Review of Internal Hernias
Review of Internal Hernias
Review of Internal Hernias
lthough internal hernias have an of intestinal loops through a defect in the wall
overall incidence of less than of the abdomen or pelvis, and internal hernias
1%, they constitute up to 5.8% of are defined by the protrusion of a viscus
all small-bowel obstructions, through a normal or abnormal peritoneal or
which, if left untreated, have been reported mesenteric aperture within the confines of the
to have an overall mortality exceeding 50% peritoneal cavity. The orifice can be either ac-
if strangulation is present [1, 2]. Over the quired, such as a postsurgical, traumatic, or
past decade, their incidence has been in- postinflammatory defect, or congenital, in-
creasing because of the more frequent per- cluding both normal apertures, such as the fo-
formance of liver transplantations and gas- ramen of Winslow, and abnormal apertures
tric bypass surgery for bariatric treatment. arising from anomalies of internal rotation
In this subset of patients, internal hernias and peritoneal attachment.
account for just over half of all cases of In the broad category of internal hernias
small-bowel obstruction, almost equal to are several main types, as traditionally de-
those caused by adhesions in one study [3, scribed by Meyers [5], based on location.
4]. Without a heightened awareness and un- Specifically, using historical data, these
Keywords: colon, CT, gastrointestinal radiology, hernia, derstanding of these hernias, they can often consist of paraduodenal (53%), pericecal
small bowel
be misdiagnosed, with subsequent signifi- (13%), foramen of Winslow (8%), trans-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.05.0644 cant morbidity and mortality. The purpose mesenteric and transmesocolic (8%), inter-
of this article is therefore not only to review sigmoid (6%), and retroanastomotic (5%)
Received April 14, 2005; accepted after revision the definition and types of internal hernias, (Fig. 1), with the overall incidence of inter-
August 9, 2005.
but also to describe the clinical and radio- nal hernias being 0.2–0.9%. The other 7%
1All authors:
Department of Radiology, Duke University
graphic findings, with an emphasis placed described by Meyers included paravesical
Medical Center, Box 3808, Durham, NC 27710. Address on the CT features, because CT is rapidly hernias, which are not true internal hernias
correspondence to W. M. Thompson becoming the first-line imaging technique and thus are not described in this article. In
([email protected]). in these patients. general, internal hernias have no age or sex
AJR 2006; 186:703–717
predilection. With more new surgical proce-
Definition dures being performed using a Roux loop,
Hernias are of two main types, external and the number of transmesenteric, transmeso-
© American Roentgen Ray Society internal [1]. External hernias refer to prolapse colic, and retroanastomotic internal hernias
Left paraduodenal Congenital, normal 40% of all hernias, Postprandial pain, may date Encapsulated cluster of Clustered dilated small-bowel IMV in neck of hernial sac with
aperture 75% of back to childhood jejunum in LUQ, lateral to the loops between stomach and anterior and upward
paraduodenal ascending duodenum; may pancreas, behind pancreas displacement of IMV
hernias have mass effect indenting itself, or between transverse
posterior wall of stomach or colon and left adrenal gland
displacing transverse colon
Right paraduodenal Congenital, normal 13% of all hernias, Postprandial pain, may date Encapsulated loops lateral Encapsulated loops lateral SMA displaced anteriorly
aperture 25% of back to childhood and inferior to the and inferior to the
paraduodenal descending duodenum; descending duodenum;
hernias associated with small-bowel associated with small-bowel
nonrotation nonrotation
Pericecal Congenital or acquired, 13% RLQ pain, differential Clustered small-bowel loops Clustered small-bowel loops None
Foramen of Winslow Congenital, normal 8% Symptoms of proximal Circumscribed loops medial Loops in lesser sac between None; vessels stretched
aperture obstruction because of mass and posterior to the stomach; liver hilum and IVC through foramen of Winslow
effect on stomach; symptom differential diagnosis of cecal
onset often preceded by volvulus
changes in intraabdominal
pressure (i.e., parturition,
straining); relief of symptoms
with forward bending
