Assignment 3: 1 Find The First Order and Second Order of Derivatives of The Following Functions
Assignment 3: 1 Find The First Order and Second Order of Derivatives of The Following Functions
Assignment 3: 1 Find The First Order and Second Order of Derivatives of The Following Functions
1 Find the first order and second order of derivatives of the following
1. y (x) = −Ax−4
2. p (q) = 6q 5 − 3q 3
2 Concept of marginal
Find (1) the marginal and (2) the average functions for each of the following total functions.
1. T C(Q) = aQ2 + bQ + c
2. π(Q) = aQ−1/ǫ Q − cQ
3. T R(Q) = aQ − Q2
3 Optimization
Optimize the following functions by (1) find the critical values at which function is optimized (2) test the second
order condition to distinguish the relative maximum or minimum.
1. y = 7 + 112x − 54
2. y = −9x2 + 72x − 13
3. y = x3 − 6x2 − 135x + 4
4. y = ax3 + bx2 + c, a > 0, b < 0
4 Optimal hiring/production
Suppose the production function is y = ALα M̄ , where M̄ is the size of land, L is the labor. The firm owns the
land. To produce the goods, the firm has to hire the labor. The wage rate is w. The product price is p. The firm’s
profit’s profit is given by
π = py − wL
1. To maximize profit, how much labor to hire and how much goods to produce?
2. How does p affect the equilibrium employment?
3. How does A affect the equilibrium employment?
6 Constrained optimization
s.tPx x + Py y = I
dx dx
Solve x, y that maximizes U (x, y).Compute dI , dpx .