Anesthesia Workstation: Physical Specifications
Anesthesia Workstation: Physical Specifications
Anesthesia Workstation: Physical Specifications
Anesthesia Workstation
Physical Specifications
Dimensions and Weight
Height 1400 mm
Pressure Control Ventilation (PCV) with/without volume guarantee
Width 1050 mm (including breathing system)
Depth 805 mm
Pressure Support Ventilation (PS) with apnea backup
Weight 185 kg (with AG module, Auxiliary work
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
surface and 3 yokes, without vaporizers and
(SIMV-Volume Controlled and SIMV-Pressure Controlled)
gas cylinders)
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Volume Guarantee
Top Shelf
Weight limit 40 kg
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/Pressure Support Ventilation
Width 616 mm
Depth 362 mm
Work Surface (Stainless steel)
Circuit gas leakage compensation and automatic compliance
Height 850 mm
Width 616 mm
Ventilation Parameters Range
Depth 380 mm
Patient Size Adult, Pediatric, Infant
Auxiliary Work Surface
Tidal volume 20~1500 mL ( (Volume Mode)
Weight limit 10 kg
(increments of 1 mL)
Height 750 mm
5~1500 mL (Pressure Mode)
Width 450 mm
Pinsp 5~70 cmH2O (increments of 1 cmH2O)
Depth 330 mm
Plimit 10~100 cmH2O (increments of 1 cmH2O)
Side mounting Rails
∆Psupp 3~60 cmH2O (increments of 1 cmH2O)
Supporting weight 27 kg at a maximum distance of 0.41 m
off, 3~60 cmH2O (CPAP/PS)
Drawer (3Xdrawers, Internal Dimension)
Respiration Rate 4~100 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
Height 135 mm
I:E 4:1 - 1:8 (increments of 0.5)
Width 440 mm
Tpause OFF, 5% - 60% (increments of 1%)
Depth 385 mm
Tinsp 0.2 - 10.0 s (increments of 0.1 s)
Weight limit 5 kg
Trigger window 5% - 90% (increments of 5%)
Bag Arm
Flow trigger 0.2 ~ 15 L/min (increments of 0.1L/min)
Height 1150 mm
Pressure trigger -20~ -1 cmH2O (increments of 1 cmH2O)
Length 312 mm
Exp% 5% - 80% (increments of 1%)
Swiveling angle 150 degrees
Min Rate 2 - 60 bpm (increments of 1 bpm)
Tslope 0.0 - 2.0 s (increments of 0.1 s)
Diameter 15 cm
Apnea I: E 4:1~1:8 (increments of 0.5)
Brake Centre brake system with Lock / Unlock
∆Papnea 3 - 60 cmH2O (increments of 1 cmH2O)
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
Cable pusher cable pusher wish each caster
Type Integrated, electronic controlled
Range OFF, 3~30 cmH2O (increments of 1 cm H2O)
Length 650 mm
Ventilator Performance
Work Light
Driving pressure 280 kPa to 600 kPa
Settings OFF, Low, High
Flow valve range 1 to 120 L/min
Peak gas flow 120 L/min + Fresh Gas Flow
Display type Color LCD, 15 inch, 4:3 ratio diagonal TFT
Monitoring Parameters
with touch screen
Minute volume 0 ~ 100 L/min
Display parameters All setting and alarm parameters (including
Tidal volume 0~3000 ml
Breath rate, I/E ratio, Tidal volume, Minute
Inspired oxygen (FiO2) 18% ~ 100%
volume, PEEP, MEAN, PEAK, PLAT, and O2
Pressure (Peak,Mean,Plateau) -20 ~ 120 cmH2O
concentration, EtCO2, N2O, Aesthesia gas
Mean pressure -20 ~ 120 cmH2O
concentration, BIS)
Plateau pressure -20 ~ 120 cmH2O
Graphic waveforms Pressure, Flow, Volume, CO2 , BIS, O2,
Rate 0 ~120 bpm
Anesthetic gas, N2O
PEEP 0 ~ 70 cmH2O
Spirometry loops Pressure-Volume, Flow-Volume and
Resistance (R) 0 ~ 600 cmH2O/(L/s)
Compliance (C) 0 ~ 300 ml/cmH2O
Timer Display on screen timer
Control Accuracy
Screen Control Touch pad/Touch screen/Mouse control
Volume delivery O2 driving:
<60 ml: ± 10 ml
Ventilator Specifications
Modes of Ventilation ≥60 ml and ≤ 210 ml: ±15 ml
Manual/Spontaneous Ventilation/Bypass >210 ml: ±7 % of the set value
Volume Control Ventilation (VCV) with PLV function AIR driving:
<75 ml: ±15 ml O2 Input Range 6.9 to 20 MPa (1000 to 2900 psi)
N2O Input Range 4.2 to 6 MPa (600 to 870 psi)
≥75 ml: ± 20 ml or ± 10 % of the set value,
Air Input Range 6.9 to 20 MPa (1000 to 2900 psi)
whichever is greater
Cylinder Connections Pin-Index Safety System (PISS)
Pressure delivery ± 2.5 cmH2O or ± 7% of the set value,
Yoke Configuration O2, N2O, Air
whichever is greater
Cylinder Supply Pressure Gauges
PEEP OFF: ± 3.0 cmH2O
Display type Electronical or Mechanical