Intersigmoid Type 1: congenital, 6% None U- or C-shaped cluster of U- or C-shaped cluster of None
normal aperture; types 2 small bowel posterior and small bowel posterior and
and 3: acquired, lateral to the sigmoid colon lateral to the sigmoid colon
abnormal aperture
Transmesentericb In children: congenital, 8% Two typical patient Variable, air within gastric Small bowel lateral to colon; None
abnormal aperture; in populations: children and remnant; may simulate a left displaced omental fat with
adults: usually acquired, postsurgical adults; in adults, paraduodenal hernia small bowel directly abutting
abnormal aperture less vomiting because fewer abdominal wall
secretions in proximal gastric
pouch, onset more acute
Retroanastomoticb Acquired, abnormal 5% Usually within the first Variable Variable None
aperture postoperative month; less
vomiting because fewer
secretions in the proximal
gastric pouch
Note—LUQ = left upper quadrant, IMV = inferior mesenteric vein, SMA = superior mesenteric artery, RLQ = right lower quadrant, IVC = inferior vena cava.
a Incidence for first six types from Meyers [5], which are historic data but only major source currently available. Incidence for these first six types of internal hernias totals only 93% because perivesical hernias reported
[5] are not true internal hernias, so they were not included in this review.
b Probably more transmesenteric and retroanastomotic internal hernias currently because of number of liver transplant and gastric bypass operations being performed throughout the United States during past decade.
The 5% refers to the incidence after Roux loops used during surgery for reasons other than liver transplantation or gastric bypass.
Martin et al.
Pericecal Hernias
Historically, pericecal hernias account for
13% of all internal hernias. The pericecal fossa
is located behind the cecum and ascending co-
lon and is limited by the parietocecal fold out-
ward and the mesentericocecal fold inward [9].
Although there are actually four subtypes (ile-
trunks, especially the inferior mesenteric half of the transverse mesocolon and behind ocolic, retrocecal, ileocecal, and paracecal) of
vein, to the left, are also helpful findings [10, the ascending mesocolon. This type of her- pericecal hernias, most commonly the herni-
11]. If the vasculature is optimally visual- nia occurs more frequently in the setting of ated loop consists of an ileal segment protrud-
ized, one can often see additional findings of nonrotated small bowel [6, 8]. When com- ing through a defect in the cecal mesentery and
engorged vessels grouped together at the en- pared with the left paraduodenal hernias, extending into the right paracolic gutter [1, 9]
trance of the hernia sac, with the proximal those on the right are usually larger and are (Fig. 7). These hernias can therefore be subcat-
jejunal arteries showing an abrupt change of more often fixed [5]. egorized as either acquired or congenital de-
direction posteriorly behind the inferior me- Clinically, these hernias present in a simi- fects in the cecal mesentery.
senteric artery [6, 7] (Fig. 4F). The inferior lar manner to the left paraduodenal hernias Clinically, patients with pericecal hernias
mesenteric vein and ascending left colic ar- with chronic postprandial pain [5]. present in a similar manner to those with all
tery lie in the anterior and medial border of On a standard barium gastrointestinal ex- other types of internal hernias except for the
the left paraduodenal hernia and may be dis- amination, a larger and more fixed, encap- location of symptoms, which tends to be in
placed laterally (Figs. 2 and 4C). sulated, ovoid collection of bowel loops is the right lower quadrant, so that pericecal
noted lateral and inferior to the descending hernias are sometimes mistaken for appen-
Right Paraduodenal Hernia duodenum, in the right half of the transverse diceal abnormalities [1, 9]. A higher inci-
Right paraduodenal hernias have an over- mesocolon, or behind the ascending meso- dence of occlusive symptoms with rapid pro-
all incidence of approximately 13% and colon [1, 5, 9] (Fig. 6A). As opposed to the gression to strangulation is also commonly
occur when bowel herniates through left paraduodenal hernias, both the afferent found, with a mortality rate reported to be as
Waldeyer’s fossa (representing a defect in and efferent loops of bowel are closely op- high as 75% [9, 13].
