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HW 4

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EECS 127 / EE 227AT 9/27/18

L. El Ghaoui, A. Bayen

Homework Assignment #4

Due date: 10/25/18, before class. Please LATEX or handwrite your homework solution and
submit an electronic version.

Exercise 1 (Quadratic inequalities) Consider the set defined by the following inequali-
(x1 ≥ x2 − 1 and x2 ≥ 0) or (x1 ≤ x2 − 1 and x2 ≤ 0) .

1. Draw the set. Is it convex?

2. Show that it can be described as a single quadratic inequality of the form q(x) =
x> Ax + 2b> x + c ≤ 0, for matrix A = A> ∈ R2,2 , b ∈ R2 and c ∈ R which you will

3. What is the convex hull of this set?

Exercise 2 (Formulating problems as LPs or QPs) Formulate the problem
p∗j = min fj (x),

for different functions fj , j = 1, . . . , 4, as QPs or LPs, or, if you cannot, explain why. In our
formulations, we always use x ∈ Rn as the variable, and assume that A ∈ Rm,n , y ∈ Rm .
If you obtain an LP or QP formulation, make sure to put the problem in standard form,
stating precisely what the variables, objective, and constraints are.

f1 (x) = kAx − yk∞ + kxk1

f2 (x) = kAx − yk22 + kxk1
f3 (x) = kAx − yk22 − kxk1
f4 (x) = kAx − yk22 + kxk21

Exercise 3 (Regularized least-squares problem with low-rank data) Consider the prob-
p∗ = min kAx − yk22 + λkxk22
m,n m
where A ∈ R , y ∈ R and the penalty parameter λ ≥ 0 are given. In this exercise, we
show that if A is low-rank, and a low-rank decomposition is known, then we can exploit that
structure to greatly reduce the computational burden involved.

1. Assume that A has rank r << min(n, m), and that a low-rank decomposition of A is
of the form A = LRT is known, with L ∈ Rm,r , R ∈ Rn,r both full rank. Explain how
to reduce the problem to one with r variables only.

2. Discuss the complexity of the method and compare it to that of a “direct” approach
where the low-rank structure is ignored.

3. In the notebook lpqp_low_rank_ls.ipynb, we have generated some random data for

r = 10, m = 1000, n = 1000. Implement the direct approach and compare it with the
low-rank approach.

4. We investigate how this approach can be used even when the data is full-rank. In
particular, we generated a full-rank data matrix A for m = 300, n = 300 in the second
part of the notebook lpqp_low_rank_ls.ipynb but for which most of the variance
is explained in the first r̂ eigenvalues. In that particular case, we provide you with
code that approximates your matrix A with  of rank r for all r, solves the low-rank
problem based on your previous code, and plots the error p∗ as a function of r. Use
this graph to make a guess about r̂ and interpret.

Exercise 4 (A Boolean problem of maximal margin) We have to decide which items
to sell among of a collection of n items, with given selling prices si > 0, i = 1, . . . , n. Selling
implies a transaction cost ci > 0 for each item i; the total transaction cost is the sum of these
costs, plus a fixed amount d > 0 (say, d = 1). We are interested in the following decision
problem: which items need to be sold, in order to maximize the margin (revenue-to-cost
ratio). Assume a transaction will occur for all items we choose to sell.

1. Show that the problem can be formalized as

. . s> x
p∗ = max n f (x), f (x) = .
x∈{0,1} 1 + c> x

2. Show that the problem admits a one-dimensional formulation:

p∗ = min t : t ≥ 1> (s − tc)+ .


Here z+ , for a vector z ∈ Rn , denotes the vector with components max(0, zi ), i =

1, . . . , n. Hint: for given t ≥ 0, express the condition f (x) ≤ t for every x ∈ {0, 1}n in
simple terms.

3. Let us assume the inequality constraint t ≥ 1> (s − ct)+ is active at optimum. How can
you recover an optimal solution x∗ from an optimal value t∗ for the above problem?

