DR B Helmy Sheets Cushing
DR B Helmy Sheets Cushing
DR B Helmy Sheets Cushing
ٍ B.H.
Cushing Disease
Personal history
ـدfemale pt, 40 years old, from !ـ ا اـ, married and has 4 off springs, no
special habit of medical importance.
Progressive weight gain of 3 years duration.
The condition started 9 years ago by skin rash at face, loss of hair, dyspnea,
odema of L.Ls then the patient sought medical advice and investigated and diagnosed as a
systemic lupus erythematosis and treated by cortisone.
3 years later, she experienced headache, blurred vision, tinnitus associated with
polyphagia, polyuria, polydypsia. The patient sought medical advice and investigated,
then diagnosed as HPN, DM and took medical ttt in the form of capozide, glucophage .
The patient complained of gradual onset, progressive course of increased body
weight in last 3 years.
The patient also gives history of generalized bony pain and difficulty in lifting
heavy objects and tingling and numbness in both hands and feet also increased in the
last 3 years of her story.
No symptoms suggesting cardiovascular system affection
No menstrual troubles
No symptoms suggesting pulmonary T.B
No history of abdominal swellings
Past history
No drugs, operation, disease (DM, HPN).
Family history
- No consanguinity.
- No similar condition in family.
- No common disease in family.
General exam
- Temperature: 37o c.
- Bl. Pressure: 160/90(with TTT).
- Pulse: Regular, 70 beat/minute, average volume, no special character, equal in both
sides, intact peripheral pulsation, vessel wall is not felt, no radio-femoral delay.
- Built: Central Obesity.
- Head: Moon face, acne vulgaris (was), hirsutism (was), plethoric face,loose teeth,
decreases acuity of vision.
- Neck: buffalo hump, supra-clavicular pads of fat.
- Mentality: The patient is fully conscious, well oriented for time, place and person.
Average mood and memory. The patient is co-operative with average intelligence.
ٍ B.H.
Other Systems
- Skin: thin, stria rubra, no pigmentation, no diabetic skin changes, no purpura, no
acne or hirsuitism.
- Cardio: search for signs of HTN and HF (cardio)
- Bone: there is generalized bony tenderness and crepitus with joint movements.
- Neuromuscular: search for myopathy, neuropathy (Neuro).
- Chest : search for T.B(chest)
- Abdomen: no mass in renal angle (adrenal), No masses in abdomen by inspection,
palpation (ovarian masses, paramalignant).
Investigation to suspect case:
- CBC: ↑ RBCs, ↓ oesinophil, lymphocyte
- Blood level of :↑ NA, ↓ k, ↑ Bl. Glucose.
Stop exogenous cortisol gradually or try to moderate the dose to the lowest effective
Diagnosis :
Central obesity
Stria rubra
: ن/0123 4256أ
TU ا- QRSازن – ا