5 Pre Slaughter Handling

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Pre Slaughter Handling

Pre-salughter Handling
❑ Animal transportation
❑ Animal resting/lairage
❑ Antemortem inspection
❑ Animal stunning

令和3年9月13日 ページ#2
Five freedoms of animal welfare
1. Freedom from hunger and thirst. In the Islamic method
livestock should be treated well (ichsan) by preparing
fresh drinking water and feed before slaughter in order
to maintain the health and fitness of livestock after
traveling from the place of origin to the place of
2. Freedom from discomfort. Livestock to be slaughtered
provided shelter and rest in order to be enough energy
when it will be slaughtered and not die due to
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Five Freedoms of Animal Wellfare
3. Freedom pain, injury and diseases.
4. Freedom to express most normal behaavior. Livestock
to be slaughtered has enough space to move freely as
a good treatment (ichsan) and should not be hurt if
done streaking.
5. Freedom from fear and distress. Livestock is
prevented from fear due to the torture treatment of
cutting when not using a sharp knife.

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Loading and unloading
• Loading and unloading facilities must be
designed, constructed and maintained so as to
avoid injury or suffering and ensure the safety of
• Loading and unloading are often the most
stressful part of the journey for livestock.
Unfamiliar surroundings, physical effort, mixing
with other animals and the presence of stock
people can all be accumulative stresses.
Loading and unloading
• Transport, and the standards of hygiene in transport,
plays a major role in maintaining standards.
• The infrastructure for getting vehicles clean as soon
as they are unloaded is not always perfect, and it is
an essential element of planning that the driver is
always knowledgeable about where the vehicle can
be cleaned before the next pick-up.
• All vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected after
every transport of animals and if necessary before
any new loading of animals.
Stocking density
• The available space in a vehicle includes the
space at head level.
• There is a need to allow adequate space at
head level to provide fresh air to all animals and
to facilitate removal of excess body heat.
• Be careful with the stocking density at the front
of an artic trailer/swan neck, where the head
height can be less than the rest of the vehicle.
Journey times
• Livestock must not be transported for more than
8 hours unless additional requirements for
• If animals have not reached their destination
after these journey times they must be
unloaded, fed and watered, and rested.
• The journey times above may be extended by a
maximum of two hours in the interest of animal
welfare, if the destination can be reached.
Arrival at slaughter house
• Animals shall be unloaded immediately after a vehicle
arrives at a slaughterhouse in order to avoid a build-up of
heat and humidity that may compromise their wellbeing.
• Slaughterhouse operators shall implement efficient
scheduling procedures so that animals do not have to wait
to be unloaded.
• Animals shall be inspected by a competent person at
offloading for signs of disease, injury and poor welfare.
• Following the offloading of animals, the vehicle shall be
immediately cleaned and disinfected prior to leaving the
Arrival at slaughter house
• Mammals and ratites which are not taken directly upon
arrival to the place of slaughter shall have drinking water
available to them from appropriate facilities at all times.
• Delivery of poultry for slaughter shall be scheduled such
that they are not deprived of water at the
slaughterhouse/abattoir premises for longer than 12 h.
• Animals that have not been slaughtered within 12 h of
their arrival shall be fed, and shall subsequently be given
moderate amounts of food at appropriate intervals.
Handling animals in lairage
❑ Livestock needs to be separated by sex,
age, weight, or customer requirements.
❑ Place animals with special requirements in
the holding pen.
❑ If possible, place the groups that come
together a on the same cage.
❑ Do not mengisoir individual animals
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Handling animals in lairage
❑ Make sure that all animals in the holding
cage (even those slaughtered on the same
day) have access to clean drinking water.
Clean trough water contaminated with dirt
or feed.
❑ Provide feed for livestock that is
accommodated for (> 12 hours).
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Handling animals in lairage
❑ Animals that are returned to the holding pen
during interruption must have access to water.
❑ Animals kept in shelters for more than 12 hours
should be inspected at least twice a day by
competent livestock boats.
❑ If a sick animal or injury is identified during an
inspection at a holding cage,