the first part of the jejunal mesentery), be- posed and narrowed [1, 5]. With CT, an en- Imaging studies, including both barium
hind the superior mesenteric artery and in- capsulated cluster of small-bowel loops is and CT, show similar findings. These hernias
ferior to the transverse or third portion of the noted in the right mid abdomen, with loop- can often be confidently diagnosed as a clus-
duodenum (Fig. 5). This normal yet uncom- ing of the small bowel around the superior ter of bowel loops (usually ileal) located
mon recess is found in less than 1% of the mesenteric artery and vein at the root of the posteriorly and laterally to the normal
population and, like left paraduodenal her- small-bowel mesentery being seen occa- cecum, occasionally extending into the right
nias, the right paraduodenal hernia can be sionally [5, 8] (Fig. 6B). Small-bowel ob- paracolic gutter [1, 9] (Fig. 8). Again, there
classified as congenital type, normal aper- struction may be present with dilated loops will be evidence of small-bowel obstruction
ture subtype [1, 9]. In these situations, the containing air–fluid levels. Because right- and mass effect displacing the cecum anteri-
herniated contents are located in the right sided paraduodenal hernias are thought to orly and medially.
Foramen of Winslow edge of the lesser omentum, the hepa- date lobe, and duodenum, respectively [14].
The foramen of Winslow is a normal com- toduodenal ligament (Fig. 9). The posterior, This hernia can therefore be subcategorized
munication between the greater and lesser superior, and inferior boundaries of this fo- as a congenital type, normal aperture sub-
peritoneal cavities, located beneath the free ramen include the inferior vena cava, cau- type. It constitutes 8% of all internal hernias,
Fig. 4—CT scans from six patients with left paraduodenal hernia.
A, Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan in 11-year-old boy shows small-bowel loops (arrows) between stomach (S) and pancreas (P).
B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan in 28-year-old man shows small-bowel loops (white arrow) behind pancreas (P) itself. Black arrow indicates stomach.
C, Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan in 36-year-old man shows small-bowel loops (arrows) displaying inferior mesenteric vein (arrowhead) to left.
D, Coronal reconstruction of contrast-enhanced CT data set in 28-year-old man shows small-bowel loops between transverse colon (T) and left adrenal gland (arrow).
(Fig. 4 continues on next page)
Fig. 4 (continued)—CT scans from six patients with left paraduodenal hernia.
E, Unenhanced axial CT scan in 35-year-old man shows evidence of small-bowel obstruction of herniated contents as multiple loops of dilated small bowel (arrow) with
fluid–fluid levels noted.
F, Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan in 23-year-old man shows multiple engorged and prominent vessels (arrow) in herniated sac caused by vascular congestion and
Fig. 6—23-year-old man with abdominal pain.
A, Anteroposterior projection from oral contrast small-bowel study reveals cluster of small-bowel loops (asterisk) posterior and lateral to second and third portions of
duodenum (arrow).
B, Contrast-enhanced CT scan shows abnormal loop of small bowel (arrow) in right upper quadrant and reveals right paraduodenal hernia.
