please use common sense. Respect your neighbors. Be aware of smoke travel, wind speed and
to stay safe in case of a fire. This lifesaving public direction, and plan accordingly. When used improperly, a backyard fireplace can be both illegal and
education is provided by firefighters in an effort to deadly. If you have any questions, please contact the Fire Department at 630-736-3650.
drastically decrease casualties caused by fires.
This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign “Learn Community Blood Drive
the Sounds of Fire Safety” works to educate On Wednesday, October 27, the Streamwood
everyone about the different sounds the smoke Blood Commission will host a donation drive from
and carbon monoxide alarms make. Knowing 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the police station. A pint of
what to do when an alarm sounds will keep blood can save up to three lives! Please contact
you and your family safe. When an alarm beeps Vitalant at 877- 543-3768 or visit vitalant.org to
or chirps, you must take action! For more fire register and use sponsor code SW98. Walk-ins are
prevention and safety tips, visit the NFPA website also welcome!
at nfpa.org.
Halloween Safety
No matter how you choose to celebrate Halloween this year, make sure to do it safely! The following guidelines will help promote a safe trick-or-treating
experience for all:
• Try to avoid using masks which can obstruct your vision when trick-or-treating; face paint may be a good option
• Children should never be allowed to go out alone on Halloween
• Always use sidewalks, not the street, for walking and cross streets at corners, using signals and crosswalks
• Never enter a stranger’s house or car
• Remain alert—always be aware of your surroundings
• Use reflective-fire resistant materials on your costume and/or carry glow sticks or a flashlight so that you’re more visible
• Do not eat treats until they are inspected by an adult
• Do not participate in trick-or-treating if you are feeling unwell or if someone in your house is unwell
• Individuals should use hand sanitizer regularly throughout trick-or-treating hours
• Maintain a safe distance from other trick-or-treating groups and do not approach a house until the previous group has left
We’re Hiring!
Full & part time vacancies available. If you’re interested in employment opportunities, visit applitrack.com/u46/onlineapp/default.aspx.
Another important way to stay on top of your child’s education is to access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Infinite Campus serves as U-46’s student information
system, where parents and students can find important information about attendance, schedules, grades, transcripts, and other important information. Contact the
District office, at 847-888-5000, to learn how to access Campus Parent Portal either from your mobile phone, a desktop or laptop, and what to do if you have
forgotten your username and/or password.
Village Calendar
Calendar Branch Pickup: Ending Soon
Public Works will collect branches, free of charge, from your curbside during designated
collection days. Simply place branches at the curb by 6:00 am on the day your area
NOVEMBER is scheduled for pickup. It is important to have your branches out by the scheduled
2 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm morning listed below in order to avoid being missed by the branch pickup crews. Crews
2 1 4PoliceNew BeatYear’s
Holiday Day –Beats
Meeting, Village
recycling Offices
2 &begins Closed2)
3 (page 7:00 pm collect branches as soon as possible but cannot be expected to return if branches are
6 7 5LaborVillage
Day, Village
Village Offices
Board meetingClosed 7:00 pm 7:00 pm not out in time.
11 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony (see page 1) 7:00 pm
13 18 11Community
Martin Luther
Village King,Commission
Relations Jr. Day
closed – Village
– Veterans Day
Meeting Offices Closed for 6:00 pm Branches must be
placed with the
16 19Village Board
In-Service Board meeting
18 Phoenix Lake Cleanup (see page 5)
8:00 am - 11:00 am
cut ends facing the Entry Form
19 25 Planning HolidayandHome
Board Contest entries7:00 due pm street. Branches
21 Planning and Zoning Board Meeting 7:00 pm Namebe______________________________________
cannot longer
28 21 26-27
Veterans Village
Village Board
Memorialoffices closed – Thanksgiving
Commission Meeting 7:00 pm 7:00 pm than ten feet (10’)
27 Community Blood Drive at Police Station 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm inAddress _____________________________________
length and have
a diameter of no
Fire Department Open House (see page 1) 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Phonethan# _____________________________________
larger six (6)
1 Winter parking rules
3 Fire Prevention Week Begins (see page 4) begin (page 4) inches.
3Village Board
Board meeting 7:00pmpm
Email ______________________________________
11 4 Columbus
VillageDay – Employee
Board Meeting In-Service Day, Village7:00 Offices
pmClosed The Village is
Please select ONE (1) of the categories:
11 4Community Luminaria on Park
Relations Blvd (page
Commission 1)
Meeting 6:30
6:00pmpm divided into four
5 Last day to recycle unwanted holiday lights (see pg. 4) o forMost
areas pickupTraditional
12 9Natural Resource
Kids Virtual GingerbreadCommission
Conservancy House Contest entries due (page7:00
Meeting 5) pm
12 15 11PolicePresidents’ Day Sign
o Up
service (see
Merryfor &E-Communications
map). Bright
Beat Home–Beats
Holiday Village
1 &Offices
Decorating Closed
4 Contest winners announced 7:00 pm Each area receives
14 16
Beat Meeting, BeatsBoard
2&3 7:00 pm Dooyou want more
Most serviceinformation on the Village? Interested in getting
and Zoning 7:00 pm branch pickup one time per month.
19 15PlanningYard andwaste
Zoningpick-up ends
Board Meeting 7:00 pm Emergency Alerts? Consider signing up for our E-Communications!
18 15 Village
Kids Board
Virtual meeting
Gingerbread House Contest 7:00
winnerspmannounced Please
Simply go submit
1 this form to Village
to the Village’s 2 at, and no on
Area later
the “Go”thanbutton Areain 4
21 Village Board Meeting 7:00 pm
26 25 17Veterans Memorial Commission Meeting 7:00pmpm Wednesday,
your area of interest.November
September 7 Our E-News is25
September 13 September 20
published at least once a month September
and 27
We Village
Want Your BoardInput –
meeting 7:00 October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25
27 Community Blood Drive (see page 4) 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm provides updates301
Drop off/mail: on events
E Irving and
Parkprograms. Register for Emergency Alerts
Road, Streamwood
31 24-25 Public
Halloween Forum
Village (seeclosed
Trick-Or-Treat pg. 3)– Christmas
Hours TBD 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Crews
andEmail:try to collect branches
you’[email protected] as soon as possible.
receive important safety and community It usuallyalters
takesatmore thanonone day to
28 31 Winter Village offices
Parking closeEnd– (see
Rules New pg.
4)Eve 4:30 pm collect
your all
Fax:cell, branches. If you have any questions or concerns, please
or wherever you specify. Keep informed and keep connected!
630-837-0242 contact Public Works
at 630-736-3850.