AX800 - Specification V 1.2 2020.2.1
AX800 - Specification V 1.2 2020.2.1
AX800 - Specification V 1.2 2020.2.1
2020 V 1.2
Anesthesia Machine
AX 800
Technical Specification
Physical Characteristics
Size 689 mm × 800 mm × 1400 mm
Weight 125 kg
Maximum Bearing
Weight 210 kg
Screen Size: 15” TFT touch screen
Resolution 800 × 600 Operational
Handrail Length 750mm dimensions 472mm×248mm
Caster wheel 4 wheels 5”, central baking; brakes Dimensions with
optional Additional Accessory 472mm×248mm×380mm
Operation Environment Interface:
Working Temp 10~40°C USB port
Humidity ≤93% RJ45
Power Supply 100-240V~, 50/60Hz±1Hz 4 auxiliary power output
Battery Type Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery AC power interface
Battery Capacity 7000 mAh, 11.1VDC Equal-potential grounding terminal
Battery Recharging DB9 interface
Time Maximum 6 hours for charging Drawers
Battery backup Trace 2 hours for continuous working Top: Size:462mm×287mm×141mm
Waveforms: Pressure-time; Flow Bearing Weight: 1Kg
rate-time; Capacity-time; ET EtCO2 Bottom: Size: 437mm×287mm×245mm
concentration; EEG Bearing Weight: 3 Kg
Loops: Pressure-volume; Flow- Gas-bag Sway Brace
volume; Pressure- flow Length: 400mm
Top Plate Height: 240mm
Maximum supporting Features
capacity 20kg Anesthesia process Open, semi closed, closed circuit
Operational Patients Adult, pediatric
dimensions 508mm×313mm Mode Manual, Mechanical, Standby
Dimensions with Compliance Compliance Correction
Additional Accessory 508mm×313mm×380mm Configuration Possibility of configuration
Workbench observation
Maximum Heating Available
supporting capacity 20kg Bypass Available
ACGO Available
Oxygen sensor Available
Optional Negative pressure drainage; Isolation (I: E) range 4:1~1:10
transformer; AGSS; BIS; Apnea I: E 4:1~1:8
MASIMO EtCO2 (sidestream); Apnea time 10~30s
MASIMO EtCO2 (mainstream); Apnea pressure 3~60 cmH2O
MASIMO AG (sidestream); Freq. Min. (Min.
Respironics EtCO2 (mainstream); frequency for apnea- 2-60 bpm
Respironics EtCO2 (Sidestream); ventilation)
MASIMO AG+O2 (sidestream); Inspiratory pause OFF, 5~16% of inspiratory time
Artema AG; Artema AG+O2; CPB Inspiratory time 0.2~5s
Inspiratory pressure 5~70 cmH2O
Ventilator Specification PEEP OFF, 3~30 cmH2O
Ventilation Modes Trigger pressure -20~-1 cmH2O
VCV/VC Volume-Controlled Ventilation with Trigger window 5~90%
tidal volume compensation Trigger flow 0.2~15 L/ min
PCV/VPC Pressure Control Ventilation Flush oxygen 25~75 L/ min
SIMV-VC, SIMV-PC Synchronized Intermittent Inspiratory stop level 5~80%
Mandatory Ventilation Pressure slope 0~2.0s
PSV/ CPAP Pressure Support Ventilation Ventilator Monitoring Ranges
Others Manual and automatic ventilation TV (Inspiratory tidal
Optional PRVC, SIMV-PRVC, PSVPro volume) 0~3000 mL
Ventilation principle Chronometric, volumetric and TV (expiratory tidal
barometric volume) 0~3000 mL
Ventilation Electronically controlled& MV (Per-minute
pneumatically driven ventilation amount) 0~100 L/min
Driven gas O2(air: optional) FiO2
Breathing circuit (Oxygen concentration) 18~100%
volume 1000 ml + bag Airway pressure -20~120cmH2O
Ventilator Setting ranges PEEP 0~70cmH2O
Monitoring parameter Tidal volume, Inspiratory, expiratory Ppeak
flow, minute volume, frequency, (Airway pressure) -20~120 cmH2O
pressure (Pmean, Pplat, Ppeak, Pmean
PEEP), Oxygen, CO2, N2O and (Mean pressure) -20~120 cmH2O
halogenated expiratory Pplat
concentration, Pressure, oxygen, (Platform pressure) 0~120 cmH2O
CO2, N2O and Halogen numerical I: E (Inspiratory-
values, compliance and patient expiratory ratio) 4:1~1:12
resistance Freq (Respiratory rate) 0~120 bpm
Tidal volume range 15 ~1500 mL Compl (Compliance) 0~300 mL/cmH2O
MV (Per-minute Resistance 0~600 cmH2O/(s/L)
ventilation amount) 0~100 L/min EtCO2
Pressure range MASIMO EtCO2 0~190mmHg, 0~25% (at 760mmHg)
(limit) 10~100 cmH2O (sidestream); Accuracy: ± (0.3%+4% of reading).