paraduodenal hernias in one study [4, 7, 10]. cause to prenatal intestinal ischemia and sub- However, there is a second peak of occur-
These hernias have a bimodal distribution, oc- sequent thinning of the mesenteric leaves rence in the adult population, and in this sub-
curring in both pediatric and adult patients. In because the prenatal intestinal ischemia is as- set of patients, the cause is iatrogenic, usually
children, transmesenteric hernias are the most sociated with bowel atresia in 5.5% of the pe- related to prior abdominal surgery, especially
common type of internal hernia, occurring in diatric population [1, 2, 5, 18]. Other causes with Roux-en-Y anastomosis, trauma, or in-
35% of this patient population [1, 5, 9, 18]. In postulated include intraperitoneal inflamma- flammation [1, 5, 6, 9, 18]. Both liver trans-
this age group, they are thought to arise from tion, trauma, partial development regression, plantation and the most common type of gas-
a congenital defect in the small-bowel mesen- and fenestration of the mesentery by the colon tric bypass surgery involve the formation of a
tery, near the ileocecal region or ligament of during the embryologic displacement into the Roux-en-Y loop at the choledochojejunos-
Treitz [1, 5, 9]. One popular theory relates the umbilical cord [6]. tomy site, and these procedures are increasing
Fig. 10—54-year-old woman with abdominal pain.
A, Anteroposterior radiograph from upper gastrointestinal series shows abnormal
cluster of small-bowel loops located in lesser sac, representing foramen of Winslow
internal hernia.
B, Oblique lateral view from same gastrointestinal series shows abnormal cluster of
small-bowel loops posterior to stomach (asterisk), indenting (arrows) and displacing
stomach anteriorly.
C, Contrast-enhanced axial CT scan shows cluster of small-bowel loops (arrow)
located in lesser sac, posterior to stomach (arrowhead).
Fig. 11—70-year-old man with severe epigastric pain.
A, Anteroposterior projection of radiograph shows large collection of gas in left upper quadrant (arrows).
B, Barium enema (anteroposterior view) shows large, air-filled structure in upper abdomen (arrows), originally thought to represent a distended stomach but surgically
confirmed to be cecum involved in foramen of Winslow hernia.
Fig. 12—Diagrammatic illustration of intersigmoid hernia shows bowel protruding Fig. 13—85-year-old man with abdominal pain. Axial CT scan of sigmoid-related hernia
(arrow) through defect in sigmoid mesocolon to lie posterolateral to sigmoid (type 2, transmesosigmoid) reveals small-bowel loops (arrow) protruding through
colon itself. defect in sigmoid mesocolon, which usually occurs between left psoas muscle
(arrowhead) and sigmoid colon (S), to lie posterior and lateral to sigmoid colon itself.
Fig. 14—Diagrammatic
illustration shows 50% for the treated groups and 100% for the
retrocolic Roux-en-Y
procedure, with loop of nontreated subgroups [5–7, 18]. Volvulus and
small bowel about to strangulation or ischemia may be partly
herniate through caused by the usual small aperture of the de-
transverse mesocolon
(arrow) at surgically
fect (2–5 cm) in addition to the lack of encap-
created defect, in keeping sulation of the herniated loops, allowing a
with transmesocolic large length of small bowel to herniate
internal hernia. through the mesenteric defect [5, 18].
Clinically, in both the pediatric and adult
populations, patients present with signs and
symptoms of small-bowel obstruction, with
periumbilical, crampy pain, nausea, and dis-
tention [1, 7, 10]. Vomiting can be a less
prominent feature than with other types of
internal hernias because of fewer gastric and
enteral secretions from the proximal gastric
pouch or Roux limb that can accumulate
above the level of obstruction [15]. Overall,
however, symptom onset is often more acute
than with other types of hernias [6]. Most
(93%) transmesenteric internal hernias in
the adult postoperative population occur
more than 1 month after surgery (mean, 235
days), and the most common cause of ob-
struction during the first postoperative
month is adhesions [4]. On physical exami-
nation, the “Gordian knot of herniated intes-
tine” has been described, representing a ten-
der abdominal mass [1].
