Lee Filters - System-Overview
Lee Filters - System-Overview
Lee Filters - System-Overview
100mm SW150
micro filter system
Light, portable and perfect for street Adaptor rings are available for the following
photography and general picture-taking lens-thread sizes:
on-the-go, Compact System Cameras 37mm, 37.5mm, 39mm, 40mm, 40.5mm,
feature the flexibility of manual controls and 43mm, 46mm, 49mm, 52mm, 55mm, 58mm,
interchangeable lenses, but it hasn’t always 60mm, 62mm, 67mm and 72mm.
been possible to make the most of filters
with them – until now. Also available for the system is a lightweight
clip-on lens hood to help control the effects
Comprising a lightweight, precision- of flare on the lens.
engineered filter holder, the LEE Filters
Seven5 Micro Filter System is compatible
with LEE’s 75 x 90mm filter range – which
includes a polariser, neutral density filters
and the Big and Little Stopper.
Simply select the correct adaptor ring for
your lens thread, screw it onto the lens,
snap on the filter holder and drop in the
appropriate filter. In just a few moments,
you’re ready to shoot. You can even combine
filters by clipping the polariser onto the front
of the filter holder, then slotting in an ND
grad – which can be rotated independently,
leaving the position of the ND unaffected.
Great for hand held photography.
filter system
Glass filters
Some photographers prefer to use glass
filters, and LEE Filters recognises this with
its ProGlass ND range. These standard
filters – which are available in 0.6 and 0.9
strengths – are manufactured from extremely
Adaptor ring: high-quality glass and finished with an
Screws onto lens evaporated metal coating to ensure even
Holder: Clips onto adaptor ring absorption of light. When using the ProGlass
ND filter, only the exposure alters, while
Filters: Slot into holder the colour balance of the image remains
Also manufactured from glass are the
polarising filter and Big and Little Stopper.
Digital SLR Starter Kit The polariser requires an accessory ring,
which fits to the front of the filter holder. The
For many photographers, the Digital polariser attaches to this accessory ring and
SLR Starter Kit is the ideal place to can be rotated independently of any other
get established with the LEE Filters filters that are being used.
system. It comprises an assembled
holder for two filters, a 0.6ND hard The Big and Little Stopper were launched
grad, a ProGlass 0.6ND standard, a in response to the vogue for ultra-long
cleaning cloth and a pouch. All you exposures. These filters increase the length
need to do is choose the adaptor ring of an exposure by approximately ten or six
sizes that are right for your lenses and stops. As an example, if your meter reading
you are ready to shoot. suggests an exposure of 1/4sec at f/8, fitting
the Big Stopper increases that exposure
to 256 seconds – just under four and a half
Mark II filter system
The SW150 Mark II filter holder comes
fitted with a Lightshield. The shield helps
to prevent unwanted back reflections
and creates a light tight seal enabling the
use of both the Little and Big Stopper.
Photographers who already own the
SW150 Mark I can purchase the Lightshield
separately and retro fit it to their existing
SW150 filter holder.