3 to 30 cmH2O: ± 2.0 cmH2O, or ± 8% of the
Air Range 0 to 25 MPa (0 to 3500 psi)
displayed value, whichever is greater
O2 Range 0 to 25 MPa (0 to 3500 psi)
Monitoring Accuracy
N2O Range 0 to 10 MPa (0 to 1400 psi)
Volume monitoring O2 driving:
Accuracy ± (4% of the full scale reading+8% of the
< 60 mL: ± 10 mL
actual reading)
≥ 60 and ≤210 mL: ± 15 mL
O2 Controls
>210 mL: ± 7% of the set value
Supply failure alarm 185.5 to 254.5 kPa (27 to 36 psi)
Air driving:
ACGO (Auxiliary Common Gas Outlet)
< 75 mL: ± 15 mL
Control type Electronical or Mechanical
≥ 75 mL ≤1500 mL: ± 20 mL or ± 10% of the
Safety Pressure A relief valve limits fresh gas pressure at
measured value, whichever is greater
ACGO outlet port to not more than 125
>1500 mL: no defined
Pressure monitoring ± 2.0 cmH2O or ± 4% of the reading,
Fresh gas flow 0.2 to 18 L/min
whichever is greater
Auxiliary O2 Flowmeter
Rate ± 1bpm or ± 5% of the set value, whichever
Flow Range For each meter 0 ~ 15 L/min
is greater
Indicator Flow tube
MV ± 0.1L/min or ± 8% of the reading,
Auxiliary O2 Gas Power Outlet
whichever is greater
Pressure range 280 to 600 kPa
Alarm setting
Maximum flow ≥ 90 L/min
Paw High The greater of 10 and (Paw Low + 1) to 100
O2 Flush
Flow rate 35 to 50 L/min
Paw Low 0 to the lesser of 70 and (Paw High –1)
Built-in Suction Device
MV High The greater of 0.2 and (MV Low + 0.1) to 25
Venturi Suction Regulator
Supply Air, from system gas source
MV Low 0 to the lesser of 20 and (MV High – 1) L/min
Maximum vacuum ≥72 kPa at supply gas pressure of 280 kPa
FiO2 High The greater of 21% and (FiO2 Low + 1) to
≥73 kPa at supply gas pressure of 600 kPa
100%, Off
Maximum flow ≥25 L/min with pipeline gas at 280 kPa
FiO2 Low 18 to the lesser of 98% and (FiO2 High – 1)%
≥32 L/min with pipeline drive gas at 600 kPa
Apnea alarm VTe < 10ml measured in 20s
(without suction bottle and filter)
Paw < (PEEP + 3) cmH2O in 20s
Continuous Suction Regulator
Lung Recruitment Tool
Supply External vacuum
Lung Recruitment Maneuver :
Maximum vacuum 517.5 mmHg to 540 mmHg (69 kPa to 72
Increasing PEEP progressively (with a
kPa) with external vacuum applied of 540
maximum of 7 stages)
mmHg and 40 L/min free flow
Adjustable Ventilation Parameters for Lung Recruitment:
Maximum flow 39 L/min to 40 L/min with external vacuum
∆psupp, PEEP, Breaths, I:E, Rate
applied of 540mmHg and 40 L/min free flow
Data Storage (Non-Volatile) and Recording
Configuration Storage: One group of factory configuration, one
Electronic Flow control system (Electronic Mixer)
group of user configuration
Direct Flow Control Mode
Patient types Adult, Pediatric and Infant for each
O2 flow range 0 to 15 L/min
Air flow range 0 to 15 L/min
Log Storage 500 entries of alarm log/500 entries of
N2O flow range 0 to 12 L/min
activity log/500 entries of error log/500
O2 flow accuracy ± 50 ml/min or ± 5% of setting value,
entries of service log
whichever is greater
History trend 48 hours of continuous trend data (BIS,
Balance gas (Air/N2O) flow accuracy
Fresh Gas, Ventilation, etc.)
± 50 ml/min or ±5% of setting value,
Pneumatic Specifications
whichever is greater
Pipeline Supply
Total Flow Control Mode
Gas type O2, N2O and Air
Total flow range 0.2 to 18 L/min
Pipeline input range 280 to 600 kPa (40 to 87 psi)
Total flow accuracy ± 100 ml/min or ± 5% of setting value,
Pipeline connections DISS or NIST
whichever is greater
Pipeline Supply Pressure Gauges
O2 concentration
Display type Electronical or Mechanical
Range 21% to 100% (The balance gas is Air)
Ranges 0 to 1000kPa (0 to 140 psi)
26% to 100% (The balance gas is N2O)
Accuracy ± (4% of the full scale reading + 8% of the
Accuracy ± 5% V/V for flows < 1 L/min
actual reading)
± 5% of setting for flows ≥ 1 L/min
Cylinder Supply
Cylinder Supply E Cylinder (American style or UK style)
Only available when AG or CO2 Module is loaded
Flow Pause not capable of being autoclaved), O2 sensor, and mechanical pressure
The fresh gas flow and ventilation will be paused for 1 minute at gauge.
default. (Maximum 2 minutes) All materials in contact with patient gas are latex free.