Transmesenteric hernias are more difficult to
diagnose on imaging studies because their ap-
pearance and location are more variable. This is
partly because of the lack of a confining sac and
in frequency (Fig. 14). If the Roux loop is surgery [15]. The second type of transmesen- therefore their potential location anywhere in
placed anteriorly to the transverse colon, re- teric internal hernia occurs when bowel pro- the peritoneal cavity, although they tend to occur
ferred to as antecolic, there will be no defect lapses through a defect in the small-bowel more commonly in the right mid abdomen [6, 9,
created in the transverse mesocolon; however, mesentery. Finally, the third type, known as 10]. Most commonly, it is the Roux loop itself
this procedure is less commonly performed the Peterson type, has also been described and that herniates with a cluster of a few loops of di-
because of the required long segment of involves the herniation of small bowel behind lated small bowel in the expected location of the
bowel needed to travel around the transverse the Roux loop before the small bowel eventu- Roux loop [4] (Fig. 15). On radiography, there
colon to finally be anastomosed to the re- ally passes through the defect in the trans- may be signs of small-bowel obstruction, occa-
maining gastric pouch. A more direct route verse mesocolon [4]. sionally with a closed loop appearance [18].
involves creating a defect in the transverse Several predisposing factors have been Although the transmesenteric hernia often
mesocolon, allowing a shorter Roux limb postulated. Although surgeons attempt to causes obstruction of the limb proximal to the
length. However, this second surgical proce- close the defects created, they can be incom- enteroenterostomy site, if the hernia is distal,
dure, also known as a retrocolic type, is more pletely closed or can have a breakdown or a an important clue may be the presence of sig-
associated with the potential complication of pulling of the suture material through the me- nificant air in the gastric remnant, which is
internal hernia (Fig. 14). Interestingly, inter- socolic fat [3, 15]. Enlargement of the mesen- only a normal finding in the early postopera-
nal hernias also appear to occur more com- teric defect can occur with repeated hernia- tive course (Fig. 16). Otherwise, this finding
monly after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric tion. An additional possible predisposing is of concern for a distal obstruction at or be-
bypass than after open Roux-en-Y gastric by- factor may be the rapid weight loss and de- yond the enteroenterostomy site.
pass, for reasons unknown [15]. creased intraperitoneal fat that occurs in bari- Oral contrast material and cross-sectional
Three main types of transmesenteric inter- atric patients, causing enlargement of the de- studies will provide a variable appearance,
nal hernias are seen. The first and most com- fect [4]. Transmesenteric hernias are more depending on the type of transmesenteric her-
mon is the transmesocolic, which has been likely than other subtypes to develop volvulus nia and the segment and length of herniated
documented to occur in 0.7–3.25% of patients and strangulation or ischemia, the incidence bowel. If the hernia is of the first type,
after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass of which is reported to be as high as 30% and through the mesocolon and consisting of only
Fig. 17—CT scans in two different patients with transmesenteric internal hernias.
A, Contrast-enhanced axial CT scan of 84-year-old woman showing transmesenteric internal hernia after Roux-en-Y procedure shows dilated, fluid-filled loops of small bowel
lateral to ascending colon (arrow) and displacing omental fat because loops of bowel lie directly beneath anterior abdominal wall (arrowheads).
B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT scan at level of transverse mesocolon in a 40-year-old woman shows dilated loop of jejunum directly abutting anterior abdominal wall (white
asterisk). In addition, note compression of pancreaticobiliary limb (straight arrows), whereas Roux limb (small arrowhead) is barely visible. Large arrowhead, black asterisk,
and curved arrow indicate colon. (Reprinted with permission from [19])
Fig. 19—CT scans from two different patients showing retroanastomatic hernias.
A, Contrast-enhanced axial CT scan of retroanastomotic hernia in 35-year-old woman shows loops of dilated fluid-filled small bowel (arrow) in left upper quadrant.
B, Axial CT scan in 58-year-old woman 2 months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass shows herniated loop posterior to jejunojejunostomy site (straight arrow) and dilated proximal
Roux limb (large arrowheads). Note decompressed distal ileal loops (small arrowheads) and colon (curved arrows). (Reprinted with permission from [19])
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