PPS (Pressure range MASIMO EtCO2 0~190mmHg, 0~25% (at 760mmHg)
(support) 3~60 cmH2O (mainstream) Accuracy: ± (0.3%+4% of reading).
Respiratory rate 4~100 bpm Respironics EtCO2 0~150mmHg, 0~19.7% (at
Inspiratory (sidestream); 760mmHg)
/Expiratory ratio Accuracy: 0~5.3%: ±0.3%;
5.4~9.2%: ±5% of reading; Inspiratory flow Maximum inspiratory flow shall not
9.3~13.2%: ±8% of reading; be smaller than 100L/min when gas
13.3~19.7%: ±10% of reading; supply pressure is 280KPa.
Respironics EtCO2 0~150mmHg, 0~19.7% (at Range of flow valve 3~100 L/min
(mainstream) 760mmHg) Pressure limitation Controlled by the electronic relief
Accuracy: 0~5.3%: ±0.3%; Controlling means for valve fitted inside the ventilator;
5.4~9.2%: ±5% of reading; ventilator Controlled by the mechanical relief
9.3~13.2%: ±8% of reading; valve fitted inside the ventilator.
13.3~19.7%: ±10% of reading;
AG Ventilator accuracy
MASIMO AG SEV: 0~25% Control accuracy
DES: 0~25% TV 15~60 ml: ±10ml;
HAL/ ISO/ ENF: 0~25% 60~210 ml: ±15ml;
N2O: 0~100% 210~1500 ml: ±7% of set value.
O2: 0~100% PCV Inspiratory pressure: ±2.5cmH2O or
CO2: 0~25% (0~190mmHg) ±7% of set value, whichever the
SEV: 0~1%: ± 0.15%; 1~5%: ±0.2%; Limiting pressure: ±2.5cmH2O or
5~8%: ±0.4%; ±7% of set value, whichever the
DES: 0~1%: ± 0.15%; 1~5%: ±0.2%;
5~10%: ±0.4%;10~15%: ± 0.6%;
PEEP: OFF: undefined; 3~30cmH2O:
15~18%: ±1%;
±2.0cmH2O, or ±8% of set value,
ISO, ENF, HAL: 0~1%: ±0.15%; whichever is the greater.
1~5vol %: ±0.2%; Supporting pressure: ±2.5cmH2O or
N2O: ± (2% + 2% of the reading)
±7% of set value, whichever the
O2: 0~25%: ±1%; 25~80%: ±2%; greater.
80~100%: ±3%;
Apnea pressure: ±2.5cmH2O or ±7%
CO2: 0~15%: ± (0.2% + 2% of the
of set value, whichever the greater.
reading); 15~25%: unspecified Trigger pressure: ±2.0cmH2O.
Artema AG SEV: 0~8%
Freq ±1 bpm or ±5% of set value,
DES: 0~18% whichever is the greater.
HAL/ ISO/ ENF: 0~5% I: E 2: 1~1: 4: ±10% of reading value;
N2O: 0~100%
Other ranges: ±25% of reading value.
O2: 0~100% Apnea I: E 2: 1~1: 4: ±10% of set value;
CO2: 0~10%
Other ranges: ±25% of set value.
Anesthesia depth Tpause 20%~60%: ±15% of set value;
BIS 0.0~100.0
Other ranges: undefined.
SQI 0.0~100.0%
Inspiratory time ±0.2s
EMG 0~100dB
Inspiratory pause 20%~60%: ±15% of set value;
ESR 0.0~100.0%
Other ranges: undefined.
Ventilator Performance
Trigger window ±10%
Pressure range at inlet 0.28~0.6 MPa
Trigger flow rate ±1 L/ min
Peak gas flow 100 L/min plus fresh gas
Inspiratory stop level ±10%
Flow valve range 1~100 L/min
O2/ N2O/ Air flow 10~100% of the full scale: ±10% of
Flow compensation
control the reading value. Other ranges:
rage 200 mL/min to 15 L/min
Total flow control Air balance gas: ≤±3% O2/ N2O/ Air flow 10~100% of the full scale: ±10% of
N2O balance gas: ≤±3% control the reading value. Other ranges:
Backup flow control Pure Oxygen flow rate is 0~10 L/min: undefined.
<±3%; Others: undefined. Total flow control Air balance gas: ≤±3%
Auxiliary flow control 10~100% of the full scale: ±10% of N2O balance gas: ≤±3%
the reading value. Other ranges: Backup flow control Pure Oxygen flow rate is 0~10 L/min:
undefined. ≤±3%; Others: undefined.