Exercise 5 (Robust production plans) Recall the drug production problem discussed
in lectures 10 (slide 22) and 13. A company produces two kinds of drugs, DrugI and DrugII,
containing a specific active agent A, which is extracted from raw materials purchased on
the market. There are two kinds of raw materials, RawI and RawII, which can be used as
sources of the active agent. The related production, cost and resource data are given next.
The goal is to find the production plan which maximizes the profit of the company.

Let xrmDrugI , xrmDrugII denote the amounts (in 1000 of packs) of Drug I and II produced,
while xrmRawI , xrmRawII denote the amounts (in kg) of raw materials to be purchased. We
seek to find the production and raw material amounts that maximize profit (revenue minus
cost). Furthermore, we are subject to constraints on the balance of the active agent, storage,
manpower, equipment, and budget, and constrain all variables to be non-negative.

Putting this together, we get the LP:

min cT x : Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0.

where x = (xRawI , xRawII , xDrugI , xDrugII ). For details on how this optimization problem is
formulated, please see slide 22 in lecture 10.
We now assume that the vector c, which represents cost minus revenue, is subject to scenario
uncertainty. Precisely, c is only known to belong to a given set of the form

C = c(k) = ĉ + ρδc(k) , k = 1, . . . , K ,

where ĉ ∈ R4 is the nominal value, δc(k) is the k-th scenario and ρ ≥ 0 is a measure of
uncertainty. To any given candidate solution x ∈ R4 , we define the worst-case cost as

pwc (x) := max cT x.


We have loaded the data for this problem in the notebook drug prod.ipynb.

1. Solve for the nominal problem’s solution xnom , in which c = ĉ, and compute the profit.
Compute the worst-case profit of this plan.

2. Derive the robust counterpart of the problem, based on optimizing the worst-case cost.
Compare the robust solution to the nominal one, in terms of nominal cost and in terms
of worst-case cost, and comment.

3. Plot the elements of the robust solution as the uncertainty level ρ grows. What is the
smallest value of ρ for which the robust solution is zero?

Exercise 6 (Robust linear programming) In this problem we will consider a version of
linear programming under uncertainty.

1. Let x ∈ Rn be a given vector. Prove that xT y ≤ kxk1 for all y such that ||y||∞ ≤ 1. Is
this inequality tight? (Is there always a y such that the equality holds ?)

Let us focus now on a LP in standard form:

min cT x
s.t. ai x ≤ bi , i = 1, ..., m (1)

Consider the set of linear inequalities in (1). Suppose you don’t know the coefficients ai
exactly. Instead you are given nominal values ai , and you know that the actual coefficient
vectors satisfy kai − ai k∞ ≤ ρ for a given ρ > 0. In other words, the actual coefficients
aij can be anywhere in the intervals [aij − ρ, aij + ρ]. or equivalently, each vector ai can lie
anywhere in a rectangle with corners ai + v where v ∈ {−ρ, ρ}n . The set of inequalities that
constrain problem 1 must be satisfied for all possible values of ai ; i.e., we replace these with
the constraints
aTi x ≤ bi ∀ai ∈ {ai + v | kvk∞ ≤ ρ} i = 1, ..., m. (2)

A straightforward but very inefficient way to express this constraint is to enumerate the 2n
corners of the rectangle of possible values ai and to require that

aTi x + v T x ≤ bi ∀v ∈ {−ρ, ρ}n i = 1, ..., m.

2. Use the previous result to show that (2) is in fact equivalent to the much more compact
set of nonlinear inequalities

aTi x + ρkxk1 ≤ bi , i = 1, ..., m.

We now would like to formulate the uncertainty in the LP we introduced. We are therefore
interested in situations where the coefficient vectors ai are uncertain, but satisfy bounds
kai − ai k∞ ≤ ρ for given ai and ρ. We want to minimize cT x subject to the constraint that
the inequalities aTi x ≤ bi are satisfied for all possible values of ai .

We call this a robust LP :

min cT x
s.t. ai x ≤ bi , ∀ai ∈ {ai + v | kvk∞ ≤ ρ} i = 1, ..., m. (3)

3. Using the result from part 2, express the above optimization problem as an LP.

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