令和3年9月13日 ページ#13
The purpose of ante-mortem
• to select animals which are adequately rested
and which will provide meat which is fit for
human consumption,
• to select for isolation and detailed clinical
examination, diseased, suspected diseased or
suspected abnormal animals,
• to prevent contamination of the dressing areas
by animals in an excessively dirty condition,
The purpose of ante-mortem
• to prevent contamination of premises,
equipment and personnel by animals
suffering from a disease which is
• to obtain information which may be
necessary for the post-mortem inspection,
diagnosis, and judgment of carcass and
Prerequisites for ante-mortem
• No animal should proceed for slaughter until the
inspector has carried out an ante-mortem
inspection and has passed the animal for
slaughter. Exceptions may be made in cases of
emergency slaughter.
• All animals should be inspected within 24 hours
of delivery to the abattoir If the animal is kept for
more than 24 hours after the initial ante-mortem
Prerequisites for ante-mortem
• at the abattoir the ante-mortem examination
should be repeated on the day of slaughter.
• The method of identification of inspected
animals should be approved by the licensing
• It is the duty of the management of the abattoir
to present the animals in such a way that an
adequate ante-mortem inspection can be carried
Inspection procedure
• Abnormalities and signs of disease,
• Species and behaviour of animals, in sick or
suspected diseased animals, notice should
be taken of age, colour and specific
• Cleanliness of slaughter animals.
Particular attention
• Manner of standing and movement,
• State of nutrition,
• Reaction to environment,
• Condition of hide, skin, hair and wool,
• Digestive system (salivation, rumination,
consistency and colour of faeces),
Inspection procedure
• Appearance of the urinogenital system, including
vulva, mammary glands, prepuce and scrotum,
• Respiratory system (nostrils, including mucous
membranes, nasal discharge, blood tinged froth,
quality of respiration),
• Injuries, swelling or oedema,
• Body temperature (in suspected or obviously
diseased animals)
Inspection procedure
• Blood smear (in cases in which a disease is
suspected which could be diagnosed by
examining the blood),
• As certain diseases or disease symptoms
have sites of predilection in different species,
it is essential that attention should be paid to
these sites,
Inspection procedure
• The method of identification of inspected
animals should be approved by the licensing
• It is the duty of the management of the
abattoir to present the animals in such a way
that an adequate ante-mortem inspection
can be carried out
Inspection procedure
• All animals shall be adequately rested before
slaughter and shall be subjected to ante-mortem
examination and inspection well in advance of
the time of slaughter.
• No animal which has been received into a
slaughter hall for the purpose of being
slaughtered shall be removed from the slaughter
hall before being slaughtered except with the
written consent of the Qualified Veterinary
Inspection procedure
• An animal showing signs of any disease at the
time of ante-mortem inspection that would cause
its carcass being ultimately condemned on post-
mortem shall be marked as “condemned” and
• Animals presented for slaughter and found in a
dying condition on the premises of a factory due
to recent disease shall be marked as
“condemned” and disposed of as provided for
“condemned” animals.
Keputusan pemeriksaan
• Layak dipotong (hewan sehat; hewan dengan
kelainan terlokalisasi, seperti tumor,
• Ditolak untuk dipotong (menunjukkan gejala
penyakit akut, seperti anthrax, tetanus dan
• Ditunda untuk dipotong (pemeriksa belum yakin
hewan yang akan dipotong adalah sehat)
Aims of animal resting
❑ Restoring energy reserve or glycogen so
that glycolysis process occurs well.
❑ Blood can come out as much as possible,
because of livestock struggling or
contracting strongly. In this condition blood
that is sprayed out will be more perfect.

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Aims of animal resting
❑ Animals do not experience stress during rest
and livestock not clash with each other. If this
happens then the treatment breaks will not be
useful even reduce the quality of cutting and
cutting results.
❑ To obtain body weight after reduced contents of
the digestive tract, bladder/ urinary contents
and contents of bile duct.
令和3年9月13日 ページ#27
Aims of animal fasting
❑ To make easy for the slaughter process,
especially aggressive or wild livestock
because fasted cattle become calmer.
❑ To reduce the contamination risks of the
digestive tract content.

令和3年9月13日 ページ#28
Stunning of cattle
❑ Stunning of cattle is the process of
rendering cattle unconscious but not killing
it prior to slaughter.

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Aims of stunning
❑ To make easy of cattle slaughter process, so
that animals do not tormented or avoid the risk
of rough treatment at the time drop cattle.
❑ To obtain the quality of the skin and carcass
produced is better, because of the when
dropping cattle is not a lot of slamming or hit
objects hard, so that defects in the skin or
bruises on the carcass can kept to a minimum.
令和3年9月13日 ページ#30
Requirement of stunning
❑ Stunning only causes animals to be
temporarily unconscious, not causing
animals to be dead and not causing any
permanent injury;
❑ Aimed to ease slaughter;
❑ The implementation is a form of ihsan, not
a torture to animals;
令和3年9月13日 ページ#31
Requirement of stunning
❑ Stunning equipment must guarantee the
fulfilment of requirement a, b, c, and not carried
out to halal animal and non-halal one (pigs) as
a preventive step.
❑ The determination of stunning policies,
selection of types, and implementation
techniques must be under the supervision of
experts guaranteeing the fulfilment of
requirement a, b, c, and d.
令和3年9月13日 ページ#32
Methods of stunning
❑ Electrical stunning electrodes are placed across the
animal’s brain and a current is applied for a few
seconds. This is mainly used for sheep and for pigs,
although can also be used for calves and cattle.
(Electrical stun-killing is sometimes used where the
heart is stopped.)
❑ Captive bolt stunning uses a gun-like device to deliver
a blow to the animal’s head, which may penetrate the
skull. This method is mainly used for adult cattle but
can also be used for adult pigs, sheep and calves.
令和3年9月13日 ページ#33
Methods of stunning
❑ Waterbath electrical stunning is used for
poultry; conscious birds are hung by their feet
from metal shackles, which form one
electrode, on a conveyor belt. Their heads are
then dipped into an electrified water bath.
❑ Gas stunning or stun/killing (mainly carbon
dioxide, CO2): used for pigs, poultry and fish.

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