Monitoring accuracy Auxiliary flow control 10~100% of the full scale: ±10% of
TV 0~60ml: ±10 ml; 60ml ~ 3000ml: ± the reading value. Other ranges:
(expiratory) 20ml or ± 7% of reading value, undefined.
whichever is greater; Others: Alarm Settings
undefined. Tidal volume
TV 60ml ~ 3000ml: ± 20ml or ± 7% of High: 5~1600 ml
(Inspiratory) reading value, whichever is greater; Low: 0 ~1595 ml
Others: undefined. MV High: 2~100L/ml
Paw -20 cmH2O~120 cmH2O: ±2.0 Low: 0 ~98L/ml
cmH2O or ± 4% of set value, Inspired oxygen High: 20~105%
whichever is greater; Others: Low: 18 ~ 103%
undefined. Ppeak High: 2 ~100cmH2O
PEEP 0 cmH2O~70 cmH2O: ±2.0 cmH2O or Low: 0 ~98cmH2O
± 4% of set value, whichever is Apnea alarm 20s; with error of ±3%
greater; Others: undefined. Alarm Audible and visual alarm;
Pmean -20 cmH2O~120 cmH2O: ±2.0 Alarm access Easy access by shortcut
cmH2O or ± 4% of setting value, Flow meters
whichever is greater; Type Electronic flow meter
Others: undefined. Gas Supply
Pplat 0 cmH2O~120 cmH2O: ±2.0 cmH2O Pipeline gasses O2, N2O, Air
or ± 4% of set value, whichever is Standby
greater; Others: undefined. gas-cylinder gasses O2, N2O, Air
Freq ±1 bpm or ±5% of set value, Pipeline gas
whichever is the greater. connection NIST
I: E 2: 1~1: 4: ±10% of reading value; Standby cylinder
4: 1~2: 1 and 1: 4~1: 12: ±25% of connection PISS
setting value; Others: undefined. Pressure range at inlet 280~600 kPa
MV 0 L/min~30 L/min: ±1 L/min or ±15% Filter 60-80um
of set value, whichever is Features Switch easily to the other gas
greater; >30 L/min: undefined. without interrupting the ventilation
Compliance 0 ml/cmH2O~250 ml/cmH2O: ±0.5 Auxiliary gas supply O2
ml/cmH2O or ± 15% of reading
value, whichever is greater; Breathing Circuit Specification
Other ranges: undefined. System Pressure Gauge
Resistance 0 cmH2O/(L/s) ~20 cmH2O/(L/s): ±10 Range -20~100 cmH2O
cmH2O/(L/s); Accuracy ± (4% of full scales reading + 4% of
20 cmH2O/(L/s) ~500 cmH2O/(L/s): actual reading)
±50% of reading value; Adjustable Pressure Limiting (APL)valve
Other ranges: undefined. Range 1~75 cmH2O
Oxygen sensor ±3%
Tactile knob indication Connector ISO9170-2 or BS6834 standard
at >30 cmH2O connector
Accuracy: ±1.0 cmH2O Flow of suction 50-80L/min
Minimum opening Resistance 0.75KPa ,75L/min
pressure 0.3 cmH2O (dry), 0.5 cmH2O (humid) Filter Stainless steel mesh, with pore size
Breathing Circuit Parameters of 60~100μm
Compliance ≤4mL/100Pa ACGO
Automatically compensates for Connector Taper coaxial fitting of 22mm
compression loss with in the (outside) and 15 (inside)
breathing circuit in mechanical mode Back pressure generated at the rear end of
Volume of CO2 canister 1500ml anesthesia vaporizer and the front-end of ACGO
Water Trap 7mL, easy to be disassembled during quick oxygen charging
Feature Heated at 134 degree, removable, Flush O2
easy to dismantle and sterilize 100% fast oxygen
Gas Monitoring Brand Drager and Penlon available
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Modules Locking Two vaporizers with interlocking
Type Mainstream ETCO2, Sidestream system
ETCO2 Automatic recognition Anesthesia machine able to
Method Infrared absorption automatic recognize halogenated
Display Numeric and curve displayed in gases
Alarm delay 1~10s (step size: 1s) Power (No isolation transformer)
Sweep 6.25 mm/s,12.5 mm/s External AC power supply
Anesthetic Agent (AG) Module Input voltage 100~240 V~/ 100~120V~
Maximum sound Input current 3.5~8.5 A/8.5 A
pressure for low alarm Input frequency 50/60 Hz
79dB Leakage current < 500μA
Measurement type Side stream Auxiliary output supply
Module type Phasin ISA AG module Output voltage 100~240 V~/ 100~120V~
Accuracy ±10ml/min or ±10%, whichever is Output frequency 50/60 Hz
Monitored parameters CO2, N2O, AA, MAC, Paramagnetic Power (With isolation transformer)
O2 and BIS External AC power supply
Active AGSS Input voltage 100~120 V~/ 220~240V~
Feature High flow, low vacuum Input current 3.5 A/8.5 A
Size 535mm×120mm×155mm Input frequency 50/60 Hz
Weight 2.2kg Leakage current < 500μA
Applies ISO 80601-2-13 and YY 0635-2 Auxiliary output supply
Pressure relief device Output voltage 100~120 V~/ 220~240V~
Atmospheric pressure compensation Output frequency 50/60 Hz
*Notice: Specifications subject to changes without prior
notice. All rights reserved by Comen